Chapter 19: HowlWolf!
Halloween has come to the city of love, everyone in Paris was celebrating the holiday with kids running around in costumes for trick or treating, some going to parties to have fun with their close friends and others while some stay home to watch horror and scary movies to get entertained. However they are not the only ones celebrating the holiday, lets just say two certain heroes are also enjoying Halloween night. ScarletBug invited Cat Warrior to a Halloween night out because later on she will be having a movie night with her boyfriend Justin because Justin called that the theater will be showing off old classic Halloween movies to get everyone a good scare even though Marinette hates horror movies, she did considered seeing the Disney movie The Haunted Mansion. Justin knew Marinette hated horror so he got tickets to see the Haunted Mansion instead and that made Marinette feel more relaxed.
Cat Warrior: Thanks for inviting me for a Halloween night, ScarletBug. It got pretty boring at home but soon it will get better later on tonight.
ScarletBug: Your my partner, it's the least I can do. By the way, why are you excited for tonight?
Cat Warrior: I'm taking someone I care about to the movies to see a class Halloween film. She hates horror and anything blood related so I got us tickets to see a funny and yet romantic Halloween film.
ScarletBug: That is so sweet, someone I care about is doing the same thing.
Cat Warrior: What movie if I may ask?
ScarletBug: Sorry that is a secret.
Cat Warrior: Gotcha, same here. You really picked a good spot to set up decorations. Also a good view where the moon in shining down on us. It's not Halloween without a full moon.
ScarletBug: It's been a while since I did Halloween.
Cat Warrior: Really? You hardly celebrate it? Why is that?
ScarletBug: When I was little I was always scared anything related to shadows of the night and people in freaky costumes, it made me want not to leave the house ever but I soon as I got older I over came those fears. Though the reason me and my family hardly celebrate the holiday because every October we would go and visit my grandma to spend the month with her but now I want to celebrate Halloween with the one person I love and I know he is thinking the same thing.
Cat Warrior: I can relate.
ScarletBug: So out of curiosity, what was your favorite Halloween film?
Cat Warrior: Ooh that is tough one to answer, I got a lot of favorite films. From this year to years before that. I would have to say between BeetleJuice, The Addams Family, Edward ScissorHands, and a couple of monster films.
ScarletBug: Ooh I loved the Addams Family. I was thinking of going as Wednesday but due to some personal stuff in my civilian life I didn't have the time to get or make a costume. I still enjoy the film.
Cat Warrior: Did you see the series for Wednesday, that series was awesome.
ScarletBug: No I haven't I might have to watch it sometime.
Cat Warrior: Sigh..I love Halloween, its one of my favorite holidays.
ScarletBug: Yea but we should also be on guard cause there is not telling if Hawk Moth might try something and Akumatize another civilian.
Cat Warrior: Indeed though I be shock if he turns that person into a Halloween monster.
ScarletBug: Or worse.
While the heroes were enjoying their Halloween spirit, down in the city a teenager around sixteen years old was going to the movies wearing a classic werewolf movie shirt along with a keychain that was from that same movie. He found out that the movie was going to be playing at theaters today and wanted to go see it since he was a fan of werewolf movies but never saw the old films. His name is Kyle and he is all time werewolf fan.
Kyle: Oh boy I cannot wait to see this film. Dad told me all about it when he first saw the film and now it is my chance to see it with my own two eyes. I only seen the previews and the trailers for the film but now is the time to see An American Werewolf in London in person. True I could watch on television but hate paying for it so why not watch it at the theaters instead.
Kyle walks up to the theater but looks to see a long line for the movies in which he gasped in shock and completely bummed out that there is a line for the movies. He found a spot in the line where he can wait until it was his turn and thats what he did. After waiting at least two hours, Kyle was able to make it to the front of the theater and asked the ticket salesman for a ticket for the movie he wants to see.
Kyle: Hello, can I get one ticket for An Amercian Werewolf in London.
Ticket Salesman: Let me check.....hmmm...
Kyle: Is something wrong?
Ticket Salesman: It seems we gave away the last ticket to someone, I am so sorry. We do however have other tickets for the other films being played.
Kyle: W...what? Are you sure there isn't anymore?
Ticket Salesman: I am positive, still sorry.
Kyle didn't say anything and just looked down in sadness that he wasn't going to see the film that he has been dreaming of seeing. He walked away and got frustrated saying it was unfair and that everyone else gets to go see the movie and not him. Due to his emotions building up it caught Hawk Moth's attention where he is standing in his lair and felt the negative emotion.
