Chapter 1: The Breakup!
Michael's Pov:
Hello the names Michael, Michael Fu. I am the grandson of the guardian of the miraculous known as Wang Fu. When I was young boy my parents died in an accident and my grandpa took it upon himself to raise me, it is what my parents would have wanted. I spent my whole life living with grandpa Wang as well as in training, yes training because I was destined to be someone great. Grandpa told me the stories about the miraculous and their secrets and vow to keep the secret with me for the rest of my life. He told me everything there is to know about the magical jewels and the holders that the beings known as kwami's had and fought along side with throughout history. However due to an incident that took place many years ago, grandpa lost both the miraculous of the butterfly and the peacock because of a mistake he made and he felt guilty of what happened.
Years later I was given a secret miraculous that my grandpa kept with him for many years and it belong to his mentor and now I shall use for the greater good of mankind. I was given the miraculous of the spider which is a spider like ring that gives me the strength and powers of a spider. Flora is my kwami and she told me all about her past holders and their skills when it comes to fighting their enemies. I dubbed the name Shadow Spider in honor of the past holders that came before me and I have been using my powers to protect the innocent from the dangers outside, however I always keep to the shadows to avoid being seen because it wasn't the right time to make a true appearance. You see grandpa and I are waiting for the two missing miraculous to be revealed and so that we can retrieved them and put them back where they belong inside the miracle box.
Before that even happens I did however got to go to school and made tuns of friends who treated me with such kindness. We hung out, plan days where we can all chill together as well as have fun. My best friend Luka was an amazing friend and enjoys the sound of music, so do I. I got to know his sister Juleka and the three of us bonded quiet well, almost like we were siblings ourselves. I actually did like having them as like my brother and sister since I am an only child. I got along well with Ivan who was being picked on by Kim but after some advice and courage Ivan wouldn't allow anyone to mess with him, Kim was like the showoff and the jerk of the school and I didn't like him one bit. Max was like the brains of the class, he was smart even smart enough to build his own intelligent robot named Markov. Both him and I always get straight A's in our assignments even offer to help tutor some of classmates that need help with their work. Marc was shy around other people and he dreams of becoming a story writer while also having a secret crush on Nathaniel who was a talented comic book artist, those two are made for each other. Rose was like a sweet little angel and enjoys making people happy even Juleka and something tells me that those two will get together some day both me and Luka were thinking the same thing. Mylene was someone who wants to save the forest in which Ivan has the biggest crush on the girl but is afraid to confess but I know he will find it in his heart to confess to the girl he loves. Nino, oh that guy was my bro, he and I bonded great when we got to school and the two of us were already acting like brothers in arms. Alix was like the sports gal of the class who enjoys skating and having fun which me and her enjoyed racing each other but I always win but I always treat her to some lunch like any good fiend would. Nino has a dream of becoming a DJ and I would always be there to support him in which he thanks me for it. Nino is a great friend to me as well Luka and the others thought there are some who didn't get along with others nor just wanted attention.
There was Chloe and Sabrina, Chloe was like the queen of the school always mocking people of who they are and always getting her daddy involved since he is the mayor of Paris. Sabrina was like Chloe's lapdog always following her around wherever she does and does her work for her. But I knew deep down that Chloe could change for the better, I mean her own mother doesn't even remember her own name nor cares for her after she walked out on her and her father I felt bad for her and decided to help her out. After spending time with her and Sabrina I helped them out and by now they are both treated as friends and classmates and Chloe apologized for the bullying and the selfishness she has caused. Now there was Alya, well I didn't really know that much about her except for her wanting to become a reporter in the future though sometimes she can get into peoples personal space and ask the most ridiculous questions ever, the girl needs to chill I mean really. Despot everyone that I came to know, there was one girl who caught my eye and I have never in my life had fell for such a beautiful angel.
Her name was Marinette Dupain Cheng. When I first knew her she was was clumsy and kind of cute especially when she is shy around others but when she and I met it was like love at first site. After school we would hang out and go to her parents bakery where I got to know her dad Tom and her mother Sabine, such kind and caring people they are. Me and Marinette bonded amazingly well together and I even help her out with school and to deal with jerks who pick on her. After a while we started to date and became a couple before junior year though we kept it secret since we both agreed not to tell after we finish school. We didn't like all the attention and it would become too much for us so we kept of relationship secret and only act like a couple when we are alone. When junior started both me and grandpa got the warning that the butterfly miraculous was activated and that somebody found the miraculous and was using it for evil.
