Chapter 2: Arrival Part 2
After Justin left the bakery and got himself the most delicious croissant he ever tasted as well as meeting the two adults known as Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng including their beautiful daughter Marinette that Justin couldn't stop thinking about was now walking more in Paris and checking out to see what has changed over the years in which he saw new places opening on the streets as well as seeing some of the places he remembered when he was a kid and started to walk around more and take pictures to send to his parents.
Justin: Man the croissant and macaroons were absolutely delicious, I have to go back to that bakery again and try other things when I get the chance. But most importantly get to know that girl I just met in the place..Marinette was what she was called I have to say I never seen such beautiful blue eyes and such lovely black bluish hair before in my life, and that voice of hers it sounds lovely in my ears.(Justin saids while walking around Paris while also thinking about the girl he met at the bakery and hope to see her around)
While Justin was walking around the streets of Paris and checking out the sites all of sudden he stopped and looked at a building that he remembered when he was a kid in which was the hotel that he and his childhood friend Chloe played together when they were kids before Justin moved away to live in San Diego with his parents.
Justin: Wow I cannot believe this place hasn't changed one bit since I left, Le Grande Paris. I wonder if Chloe still lives here after I moved away to live in San Diego might as well pay her a visit to see how she is doing.(Justin saids while looking at the hotel and decided to visit his childhood friend when he was a kid)
Soon Justin walked towards the hotel in which the person who works at the front saw Justin walking towards the hotel and opened the door for him in which Justin thanked the kind sir for doing that for him in which the worker smiled and greeted him with kindness. Then once Justin was inside he looked around him and saw that hotel still looked the same as usual in which he remembered the fun times he had in the hotel with Chloe when they used to run around the place and pretend to be characters from their favorite story book stories that they were told when they were younger.
Then after a while of looking at the hotel once again, Justin asked the person at the front where he can find Miss Chloe Bourgeois room at and would like to visit her in which the person at the front desk told Justin that Chloe is on top floor of the hotel in which Justin thanked the person at the front and decided to take the elevator up to the top floor so that he can have a reunion with his childhood friend.
Justin: It has been so long since I seen Chloe I wonder how she is doing over the years?(Justin saids in thought while stepping out of the elevator and begins to find the room that Chloe is staying at)
When Justin was walking down the hallway to find the room that he was looking for all of sudden he stopped and looked at the door that he was finding in which was the luxury room in which meant that is where his childhood friend is staying at in which he took a breath and calm himself then decided to give a knock on the door.
Knock! Knock!
Justin knocked on the door in which he heard someone coming towards the other side in which the person opened the door and looked to see who it was and when Justin looked at the person at the door all of sudden it wasn't Chloe but someone who he knew for a long time as well in which he was also childhood friends with along with Chloe in which she had blonde hair with pink dye along with colorful shoes and light green hat and had the same eyes that Justin remembered back when he was little and the person in front of him was known other than Chloe's step sister Zoe Lee.
Zoe: Oh hello there sorry my sister and I are tired right now so can you come.....
Justin: Zoe is that you!(Justin saids with excitement)
Zoe: Wait a minute......I recognize those eyes and that blonde brown hair anywhere...JJ...Justin.....(Zoes saids in shock and could't believe who was in front of her)
Justin: Wow Radical Z you have changed a lot since we were kids.(Justin saids in which Zoe remembered the nickname she was given when she was younger and gave Justin a big hug)
Justin: Hehehehe I missed you too Z!(Justin saids while hugging his second childhood friend)
Zoe: I cannot believe it, it has been so long and you still have the same features from way back but you look a lot taller than I remember.
Justin: I may have grown over the years but I am still the same Justin you and Chloe known for years now and speaking of which where is she I would like to see her again.
Zoe: Oh she is inside now watching television, I just cannot believe your back for all this time what is going on?
Justin: I will tell you both once we have our reunion.
Zoe: Well then come in and welcome back Justin.
Justin: Thanks Z really appreciated.
Zoe invited Justin into the room in which Justin looked to see that the room was quite nice to look at until another voice came out of the clearing in which was another blonde girl with blue eyes and wearing all yellow and white in which was Chloe.
Chloe: Zoe who was that at the door please tell me it wasn't those losers again.
Zoe: No but its someone who has been away for so long and came all the way here to see us again.
Chloe: Really now who might that be?