Hawk Moth: Sigh..Halloween, a holiday that I been waiting for, what a perfect month for my akuma's. I sense a boy who wanted to see a film from his favorite monster but sadly got rejected due to the fact he cannot see it but no matter if he wants to see his favorite monster why not allow him to become that monster for himself. Fly away my Akuma and evilise him!(Hawk Moth saids and sends out his Akuma)
Kyle was walking in the middle of the night with tears in his eyes and thought about heading home until out of nowhere the Akuma found him and went inside the boys keychain and soon Hawk Moth spoke to him telepathically.
Hawk Moth(Communication): HowlWolf, I am Hawk Moth. I feel your pain and I want to help you achieve what you want most in the world in which I will give you the power to become the one thing you always dreamed of but in return I would need you do a little something for me. I require the miraculous of ScarletBug and Cat Warrior. Do we have a deal.
Kyle: Anything to allow me to become my favorite all time monster! I want to reenact the scenes from that movie.
Hawk Moth(Communication): That's a good boy, now become what you are.
Kyle gets engulfed in dark aura and changes into the one thing he always wanted, he became the wolf, but not just any wolf no he became a replica of the werewolf from An American Werewolf in London and once he transformed he let out a mighty wolfish howl just like the one in the film.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Hawk Moth: Ah yes I remember that wolf from anywhere, he wanted to become that monster so be it. Watch out ScarletBug and Cat Warrior because the big bad wolf is coming.
Back with the heroes they were relaxing on top of the deck listening to some Halloween music and watching kids going by house to house in their adorable Halloween costumes with stacks of candy in their bags.
ScarletBug: Hey check out that kid wearing the dinosaur costume.
Cat Warrior: That one is adorable, ooh check out that one in the Harry Potter getup, that one is cool and look he even got his own little wand with him.
ScarletBug: And he's Gryffindor.
Cat Warrior: Go Gryffindor. I see a couple of marvel and dc heroes down there.
ScarletBug: Aww someone is dress like a fairly! That is so cute!
Cat Warrior: Hehehe a lot of kids dressing up as their favorite monster, character, and superhero this month.
ScarletBug: This is nice. Beautiful night, kids trick or treating with their families and close friends, have to say nothing can't stop this night for getting amazing.
Civilian: HELP! HELP!!!!!
Cat Warrior: And the beautiful night is ruined. Let's go see what is going on.
ScarletBug: I get a feeling this is all Hawk Moth.
Cat Warrior: No doubt about that.
The heroes headed down near the park area and looked to see a frighten civilian who was scared and shaking and so the heroes went to check on to see what is the situation.
Cat Warrior: Ma'am are you all right? What happened?
Female Civilian: I...I was just walking into the park trying to get home...when...all of sudden I heard a nose and the next thing I know I was tackled to the ground by something and it was big!!
ScarletBug: It's all right take it easy. Just breath.
Cat Warrior: Are you hurt?
Female Civilian: No whatever attacked me just pushed me to the ground, growled and just left.
Cat Warrior: Did you see what attacked you?
Female Civilian: No but what I remember was seeing golden yellow eyes and huge sharp teeth but nothing else it all became a blur after words.
Cat Warrior: Did you at least know where it was heading?
Female Civilian: I think it was heading towards the alleyways but other than that, thats all I know. What was that?
ScarletBug: It would be best to get home right now, we will take care of what attacked you.
Female Civilian: Right, thank you ScarletBug.(Civilian saids then leaves for home fast)
Cat Warrior: Hmmm..
ScarletBug: Cat?
Cat Warrior: I'm checking something on my staff phone.
ScarletBug: What for?
Cat Warrior: For any escape animals from the zoo, but it seems there has been no report of any animals missing.
ScarletBug: What makes you think that?
Cat Warrior: The civilian said that she was attacked by something big with yellow eyes and sharp teeth, I was getting the idea it could have been some kind of escaped zoo animal like a lion.
ScarletBug: We will figure it out, she said it went towards the alleyways so lets go check them out.
Cat Warrior: Right and watch your back.
ScarletBug: Same goes for you.
By the pears a group of teens were sitting down having some candy after a awesome party they had as well as showing off some pictures that they took together.
Teen 1: Hehehe check out this one, I should totally do Austin Powers next time.
Teen 2: You should and maybe I can do Dr.Evil. Muahahaha!