I knew that grandpa was getting old and couldn't fight in his age so I took it upon myself to find the chosen who would help defeat the one who has the butterfly miraculous and help save the world. We both agreed to choose the perfect person to become the holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous. I thought it over and I knew the perfect person to be the new ladybug holder so I put my plan into action. Before I got to school, I went to pick up Marinette at her home so the two of us can walk together and when I met her in her room, she was already ready and before leaving I left the ladybug miraculous on her desk so when she comes back Tiki will explain everything to her. We arrived at school and Chloe told me that her childhood friend Adrien would be coming to school in which I know about this Adrien because he is the son of Gabriel Agreste and the son of Emillee Agreste who disappeared years ago leaving but Gabriel and his son alone. Class begun and well lets just say Kim being the dipshit he is was making fun of Ivan possibility about not able to confess to Mylene in which Ivan gets angry and sent to the principals office but it should have been Kim since he was the one who started the fight. Flora then sensed an Akuma nearby, an Akuma is what gives the butterfly holder the power to turn people into their minions and thats what Flora was sensing.
The first akumatized villain appeared and I took action and turned into Shadow Spider and went out to defend the innocents. I defended the people then found the two heroes that have gotten their miraculous. Marinette as Ladybug and a blonde guy that I do not know who he is called himself Cat Noir. We teamed up to take down the villain and defeated it but Ladybug forgot to capture the Akuma, if the Akuma is not captured the butterfly can multiply. The next day at school this Adrien came into class and when I got a good look at him and recognized his voice I knew this Adrien Agreste was Cat Noir in which Flora saw Plagg inside the guys pocket. Before class started Kim was pulling some stupid pranks where he put a chewed gum on a seat and Adrien was going to take it off but got interrupted by Marinette who thought that Adrien put that gum there and didn't talk to him all day in school.
The next I know the battle against the first villain continued and we discovered the identity of the super villain who calls himself Hawk Moth. After Ladybug gave out her magnificent speech to the people of Paris that the heroes will protect Paris as long as they are around, I was proud of what the girl I love did however Cat Noir aka Adrien was eying Ladybug with a grin and that he said he is in love with that girl but what he doesn't know is that girl is already taken. Something about Adrien didn't seem right to me and I kept my eye on him the whole time even in school. When school ended it was starting to rain and Marinette forgot her umbrella and I was going to offer mine to her but Adrien gave his to her and when I saw that blush on Marinette's face I felt jealously.
For many months now myself as Shadow Spider along with Ladybug and Cat Noir became a duo. Keeping Paris safe from Hawk Moth and his Akuma's and so that nobody would have to live in fear ever again. Me and Ladybug took our jobs seriously when fighting but Cat Noir not so much, the guy always flirts with Ladybug and it was making me uncomfortable that he is flirting with my girlfriend and I just wanted to web him up and hang him upside down on the Eiffel tower. Its been like that for months now and not just in super hero form no when ever me and Marinette hung out together with friends she always avoids me and stares at Adrien, Adrien this, Adrien that and not to mention Alya thinks that Marinette and Adrien would be perfect together. No matter what I do and try to show Marinette a good time she always looks the other way and stares at Adrien even made a schedule which was starting to creep me out. Was our relationship nothing to her, was she just using me as a distraction to get too that blonde model. I was fearing out relationship is going to collapse but I wouldn't allow it to happen.
When Hawk Moth gained an ally named Mayura who had the stolen peacock miraculous, things got out of hand however that is when I decided to bring in some new recruits to help out. I brought in Viperion, Queen Bee, Carapace, and Ryuko. Ladybug liked the idea of more members joining but Cat Noir hated the idea and thought that he and Ladybug would do for now and that is when I was ticked off about this asshole and his attitude. He always complains like a spoiled brat and doesn't even listen only does what he thinks wants to do. I fear that grandpa chose the wrong holder for the cat miraculous. I didn't care what Cat Noir thinks, I think a team is something that we all could use against Hawk Moth and Mayura. The people I chose to be the heroes were my two buds Luka and Nino as Viperion and Carapace, Chloe as Queen Bee, and Ryuko as Kagami who was a new student to our school though didn't have any friends until she met me and my friends, we treated her with respect and in time we began great friends. Her mother approved of us even me after allowing Kagami and I to trained together in swordsmanship.