Justin: Hey there Bumblebee long time no see.(Justin saids with a smile in which shocked Chloe of who was coming into the clear)
Chloe:(Gasp!).....It can't be...(Chloe saids while looking at the boy she hasn't seen in years all grown up and still has the same features when they were kids)
Justin: Wow Bumblebee you look amazing and still has those same eyes from when we were kids.
Chloe: Bumblebee but the only person who called me that was....oh my gosh he came back....(Chloe saids while also tears were being shown in the girls eyes)
Justin: Yea I know right surprised that I am back and I wanted to see you girls again after so long and....(Justin didn't get to finished at he was bear hugged by Chloe who was showing tears of happiness)
Chloe: JUSTIN!!!!!😢sniff.....I MISEED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!(Chloe saids while wrapping her arms and legs around Justin in which he smiled and hugged Chloe back)
Justin: I missed you too Chloe and sorry I never didn't contact you or Zoe after so long, I had family to deal with back home as well as focusing on school.
Chloe: 😢sniff...That doesn't matter I am so happy that I am seeing my childhood friend again and I never stopped thinking about the good times we had together.
Justin: Me neither and its amazing the hotel hasn't changed a bit along with some of the stuff still in Paris but most importantly I am actually happy to see you two again after so long.
Zoe: We missed you too Justin after you left things haven't been the same since then but now that your back things might lighten up.
Justin: Well I would like to know whats been going on after I left and know about what you two have been doing.
Chloe: Oh my gosh we have so much to talk about Justin! Come on let's sit down and we can tell you all about what has been going on after you left for San Diego.
Zoe: And speaking of which how are your parents doing?
Justin: Their doing great Zoe and their celebrating their anniversary on a cruise ship.
Chloe: Oh a cruise you mean the ships that got you sea sick in which you refused to go on another one ever since then.
Zoe: Pfff......
Justin: Sigh......yes yes I know I know sea sickness, cruise ship and what so ever can we drop that please.
Chloe: Hehehe okay okay were drop it for now but for now let's tell what we have been doing since you were gone.
Justin along with Chloe and Zoe sat down on the couch and began to chat about what has been going on in Paris after their childhood friend left for San Diego California.
Justin: So girls what has been happening since I left Paris?
Zoe: Well for one thing Justin, I left Paris to go to school in New York city in which I made a lot of friends and got good grades until one day I was asked to come back to Paris to be with Chloe and check up on her to see how she was doing.
Chloe: Yea in which I may have been quite mean to people as well as a bully because I have been going through a lot of problems in my life at you left Justin in which things are still not looking tat well except that I apologized to people who I used to pick on and became good friends with them and made amends to start something new.
Justin: Chloe you know that was wrong to do and tell me was this because of popularity because you know how people act once they become famous in which could effect the person's life.
Chloe: I know and I have completely changed all thanks to my former rival at school who excepted my apologies as well as becoming my best friend in school and we did so many wonderful things together that I will treasure always.
Justin: Really who was this best friend of yours?
Zoe: Her name is Marinette Dupain Cheng at first her and Chloe were enemies but after a long while of forgiving and making up for what has been going on they became such good friends.
Justin: Wait I met a girl named Marinette at a bakery when I got here, she had bluish black hair and blue eyes and her parents owned this bakery in which the food was absolutely delicious.
Chloe: You already met Mari-Bear!, Oh my gosh I have to text her that she met my childhood friend!
Zoe: Maybe wait until Justin settles down after all he did just got here.
Chloe: Oh I guess your right sorry Justin.
Justin: It's okay and besides I do want to spend time with you two like we did years ago and of course meet your friends you made here while I was away.
Zoe: We will be happy to Justin and what we can tell you will get along quite well with them.
Justin: Really what are they like?
Chloe: Mari-Bear is a sweet kind person who is into fashion and wants to become a fashion designer in which my mother hired her to work for her since she found out that my best friend has talent to become a professional fashion designer.
Justin: Wow not only beautiful but also wants to become a fashion designer I might have to see her designs some day.(Justin saids in thought while thinking about Marinette's dream to become a fashion designer)
Zoe: There is Nino who wants to become a DJ in which it has been his dream to become a DJ since he loved music so much and he is very cool to hang around.
Justin: A DJ that is cool.
Chloe: There is Luka and his sister Juleka who are the son and daughter of Jagged Stone in which Luka wants to focus writing his own songs and Juleka is helping Marinette with her fashion dream and decided to model for her.
Justin: Jagged Stone!, The Jagged Stone with his awesome crocodile Fang and you mean to tell me that both this Luka and his sister are his kids.
