Chapter 2: A fund Farewell!

Today was the day that Michael was going to say his goodbyes to his classmates in which he will miss each and every one of them except for a few people he no longer trust, likes nor cares for. He already packed up his things at his grandpa's house along with the spell book and the remaining miraculous, since he aloud his team to keep their's and only use them for the right time.

It was Michael's last day since he is graduating early from school so he was walking up towards the school where he spots his friends talking to each other and when they saw him, they greeted him with smiles as did he.

Michael's friends: Michael!

Nino: Sup bro!

Michael: Hey, Nino.

Alix: So what is that thing you said last night?

Michael: You are gonna know once we enter class. By the way have they shown up yet.

Kagami: If you mean the cheater Dupain Cheng and the pathetic useless cat Agreste, well Marinette shown up half an hour ago but she didn't bother to talk nor speak to anyone around her.

Michael: It's best that she does that. Not after what after what she did.

Chloe: As for Agreste well, he's inside waiting for his precious princess. You may have erased his memories of being well you know but he still has is other memories.

Alix: Good thing he doesn't remember being Cat Noir nor the miraculous.

Michael: And we are keeping it that way.

Alix: I thought Adrien was nice but I was dead wrong.

Nino: I know the feeling, in the end he ended up being spoiled and rotten even worse when he was Cat Noir.

Kagami: Your grandfather really did picked the wrong holder, still sorry for his loss.

Michael: Thank you, Kagami. And yes Adrien should have never been picked, his aura didn't match the miraculous of destruction. He was too reckless, didn't follow orders, showing up late for patrols and missions, what did Marinette see in that asshole.

Nino: I blamed Alya. I talked to her and lets just say things ended between her and I. She admitted the things she has done and saids that Marinette and Adrien are made for each other and that they would be the perfect couple far better than Michael. I denied it, because what is wrong with my bro, Michael. He is far more better.

Michael: Thanks, Nino. If Alya wasn't a girl I would have bashed her skull open.

Chloe: I could have done it myself. But I don't want to put my hands on that so called reporter.

Michael: By the way has the others arrived?

Alix: Yea they just arrived not to long. Though Kim is still being the ass he is.

Michael: What else is new?

Chloe: Though he is still scared of you, after what you did to him months ago.

Nino: Oh yea, he challenged you to a fight and you won.

Alix: Not to mentioned kicked his ass to the next week. I think I remember hearing a crack.

Michael: Yea I broke his leg after he tried to hit me with a bat.

Nino: You have some awesome fighting skills.

Kagami: They're very impressive and I did enjoy when you taught me them, even my mother approved of your teachings.

Michael: Your mother is a very wise woman, reminds me of my grandfather.

Alix: Come on, let's get going I am sure the day is about to start soon.

Michael: You guys go on ahead I need to go see the principal real quick.

Nino: Sure thing bro, I will save you seat when you get done.

Michael: Thanks.

Michael headed inside and walked up the steps and towards the principals officer, he knocked on the door and Principal Damocles aloud Michael to enter. Damocles looked to see who was at his door and he smiled at seeing his favorite student though he will miss him now that Michael is graduating early from school.

Damocles: Ah Michael, good to see you. I take that you are to pick up your early graduation diploma correct.

Michael: I am sir.

Damocles: It is ashamed that you are graduating early, thing wont be the same without you here. You this schools brilliant student and not to mention the most helpful one that I came to know.

Michael: I thank you for your words sir. I will miss this place and those who I came to know as friends as well as the teachers. Especially my principal who still likes to dress up as a superhero.

Damocles: Hehehe, well after what Shadow Spider told me anyone can be a hero if you put your heart into it but I am afraid that due to my age I don't have what it takes so I am leaving the hero business to the actual heroes for now on. I looked up to that hero and he gave me the convergence I need to become what I am now, a good principal.

Michael: That he is. However I wont miss some people here.