Teen 1: Hahaha yea that would be something.
Teen 2: Say did you catch that werewolf film that was in the theaters?
Teen 1: You mean that old 80s film, yea I saw at home didn't bother to see it in theater because I heard the theaters are packed today.
Teen 2: That they are. All the scenes from that film were awesome especially the howl that the wolf made.
Teen 1: Yea I still want to know how they did that howl for the movie.
Teen 2: Yea just imagined us trying to howl like that if we ever done a werewolf theme for next years Halloween.
Teen 1: Hey look its a full moon.
Teen 1 and 2: Beware The Moon!
Teen 1: Hehehe, AWOOOOO!!
Teen 2: AWOOOO!!!!!
Teen 1: Hahaha that was good.
Teen 2: Oh yea listen to this one......
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Teen 1: Whoah that was good!
Teen 2: T..that wasn't me.
When the one teen was about to say something everything went silent when the two teen heard a growl coming towards them and they both shot up from their spots and looked towards the shadows under the bridge and saw a pare of yellow glowing eyes staring at them in which the teens were scared until they both panicked of what came out of the shadows, it was HowlWolf.
Teens: HOLLY CRAP!!!!!!(Both screamed in fear and ran for their lives and away from the monster)
The teens got away however HowlWolf didn't bother to chase the teens and just went back to do what he is doing and that is scaring innocent people while acting more like the werewolf from the 80s movie. He disappeared back into the shadows so that no one would see him. The heroes were in the alleyways and so far they couldn't find anything related to the attack in the park.
Cat Warrior: Another dead end.
ScarletBug: It's moving fast. What is it?
Cat Warrior: I don't know and I don't like it.
ScarletBug: Wait.
Cat Warrior: What is it?
ScarletBug: Claw marks. And their fresh.
Cat Warrior: Whatever it is we are looking for sure has sharp claws.
ScarletBug: The claw marks are heading towards the pear, lets go check it out.
As soon as the heroes arrived at the pear they found the claw marks along with some candy bags that were dropped and left behind meaning that there were civilians here as well.
Cat Warrior: Seems like there was another incident.
ScarletBug: I am starting to get scared now.
Cat Warrior: Don't be, I don't believe anyone got hurt.
ScarletBug: How do you know that?
Cat Warrior: There are mud tracks heading in the direction of where the church is. They belong to some teens.
ScarletBug: Yea and?
Cat Warrior: Whatever scared those teens away didn't follow them and went back into the city. Look the claw marks stopped here and then proceeded back into town.
ScarletBug: Lets split up, search the city and see what we can find, call me if you find anything unusual.
Cat Warrior: You got it, and you do the same. I will start by following these claw marks and see where they lead too.
ScarletBug: Very well and I will take the roofs and search from the high ground.
As soon as they split up Cat Warrior went to follow the claw marks that were heading somewhere and by somewhere they were being heading towards the subway area where people were getting on board a train while two teens were getting off and that would be both Nathaniel and Marc who were at a Halloween convention down town and got autographs from very popular comic and story book writers.
Nathaniel: This is the best day of my life!
Marc: I know, I couldn't believe the writers of the top best horror story books was at the Halloween convention. I got so many signatures from each one of them. I will treasure these forever.
Nathaniel: And the comic books artists and their designs displayed were something else. I think I might have to make up my own monster comic book idea.
Marc: I will help you with the story plot and back story for the character.
Nathaniel: Thanks Marc that really....
Nathaniel: Uh...was that the subway?
Marc: I don't think so, so what were you saying.
Nathaniel: As I was saying about your idea for the plot and back story of the character sounds absolutely...
Marc(Whisper): Its the noise again.
Nathaniel: Hello? Is there somebody there?
Marc: Weird?
Nathaniel: Ok this is getting freaky right now.
Marc: Lets just go, we can talk more when we get back to your place.
Nathaniel: Good idea.
Both Nathaniel and Marc decided to leave the subway while still looking back while also trying to think what was that strange noise they heard before leaving.
Marc: What was that?
Nathaniel: I don't know and something tells me I don't want to hear it again.
Marc: As soon as we get back the sooner we can...
Nathaniel: M...Marc.....
Marc: Something is behind us.....
The both of them looked behind and saw something coming around the corner and saw what brought fear into their eyes and they looked to see it was some kind of large animal with perching yellow eyes and huge sharp teeth and claws. It growled at the two and both knew one thing they should do right about now.
Nathaniel: RUN!!!!!
