The Wolf's Mate Part 2!

Morning came in the forest of London and Marinette who was still sleeping started to open up her eyes due to something licking her face. Her vision was blurry for a while but then became clean when she looks to see Shadow licking her cheek.

Marinette: Hehehehehehe! Stop it that tickles.


Marinette: Mmmmmm! What happened last thing I remember I past out before......LILA!!!!! THAT FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!!!!! I remember now, I was by the cliff side looking at the view when all of sudden Lila came out of nowhere with a bat and she...she beat with it before attacking me and then.....oh my gosh she threw me off the cliff side and into the water...I thought I was going to die but for some reason I am alive but how though I thought...wait what happened to my injuries? It feels like my whole body is completely fine but I don't understand.

Bark! Bark!

Marinette: What is it Shadow?

Marinette looked to see Shadow trying to tell or show her something, she got up from her spot and gathered up things that fell with her. Soon she went on a journey with Shadow where he was taking her to a place where she could relax and possibly get some food in her stomach due to the fact that she could use something to eat. They traveled through miles until Marinette started to see an unknown path that leads somewhere, she trusted Shadow and followed him down the path until they came upon a house or more like wooden mansion.

Marinette: Wow....does someone you know live here Shadow?

Bark! Bark!

Marinette: Can't believe someone lives all the way out here maybe I can get some help and maybe some food, I missed breakfast.

Marinette walked up to the house with Shadow and knocked on the door to see if anyone was home and after a minute later the door opened to reveal a handsome and tall man that made Marinette blush at the site she was seeing. The male was tall with blackish hair and beautiful bluish grayish eyes and not to mention muscular.

Male: Shadow where have you been, I called you all over the place and I couldn't find you. What did I say about wondering off. Also...uh hi there.

Marinette: I found your dog, he was with me when myself and well former classmates went on a camping trip in the forest. He stuck by me and I have to say he is very charming wolf dog.

Bark! Bark!

Male: Oh um thank you for brining him home most appreciated miss?

Marinette: Marinette...Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Male: She's even more beautiful when she awoken though the gift wont kick in until the next full moon. All my life I have never seen such beauty in a person not like this Marinette, she will make a find mate though I should hear her story of what happened to her before I found her injured.(Male saids in thought)

Marinette: May I know your name?

Male: Lucian, my name is Lucian WolfsBerg.

Marinette: It's very nice to meet you Lucian.

Lucian: The pleasure is all mine, angel 💋.(Lucian saids and kisses Marinette's hand)



Marinette: Hehehe.

Lucian: Seems like you are hungry, come on inside I was about to have some breakfast just now. While eating why don't you tell me how you came to be here.

Marinette: Are you sure I don't want to be a bother.

Lucian: Nonsense your my guest and its a thank you for looking after Shadow, seems like you and him have grown attached just like how he was to me.

Marinette: Well I am hungry, thank you for your kind hospitality.

Lucian: Make yourself at home while I go make breakfast.

Marinette: This place is beautiful. Which company did you buy this from?

Lucian: Actually all to fare I was the one who built and design this place myself. I am wooden mansion designer, I design and create luxury homes for people who want to experience nature all around them. My parents were the idea makers before I took the position, I wanted to honor them after they....

Marinette: You don't have to say it if you don't want to, I understand I too lost my parents.

Lucian: How?

Marinette: They were killed in a fire by someone I despised my whole life and she lied as well as manipulated those who I thought were my friends but in reality they were attention stalkers.

Lucian: I am so sorry for your loss, I lost my parents in an accident. They were working on projects when a forest fire hit and they got caught in the cross fire. I felt upset of what happened to them so after their death I went to live with my grandfather up in the north then when I got older I learned to live for myself and later adopted Shadow to my family so I wouldn't feel alone.

Marinette: I guess that is something we have in common. Both lost our parents, lived alone but in the end we were able to survive on our own and push forward.

Lucian: Yes, though how did you end alone in the forest? Was it the cause of that girl who took everything from you.

