The Names Ashley, Ashley Graham de Vanily Part 1!

Ever since Lila came back to school she turned all of Marinette's friends against her except for Alya, Nino, Alix, Chloe, Sabrina, Juleka, Rose, Nathaniel, and Marc. Lila and her sheep ruined Marinette's life even went so far to physically hurting her while Adrien being his cowardly self still tells Marinette to take the high road and not call out Lila cause she will get akumatized. It is also the reason why Ladybug stripped him of his miraculous because he wasn't much of a good friend nor partner while as Cat Noir. Things haven't been going so well and HawkMoth is getting stronger each day making Marinette's life more complicated as both herself and as Ladybug.

But soon Marinette's life is about to change and for the better because someone new is coming to her school and she will not only keep Marinette safe but also be there for her as both herself and her new partner in crime. Today was another day of school and Marinette was sitting next to her best friend Alya where they were getting dirty looks from the AkumaClass while their real friends back them up and as for Lila she was sitting in the bad with a smirk on her face cause she has big plans to ruin Marinette.

Bustier: Hell everyone, before we begin I want to say that we are getting a new student today and she hals from London and she will be joining you in your senior year.

Marinette(Whisper): Hopefully this new student doesn't fall for Lila.

Alya(Whisper): We will see for ourselves, who knows maybe this new boy or girl might actually have some backbone unlike a certain someone.

Marinette(Whisper): Yea him.(Marinette saids while looking at Adrien who ended being a spineless coward)

Bustier: All right now lets all settle down and welcome our newest student. You can come in now sweetie.

The door of classroom opens and came in that made Marinette's eyes go wide like dinner plates when she got a look at the new student that came into the room. It was girl that was over 6 foot tall, blonde hair, grayish blue eyes, aa perfect figure, wearing black shirt and hoodie with ripped jeans, as well as good looking smile that made Marinette's heart skip a beat. Adrien on the other hand gasped in shock of who just walked into the classroom and couldn't believe who he was seeing. It was his big sister Ashley who he thought he never see again even after his mom disappeared.

Bustier: Care to introduce yourself dear.

Ashely: I would be delighted. Hello everyone my name is Ashely, Ashely Graham de Vanily. Please to make your acquaintances. I look forward to being part of this class during our senior year.

Rose/Juleka/Alix(Thought): SHE'S GORGEOUS!!!/BEAUTIFUL/HOT!

Nino(Whisper): Whoah she's tall..

Alya(Whisper): Not to mentioned ripped, you see those muscles she has.

Nino(Whisper): My guess dudette she likes to work out.

Chloe: OH MY GOSH ASHLEY!!!!(Chloe saids and hugs Ashley)

Ashley: Aww Chlo Chlo it's been so long, you look great. Sabrina still keeping this little bee here company I see.

Sabrina: Wherever she goes I go as well. Chloe and I are besties.

Ashley: That's good to know, thanks for sticking by her.

Sabrina: My pleasure.

Chloe: I missed you so much, I was upset that you left. Sorry for not writing to you.

Ashley: Hey it's okay bee, you don't have to apologize I understand.

Bustier: Does anyone have questions they would like to ask, Ashley?

Kim: I have one, are you single?

Ashely: Really? You would ask a question like that? First of all yes I am single and no I will not date you. I'm more into girls then boys. Also I will never date a boy who likes to be a showoff.

Max: She's got you there, you showoff a lot Kim.

Kim: Whose side are you on?

Rose(Whisper): Juleka she's like us!

Juleka(Whisper): It's good to have another girl who is a lesbian here.

Alix: Can I ask a question.

Ashely: Ask away.

Alix: Do you like to work out?

Ashley: Who doesn't, I'm always keeping myself in good shape. I mean how do you think I got this six pack here.(Ashley saids and shows everyone her six pack that made their jaws drop while Marinette's face turned crimson)


Alix: Wow....that's an amazing six pack.

Ashley: Why thank you.

Rose: You must be strong!

Ashley: I am. I am a master of kung fu, karate, martial arts, hand to hand comeback followed by boxing and wrestling.

Alya(Thought): I can tell Nora will love this girl. Since she's a professional boxer after all.

Nino: Do you have any likes and dislikes dudette?

Ashely: Besides what I told you, I like painting, singing, dancing, sketching, baking, fashion, being around my mother, spending time with relatives, skating, workouts, and training.

Marinette(Thought): She likes fashion, sketching, and baking! That's basically my likes.

Ashley: My dislikes are perverts, people who lie under their lips and fool those who don't have a single brain cell, people manipulating others, people who don't stick up for others, and lastly bullies. Because if someone would to do those things to someone I like well I won't hesitate to break their bones and drop kick them in the head.

