Stranded Lovers!

Marinette: head...what....what happened? Huh?

Marinette began to wake up from her dizziness until she looked to see she was laying a beach as well as seeing the ocean but then looked and saw trees and vegetation around her. After a minute she screamed that she was on an deserted island.

Marinette: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!!! HOW DID I END UP HERE?!!! Wait a minute I was back on the cruse ship that me and the class went on.

Two days ago:

Marinette won the class a two week cruise on the seas but everyone thinks it was Lila the pathological liar who framed Marinette for being a bully. Everyone believed in the lies including Alya who dropped their friendship for something shinny and new. Adrien, her former crush now turned spineless coward betrayed her and fed her to the dogs who not only insult her but also beat her until she ended up in a hospital. Marinette ditched the high road bull-shit and disliked Adrien ever since. She still had friends like Chloe, Zoe, Kagami, Luka, Juleka, Rose, and Alix. The others turned their back for Lila. Marinette endured the bullying for nearly a year and got expelled twice then brought back again.

The only ones who believed Marinette were her parents, and her true friends. They all sticked by her and kept her safe but in school not so much. The principal and teacher were idiots and didn't bother to do anything about the bullying and just shrugged it off and just put the blame on Marinette and had her to be an example. Marinette thought that a two week vacation on a cruise will help calm her nerves.

On the cruise Marinette was relaxing on the chairs while tanning and listening to music. She was enjoying her peace and quiet until the relaxation ended when Adrien came up to her.

Adrien: Marinette.

Marinette: Sigh..what do you want? I just want to relax in peace.

Adrien: I came to tell you not to expose Lila, we talked about this. Her lies are not hurting anymore and you need to apologize for the things you have done to her.

Marinette: Are you serious right now. Why should I apologize for something I didn't do. I never laid a hand nor a finger on her. I can't believe how dense you are. You really are a coward.

Adrien: You need to take the high road.

Marinette: I don't have to do shit! I had it with you and those people who I used to called friends. I am done. If you don't like it then go fuck yourself Agreste.(Marinette saids then takes her things and leaves)

Adrien: Marinette!...Why doesn't she see that her lies are not harming anybody? We could have been together if she would have listened to me. Alya told me that she had a crush on me.

Marinette: I can't believe I used to like that idiot.(Marinette saids in thought while still walking away)

Marinette went to the end of the deck of the ship to clear her mind and away from the spineless idiot known as Adrien. While viewing the sea itself and paying no mind to whats around her, unknown to her someone was watching her in the shadows in which was Lila who was smirking at seeing her victim alone.

Lila: Hehehehe, time to get rid of little miss perfect once and for all. What better way is to push her off the ship.

Lila came out of the shadows and walked quietly towards Marinette and when close she grabbed Marinette and threw her off the cruise ship.

Marinette: HEY WHAT?!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH?!!!!


Lila: Hahahahaha! Don't worry I tell them that you slipped and fell off the ship and drowned! See you never Mari-trash!

Marinette came up for air and looked to see the cruise ship leaving her. Marinette screamed for help but no one could hear her. She looked up and saw Lila smirking at her that left Marinette in shock and anger but then saw the liar throw down a floatable rubber boat. Marinette swam towards the boat and got on board.

Marinette: LILA!!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!

Marinette tried to catch up to the cruise but it was too far away and too fast and the only thing Marinette had was just a rubber boat and a small paddle. Marinette broke down into tears that she's been set up and now was alone at sea with no one to keep her company. She didn't know how long she spent on the water and the sun was burning down on her, the only thing keeping her from the sun was her towel and nothing else. She was thirsty and hungry. Night came and she felt cold and with no fire she couldn't stay warm. She fell unconscious after that and didn't know what happened after words.


Marinette: I can't believe that bitch did this to me!!!! This is even worst then the bullying back in school thank god I graduated early. I can't believe I am stranded here and with no phone signal I can't contact for help....just great. Well since I am here I might as well look around but first I need something to eat I am starving.

