Chapter 20: TomCat!

Plagg: Hey Justin whats you doing?(Plagg saids while looking at Justin who was doing some sketches in his drawing book)

Justin: I've been thinking about the suit that I wear and well I don't think it's not really working out. Sure it looked cool at first but the hoodie was getting hard to see and the robes were dragging all over the place so I am doing some sketches of new Cat Warrior look.

Plagg: Wow these are not half bad.

Justin: Thanks, I am just about finished with this one and I believe it will work a whole lot better and when I am fighting with ScarletBug.

Plagg: Hmmm...I like it and I also like the belt, it's a nice touch. I also think those cat ears look a whole lot better than what you had before. The cat ears on the hood didn't seem to sit right.

Justin: Exactly. I want to make a great impressive for the interview that we are doing with Miss Nadja Chamack. ScarletBug texted me that Nadja wants to interview us and our great achievements.

Plagg: You know my former holder did an interview for that woman before.

Justin: How did that turn out?

Plagg: She got Akumatized, trying to see if Ladybug and Cat Noir are in love.

Justin: Damn.

Plagg: Yea people would do anything to get what they want even the insane fan types.

Justin: Just hope none of the fans are too crazy.

Plagg: Who knows kid, though best to keep your guard up just in case something happens.

Justin: Thanks for the warning Plagg. And done. What do you think of this one Plagg?

Plagg looked over at the sketch and was amazed of the design and it looked so much better than his former holders getup like way more better. Justin sees the smile on his Kwami's face and he gets the idea that Plagg likes the look.

Justin: Judging by how you looking at the design, I say you like it.

Plagg: Like it no, I think it looks awesome!

Justin: Aw Plagg, thats so nice of you. As for being such a good Kwami, after the interview I will get you that cheese wheel that you have been asking for since last month.

Plagg: You really are the best holder a Kwami like me could ever have!(Plagg saids and hugs Justin's cheek)

Justin: Anytime buddy.

BUZZ! BUZZ!(Justin's Phone Buzzing)

Justin(Text): Hey Mari, what's up.

Marinette(Text): Hi sweetie, I was just wondering if you are doing anything tonight?

Justin(Text): No not really, why do you wanna go out tonight?

Marinette(Text): Yes please! I found this nice looking jazz club and I heard the food there is good as well as the people playing songs.

Justin(Text): I love jazz clubs, mom and dad use to take me to them back home. Sure Mari I would love go with you tonight.

Marinette(Text): Great! I'll see you then, I love you.❤️

Justin(Text): Love you more.

Plagg: What was that about?

Justin: Marinette invited to go with her to a jazz club.

Plagg: You mean those places where people sing and dance as well as have fun?

Justin: That's is correct. For now it's time to get going because the interview starts in an hour. You ready Plagg.

Plagg: Say the words kid.

Justin: Time for another change, Plagg Claws Out!

Justin changes into his whole new Cat Warrior getup and this time no robes nor hoodie. It was a black suit with neon green glowing lines on the top and bottom of the suit along with a badass belt.

Cat Warrior: Here comes the new and approve Cat Warrior.

Meanwhile at TVI station, Nadja was getting ready for the interview with the heroes of Paris and she looks forward to see the two but also getting to meet the new cat hero known as Cat Warrior who was honored to attend the meeting and will ask any questions except secret identity, same for ScarletBug. All the camera's were not rolling and the interview starts.

Nadja: Today on a new season of Face to Face, you'll will have the opportunity of the life time because today we have surprised guest joining us, that's right people of Paris we are going to have the heroes themselves here in our studio. The heroin Ladybug who now goes by ScarletBug and lets just say fans love the new look and the name. And her trusty partner, who not only is highly skilled in combat but is always there to help his partner when she needs him, the new cat hero known as Cat Warrior along with me Nadja Chamack.

Camera Man: Miss Chamack, we just got word that ScarletBug has just arrived to the studio and is making her way up here.