Hawk Moth was getting too strong now and I knew I had to do something about it. I couldn't rely on grandpa anymore because during an incident that took place with Hawk Moth who found out who grandpa was and tried to get the miracle box by force, grandpa decided to make me the next guardian of the miraculous, he was going to have Ladybug become the next guardian but he knew that she wasn't ready so I became the new guardian without both Ladybug and Cat Noir knowing about it. Grandpa's memory got erased and he no longer knows who I am which was sad for me but he knew the risk and this way he can live a normal life. I will miss him but I must continue to stop Hawk Moth at all coast. I spent my time investigating of who Hawk Moth was until I discovered something, it was during a fight against Gabriel who got akumatized into The Collector and I found symbols of butterfly's all around the Agreste mansion and it got me thinking that maybe Gabriel was Hawk Moth.
I asked Max to build me some tiny spy camera's in which I lied to him about why I needed them, where I told him I needed something for home improvement and of course I paid him and he excepted the job. He finished the spy cams and I put my plan into action. When all the Agreste family was asleep I placed the spy cams into each room to figure out where Gabriel goes and so that I can figure out where he goes to become Hawk Moth. It took almost a week but I was able to get some good footage of Gabriel going up to a painting of his wife and pushed some secret buttons that took him down on a platform elevator meaning it could lead to the lair of Hawk Moth. I was right Gabriel Agrest is Hawk Moth and that his assistant Natalie is Mayura. It all made sense to me.
The time was now, I invaded the Agreste mansion while Adrien aka the shitbag kitty cat was out doing whatever he wants and Ladybug was out on patrols. I burst through the doors and webbed up Agreste body guard Gorilla and webbed his mouth so he wouldn't speak, I then moved into the office room and webbed up Natalie and took away the peacock miraculous but saw that she was ill like she was dying until I saw the peacock miraculous broken meaning that Natalie used a damage miraculous and due to the damage it was making her ill. I moved towards the painting and it turned out to be a door and behind it was safe, I opened the safe and found what it looks like the miraculous spell book.
Grandpa told me he lost the spell book along with the two missing miraculous's but now I found it and I plan to take it back along with the two miraculous's. I opened the book and found out what Hawk Moth wanted the ladybug and cat miraculous for, he wanted the ultimate power and that is something I will not allow for him to do. Now using my super strength I ripped opened the elevator platform and jumped down and entered the lair of Hawk Moth. I saw him planing to send another Akuma out but I stopped him by attacking him from behind and knocking him out and snatching the butterfly miraculous revealing to be Gabriel Agreste.
When he tried to fight to get back the miraculous I simply webbed him up like the others and then asked him why he wanted the miraculous. That is when he revealed his secret, he told me he wanted to use the miraculous to bring back his wife Emilee who suffered a magical coma caused by the damaged peacock miraculous. He told me that he kept her below the mansion inside a glass coffin to sustain her life. I took him and his assistant down below while still tied up in my webs and that is when we found the unconscious Emilee Agreste.
I set the two villains down and read through the spell book to figure out a way to save Emilee without using the miraculous until something caught my eye. I read that the only way to say a holder who suffered the effect of a damage miraculous is a reverse serum. All I needed was the ingredients to make this serum and luckily Gabriel has them in his mansion, I got what I needed and started to make the serum as well as serum to repair the peacock miraculous. I fixed the peacock miraculous first and the kwami Duusu was please that the miraculous was repaired and that she was free as well as Nooroo. After a while I finished the reverse serum for Emilee.
Now that the serum was completed, I in-ministered the serum into Emilee's throat and after waiting an hour later, her whole body glowed bright and then she started to open up her eyes that made both Gabriel and Natalie gasped in shock that Emilee has awoken. Emilee looked to find her husband and Natalie tied up and that is when I told her everything that they both did. Emilee was disappointed in Gabriel and Natalie in which both were ashamed for what they thought they were doing was right. It took me a minute to think about what to do with them until I made a decision not to have them thrown in jail but their memories of being Hawk Moth and Mayura will have to be erased forever as well as not remembering anything about the miraculous.
All Gabriel wanted was to have his wife back in his life and thats what I am giving him. He apologize for everything that he has done as well as Natalie who I later gave another bash of serum to help her illness just like Emilee's. I said the spell and both fell unconscious and will no longer remember what they used to be. Me and Emilee took them upstairs and put them to bed to rest. Emilee thanked me for what I have done and promises to make sure her husband becomes a better person then he was before. I smiled under my mask and left with the spell book and the two miraculous's. Now that Hawk Moth is gone for good I can tell my teammates about the good news as well as Ladybug. It took three years but I was about to fulfill my promise to my grandpa.
