Chapter 17: Disconnecta!
Tonight is the night where Justin who finished his costume was getting ready to head out to meet up with his girlfriend Marinette where they will be heading to Chloe's hotel for the costume party where their friends are being dressed up as their favorite characters from tv shows, movies, novels, you name it. Justin decided to go as Zorro since he was a huge fan of the Zorro franchise and wanted to show off his inner Zorro. He got dressed up and headed out and walked down the blocks towards the bakery. Once he entered he was greeted by Tom and Sabine.
Justin: Madam and Sir Dupain Cheng, good evening. I here to escort a beautiful young maiden to her first costume party. Allow me to introduce myself I am the mask hero of California and protector of the people, I am Zorro.
Sabine: Hehehe, you really like to get into character don't you Justin.
Justin: Hehehe, hey I couldn't help it, Zorro was my favorite childhood hero.
Tom: Indeed, I must say Justin, you pulled off the costume nicely. Marinette is going to love it.
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Justin: Thank you Tom, it's match up from the Zorro's I seen as a kid.
Sabine: You look absolutely dashing Justin. But wait until you see Marinette's costume you will love her creation.
Justin: I am sure I will.
Mom! Dad! Is Justin here!(Marinette saids from upstairs)
Sabine: He sure is honey! Come on down and meet your mask protector.
Justin hears Marinette coming down and when she arrives at the front, Justin's cheeks started to turn red when he looked at the most beautiful and absolutely attractive site he has ever seen in which was Marinette dressed as Lady Zorro from the comic books that Justin read back home in San Diego. The mire site of seeing his girlfriend as Lady Zorro made him blushed but yet smile at seeing such a gorgeous lady in front of him.
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Justin: Now I see why she wanted to wear a cape.(Justin saids in thought)
Marinette: Oh my gosh he looks so handsome!!!!❤️(Marinette saids in thought while blushing)
Justin: Senorita, you look very beautiful. Lady Zorro, for my whole life I have never seen such beauty especially one who has caught the eyes of this lone fox standing before you.
Marinette: My what a gentleman. You my brave and heroic Zorro look very handsome though the mask makes you even more dashing.
Justin: I could say the same for you angel.
Sabine(Whisper): I so want those two to get married.
Tom(Whisper): I could already see them as husband and wife.
Justin: Shall I escort you to the costume party.
Marinette: Yes, please kind sir.
Tom: Have fun you two and take some pictures.
Marinette: I will dad, bye mom.
Sabine: Bye sweetie. And bye future son in law.
Marinette: MOM?!!!!😳
Justin: too...god this is embarrassing.
Marinette: I am more embarrassed then you are.
Justin: That makes two of us. Anyway I really like your costume, it looks so much like Lady Zorro's from the comic books that I read about.
Marinette: I knew you would like it so I went with it and I really liked the red and black colors.
Justin: It is still a good for you.
Marinette: Thanks, I do like your costume as well and the necklace looks amazing. How long did it take to make the costume and the necklace?
Justin: It took about five hours to make the suit and the necklace half an hour.
Marinette: You did an amazing job on them sweetie.
Justin: So have you blueberry angel. Wonder what our friends are going to wear.
Marinette: We will know once we get there. Unfortunately Rose, Juleka, and Alix couldn't come because they had plans for tonight so it would be just us, Chloe, Luka, Kagami, Nino, Zoe, and Max, with other people attending of course but they can only enter if they have an invite.
Justin: Luckily we have that since Chloe mailed us the invites.
Marinette: Mhm.
Justin: Hopefully nothing ruins this perfect night.
Marinette: I am sure everything would be fine.
Justin: I hope so.
Both Justin and Marinette arrived at the hotel where they saw a line of people wearing different costumes and masks. The couple got in line to wait for entry and hand in their invites. Unknown to them was that they were being followed and watched by a weird looking figure hiding in the shadows whose clothes were all filthy and covered in dirt along with wearing a disgusting torn cloak and a cracked motorcycle helmet. The figure was watching Marinette and Justin who were waiting in line to enter the costume party in which the figure was about to head over towards them when all of sudden heard some growling behind and looked to see an angry dog.
Justin: What was that?
Marinette: A crazy person being chased by an angry dog.
Justin: Huh. You don't see that everyday.
Justin: Let's just encore the crazy person and just enjoy the costume party.
Marinette: I couldn't agree with you more.
Door Man: Invites please.
Justin: Here you are my good sir.(Justin saids and hands the invites to the door man)
Door Man: You and your loving lady enjoy the party. Top floor in the bar area.