Zoe: They sure are and what I can tell you would like to listen to Luka's guitar music because its breath taking and helps calms the mind.
Justin: If I meet him I would like to listen to his music and hear what his music sounds like.
Chloe: There is Kagami who studies in fencing as well as in martial arts who used to be another rival of mine until we made up and became friends with Marinette and we do all kinds of things together.
Zoe: Not to mention her mother is quite the master when it comes to swordsman ship even though she is blind she is still a good person who cares deeply about her daughters well being.
Justin: I have also taken up on martial arts as well and if this Kagami is good as you both say I might as well ask her for challenge.
Zoe: Kagami does like experience new competitors to see who is worthy of facing her.
Justin: I see, well I might have to be that challenge for her if she is up to it.(Justin saids in thought)
Chloe: And finally there is Alix who is into sports and likes to have. fun but also cares about her fathers work in which Alix wants to become someone who can have a fun time and do the most radical things that no one can ever do.
Zoe: She also likes to skate a lot.
Justin: Well I can tell that she sounds quite nice and I do skating as well but mostly skateboarding.
Chloe: And also there is there are the heroes of Paris who......(Chloe saids until Justin cut her off)
Justin: Wait a minute time out since when did Paris had superheroes? Last time I check The City of Love never had super power beings what has been going on over the years?
Chloe: Well Justin while you were living in San Diego with your parents back in Paris a dark and evil being named Hawk Moth invaded Paris and started to terrorize the city in which he used these dark looking butterflies called Akuma's in which can turn an innocent person into a super villain based off their negative emotion.
Zoe: And once the Akuma lands on an object of the person who has a negative emotion that is where Hawk Moth takes control and turns that person into a crazy super powered villain in attempts to get the miraculous from Ladybug.
Justin: Hawk Moth? Miraculous? Ladybug? How do I not know this? And speaking of which who is this Ladybug and what the heck is a miraculous?
Zoe: Well Justin, Ladybug is the heroin of Paris who protects us from Hawk Moth and his Akuma's in which she has the power of creation to restore anything that was damaged due to the Akuma's and a miraculous is a magical jewel that gives the hero and the villain their powers.
Chloe: Here I still have the photo of the heroes together.(Chloe saids and shows Justin the heroes as well as Ladybug)
Justin: So Paris has heroes and this is the Ladybug have to say I like her style and she looks like the leader type.(Justin saids while admiring the heroes)
Zoe: These are the heroes who protect the city against Hawk Moth.
Justin: What are their names besides Ladybug?
Chloe: The bee looking one is Honey Bee who used to be called Queen Bee but decided to change her name. And of course there is another bee who goes by Vesperia, let's just say she and Honey Bee take turns using the bee miraculous if one of the holders cannot come to battle. The Green one with the shield is Carapace.
Zoe: The one with the dragon design is Ryuko and the others are Viperion and Purple Tigress as well as Bunnix.
Justin: What about that fox one and that cat guy?
Chloe: Former heroes of Paris in which they were unworthy of their miraculous, at first they were great heroes who helped Ladybug but in their civilian forms they became mean and rude people in which Ladybug took away their miraculous since she is the guardian and leader of the team and forbad them for ever using the miraculous ever again.
Justin: What did they do?
Zoe: Well the fox one known as Rena Rogue got her miraculous taken away all because in her civilian she believed in the lies of someone new and tried to find out who Ladybug was under the mask in which could cause a problem and if Ladybugs identify gets revealed then Hawk Moth can find out who she is and hurt those around her but Rena Rogue didn't know or didn't care in which she got her miraculous removed and her memory erased from being Rena Rogue ever again.
Justin: Does this Ladybug know the girl in civilian form?
Chloe: Yes she does in which she thought the girl was a good person but after a new girl came along and spread lies, Ladybug couldn't trust the girl who was Rena Rogue anymore and decided to avoid her every time there is a battle.
Justin: I see and what about the cat guy?
Chloe: The stupid cat was Ladybug's former partner in crime in which he doesn't really take the job seriously and always flirts with Ladybug none stop and gets absolutely and utterly ridiculous annoying as well as his lame cat puns.
Zoe: His name was Cat Noir who always had Ladybug's side from the beginning until he changed and kept of asking Ladybug to date him in which she always declines him and says she is not into him but Cat Noir wouldn't take no for an answer in which after he asked Ladybug out again all of sudden she declined him again and that is when he refused to come to battle and help Ladybug and the team deal with Akuma's unless she goes on a date with him.
Justin: This guy sounds more like stalker than a hero?