A month has gone by since Michael aka Shadow Spider defeated Hawk Moth and Mayura and plans to tell his team about the news of the super villains defeat. But first he wanted to tell his girlfriend Ladybug aka Marinette about the news first, she has the right to know what happened and why there hasn't been any Akuma's lately.
Shadow Spider: WHOO-HOO!
Shadow Spider swings across the city of Paris with excitement and joy which the people looked up to see the spider hero and they started to cheer for him while he himself was waving and giving the people high fives for being their protector of the city of love.
Shadow Spider: Sigh what a day..finished school early, plan to go to college next after beating Hawk Moth and Mayura. I got to say life is going great for me. Though I wish grandpa was here to see what I have done. After I got word he passed away, things never felt the same but I cannot let his passing bother me, even though he is gone he always be in my heart. I fulfilled his promise and defeated the enemy and got back what was stolen.
Shadow Spider landed on top of building and looked at the view of Paris that was peaceful and safe. Now that the threat is over with, it was time to settle down and relax, but first the spider hero wanted to contact the team about a meeting tonight. He took out his phone and contacted his trusted teammate Viperion.
Shadow Spider: Viperion it's Shadow Spider.
Viperion(Phone): Hey Spider, hey do you know what's going on, the team and I have been wondering why there hasn't been any sign of Akuma's? It's been like a month now and nothing has happened.
Shadow Spider: All will be told at the meeting tonight. Gather everyone at the Eiffel Tower around eight o'clock. I will explain the situation with all of you.
Viperion(Phone): You got it my friend.
Shadow Spider: Excellent I will see you all there soon. Gotta go have to meet up with someone and tell the news.
Viperion(Phone): Of course, see you tonight Spider.
Shadow Spider: You too, my friend.
Call Ended
Shadow Spider: All right got the meeting scheduled sorted, now lets get Ladybug on the call. I just wish she would pick up this time, she's hasn't been calling back nor answering my text for months now. I mean we hang out all the time but why does she always avoid me, does she not love me anymore..and why does always stare at the blonde model idiot all day. Not only that but why does that Alya girl always comes up to Marinette and takes her away from our alone time I need to figure out what the hell is going on.
Ladybug(Voicemail): Ladybug's voicemail leave a message! Bug Out!
Shadow Shadow(Thought): Again...
Shadow Spider: Hey Ladybug, we got a meeting happening at eight o'clock at night on the Eiffel tower, be there. Thanks Shadow Spider. Hopefully she gets that, though I should check to see if she is home.
Shadow Spider shot a web and headed towards the bakery, however over by the bakery and on top of the deck two kwami's look both upset but not because of their holders no but for someone who is going to find out a shattered scene that is taking place in the bedroom. Tiki and Plagg were discussing on how to tell the news to Shadow Spider about what their holders have done and something tells them that the new guardian isn't going to like what he sees.
Plagg: Tiki this isn't good, if he sees what they have done more importantly what your holder has done, he's not going to like what he finds out.
Tiki: I know, my holder and him were so great together but why would she change and fall for someone like your holder?
Plagg: The kid is nuts sugar cube! He won't stop talking about Ladybug this Ladybug that not even stop to know who she is under the mask. He keeps on saying that they made for each other. No wonder Michael doesn't like him. Master Wang Fu chosen the wrong holder for me, the kid hardly takes the job seriously.
Tiki: If only Alya didn't push Marinette away from Michael and focused the attention on your holder Adrien then none of this would have happened.
Plagg: I can only imagined what Michael would do when he finds out.
Tiki: I feel so bad for him..he's so compassion, kind, honest, as well as brave. He loves Marinette but now I don't think their relationship isn't going to last not after what Adrien did last night.
Plagg: You mean revealing his secret identity to Ladybug while she did the same and the two of them kissed oh yea Michael isn't going to like this one bit.
Tiki: I fear he will take their miraculous's.
Plagg: Well he should! I never liked my holder, sure he was all right at first but now he became spoiled and rotten and always complains about everything. I want nothing more than his memories erased of me and the miraculous permanently removed from his mind forever. That kid is driving me crazy and hardly feeds me.
Tiki: What did Marinette even seen in him?
Shadow Spider: What are you two talking about?(Shadow saids and lands on the railing)
Plagg: Spider! Oh I mean guardian..I mean master...I mean...
Shadow Spider: You can just call me Shadow for now Plagg, call me Michael when we are alone. Wait a minute what are you doing here?
Plagg: do I put this...Tiki help me out.
Tiki: Michael, there is something we..we need to tell you.