Nadja: And it would seem our beloved heroine has arrived. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls our guest of honor the one and only ScarletBug!

The camera's turned as they saw ScarletBug coming into the studio and did a backflip and landed in front of Nadja then giving her fans a wave to say hello.

ScarletBug: Hello again Nadja, sorry if I am late.

Nadja: Not at all, you are right on time though where is your partner, I thought he would be arriving with you?

ScarletBug: He texted me saying he is on his way now.

Actually I am already here, I just got an early start before you did Scarlet.(Everyone looks up and see's Cat Warrior but in a totally new suit that left everyone even ScarletBug in shock and awe until they saw the Cat hero descended from the top and landed in front of everyone)

Cat Warrior: Good evening Miss Chamack, pleasure to meet you.

ScarletBug: C..Cat Warrior?

Cat Warrior: Hello Scarlet.

Nadja: Wow it seems like our cat hero made some improvements on his suit.

Cat Warrior: Yea the robes weren't really working out that well and it was getting hard to see with the hood covering my eyes. But in this new suit, it's a lot easy to move around and fight. What do you think Scarlet?

ScarletBug: At least you don't look like Luke Skywalker from Star Wars.

Cat Warrior: Heh, I will take that as a compliment.

ScarletBug: I do like the belt and the cat ears look a whole lot better than the ones on the black hoodie.

Cat Warrior: Thank you. Now since we're both here I think there's an interview that we must do. Shall we get started Miss Chamack.

Nadja: Please call me Nadja. I give you my blessing.

Cat Warrior: Very well, Nadja.

Camera Man: And we're live in 3..2..1!

Nadja: Good evening, I'm Nadja Chamack and this is the new season of Face to Face. For our first addition I welcome the beloved and extremely amazing guardians of Paris ScarletBug and her partner Cat Warrior.

Cat Warrior: Greetings to the people of Paris, it's an honor to be here today.

ScarletBug: Hi everyone!

Nadja: Thank you both so much for excepting this interview with me cause well the last interview that took place didn't really...

Cat Warrior: Ma'am we understand and there's no reason to mentioned what happened, it was a mistake and people make mistakes but always forgive each other to undo the wrong doing.

Nadja: ScarletBug, your new partner really is nothing like the old cat hero, he's more wise and knows how to respect people. You've chosen a great alley to help you in your battle against the evil Hawk Moth.

ScarletBug: I couldn't wish for a better partner like Cat Warrior. He means a lot to me and was the one who convinced me of getting this new form of mine as well as changing my name from Ladybug to ScarletBug. Ladybug was the past, ScarletBug is the future.

Cat Warrior: And your skills and tactics are also improving well.

Nadja: Everyone has seen what you can do now and you are a lot more cunning and agile back when you used to be called Ladybug. Many fans and civilians have seen you two in action and the way you work together to take down the Akuma's is absolutely incredible.

Cat Warrior: We like to get ourselves prepared for the worst to come. So we spend some days training together to improve our skills and our miraculous's.

Nadja: I can see that and I am also impressed on how you help ScarletBug whenever she has trouble finding out what to use her lucky charm for.

Cat Warrior: It's what I do, ScarletBug is my partner and I will always have her back no matter what.

ScarletBug: And I am thankful you do.

Nadja: I can already see that you two work perfectly together and not just me but some of your fans think so. Let's listen to what your fans think of you two.

ScarletBug: Of course Nadja.

Nadja: Here is our first caller, she known for being an outstanding weather girl until she decided to change tactics and become a website blogger. She created a blog that is dedicated to the heroes themselves and is already becoming quite famous. Please welcome Miss Aurore Beaureal, the creator of The MiraculousBlog.(Nadja saids as she turned on the screen and everyone looks to see Aurore waving at everyone at the studio)

Aurore(Screen): Hi everyone, it's nice to see you especially Paris's top two greatest heroes ScarletBug and the one and only Cat Warrior. Oh my gosh Cat Warrior you got a new suit, it looks absolutely Miraculous!