Nathaniel and Marc ran for their lives while HowlWolf was chasing them from behind, the boys ran as fast they can but the wolf was getting closer to them until both Nathaniel and Marc trip by the steps and looked to see HowlWolf moving towards them. Nathaniel and Marc held each other close and waited for the moment until nothing happened.
Marc: N...Nathaniel.....
Nathaniel: Y..yes.....
Marc: Is it.......
Nathaniel: It's gone.
Marc: What?
Nathaniel: It left? But why? I thought it was going to....
Marc: Yea I thought so too, did you see the teeth on that thing?!
Nathaniel: I was more focused on that things glowing yellow eyes that was staring into my soul.
Marc: Was that a dog?
Nathaniel: That had to be one big mean dog?
What was that about a dog?(A male voice saids from behind the boys)
Marc: GASP! Cat Warrior!
Cat Warrior: What happened? Why do you two look pale?
Nathaniel: We...we were just coming back from a Halloween convention down town when all of sudden were being chased by some kind of large dog.
Cat Warrior: A dog?
Marc: Yes but bigger much bigger and it had these huge sharp teeth and claws.
Cat Warrior: Did it attack you?
Nathaniel: No by the time we opened our eyes it was gone.
Cat Warrior: Damn it got away.(Cat Warrior saids in thought)
Marc: I thought we were goners but what made it leave.
Nathaniel: Whatever it was, thank goodness we are alive.
Cat Warrior: All right, you two get home now. I need to inform this to ScarletBug.
Nathaniel: Right come on Marc let's take the bus this time.
Marc: Way ahead of you.(Marc saids as he and Nathaniel leave the subway)
Cat Warrior: Scarlet are you there, I got something.
ScarletBug(Phone): Well your not gonna believe this but I got something as well.
Cat Warrior: You go first.
ScarletBug(Phone): During my patrols from the roofs I spotted two teens running for their lives and I went to ask what were they running for.
Cat Warrior: And what did you get out of them?
ScarletBug(Phone): They said they were having a nice chat by the pear until they heard what sounded like a howl and the next thing they saw was something moving out of the shadows under the bridge they say it was some kind of animal.
Cat Warrior: I think I got the same idea to what I found out. I found two boys in the subway who were getting chased by some kind of large dog and I think it might be related.
ScarletBug(Phone): How?
Cat Warrior: Yellow eyes, sharp teeth, though I don't think its a dog.
ScarletBug(Phone): Then what could it be?
Cat Warrior: I am going to find out, I will call you back as soon as I find something else.
ScarletBug(Phone): All right but be careful.
Cat Warrior: I will.
Call Ended.
Cat Warrior leaves the subway and heads back into town to find more evidence until he heard some police sirens coming from the theater. He looked and saw a crowd of scared civilians as well as police officers blocking off the exit and the cat hero went down to have a closer look.
Cat Warrior: Officer Roger, what is going on here?
Officer Roger: Apparently there is some kind of scene happening inside the theater, people running out screaming in fear and we were about to ask the workers what was going on.
Cat Warrior: Mind if I have a talk with them first.
Officer Roger: Go right ahead.
Cat Warrior went up to the ticket salesman who was being calmed down by officers and the hero knew this was the person to talk first.
Cat Warrior: Pardon me sir, can I have a moment of your time.
Ticket Salesman: S..sure.
Cat Warrior: What happened here?
Ticket Salesman: There...there is some kind of thing in there. It came bursting through the door and headed into one of the theater rooms, it scared so many people including myself.
Cat Warrior: Did you get an idea of what it was?
Ticket Salesman: It looked like a large dog actually looked like some kind of....wolf.
Cat Warrior: Did you just say a wolf?
Ticket Salesman: I..I did. It's still in there.
Cat Warrior: Thank you for your time. Better let ScarletBug know.
ScarletBug(Phone): Hey Cat, did you find anything?
Cat Warrior: I did and I believe the thing we are after is a wolf.
ScarletBug(Phone): A wolf? Are you sure?
Cat Warrior: That's what the ticket salesman said he saw. It's at the theater.
ScarletBug(Phone): I will be there soon.
Cat Warrior: All right and I will ask some more questions until you arrive.
Call Ended
ScarletBug soon arrived an hour later and landed next to her partner who was ready to go into the theater and find out what kind of creature they are dealing with because its has to be some kind of wolf but they wont know until they see it.
ScarletBug: What did you find out so far?