Shadow Spider: Is Marinette hurt?
Tiki:'s not that its....
Wow never knew you were a good kisser M'lady.(A male voice was heard from inside in which made Shadow Spider's blood boil)
Shadow Spider(Whisper): DON'T FUCKING TELL ME.
Plagg(Thought): Yea Adrien is dead meat.
Tiki(Thought): Oh no, if he sees what he sees he is going to be so heart broken.
Shadow Spider moves towards the side window of Marinette's room and when he looks inside he gasped in horror and shock of what he was looking at. He looks to find Marinette and Adrien kissing each other or more like making out in the bedroom.
Shadow Spider(Thought): this can't be has to be some kind of nightmare...this can't be real?!!!
Adrien: If I didn't know better I say you were falling for the spider hero.
Marinette: He's just a friend nothing more. Besides the one I really love is you Adrien, sorry I didn't see it sooner.
Adrien: It's quite all right Marinette. Now I get to be with the girl of my dreams.
Marinette: I have something to tell you its a secret.
Adrien: What is it?
Shadow Spider(Thought): She wouldn't....
Marinette: Before you I was already dating someone and at first he was so amazingly kind and honest with my feelings but I got the feeling that he was not the one for me. Sure he took me everywhere to the most greatest places but I just never really saw him as like well you know someone like you.
Adrien: Whatever happened to him?
Marinette: He's still around, though I plan to cut off our relationship. He's been avoiding me for months now.
Shadow Spider(Thought): NO I HAVEN'T THAT WAS YOU!!!
Adrien: Well I guess he can't compare to a guy like me.
Shadow Spider(Thought and anger): Adrien Agreste you are dead.
Marinette: I am sure he would understand once I see him.
Adrien: I will be waiting until you get back from talking to him.
Shadow Spider(Thought): YOU BASTARD!!!!!
Tiki: M..Michael...
Shadow Spider: Did you know? Did you know about this?
Plagg: I tried to stop him, Michael I did but he wouldn't listen.
Tiki: I am so sorry for what you have seen...I wish I could have...
Tiki and Plagg: Yes guardian.
Shadow Spider couldn't take it anyone, everything that he did with Marinette was for nothing. He was being used and he felt betrayed all because of Adrien aka Cat Noir. He needed to let off some steam until he spotted some criminals harming an innocent civilian. Shadow jumped down and attacked the gang while the civilian got away. Shadow unleashed his furry upon the gang until they were all knocked out cold and bruises everywhere.
Shadow Spider: could could she do this to me...I thought we had something....what drove her to this...what drove us apart...I thought she loved me...and I loved her....but now I don't think I can ever love someone ever.
Spider?(A male voice saids from behind the spider hero which it was Carapace)
Shadow Spider: Oh hey...
Carapace: Whoah dude you went wild on these guys? Did something happened?
Shadow Spider: It's nothing, nothing at all. Did Viperion give you the message?
Carapace: Yea along with the others my spider dude. We will be there when it gets dark.
Shadow Spider: Good, carry on.
Carapace: Are you sure you feeling all right?
Shadow Spider: I don't want to talk about it. Just meet me and the others at the time and place for the meeting.
Shadow Spider took off into the city but under his mask he had tears of sadness and anger after what he discovered. He knew what must be done even though he doesn't like it but its for the best. When night came to the city of Paris, Shadow Spider waited on top of the Eiffel tower until his team arrives but also mourning the huge shock of finding out that Marinette the girl he loved with all his heart betrayed him for a stupid idiotic cat boy with no backbone nor has a clue what goes on in life.
Shadow Spider: They should be here any minute.
Carapace: Yo spider dude, we're all here!
Bunnix: Hows it going Spider.
Queen Bee: Hello Shadow.
Ryuko: Greetings.
Viperion: Hello my friend.
Ladybug: Whats the meeting about?
Cat Noir: Yea can we hurry it up I go something to do with a special someone.
Shadow Spider: First shut your trap and next I have good news for you guys.
Bunnix: What's the news?
Shadow Spider: Hawk Moth and Mayura are defeated.
Everyone: WHAT?!!!!!
Shadow Spider: Yes, I found out who they are and took away their miraculous's. It is the reason why you guys didn't seen nor hear about any Akuma's incidents taking place.
Carapace: Dude! Are you serious.
Shadow Spider: I am.
Cat Noir: Hehehe good one, you defeated Hawk Moth oh man that was the best joke I ever...
