Daughter of The Future!

Ever since Lila came to Marinette's school year, she ruined the poor girls life with lies and manipulations as well as threats and bullying. Lila took all of Marinette's friends away from her except for Ayla, Nino, Luka, Kagami, Chloe, Sabrina, Juleka, Rose, and Alix. The rest betrayed her and destroyed so many precious things that belonged to her. No body helped her not even Adrien who cheated on Marinette after the girl found Adrien sleeping with Lila and they were making out in his bedroom when their anniversary was that day. Adrien knew Lila was a liar all this time but told Marinette to take the high road and not exposed Lila because her lies don't hurt anyone which is Bull-Shit in Marinette's answers. Marinette broke off their relationship and cut him off from her family and true friends and after they found out about what Adrien did well Nino punched Adrien in the face followed by Luka and Alya kicked him where it hurts the most because nobody upsets her bestie.

After graduating early from college, Marinette moved on with her life as well as her true friends but the idiots failed their courses and had to retake their classes since they all hung out with Lila and didn't bother to do their work for school. Adrien tried to get Marinette to help but was kicked out of the bakery by force by Sabine and Tom who disliked the model for what he did to their daughter. They also got a restraining order against him if he ever came near her again. Lila still spills lies about Marinette and her minions ate them all up and excuse Marinette of what she did to their friend who promised them fake dreams.

One day when Marinette was leaving the fabric store to get some new supplies for her next upcoming commission all of sudden she spotted both Kim and Ivan moving towards her with bats and glares on their faces and Marinette knew it was Lila's doing so she ran away from the two while they were chasing her through the alleyway. Cornered and no where to go nor run, Marinette looked frighten as Kim and Ivan moved towards her with the bats and were going to do something terrible. Marinette started to scream that she didn't do anything but the idiots weren't having it until Kim was tackled to the ground followed by getting his right arm and legs broken as well as his face being beat to a pulp. Ivan looked but didn't look in time when a fist came at him and was later beaten down just like Kim.

Marinette opened her eyes and saw both Kim and Ivan beaten and broken but then looked at who was in front of her that made her cheeks blush at the site she was seeing. In front of her was a handsome boy with tan skin, black hair, and green eyes more green than Adrien's. He offered to help to the poor girl after dealing with the two idiots. Marinette smiled and took her heroes hand and when their eyes met it was like they were destined to meet.

The boy introduced himself as Don Thresher, a martial artists champion but also an artist who loves to paint exotic creations. Marinette got to know him well and meet his family who were such wonderful people and later both him and her started to develop romantic feelings after Don took her out on a date where they shared a passionate kiss under the moon light unlike Adrien who never kissed her only on the cheek which was dumb. Don and Marinette have been dating for three years now and were celebrating their anniversary until something came up when Alya called Marinette about something important and that she needs to come to her place and find out.


Alya and Nino were at their apartment spending time together watching a movie while Marinette and Don were out celebrating their anniversary until all of sudden the couple saw something strange appearing in front of them in which was some kind of portal.

Nino: Uh babe tell me if I am seeing things or this just my imagination?


Nino: OW?!!! What did you do that for?

Alya: To show you that it is not your imagination and that there is an actual portal in our dinning room.

Nino: Okay but seriously did you have to slap me that hard geez woman. That hurt...

Alya: Well it's either that or the hard pitch to the cheek.

Nino: I should stop talking.

Alya: Wait something is coming through the portal.

Alya and Nino looked to see something or someone coming through the portal until the figure landed on the ground and it sounded like a girl. Once on the floor and the portal closed, both Alya and Nino looked to see if the girl was all right. They got a good look at her and she had green eyes, tan skin, bluish black hair, and wearing pink.

Girl: Ooh....that hurt..

Alya: Hey are you all right?

Girl: Hm? Aunt Alya? Uncle Nino? Why do you both look so young?

Alya and Nino: Huh?

Girl: Oh oh....mommy isn't going to like this...I just hope daddy can handle her. I'm so going to get a grounding.

Alya: Um excuse me but...who are you and why did you call me your aunt and Nino your uncle? I don't recall having any other family members, what about you Nino?

