Ladybug desperately studied her surroundings until she spotted some elegant rafters made of ice. A lightbulb formed inside of her. Chat Noir was so close to falling, she was willing to try anything.
"Chat, I have an idea, but you need to hang on," she said.
"Don't worry. I don't plan on going anywhere, m'lady," Chat grunted, his hand now trembling in the ice. His claws could only anchor him for so long. She took a deep breath, then let go of his arm. She ran back a few steps and swung up her yoyo.
"Chat, be ready to catch!" Ladybug alerted. The yoyo sailed over a rafter and back down towards her partner. In a split second, he shot up his free arm to catch her yoyo as it wrapped itself around his wrist.
After he had let go of the edge of the balcony, Ladybug's arms flexed as she worked to raise him up with her new makeshift pulley. Soon, she had lifted him to safety. Chat stood up and whistled.
"Wow, talk about a cliffhanger. That was a real-" before Chat Noir could finish, he was cut off by an abrupt hug. Ladybug tightly embraced him and buried her nose into his shoulder. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," she said in a low voice.
Chat smiled a little as he let his arms wrap around her. He leaned back a little so he could see her face better, then gently tilted her chin up.
"Hey, chin up. I still made it. Besides, this cat still has its nine lives," he eased. Ladybug opened her mouth, but was interrupted by her earrings. They beeped with one final warning.
"Oh, no! I'll be right back!" She tore from their embrace and darted outside of the icy chamber. While Chat waited, he wandered around aimlessly until he started to smell something. He tried to smell the sweet scent out, then realized it was from the frosty walls.
After Ladybug recharged and fed Tikki cookies from her purse, she transformed and ran back in only to witness a startling sight. "Chat, what in the world are you doing?"
"Mah lah-dah?"
She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, because Chat was currently facing the wall with his tongue frozen to it. "Care to explain why you were licking the wall?" She huffed, but suddenly shook her head. "You know what? I don't even wanna know."
Chat placed his palms on the wall and was about to forcefully jerk his head back, until Ladybug ran over and stopped him.
"No, no, no, don't do that!" She warned. "You could seriously damage your tongue and cause a lot of bleeding! You wouldn't be able to talk for days and...then again, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing."
"Ayy!" He whined. "Wuh, them whuhm aye thuppothed tha do?"
"Okay, cup your hands around your mouth," she instructed. He did so. "Now, keep breathing. Your breath should warm it up and thaw it." To her relief, it worked. Chat licked his lips in satisfaction. "Boy, I'm never doing that again," he chuckled.
Ladybug frowned. "Are you kidding me? Why did you do that?" Chat only laughed at her scolding. "Hey, one, I didn't know that would happen, and two, it tasted like vanilla!"
He nodded and was about to defend his actions further, but froze. He watched as a thick streak of white fade a black piece of her hair. His eyes widened. "What?" She asked.
"Don't worry about me, worry about your hair!" He exclaimed. "Excuse me?" She scoffed. "You should see your hair, it's a mess!"
"No, yours is turning white," he pointed. She suddenly grabbed a pigtail to see another piece fade white. "White? It's what?" She gasped.
"It's because she struck you; isn't it?"
"Does it look bad?"
Chat wavered as he ran a hand through his hair. "...No." Ladybug raised an eyebrow. "You hesitated."
"No, I didn't," he lied. "Ladybug, you need help. Now, come on," he compelled before walking off. "Ugh, Chat, I'm fineeeee," she groaned as she trailed behind him. Once they exited the massive castle, what awaited the two had them surprised. The once, emotionless bystanders that had meandered about have all hardened into statues of ice.
"They're all...frozen," Ladybug observed. "We better find her before the entire city turns into a big popsicle."
"It's a bit late for that." As they trudged through the snowy sidewalks, the wind picked up, bringing more flurries down. Ladybug shivered and crossed her arms. "Cold, m'lady?" She shrugged. "Yeah, but can you blame me? I'm sure you're freezing your tail off too," she answered.
"Of course, I admit I'm a little chilly. But with a little body warmth exchanged, it won't be so bad," he offered while waggling his eyebrows.
She rolled her eyes. "I'll pass. I'm pretty sure my suit will suffice."
"Suite yourself."
Little did they know, a certain brunette and her phone had started following them again. "How are we going to find her? She was nowhere near her palace after we left and it's dead silent out here," Chat wondered. Ladybug realized he was right. The streets were abandoned other than the human ice statues and there was an eery silence as they walked beside the icy roads.
"I'm not sure yet," she decided with a shudder. Her fingers were getting a prickly sensation. She quickly rubbed them together for warmth. Chat's ears shifted at the sound of chattering teeth. He turned to his partner in alarm. Multiple white highlights had spread to other parts of her hair and she was shivering a lot more now.
"Hey, you don't look so good. Maybe we should get you indoors-"
"I'm f-fine, Chat Noir," she insisted. "So what, it's snowing. We must get the akuma. A little cold won't kill me." Chat frowned at her stubbornness. "Well, I'm not going to stand by and do nothing," he argued. "Ladybug, you're freezing! Whether you like it or not, I'm helping you stay warm."