Shadow Spider: Does it look like a joke around Cat Noir and does it look like I make something up. At least I'm not someone who gets their ass handed by a villain while flirting with a girl.
Ladybug: Easy Spider.
Shadow Spider: Did I ask for your opinion? No I did not.
Ladybug(Thought): What's wrong with him?
Ryuko: How long ago was this?
Shadow Spider: He was defeated a month ago. I didn't want to drag any of you into the mess because Hawk Moth would have got into your heads and Akumatized you all.
Viperion: Hmm..thats true. Did you figure out who he was?
Shadow Spider: I did after I took away his miraculous along with Mayura's. They will no longer harm the innocent ever again.
Queen Bee: If you say what is true, what then?
Shadow Spider: Now that he is gone, I think it would be the time to reveal ourselves to each other.
Carapace: You mean our secret identities?
Shadow Spider: Yes.
Ladybug: Wait I don't think...
Shadow Spider: Keeping secrets brings nothing but pain and lies. Trust me I know someone who kept something and it hurt a lot. Besides I was the one who gave the team their miraculous's so it would be fair to reveal myself to them as they would.
Cat Noir: Wait you gave them the miraculous?
Ladybug: I thought Master Fu gave them their miraculous?
Shadow Spider: Let's just say he and I are related. I am the grandson of Master Wang Fu.
Everyone even Ladybug gasped in shock that Shadow Spider was Master Fu's grandson and was the one who gave them the miraculous except for Cat Noir in which Wang Fu gave him the ring.
Ryuko: Your his grandson?
Shadow Spider: I am, after my parents died years ago my grandpa took me in and raised me himself. He taught me everything about the miraculous and their secrets and I kept those secrets with me till the end of his days.
Ladybug: Wait is he...
Shadow Spider: He passed away three months ago. It was heart breaking but I push forward and fulfilled his promise in taking back the two missing miraculous. As for my grandmother, she passed away before he did. Her name was Marianne LeNoir. A former miraculous holder and wife to Wang Fu.
Bunnix: Sorry for your losses.
Carapace: Sorry dude we didn't know.
Shadow Spider: Thank you my friends.
Viperion: If we are going to reveal ourselves, I am up for it.
Carapace: Same goes for me.
Queen Bee/Bunnix/Ryuko: Us as well.
Queen Bee: What about Ladybug and CatBoy?
Shadow Spider: Oh they don't need to tell me, I already know who they are under their mask.
Ladybug and Cat Noir: do.
Shadow Spider: Who do you think gave you the miraculous of the ladybug, Marinette.
Ladybug: GASP!
Everyone except Cat Noir: MARINETTE?!!
Cat Noir: Ladybug is Marinette?
Shadow Spider: Oh don't act like you didn't know because I seen you two together.
Cat Noir: Wait how did...?
Shadow Spider: I'm smarter than I look Cat Noir or should I say, Adrien Agreste.
Everyone except Ladybug: ADRIEN?!!!
Shadow Spider: I think it is about time to reveal the rest of us.
Soon everyone even Ladybug and Cat Noir except Shadow Spider changed back into their civilian forms to reveal Luka, Nino, Chloe, Kagami, Alix, Marinette and Adrien.
Adrien: Well? Are you going to tell us who you are?
Shadow Spider: Webs Retract.
Shadow Spider saids and changes back into someone that everyone knows even Marinette who gasped in pure shock of who was under the spider mask while one like Adrien was shaken up of who he was seeing because this person was someone he feared during school when he is around Marinette.
Michael: Hello everyone.
Nino: Whoah, I did not see that coming!
Kagami(Whisper): The whole wearing all black kind of made sense.
Chloe(Whisper): That's what I was thinking.
Alix: Whoah, Michael is that really you! Your'e Shadow Spider!
Michael: I am. Also the one who gave you guys the miraculous's.
Luka: I knew there was something special about you my friend. At least we know it someone we trust and care for.
Michael: Thank you, Luka.
Marinette: M...Michael...
Michael: Big surprise isn't Cheng.
Marinette(Thought): He didn't call me Marinette...
Michael: Tell me something Adrien.
Adrien: What?
Michael: When were you going to tell me that you had you dirty lips all over Marinette. And Marinette how long were you planning to leave me for...THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!
Marinette: M..Michael...?
Nino: What's going on here?
Michael: Why did you do it to me..why did you betray me for him? Was I not good enough for you, were you just using me as a distraction to get to him.
Marinette: Michael I...
Nino: WHAT?!!!
Chloe: Wait she and Michael were a thing?