Marinette: Sigh...yea she attacked me last night when I wasn't looking. She hit me with a wooden bat and beat the crap out of me before throwing me off the water fall's edge and the only thing I remember was being injured and then everything went dark. I woke up this morning finding my injuries gone and later met up with Shadow who took me here. I can't believe Lila would do this much pain and suffering is she going to cause me..😢sniff she took everything I love away and now I have nothing to go back too.(Marinette saids with tears in her eyes)

Lucian was conflicted between sadden for his soon to be mate as well as angry and furious about this Lila person and those who turned their backs on this beautiful angel in front of him and would someday make them pay. Without knowing Marinette felt being pulled in and hugged by Lucian who was comforting the poor girl.

Lucian: It will be all right, you don't have to see those fools ever again. If you like your more than welcome to stay here since you don't have a home to go back too. I got plenty of room in my place and enough food.

Marinette: R..really...

Lucian: Absolutely, and besides Shadows seems to enjoy your company.


Marinette: I...I don't know what to say...but if I am going to stay I would like to get to know you more.

Lucian: Of course if I can get to know you as well, Marinette.~

Marinette: Why is my heart beating so much and why do I feel so close to him, he is even more handsome and charming then Ass-Agreste.(Marinette saids in thought while smiling and blushing)

Lucian: How's about that breakfast I promised.

Marinette: Yes, yes please.

Lucian took Marinette into the kitchen where he asked her to sit while he makes the food. Marinette's eyes wondered around the house and saw a lot of tribal artifacts as well as some paintings and pictures of wolves. She thought the place looked lovely and the wolf texture was quite interesting.

Marinette: You have quite the liking to wolves.

Lucian: Well that is because my family honor and worship the wolves for many generations. In retrospect the wolf is our god and protector of the forest. According the the tribes, there was a time when a wolf spirit would come and protect the forest from those who bring harm to it.

Marinette: A wolf spirit, you mean like a ghost?

Lucian: Not actually, a wolf that shows genes of a man but looks more wolf. They say it rest by day and prows by night. But it always close, that the spirit of the wolf grows within side a being he's enter until the full moon rises, then he becomes the forest's guardian and lord.

Marinette: You mean like a werewolf? Because that's what I learned in mythology.

Lucian: Something like that but different, and nothing like those movies and fantasy books people read. No, the wolf only appears at night, protecting the forest from those who want to destroy or clam territory. The wolf spirit Marinette is not evil, his only goal to protect life and those close to his heart. Once every full moon the wolf emerges but the man itself stays in control to allow him to what he pleases, the wolf can move and think like man and they say that he can even speak while in wolf form.

Marinette: That's impossible.

Lucian: Yes impossible it would seem but some say that the wolf spirit still lives and is wondering around this very day searching.

Marinette: Searching for what?

Lucian: You see according to the tribal law, once every hundred years the wolf must search for a mate so that the legacy of forest protector can continue. Once the wolf has found it's mate, he marks them with a symbol once they have bitten that person. The mark is in the form of a wolf paw print but it glows like the stars that shine above us this very day.

Marinette: Has anyone seen the wolf?

Lucian: Nobody, not one has seen it but they always enjoyed listening to the stories and legends of the wolf but some may believe that the wolf is real but only those who believe in the legend.

Marinette: Who told you all of this?

Lucian: My grandfather, during his prime he was a member of a tribal clan from the far north where they pray and worship the spirits of the animals in any case my grandfather worshipped the wolf. He told me stories of the wolf spirit when I was just a boy and I came to believe in the old tales.

Marinette: He sounds like a wise man, is he...

Lucian: He's still around, he still lives up north with the tribes after he retired from the wars. I visit him during the holidays. You would like him very much.

Marinette: I am sure I will.

Lucian: Breakfast is served, hope you like it.

Marinette(Drooling): Mmmmm...this looks so good.

Lucian: Hehehe, Marinette you're drooling.

Marinette: Oh my gosh! I don't know what came over me.

Lucian: Hey it's all right, now why don't we sit down and eat while also getting to know one another then after words I can take you to this village I go to pick up some supplies and groceries. Since you are going to stay here, you might need some new clothes.

Marinette: I guess I go since I packed what I have before I left my former home.