Chat Noir wrapped his arm around her tightly and held her close as they kept strolling through the quiet neighborhood. She didn't protest and gratefully absorbed the heat radiating from him. Her toes were completely numb, and soon, she couldn't even feel her feet.
"I said get them! And what have you done? You let them escape! Ugh, what are you good for?! I swear I'll-"
Chat gasped at the sudden voice. Ladybug felt him jerk her over to duck for cover in an alleyway, but she tripped. He tried pulling her up, but she only stumbled again and struggled to use her numb feet. The snow crunched under her body when she fell again.
"What was that?" Lila demanded from around the block. Chat's eyes widened. In a matter of seconds, he swept Ladybug off her feet and darted into the dark alley for cover. He crouched down low with her still in his arms. Her head was resting on his chest that kept moving up and down from his panting, and she relished his warm breath coming down on her face.
Chat gaped at the sight before him. Her lips lost their usual pigment- they now had a blue tint to them. Her hair had lost all of its color as well. There wasn't a single dark strand of hair on her head. "M'lady!" He gasped. "Are you alright??" Chat grasped her icy hand and pressed it to his lips. Ladybug kept shivering in his arms as her eyes started to flutter shut.
"No, m'lady! You must stay awake, don't fall asleep!" He urged, giving her a nudge. Her eyes widened a little bit at his touch. "," she chattered before weakly tossing her yo-yo. The string slipped from her frozen fingers as she tried to fumble with it, but Chat caught the yo-yo for her. To his relief, a red blanket floated down. He hastily wrapped it around Ladybug and snuggled her closer to him. She buried her face into his chest. His eyebrows furrowed with worry at her condition.
Ladybug fought with all her might to stay awake. There had to be a better way to solve this. Her mind wandered of to their battle with Dark Cupid a year ago. She thoughts wandered to when she passionately kissed her partner to break the akuma's influence on him.
Love conquers hate.
Ladybug tried to think harder. She was already sleepy as it was. With an insane amount of luck, it hit her.
"Chat...kiss me," she whispered.
"W-what?" He didn't think he heard her right. Maybe she was delirious?
"Love thaws a frozen heart," she explained. She tried lifting her limp arm up to his cheek. Her eyes were barely open, and her breath was no longer visible in the winter air. Chat pressed his lips together and immediately understood. He personally wished their first kiss would be under their own circumstances, but he would do anything to save his lady.
Simultaneously, Alya was hidden behind a café table filming the huge scoop. Her phone caught their silhouettes in each other's arms as she carefully listened to every word. She was shaking with anticipation.
"Kiss," Alya whispered, trying not to shake the camera from her trembling hands. This was live footage on the Ladyblog, so it had to be perfect. She watched intently as Chat Noir took a shaky breath. "Just kiss her," she encouraged. Chat cast a lovingly gaze down onto Ladybug, then gently tilted her chin up to the right angle.
His blonde locks hung down in his face as he gradually leaned in to his unconscious love. Suddenly, he froze, inches from her lips. Alya squeezed her hand into a fist and growled in frustration. "Why isn't he kissing her??" She grumbled to her phone. Millions of viewers were watching this moment and there was no way she could let them down.
Chat with drawed a little and nervously scratched his head. Alya tapped her hand to her chin deep in thought. "Do you think he knows how to kiss?" She wondered aloud.
I am not ready for this, this is a much bigger deal than I thought it was, he panicked. I can't believe I'm really about to kiss her oh my gosh- what am I thinking?! I have to save her before--
A blue light emitted from Ladybug's feet as her toes started solidifying into ice. Chat's heart pounded with terror as the icy transformation quickly spread up her legs. Without hesitation, he smashed his lips against hers and engaged into a passionate kiss.
In seconds, her frigid lips thawed and the warmth returned to them. He softly ran his hand through her hair as he slowly parted from her, his nose still barely touching hers. "Please wake up, bugaboo," he whimpered, pulling her into a tighter embrace. His ears drooped down.
Ladybug's eyes blinked open. Chat gasped as a huge smile spread across his face. "Bugaboo!" He happily cried. Without a thought, he lurched forward on impulse and gave her another stunning kiss. Her eyes practically bulged out of her head in surprise and her stomach felt weightless. Chat had completely caught her off guard.
It only took about two seconds in for him to realize his mistake. He abruptly pulled back from her lips in embarrassment. Ladybug could feel her face burn despite the cold weather.
"C-chat, w-why did you-what the...I-I, w-what-what was-"
Chat Noir couldn't breathe. He couldn't believed that he just kissed her on impulse like that. It was okay the first time, because that was necessary to save her life. Besides, she ended up being unconscious anyway, but now...
A deep blush covered his face. "I-I'm so sorry!" He blurted, cutting off her stammers. "I-I just...I just-I just got overexcited, and, uh-um...I'm so sorry! C-can we forget that happened?"