Lila along with her sheep saw Ashley's glare that made them go pale like ghost while Adrien looked scared of seeing his sister again. He and her never got along that well cause Adrien ended being spoiled just like his father who thinks his wife disappeared but in reality Emilee simply made a plan to leave Gabriel because he became abusive and a horrible parent. Emilee left with Ashley while planting a fake Emilee double fooling Gabriel thinking Emilee went into a coma.

Alya(Whisper): I like her.

Marinette(Whisper): Sigh...I do too.❤️

Alya(Thought: No way is Mari falling for Ashley, I totally ship this!

Lila: Excuse mind if I ask you a question. My name is Lila Rossi please to meet you.

Ashely(Thought): Oh my god what is that girl wearing, that outfit looks hideous on her and not to mention her hair looks sausage disgusting. She's probably a person who likes to tell lies and by seeing half of the people in this room they fell under her spell.

Ashley: Sure.

Lila: I couldn't help but notice your last name is similar to Adrien's cousin Felix. Are you related to him?

Ashely: Felix is my cousin and his mother is my aunt.

Lila: So you're famous just like them. I happened to know them personally in which I happened to be Felix's partner for modeling.

Ashely: That's unlikely because Felix doesn't model, he's not into anything except reading his books and spending time with family. Also there is no way you could know them because i just texted them about you and this is what we got.

Felix(Voice Message): I have no idea who this who this Lola Ross is? If she is one of those people who asks nothing but money and fame then tell her to go fuck herself and leave me alone. Also thanks for the novel's Ashley I enjoy them very much.

Amelia(Voice Message): Sorry Ashley but there is no one names Lila Rossi that comes to mind and besides you know we Graham de Vanily always don't like the popularity nor getting hounded by fans unlike Gabriel and his son. Come back soon sweetie and your mother saids hi and wishes you good luck. 

Ashley: And there you have it.

Alya(Whisper): Girl she just exposed Lila, that is awesome.

Marinette(Whisper): She's gonna fit in with us just fine.

Ashley: Another thing if anyone lies about my family or tries anything you're in for a rude awakening.(Ashely saids and cracks her knuckles while glaring at Lila who was about to piss herself)

Adrien(Thought): How could she just do that to Lila?! Her lies are not hurting anyone.

Ashley: I think we finished here, shall we get class started Mrs.Bustier.

Bustier: Of course, you may sit where ever you like.

Ashley: Thank you.

Ashley went to find seat when her eyes caught on Marinette who was looking at her with a blush on her face. Ashley's heart skipped a beat when she saw the most beautiful and lovely girl she has ever seen in her life.

Ashley(Thought): Oh my...she's an angel. Such beautiful eyes, smooth skin with adorable freckles, lovely bluish black hair and her voice so romantic. I think I just found my soulmate. You know what I think I will spend some time getting to know her.

Alya(Whisper): Girl she's looking at you.

Marinette(Whisper): Oh my gosh she is, what do I do?!

Ashley: Excuse me mind if I sit with you and your friend here.

Alya: Of course! I'm Alya and this is my best friend Marinette.

Ashley: I pleasure to meet you miss Marinette. From all the girls I have seen you are by far the most beautiful one I haver ever laid eyes upon 💋.(Ashley saids and kisses Marinette on the hand that made her whole face turn shades of red)

Marinette: you A..Ash...Ashely.

Ashley: Awww! You're so cute, your like a little puppy dog that I just want to hold and cuddle you all day.(Ashley saids and hugs Marinette while petting her head)

Marinette(Thought): warm and so strong.~

Nino(Whisper): I'm shipping those two.

Alya(Whisper): You and me both babe.

Kim: Hey why do you want to sit with that bit....

Ashley: Did I ask for your opinion no I did not so back off. Also finish that sentence and you will loose both of your legs.

Kim: Gulp....

Ashley: Shall we get started on lessons, teacher.

Bustier: Yes thank you Ashley.

Lessons started and Lila didn't cause a scene cause after that glare Ashley gave her it made the lying vixen stay quiet the whole time. Ashley paid attention and followed the steps from the teacher even got a lot of answers right that left Max in shock that Ashley was smart. She even offered to help those who are having trouble with their work except for the AkumaClass who didn't want it but oh well if they fail that's on them.

Ashley got to know Marinette well as well as her friends during lunch time and she couldn't be even more happy that she finally found someone who shares the same interest as her though she didn't like how Adrien was looking at her and it was starting to get annoying until he asked to speak with him in private.

