17) FrΣΔkΥ FriδΔΥ
Marinette groaned as she dragged her feet out of the school. One hand was gripping her purse, and the other was holding her gut. "TGIF. I hate cramps so much," she whined. Alya, who was walking beside her, winced a little.
They stepped down the stairs side by side toward the street. "Ooh. What day are you on?" Alya asked. Marinette sighed as she held up a single finger. Her best friend gave her a look of pity. "Well, I'm here for you, girl. And cheer up! It's Friday! Let's go to the movies. A new film should do the trick to take your mind off of certain things."
The two weren't far behind the boys, who waited near the sidewalk to chat for bit until Adrien's ride would show up. Marinette kept staring at her shoes while they continued their stroll. I need some painkillers.... She was so focused on her aches that she didn't notice that Alya stopped moving, so she subconsciously did the same.
"You know how a period is supposed to be three to seven days?" Marinette finally huffed. "Who is that brat that only has to suffer three days?"
"How long are your classes? The longest period I had was fifty minutes."
Marinette squeaked at the voice and whipped her head up to find that Alya had stopped to talk with the boys. She couldn't believe she just said that in front of her crush!! Her sweating palms instinctively hid her flushed face. Most. Embarrassing. Thing. Ever. For some reason Alya was staring at Adrien with her mouth wide open.
That's when Marinette realized he was looking at her expectantly. Waiting for her to say something. He appeared clueless and it took a moment for her to process what he had just said. She suddenly arched an eyebrow.
Nino let out a roar of laughter. A confused Adrien turned to look at his best friend. "What?" He said innocently. Marinette got a better grasp on the situation and awkwardly pressed her lips together. Nino clutched his stomach and gasped for air.
"That's not what she meant, bro. I mean, of all people, you should know," he snickered. Adrien's face was instantly tinged red. "Th-that was one time, Nino! I told you it was just a bad choice of words, I really did have to go when Marinette went!" He raised his hands in defense. Marinette was the one that was confused now. What were they talking about?
Alya seemed to read her thoughts, then leaned into her ear. "I'll tell you later," she whispered as the boys argued. Marinette nodded as a flustered Adrien kept defending himself.
As long as she wasn't the only idiot here, she was good. Funny, I never heard Adrien say anything stupid before. Marinette was reminded of when her lucky charm had given her a bralette and Chat Noir was completely clueless. She rolled her eyes at the memory. They were so different, yet so alike in some ways....it was weird.
"Well, then," Alya began. "Marinette and I gotta split. We have a movie to see. You guys wanna come?"
"Sorry, I have to wait for my ride. I have a photoshoot soon," Adrien explained. He gave them an apologetic smile. As much as he wanted to come, he couldn't. "I'll just wait here with my bro, but we'll take a raincheck," Nino added. "I'm holding you to that," Alya swore before leaving with her friend. Marinette looked over her shoulder.
"Bye!" She managed to say to them. Adrien mustered up a weak smile and waved back.
Once they were gone, Adrien shook his head. "Can you please never mention that to any of the guys? Or the girls? Or anyone, for that matter," Adrien pleaded. Nino chuckled. "Never bring it up in public, got it. But I'm never gonna let you live this down, dude," he laughed. The model moaned.
"It must be awful to be a girl," Nino decided.
"It can't be that bad."
"Ha! That's a good one, dude."
Marinette sat alone in the front row of the movie theater rubbing her eyes. Talking about such personal things in front of Adrien earlier made her want to die. She must seem disgusting now. Alya was grabbing refreshments before the movie started, but she didn't feel like tagging along. Then a quiet voice behind her had pulled her from her thoughts.
She didn't bother to look behind her and shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth. She might as well drown her sorrows in something. After all, her world was eternally over.