Damocles: If you are referring to Mr. Le Chien and Ms.Cesaire well I have some things to talk to them about because after reviewing my video camera's I found some disturbing things of what those two have been doing. I shouldn't have never let personal things to in the way of what I am suppose to do.

Michael: Are they in trouble?

Damocles: Ms.Cesaire would get a suspended for a couple days however Mr. Le Chien he is deep trouble. Turns out he caused more damage and harm to the students here and the school property more times than I can count. I already called his mother and she is on her way so she can see what her own son has done for the past couple years.

Michael(Thought): It is about time that idiot got what he deserved.

Damocles: So how it is your relation....

Michael: There is no relationship anymore is over between me and her.

Damocles: Why is that? I mean you two were great together, what changed?

Michael: Two words, Adrien Agreste.

Damocles: Oh I am so sorry.

Michael: It's fine, I found out that our relationship was going to end anyway. I will not miss her nor him.

Damocles: Well, I like to change the subject, hows about I get you your diploma before you say your goodbyes to your fellow classmates.

Michael: Sure.

Damocles took out the diploma that has Michael's name on it and gave to him. After he got the diploma, Michael stood up and gave Damocles a hug that he will miss him too and before he took his leave to meet his fellow classmates he stopped and took out a picture and gave it to Damocles in which the principal gasped in shock of what he was given. It was an autograph from the hero of New York city, Knight Owl. Damocles was a huge fan of hero and wanted to be just like the hero, in which he got his costume idea from Knight Owl.

Michael: I got it during our trip to New York, I asked Knight Owl to sign it.

Damocles: Michael....I..thank you my boy. I will treasure this forever.

Michael: My pleasure sir, farewell.

Damocles: Good luck to you Michael Fu.

Michael made his way towards the classroom the same classroom where he met all his friends and soon this day will be his last that he will ever see them again. It was time for him to find his on destiny and start a whole new life somewhere else. He will miss all those he cared and will treasure the memories forever. Michael took a breath and knocked on the door and the teacher, Bustier opened it and smiled at seeing her beloved student or former student since she knows that Michael is leaving early.

Bustier: Hello, Michael.

Michael: Hello, Mrs.Bustier.

Bustier: Came to say your goodbyes.

Michael: Sigh, yea.

Bustier: They are not gonna take it well.

Michael: I know, but I will always think of them and treasure the moments we had together.

Bustier: They are not the only ones who are going to miss you.

Bustier stepped out of class and gave Michael a warm hug in which he returned the hug because Bustier was one of Michael's favorite teachers and she will miss him dearly for all the help he has done for the school and for the students as well as for her.

Bustier: I am going to miss you so much, Michael.

Michael: I will miss you too Mrs.Bustier, oh and congratulations on the baby.

Bustier: How did...?

Michael: The absences, not showing up to school, been gone for a couple days and due to you going to the bathroom lots of times it was kind of obvious.

Bustier: Hehehe, you really are the smart one of this school well besides Max of course.

Michael: You are going to make a wonderful mother to your child.

Bustier: If it ends up as a boy I think I know who I will name him after.

Michael: That would beautiful. What about a girl?

Bustier: Me and my wife will think of something.

Michael: I am sure you both will. I think is about time I said my goodbyes.

Bustier: Indeed.

As soon as Bustier entered the class again with Michael behind her, the guardian of the miraculous looked to see all his friends smiling at him except for those who didn't bother to look. Marinette refused to look Michael in the eyes after what happened last night now that she and him are history. Adrien didn't want to look because Michael scares him and that he will get his ass handed to him now that he took Marinette away from him. Alya had her face down on the table because after her breakup with Nino, her parents forced her to delete her blog and got a grounding for doing something like oh I don't know risked her own life for some stupid footage for her blog that could get herself killed.

Bustier: Before class begins there is something Michael would like to say to all of you. Go ahead Michael.