Ashley: It's been a long time hasn't it little brother still kissing up to that bastard of a father aren't you.

Adrien: Where have you been all these years? And what did you mean about mother? Mom disappeared a long time ago how can you possibly say those things.

Ashely: You wanna know the truth. Here it is mom didn't disappear she left your stupid excuse of a father who was nothing but cruel and abusive. She couldn't take it anymore so she packed up and left while taking me with her. She knew one day you will grow to be like Gabriel and she's didn't want that. I hated that man ever since he's been forcing me to do what he wants instead of what I wanted to do in my life.

Adrien: has been living with you this whole time. Why didn't you tell me?!!

Ashley: Oh don't look so surprised. And also I never liked you Adrien, you were spoiled to the core and always the complainer in which Gabriel always favored you. Also we decided to cut ties with you and Gabriel ever since he started to act nasty towards us and wouldn't listen so we moved to London to live with Felix and Aunt Amelia who were kind enough to let us stay with them.

Adrien: Does father know about this?

Ashley: No and I refuse to call him that. He's an asshole like all the other stuck up men who abuse their own child and wouldn't listen to their wives. No wonder mom wanted to divorce him which I am happy that she did.

Adrien: WHAT?!!

Ashely: That's right, mom divorced Gabriel and gave the papers to Natalie who is working for mom to keep an eye on Gabriel and his behavior.

Adrien: Natalie is in on this.

Ashley: Wow here's another thing you don't even pay attention at all. It's clear to me you don't know what goes on in the world, I guess being homeschool all this time made you delusional.

Adrien: I like to change the subject, why did you expose Lila like that?

Ashley: Because no one talks about my family like that. Marinette and her friends told me everything about what that bitch is doing as well as the physical attacks that those minions of Lila are doing to Marinette and it makes me sick. Not to mention how much of coward you are not to step in and help. You really are full of shit Adrien just like Gabriel.

Adrien: But her lies are not...

Ashley: You listen to me and listen good you little bastard. One way or another I am exposing that slut in front of everyone even to the whole world because I looked her up and found out some deep shit that she caused and not just here but everywhere. So you better say you last goodbyes to her because today will be her last.

Adrien: What are you talking about?

Ashley: Unlike you I have brains and connections, strong connections. Also you tell Marinette that high road crap again and I will kick you where it hurts the most.

Adrien: Ashley be reasonable.

Ashley: I am being reasonable and you are not. Your nothing but a spineless moron. I also heard that Gabriel's sales are dropping like crazy due to you being a model with that skank of liar. You have awful taste in women. See you never Adrien.(Ashley saids and leaves a speechless little ex brother)

After school was finished Ashley headed out and was asked by Marinette if she wanted to come over and hangout in which Ashley said yes until the moment got ruined when an Akumatized villain appeared and it was Lila aka Volphina. Ashley looked and saw Marinette disappear but then looked up and saw the heroine Ladybug fighting against Volphina on the roof.

Ashley: Figures that lying skank got Akumatized. Like always after what Mari and the others told me about her.

Meanwhile Ladybug and Volphina were battling out in which Volphina was getting the upper hand and Ladybug was struggling on to find out what to use her lucky charm that was a frying pan.

Volphina: What's the matter Ladybug all out of idea's already. Well this makes my job a whole lot easier. So why don't you give up your miraculous.

Ladybug: Never!

Hawk Moth(Mind): Excellent Volphina and since she used her lucky charm she will only have a few more minutes before she changes back. Once she changes back into her civilian self, take her miraculous.

Volphina: I think it's about time I finish you off food good Ladybug.

Ashley who climbed up a ladder looked to see Volphina moving towards Ladybug who was not looking too good and thought it was a good time to step in help the heroine of Paris. She covered her face with her hoodie and ran towards Volphina.


Volpina: Wha....?

Ashley punches Volphina hard in the face that made the villain crash into the wall while Ladybug just stood still with a shock look on her face. Ashley then moved towards Volphina who got up from her surprised attacker while holding her cheek of where she got hit.

Volphina: WHO THE FUCK HIT......?!!!

Volphina didn't finished her sentence as Ashley delivered a powerful knee to the villainess's face followed by a punch to the gut and multiple slap to the face.


Ashley: A stupid rip off of Rena Rogue deserves a fucking beat down and how dare you harm the heroine of Paris. Sham on you sham on you.

Volphina: Argh........

Ashley: I don't think your punishment is over. Pardon beautiful spotted woman mind if I bother your lucky charm for a minute.

Ladybug: Uh sure.(Ladybug saids and hands Ashley the frying pan charm)

Volphina: What...what happen?