Marinette twisted in her seat to see a teenage boy checking her out from the back row. His eyes grew big at the sight of her face. "Oh, DANG!" He awed. She ignored him and faced the screen again. She was not in a social mood. "Okay, okay, okay," the guy thought aloud to himself, then cleared his throat. "Excuse me, can I talk to you for a minute?" He called across the room.
Marinette paid no attention to him. "Excuse me, can I talk to you for a minute??" The dude repeated, speaking much louder this time. She internally groaned and turned around again. "Uh, yeah, what's up?" She sighed.
"Oh, yeah...my name's Duh-rell, it's spelled like Darrell, but it's pronounced Duh-RELL. Oh, yeah, I just wanna let you know the back of yo' head is rid-ick-i-luss."
"Um, thanks."
His accent sounded really weird and so was his outfit. He wore a sweater vest with baggy pants, and a bandana was wrapped around his head. Marinette then realized this guy was American.
"Yeah, you are welcome!"
She shook her head and shifted her focus to her phone. The young girl jumped in her seat when Darrell suddenly sat next to her. "Where's yo' boyfriend?" Marinette blinked. "Who?"
"Yo' boyfriend. Where yo' boyfriend?" He quickly repeated, checking their surroundings. "Is he gettin' you refreshments? Is he tall? Is he gettin' you Mike-n-Ikes? Do you like Mike-n-Ikes? Is he hefty? Is he comin' back?" The American boy fired one question after another like bullets. My lord, shut up. You are worse than Chat Noir....and his accent- he sounds like an idiot. Marinette gritted her teeth.
"Where yo' boyfriend? Where yo' boyfriend now? Where yo' boyfriend?"
"I don't have a boyfriend!"
Darrell seemed taken aback for a moment, then smirked. "Oh, you don't- you don't have a boyfriend..." She froze at his sudden change of tone. Crap, I shouldn't of said that... "Oh, okay...okay, okay, that's cool, yeah...so listen, uh, I was wondering- can I have yo' numba? Can I have yo' numba?" He blurted as he leaned in closer.
Marinette scooted back and cringed at the guy's persistance. "Uh, I don't give out my number...in theaters...when I'm about to watch a movie..." She awkwardly replied. The guy only nodded.
"Oh, oh, okay, okay. That's cool, that's cool," he rambled. "I get it, you know. You like into pondering the cinema, like make believe, okay, you know- yeah yeah me too yeah I respect that just do yo' thang-" Wtf is this guy going on about, can he just leave me alone? OMG...is this how Adrien always feels around MOI?!! She almost yelped when she found the guy sitting on the other side of her. When the heck did he move?
"So what's yo' name? What's yo' name, delicate?" He pressed. Her hand squeezed the strap of her purse. "Oh, um...Marinette."
"Oh, Marinette! Dang, hold up!" Darrell exclaimed. "That's a cute Frenchy name; Marinette! My lil' cheese, my lil' croissant..."
She wrinkled her face in disgust. Okay, listen, buddy, only CHAT can flirt with me and say dumb puns so back off!! Marinette began to mutter incoherent sounds under her breath. This guy picked the worst day to mess with the wrong girl in Paris and she was going to lose it. Alya slipped back into their row with two sodas ready in her hands and approached them, slightly puzzled.
"So, listen, can I have yo'-"
"GET LOST!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, jumping to her feet and throwing her arms in the air. The drinks went flying out of Alya's hands and spilled open on the floor. She was right behind her best friend and was caught off guard. Marinette, who was fuming, turned to meet her bff as Darrell scurried out of the theater.
"Girl! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Alya reprimanded. "What'd I miss??"
"This desperate tourist kept begging for my number and the moron wouldn't back off and now I need twice as much aspirin for my pain including the frickin headache he gave me and I am this close to-" She stopped shouting and realized everyone in the theater was watching her.
"Look-ah, just...sit down and enjoy the movie," Alya advised. "I'll be right back with more beverages. Try not to kill anyone." Marinette gave her a slow nod. "Sorry, I'm just really sensitive right now," she whispered, suddenly feeling self conscious of herself. How big of a scene did she make?