Michael: Hello my friends. It is nice to see all of you today. First off I just to say that ever since I came to this school I thought I wouldn't make any friends nor people to hangout with but that is when I met all of you, you all treated me with kindness and respect and I thank you all for that. Ever since I could remember I never knew what it would be like to have friends since I was all alone after my parents died and my grandfather took me and raised me himself, but soon when I started school and got to know all of you, I came to realize that you guys were more than my friends you all became like family to me. The guys became like my brothers and the girls as my sisters, I thank you all for what you done for me and I pleased of what I have done for all of you. I helped you achieve of what you want to be as well as help guide you off to a great and bright future.

Rose: That was so beautiful Michael!

Juleka: Such very charming words.

Mylene: Hey Ivan, now I know where you got your courage to ask me out.

Ivan: Michael has very wise words. I wouldn't be able to ask you out if it wasn't for him.

Marc: He helped me overcome my shyness and I was able to fulfill my dream of becoming a writer.

Nathaniel: Not only that he inspired me to become a comic artist. He admires my work and even got me to meet to some interning comic book artist at the conventions who all shared their work. It got me the idea that I wanted to be a comic book artist and with Marc helping me with the story lines, Michael saw a team formed between me and Marc.

Max: He even got me the inspiration of building Markov a new body, one that walks and able to shake hands with people.

Michael: How is that coming along?

Max: Absolutely fantastic! I already got the upper part working for Markov, I just need to work on the legs and soon a brand new Markov will be showed off to the world.

Michael: That is wonderful to hear.

Nino: Michael bro, you inspired me to become what I was born to be. I thank you for what you did and I thank you for being my best bud.

Adrien: Nino I thought...

Nino: Was I talking to you no I wasn't.


Kagami: Michael for everything you did for me in school I thank you for it. You are very kind and very wise as well as dear friend to me. I thank you for the training lessons we both took together.

Michael: I enjoyed those lessons Kagami. Remember a true swordsman's strength comes from his or hers passion and always to make sure not to let anyone step on you, rise up and show them what a true master is capable of.

Kagami: I will remember those words for all time.

Chloe: Michael, I...

Michael: You don't have to say anything Chloe, I know. I am happy for what you and Sabrina turned out to be. You just needed the right person to show you both a better path.

Sabrina: T..thank you, Michael.

Michael: Of course. Both of you will have great futures in due time.

Alix: Cool speech Michael but why all this all of sudden?

Michael: Alix my dear friend and sports bestie, I wanted to say these last few words to all because it would be last because today marks my last day here in this school.

Nino: What?

Juleka: What do you mean?

Michael: As of today I finished all my courses and graduated with honors. I graduated early and I am just here to pack up my stuff in my locker as well as say my goodbyes.

Bustier: Michael is leaving.

Everyone except Marinette/Adrien/Alya/Kim: WHAT?!!!!

Michael: Yes, this is my last day here with you all and soon I will be leaving and this would be the last time any of you will see me again because I am also moving away.

Marinette: W...what?

Nino: D..dude are you serious.

Michael: I am. After my grandfather passed away months ago things haven't been the same since and I need a fresh new start somewhere else.

Rose: M...Michael you can't leave.....

Mylene: It wont be the same without you here with us.

Michael: I know you all feel upset..(Whisper) except for few....but I need this, I need to live my own life the way I want it to be.

Marc: Will we ever see you again?

Michael: I...I'm afraid not. I just went through a tragic experience and I don't want to share it. But know this, I will always treasure our times together and thanks to the memory book that you gave me for my birthday a year ago I will keep it with me and remember the times I had with you guys. True I will be gone but my teachings my words helped you all become what you all are today. It is time for you to look to your own futures just like how I am doing. I need a new life and fresh new start somewhere far away I just want you honest respects.

Admittedly everyone except Marinette, Adrien, Kim, and Alya got up and ran to hug Michael with tears in their eyes showing that they will miss Michael for life and that many were thinking they want him to stay with them but they knew that Michael wanted to start his own life now since he lost the last member of his family.