Marinette thought about going fishing so she went into the trees and broke a tree branch and broke a piece of stone to make a spear tip. Once she made her spear and went into the water to collect some fish to eat. She was able to catch about five fishes and they were big enough to fill her stomach. Thanks to her survival skills that she learned she was able to make a fire and cook the fish. She ate the fish and thanks to the nutritions of the meat it gave Marinette back her strength.

Marinette: Sigh...that was so good. I think I will rest for a while then have a look around. Maybe find some fresh water.

After an hour of resting Marinette got up from the ground and decided to wonder around the island and maybe try to signal for help if she can reach anybody miles away. She didn't know how long she walked but she knew that she needed to get off the island and back to the world that she lives in and she stoped and saw something that she couldn't believe it was. What she saw was a wooden house near the shore line and it was man made.

Marinette: Oh my gosh! I can't believe what I have just found, maybe there are people here and maybe they can help me get back home.

Marinette walked up to the house and was amazed of how crafted the place was especially the inside. It looked so much like the beach houses she seen in those tropical islands paradise commercials that Chloe showed her.

Marinette: Hello? Is anyone here? Hello? I got washed up on shore and I am lost. Can anyone help me. Anybody?

Hello there.(A male voice saids from behind Marinette)

Marinette: Dah?!!!

Male: Oh sorry about that miss didn't mean too.........oh wow.

Marinette: It's okay I just...just..just.........oh my god.

The boy looked at the girl in front of him and he couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. He was staring at the most beautiful sight he has ever seen in his life and one word could only describe the beauty in front of him.

Male: She's an angel....I have never seen a girl this beautiful before. Such lovely features, those eyes that sparkle like the sea itself and that bluish black hair reminds me of my favorite blueberry fruits. Her voice is like a goddess, did I die and gone to heaven.(Male saids in thought while in awe of Marinette)

Marintte: Oh my.....I never met someone with such gorgeous white hair. Those eyes...they shine like a crystal blue lake. Not to mention he is so handsome!!!! Wait is that a ten pack?!!! I always thought those were a myth. Did I wash on heaven, please god and goddess don't let this be a dream. He's even more good looking than Adrien.(Marinette saids in thought while blushing at the boy in front of her)

Male: Um..cough...are you lost you said?

Marinette: Huh? Oh yes yes yes I am. I just washed up on shore not too long ago. I had an accident on a cruise ship and I drifted in the ocean for nearly two days I think. I was hot, cold, thirsty and hungry but I was able to eat some fish when I arrived here but I could use some water.

Male: Well miss, your in luck because I got some water that I collected from the rain. Come inside and so we can get you hydrated.

Marinette: Oh thank you so much um....

Male: Eric, Eric Harrison.

Marinette: Nice to meet you Eric. My name is Marinette, Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Eric: Such a beautiful name. Which also means of The Sea.


Once inside the house Marinette sat down while Eric goes to get the water for her. Now full hydrated and relaxed, Marinette can ask how Eric got here and is it possible to call for help since he lives here.

Marinette: Did you build this place yourself?

Eric: Actually turns out this was an abandoned movie set that was built around the 1950's. It's been untouched for years until I discovered it after I too was washed on shore.

Marinette: What happened?

Eric: I was sailing out in sea when a storm hit and my boat crashed. I managed to get all of my stuff off the boat before the tied came in but unfortunately my radio on the boat got destroyed when I crashed.

Marinette: there's no way off the island.

Eric: I set up some SOS signals in case a plane or a boat came by but I got no such luck. I been here for nearly a year now and I miss my family back home.

Marinette: Where you from?

Eric: I used to live in Paris but now I live the Caribbean.

Marinette: Really! Because that's where I am from.

Eric: You too! At least I am not the only one. It's good to have someone from Paris, it got lonely here when it was just myself.

Marinette: I am so sorry to hear about that.

Eric: It's quite all right. So how did you end up here?