Chloe: Thats what I always thought as well. Until one night he almost sexually assaulted Ladybug in which scared her of what Cat Noir has become and when she couldn't take it anymore she took away his miraculous and decided to give it to someone who is more worthy than him but so far she couldn't find that person to take Cat Noir's place.
Justin: Okay I think I get it, Cat Noir was a hero was a hero until he got rejected by Ladybug who wouldn't date him because she didn't feel the same way in which caused the cat to scram and not get involved with Ladybug and the battles she has to stop unless she dates that flee bag but luckily she took away his power so that he wont become that cat guy ever again.
Zoe: Yup that sounds about right and Ladybug erased his memory as well so he doesn't remember being Cat Noir.
Justin: Well thats probably a good thing because he looks like a male stripper who just walked out of a porn theater and the bell on his neck that looks so weird as well as that tail.(Justin saids in which got both Chloe and Zoe to burst out laughing because they knew that Justin was right)
Zoe and Chloe: Hahahahahahahaha!
Justin: And don't get me started on the black suit I mean that actually looks like a male stripper would wear. Also who says puns during a battle I mean seriously that is not what a hero should do during a battle against a super villain and not flirt with the leader because that is wrong in every way.
Chloe: I know right I am glad he is out of hero duty because he wasn't much of a hero anyway.
Zoe: Agreed..
Chloe: So Justin I would like to change the subject what have you been doing after you left Paris?
Justin: Well after I left Paris, myself and my family moved to San Diego in which we bought a house slash bakery in which my dad named it J's in which became the best bakery of all San Diego and with the help of myself and mom we made a living for ourselves and I do online school work since actual schools are too expensive but online classes are far more better in which I am almost finished with my courses.
Zoe: Justin that is amazing, you remind us of Marinette and her parents when they opened their bakery here is Pais.
Justin: Hehehe thanks Zoe, yea life was great at home but I did miss Uncle Gabriel in which I found out what happened to Aunt Emilee and I felt so bad for what has happened to him in which my parents thought it would be a good idea that I visit my uncle instead of going on a cruise because years ago me and uncle Gabriel had a close bond and did so many things together but now that I know he is hurt for what has happened to Aunt Emilee I want to be there for him and also see Natalie again since she was chosen to be my god mother.
Chloe: So thats why you are here to be with Gabriel.
Justin: Yea we haven't heard word from him in couple years so I thought it would be a good idea to visit him after so long and catch up for lost times.
Zoe: Even though we think that is sweet and all Justin but he's changed over the years and barley shows himself, in which he stays in the mansion of his and just works all day to improve his company.
Chloe: After Emilee disappeared he became rude and hardly talks to anyone except for his assistant and bodyguard.
Justin: Well maybe he just needs some compassion back in his heart in which I always do that for him when I was younger and I always made him smile to help lighten up his mood.
Zoe: If what your saying is true Justin that you can help your uncle we will support you.
Justin: You will?
Chloe: Your our childhood friend Justin of course we support you!
Justin: Thanks girls really appreciated but can you possibly tell me about Adrien who is the cousin I never knew existed and he is the son of my uncle?
Chloe: Hows you know about Adrien?
Justin: Felix..(Justin saids in which both Chloe and Zoe sigh under the name)
Chloe: Of course Felix...
Justin: I know about the thing he did in Paris in which was wrong thing to do but he's been through a lot ever since his father died and I was there for him even came to his fathers funeral in which I gave him support and love like anyone would, I guess being a lone made him jealous that he didn't have any friends or good people to support him except for me and my family as well as his mother.
Zoe: I guess when you say like that it kind of makes sense.
Chloe: For once even though it was a couple years ago I guess I can forgive him for what he did.
Justin: See it's always good to forgive those who did the wrong thing and speaking of which what is Adrien like since Felix told me so little besides being a sunshine boy and model for my uncle?
Chloe: Well your right about him being as sunshine boy and a model for his father, well you see he was also childhood friend of ours as well after you left in which he was the most sweetest boy ever even when Emilee was around and both myself and Zoe became such good friends over the years even during time in school.
Justin: Well he seems like a nice person what else?
Chloe: Well after Emilee disappeared he was homeschooled by his father but then later joined school in which he made lots of friends and had good marks on all of his classes and was still friends with me and the others but he also had to do his schedule like photoshoots, fencing, piano lessons and help with his fathers company.
Justin: Okay what else?
Zoe: Well he was also a fan of Ladybug and had a collection of Ladybug pictures in his room.