Cat Warrior: It's still in the theater, and its in room seven.
ScarletBug: All right lets go give whatever it is inside a warm welcome.
Cat Warrior: I will go first, just get behind me in case it does something.
ScarletBug: Right.
The heroes went inside the theater and the whole area was covered with soda and popcorn all over the ground due to the panic of the people running out of the place. They slowly moved towards room seven where they saw the claw marks from before.
ScarletBug: On the count of three we burst open and face whatever is inside there.
Cat Warrior: Very well.
ScarletBug: 1...
Cat Warrior: 2...
ScarletBug and Cat Warrior: 3!
The heroes burst through the doors and landed in front of the movie screen and armed with their weapons and were about to face the enemy until they stopped in their tracks and looked upon their enemy or monster before them in which ScarletBug looked absolutely frighten now but Cat Warrior stood his ground. Standing on all fours was HowlWolf who growled at the heroes in front of him.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Cat Warrior: That is one big damn wolf.
ScarletBug: Mhm....uh what do we do?
Cat Warrior: Running would be a good idea.
ScarletBug: I like that plan!
Hawk Moth(Communication): Yes HowlWolf hunt them down and take their miraculous's!!!
Cat Warrior saw the butterfly symbol on the wolf's face while it was chasing him and ScarletBug out of the theater. The heroes burst through the exit doors and got on top of the buildings while WolfHowl ran off into town.
Cat Warrior: No but I do know its actually an Akumatized victim.
ScarletBug: Wait you mean that whatever it was was an Akumatized civilian.
Cat Warrior: I saw the butterfly symbol appear on its face. This is Hawk Moth's doing.
ScarletBug: Figures. What did Hawk Moth turn that civilian into?
Cat Warrior: I know what that form that civilian took on I recognize it. That was a werewolf form.
ScarletBug: A WEREWOLF?!!!
Cat Warrior: Not just any werewolf ScarletBug, I seen that werewolf from a movie that I saw in my civilian life.
ScarletBug: You have?
Cat Warrior: Yes, the resemblance is quite the same. I believe the victim became the werewolf from the 80s horror film An American WereWolf in London.
ScarletBug: An American WereWolf In London?
Cat Warrior: Here's a poster of the film.(Cat Warrior saids and shows a picture on his staff phone)
ScarletBug: That's the wolf!
Cat Warrior: Yes the movie made the best hits during the 80s and I believe this is what we are dealing with however something is off.
ScarletBug: What's off?
Cat Warrior: In the movie the wolf kills his victims and leaves nothing but body parts and blood. Our wolf didn't do those things. Unless...
ScarletBug: Yea?
Cat Warrior: Unless he is trying to reenact the wolf from the movie minus killing the innocent people. The incidents!
ScarletBug: What about them?
Cat Warrior: He is trying to reenact the scenes from the movie! Like in the movie the wolf attacked a couple in the park, then attacked three hobos by the pear, then there was an attack down the subway, and now an incident at theater. He's trying to be just like the werewolf from the movie!
ScarletBug: And since you know so much about the movie, where will he go next?
Cat Warrior: Well in the movie after the wolf breaks out of the theater he goes on a rampage through the streets and heads into the alleyways until he gets trapped with nowhere to run. I think that is where our wolf is going next.
ScarletBug: Awesome but I didn't see no Akumatized object?
Cat Warrior: I did. He wore a chain around his neck and on it was a keychain in the shape of the Slaughter Lamb sign. The Slaughter Lamb was a bar used in the beginning of the movie. That is where the Akuma is hiding.
ScarletBug: Lets see what charm can be used to stop him, please don't let it be a silver bullet. Lucky Charm!(ScarletBug saids and soon a charm came forth in the form of a movie ticket)
ScarletBug: A ticket?
Cat Warrior: An American WereWolf in London movie ticket. Wait could be the reason.
ScarletBug: What is?
Cat Warrior: I know why he is like this. Come on let's go find him.
ScarletBug: How do we find him?
Cat Warrior: Follow the howling.
ScarletBug: What howl....
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
ScarletBug: Never mind.
They followed the howling until they came upon the alleyway where HowlWolf was trapped down a path just like the scene from the movie. The heroes dropped down in front of him and the Akumatized werewolf villain growled at the heroes.
HowlWolf: GRRRRRR..
Cat Warrior: Easy boy..easy. We're not here to fight you. I know why you became this, you wanted to see the movie An American WereWolf in London but they sold out of tickets so you couldn't see it.