Justin: Thank you, shall we Lady Zorro.
Marinette: Yes, my sir Zorro.
The couple headed inside and took the elevator to the top floor and once they entered the room where the party is, they heard music and saw a lot of people dressed in costumes as their favorite tv show, movie, and novel characters. Both Justin and Marinette were in awe as well as smiling that this night was going to be fun.
Justin: Quite the crowd.
Marinette: Yea.
Hey dude and dudette you made it!(Nino saids to the two and comes over to them with the others)
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Justin: Wow, you guys look great! Dig the Marty McFly from Back to The Future, Nino. A classic film.
Nino: Thanks dude. I was a big fan of the film when I first saw it. I got the hat and the jacket at a convention that I went to with my brother.
Justin: Cool.
Marinette: Max, are you a government agent?
Max: Actually I'm Agent J from Men in Black.
Justin: Oh my god, I loved Men in Black. The classic films from the 90s were awesome. I see all three Men In Blacks thought I didn't really like the fourth one.
Max: Yea the fourth one didn't really like it and it didn't have the old cast.
Marinette: What is Men In Black?
Justin: It's basically secrets agents who stop aliens from taking over the world using high tech weapons. I will show you later on.
Chloe: I didn't really have any idea what to wear so I went with a customized version of Queen Bee.
Justin: The bee fur is a nice touch on you.
Chloe: I also agreed.
Zoe: I went as one of my absolute favorite Marvel characters and she's a badass. I went as Spider-Woman aka Gwen Stacy.
Justin: Kind of figure since Gwen has pink dye in her hair and the suit itself is a good choice for you Z. If I didn't know I would say you could pull off being Gwen's double ganger.
Zoe: Hehehe. Thanks Justin.
Justin: Luka, Kagami, just want to say that I absolutely love your Power Ranger costumes. I grew up watching those guys on tv but the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were my favorite especially the green ranger.
Luka: Thank you my friend. Green Ranger was my childhood.
Kagami: I was a fan of the Samurai Power Rangers so I went as the red ranger.
Marinette: You two pulled them off nicely.
Zoe: We could say the same for you two.
Luka: Zorro. I haven't seen that movie in years. The mask protector of California who rides on his horse, Tornado.
Chloe: I think I see those movies before, not sure.
Max: I recognized the male Zorro, but what are you dressed as Marinette?
Justin: She's dressed as Lady Zorro. The character is from a comic book that I read back home. Here I got a picture of her on my phone.(Justin saids and shows everyone a picture of Lady Zorro)
Nino: Whistle!
Zoe: Now that is a cool heroine right there.
Chloe: She's beautiful.
Kagami: I like her sword.
Marinette: I was going to do something else but when I caught the eye of this character I just knew it was the right choice for me.
Justin: You picked a good one.
Marinette: Thanks.
Nino: Hey now that we are all here, let's party!
Chloe: There is drinks and food on the tables if you guys want to relax and have a bite to eat. After words there is going to be a costume contest to see which costume is the best. Winner will get a huge prize.
Justin: What's the prize?
Chloe: That I can't say, it was my daddy's idea.
Justin: All right.
Nino: Come dudes and dudettes lets dance.
Justin: Care to dance Lady Zorro.
Marinette: I would be delighted, sir Zorro.
Soon the couple and their friends headed to dance floor with the other people costumes who were dancing to the song Move it Like This by Baha Men. Justin loved these type of songs and he couldn't get enough of them even Marinette was enjoying the song.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
After the song was done the next song played and it was song that Justin wanted to dance to with Marinette and it was Call Me Senoirta.
Justin: Lady Zorro, may I have this dance.
Marinette: Yes my charming warrior.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The song came to an end and everyone cheered for they all saw even the couples friends who recording the whole dancing scene on their phones. Both Justin and Marinette smiled at each other at seeing that the crowd enjoyed their performance. Everybody continue on and were having a good time, meanwhile outside the hotel the door man was telling the unknown figure to leave in which was the same figure that was being chased by an angry dog but got away and made it back to the hotel. The figure looked a mess and smelled worse from where in which the door man nose couldn't handle the stench.
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Door man: As I said before miss, no invite no entry.
Unknown Figure: Just let me in! There is someone in there I need to see.
Door man: Sorry but no and besides your not wearing a costume.
Unknown Figure: But I am wearing a costume. I'm SuperGirl!