Ashley: Whistle! Whistle! Nighty night bitch.


Ashley whacks Volphina with the frying pan charm and goes unconscious. She then looks at the necklace and removes it from Volphina then breaks it so the Akuma comes out. Ladybug saw the Akuma and captured it and Lila was changed back to normal but still unconscious. Ashley then took the skanks phone and saw a lot of dirty secrets the girl had and will informed it to the police.

Ashley: Care to the honors Ladybug.

Ladybug: Yes, thank you and thanks for assisting me.

Ashley: My pleasure, anything for a beautiful heroine such as yourself.

Ladybug: (BA-DUMP!❤️) LADYBUG!

Ladybug throws the charm into the air and fixes the damages which Ashley was amazed of seeing the magic Ladybug was doing.

RING! RING! RING!(Ashley's phone ringing)

Ashely: Hello? Yes, yes I have her right here and yes she is unconscious so she won't get away. I will bring her right to you guys. Also I found evidence of who she really is. Ok see you then bye.

Ladybug: Who was that?

Ashley: That's the police, you see this crazy nut job here is in deep shit trouble. Would you mind if you gave me a lift to the station so I can give the police this skank.

Ladybug: Oh sure sure of course.

Ashley: Oh before we go I got something to say to you.

Ladybug: What is it?

Ashley(Whisper): True you looked cute when we first met but as a girl wearing spots all over her body, I got to say you look hot, and I do mean you Mari.~

Ladybug(Thought): GASP HOW DID SHE?!!!

Ashley: I will tell you once we drop off this bitch here.

Ladybug: Ok.

Ladybug and Ashley dropped off Lila to the police where Ladybug discovered that Lila isn't really who she thought she was no the girl's real name was Cerise Bianca. A wanted criminal who has been on the run for years and always manages to escape the police until now. She was wanted for thief, murder, stealing, and manipulating due to her fake stories and lies. Ashley smirked at seeing the nut job be taken away and trialed for her crimes. Soon after Ladybug took Ashley to her home on the top deck to talk.

Ladybug: Who are you and how do you know who I am? No body knows my identity except for some close friends of mine.

Ashely: I think you probably know who I am. After all I was the one who gotten to know you very well beautiful.~(Ashley saids and removes her hoodie)

Ladybug: ASHLEY?!!!!

Ashley: Bingo.

Ladybug: Oh my gosh oh my gosh what I am going to do how could I be soo...

Ashley: Hey relax I won't tell anyone who you are. I know about hero code 101.

Ladybug: did you know it was me?

Ashley: Heh, I knew you were Ladybug when I first met you in class. The resemblance is similar and not to mentioned I watched some videos from Alya's blog and the voice gives it away so easily. I put the pieces together and discovered you and Ladybug are the same person. I'm not dum like the idiots Cerise believed in nor that stupid ass of a ex brother of mine.

Ladybug: Brother? You mean Adrien.

Ashley: Let's sit down and talk, I got a lot to say.

Ladybug: Me too. Spots Off.

Ladybug changed back into Marinette and soon Tiki her kwami appeared before her and looked see Ashley looking at Tiki in awe as well as cuteness.

Tiki: M..Marinette why is...

Marinette: She knows Tiki, she figured it out on her own. I trust her and she promises not to say a word. Ashley this is my kwami Tiki. Tiki this is Ashley.

Tiki: Oh so this the girl that you been telling me about nice to meet you.

Ashley: OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!❤️(Ashley saids and holds Tiki to her cheek)

Tiki: Hehehehehe, I already like her now.

Marinette: Here Tiki, I got some macaroons for you.

Tiki: Thanks Marinette.

Marinette: Would you like one Ashley, I baked them myself.

Ashley: Sure. Mmmm! These are so good!

Marinette: REALLY!

Ashley: Absolutely, and hey maybe I can make you something, hope you like strawberry cake.

Marinette: I love you...I mean I love strawberry cake!

Ashley(Thought): Hehehe she's so adorable.

Marinette and Ashley spent the next couple hours telling all about their past with family and the miraculous. Ashley was shocked and yet amazed Marinette had to go through all the stuff while also trying to figure out who Hawk Moth was but also deal with being bullied by her former classmates but was happy that some of her friends stood by her and kept her safe. Marinette was shocked that Ashley went through hell with Gabriel and that Adrien was not the sunshine boy she knew but a spoiled brat who wanted to have everything he wanted but didn't get it. Gabriel was an abusive man who treated his former daughter with shame as well as not listening to his ex wife who was alive and well.