ScarletBug(Whisper): Can he even understand what you saying?
Cat Warrior: Yes he can, he's not a brainless monster. But listen to me I know you are a fan of the movie and you would do anything to see it. However when you found out that there was no more tickets you got upset.
Cat Warrior: But I got something here that would help make you feel a whole lot better.
Hawk Moth(Communication): Don't listen to him, he is trying to trick you!
Cat Warrior: I know what Hawk Moth is promising you but in return he will still give you nothing just like his other victims. But not me, I have something here that you want more than anything. I have here the last ticket for An American WereWolf in London. I was gonna see it in the theaters but I figure you deserve it more than I do.
HowlWolf started to calm down and looked to see the ticket that Cat Warrior has on him and when he saw the hero place the ticket in front of him, the wolf did something that not only shocked the heroes but also Hawk Moth, he removed the chain with the keychain off his neck and threw it towards the heroes because all he wants is the ticket for the werewolf movie.
Hawk Moth(Communication): IMPOSSIBLE?!!!!
ScarletBug: He removed the object himself.
Cat Warrior: Lets break the object and end this while he still has the ticket on him.
ScarletBug: Right!
The heroes broke the keychain and out came the Akuma and soon ScarletBug did her thing.
ScarletBug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha, bye bye little butterfly.
Cat Warrior: Sorry about this wolfie were gonna need to borrow that ticket.
Cat Warrior takes the ticket quick without the wolf knowing and gave it to ScarletBug.
Soon the cure repaired the damages and the Akumatized victim returned to his normal human civilian self. Kyle looks around him confused onto what was going on.
Kyle: What? What is going on?
Cat Warrior and ScarletBug: Good job!
Kyle: What's happening?
ScarletBug: It's ok your safe now. You were Akumatized but we saved you.
Kyle: I don't remember what happened after I left the theater.
Cat Warrior: It's best you don't know.
Kyle: I just wanted to see An American WereWolf in London, my dad told me so much about the movie and I wanted to see what it is like in the theaters since they are showing past Halloween films. They sold out of tickets for the film.
Cat Warrior: Didn't you know that they are playing the movie tomorrow as well?
Kyle: T..they are!
Cat Warrior: That's right it's a two day night. Though best to get to the theaters a little early before there is crowd of people.
Kyle: I will make sure to do that, thank you Cat Warrior and you too ScarletBug.
Cat Warrior: Here I believe this is yours.
Kyle: My keychain! Thank you so much.
Cat Warrior: Hows about I take you home.
Kyle: Yea I am getting kind of tired, and I do want to see the movie tomorrow.
Cat Warrior: Then there is no time to waste. See you later ScarletBug and thanks for the Halloween partner party.
ScarletBug: My pleasure and you too. Bug Out!
When Cat Warrior finished dropping off Kyle at home, he retuned back into his civilian form and went to meet up with Marinette at the movie theater for their Halloween date night.
Marinette: Justin!
Justin: Hey Marinette. Am I late?
Marinette: No you are just in time.
Justin: Oh thank goodness.
Marinette: Thanks for taking me to see Haunted Mansion.
Justin: Anything for my gal.
Marinette: Come on, I will buy the popcorn since you bought the tickets.
Justin: How sweet of you.
Marinette: Anything for my handsome boyfriend.
Justin: Happy Halloween Marinette.
Marinette: Happy Halloween Justin.
Excuse me but can I get some of napkins I forgot mine before I entered.(A male voice saids next to Justin)
Justin: Hm? Oh sure and wow that is a badass costume you got there.
Thanks, and thanks for the napkins.
Justin: No problem um...
Jack call me Jack.
Justin: You are quite welcome Jack.
Jack: I always wanted to see this film. I heard good things about it.
Justin: You and me both.
Plagg(Whisper): Psst...Tiki um should we...
Tiki(Whisper): Uh best not...just let things be for now. He will be returning back to his world in little while.
Plagg(Whisper): Whatever you say.
Marinette: Hey Justin, who you talking too?
Justin: I was talking too...huh..I guess he went to get something else.
Marinette: Who?
Justin: It's nothing honey, let's just sit back and enjoy the movie.
Marinette: Well all right if you say so.
Happy Halloween to all my followers on Wattpad and hope you guys have a wonderful spooky night with your friends and loved ones because heck knows I am. Also I been wanting to use An American WereWolf In London for a chapter for one of my stories for a while and now I got to use it.
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