Chloe: And his dream was to marry the heroin.
Justin: Okay that is just weird because heroes can not get distracted over something like that and it could destroy their focus on fighting the bad guys in which I think this cousin of mine is living in a fantasy and needs to wake up.(Justin saids in thought)
Chloe: Other than that he was doing quite well in school and enjoyed spending time with his friends until she came along.....(Chloe saids then looks away from Justin in which he looked confused)
Justin: She whose she?
Zoe: She's a new student who transferred to Chloe's school who everyone thought she was this really awesome girl who did so many amazing things but it turned out that everything she said and did as well as promised those around her something great were all nothing but lies in which turned things upside down for the worst.
Justin: Lies you said because the one thing I hate the most are people who lie, what did this girl lie about if you don't mind me asking.
Chloe: Oh the usual I saved Jagged Stone's cat from a moving air plane, I had tea with the Queen of England, I am best friends with Ladybug, I am the descendant of an ancient hero, I traveled around the world and met a lot of famous people, I help donate money to children's hospitals with Prince Ali, I have so many decisions as well as lying decease in which causes me to lie so much.
Justin: Okay yea I can tell all of those are a bunch of bull crap and nonsense surely nobody believed them right?(Justin saids in which both girls looked down in guilt)
Zoe: Myself, Chloe, Luka, Alix, Juleka, Nino, Kagami, and even Marinette along with her parents didn't believe in the lies but their other classmates however did in which they treat the new girl like a queen and they are her loyal sheep.
Justin: Are you serious they just ate up the lies without doing fact checking to see if the lies were real or not?
Chloe: Justin their idiots they just listen to anything that comes out of the new girls mouth.
Justin: Whats her name?
Zoe: Lila Rossi...
Justin: Lila Rossi huh have to admit her name actually sounds like lie to me and how long has she been doing this sort of thing?
Chloe: Three long years in which she is getting quite annoying really even her mindless sheep who don't share any brain cell at all.
Justin: Did anyone tried to call out her lies?
Zoe: Marinette did she saw right through her lies and tried to tell everyone that what Lila was saying to them were lies and nothing more but they didn't believe her in which they say that Marinette is jealous of Lila because she has a better life then her.
Justin: If you ask me Lila's life is probably bad and Marinette's life is greater.
Chloe: Actually Marinette's life turn into a living hell after Lila threaten her in the bathroom.(Chloe saids in which got Justin to look at Chloe more)
Justin: What do you mean by threaten what did Lila do.(Justin saids while getting serious)
Zoe: Lila told Marinette that if wasn't with her in which she wants to continue lying and try to get famous then she will take away everything that Marinette loved in which she will turn her friends against her and spread rumors that Marinette did awful things to her in which those sheep bought it and started to bully Marinette and assault her in which caused the poor girl to end up in the hospital twice due to the injuries that her former classmates have caused her and not even the teacher or principal are doing anything to stop it. But for us we never took Lila's side and stayed by Marinette and helped her in anyway but the bullying and the attacks kept on coming in which Lila has become a threat to the school and nobody believes in Marinette anymore not even her former best friend Alya who was Nino's ex girlfriend in which she posted lies about Lila and bullied Marinette thinking that she did bad things to Lila without any proof that she caused the pain.(Zoe saids in which Justin looked shocked and yet angry that the girl he met at the bakery was being bullied and lied to)
Justin: Bullies, Liars, and people who don't fact check their work are people who I despise and this Lila is spreading those lies to get attention as well as making Marinette the girl I met in the bakery who has such lovely parents is being bullied and assaulted by her former classmates all because they believe in someone new and not fact checking their sources I cannot believe they will do such horrible things and not just them but this Lila Rossi as well.
Chloe: I never seen my bestie in so much pain, they beat her up, ripped her sketches in her book, ruined her website with lies, attack her for no reason, blame her for doing something to Lila, and also saying that Marinette is the lier while Lila is the good person.
Justin: A good person I think this girl this Lila Rossi is a total bitch and a two face back stabbing lier who only cares about fame and fortune.
Zoe: Exactly even Adrien knows that she is lying and doesn't do anything to stop it.
Justin: Wait a minute he knows that Lila Rossi is a lier! If that is true why didn't he help Marinette and expose the new girl for what she has done.
