Lacey kept her eyes closed. Her back hurt in a million places, but no surprise there. After all she was dragged down the stairs and out the basement, thrown into the trunk of a car and then driven somewhere she'd never been. The turns from the mansion exit went away from town. The knockout agent wore off within a couple of minutes from what she could tell. The surprise in this whole thing, was whoever had her, knew about an entrance to the mansion she didn't.
Keeping her eyes shut, she listened intently. The footsteps pacing close to her were barely audible. She guessed it was either Anya or her mother who had her. Crazy, both of them. She had to find a way to keep her talking, and if the muttering she could barely make out was any indication, there was a lot of anger here.
The thump of a fist hitting drywall had her cringing, and the voice barking at her gave her her answer.
"Come on bitch, I saw you move. You're awake. Open your damn eyes. I'll break your goddamn perfect nose for you if you don't."
Her captor grabbed a handful of her hair and slammed her down onto the floor from the couch where she was. She opened her eyes to the blazing brown eyes of Anya as she straddled her chest.
"If you're going to kill me, at least tell me why?" Lacey hissed out, struggling to breathe with Anya's muscular thighs squeezing her ribs.
"Because you robbed me of my inheritance. Because Papa told me it was mine. Because my bitch of a mother kept comparing me to you."
Each sentence accompanied by Anya lifting her by her shoulders and slamming her down onto the floor. Thank God for strong neck muscles. She kept her skull from cracking against the wooden boards she felt under her fingertips.
"When your stupid twin gets here, and I know she followed me, I'll kill you both."
"Uhm, that doesn't make sense. You'll end up in jail. In fact, why aren't you in jail right now?" Lacey scanned the room out of the corner of her eyes looking for anything she could use as a weapon. Meanwhile keep her talking.
"She posted bail for me. Too bad she's never going to get it back. Do you know how good it feels to pull the trigger and watch the soul leave a body?" Anya bounced on her chest, forcing more air out of her lungs.
"Who did you kill first?" Lacey had a pretty good idea. It had to be her father. Theodore Pettigrew and his cancerous brain.
"More like what. Ever notice how there aren't any stray cats around town? Ever notice how dogs disappear? Seeing their idiot owners moping, looking for them, hanging posters, totally amusing." Anya chortled at the memory.
Lacey tensed her ab muscles and managed to get a little more air into her lungs. The grey edges around her vision eased a little and she asked her question again. "Who did you kill first? Your father? Or maybe dear uncle Andrew?"
"How the fuck do you know about him. Doesn't matter. Daddy dearest? He was going to die anyway. So, he was first. Why should I share anything with him?"
"Of course, if he's out of the way then you get the mansion, right?"
"So, you're not a stupid blonde. Hooray for Lacey who gets it finally. You should never have had the mansion. You or Zena. It was mine. Daddy dearest was the oldest."
"You were the one sleeping in the attic?" Lacey took a wild stab at putting it together.
"I had to take care of my property, didn't I?" Anya rolled back into a squat, releasing the pressure on Lacey's rib cage.
"Then you know about Annamarie?"
"Who the fuck is she?"
"Our ghost, and your real mother. You weren't good enough for good old Uncle Theodore. He wanted a son, so he took you away from her."
"No way. I killed my bitch of a mother. I'm going to roast her and when I'm finished with you and Zena, you're going to hell with her."
"You were born in January of 2006, right?" Zee spoke from the kitchen reflected in the mirror Lacey could see behind Anya.
Anya reached behind her, to pulled a revolver out of her belt.
"Get your ass over here, Zena. I've got both of you. Even with a jail sentence, and I'll get off for being bat shit crazy, I'll get everything I have coming to me. There won't be anyone to inherit it but me. I'm patient." She pointed the gun at Zee and pulled the trigger.
Lacey's ears rang, as she struggled to see if Zee was okay.
"Next one gets you. Mother dearest is dead. I did her a favor stupid bitch. But you're going to die in the fire. You two are going to feel every last flame as it eats your frigging bodies. Molly and Izzy are down too. I didn't forget them either. Been busy. And Uncle Andrew? Well he's not my uncle really, if what you say is true. I took him out in that slum of a place up the hill."
Curious, Lacey took a chance and asked one more question. "Was it you who took out our brakes?"
"I'm not dumb. Pinched and bent them way back in September, after I had it out with Zena there. Damn cameras. Forgot about those," She sounded peeved with herself for getting caught. Another bullet hit the wall beside her twin and Anya screamed her fury. "Get your ass in here, or I might shoot your kneecaps out. Try dancing again after that bitch."
"So, you're going to leave us here in the front room?" Zee made her way into the room.
"Get down here." Anya reached over and slammed her fist into the back of Zee's right knee, forcing her to the floor as she jumped to her feet. She waved the gun at them, and then laughed like a loon as she shot the mirror.
"She's nuts. We can't let her tie us up." Lacey whispered.
Zee touched her boob, and Lacey saw the faint outline of a cell phone.
"No talking." Anya put another bullet in the floor beside Lacey's head.
Lacey reached over to grab Zee's hand as she lowered herself to lie down beside her. She turned her head looking at her mirror image. She didn't want to die, and she wiggled her right leg, hoping Zee would get the message. She felt an answering squeeze. Glancing along her twin's body she saw the wiggle as her twin moved her left leg.
She mouthed the words on three and got the merest hint of a nod back and began the countdown by tapping their hands against the floor.
Three, two, one, Lacey counted them down in her head. As Anya reached behind her for the coil of rope on the coffee table, and two legs whipped up to crash into her ribs, then Lacey kipped up onto her feet as Zena rolled away. She put every ounce of power into the kick she aimed at Anya's nose. Why hadn't she recognized the shape? The gun in her cousin's hand barked, and Zee hit the floor. Her foot connected with Anya's cheek bone, and blood exploded from her nose.
They landed in a crumpled mass on the floor and Lacey crawled toward Zee, where her black hair fanned across the floor. Was she alive? She barely noticed the front door crash open. Then her breath left with a whoosh as Zee sat up.
"I'm okay. Just too scared to move."
Agent Carmangy, pulled Anya's arms behind her back and snapped his handcuffs over her wrists.
Lacey's ears buzzed with tinnitus for the second time in two weeks as he recited the revised Miranda rights to the half conscious girl, and then called for an ambulance.
As they loaded her onto the stretcher, fastening her arms to the metal frame, Anya's eyes latched on hers.
"I'll get you. They can't keep me in prison forever. I'll be back."
"Not likely. You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent." Agent Carmangy began, his voice floated back to them as he continued reading Anya her rights.
"You okay?" Zee asked.
"I'm okay. Do you want to go back to the party?"
"Hell yeah," Zee said. "Terry is still back there, worrying about you." Zee fished the cell phone out of her bra as Percy shoved his way through the cops at the door.
"Give it to me. I'll hang up with 911." Zee tossed his I-phone to him and he tapped the screen. He walked out onto the front steps as the cops came the rest of the way into the house.
"You can go, but you'll have to come in and give your statements tomorrow. By the way, nice parking job on the Lexus." The cop's admiring comment had Lacey arching her eyebrow.
"We'll be there. Come on. We have a party to finish up." Zee led the way out to her car.
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