Chapter 5: 3 Years in later in other universe..
Ever since Michael left his universe, his friends there were doing absolutely fantastic. They all finished school and graduated with honors and move onto college. Juleka and Rose got careers in medical where both went to work for Prince Ali in helping small children in hospitals as well as keeping them in good health. The task was tricky at first but the two girls pulled it off with the support that Michael gave them before his departure. Nathaniel and Marc move in together and are now living in New York City where they both became professional comic book designer and author publisher, they worked together to come up with the best and stunning comics and stories every and it made a lot of people impressed in which they first published book was about the hero who defeated the villain of Paris and brought peace to all, the book was titled Shadow Spider A Hero Without Fear. They had great lives and it was thanks to their friend Michael who showed that anyone make something come true if they believe in themselves. Chloe turned a new leaf and was acting more polite towards others and isn't treating Sabrina like a servant but a true friend in which both grew closer until Chloe came out and told everyone that she is a lesbian and was too afraid of what people might think of her but everyone supported her even her parents, she had Michael to help keep her calm and learn how to express their feelings towards someone they really like and so both Chloe and Sabrina started dating and became models for the new brand that Audrey Bourgeois created. Chloe still misses Michael but knows where ever he is, he is doing fine.
Ivan and Mylene both moved to Australia where they joined a group of wildlife exports to help save the forest due to the fires that were spreading, they both joined and went on to support the animals of the forest as well as the vegetation. They saved a lot of animals from the fires as well as able to save some plants that were going extinct. Both were shown on live tv where they gave out an interview of their work and how they plan to save the forest and many people who live in Australia followed them and offered them aid. Life was going great for the happy couple, all thanks to their friend Michael who told them to follow their dream and make the world a better place no matter where they go. Kagami continued with her training to become the best fencer until she met a handsome boy who admired her skills and her beauty and his name was Felix who was the cousin of Adrien who went to see Kagami's performance and was amazed of the girls skills and soon love was in the air. They both got to know each other well even their mothers saw greatness in the two. Kagami still thinks of her friend Michael and will always keep his promise within her so that she wont let anyone step on her. Max after graduation went on to become a brilliant technician where he helps to create technology that would help the world as well as home problems. He got a job at tech lab and was already making great progress along with his robot who is now an android and has hands and legs instead of being a floating head. Alix went on to become an extreme skater and competes in tournaments where she won ten medals and six trophies for being the best skater, she couldn't do what she can if it wasn't for Michael who told her even a girl like her can do the impossible if she put her out there. Alix will miss her friend but knows he will be very proud of her.
Nino became the DJ he always wanted to be and made lots of money for his career even met a girl who found his songs and beeps extremely awesome. Alya was good at first but when Nino met this girl named Morgan Stevens, it was like Nino have found the right girl of his dreams who both share a whole lot in common and soon both dated and moved in together. Nino knew he couldn't make contact with Michael and tell him all about his achievements but he knows his brow is very proud and that wherever Michael is now, he is doing the same. Caline Bustier retired and lived with her wife and their new baby son which they both named him Michael in memory of Caline's favorite student who wishes the best of luck in the man's future. Luka went on tour with his father Jagged Stone and the two became rock stars and their friends came to watch the two play together as father and son. Luka even did a song inspired by his best friend Michael who he still misses and hopes that he is doing all right. Alya well lets say things didn't go so well for her, she lost her dream to become a reporter because after what she's been doing behind her parents back and nearly getting herself killed, she was forced to work with her father at the zoo until she was old enough to get her own place in which she did but still couldn't get aa job as a reporter so she had to take two jobs, one for the zoo and the other as waitress at a diner. As for Kim well he didn't make the swim team nor anything he got expelled and had to look for a job on his own without relying on his mother everyday.