The movie ended up being a romantic comedy about two high schoolers in love, but they didn't know it. Alya had to keep cupping her hand over Marinette's mouth whenever she tried to scream at the character's oblivion, or shush her whenever she kept on giggling too loud.
Once they exited the building, tears wouldn't stop dripping down the young designer's face. She helplessly sobbed during the entire walk back to the bakery with an overly concerned Alya.
They finally reached the entrance to her house as Marinette swung open the door to the shop. "I don't understand why you're upset, that movie was great and it had a perfectly happy ending. So what is wrong?"
"...You mean the cat?"
She blew her nose into a napkin and nodded. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she couldn't stop crying. "Um...that was an off screen death, and it was meant to be funny and ironic since black cats are bad luck-"
"Okay...I'm gonna leave you alone now...just take care and a nice hot bath," Alya slowly spoke before pacing away down the sidewalk. Marinette dragged her feet into her home and made her way into her room.
"Tikkiiiiiii," she whined. Tikki flew out of her satchel to her side. "Marinette, you really should calm down," the little kwami said. Marinette threw herself onto her chaise. "I'm sorry, this whole thing has been throwing my day off. I wish I was a guy..."
"Marinette, I know this time of the month can be tough, but pull it together. At least try to do something to take your mind off of it."
She immediately sat up with a brightened face. "You're right! I never got a chance to try on my latest design I finished last night!"
She rushed to her sewing desk and lifted a bright red and black spotted costume. After slipping it on, she stepped in front of her mirror. She had spent forever working on a cosplay of her Ladybug suit, mask and all. The material was very good quality, but it was nowhere near as amazing as the real thing. Marinette struck a pose and beamed at her reflection.
"Ha! I look purrfect!"
As soon as she said it, her hands clamped over her mouth. Did I just say a cat pun? When Chat wasn't even around?! Tikki giggled at her holder. "I'd say Chat Noir is starting to rub off on you," she teased. Marinette raised her eyebrows, then nonchalantly swatted her hand.
"Psh! What? Chat Noir? Rubbing off on me? You're hysterical, Tikki!"
Adrien gazed upon his ring as he twisted it on his finger. The photo shoot that day was a long one, and he had gotten sick of sitting still for hours. It was time to go out.
"Plagg, claws out!"
"What?! But at least let me eeeeeaaat-"
The hungry kwami got sucked into the miraculous, transforming him into the well known superhero. Chat Noir dove out the window, then soared across Paris. He enjoyed the moment of freedom, but like everything else that was good, it didn't last.
His cat ears picked up a loud cry from about a half a kilometer away. The tomcat followed the sound of distress until he came across a scene of chaos. No doubt it was an akuma, but rather than injuries or citizens disappearing, it was just a complete madhouse. Everyone scattered about in confusion and there were a few car accidents that had happened.
Chat immediately retrieved his communicator to place a call to a certain lady. Simultaneously, the super heroine landed right next to him on the rooftop.
"Great to see you, bugaboo," he greeted with a charming grin, lightly kissing her hand. For a split second, she felt an electric flow at his touch. Ladybug shook her head and retrieved her hand, then frowned. "Chat, move. You're blocking the view."
"M'lady, I am the view."
He winked before she rolled her eyes and shoved him aside to get a good look at all the mayhem unleashed in front of them. Ladybug narrowed her eyes. "I lost sight of the akuma, where did she-"
The pair was suddenly struck with a powerful zap from behind as they collapsed. They both blacked out for a brief moment then regained their senses. Chat Noir groggily lifted his head as footsteps approached him. He quickly rolled over and jumped to his feet to deliver a swift kick to the akumatized girl's stomach.
She staggered back, but swung out her arm to fight back. He did a back bend with ease and tied it in with a backhand spring, finishing gracefully at a safe distance.