Nino: Sorry Dudette, I am just as lost as you are.

Alya: All right, sweetie would you mind telling us who you are and where you came from?

Girl: Right I wasn't born yet, so I must be in the past. My name is Emma. I came from the future and I am six years old.

Alya and Nino: Time travel.

Alya: Well okay Emma, would you mind telling us who your parents are because I can tell they might be worried about you and surely we can find a way to get you back home.

Emma: Why would you need to know who they are since you and Uncle Nino already know them.

Nino: We do?

Emma: Yea! You both have been their friends for years and later you both became my godparents with mommies approval since she thinks of you as like a sister Aunt Alya and Uncle Nino like a brother.

Alya: Friends for years but the only person I knew for years is........oh my god no way.(Alya saids as her widen shock)

Nino: Babe what is it?

Alya: Emma, who are your parents, please tell me.

Emma: Hehehe! Marinette Dupain Cheng and Don Thresher also known as Ladybug and Jaguar.

Nino: WHAT?!!!!!

Alya: Uh...Nino I need to make a call to someone and you keep her company in the mean time.(Alya saids and leaves the room)

Emma: Is something wrong Uncle Nino?

Nino: Nothing! It's nothing but it's shocking that your dude and dudette's kid. Now I see where you got the hair color as well as the tan skin and green eyes from.

Emma: Mommy always saids that I her sweet little angel but sometimes daddy calls me his cinnamon roll since I love to eat cinnamon rolls for dessert.

Nino: Just between us and I am great uncle?

Emma: YOUR THE BEST UNCLE EVER! Along with Uncle Luka.

Nino: 😢sniff....my future niece loves me.(Nino saids in thought with happy tears)

Meanwhile with Alya after she got off the phone with Marinette and asked of her to come to her place to talk and try to explain the whole daughter from the future thing to her. Marinette soon arrived at her best friends apartment and was welcomed inside.

Marinette: What is so important that you had me come all the way here Alya? You know that me and Don's anniversary is tonight and I want it to be special.

Alya: Girl trust me this is very important and shocking. Also you might be in for quite the surprise.

Marinette: I been surprised before Alya. What could possibly get me more surprised then the parties that you guys threw me every year.

As soon as Alya opened the door to her apartment, she looked to see Nino having fun with Emma who was sharing stories about how Nino won an MTV award for best DJ in the countries.

Nino: That is so awesome!!! Who would of thought my dream as a DJ and getting an award would turn our amazing.

Emma: Hehehehe!

As soon as Emma turned her head and saw Alya she smiled at seeing her aunt but stoped when she saw her mother who was still beautiful as ever. Emma smiled wide and got up from her spot next to Nino and ran towards Marinette with opened arms.

Emma: MOMMY!!!

Emma hugs Marinette's legs in which the fashion designers eyes widen of what she just heard and looks down to see the girl hugging her who smiled at seeing her mother well her past mother when she was younger. Marinette's eyes started to roll back and soon she collapses on the ground, fainting after what she just discovered.

Emma: Mommy?

Alya and Nino: Uh oh.

After a while Marinette gain control of herself and woke up and Alya explained the whole thing to her bestie that the little girl was her daughter from the future but go brought to the past by mistake and has to wait until someone comes to get her. Marinette couldn't believe what she just found out, she was going to be a mother and Emma was her and Don's daughter.

Marinette: I can't believe it....your my daughter..

Emma: Mhm! Where do you think I got my beautiful bluish hair from. You always called me your little angel and daddy calls me cinnamon roll.

Marinette: His favorite dessert is cinnamon rolls.

Emma: We like the ones you make for us. I love my mommies cooking and the clothes you make for me.

Marinette: I can't believe it your my little Emma! Your...your so cute!!! My precious little Emma, my little angel....oh my gosh I am going to be a mother!!!

Marinette burst with excitement and tears then hugged Emma who giggled at her mothers excitement while Alya was smiling with happy tears and Nino smiling that his long time friend was going to have such a beautiful daughter in the future.

Marinette: I have so much to ask of you sweetie. Me and Don are going to be parents.