Now onto Marinette well at first her life was going great when she and Adrien started to date but broke Michael's heart when he found out that Marinette was just using him to get close to Adrien for the past three long years. After Michael made his decision and broke up with Marinette for good, Adrien took over and soon both him and Marinette started their relationship minus the support of their former friends who still think they were both cruel for what they did to Michael. Marinette went on to become a fashion designer while Adrien continued to model for his father's company. Gabriel and Emilee were happy to be reunited even though Gabriel doesn't remember what he used to be nor Natalie but it's the past now and the happy married couple were enjoying their lives but they both felt worried on how much Adrien is changing and when change comes it sometimes ends a different way. Like one time when Adrien and Marinette were invited to attend a gala for Gabriels newest brand of designs, a boy from the fashion studio in America went up to Marinette to ask if she wanted to have the opportunity to work for the company in which Marinette was going to say something until Adrien grabbed her arm and pulled her away and told the boy that Marinette was not interested and asked to leave.
Marinette asked why Adrien did that but he told her to keep quiet and not speak to anyone because she knows where she belongs and is doing just fine where she is. Marinette never saw this side of Adrien, she though he would support her but he was starting to become more greedy, spoiled and stubborned. Even on their dates Adrien was telling Marinette to stay by him and not wonder off but Marinette argued that she was just getting things for her designs but no Adrien had to snap at her and told her to not leave his side. Then came the touching as well as the not listening to what Marinette was telling him. Whenever they went out together or to a fancy restaurant Adrien would try to put his hands on Marinette that was making her feel uncomfortable and when she told him not do what he was doing he dragged and pushed her onto the wall and glared saying that she is his and he can do whatever he wants. Marinette was in shock of what Adrien was turning into and she didn't like it nor him. She thought back of what Michael said of what Adrien would do and she didn't listen nor believe him until recently.
Then one night everything changed, Marinette was in her apartment with the money she made and was cooking up dinner for her and Adrien because it was their anniversary and she wanted to make something special for him. However when Adrien came home and looked to see what Marinette was doing he walked into the kitchen without Marinette knowing and took something out of his pocket and it was cloth with something on it, without knowing Marinette's mouth gets covered and falls unconscious earning Adrien an evil smirk on his face. The next thing Marinette see's when she wakes up is that she is tied to the bed wearing nothing but her bra and panties in which she tried to break free but the rope was tight on her wrists. She gasped in horror when she looked to see Adrien and that creepy look in his eyes.
When Adrien looked to see Marinette tied against her will as well tears building up in her eyes, Adrien didn't care because all he cared was getting what he wants and that is to have Marinette all to himself. For the past three years Adrien has been waiting for this moment and now he was finally getting what he earned. Marinette didn't like where things are going and begged Adrien to stop but he refused to listen and then slapped Marinette in the face then another slap followed by abusing her in a sexual way. Marinette burst into tears while blood was dripping down her nose and had scratch marks on her body that was making Adrien turn on when he saw Marinette begging and struggling to get loose.
Marinette's eyes then widen in absolute fright when Adrien was going to do something when she looked at him moving closer to her and was about to give Marinette the punishment of a life time until out of nowhere Adrien gets hit in the head by a frying pan that was delivered by none of than Emilee Agreste who went to visit Marinette but when she saw what Adrien was doing to Marinette she finally realized that this was no longer Adrien. Emilee untied Marinette and the girls held herself close and burst into tears that she was almost sexually assaulted or worse. Emilee couldn't believe what Adrien has become and Gabriel saw it too in which both agreed that if Adrien didn't changed his ways then he didn't deserve to exist in this world no longer so without hesitation Emilee took off her ring and broke it and soon Adrien turned into something that left Marinette in shock.
She looked and saw Adrien turning into a what looked like a dark feather, the same feather that the Sentimonsters are created from. Marinette couldn't believe her eyes, Adrien the boy she thought was kind and gentle as well as her former partner in crime, who had big dreams like her was nothing but a corrupted Sentimonster all this time. She was lost, confused, heart broken, deceived, and further more almost lost her life. Emilee told her everything about what Adrien was and Marinette didn't blame her nor she didn't know that Adrien was acting like this nor why he turned into this. All that matters now is that Marinette tries to forget what has taken place that night and move on. Emilee and Gabriel told the public a false statement that Adrien somehow died in an explosion when he went on a trip and his body couldn't be found in which the public believed it and the only ones who know the truth were the married couple and Marinette who moved out of the apartment she lived in and moved into a nice house where she now stays along with Tiki.