Cat Warrior: Why thank you miss Aurore. The updates to your blog are looking good and the pictures as well as the videos look outstanding.

ScarletBug: And at least your not like a certain someone who gets in the way of when we are trying to fight a super villain, you always keep your distance and stay out of trouble.

Aurore(Screen): I always respected your rules ScarletBug, however that other blogger what's her name, not so much.

Nadja: Miss Aurore, since you are the creator of the MiraculousBlog care to share what you think of our two heroes sitting before me.

Aurore(Screen): I just want to say that ScarletBug and Cat Warrior make the greatest team and they would always defend Paris against Hawk Moth and his Akuma's. I felt so upset when I saw ScarletBug face those villains all by herself and where was her partner, oh yes he was being a lazy and not doing anything to help. I am not talking about Cat Warrior no, I am talking about Cat Noir, the former cat hero who I thought was great but the years past and now I only saw him as nothing more than a guy who just likes to flirt with the heroine and not take his job seriously, it's no wonder he got his miraculous taken away because he wasn't worthy of being by the heroines side.

Nadja: That is true, many people didn't really like Cat Noir at first, sure he was great when he first made his appearances but soon that all turned down hill when he refused to help his partner against the villains.

Aurore(Screen): Exactly, Cat Noir was old news but now the heroine has a partner that will always be there for her and keep Paris safe. When Cat Warrior made his appearance against a villain dressed like a knock off of Rena Rogue, the way the hero fought was absolutely marvelous. He is like a cunning warrior and a very wise partner to ScarletBug. He doesn't make jokes, he doesn't fool around, he takes the job seriously, and further more he doesn't say lame cat puns.

Cat Warrior: Not much of fan of puns especially those weird ones that Cat Noir said when I watched the videos of him. Honestly Scarlet, how did you put up with a guy like that for nearly a couple years?

ScarletBug: don't wanna know.

Aurore(Screen): ScarletBug, Cat Warrior you two are the greatest team I have ever know and good luck keeping Paris safe we believe in you. And maybe one day if you don't mind of course I would like to interview you for the MiraculousBlog.

Cat Warrior: Miss Aurore, we would be delighted to attend an interview with you, whenever you are free.

ScarletBug: I agree with my partner, I would be happy to attend an interview with you Aurore.

Aurore(Screen): Oh my gosh, thank you both so much! I will let you know whenever I have time for an interview.

Cat Warrior: Take all the time you need, there's no rush.

Aurore(Screen): I knew you are so much better than Cat Noir, so much better. As much as I want to say more, I think another fan would like to say something as well.

Nadja: Yes, thank you for your time Aurore and good luck on your blog.

Aurore(Screen): Bye ScarletBug, bye Cat Warrior and thanks again!

ScarletBug and Cat Warrior: Bye Aurore!

Nadja: If you folks want to see more of Aurore, visit her blog and check out the latest videos of heroes in action as well as the stunning photographs that were taken before and after the battles against the villains. Now before we get to the next fan who wished to speak with the heroes of Paris, I would like to ask a question for the two of you if you don't mind.

Cat Warrior: Not at all, please what is your question?

Nadja: This question is for you Cat Warrior. What made you want to become a hero in the first place?

Cat Warrior: After finding out of what went down with ScarletBug who used to go by Ladybug and her former partner Cat Noir, I couldn't bare to watch the heroine of Paris fight those villains alone even though she has a team of miraculous heroes it was still not enough to help deal with the situation at hand. She needed a partner that will always be there when ever she faces a new villain or the same one but after what Cat Noir has been doing to her for the past couple years, it made me sick to see someone like him not doing anything to help so after ScarletBug took away his ring, I was tasked to become the new cat hero, I made a promise that would always and I mean always be there for my partner and fight by her side and together we will find Hawk Moth and bring him to justice. But most importantly being a hero isn't about being famous and popular it's about keeping those around you safe, it is a heroes responsibility to protect the lives of many but also to use their powers for the greater good of man kind. I say onto this, as long as I am around, ScarletBug will never feel alone and I will fight for her and defend her with everything I have. I became a hero so I can help those in need and ScarletBug was that someone who needed help.