Emma: You also still Ladybug and daddy is Jaguar.

Marinette: Jaguar? You know about me being Ladybug?

Emma: Mommy I may be six years old but I am not stupid I know that you are Ladybug. The resemblance is quite similar in or out of costume but I always keep it a secret from everyone since it's hero cold one o one. You told me that yourself.

Alya: Yea she's definitely yours.

Nino: No doubt about it.

Marinette: I really should find a better way to keep my identity a secret. But why did you call your daddy Jaguar? Is he a hero in your time?

Emma: He's the greatest hero ever! You gave him the miraculous of the cat after that jerk and stupid blonde meany model boy Agreste tried to kill you after he found out that you were Ladybug and tried to force himself onto you but was defeated by Daddy who destroyed him along with the liar sassy pants who was working with the evil moth guy.

Marinette: WHAT?!!!!!

Alya: Adrien is Cat Noir!!! I knew those two were the same person!

Nino: He tried to kill dudette...

Emma: After mommy and daddy got together he became jealous and tried to separate you two by force, didn't turn out that well since daddy is highly trained in combat. Agreste tried everything in his power to get back with you mommy even go so far to kidnap you and use bad pills to make you do what he wants.

Marinette felt sick to her stomach of what Adrien had become and finding out he was her former partner and needs to get the miraculous back before he does something unspeakable. But also Lila working with Hawk Moth is another story. She would go so far to work with a terrorist. She need to stop them and she needs to make sure Adrien doesn't go too far.

Soon after a while of calming down the door opens and came in Don who was holding some bags in his hand and looked to see Marinette with Alya and Nino as well as a little girl who smile wide and ran towards Don.

Emma: DADDY!!!!

Emma did like she did before with Marinette, hugging her fathers legs while Don just stared but didn't faint like Marinette and just asked what is going on and needs answers.

Don: I think some explanations are in order don't you think.

After explaining everything to Don who was furious of what he found out about Adrien, Lila, and Hawk Moth that he wanted to strangle the three of them and put them in their places but stopped when he was amazed and happy that he was going to be a father and married to Marinette who gave him and her a beautiful daughter who loves both her parents very much.

Don: You got your mothers hair which is good, though you got the Threshers eyes. You are being good in the future are you?

Emma: I am daddy all thanks to you and mommy. When I grow up I want to be just like you both.

Marinette: OH MY GOSH SHE IS SO ADORABLE THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR MY HEART!!!❤️(Marinette saids in thought)

Don: And I become the new hold her the miraculous of the cat. Huh who would of thought I would make a great superhero.

Marinette: I always thought about having you as my partner in crime.

Don: After telling me so much about your hero life, I wouldn't have it in any other way.

Marinette: Emma, tell me how is the future?

Emma:....not good.

Marinette: What happened?

Emma: Lila and Adrien happened. They destroyed the future after Hawk Moth was defeated. Both went mad and caused destruction for all out Paris. Mommy they tried to kill you when you were home alone but daddy stopped them in time but the damages were done and a lot of innocent people died because of them even some of my friends that I made.

Everyones gasped in horror that Adrien and Lila destroyed the future and they all know that they have to stop them before the future is ruined.

Emma: The future was once peaceful before Agreste and that liar mad it bad. They the worst mommy and the worst couple. What did you see in that horrible boy.

Marinette: Nothing absolutely nothing. My feelings for him died years ago. Now I know that I need to take away his miraculous and erase his memories forever. I cannot allow for someone like Adrien to become someone who would go the limits to destroy everything and everyone.

Don: How did you find out about this information?

Emma: I over heard Aunt Alix who is also Bunnix talking about going into the past to change so that the awful future will no exist. But we were attacked and I ended being sucked through the portal....I miss my mommy and daddy and my god parents....😢sniff please you need to stop them.

Marinette! Marinette! I need talk to you its important and serious!!!(A small male voice saids then flies into the room to see everyone in which was known other than Plagg holding the miraculous of the cat)

Marinette: Plagg?

Plagg: Oh good there you I been looking all over for you and did I miss something also whose the little girl?