Since when did I become this flexible?
"Ha! Is that the best you got?" He taunted. He reached into his belt for his baton, only to become puzzled when he felt nothing there. Chat frantically patted his waist and looked down to see an alarming sight. His hands were red. His suit was spotted. And instead of his stick, a yoyo hung at his side.
Chat whipped his head to his right. There was another Chat Noir. "Who the heck are you?!" He exclaimed at the superhero beside him. The other Chat stood up and squinted.
"Chat Noir?? Why do you look like me?!" The copy shouted, but their voice was much more feminine. Chat gaped when he recognized the voice. "M'lady? Is that you? I could ask you the same!"
Then it dawned on both of them. "Oh no..." they realized in unison. "Oh, yes," the akuma replied. Chat's eyes widened. "Wait a minute! Does this mean...?" He bolted over to a glass window on the rooftop of the building and gasped at his reflection.
"I'm a girl?!!"
I'm stuck in body of the love of my life this is so wrong in so many ways!! Yet, strangely enough, his voice remained the same as his partner's did. Chat suddenly doubled over in pain. "Chat, are you okay? What's wrong?!"
He clutched his gut and cringed. "Oh my CAT what is this god awful feeling?!" He cried in agony. And why do I feel so emotional? Ladybug pressed her lips together.
"Wow...maybe this isn't such a bad trade after all," she mumbled, studying her hot pink claws. She furrowed her eyebrows at the color. "Chat, it's been over a week! Why haven't you removed this nail polish? It looks so tacky!" Ladybug complained.
"I'm busy dying over here..."
Ladybug then discovered she had a sudden desire for fish. Oh, my god, this cat-thing really is legit. Poor Chat Noir's normal food cravings just expanded from a seven to a thirteen out of ten.
"I'm a girl, I'm an actual girl, I just turned into my lady and nothing feels natural, what am I going to tell father??" He nervously rambled.
"Hey, guys! Have fun catching me like that!" The akuma laughed and ran away.
Ladybug pulled out the small stick on her belt. "Chat Noir, quick! We must fix this fast or we won't-"
"I can't do this, LB!" He helplessly cried. "How do you expect me to pull this off when I'm hopelessly stuck like this my life is over I am suffering a hormonal imbalance and a SERIOUS identity crisis I know I said I'd always be there for you I'M SO SORRY TO LET YOU DOWN!!"
Ladybug blinked at the over emotional copy of her choking on girlish sobs. Was she acting this bad earlier? Of course not...he is handling this ten times worse than I did. Chat felt a paw on his shoulder. "Listen, Chat. This sucks, I know. I deal with this once a month. A dozen times a year," she soothed. "But it will be okay."
Her partner sniffled before his jaw slowly dropped as her words sank deeper in. "Wait...you mean to tell me..." Ladybug gave him a sheepish nod of confirmation and patted his shoulder. "But thanks for taking the slack off of me for a day, it means a lot. I promise I'll make it up to you."
She watched her own face scrunch up in front of her, lip quivering. There was nothing cringier than seeing your own face have an ugly meltdown. "I want croissants," he wailed. After a thirty second pep talk on self confidence, she got him to pull himself together. For now.
Chat started coming to his senses and rubbed his eyes. "Oh, my gosh, what is wrong with me," he grumbled. "Being a girl is pawful." Ladybug smirked. "Cat puns really don't suit you when you're out of costume." Her partner shrugged with a sigh. "Well, I guess I'll have to change my approach a little, now that I've been put on the spot." Ladybug pursed her lips and was trying so hard to restrain herself. "Okay, you are clearly fine, let's go," she muttered.
"I'm ready when you are, kitty," Chat said in a high pitched voice, then sassily tossed his pigtails. Ladybug abruptly jammed a pink claw into his nose, careful not to cut him-er, her-nevermind. "Don't make me hurt you, because I'd like my body perfectly undamaged when I get it back," she hissed.