Rose: 😢sniff...I will miss you Michael.

Juleka: 😢 sniff...does Luka know...

Michael: I told him before arriving here, he understands and wishes me the best of luck.

Alix: Michael....😢 there nothing we can do to help?

Michael: You done enough for me, now it is time for me to take care of myself. I will always think of you guys even in my dreams.

Sabrina: I will miss you so much.

Chloe: Me too...thank you for everything Michael. are the one true friend I could ever have.

Adrien: Chloe?!

Chloe: Oh shut up Agreste!

Michael: Yes due shut up Agreste, your not part of this moment.

Ivan: Best of luck, Michael.

Michael: Thank you, Ivan. You and Mylene have a wonderful life together.

Mylene: We will and it was all thanks to you.

Max: I hope you find what you are looking for Michael.

Michael: I know I will, tell Markov my goodbyes.

Max: Sure thing.

Nathaniel: Michael.

Michael: Nathaniel, you and Marc will have a brilliant future working together for your comic designs as well as your books. Look out for each other.

Marc: We will, thank you for inspiring us to do the impossible.

Nathaniel: I am going to come up with a new character for a comic and it's going to be about you.

Michael: Hehehe, that would be a great comic book to read in the future.

Kagami: 😢sniff...Michael...

Michael: Shh, a master swordsman shouldn't let tears escape her eyes, know this when I am gone, keep on training to overcome anything possible. You have been the greatest training partner I could ever asked for Kagami. I will miss you dearly.

Kagami: And I will miss you too.

Nino: Bro...

Michael: Nino, you been my friend for these past couple years and I thank you for what you did for me. I will miss you a lot. Know this wherever I go, you will always be my best friend, you and Luka. Go luck on becoming a DJ.

Nino didn't say anything and just gave Michael a big hug and so did Michael in which everyone gave Michael a group as well as Bustier. Marinette looked down in shame and felt like if things were different maybe she would still be with Michael but no she betrayed him for sunshine Agreste who is an absolute shit-bag. Adrien just looked away and didn't bother to listen to the goodbyes along with Kim who was still wearing a cast on his leg caused by Michael. Alya still face on the table and didn't have the strength to move. After the group hug, Michael said his goodbyes to all his friends except for the four people he didn't like and left.

Flora: That was beautiful Michael.

Michael: I know it was. I will miss them very much.

Flora: Where to next?

Michael: Tom and Sabine.

Flora: You mean your...

Michael: Yes her parents, they actually were there for me as well as when I told them what Marinette did. I just want to say my goodbyes to them.

Michael arrived at the bakery and looked to see both Tom and Sabine working but stopped and looked to see Michael standing in front of them. The spider hero smiled at seeing the couple as did they.

Sabine: Michael.

Tom: Hello there son, what brings you here?

Michael: We...we need to talk.

Soon hours later Michael explained to them everything about what he is doing and that he will never come back nor be seen again in which broke Sabines heart that she wont see the boy she came to know as a son again but knows that Michael needs to do this for himself. Tom feels upset of what Michael is going through and after finding out what Marinette did behind Michael's back these past couple years and months, Tom respected Michael's decision to leave.

Sabine: Oh Michael....

Michael: I know its hard to except but I need to do this.

Tom: You have my respect Michael. It is good that you want to start a whole new life somewhere else.

Michael: Thank you, Tom. Even though I will be gone for good I will always remember you two and I will keep the bakery recipe book you gave me. It reminds me of the times we had together when I helped out in the bakery.

Sabine: 😢sniff...Michael you have been like a son to me and I hate to see you go.

Michael: I will miss Sabine, you and Tom. After what Marinette did behind my back, I need to be away from all of it, I thought she was the one but I thought wrong.

Tom: We are sorry for what she did to you. It's our fault that she was spending too much time with those who were trying to change her life.

Michael: It's not your fault, she chose this path and she will deal with the consequences.