It was the evening and Paris was having it's heavy rain coming down and people who were outside got out their umbrella's and put them above their heads to avoid getting wet except for one who was standing near the edge of the bridge who had her down and her face was filled with sorrow and sadness. It's been over two months since the incident that happened at the apartment and Marinette wasn't feeling upset about the incident no she was feeling upset that she didn't listen to the one who told her about what Adrien was becoming, the one who loved her and showed her what it means to be in love but it all shattered when Marinette betrayed that certain someone else who was nothing but a fake. She missed him, she missed the man who gave her happiness, she misses Michael.
Marinette: 😢sniff...Why...why didn't I see it before. I didn't listen to him...and...and he was right all along....I should have listen to him...I should have never betrayed him nor left him....why did listen to Alya...why did I fall for someone who was nothing but a fake.
Tiki: Marinette you need to get inside before you catch a cold.
Marinette: You were right....I caused all this to happen...😢sniff...Michael's gone....I...I...I should have listened to him!!! He was right all along about Adrien...and I didn't heed his warnings and look at where that got me. Why did I let Adrien get to me...I already had someone there by my side and he stood near me and kept me safe.
Tiki: I'm sorry Marinette but that's how the way things are, you changed them. The important thing is that you move on and forget everything, it's better that way.
Marinette: I miss him Tiki....I miss him so much.
Tiki: Michael made his choice Marinette and it's time to let go of the past.
Marinette: I...I just can't.
The rain continued to pore and Marinette can see that she was already getting cold so she decided to take Tiki's offer and just go back home and get herself warm. She began to sprint home until she stopped and looked to see something in some small toy store across the street. She looked through window and looked to see a Shadow Spider plushie.
Marinette(Thought): I didn't know they sale those?
Marinette walked into the store and picked up the plushie that looked like her ex and former partner, Shadow Spider aka Michael. She looked down upon the doll and smiled sweetly at it before hugging it. She went to the counter and bough the doll in which the employee thanked her and told her that was the last plushie sold. Marinette then continued her way back home to her house until she bumped into someone she didn't really want to see nor talk to. It was Alya.
Alya: Marinette? Oh my gosh girl it's been so long how you been!!
Marinette(Thought): I don't feel like talking to her.
Alya: Wow girl it's great too see you, though you look a little, oh actually you look a lot wetter.
Marinette: I noticed...
Alya: Hey listen since your here I need a favor, I already know you are a big time fashion designer and I was wondering if you could...
Marinette: I'm not int the mood right now Alya, I just want to get home before it continues to rain some more.
Alya: Oh....well get this, I heard on the news about Adrien, I know you probably feel so bad after what happened to him.
Marinette: Not in the sliest. We broke up after he left and I want nothing to do with that shit-head any more.(Marinette saids to Alya in a lie to hide the real truth)
Alya: What? Girl you loved Adrien, what changed? I mean if it wasn't for me you would have been able to get together with the guy of your dreams.
Marinette: Don't. Don't mentioned nor speak his name ever again. You have no idea what he did to me and how much pain I was in. And it was your stupid idea to get me together with the bastard and made me leave the one man who actually cared for me until he left and never to be seen again.
Alya: You mean Michael? Girl that guy was no good for you and was a bad...
Marinette: HE WAS NOT A BAD INFLUENCE!!!! He was the most kindest man I have ever felled for and he showed me such compassion as well as love. He stood by me and took care of me. You made me betray him and I hated myself for what I have done to him. He said he would make my dreams come true and I destroyed them and him. Michael was everything to me, I loved him and he loved me...and that he is gone, I don't even know what love is anymore.
Alya: Mari..I.
Alya: What did I....
Marinette: You made me leave Michael to be with Adrien and lied to me about him being bad influence which he wasn't. You had no right to mettle in other peoples relationships and look at where that got me, Michael broke up with me and I have been lying to him for three years all because you think me and Adrien were meant to be. I am actually glad that shit-head Agreste got what he deserved, he was nothing but a spoiled and rotten jackass who wanted nothing more to use me for his own game. I still remember what he tried to do to me two months ago and I still have nightmares about it.
Marinette: Alya I'm sorry but friendship we once had back in high school is over. Please don't bother me ever again. I am done. And the answer is no, I will not help you achieve your dream goal because you already lost it. Give it up.