They two of them sat and ate their breakfast while getting to know each other in which they started to enjoy sharing about their lives as well as stories about their families before their deaths. Lucian was amazed that his future mate was a talent young woman who designed her own outfits and wanted to be a fashion designer since she was little. He liked when she told him that her parents were the best bakers of Paris and would like to try their pastries but was told that Marinette would love to bake some goodies for him since her parents taught her everything about baking. After they finished, Lucian showed Marinette to her new room.

Lucian: This would be your new room, hope you like it.

Marinette: I love it. Especially I got my own bathroom and view of her forest. Thank you, Lucian.

Lucian: My pleasure, hows about you go freshen up and then we can go to the village.

Marinette: I think I will do just that.

Lucian: I will wait downstairs until you are done.

Marinette: He's so compassionate and such a gentleman. Why can't Adrien be like that and not some spineless jerk.(Marinette saids in thought)

After Lucian left the room, Marinette strip off her dirty and wet clothes and got into the bath tub and relaxed in the warm refreshing water which felt amazing. When she finished an hour later, she got dressed and put on some fresh clothes that were dry thanks to her bag. She headed downstairs while Lucian was waiting for her and when he heard her coming his eyes widen of the site he was seeing and his inner wolf was howling with excitement.

Marinette: Hey sorry for the wait but this was the only outfit I had since my other ones are ruined I hope you don't mind.

Lucian: I never knew my mate had the figure of a goddess, she is absolutely stunning.(Lucian saids in thought while blushing)

Marinette: Lucian?

Lucian: You look beautiful..

Marinette: Oh um...I mean...t..thank you really think so.

Lucian: Would I ever lie to such a lovely creature like yourself angel. You have the looks and the figure of a goddess.

Marinette: OH MY GOSH HE'S MAKING FEEL ALL TINGLY INSIDE!!!!❤️(Marinette saids in thought while blushing crimson)

Lucian: Come, let us head to the village.

Marinette: Okay....

Lucian got out his motorcycle from the garage and gave Marinette a helmet to wear and once he put on his, he asked Marinette to hang on tight in which that is what she did but while hanging on she felt Lucian's muscular body that was making her heat up but shrugged it off when they left the house. The road to the village was three miles from the house. They arrived at the village which was quite nice and the folks around were enjoying themselves.

Marinette: This a nice little village, Lucian.

Lucian: I come here all the time if I am bored at home or I need to pick up some groceries. The people here are very nice and once every year they have festival honoring the spirit of the wolf. They call it Wolf Fest, I been going to it every year and there is a lot of fun at the festival. They have games, great food, people wearing costumes, story telling, and fire work show.

Marinette: Sounds like fun. I would love to go to it when it comes.

Lucian: I am sure you will. Let's go find you some new clothes, I know the best shop that has the best clothing for women.

Marinette: That's very sweet of you and maybe you can give me a tour around the village after we are finished.

Lucian: I don't mind, angel.

Lucian took Marinette to a women's clothing store where Marinette saw a lot of amazing clothes that caught her interest as well as some clothes related to tribes, she was getting idea's for a new fashion design sketches. She picked out some good outfits to wear and tried them on and they all looked amazing on her that made Lucian almost past out when he saw his future mate in such lovely outfits. After paying for the clothes, Lucian went to take Marinette on a tour around the village where the people were so nice and generous even a elder woman gave some beautiful flowers to Marinette which she thanked the sweet woman. They soon stoped and had some lunch by a statue that resembles a wolf.

Marinette: So thats the great guardian of the forest. The Wolf.

Lucian: Yes, though there has been more than one in each generation. What you are seeing was the first forest guardian of the forest. He protected this land for many years until it dying day and a new generation to his place as guardian.

Village Speaker: Behold ladies and gentleman! The great guardian of the forest, the wolf spirit rein supreme!

Lucian: Oh over there is the story teller who shows everyone the tales of the wolf, a lot of people find it interesting to listen and learn while kids just like to enjoy hearing a fairy tale to make them happy.

Marinette: I think it is very sweet.

Lucian: How you liking this so far?

Marinette: I am having a wonderful time and it's far better than listening to Lila and her lies and I hope she gets what she deserves because I won't miss her not even those idiots who I used to call my friends.

Lucian: Well you are miles away from them and you now live in the forest so they will no longer bother you.

Marinette: I hope you're right.