Sabine: Sigh...what did she even see in that Adrien boy is beyond me.

Michael: Join the club.

Sabine: Before you leave to go who knows where, would you mind staying for bit longer and have some tea and snacks with us.

Tom: And maybe bake some pastries one last time.

Michael: How can I say no to that, of course.

For the next four hours Michael spent his last times with Tom and Sabine at the bakery which were his best times ever until it was time to go but not before giving both the married couple one last hug for goodbyes. Michael was going to miss Sabine's warm hugs but Tom's were too strong and nearly broke Michael but he will still miss them. When he was walking out the door he came face to face with the one person he didn't want to see no less two people he didn't want to see, Marinette and Adrien.

Marinette: Michael..I..

Michael: Don't just don't. I thought I already made it clear did you not hear me.

Marinette: No...I did....

Adrien: Hey at least let her....

Michael: You, shut the hell up. You got no right to speak nor say anything.

Adrien: Well at least I know that me and Marinette are perfect for each other.

Michael: Well congratulations on becoming a couple.

Adrien: Why thank...

Michael: A couple of arrogant fools who deceived others and lie behind someones back. I hope you two have a down right awful future together because you two deserved each other especially your god awful lips.

Adrien: Why I alta...

Michael: You what? You don't scare me, I scare you. And you wanna know something Agreste, it is something that I know and you don't.

Adrien: What?

Adrien: GAAAAAAHHHH?!!!!(Adrien screams when he gets kicked in the dick)

Michael: I actually have a strong backbone and you don't. Also been waiting to do that for a long time. I hope to never see you or Marinette ever again. Besides I know for fact you will treat her like shit or possibly your sexual slave.

Marinette: MICHAEL?!!! He wouldn't do that to me.

Michael: If you say so, but he might after all he's your boyfriend now so enjoy what worthless time you have with him see if I care. See you never Dupain Cheng and Agreste you might need some ice for the swelling.

Adrien: Argh.....

Marinette: What happened to you?

Michael: No, what happened to you? Your the one who changed not me. I wish I never got together with you and I wish I never helped you in school nor met you. Go be with your model, he's needs his princess.(Michael saids then takes his leave)

Marinette(Whisper): Tiki...

Tiki(Whisper): Sorry Marinette this was your own doing and I'm sorry but Michael is right. You caused this happen and now you have to face the consequences. That is how life works.

Marinette didn't say no more and just helped up Adrien and took him inside to get some ice for his injury while Tom and Sabine looked away from the blonde and just kept on working and not carrying for what their daughter is doing. Michael returned back to his grandfathers home and put all the boxes into a moving truck to be ready to leave. Before leaving he needs to go to one last place and asked someone for knowledge and that is the temple of the guardians.

Flora: Now that everything is settled, are we going to the temple?

Michael: We are, not to only have the miracle box be kept at the temple once more but also for knowledge for something important and it is something that I want to try out. Grandpa told about some secret that only a miraculous can do and I need to ask a temple guardian if what I am looking for is true or not. Kaalki, come forth.

Kaalki: You called, mas..I mean Michael. Sorry still get used to calling you by your name instead of master.

Michael: It quite all right. We're all going to the temple I need your help to get us there.

Kaalki: Anything I can do to help the guardian of the miraculous. However I want something in return.

Michael: Hows about chocolate covered apples.

Kaalki: Done deal!

Michael(Thought): Kaalki sure loves her apples.

Kaalki: Ready Flora.

Flora: Born ready, Michael you know the words.

Michael: Kaalki, Flora Unify!

Michael saids the words and soon both miraculous of the horse and spider merged together, soon Michael took on a new spider like form with both brownish and black colors while wearing the ring on the finger and the glasses hiding under the mask. He dubs the name Jump Spider.

Jump Spider: It's been a while since I did any miraculous unifying. Well time to get going, all remaining kwami's return to the miracle box until we arrive to our destination.

