Killer Frost Part 2

Author's Note: I started watching    
Ladybug and Chat Noir since the episode of Dark Owl since my brother showed it to me and I checked the   Ladybug and Chat Noir wiki for this episode which mentions a tribute  to Batman '66 one of my all time favorite classics.

The battle between Chat Noir and Killer Frost was now on the Parisian rooftops heading towards the Eiffel Tower. One of Frost's ice blast landed close to Chat causing him to loose his balance just as Ladybug Ice arrived using her Yo-Yo to keep him from falling as she went head on against Killer Frost. "Hey Kitty, looks like I am a step a head of you so get your Kwami go Ice! And don't worry I brought some back up." She said just as a red and yellow blur arrived at the scene. "Those two must be the Parisian heroes known as Ladybug and Chat Noir, and Ladybug actually looks different in person." Thought Barry who didn't know about the power upgrades they had as Chat retreated to power up his Kwami. "Guys I'm here but the thing is that Caitlin is not Caitlin, right now she is what people here call Akumatized!" He said through the comms. "Hey Flash! Looking to get actual French pastries from France? Because you should be in Central City." Said Killer Frost once she noticed The Flash's arrival. "Now that you're here, looks like Ladybug is going to need your help!" She adds as started shooting ice from her hands as a green and orange blurs came to Ladybug's rescue while The Flash pits himself between Frost and Ladybug using his arms to create a vortex to deflect her blasts from Ladybug and the new arrivals.

Behind the protection of a vehicle with Carapace on the look out protecting the others as Rena was admiring the suit Ladybug had and was about to ask questions when Chat Noir signaled the heroes while skating on one of Frost's ice trails. Picks them up with his baton. Rena Rouge and  Carapace ran on the rooftops as Ladybug and Chat skated to The Eiffel Tower through Killer Frost's ice trails. They all arrived to see The Flash dodging Killer Frost's attacks but unfortunately for all speedsters, They have a tendency to pass out once their calorie levels are low causing him to end up on the floor and Killer Frost ends up freezing him under a ton of ice. With him underneath the ice, she retreated to the Tower to plan a way to get the miraculous of both Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug notices The Flash was unconscious and under a lot of ice, and gets Chat and Rena to go after the villain while she and Carapace protect and free the speedster.

Upon noticing that The Flash's life signs are lowering, Iris got Cisco to suit up and get her father to gather some police to stop Frost. The police arrived later to offer assistance by closing down the area surrounding The Eiffel Tower and SWAT storms into The Tower  but were caught in the crossfire between Chat and Rena along with Killer Frost causing them to become copsicles. The Flash was finally released from the icy prison thanks to Ladybug's wire cutting effort with her Yo-Yo and Vibed back to the STAR Labs Trailer under Vibe's orders. Ladybug and The Elongated Man went to keep The Tower from collapsing due to Chat's Cataclysm as both he and Rena fell off The Tower with Frost in tow. Vibe breaches to the falling heroes as he gets them inside the breach to The Siene while fighting Frost when he vibed a mansion's butterfly shaped window. Upon freeing the heroes from Frost, the three made their way towards Ladybug to regroup. Before leaving the scene of the battle,  Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm to repair the current damage to the city caused during the battle.

Arriving to the STAR Labs Trailer, the heroes of both Central City and Paris set both Chat Noir and Rena Rouge on the medbeds and separating them from each other under Ladybug's request while Carapace was patrolling  Paris with The Elongated Man. She detransforms not knowing that The Flash was there unmasked and eating a granola bar. "You're that girl I saved earlier. Because you certainly have a good cover as a clumsy civilian and with a mask, you are not clumsy." He compliments as he speeds off to change to STAR Labs attire before returning. "Don't worry me and the team can keep a secret." Marinette was surprised at what Barry was saying. "But as heroes aren't we supposes to keep our secret identity from being exposed to eachother to protect our friends and family?" Marinette asked him as she noticed both Rena's and Chat's transformation  wore off when Cisco arrived carrying bags of pastries. "I don't know what Caitlin would say but you need to get your Calorie levels go OVER 9000!" He said giving Barry a bag of pastries which Marinette notices as those from her parent's bakery. "Who is she? What is that? Where is Ladybug?" Cisco asks as he noticed Marinette and her Kwami. "Cisco you're looking at her and she has a pretty good cover preventing others from discovering who she really is." Barry explains to Cisco. "Young lady, you have a lot explaining to do-" Cisco tries to explain until someone woke up due to a Kwami's cry for cheese. "Adrien give me the cheese." At the sound of the Kwami,  Tikki flew to Plagg knocking him down to the ground as Alya came around and her Kwami also went after Plagg. Alya looks around the room whose curtains were ripped of thanks to the Kwamis seeing not only her friends with someone and the Kwamis on the floor tangled with Plagg suffocating in the center. With everyone in shocked, Barry breaks the  silence as he said he was going to get pastries before speeding of to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.