Marinette: Sigh...back in Paris a liar came to my school and turn my former friends against me and thought I did awesome things to her and they ate it all up. They bullied me as well as hurt me that I ended up in hospital. She lies under her tongue and manipulates others to do what she wants. She got me expelled twice and the principal and teacher just shrugged me off thinking I was lying to them. My former crush told me that her lies are not hurting anyone since he knows she's a liar but just lets her do it. To makes things worse she decided to get rid of me and that was pushing me off a cruise ship and it is how I ended up in the middle of the ocean.

Eric: My god...those people are such assholes. What was the girls name?

Marinette: Lila Rossi.

Eric: Wait I heard that name before.

Marinette: You did, how?

Eric: When I went to Italy a couple years ago with my mom, there was on the news about a girl who committed crimes as well as murder for lying to people as well as causing students from schools to bully others. She was wanted for murder, sexual harassment, lying, as well as stealing. The governor and the police spend days and months trying to find her but she got away until and never seen again until now.

Marinette: Oh my gosh! I knew that Lila was a liar but the things she did before are just barbaric and cruel.

Eric: You know if by chance we get off this island maybe my grandfather could help deal with Lila and put her in place and have her sent to prison.

Marinette: Whose your grandfather.

Eric: Eric Alexander Harrison I, the governor of France. My dad's name is Eric Harrison II and I'm Eric Harrison III.

Marinette: Your the the governor's grandson?!!!

Eric: Yup. I just hope they are doing all right, I want to see them again including mom.

Marinette: What do your parents do?

Eric: My mom is painter, she teaches art classes. My dad is working his way to become the governor of the Caribbean. He likes to follow in grandpa's footsteps. For me I want to fulfill my dream as a fashion designer artist. Making the clothes is not my thing but drawing and sketching the clothes is something I am good at.

Marinette: You like fashion design as well! I been doing fashion designing for years. Always wanted to be one since I was a little girl. I even design my own outfits.

Eric: I would love to see them as well as your designs and maybe we can share. I can show you my designs and you can show me yours.

Marinette: I would love too. But maybe when we get off the island we will see.

Eric: True. Your more than welcome to stay here with me since I don't want you to get hurt and wonder alone on the island.

Marinette: You will let me stay.

Eric: Of course.

Marinette: He's so sweet and knows how to treat a girl with respect.(Marinette saids in thought while blushing)

Eric: She's got to be the most loveliest girl I have ever encountered, I wonder if mom would like her. I know for a fact that she would be interested in meeting Marinette.(Eric saids in thought)

3 months later:

After spending three months on the island Marinette and Eric bonded great together. They spent their lives working together, solving problems as well as living together. During their time together on the island Marinette started to developed romantic feelings for Eric and so did Eric himself. Every time they spent together made them grow closer to each other even when they help each other out around the house as well as finding food and water. Eric and Marinette had a camp fire by the shore line underneath a full moon in which they both decided to confess how they felt about each other.

Marinette: Eric...

Eric: Yes.

Marinette: There has been something I wanted to say to you since the moment I first you months ago.

Eric: So do I.

Marinette: Eric.

Eric: Marinette.

Eric and Marinette: I love you.

Both gasp as well as blushed but then smiled at each other in which they both moved closed until their lips were near each other and when the moment came both Eric and Marinette shared a passionate kiss under the full moon and it was the most romantic moment of their new lives together.

Meanwhile with the idiots three months ago video footage showed of what happened on the cruise ship. Let's just say Lila was caught by the police and when they saw her face they smirked that they not only found out who pushed Marinette Dupain Cheng off the cruise ship but they caught the dangerous criminal that was wanted in Italy. The police took Lila into custody while her sheep were trying to defend her but they got either choices to join Lila in prison, get tuns of lawsuits or let their parents know but all in the above they got lawsuits and were black listed from their dream jobs and Adrien well he got beaten to pulp after he confess that Lila was lying the whole time and was sent home to his father who grounded him till the day he dies and later will be ship off to a boarding school. Marinette's friends and parents were shocked and horrified that Marinette was pushed off the cruise caused by Lila and sent out word to look for her and hope that she will be brought back home safe and sound.

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