The duo then raced through the city to begin the search for the akuma. Ladybug's messy blonde hair blew behind her in the wind as she instinctively ran all fours. This has got to be the weirdest thing I've ever done, she thought. They both skidded to a stop when Chat spotted the villain shooting other people with her awful powers. He and Ladybug concurrently peeked up from their hiding spot.
They were ready for this nightmare to end. "Let's ambush them," Ladybug whispered, pulling the stick from her belt. Chat smoothed his dark hair and turned to her. "I would like that, bugaboo-" He began, but faltered when their eyes met.
"What?" She asked, her confused cat eyes widening.
"I...can't take you seriously looking like that."
"Like you?"
"It makes it impossible to flirt with you," he admitted while tugging on his pigtails. "Now you know how I feel," she teased. Chat gasped at her response. "At least I get a day off from all your pet names," she added, itching herself behind a cat ear. "Anyways, we jump out on three: one, two, three!"
The miraculous holders pounced from their safe place and surprised the akuma. The villain spun around at the sound of their arrival and evilly grinned. "About time you sorted things out. I've been looking forward to this!" She charged toward her opponents. Even though she had no weapon, she was highly confident and attacked Chat.
Ladybug panicked as she shook her stick around. She twisted it. She threw it. She waved it. "Chat, how do you make your staff extend?!" She demanded. "I'm a little busy!" Chat replied as he kept fighting the girl in hand to hand combat. "It's time to wrap things up!" He yelled, then shot out his yoyo.
Unfortunately, he missed as it sailed over the akuma's shoulder and toward his partner. "Ow!" Ladybug snapped when the yoyo clanked her in the head. Chat frantically tried to reel the yoyo in as he backed away from their foe. "How do you work this thing?!" He freaked, trying to gather all the loose string. Soon, he was stuck into a tangled mess. "Buzz off!" He snapped at the villain. Ladybug launched her metal stick at the akuma, who was closing in on Chat.
It smacked her in the head, making her yelp and shift her focus to her. Ladybug engaged into a fight with her, giving Chat more time to escape from his mess. "Ladybug! I can't get the knots out!"
"It's a magic yoyo, it doesn't get knots!"
"Yes, it does!" He whined. Ladybug sighed to herself as she blocked a hit. Of course he manages to do the impawsible. "Use the lucky charm!" She ordered. Chat picked through the string in search of the yoyo. After he found it, he tried to stand up, but fell on his face when string tightened around his ankles.
"LUCKYYYYYYYY CHARM!!" He yelled, trying to fling the yoyo up. It must've worked, because shortly after, a toaster smashed onto his head and clattered on the pavement. I think I have brain damage... Chat weakly lifted his head and saw the red and black spotted kitchen appliance lying next to him. "A toaster? A freaking toaster? What the frick frack do I do with a fricking frack toaster?!" He yelled. Curse these hormones....
And then his earrings started to beep with a five minute warning. "Ladybug! Please help, I'm going to detransform soon!" Chat warned. Ladybug froze in place. Oh no....he can't know my identity!! She tripped the akumatized girl and rushed over to help her partner out of the untangled mess.
Ladybug glowered at the stringy mess Chat was stuck in. "Really, Chat?" She growled, attempting to undo the knots. When he was freed, they quickly gathered the bunched up piles of black string together. "Allow me," she huffed, then rolled up the yoyo with ease, ridding themselves of the mess. Chat placed his hands on his hips.
"Wanna trade?"
She studied the yoyo as he eyed his weapon tucked in her belt. "Yeah, that'd be nice," she agreed while they quickly exchanged weapons. Chat spun his stick into a long staff as Ladybug spun her yoyo into a shield. To bystanders, it was quite odd watching Ladybug preparing for combat with a staff as Chat Noir was spinning a yoyo in a sassy manner. "Seriously, why didn't we think of this five minutes ago?" She thought aloud. Chat shrugged. "Beats me."