3 week later:

Meanwhile with the former classmates and teacher, they were all arrested and sent back to Paris and after they got back their parents were furious to find every single lie and threat that made towards Marinette Dupain Cheng and they couldn't believe their own children would cause such an innocent girl so much pain even after she lost her family in a fire. Those like Rose, Max, Mylene, Nathaniel, and Marc were bailed from going to prison because they only just insult Marinette not really caused physical harm but they were grounded for life and all their things taken away and sent off to therapy to get their acts straiten up. The real threats like Kim, Ivan, Alya, Adrien, as well as Lila who survived the bite injury were in deep shit trouble.

Alya's blog was permanently shut down and her parents and other family members disowned her for her cruel behavior and believing in the lies of psychopath who lies under her lips and was the one who killed the Dupain Cheng family who burned the whole bakery with them inside. Alya was shocked and shamed for life when the truth came out and she lost her once called best friend and she could be dead by now and it was all her fault but mostly Lila's and Adrien's. She was shipped off to a mental hospital hopefully it would help get her back to the way she was before Lila screwed up her mind. She didn't get no visits from no one and who can blame her she was cruel and mean to her family when Lila came into picture. They said that Alya will remain in the mental hospital until she reaches the age of thirty.

Lila, the psychopath was hit with tons of lawsuits from every celebrity she ever lied about as well as black listed from every fashion industries know to man. Gabriel Agreste fired her after finding out what the crazy girl did to Marinette Dupain Cheng and her family. Gabriel came to respect Marinette and wanted to have her as a fashion designer but that went down hill when he discovered a secret that his son kept from him for years. Adrien knew Lila was bad but kept it secret to avoid being caught and hurting others. When he told Gabriel about the high road advice and about telling Marinette not call out Lila's lies well the male fashion model slapped his own son hard in the face for being an absolute disgrace to the family and that his mother would be disappointed of what Adrien has become god rest her poor soul. Gabriel blamed himself due to the fact that Adrien didn't have no social skills nor has no knowledge of the outside world so he took it upon himself to send him to live with his cousin Felix and hopefully Felix can straighten out Adrien's stupidity. He also forbad him from every making contact to those bad influences he called friends. He was also thinking of disowning Adrien from the family since he and Natalie got married and are planning to have a child soon. When the child is born, Gabriel is going to be a good father to this child because he failed as a father because of Adrien.

Lila was sentence to life in prison with no trial because the judge has declared Lila was dangerous tyrant and did more then just killed one family but she threaten others in her time before moving to Paris. Her mother disowned her forever and moved back to live with her parents to forget what Lila has done. One day Lila tried to escape prison but didn't get that far when she was hit by a truck and died of her injuries. She was cremated later and nobody heard her name ever since then.

Chloe along with Nino, Luka, Kagami, Juleka, and Zoe morned the lost of their beloved friend and may she find a better life in heaven with her beloved parents. They went to the funeral but there was no body since the police and scouts reporter than they couldn't find a body that took days to look for and all they could find was a designed book with the words Marinette on it. Chloe was given the book and kept it safe to remember her friend who gave her a chance to redeemed her mistakes in the past. Jagged Stone cried that his favorite designer and niece figure was gone and wrote a song to remember the beautiful child who warm the hearts of others. Luka never felt the same after the lost of Marinette and when he saw Adrien again both him and Kagami attacked him for the coward he was and how he should have been there to help Marinette. Zoe wanted to honor her friends life by making book about Marinette's perfect life with the help of Andre who came to see Marinette as like a third daughter before she lost her parents in a fire. None of them know that Marinette is still alive and decided to let everyone know that she is dead because she is starting a whole new life with someone she came to like and know about.

3 month later:

It has been a full three months now and Marinette was enjoying her time with Lucian in the forest but for some reason she was acting strangely different. Her hearing was sharpen which she could hear things from miles away and her strength increased. Her speed and agilities were enhanced, she can move quicker then any human being and leap high into the air. She couldn't understand what was happening to her but she started to like it and with it she started to become a whole new person.