ScarletBug was touched by her partners words that earned the heroine a warm smile on her face as well as Nadja and everyone in the studio. People watching the live show were amazed of Cat Warrior's words and can see that ScarletBug chosen a perfect teammate to aid her.

Cat Warrior: I will always have your back partner, you can count on it.

ScarletBug: That was beautiful...😢 old partner never said such wise words to me like that.

Nadja: The two of you really do make the perfect team. What you said Cat Warrior was really inspiring and it may inspired everyone watching at home.

Cat Warrior: To the people of Paris, know this me and ScarletBug will always be there for protect you and keep you safe. We will not fail you nor abandoned you. We will fight, we will win.

ScarletBug: That's right!

Nadja looked at the ratings of the interview and they were sky rocking and many people were commenting on the two heroes as well as Cat Warriors words.

Nadja: What an amazing speech that was from our cat hero, ladies and gentlemen now lets get back to the fans. He's all time fan of the heroes and really really wants to have a chat with the two of you.

ScarletBug: Well then bring him up. We will be more than happy to answer anything he likes to ask.

Nadja: Great, here is our next fan who is all time fan of the heroes of Paris and has been collecting merchandising of the heroes for quite a while and now is getting the chance to speak with them live, say hello to Samson Wally.(Nadja saids as the screen shows the fan known as Samson)

Samson(Screen): Hello? Is this thing on? Can anyone hear me?

Nadja: We can hear you Samson, we all do.

Samson(Screen): Oh good good, I thought this thing would freeze on me again. Sorry about the mess I was planning on cleaning it up before this.

Nadja: No you are all right, and since you are online and watching us from the studio would you like to say some things about the heroes of Paris. They are here right now.

ScarletBug: Hello Samson, nice to meet you.

Cat Warrior: Greetings.

Samson(Screen): Hello Lady...I mean ScarletBug sorry the name change is still new to me.

ScarletBug: It's quite all right. So what is that you wish to ask of us?

Samson(Screen): Actually I wanted to ask you something ScarletBug and only you.

ScarletBug: Sure, what is it?

Samson(Screen): When are you going to drop that cat hero knockoff sitting next to you and bring back Cat Noir?

ScarletBug: What?

Cat Warrior: Oh joy a crazy Cat Noir fan just what we needed.(Cat Warrior saids in thought)

ScarletBug: I'm sorry what did you just say?

Samson(Screen): Why did you get rid of Cat Noir, he was your partner? You known better than anyone he was just trying to impress you and show you that he can be a great teammate. But instead you replace him with this guy, I mean what's so amazing about him, and Cat Warrior whose calls themselves Cat Warrior I mean really.

ScarletBug: Listen Samson, I probably know your a fan of Cat Noir and I can tell but the reason he stopped being my partner is because he didn't take the job too seriously and he is never there where I need help against villains.

Samson(Screen): He was running late. A lot of heroes run late for battles. Besides you could handle the situation yourself, your the heroine of Paris you can handle anything.

Cat Warrior(Whisper): He's acting like Cat Noir just now.

ScarletBug(Whisper): I can tell and I don't like what he said about you.

Cat Warrior(Whisper): His words have no affect on me.

Samson(Screen): Besides I think you two look a whole lot better than with this alley cat next to you, I mean he doesn't look much. And his outfit, his cannot be compared to Cat Noir's and he's not even wearing a bell?!

Cat Warrior: At least I don't look like a male stripper and said baby like puns to impress a lady.

ScarletBug and Nadja: Pffff......

Samson(Screen): GASP! How dare you mock my hero! Cat Noir is the best and will always be the best!

ScarletBug: Cat Noir was good was...meaning not anymore I grew tired of his ridiculous puns and him telling me that he and I are made for each other in which started to creep me out when he tried to plant a kiss on me and he never takes no for an answer.