Luka: They were but now I can't even know now. They kept their relationship secret to avoid attention and Michael said he wanted to reveal their relationship after graduation.
Marinette: Michael it's not what it looks like!
Michael: Oh it was to me after I saw you two making out in your bedroom and you said that you were planning to break off our relationship so you can be with Adrien Fucking Agreste.
Adrien: HEY!
Michael: SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH ASSHOLE!!! My grandpa chose the wrong person to be the holder of the cat miraculous. You brought nothing but shame and disrespect.
Nino: Adrien, how could you I thought we were friends? Why would you do something like that.
Michael: His obsession with Ladybug drove him this path.
Adrien: Oh please me and Marinette would be the greatest couple ever. Where were you, after she told me you have been avoiding her for months.
Michael: That's was her doing.
Marinette: Wait no it was n.....
Michael: Wherever we went with our friends you always avoid me and stare at Adrien twenty four seven its been like for three long years and you still do it!
Tiki: I agree with him, you been doing that for a long time.
Plagg: Just because Adrien gave you an umbrella and now you simply fell for him. What about Michael? Did you ditch him for this idiot here.
Adrien: Plagg!
Plagg: Oh shut up Adrien, I am getting sick of you anyway. You never listen, you always takes things in your own stupid way, you hardly show up for fights, and you always gaga over Ladybug. You never feed me any cheese.
Marinette(Thought): But I thought Michael was....
Michael: Who told you that I was avoiding you? I know it wasn't Agreste.
Marinette: Alya said she...
Alix: I knew she went too far, she thought that Marinette and Adrien would be perfect together and kept on trying to get those two together all this time. She always thought Michael would be a bad influence on Marinette.
Michael: How can I be a bad influence? I been nothing but kind and compassion as well as honest towards Marinette even helped her in school even got to know her and spend time with her even with her parents. Am I really that bad to you Marinette? Did you even loved me? Was it all a lie?
Marinette: 😢sniff...I..I...
Marinette: I'm...I'm sorry...😢sniff...I am so sorry.
Michael: So it is true.
Kagami: Michael...
Nino: I am giving Alya a long talk when I get back and I don't think there isn't going to be a relationship with her anymore.
Adrien: Hey! It's not like she hurt....GULP?!!!!(Adrien saids then stops when he is grabbed by throat by Michael)
Michael: You took away something I cared for my whole life and now I am taking away something that you will never gain again nor put on ever.
Plagg: Finally!
Michael: Adrien Agreste aka the former hero Cat Noir, I Michael Fu the guardian of the miraculous box and protector of the secrets and the hero known as Shadow Spider have dubbed you unworthy of holding the cat miraculous of destruction and you shall be stripped from it permanently with no memory of being a hero nor able to welded any miraculous ever again!
Soon the ring came off Adrien's finger and caught by Plagg and the next Adrien was engulfed in green light and all his memories erased permanently. He will no longer remember anything related to the miraculous nor ever pick up another one.
Marinette: You...your the guardian...
Michael: I am, my grandpa said you are not worthy nor ready to handle such a task so the miracle box was passed onto me.
Alix: If your the new guardian does that mean..
Michael: No, I am allowing you guys to keep your miraculous but only use for emergencies only true Hawk Moth is gone but there is dangers on earth. Use your miraculous's wisely.
Nino: I will respect the rules bro.
Kagami: I will hold onto your words Michael.
Chloe: I promise to use the bee miraculous for whenever I need it to use it.
Luka: Thank you so much, Michael.
Marinette: Michael please I...
Michael: SAVE IT! We are finished.
Marinette: What?
Michael: We are done Marinette Dupain Cheng, is over forever. I want nothing to do with you anymore nor do I want anything to do with your stupid and disgusting relationship with Adrien ASS Agreste. The son of Hawk Moth.
Everyone: WHAT?!!!
Michael: Yes, Adrien is the son of Gabriel Agreste aka Hawk Moth. Unlike you Marinette I did my investigation's on who Hawk Moth was and found why he wanted the miraculous is to bring back his wife Emilee was magical coma caused by a damaged peacock miraculous.
Chloe: Emilee didn't disappear....
Michael: No she was kept below the mansion inside a glass coffin to sustain her life. Luckily I broke into the mansion and took back the miraculous's and repaired the peacock miraculous as well as healed Emilee. She is doing fine and is going to help Gabriel become a better person after I erased his memories along with Natalie who was Mayura.
Kagami: So it is true, Hawk Moth is gone.
Michael: Yes. It is done. Now I must take my leave, see you guys back in school but it would be the last.