Lucian was starting to see the changes in Marinette and knew sooner of later the gift will be completed when the full moon appears in a couple of days. During their time together Marinette felt so close to Lucian and whenever she was around him, her instincts were telling her that she wants to be with him but also do more. Like one time when they went swimming in a clear blue the lake, Marinette moved towards Lucian and started to nibble his ear followed by nibbling his neck that was making Lucian's inner wolf happy as well as him. Also when she took a peak of Lucian taking a shower, she was feeling hot and horny and started to rubbed her legs together and had the desire to join Lucian but snapped out of her trance and walked away.

Today was the day of the full moon will come out and Lucian knows that Marinette was going to come for him and that he will claim her as his mate. When night came and darkness came over the forest, Lucian went out into the forest alone while Marinette was sleeping until she woken up and looked out the window to see Lucian going out into the forest.

Marinette: I can't take it anymore, I need him. My body is already heating up and every time I am around him he makes me feel happy.

Marinette wearing nothing but a shirt and nothing else underneath walked out of the house and into the forest to follow Lucian. She walked through miles but thanks to her sharp senses and smell as well as hearing she spotted Lucian standing by a fire and when he turned Marinette heart raced when she saw Lucian's bare chest with the full moon rising behind him.

Lucian: You followed me.

Marinette: Yes.

Lucian: Marinette I can't hold these emotions any longer, I have fallen in love with you.

Marinette: I have fallen in love with you as well. Ever since you took me in I became so close to you and I want to be with you forever.

Lucian: are in heat aren't you.

Marinette: I can't wait anymore, I need you, I want you. I want you to take me, make me feel good. My body belongs to you and yours belongs to me.(Marinette saids and strips off her shirt leaving her completely naked by the fire)

Lucian: You are such a beautiful creature. Come my angel, let us complete our bond and let us become one.(Lucian saids as he takes off his clothes and holds out a hand to Marinette)

Marinette walked over towards Lucain and took his hand and was pulled into his chest where Marinette felt his warm body on hers. Then they looked into each others eyes and then planted their lips together to share a passionate kiss showing that they are now lovers.

Marinette: I love you.

Lucian: I love you too, my mate.

Marinette: Make love to me, take everything from me. I am yours and you are mine.

Lucian: Yes.

(🍋 Lemon Alert)

Lucian and Marinette kissed again and started to make out where their tongues wrestled for dominance. Lucian then lifted up Marinette and gently placed her onto the ground and the two started to kiss more while feeling their bodies close to each other.

Lucian: Your body feels so smooth my love.

Marinette: Then you can touch it, if you like.

Lucian went to massage Marinette's breasts first where she moan with excitement followed by pleasure when her lover was sucking on her nipples and kissing them. Lucian saw how his mate was enjoying this and went to finger her pussy.

Marinette: GASP! Mmm....yes keeping on doing that I love it~

Lucian: Tell me how fast you want me to go.

Marinette: Finger my pussy faster, make me wet!❤️

Lucian fingers his mates pussy faster while squeezing and sucking on her breasts which was making Marinette even hornier then before and was close to squirting her juices.

Marinette: Yes! yes yes yes more finger me more!!! More!

Lucian: Your a naughty girl my love.

Marinette: I am your naughty girl ohhhh yesss!!!! Oh my gosh I'm cumming!!!!

Marinette came all over Lucian's fingers in which he tasted his mates juices and kissed her on the lips again until Marinette smirked and dominated him where she pinned him down to the ground and she was now on top of him.

Marinette: I want it now my love, fuck me and make me a woman your woman.

Lucian: As you wish my mate.

Marinette position herself and lowered down until her pussy touched her lovers dick and soon it slower went into Marinette where she moaned and felt so good that her and Lucian have become one.

Marinette: Sigh...we are one now.

Lucian: I will treat you like a queen of the forest.

Marinette: Show me~

Lucian smirked and began to move his hips and pushed his dick deep into Marinette's pussy who was bouncing on her lovers hard pelvis.


Lucian: Yes my darling!!


Lucian got up and pushed Marinette on all fours and fucked her from the back in which her boobs were shacking and drool was coming out of her mouth while moaning and begging Lucian to please her.

Marinette: HARDER AND DEEPER!!!! Oh yea this is amazing!!! Your hitting my good spot!!!

Lucian: Your pussy is so good my love and am I plan to make you my mate tonight!!!!

Marinette: Then make me your mate fuck my brains out make me cum!!!