Ladybug was trying to calm herself down. She took deep breaths to try to regulate her pulse, because if she didn't, she feared she would faint there in his arms. "Y-yeah, okay," she agreed absentmindedly. "Can you help me up?"
"O-of course, m'lady," he quickly answered, then stood up and brought her back to her feet. She took a good look at Chat. He really did seem apologetic, which was good enough for her, and she could tell he felt about as awkward as she did.
The superheroes jumped at the scream and whipped put their weapons, ready to kill. To their horror, it was something even worse than an akuma. It was Alya herself, leaping up and down with her phone on top of a café table just outside the alley.
"Woohooo!" She shrieked. "Yeah, baby! My ship has finally sailed! It's about frickin time, people! LADYNOIR FOREVER!!"
Ladybug tried to put a hand over her face to hide her excess flushing as Chat had completely turned the other way to conceal his severe blush.
"🎶ᖇOᗯ ᖇOᗯ ᖇOᗯ YOᑌᖇ SᕼIᑭ
GEᑎTᒪY ᗪOᗯᑎ TᕼE STᖇEᗩᗰ
ᗩᑎᗪ ᗯᕼEᑎ YOᑌ SEE YOᑌᖇ OTᑭ
ᗪOᑎ'T ᖴOᖇGET TO SᑕᖇEᗩᗰ🎶"
Alya let out a crazy fangirl scream that made the pair cringe and cover their ears. Ladybug grit her teeth. "I'm going to kill her," she snarled. Chat gulped. "I don't think you'll have to," he meekly added. Alya's cries of excitement had drawn the attention of Frostbite and Marshmellow.
"Oh, they're so dead," Ladybug seethed. "They're all dead."
With her adrenaline through the roof, it didn't take very long to defeat Lila and her "little" sidekick. She enjoyed every moment of ripping Lila's precious chained bracelet apart. After she de-evilized the butterfly, she threw the red blanket into the air.
"Miraculous Ladybug!"
All the snow had melted, and the clouds disappeared, revealing a beautiful, clear blue sky. Ladybug huffed and wiped her forehead. All the anger had left her system. "Phew! That was enough snow to last a decade," she sighed in exhaustion. "I'm with you on that," Chat agreed and crossed his arms.
"Ladybug! Chat Noir!" Alya hollered as she ran after them in the town square. Both of their eyes bugged out in panic. "Sorry, gotta go ѕee yoυ laтer!" Ladybug called before snatching Chat's wrist and zipping away on her yoyo. "But wait-" Once they landed on a rooftop at least a half a mile away, her earring beeped.
"I'm just going to avoid her for a while," she decided. "Well, see you, Chat Noir. And Happy Valentine's Day." She got ready to throw her yoyo, but Chat grabbed her hand. "Wait, m'lady!" She lowered her arm, ready to listen. "Yes?"
He noticed how her mood was remarkably better than when he first saw her today. "Uh-um...aside from everything that happened today, I mean, if you didn't have anything going on later...I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out at the HQ tonight?" He asked hopefully.
Last week, Chat had surprised her with a secret hideout for them to meet up to do all their superhero business, and she had loved it. What kind of superheroes don't have a headquarters anyway?
Ladybug thought to herself. Well...I don't want to let him down, he seems pretty excited...but the last thing I want to do is spend more time around him after everything that had happened.
Chat gave her a nervous smile as he rocked back and forth on his feet.
Then again, I don't have anyone to hang out with, not even Alya, she'll be out with Nino this year. And if. I guess being with Chat is better than staying locked up in my room crying and eating a gallon of ice cream.
"Okay, why not?" She gave in. Chat's face brightened dramatically. "Fur real? Are you serious?" He had to make to sure. She laughed a little at her partner's reaction. "Yes, I'm serious," she confirmed as she poked his nose.
Once again, the cat couldn't contain himself. Chat lifted her up and spun her around the air overjoyed. "I can't believe it-I could kiss you!"
As soon as the words left his mouth, he instantly set her back down. He rubbed his neck, extremely embarrassed. I can't believe I made a fool out of myself again! His following attempt at a save was only worse.
"...I could. I mean I'd like to. I'd-may I? We me? I-I mean, mais oui? Wait, what?" He muttered, currently not believing what was coming out of his own mouth.
Ladybug smirked at his flustered actions before pecking him on the cheek. "We may," she answered. Chat Noir froze as he felt his insides self combust. His cheeks flushed into a bright crimson, and he became weak in the knees.
The next thing he knew, he swooned head over heels and collapsed. But he could've cared less.
"What am I going to do with you, chaton?" She giggled.
Hey, sup! I'm so sorry I didn't update on Valentine's 😔 I got purrty sick because I caught a nasty bug no joke. But hope you liked.
I know I said this is the final part but the next part Ṅȏṭ Ѧ Ԁѧṭє is technically a follow up on the offer you just witnessed Chat give to Ladybug like 2 pages back sooooooo yeah
Hope you liked!
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