They persevered after the villain, who had just regained her stance. Chat smirked. They had the advantage now. The fight seemed too easy for them. Chat swept his staff under the girl's legs which caused her to fall, but she somehow tripped them both from her place on the ground. The akuma then gave Chat a hard kick to his knuckles with perfect precision. "Ow!" He exclaimed, dropping his baton.
She laughed maliciously and tackled him face to face, lunging for his earrings, but a yoyo wrapped around her wrist and tugged her back. While she and Ladybug went into a full on cat fight, Chat noticed the toaster still lying on the pavement a few feet away.
As Ladybug kept deflecting all of her enemy's punches and kicks, a loud clang was heard before she crumbled to the ground. Chat, who stood behind her, proudly held up the toaster. "Now, that's what I call spot on." The super heroine gawked at his rash action. "Chat, did you just-" He nodded. "Well, we had to make some use of this piece of junk," he simply said, tossing the appliance over his shoulder. "I really like thinking inside the box," he decided.
"Chat, she is unconscious."
"I know, now quick, let's get the akuma before-" His earrings gave one last beep before a blinding, red flash shone around him. Ladybug's heart skipped a beat as she held her breath. After he was detransformed, his eyes were pinched tightly shut. "I know I can't see see my current face, but I respect your wishes, m'lady."
Ladybug held up a claw, but couldn't bring herself to say anything. "M'lady?" Hearing no answer, Chat peeked an eye open, then gasped at what he saw. Oh my GOD...Ladybug is...LADYBUG?! Both of his eyes were fully open as he stared at himself in disbelief.
"Okay, I'm officially lost," he established, studying his hands, which remained red covered in black spots. Chat arched an eyebrow at his partner, then dramatically gasped when it clicked. "Do you not have another life? Is this why you refuse to show me your identity? Is it really because you don't even have one?? Are you secretly Ladybug twenty four seven???"
Ladybug sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose with exasperation. "No, you idiot! I was trying on a cosplay costume I made for myself when I had to transform and I completely forgot about it until now," she explained. "To prove it, my kwami is floating right beside you."
"Hello, I'm Tikki!"
Chat jumped at the tiny voice to see a tiny red kwami next to him. "Um, hello..." It was weird for him to see another kwami other than Plagg. "Do you....need some cheese?" He asked. Ladybug furrowed her eyebrows. "Cheese? Why the heck would she need cheese?" "To recharge, obviously." Tikki laughed at his assumptions. "Oh, no, that's a Plagg thing. Every kwami is different," she described.
"Yeah, she eats cookies," Ladybug clarified. Chat tugged his pigtails again. "I could use some cookies," he mumbled. Of course my lady's kwami can live off of sweet smelling baked goods while I'm stuck carrying stinky camembert wherever I go. Chat sighed heavily. "Let's just stop at the nearest bakery and get this over with," he groaned. "I hate being a girl!"
"Really? I thought you did an outstanding job. Is it bugging you?" Ladybug teased. Her partner ignored her statement. "Can we just go, please? With every passing minute, these aches get worse and if I don't have some chocolate soon, I will die a painful death! I don't have my nine lives anymore, remember?"
After a brief errand to the Dupain Cheng bakery, Tikki powered up and Chat transformed back into the actual Ladybug. Unfortunately, he was the one who had to purify the akuma. With much struggling and lots of tutoring from Ladybug, he eventually figured out how to open the magic yoyo and capture the dark butterfly. It was also weird to hear Chat shout miraculous ladybug and throw a toaster up into the air, but it worked, thank god.
In a blink of an eye, they were back into their normal bodies. Chat tightly hugged himself and thanked the universe while Ladybug...not so much. But despite all that, the day was still saved.
Omggggg that was the longest part I think I wrote yet. Whelp hope you liked! 😁 I will try to get one out in time for April First but I will only have two days to write it now, but wait-
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