Marinette: So after everything you and your mom left and Emilee made a fake version of her too fool Gabriel thinking she was in a coma.

Ashley: That sounds about right. And he completely forgot about my existence wish I am happy he did. I hated him ever since.

Marinette: I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.

Ashley: Thanks for your concern. I'm happy to spend time with someone who knows what I am going through.

Marinette: Also I don't why I was so interested in Adrien, I thought he was sweet and kind but seeing him doing nothing to help me with Lila or whatever her name is; it made me realize he isn't the one for me and i burned all those pictures and gifts I made for him now that I know for what he truly is.

Ashley: An asshole.

Marinette: I was gonna say jerk but I like your idea of him.

Ashley: So he was Cat Noir?

Marinette: Sigh...yea. I think Master Fu picked the wrong holder for the job. He was always flirting with me and never took the job seriously and not to mentioned always makes these lame cat puns that get on my nerves.

Ashley: And don't forget he looked like porn star in that skin tight outfit.

Marinette: Hehehehehe. I never thought about it until now.

Ashley: After you took away his miraculous, what did you do?

Marinette: I took the miraculous back home and kept it safe until I find myself a replacement holder for the miraculous of destruction.

Ashley: Any such luck?

Marinette: Apparently not. Hawk Moth is getting stronger and I can't rely on my team to help, I don't want them to be put at risk. There can't be any balance if there is no holder of destruction to stand by side with the holder of creation. The two work together and together they are stronger. Adrien didn't had that, he used the miraculous for his own games.

Ashley: That's stupid of him to do such a thing. No wonder he became such a disappointment.

Marinette: If only I could find that certain someone who is willing to take on the role as the new holder of destruction.

Unknown to the girls Plagg the kwami of the cat miraculous stuck his head out and eyed the blonde girl next to Marinette and felt a connection between him and her. Ashley shared a strong aura for the miraculous of destruction and Plagg thinks he found himself a brand new holder who is more stronger and has more brains then Adrien.

Plagg(Thought): Seems like I found my new holder.

Until night came Ashley spent her day with Marinette at her place where Marinette shared her life with Ashley and showed off her fashion designs that made Ashley look at them awe that her future soulmate was so talented even her parents who were the best bakers in all of Paris. Ashley got to know Sabine and Tom well who offered Ashley to help bake in the kitchen. Ashley made a strawberry cake as promised and when Marinette and her parents tried it, it tasted so good that they asked if Ashley wanted to work part time at the bakery and the blonde couldn't say no to such good people like Marinette and her parents.

Ashley then left to go back to her apartment but not before Plagg snuck away and hid inside Ashley's bag along with the miraculous inside. When Ashley arrived back to her apartment, she took off her clothes and took a nice hot shower then put on her sleeping clothes. She then looked towards her bag and saw movement, she opened her bag and out came Plagg.

Plagg: Hello.

Ashley: Aww what a cute little kitty!

Plagg: Hey I'm not cute girly, I'm handsome.

Ashley: Hehehe, I take that your the kwami of destruction correct, Plagg was it. Tiki told me about you.

Plagg: The one and only blondie.

Ashley: What are you doing here? And is that the miraculous you are holding?

Plagg: Yup and you want the full story or the short?

Ashley: Short.

Plagg: Ok, ever since I got tired of Adrien being the fool he is, I asked Marinette for a new holder but so far no such luck came until I spotted you and her talking on the roof. Then for some reason the miraculous's power sensed a nearby source that shares the same aura in which you blondie are the true holder of the miraculous of destruction.

Ashley: Me?

Plagg: That's right and congratulations your the new holder of the cat miraculous. Of course you know how the thing works, you help Ladybug beat the Akuma's, she captures the butterfly and fix everything but you also know that Ladybug can't do anything without her trusty partner in crime. The Ladybug's of the past always always need a Cat Hero to aid them in battle.

Ashely: Me, the holder of the cat miraculous. Does Marinette know?

Plagg: But she will know soon when you go and help save the day.

Ashley: You do know when she finds out you're going to be in big trouble and Tiki might give you a scolding.

Plagg: Eh, I had worse. So what do you say blondie.

Ashley: I do like Marinette, and I don't want anything happening to her. Sure I would be honored. Though I am not going to be screw up like my ex brother. I will be taking things to the next level.

Plagg: That's the spirit. By the way you got any cheese?

Ashley: Hehehe, top shelf to the left.

Plagg: Thank you!(Plagg saids and flies to get some cheese)

Ashley: Me a heroine like Marinette this would be interesting. I should also do some detective work to figure out who Hawk Moth is. This way we can find him and take him down.

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