Lucian moved faster and faster until he was at his limit and so was Marinette who was starting to feel a change in her where she was starting to grow fangs as well as long ears and a tail followed by fur.

Marinette: OH MY I AM ABOUT TO CUM!!!!

Lucian: Me too I can't hold it!!!

Lucian screams while he started to change into his wolf form since the moon is out the transformations has started.

Marinette: Cum inside me, fill me up with your warm cum!!!



Lucian came all inside Marinette leaving her pussy filled with warm cum but also her wolf form has been completed and is now like Lucian.

Marinette(Wolf): Path...path...path....that was amazing.

Lucian(Wolf): You were incredible my love.

Marinette(Wolf): Hm? Why does your voice sound so........huh wait whats going on? Why is my body covered in fur and why do I have claws on my hands and feet and why in my nose so long and my ears are pointy? Wait is that......IS THAT I TAIL?!!!! WHY DO I HAVE A TAIL?!!! WHAT IS GOING ON?!!!!

Lucian(Wolf): Oh boy....uh Marinette I can tell you what is happening.

Marinette(Wolf): Lucian what is...................(Marinette stops talking and stares wide eyed at Lucian in full wolf form while he looks at her in her beautiful wolf form)

Lucian(Wolf): Calm down... calm down..I can explain every.

Marinette(Wolf): (Fainted)

Lucian(Wolf): Thing....maybe I should have told her from the beginning.

Hours later of explaining of what was going on and how Marinette became what she is, she couldn't believe that her lover is the protector of the forest but is the one who turned Marinette into wolf like him. He told her after he found her in the forest injured and close to death, the only way to say her life was to pass on the gift to her so that she will survive meaning her injuries were healed and became stronger than any human being but also marked symbolizing that Lucian has chosen her as her mate.

Marinette(Wolf): Why didn't you tell me this before?

Lucian(Wolf): If I would have told you before you wouldn't believe me so by coming until the full moon was the only way for you to see the truth. I am sorry I kept it secret, but I really do love you Marinette I always have and I want to be with you forever.

Marinette(Wolf): You really mean all of that.

Lucian(Wolf): Of course, your my mate and I swore that I will keep my mate safe and after what you told me about those fools who ruined you life I wanted to make them pay but now that they long gone I will still keep you safe from any harm.

Marinette(Wolf): 😢 really are perfect.

Lucian(Wolf): And you are beautiful, and I have to admit you look stunning as a wolf and at east you still have your beautiful bluish hair that I like.

Marinette(Wolf): Hehehe well you aren't so bad yourself, puppy.

Lucian(Wolf): Oh would a puppy do this to you~(Lucian saids and nibbles Marinette's ears)

Marinette(Wolf): Oh my gosh stop..stop..they feel so sensitive!!!

Lucian(Wolf): Oh maybe this~

Lucian started to nibble Marinette's neck that caused her own inner wolf to scream in pleasure and she loved every moment of it.

Marinette(Wolf): Oh that felt good~ Though will you help me through this wolf thing.

Lucian(Wolf): Of course I will my love.

Marinette(Wolf): You know the night is still good I wonder what it would be like to have sex in wolf form.

Lucian(Wolf): Let's find out shall we.

Marinette(Wolf): Ooh your big bad wolf~❤️

5 hours later.....


Lucian(Wolf): You feel even hotter than sexier than before my love!!!


Lucian(Wolf): Same thing!


Lucian(Wolf): AWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Marinette(Wolf): AWOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Lucian came again into Marinette before the two past out then cuddled up by the fire and slept until the moon passes and that morning will come.

(Lemon End)

The sun began to rise in the forest and laying on the soft grass was a beautiful naked Marinette who was slumbering peacefully until the sun ways started to hit the girls and she began to wake up from her lovely nap. She yawned and stretched until she sees that she is in the forest and naked and remembers everything that happened.

Marinette: Whoah...that was the best night I have ever had. Lucian he made me feel like a woman. Damn I don't think I can move my legs for a while they feel all numb.

Lucian: Good morning, angel.(Lucian saids while making breakfast by the fire and seeing his mate awake)

Marinette: Good morning honey. Last night was amazing.

Lucian: Sure was though you went a little overboard with the clawing on my back.