Samson(Screen): He was trying to confess his love for you!

ScarletBug: There is no love between us! I told him many times I want nothing to do with him nor have any feelings for him. He and I are nothing but partners but he decided to be a lazy and a coward and just let me deal with the Akumatized villains on my own and I nearly got hurt badly. Yes I did appreciated him being my partner at first but when he changed and refused to help I couldn't take it anyone nor his obsession with me so I took away his miraculous for good and earned myself a partner who is more worthy of fighting by my side than anyone.

Cat Warrior: Cat Noir is the past, this is the present now, people moved on.

Samson(Screen): BRING CAT NOIR BACK!!!

Nadja: Uhhhh.....


ScarletBug: What's wrong with this guy?

Cat Warrior: Obsession.

Samson continued to scream and begging for ScarletBug to bring back Cat Noir but she declined him again and that is when Samson went bunkers. He ripped off his clothes until he was only wearing his underwear with cat paw prints that made ScarletBug and Nadja gasped in horror and shock in which Cat Warrior covered his partners eyes to avoid seeing something so weird and disturbing.


Cat Warrior: Nadja cut this guy off before people have nightmares when they go to sleep.

Nadja: Uhhhh...right, thank you for your time Samson and goodbye!

Samson(Screen): WAIT I'M NOT..........(Screen shot off)

ScarletBug: Is it safe to uncover my eyes and ears?(ScarletBug saids while her eyes and ears are covered)

Cat Warrior: Yea your good.

ScarletBug: Oof...that was insane and beyond creepy.

Cat Warrior: You're telling me.

Nadja: Was that caught on camera?

Camera Man: And let kids see what happen no way, we paused the camera's because that guy was so not going on live tv.

Nadja: Oh thank goodness.

Cat Warrior: Lets just continue with the interview and call it a day.

Nadja: Yea I think that would be a good idea.

3 Hours Later..

The interview was over and the rest of the day went amazing and Nadja got a lot of rates for the show she put on. She thanked the heroes for their time and headed out of the building but not before Cat Warrior asked ScarletBug to talk and he knows something is about to happen.

ScarletBug: What's wrong?

Cat Warrior: I can tell that crazy fan got himself Akumatized.

ScarletBug: How do you know?

Cat Warrior: Think about it, he went completely nuts on the live video call, he got extremely jealous and angry as well as destroyed his room and further more those negative emotions he was expressing is a perfect opportunity for Hawk Moth to Akumatize him into a super villain.

ScarletBug: Oh my god you're right. Though if he did where should we start look.....


ScarletBug and Cat Warrior: Oh no.......

The heroes looked to see a figure running on top of the buildings until he jumped down and landed in front of the two in which they looked see the Akumatized villain but he looked like Cat Noir except he had different color suit and hair. However he doesn't go by Cat Noir not this villain goes by TomCat.

TomCat: Hello Bugaboo I have missed you, have you missed me.~

ScarletBug: This is a nightmare....

TomCat: My oh my M'lady you look purrfect on this purrfect day.

Cat Warrior: Argh...this guy is annoying. Now I see why you stripped Cat Noir of his miraculous.

TomCat: Now that I am back M'lady you can ditch the fake here and together we will be the greatest hero couple in all of Paris! But first you must hand me your miraculous as well as the feline imposter.

Cat Warrior(Whisper): The Akuma is in his ring, that was the only thing he wore before you know...

ScarletBug(Whisper): Good eye partner. I don't want to deal with this idiot, I got plans for tonight.

Cat Warrior: So do I, let's make this quick and end this moron.

TomCat: Oh BugaBoo after this is over we can finally be together just like old times and maybe we can get married and live on island with nothing but fruits.....BLAH BLAH BLAH.....

Cat Warrior: Oh my fucking god...he's even worse than Cat Noir.

ScarletBug: Ok I heard and seen enough. LUCKY CHARM!