Once Barry left, the Kwamis decided to have a talk after getting untangled while their chosen decided to talk. "Guys I can't believe that both of you love and reject each other for the past two years! And I only know who is Carapace along with Chloe as Queen Bee! Marinette you should have told me about this because I was more suspicious of your behavior during Prime Queen's attack." Alya said with mixed feelings of anger and surpise. "My Kwami told me not to reveal our secrets with each other until we stop the threat, or in a life / death situation!" Explained Marinette. "This is all your fault Tikki!" Yelled Plagg as Tikki starts to explain. "You know what Plagg, this is technically a life / death situation since this new Akuma victim has more experience with her powers than the others whose powers were explained by Hawkmoth." Trixx agreed with Tikki's words since his chosen got Knocked out due to the power of her attacks and he felt it even Plagg had to admit the same thing. Adrien laughed at his Kwami as he gave him his cheese. "This is the first time I see Plagg agreeing on something that isn't cheese related." Barry arrived a short time later struggling with a lot of pastry boxes. "Mr. Allen did you just bought everything my family sells at the bakery?" Marinette asked as she was given a box of macaroons and chocolate chip cookies while Adrien and Alya were each given a box of croissants. "Well these pastries are so good but let's just say that all the French bread is sold out." Barry answered taking out peanut butter and different canisters of jelly. "Guys take a look at the TV Killer Frost is on the attack again!" Yelled Cisco through the intercom as Barry activated the TV. "This is Nadja Chammack with an important news update: Ladybug and her friends including The  Flash and his sidekicks have gone missing and except for two who gone frozen inside a ice barrier. Live right now in Cory Hall is Chris Brooks." "Thanks Nadja bit he got indisposed due to the black ice when he slipped." Iris explained as she was filming for the Flash Blog. "Who are you madame?" Nadja asked with a confused look. "Name's Iris West-Allen of the Central City Tribune and owner of The Flash Bl8g, and here is a clip earlier during the interview with the leaders of The Anti MetaHuman Task Force." "As you guys know about this recent attack was caused by one of our own, we will use everything in our arsenal to stop these threats and somehow I can't reach most of the members of my team except for one who has brought everything we need to stop this with the help of both Ladybug's and The Flash's teams." Said Detective Joe West. "Well there have it as we-." Said Iris before getting frozen by Frost's attack freezing her along with the police that were starting to mobilize.

Barry Allen saw the whole thing and his eyes crackles with lightning before he left to suit up. "Barry control yourself and don't forget back up." Cisco said as he mentions the teenage heroes who in synch transformed. Once they all suited up, they breached there way to City Hall where they meet up with The Elongated Man and a retransformed Carapace who used his power to break free from the ice. " Cisco, Ralph take the copsicles and The Civilians back to the Labs Carapace give them cover." Flash orders to three of the heroes. Killer Frost notices the breach and went after Cisco and Ralph but were stopped by Rena and Chat with their respective weapons with the help of Ladybug who was using her Yo-Yo. Frost went to Ladybug and started to fire icicles at the heroine just as The Flash intervened covering Ladybug as she was recoiling her Yo-Yo. Vibe breaches back into battle with an angry face dragging back Iris who protested on going back into the battle by force just in time for Ladybugto activate her Lucky Charm while Carapace Rena Chat and The Flash were doing some cover fire as The Elongated Man turned into a wall to protect Ladybug. The Lucky Charm appears (Her Lucky Charm was The Flash season 2 drug) and Ladybug starts to connect the dots. "I need that civilian and The Flash to run around Frost. Then Chat Cataclysm the floor by the victim and Rena can grab the object." "Miss West take this and use it that way you and The Flash distract while Chat can get close for his power to work while Rena and Carapace follow me to get that object. Vibe breach away any stray blast and Elongated Man do the same but make sure it doesn't affect any civilians outised the building." Ladybug others as she has the drug to Iris. "Take the miraculous of those heroes heading towards you!" Hawkmoth orders desperately to Killer Frost. Frost was already struggling with the speedsters as she was hearing a voice inside her head that wasn't Hawkmoth. Because of this, Chat was able to Cataclym the area around her as Rena under Carapace's protection grabbed the item and gives it to Ladybug who immediately purifies the akuma before using her Lucky Charm to return Paris to normal with the victim but Killer Frost stayed in place. The Flash ran up to her. "Caitlin are you okay?" He asked. "She's okay and decided to let me stretch my legs even though I technically did it while being possessed." Killer / Caitlin responds as Cisco came to them. "Guys we need to head back to base, Harry has found something that will surprise you all after I gave him info during our first fight against Evil Frost." "We'll be there Cisco." Flash complies as his eyes charged with lightning and returning to base in a flash with the others in tow. Meanwhile in the mansion, Hawkmoth wasn't in the mood. "YOU MAY HAVE WON AGAIN WITH HELP FROM OTHER SUPERHEROES BUT ICE TRY DEFEATING OTHERS IN THE FUTURE!"

Once returning, Detective Joe West,  Lt Roger along with the others who were waiting for the heroes to start a meeting. "Guys I think I know who Hawkmoth is." Said Cisco

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