Emma: KITTY!!!❤️

Emma smiles and brings Plagg to her cheek and cuddles him which left the kwami confused while the other aww at the site.

Plagg: Uh whose the girl and why is she hugging me?

Marinette: This is Emma, she's my daughter from the future. She's both mine and Don's.

Plagg: Huh, I kind of see the resemblance. But I can discuss this later because I need to tell you something.

Marinette: What is it Plagg?

Plagg: I can't take it anymore!!! My holder is loosing it and he is not the holder for me, so I decided to strip him from the miraculous forever because he is not the same boy I have met and his ugly girlfriend is another who I can't stand.

Marinette: If you mean Adrien and Lila, we know. Emma told us that they destroyed the future and we have to stop them as well as Hawk Moth.

Emma: Who happens to be that mean model boys daddy.


Don: I knew that fool was no good for nothing bastard. Like father like son.

Alya: What else do you know sweetie?

Emma: Mommy told me the whole story. Agreste Sr became Hawk Moth because he wanted to bring back his ill wife from a magical coma caused by the peacock miraculous which is why he needed both creation and destruction to do so. What he didn't know was the creation miraculous could also heal people and thats what mommy was trying to do but Hawk Moth went mad with power and it coast him his own life when his own mansion collapsed on him after the final battle. He was never seen again but his miraculous and the peacock were stolen by his son and Lila who became the new villains that destroyed the future.

Nino: Dude that is messed up.

Emma: Yea but daddy defeated them both after they tried to kill mommy in which the world was better off without them so daddy cataclysms them both, turning the two into dust.

Marinette: He did that.

Emma: To save you mommy, me and daddy love you and we don't want you gone. I almost lost my mommy..😢sniff....please don't leave me mommy.

Marinette: Oh sweetie I will never leave you, never.(Marinette saids and hugs Emma and so does Don)

Don: I would have done that is the first place, I hated both of them and they would go so far to do this to Marinette and the future. No more, it is about time to end things once and for all.

Plagg: I couldn't agree more, which is why you are my new holder because your aura matches perfecting with the miraculous of destruction. I always liked you since you give me cheese whenever I visit.

Don: I will except you Plagg and be your new holder.

Emma: Daddy's going to be Jaguar!

Don: Jaguar, I like that.(Don saids and put on the ring)

Marinette: Before we deal with Hawk Moth, let's take care of Adrien and Lila.

Alya: Already on it girl. During the years we found evidence that Lila isn't who she saids she is in which she is an escaped criminal that is wanted for treason, murder, thief, and much more. The police have been searching for her for years but now that she is in Paris, I called up the countries and told them where to find their missing criminal.

Nino: We had some help from our friends to help out and some connections.

Marinette: That is wonderful to hear, when will they arrive?

Alya: Tomorrow, meaning Lila will be arrested soon.

Marinette: Good I am going over to Adrien who is doing a modeling shoot at the Eiffel Tower and I will erase his memories of everything including me because it's best he forgets everything as well as his father after I help heal his wife.

Don: I will go to the Agreste mansion and wait for you.

Plagg: Why not give the miraculous a try now that you are my new holder. To transform just say Claws Out and to change back say Claws In.

Don: Plagg, Claws Out!

Don changed into his hero form which looks more awesome than Cat Noir's uniform. Marinette was in awe as well as blushing at seeing her man in a super hero outfit but more like a ninja with some cat features and Emma was jumping up and down at seeing her father in costume.

Jaguar(Don): Not bad.

Marinette: I love it...

Jaguar(Don): Thanks, I will meet you at the Agreste mansion after you take care of the model fuck face.

Marinette: See you there honey. Alya watch over Emma while we are gone.

Alya: I'm her aunt Marinette of course I will look after their bundle of joy.

Emma: Kick butt mommy!

Marinette: Of course sweetheart.