Door man: Right...and I'm the amazing Spider-Man. Also I seen SuperGirl before in the movies and tv series and you don't look anything like her. Besides what you are wearing is not a costume and when is the last time you had a bath miss?
Door man: It kind of looks like you did that to yourself. Please leave your disgusting outer is terrible in my presence. Leave and I won't call for security.
Unknown Figure: Fuck you! You stupid door man!
Door man: Security!
Soon two guards came out and grabbed the unknown figure but the shoulders and threw her into the garbage where she belongs. She got out and saw the doors closing and being locked. The girl grew angry and frustrated that unknown to her that an Akuma was heading towards her and lands on her cracked helmet. The Akuma lands on the helmet the symbol appears of the girls face in which she hears Hawk Moth speaking to her.
Hawk Moth: Disconnecta, I am Hawk Moth. You want to try to get into the party and meet with this stranger you want to see but cannot because you were kicked out but no matter I am here to help you get inside in which I give you the power of disconnect where you have the power to drain the energies of electricity. I shall give you this power if you do something for in return and that is the two miraculous of creation and destruction. Do we have deal.
Unknown Figure: If anything that gets me into that stupid hotel, then I will take it!
The girl gets engulfed with dark aura and changes into a super villain that would allow her to drain the energy anything electric. She started by draining the light posts making the streets completely dark.
Disconnecta: Now it's time to crash a certain party.
Back with the party, Marinette and Justin were sitting down having some drinks and food after dancing for hours in which the happy couple could use something in their bellies. Both decided to eat a salad as well as some fruits and have cups of non sugar drinks. They looked to see their friends having a fun time while they rest and eat until they are ready to get back up and dance some more.
Justin: Hows the salad?
Marinette: It's really good. It's always great to eat something healthy to keep up your strength.
Justin: Indeed. By the way you were amazing on the dance floor. I never seen moves like yours before.
Marinette: I don't usually do it out in public, I sometimes do it when I am by myself in my room while taking a break from commissions.
Justin: It's ok to be shy I understand. Still impressive though.
Marinette: Hey after were done eating, would you like to do a slow dance.
Justin: I would love too. Dancing with the most beautiful girl of my dreams it would be an honor.
Marinette: He really is the perfect boy.(Marinette saids in thought)
When Marinette was about to say something, all of sudden the whole room turn pitch black and the music was cut off that left everyone confused including Marinette and Justin.
Civilian: Hey who turned off the lights and music?!
Girl Civilian: Yea what gives?
Sorry ladies and gentlemen but your so called party has been canceled or more like completely terminated! Not to worry I will give you all a great show tonight after I disconnect all the power in Paris!
Soon a electric spark appeared on the stage that got everyones attention even Marinette and Justin who got up and looked towards to see another super villain that looked different from the ones they faced. The villain was female, who wore a dark suit, boots, cape, dye hair, along with a dark looking mask with a deep voice in which was none other than Disconnecta.
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Justin and Marinette: OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!!(Both said in thought while angry in which they both snuck out of the party to transform)
Nino: Is she suppose to be a cheap version of Darth Vader or Kylo Ren from Star Wars?
Max: Nah she looks more like those Sith Inquisitors, though with a touch of purple.
Zoe: Well I have to say that is the most ridiculous version of Darth Vader I have ever seen.
Chloe: Utterly ridiculous.
Disconnecta: Now to drain the energy within this party starting with your phones hahaha!
Disconnecta drains the electric energy from everyones phones leaving all of them out of power that got everyone upset and pissed.
Zoe: Ok now she is like a cheap knock off of both Darth Vader and Electro.
Disconnecta: Yes! The energy within me is growing.
So are you like a fake version of Darth Vader or Electro because I can't tell which?(A male voice saids from the side of Disconnecta who turns out to be Cat Warrior)
Everyone except Disconnecta: CAT WARRIOR!
Disconnecta: Oh a little kitten has decided to come and play. I hate playing so burn up!
(Replace Electro with Disconnecta)
Disconnecta fires the energy blast at Cat Warrior who dodges the attack but then looked to see the attack heading towards the crowd and jumped towards them an turned on his saber staff to deflect the energy from the innocent civilians.
Cat Warrior: Everyone get to a safe place while I hold her off!
Nino: You heard the hero dude, everyone out!
Nino along with the friends escorted everyone out of the room while Cat Warrior was keeping Disconnecta distracted. Once Cat Warrior saw the crowd leave, he needed to get the villainess away from civilian population so he decided to lore her out into the open and into the streets. Now outside the villainess continued to fire her energy blast at Cat Warrior who deflected the blast with his saber staff until a yoyo wrapped the villainess and threw her towards the cars. Cat Warrior looked at saw his partner landed on ground near him in her new suit.