ScarletBug summoned the charm and what appeared looked like some kind of robotic dog and once it landed on the ground near the heroes they looked to see it had some kind of setting on the back of the neck.

Cat Warrior: Ooh I like this charm you summoned, it will make our job more easier.

ScarletBug: I'll say, let's have our new friend here taken care of the annoyance.

Cat Warrior: If there is one thing cat's hate more than bath's is getting chased and attacked by dogs. Oh look our friend here has a setting.

ScarletBug: Ok lets set him to attack mode, set the target at TomCat, and lastly break Akumatized object once defeated the villain.

Cat Warrior: I like those settings, now lets sit back and watch our doggy friend do his thing.

ScarletBug: See that cat boy? Yea that cat is a big meany. Go get the mean kitty cat boy. Go get em!


The robot dog charm charges at TomCat while he isn't paying attention and is continuing speaking about ScarletBug. The robot dog charges and revels it's sharp teeth and claws while the heroes sit back and enjoy the show.

TomCat: And finally we will have.......



The robot attacks TomCat where the villain is being used as a chew tool followed by being chased around in circles that made the heroes laugh at the site but then when TomCat let his guard down the robot down bit down on something that made the villain scream in utter pain that caused the heroes even Hawk Moth to wince.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

TomCat: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH?!!!!!! Why......there.....why?(TomCat saids in pain as the robot dog bites his whiner)

Cat Warrior: OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! That's not pretty.

ScarletBug: Ooh I think we may have set the settings a little too high.

Cat Warrior: Eh he will recover once we De-Akumatize him.

ScarletBug: All right boy, get the Akumatized object and bring it to us!

The robot dog takes off TomCat's ring and brings it over to the heroes. Cat Warrior smashes the ring and soon the butterfly flies out for ScarletBug to capture it.

ScarletBug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma, Time to Devilize! Gotcha, bye bye little butterfly. Cat Warrior give me hand with the charm, he's quite heavy.

Cat Warrior: Sure thing. Ready 1..

ScarletBug: 2..

Cat Warrior: 3!


The ladybugs did their work and repaired the damages except there wasn't any damages because the villain didn't cause anything since he just wanted to get near ScarletBug and confess his ridiculous dream. Now returned back into his civilian form with no memory of what happened he looked around and saw he was outside but also in his underwear.

Samson: Huh what happened?

ScarletBug: DAHHH?!!! MY EYES!!!!(ScarletBug shields her eyes away from the site)

Cat Warrior: Dude put some pants on for gods sake.

Samson: YOU!!!! YOU WILL NEVER BE....

Officer Roger: What is going on here?! What is all this scream.....oh so this where you been hiding all this time.(Roger saids to Samson who is shaking in fear)

Cat Warrior: You know this luny?

Officer Roger: He's that weirdo shop lifter whose been stealing from stores and taking things that don't belong to him. My officers and I have been looking for him for weeks now but now I got you where I want you.



Samson: Ooh sleepy......(Samson saids and falls to the ground unconscious)

Cat Warrior: He's all yours officer.

Officer Roger: Thank you Cat Warrior. It's back to the nut house for you, Wally.(Roger saids and takes Samson to the car and drives away)

ScarletBug: This has to be the weirdest and creepiest day of my life.

Cat Warrior: Your telling me. Hard to believe that guy was nothing more than a lunatic who shoplifts and has an obsession with a former cat hero. Honestly the people that Hawk Moth Akumatizes are so bizarre.

ScarletBug: Yea, well I'm going home to take a shower try to erase the site I saw from my mind.

Cat Warrior: All right, get home safe and see you on the next patrol.

ScarletBug: Sure and Cat.

Cat Warrior: Yea?

ScarletBug gave her partner a hug in which Cat Warrior was stunned at first but smiled and hug ScarletBug back.

ScarletBug: Thanks for being my true partner and for what you said back at the studio. You inspired me to become better.

Cat Warrior: Anytime Scarlet.

ScarletBug: Also I do like that suit a lot more. Bug Out!(ScarletBug saids with a smile and leaves)

Cat Warrior: Yea, so do I.