Marinette: Well I marked what is mine and since you marked me I marked you.

Lucian: True. Come on over I have breakfast ready.

Marinette: I need some help,I can't feel my legs.

Lucian: Oh sorry my love.

Marinette: It is all right but I enjoyed it.

Lucian hands Marinette her clothes where she puts them on then gets carried in the arms by her lover no mate. She kissed his cheek and he smiled and kissed her on the forehead before setting her down to eat with him.

Marinette: So this my new life huh. Being a wolf in the forest with my protector.

Lucian: Seems that way but you can still become a fashion designer. They are hiring someone for fashion designing in the village.

Marinette: That is a start.

Lucian: I love you Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Marinette: And I love you Lucian Wolfsburg.


It has been years since Marinette and Lucian became a couple and now they live their lives as protectors of the forest. Now the people of the village tell the tales of the wolf who has found its queen and are keeping the forest safe. Marinette got a job as a fashion designer in the village and lets just say the people praised her as the fashion queen and many women adored her designs even ask for commissions. Lucian continues the family business of making wooden homes for families and his designs were outstanding, he made a lot of money that he even used the money to get something for Marinette and that was an engagement ring because he wants to propose to her. Now the story starts where both Marinette and Lucian left off back at the house.

Marinette: Honey you seem quiet is something wrong?

Lucian: I'm fine but more than fine because there is something I want to tell you for a long time.

Marinette: What is it?

Lucian: Marinette we have been together for a long time now and I came to see you as this amazing person who has stolen my heart and filled my heart with love and compassion in which I want us to be more than just mates and protectors of the forest.

Lucian got down on my knee and held out a box in front of Marinette who was on the verge of tears. Lucian opened up the box and inside was a beautiful ring with a wolf on each side and a lovely sapphire stone.

Lucian: Marinette Dupain Cheng soon to be WolfsBurg, will you marry me.

Marinette: YESSS!!!!!! YES YES YES YES!!!!!❤️

Marinette cried tears of joy an smashed her lips to Lucian's which he smiled and kissed back then placed the ring on his fiancé's finger. Marinette stared at the ring in awe and in happiness and kissed Lucian one more time.

Marinette: I love it Lucian, thank you.

Lucian: You welcome.

Marinette: I am going to be Marinette Dupain Cheng WolfsBurg.

Lucian: I like it.

Marinette: Oh I have something to show you be right back, I been working on this for a month now!(Marinette saids and goes back into the house)

Lucian: Hm? Wonder what she is going to show me?

Marinette then came out an hour later in a white tang top and pink shorts that made Lucian blush at the site while Marinette smirked at seeing her soon be husbands face.

Lucian: Uh you wanted to show me your outfit because I think it looks sexy.

Marinette: Oh it's more than that watch this.

Marinette then changes into her wolf form and the clothes that she has on stretched to match the size when Marinette becomes a wolf.

Marinette(Wolf): It's my newest creation stretchable fabric, something we can use after our fun. I mean I don't mind running around naked in the forest in my wolf form but when I am in my human form its kind of gets chilly so I made these stretchable cloths so that when I change in and out of wolf form my clothes will stretch and shrink. What do you think honey?

Lucian: I say your fashion ideas never sense to amaze me babe. Though I am saving this as my new phone cover. SNAP!

Marinette(Wolf): Why don't you take some more of me. Come on I will be your model and you be the camera man.(Marinette saids while striking some sexy poses)

Lucian: She is so going be my wife.

Marinette(Wolf): Come on honey, I am waiting for my camera man to take my shots.

Lucian: Hehehe I am coming my love. Show me some love darling and smile for the camera.(Lucian saids and takes pictures of his fiancé)

Marinette(Wolf): Hey after words lets go to the village I herd the the festival is starting and they are revealing a new statue in our honor.

Lucian: Absolutely.

2 months later both got married and had two children a boy and a girl. Marinette named the girl after her mother so her name was Sabine Dupain Cheng WolfsBurg who has her fathers eyes and her mothers bluish hair while the boy who look like his father but with his mothers eyes was named Marcus Dupain Cheng WolfsBurg named after Lucian's grandfather. Both of them developed their parent's ability to change into wolves and now it is a happy family of wolves.

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