Cat Warrior: Hello Scarlet Bug, glad you could join the fight.
Scarlet Bug: Sorry for the hold up Cat. What happened before I got here?
Cat Warrior: The villain drained the energy of everyones mobile devices and shot it right back. She is kind of like the comic book villain Electro. Where she drains the energy and uses it against others.
Scarlet Bug: So that's her power. Though why does she look like Darth Vader?
Cat Warrior: Honestly I have no idea, the bizarre creations Hawk Moth turns people into is beyond me. But we need to focus now on defeating the villain.
Scarlet Bug: Any idea where the Akuma might be?(Scarlet saids while deflecting an energy blast)
Cat Warrior: My best guess it would have to be her helmet. Thats probably the only object that is powerful for an Akuma to posses. The belt is out of the question.
Scarlet Bug: All right I will go left, you go right. We will attack on both sides.
Cat Warrior: Right, on three.
Scarlet Bug: 1..
Cat Warrior: 2...
Scarlet Bug: 3!
Both heroes split up while deflecting the energy blasts and once close to the villain, both Scarlet Bug and Cat Warrior attack where Scarlet tied the villain up with her yoyo while Cat Warrior delivered a punch to the head knocking the villain down for now.
Disconnecta: ARGH! You little pest! Time for a recharge.(Disconnecta saids while draining more of the cities power)
Scarlet Bug: If she continues to drain the cities power, she will be unstoppable.
Cat Warrior: We need to find a way to stop her from draining the energy.
Scarlet Bug: Let's see if my lucky charm would help. Lucky Charm!
The charm came down to Scarlet Bug's hands and it was a firing hose that left the heroines confused but Cat Warrior was thinking of an idea.
Scarlet Bug: A firing hose.
Cat Warrior: I think this is something we can use. Think what is the one thing that can stop electricity or short circuit.
Scarlet Bug: Besides black outs, wait water!
Cat Warrior: Bingo. Find a fire hydrant, while I keep the villain distracted.
Scarlet Bug: Right!
Cat Warrior: Hey Electro come and get me!
Disconnecta: My name is Disconnecta! Not Electro!
Cat Warrior: Really? Because you look like a cheap knock off of Electro and Darth Vader especially with that deep voice of yours.
Disconnecta shot more energy blast at Cat Warrior who was binding time for Scarlet Bug to find the fire hydrant which she did and plugged in the firing hose. When she looked to see Cat Warrior running towards her with the villain behind him, Scarlet Bug waited for the right moment and then.
Scarlet Bug: Sorry Disconnecta, but it seems that you need to cool down!(Scarlet saids then fires the firing hose at the villain who was splashed with water)
(Replace the robot with Disconnecta)
Disconnecta: Dahrifhjsbjhebfewbchjebbsjbcjsbcjhsbcjabsjbvxjhb?!!!(Disconnecta screams while being short circuited)
Scarlet Bug: We got her! Cat Warrior now!
Cat Warrior: Catatylsm!
Cat Warrior hits the helmet of the villain and destroys it and out came the Akuma which it was Scarlet Bug's turn to end all of this.
Scarlet Bug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to devilize! Got Ya! Bye bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS SCARLET BUG!
Scarlet Bug throws the firing hose into the air and the repairs to the cities energies were restores as well as everyones phones that the villain took away. Everyone in the hotel cheered that the heroes saved the day yet again and the party was back on. The villain changes back into her civilian form and it was someone that Scarlet Bug and Cat Warrior who didn't want to see ever and she was a complete mess.
Scarlet Bug: Is that...(Scarlet saids in thought)
Cat Warrior: Oh no, not her again. Wait wasn't she kicked out of France?(Cat saids in thought)
Alya: Argh...what...what happened? GASP! Ladybug!!!
Scarlet Bug: Please not her again.....
Alya: Oh wow you got a new look! You look awesome but I need your help.
Scarlet Bug: Sigh what.....
Alya: I need you to get me into the hotel that Chloe lives. I need you to break me into the hotel because I have some unfinished business with a certain ex friend of mine.
Cat Warrior: And what would that be?
Alya: Hey I'm talking to Ladybug not you!
Cat Warrior(Whisper): Bitch...
Scarlet Bug: I go by Scarlet Bug now.