Kwami's: Yes guardian.(All said and went back into the miracle box)

Jump Spider: Voyage!

Jump Spider saids and opens a portal that leads towards the temple of the guardians and once he did that the spider hero entered the portal and came upon the site of the lost temple that his grandfather used to live before his mistakes but now restored after defeating an sentimonster that destroyed the temple and ate everything in site.

Jump Spider: There it is, the temple of the guardians. I just hope he is there, I need questions, questions that need answering.

Jump Spider opened another portal and this one took him directly towards the front gates of the temple. Once near the gate, Jump Spider knocked on the door and out came out a temple monk who looked upon the spider hero.

Temple Monk: Greetings, who do I owe the plessor of meeting?

Jump Spider: Greetings fellow temple monk, I am known as Jump Spider but my real name is Michael Fu, grandson of Wang Fu the former guardian of the miraculous who passed away months ago and I seek to meet with the temple guardian Master Su-Han, is he here.

Temple Monk: Why yes of course I will take you to him now. I am truly sorry for what happened to Wang Fu, it was tragic for all of us.

Jump Spider: Thank you.

The temple monk took Michael into the temple itself where Michael saw so many guardians training young miraculous holders in the arts of their ways which impressed Michael. Soon he came upon the room where Su-Han is waiting. Michael thanked the temple monk and headed inside to meet with Su-Han.

Michael: Master Su-Han.

Su-Han: Young Fu, welcome. Your presence is most welcome here.

Michael: I thank you, master. I have brought great news for you.

Su-Han: What is it young Fu?

Michael: The miraculous's of the butterfly and peacock along with the spell book have been retrieved and the enemy Hawk Moth and Mayura have defeated.

Su-Han: Are you certain of this?

Michael: I was the one who defeated them, I discovered who they were and erased their memories, they no longer remember who they were. I have their miraculous's here along with the miracle box.

Michael showed the miracle box as well as the spell book, he then opened the box and out came the kwami's along with Nooroo and Duusuu. Su-Han gasped in shock that the missing miraculous have been found and retrieved like Michael said.

Su-Han: So it is true, you have fulfilled your grandfather's promise. You have done well, Young Fu.

Michael: Thank you, I had some help with some good friends.

Su-Han: I see you have the miraculous's but there are some missing?

Michael: I gave only the snake, turtle, rabbit, bee, and dragon to people who I trust and they will only use the miraculous for emergencies only. They fowl to respect my rules. However the holder of the cat miraculous, his miraculous had to be removed from him and his memories erased.

Plagg: He wasn't cut out for the job, he was too reckless, hardly listen, and became spoiled and rotten.

Su-Han: I see, I always thought there was something off with the holder of the destruction. You did the right thing Young Fu. Though where is the miraculous of the ladybug?

Michael: I aloud her to keep her miraculous however she and I no longer see eye to eye.

Su-Han: Then why....?

Michael: To keep her out of trouble and to defend herself against danger, even though Hawk Moth is gone, there are still dangers out there.

Su-Han: Hmm, true.

Michael: Master Su-Han, there is something I need to ask of you.

Su-Han: What is it?

Michael: Before he passed, my grandfather spoke of a secret that only the miraculous can achieve and I was wondering if you know about it.

Su-Han: And that would be?

Michael: Is it possible for the miraculous to able to travel to another universe. I only heard about this in the stories what my grandfather told me when I was younger. I don't know if it is real or not I am just wondering if you know about this secret ability.

Su-Han: Yes, yes I do know of this ability and yes Young Fu it is real.

Michael: So everything was true..

Flora: Of course it was Michael, there is a number of universes out there that contain their own verity of earths and not to mention miraculous's.

Michael: You knew about this?

Flora: I did, though I wanted to wait until you were ready to know the secret.

Michael: Understable.

Su-Han: Why the sudden interest?