Time Skip:

Marinette as Ladybug got to Adrien and used her guardian power to erase his memories forever but not before kicking him in the groin for being an asshole. Soon both Ladybug and Jaguar invaded the Agreste mansion and attacked as well as defeated Hawk Moth but also erased his memories just like Adrien's and took back the miraculous of the butterfly and the peacock. They discovered the hidden lair where Emilee the wife of Gabriel was kept and using the power of creation Ladybug healed Emilee and told her what has happened and was disgusted of what her husband and son have done. But was happy that their minds were erased so that Emilee can show them a better way to live. After the villain was defeated they focused their last enemy Lila who next day was arrested along with her mindless sheep due to their crimes. The idiots got twenty years in prison but Lila on no she wasn't given life sentence no she was given a death penalty due to the fact she caused the death of others and used fake appearances to hide her true identity so the government wouldn't find her. Her lies came out to the world and the idiots felt that they were deceived and will never feel the same.

The next couple of days Marinette and Don were spending time with Emma who was so happy to have fun with her younger version of her parents as well as her other god parents who fell in love with the young girl. Chloe wanted to dress her up, Rose and Juleka wanted to do her makeup, Kagami wanted to help train her, Luka wanted to play a song for her and Alix wanted to show her some moves for sport. When Tom and Sabine found out, they gushed over how cute and sweet their future granddaughter looked at showed off pictures of Marinette when she was little that made the fashion designer embarrassed.

Right now Emma was with Marinette and Don looking over the city of Paris on a beautiful night like one big happy family.

Marinette: Can't believe it's finally over.

Don: Indeed, though what about the future?

Marinette: I am not sure yet but I am sure it is starting to get bright.

Emma: Mommy.

Marinette: Yes Emma.

Emma: Will we always be together.

Marinette: Of course we will. I will make sure nothing happens to my little angel.

Don: So will I my cinnamon roll.

Emma: Hehehehe!

Soon a bright light appeared behind them and a portal appeared then out came an older version of Alix as Bunnix who looked to see Marinette and Don along with Emma.

Bunnix: Hey there mini bug and hey Jaguar nice to see you both again.

Emma: AUNT ALIX!(Emma saids and hugs her aunt)

Bunnix: So this is where you have been? Your mommy and daddy were worried sick about you.

Emma: I am sorry I just wanted to help save the future.

Bunnix: Well your in luck the future has been saved and everything is perfectly fine. All thanks to mini bug and Jaguar but it seems you help them out as well good job honey.

Marinette: Now that we know that the future is all right, what then?

Bunnix: Have to take little miss Dupain Cheng Thresher here home. Also your mommy wanted me to tell you that your grounded for a week.

Emma: Awwwww.....before we go can I say goodbye to mommy and daddy.

Bunnix: Sure.

Emma runs over and hugs both Marinette and Don. Marinette was crying in tears that she is going to miss Emma while Don smiled that his daughter will become a fine young lady in the future.

Emma: Thank you for everything, I will miss you mommy and you too daddy.

Marinette: 😢sniff...goodbye my little angel. Mommy loves you.

Don: Don't get into trouble again cinnamon roll.

Emma: I promise. I love you too mommy. Bye!(Emma saids to her parents before leaving through the portal with Bunnix)

Don: We will see her again Marinette don't worry.

Marinette: I know.

Don: You know I was going to do this during our anniversary but I think it would be the best time to do it.

Marinette: What do you....GASP!

Marinette gasped when she looks to see Don getting down on one knee and holding a small box that opens to reveal a diamond ring with the blue sapphire. Don smiled at seeing Marinette who was on the verge of crying again.

Don: Marinette, after spending these three years have been the best time of my life and I want to be with you forever. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife. Will you marry me.

Marinette: YES!!!!!!

Both Marinette and Don got married and later had their daughter Emma who looks just the same and later had a pair of twins a boy and girl named Hugo and Elisabeth Dupain Cheng Thresher. They moved to New York to start their new lives together and the future was very bright for the whole family though Marinette still remembers the time she had with Emma and will always be there for her no matter what.


Hey guys just wanted to let you all know that I came back from my two week vacation which was great and I plan to update more stories soon maybe tomorrow I will because I just updated this one. So anyway my two weeks in Myrtle Beach were spectacular but I am glad to be back home in my home country because now I can make more edits and more story chapters.

Hope you all had a wonderful summer cause soon the fall season is coming so be prepared for it.

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