Later at night Justin arrived at the jazz club that Marinette told him about and when he entered, he asked for a table for him and his girlfriend who is running a little late but Justin didn't mind, he knows Marinette is a busy person and is working to become a talented fashion designer. After a while he looked to see Marinette coming into the jazz club wearing a lovely dress and her hair down. Marinette spotted her boyfriend near the front of the stage and went to go sit with him.

Marinette: Hey sorry sweetie, I had something to do that very important.

Justin: It's fine BlueBerry Angel, you arrived on time. Please sit down. I already order us some drinks, hope you don't mind lemonade.

Marinette: Not at all.

Justin: Got to say, you picked a interesting jazz club.

Marinette: Yea I thought we could go somewhere that has music as well romance.

Justin: And it seems like you did.

Waitress: Your lemonades ma'am and sir.

Justin and Marinette: Thank you so much.

The happy couple stayed and listen to performers as well as ordered food that was really good but also took selfies to share with the family since they always asked for pictures of the two together and having fun.

Marinette: Hey Justin.

Justin: Yes my sweet.

Marinette: Would you sing me a song, like you did before. I really do love hearing you sing especially when you do it in front of me. I mean if you want to or not.(Marinette saids while blushing)

Justin: It would be my pleasure, Marinette.

Tiki: Hey if you and Justin get married one day maybe you both can do a duet together.

Marinette(Whisper): T...Tiki?!! I....well....I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it.(Marinette saids while blushing madly red when mentioned married one day)

Justin(Mic): This song is for a very special someone whose is sitting in the crowd with you all tonight and I know deep down you will love the song I will sing especially all of you.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Always Be There by: Jonas Blue and Louisa Johnson)


Always be, always be there
Always be, a-always be there

Always be there for when you need
I will be your comfort when you're down
You've been strong, strong for way too long
I can be the one when you have doubts

No, I'm never ever gonna let you go
Never gon' be alone
Even when the world starts to fade
I know you wanna hide it all and carry on
No one knows something wrong
You gotta believe when I say

Trust in me 'cause I'll always be there
I won't leave, no I'll always be there
When you need a shoulder for your weakness
I will always be there (dadada)
I will always be there (dadada)
I will always be there
When you need a shoulder for your weakness
I will always be there

Call my name, it's never too late
I'll drop everything and come to you
Day and night I'll be by your side
Tell me all the things you're going through

No I'm never ever gonna let you go
Never gon' be alone
Even when the world starts to fade
I know you wanna hide it all and carry on
No one knows something wrong
You gotta believe when I say

Trust in me 'cause I'll always be there
I won't leave, no I'll always be there
When you need a shoulder for your weakness
I will always be there (dadada)
I will always be there (dadada)
I will always be there
When you need a shoulder for your weakness
I will always be there

Marinette heard every note and was making her heart skip a beat as well as tears building up in her eyes at watching and listening to Justin sing this song meaning that he will always there for her.

I will always be
I will always be there
Said I will always be
Always be there
Said I will always be
I will always be there
Always be there
Always be
Be there
I will always be there

I will always be there (dadada)
I will always be there (dadada)
Always be there
When you need a shoulder for your weakness
I will always be there (dadada)
I will always be there (dadada)
Always be there
When you need a shoulder for your weakness
I will always be there

The song ends and the crowd applauded to Justin for his performance. Marinette got up from her seat and went over and hugged her boyfriend while crying tears of happiness until Justin whipped them away to see his girls beautiful smile.

Justin: I will always be here for you, Marinette.

Marinette: I know you will, and I will always be here for you.

Justin: I love you Marinette.

Marinette: I love you too.

The two shared a passionate kiss and continued their lovely romantic night as a beautiful couple. During the night Marinette finally let go of the incident that took place today and has now completely forgotten about Cat Noir for good as well as Justin who hated everything he seen but it didn't stop him from having a fun night with the girl he loves.

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