Flora: Michael went through a bad incident that took place in Paris and he wants a fresh new start and since his last family member passed away, Michael was thinking of going somewhere far away so he can rebuild a whole new experience.

Su-Han: Is this true.

Michael: Yes, I need a new life in a place somewhere far away and it doesn't matter where as long as it gets me away from my past and present actions.

Su-Han: Hmmm...this technique hasn't been used in centuries however wherever universe you end up in there will always be a danger to stop.

Michael: I understand, master.

Su-Han: In order to open a portal to another universe you must unify the miraculous of the rooster and the butterfly in which you will be given the power of sublimation, the power of pretension would allow you to choose an ability in which you can access the ability to open a portal to a whole new universe.

Michael: Is that how it is done?

Su-Han: Yes, you have both the butterfly and the rooster miraculous, unify them together and you will have access to the powers.

Michael: Thank you for telling me this, however I will be taking my stuff with me to another universe. I packed everything from my grandfather's home and stored them into a moving truck. We will need to go to Paris and then I will perform the ability.

Su-Han: Will you be taking the miracle box with you?

Michael: No, I want the miracle box to stay here at the temple, however I will be taking Plagg with me. Something tells me that Ladybug would try to get the miraculous of destruction back.

Su-Han: Why would she?

Michael: To give it back to her so called lover, aka Plagg's former holder.

Plagg: Please take me with you!

Su-Han: Very well, I leave him in your care. Let us leave.

Michael unify's Flora and Kaalki once more and took both Nooroo, Orikko, Plagg, and Su-Han back to Paris. Michael went to get the moving truck and drive it into an alleyway so that nobody could see what he was going to do. Plagg remained inside to await Michael. Michael changes back into Shadow Spider and gave the horse miraculous to Su-Han and then took the butterfly and the rooster miraculous.

Shadow Spider: All right you two, you ready.

Orikko: I am, though we will miss you Michael. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Shadow Spider: I thank you, I will miss you little guys as well.

Nooroo: You have been that greatest guardian I have ever met Michael, good luck to you in what universe you chose to live in. Know this we will always be with you.

Shadow Spider: Nooroo, Orikko Unify!

Shadow Spiders unify's the two miraculous and took on a whole new form just like he did with Kaalki. Now known as Spider Aquarius he took out the feather pen and began to say the words that Su-Han has mentioned to him.

Spider Aquarius: Sublimation!

Su-Han: Now write down on your hand what you want and place your writing hand on your chest and it will allow you to open a portal to another universe.

Spider Aquarius: All right, the ability I chosen to pick is to be able to enter a new universe, where I can start a whole new beginning.(Spider Aquarius saids and then opens the portal)

Spider Aquarius: Whoah, it worked!

Su-Han: That it did. Once you are on the other side remove the miraculous of the butterfly and rooster so that they can be returned back to me before the portal closes.

Spider Aquarius: Understood. I guess this is it.

Su-Han: Good luck on your new journey Young Fu. Your grandfather would be proud of the man you turned out to be.

Spider Aquarius: Thank you, and farewell. Take good care of the kwami's in my absence.

Su-Han: They will be kept safe in the temple.

Spider Aquarius smiles under his mask and gets into the truck with Plagg at his side. He drives the truck into the portal and enters the other side. Su-Han looked on to see Spider Aquarius entered the portal completely, and the next thing he sees is the portal itself closing until she spots the two kwami's Nooroo and Orriko coming out with the butterfly and rooster miraculous into their grasps.

Orriko: Whistle! Made it before the portal closed.

Nooroo: That was a close one.

Su-Han: Is Young Fu...?

Orriko: He's in the other universe now, we got out before the portal closed completely.

Nooroo: You think he will be all right?

Su-Han: Something tells me that he will and something also tells me he will face new challenges and meet new faces. Come let us return to the temple where we belong.

Orriko/Kaalki/Nooroo: Yes Master Su-Han.

Su-Han: You will do well in that universe Michael Fu, grandson of Wang Fu.

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