Chloe: He thinks that Lila's lies are not hurting anyone in which she told Mari-Bear to take the high road and apologize to Lila for bullying her in which she is the one getting bullied not Lila and Adrien thought it would be for the best so that Lila will not get Akumatized like before but he just does nothing to help Marinette and just watches her get bullied by those idiot classmates as well as Lila and just tells her the same advice as well as telling her how disappointed he was that he didn't listen to him.(Chloe saids in which Justin was furious that his own cousin that he never knew became a coward and not lift a finger to help Marinette and stop Lila from lying)
Justin: So my cousin became a coward and an asshole and just lets that Lila spread her lies and watches Marinette get attacked by those mindless sheep; I cannot believe I have that person for a cousin.
Zoe: He really is an idiot and selfish jerk who decided to take the liars side and not help those who are getting hurt.
Justin: Now I know I will not be hanging around him or those mindless sheep and this Lila Rossi because now I know that these people cannot be trusted or befriend thanks for letting know about them girls.
Chloe: No problem Justin and thanks for not believing in those lies that Lila spread.
Justin: For one thing I fact check my sources and the only thing the pops up about this Lila girl is this blog called the Ladyblog in which I thought it was cool and had stuff about Ladybug but now it is filled with junk and lies about this Lila girl in which makes me sick. Who made this stupid website that is filled with this garbage.
Zoe and Chloe: Alya, Nino's ex girlfriend.(Both said in union)
Justin: Oh figures and what I can tell she is not that good at fact checking and saids here she wants to become a reporter in which that dream will be flushed down the toilet if continues to believe in the liars lies what I can tell is that is still doing it.
Zoe: Yup she sure is..
Justin: I feel so bad for your friend Marinette and what she going through in which I want to help her.
Chloe: Well if you want to help her you can befriend her just like we did so that she has another person who doesn't believe in Lila or her lies and will always have her back.
Justin: You know what I will do that and if those sheep and Lila bother her well their in for a really good ass kicking because I don't like how people who being bullied and abused by those who used to be friends and suddenly turned against them.
Zoe: Justin you will actually fight them for real.
Justin: You bet your colorful shoes I will after all I am highly trained in martial arts and can easily take down anymore bigger than me and I will not sit here and watch that kind person known as Marinette Dupain Cheng be a target to Lila Rossi and her sheep and Adrien can take that high road advice and shove it up his ass because I will not take that advice ever.
Chloe: Justin you are the best!(Chloe saids and hugs her friend again in which Zoe did the same)
Zoe: Thank you Justin..
Justin: I will do anything for my childhood friends as well as the new friends that I will make once I meet them in person.
Zoe: We can schedule a hangout tomorrow in which we can introduce you to everyone.
Justin: Sounds great!
Chloe: Oh that reminds me do you have a place to stay if you like we have room in the hotel.
Justin: Thats okay Chloe before I arrived my parents got me my own penthouse in which I am old enough to have my own place so I perfectly fine and if I have a party I will invite you two over along with your friends.
Zoe: Justin that is awesome and yea that would be great to have!
Justin: Thanks Zoe.
Chloe: Say hows about for the hangout we can all go to the park and have a picnic together.
Justin: I do love parks and I do like picnics sounds good to me Bumblebee.
Zoe: I will let the others know about it.
Chloe: And I will text Mari-Bear about the hangout as well.
Justin: Great in the mean time I should get going I have to pick up some groceries at the store for my penthouse and it looks like it's getting kind of late.
Zoe: For once I agree and I am feeling quite tired.
Chloe: Same here and are you alright walking around Paris by yourself Justin?
Justin: Sure I am Chloe and I will make sure I keep the emotion calm due to this Hawk Moth being around and those Akuma's you mention.
Zoe: That is good to know Justin and welcome back Paris.
Justin: Good to be back, and I will see you two and your friends tomorrow.
Chloe: Great but can we do a selfie for all times sake.
Justin: Hehehe of course we can after all this is a reunion.
Soon Justin took the selfie with his two childhood friends in which the picture came out perfect and soon Justin waved goodbye to the girls who walked him out of the hotel and he continued to walk some more then stopped at a food market store and bought things that he needed for his penthouse then after a while now he arrived back to his place and put all the food and drinks away and took a shower then headed to bed to get ready for the hangout with Chloe, Zoe and their friends and he was excited to see the Marinette girl again but also thinking about those people who bullied her as well as his idiot of a cousin Adrien and that Lila girl in which he will do what he must to keep his friends and new friends safe from those who hurt them. But while he was sleeping he was also thinking about the heroes and the villain in Paris in which he wants to see what those heroes and Ladybug can do against those Akuma's that his friends mention to him.
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