Alya didn't say anything and just left. Marinette took a breath and let go of her anger then continued to head home. Once she was home, she took off her wet clothes and headed into the bathroom and took a nice relaxing hot bath.
Marinette(Thought): Maybe Tiki's right, maybe I should let go of the past. But Michael...I just can't stop thinking about him. He made me feel special and it made me into a great heroine..but...after what he said to me...I just....I wish I could have taken everything back and maybe just maybe he would have still be here with me. But it's been three years and I have no idea where he is.
Marinette gets out of the tub and puts on a pare of short and a t shirt. She goes into the kitchen and makes herself something to eat before turning on the news to see what is going on in Paris lately. So far nothing usually came up just the weather and that it's going to rain all week. Marinette felt bored and just shot off the tv and ate her food. She then went into her designing room to work on some new projects for some customers. Marinette then stopped working and just had to clear her mind until her eyes landed on the Shadow Spider plushie she bought from the toy store. She took the plush and brought it to her face and started to remember the good times she had with Michael when he was Shadow Spider.
It was night in the city of love in which two heroes were out doing patrols for any Akuma's that might appear. Shadow Spider was out swinging from building to building to see if anything is going to take place.
Shadow Spider: far that north and south of the city are good and clear though better double check east and west. There is bound to be an Akuma appearance anytime soon. Ladybug should be done her south patrols by now.
Shadow Spider landed on the building and was about to call Ladybug when all of sudden he heard a yell coming towards his direction and looks to see Ladybug flying in the air and was about to crash.
Shadow Spider(Thought): Oh not again. She definitely needs to try not launch herself too fast when using that yoyo of hers.
Shadow Spider takes off and goes to help Ladybug before she crashes to the ground. Ladybug was almost about to hit the payment when she felt something stuck to her, she turned around and saw a spider web connected to her back and then looked up and saw her partner Shadow Spider.
Shadow Spider: Let me guess still getting used to the yoyo even during your first time being a heroine?
Ladybug: Hey I'm still learning the basics. I mean running on the top the buildings is easy but using something like this yoyo to swing around it''s crazy.
Shadow Spider: Maybe some lessons would be something good for you. And up you go!
Ladybug: WAAAAAAAHHHHHH?!!!(Ladybug screams while being flown up then caught by Shadow Spider)
Shadow Spider: Why not just follow what I do, that way it would be a whole easy for you to swing away without crashing into things. It will also keep you from loosing your gripe on the yoyo string.
Ladybug: Well all right, your the leader.
Shadow Spider: Follow my lead.
Ladybug followed what Shadow Spider which is basically copying his swinging moves so that it could help the heroine move more better and faster without having to deal with crashing nor losing her gripe on the yoyo string. Sure she had it when she first became Ladybug during StoneHeart but as time goes by she sometimes forgets but with Shadow Spider helping her, she feels more confident.
Ladybug: Hahahahahahaha! Hey I'm starting to get the hang of this!
Shadow Spider: That's good! Keep practicing and you will see improvement. Always believe in yourself Ladybug and there is nothing you can't do. Now let's back to doing patrols, together.
Ladybug: Right!
End of Flashback
Marinette: Sigh....those were the good old days, going on patrols, battling Akuma's, saving lives, keeping Paris safe. I miss those days when it was just us.(Marinette saids while looking at the plushie with a warm smile on her face)
Marinette decided to call it a day and get some sleep, she put away her designs that she was working on and turn off the lights. Once she was in bed she placed the Shadow Spider plushie to the left side of her bed while she slept on the right. Marinette knew that moving on would be for the best but deep down in her heart she knows that Michael still carries a special place within herself.
Marinette: Michael..wherever you are now..I just want to say...I'm sorry for everything and you were right about everything and I know you can't forgive me but I hope that maybe some day if we ever do see each other again..I want to let you know that I still love you and still care for you. I just wish I could have told you how much you mean to me.
Tiki watches from the counter of the bedroom and looked at how her holder was feeling but she knows that Marinette will have to learn to forget and move on since she is trying to forget the incident that took place two months ago.
Tiki: At least she's trying Michael. I know for sure she can get pass this and move forward. I hope Plagg is doing all right, I miss him. Michael, Flora, please take good care of Plagg for me. He means so much to me.
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