Alya took out a rock with a drawing of phone icons on it that made the heroes look at the girl in craziness and stupidity. Cat Warrior looked at his partner and both were saying the same thing in their heads. Alya has lost her mind.
Alya: Hey LadyBloggers this is your bestie Alya with exciting news. It seems our beloved heroine of Paris has got even more amazing then ever. Check out her new look people and don't tell me that is the most awesome look that you have ever seen! Also she changed her name from Ladybug to Scarlet Bug, I mean wow isn't that a shocker.
Cat Warrior(Whisper): She's lost mind?
Scarlet Bug(Whisper): In two months?
Cat Warrior(Whisper): She has rock for a phone.
Scarlet Bug(Whisper): I'm starting to freak out. Not to mention she smells so bad, I think I'm gonna puke.
Cat Warrior(Whisper): Same here.
Alya: Oh my gosh imagined how many views I am going to get after this! Now back to the discussion at hand. I need you to break me into the hotel and once there I can settle the score with my former ex friend.
Scarlet Bug: And what would that be?
Alya: SHE AND HER SO CALLED FRIEND RUINED US!!! RUINED US!!! OH BUT WE WILL GIVE HER WHAT SHE DESERVES YES WE WILL HAVE VENGEANCE!!! GASP! What is it my precious phone? Did you have an idea? Please tell me my precious.
Cat Warrior(Whisper): Ok, all in favor say that she needs to be locked up forever and see a therapist say I.
Scarlet Bug(Whisper): I.
Alya: Ooh the precious that is brilliant! Why didn't I think of that sooner? All right I know what I am going to do to my former ex friend.
Scarlet Bug and Cat Warrior: What?
Alya: Hehehehe! I am going to go in there talk with Mari for a short while and blame her for everything she has done to me and then I am going to STAB her with this knife thirty eight times! Hahahahahaha! Mari! Mari! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahaha! Bye bye Mari Hahahaha!
Scarlet Bug paled of what this former friend of hers was thinking until Cat Warrior glared and had enough of this psycho bitch and after recording the whole conversation on his staff phone he walked around Alya who was still laughing like crazy nut job.
Alya: Next I will bath in her own blood hahahahahaha!
WHACK!(Cat Warrior whacks Alya in the back of the head hard)
Cat Warrior: That's enough out of you, you psychotic bitch.
Scarlet Bug: I don't feel so good....
Cat Warrior: Here sit down and rest while I call the police and have them take away this lunatic.
Scarlet Bug: I think I would do just that.
After an hour later the police arrived and Cat Warrior showed the officers the video evidence and they took the crazy nut job Alya away and told she will be sent off to prison and be sentence for life due to the fact she completely lost her mind and her insanity.
Scarlet Bug and Cat Warrior: Good Job!(Both said and pounded their fist)
Cat Warrior: Well I might as well get going I have someone to meet up with.
Scarlet Bug: So do I, see you later Cat Warrior.
Cat Warrior: You too Scarlet Bug.
Both of the headed back to the hotel and changed back into their civilian forms. Marinette came back into the party room to find Justin sitting down by the table waiting for his girlfriend and hoped that she was all right.
Marinette: I hoped you weren't waiting too long.
Justin: Thank goodness that you are all right blueberry angel.
Marinette: Same with you. Luckily the heroes came in and save the day.
Justin: Thanks to them we can continue on with the party.
Marinette: Mhm.
Justin: Oh wait before that, I got something to do and its for you.
Marinette: Hehehe what is it?
Justin: Just watch and you will know.
Justin goes over and towards the stage, he jumped up and grabbed the might. Once stopped what they are doing and looked at Justin who smiled to the crowd but mostly towards Marinette.
Justin: I hope you all are doing amazing tonight because I want dedicate a song to a very special girl in my life. Not only this song is classic but it brings those close to each other. So everyone stand up and watch as well as dance while I sing this one song for all of you including you Marinette.
Marinette: Oh my gosh.❤️
Nino: Whoah dudette, he's gonna sing for you.
Zoe: That is so romantic.
Luka: I want to listen to what he sounds like while singing.