Nino: What do you mean?
Michael: You will know soon enough. Flora.
Flora: Yes, Michael.
Michael: Let's go home, meetings over.
Everyone except Marinette left while it just leaves her and Michael and unconscious Adrien on the ground. Michael changes back into Shadow Spider and was about to leave when Marinette stopped him.
Shadow Spider: NO YOU FUCKING LISTEN! Do you know how much you hurt me. We were going to have a wonderful life together I had dreams for the both of us, dreams that could make yours come true. After graduation I wanted us to express our love to everyone and to settle down and move in together like all couple do, go to college together, graduate with honors and soon be something more. But you turned it all down for that bastard of model who knows nothing of the outside world and was homeschooled for his whole fucking miserable life! You ruined me no shattered me, shattered my heart and shattered the dream. I want nothing to do with you anymore.
Marinette: don't mean that...
Shadow Spider: I do. It's over Marinette, forget about me and everything related to me get rid of and go be with that blonde ass of boyfriend of yours. And I don't care what he does to you and if he cheats on you I don't care. I will be long gone before than and you will never see me again. I already told your parents and they know how I felt.
Marinette: 😢sniff...please don't go.
Shadow Spider: I am allowing however for you to keep your miraculous. That's the only thing you can have. Tiki keep an eye on her.
Tiki: I would do what I must, Michael.
Shadow Spider: Good, Plagg I'm taking you back with me.
Plagg: You got any cheese, I am starving.
Shadow Spider: The more you can eat my friend. Marinette.
Marinette: Y...yes....
Shadow Spider: You shouldn't have let Adrien get to you nor had that stupid ass of friend of yours Alya filled your head with nonsense. This is it for us, and I mean everything. Our friendship, our relationship, our partnership its done. Don't ever come near me again, stick with your boy toy for whatever I care. Goodbye and good riddance.
Shadow Spider shoots a web with Plagg following behind and leaves a heart broken Marinette behind with an unconscious Agreste. She looked at where her boy no ex-boyfriend left and when gone she broke down into tears.
Marinette: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!😢....I'm sorry..I'm so sorry!!!!
Tiki: Marinette....
Marinette: S...SPOTS ON!!!!
Marinette changes into Ladybug with still tears coming down her face and takes the Agreste back home then heads home and lays on her bed that she made the biggest mistake of her entire life and she hurt the one who showed her love and compassion. Michael was always there for her when she needed him even as Shadow Spider but now she has lost him forever and it was all her fault for falling for someone new to her.
Marinette I'm sorry Michael...I am so sorry.
Tiki(Thought): Sigh...this wouldn't have happened if you didn't betray Michael's heart. I am sorry Marinette but he made his choice. You need to move on and forget. It's better that way.
Back with Michael who arrived at his grandfathers house, he tore down all the stuff related to Marinette and destroyed them leaving nothing left but kept the pastry book that Tom and Sabine gave him for his birthday since he enjoyed their sweats. He deleted and took down the pictures of Marinette with him on his phone and on his computer though kept the pictures of his friends up because he wants something to remember them before he takes his leave.
Plagg: Michael..
Flora: Are you going to be okay?
Michael: Sigh...I'm not sure anymore guys.
Duusuu: Sorry for what has happened to you guardian.
Nooroo: We all are.
Kwami's: Us to!
Michael: Thank you for your concerns everyone. I really appreciated the kindness you all gave me.
Flora: You're our friend Michael, we would always be here for you just like your grandpa wanted.
Michael: God bless his soul.
Flora: So now that the miraculous's are back in the miracle box and the world is saved what next?
Michael: I plan to take you all back to the temple, It's time for you all to reunite with the monks and the other guardians. You been away from home far too long and it would be nice of them to see you guys again.
Plagg: True, I do miss seeing the other kwami's back at the temple.
Flora: When do we leave?
Michael: The day after tomorrow, I have everything packed up and ready to move out. Also I'm selling the house, I figured a nice family could use a place to live in.
Nooroo: That is very sweet of you guardian.
Michael: Heh, you can call me Michael.
Nooroo: As you wish mas..I mean Michael.
Michael: For now, eat first and then get some rest. I have something to do tomorrow and it will be sad but I am going to miss those who I cared about and remember them for all time.
Flora: We understand Michael.
Michael: Thank you, Flora. You are the best kwami a guy like me could ever have.
Flora: And your the best guardian slash super hero I had the honor of fighting along side with.
Michael: That's my spider kwami.
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