Chloe: Justin has an amazing voice, when we were kids he sang a song for my birthday and it was beautiful.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(You're The First The Last, My Everything by: Michael Buble/Original done by: Barry White)
Ah, the first, my last, my everything
And the answer to all my dreams
You're my sun, my moon, babe, you're my guiding star
My kind of wonderful, baby, that's what you are
I know there's only, only one like you
There's no way they could have made two
You're all that I'm living for
You're the love I'll keep forevermore
You're the first, you're my last, my everything
In you, I've found so many, many things
A love so new that only you could bring
Can't you see if you make me feel this way
Girl, you're like the first morning dew
On a brand new day
I see, mmm, so many ways that I
I can love you, baby, till the day I die
You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, you're the last, my everything
My everything, ay, let's go
I know, I know, there's only one like you
There's no way they could have made two
Girl, you're my reality
Yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, baby, you're the last, oh, my everything
You're my everything
Whoa, all the joy you bring
Every song I sing
Oh, can't you see
Ay baby, it's just you and me
You're the first, you're the last, my everything
My everything
When the song ended the whole crowd cheered even Justin's friends but for Marinette she blushed with tears of joy in her eyes that she walked towards Justin when he got off the stage and kissed him on the lips showing that she loved the song so much. Justin smiled that his girl loved the song and soon the slow dance came and everyone got together with their partners. The song that being played was Hero by Mariah Carey.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
After the song and dancing later, Marinette took Justin to the top where the pool is. Marinette took off her boots and sat her feet the water to cool them off so did Justin who needed to relax his legs for a while.
Justin: Sigh...this is nice.
Marinette: feet are killing me.
Justin: That's what you get for wearing heels. This is what I get for wearing knee boots.
Marinette: At least the water is helping.
Justin: Yea.
Marinette: Justin.
Justin: Yes.
Marinette: You are the greatest moment I had in my life, I wouldn't be who I am if it. wasn't for you.
Justin: You are most welcome Marinette.
Marinette: Its quite beautiful isn't it.
Justin: What?
Marinette: Paris, when it's night and the full is full.
Justin: It is quite beautiful especially when the sun comes up.
Marinette: You know what would make this night even better.
Justin: What?
Marinette: This.(Marinette saids kisses Justin on the lips)
Both of them kissed each other that was romantic until it became a full out make out which both of them made out with Marinette on top of Justin. After an hour later both of them came for air and smiled at each other.
Justin: Damn, that was something for a great night like this.
Marinette: Did I ever tell you that you are an amazing kisser.
Justin: I was going to say the same thing to you darling.
Marinette: Still I do want to take things slow, I don't to you know go into that stuff yet.
Justin: Totally under-stable. I want to wait to see when you are ready or not.
Marinette: Thanks for being respectful.
Justin: Thank you for being honest and lovely.
Marinette: Wanna head back to the party.
Justin: Sure, I think they about announce a winner for best costume.
Marinette: Then let's go.(Marinette saids while getting up from Justin then walks with her hips shaking side to side)
Justin: Whistle....god I love that girl.
Inside everyone gathered around the stage where Chloe was about to announce the winner for best costume at the party.
Chloe: All right everyone the votes were in and now it is time to announce the winner for best costume!
Nino: Who do you think won?
Kagami: We will know soon enough.
Justin: I wonder what the prize is?
Marinette: Lets listen and see.
Chloe: And the winner is...Matthew Tyson! As Spider-Man 2099 from the movie Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse!
YES! I WON WOHOO!!!!(The guy in the Spiderman costume saids with excitement)
Justin: Whoah..that is a badass costume.
Zoe: I'm kind of jealous, 2099 Spider-Man always gets the best suits.
Nino: That took probably a long time to make.
Marinette: Heh I can totally make a suit like that.
Justin: I know you can Marinette, but maybe even better.
Chloe: For being the winner of the contest you not only receive this gift basket with goodies but you also win this two week trip the Caribbean islands!
Justin/Luka/Nino/Zoe: OH DAMMIT!
Zoe: I always wanted to go to the Caribbean islands.
Kagami: I would have excepted a trip to the spa.
Justin: Same I could of use a two week vacation on a tropical paradise.
Marinette: So that was the prize.
Justin: Well we might as well congratulate the winner because he will be taking his family on those two weeks.
Marinette and friends: True.
The party was over and Justin took Marinette home but she wanted him to stay with her tonight so Justin couldn't say no to her adorable face. They both changed out of their costumes and put on their sleep clothes and both cuddle into bed. Marinette smiled that she had a wonderful night with the boy she loves though still terrified of how she reacted when Alya appeared all crazy but she shrugged it off because now the second crazy nut case is being throne in prison for life and away from Marinette.
Happy 4th of July everyone and sorry for the late update, I was working on edits and new villain ideas for the chapters. Also I made a promise to a follower to update a chapter for their birthday and I did.
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