Dating a famous boxer!
It was the end of school day and Lila along with her sheep were leaving as well as hearing more fake tales of Lila and her adventures around the world and meeting famous people. Lila Rossi is known for her lying skills as well as threats. Two years ago she lied to a girl and framed her for being a bully and everyone of that girls friends turned against her. Marinette Dupain Cheng was her name and after Lila turned those who were close to her against her she left school and transferred to a new school away from the toxic place and away from the real bullies. Everyone was gasping in awe of Lila's tales of her trip to California and meeting a famous boxer who not only she told them that she met the boxer but also became a tag team partner.
Alya: Girl! You have to tell me all about this. This could give me more views on my blog.
Kim: I am such a huge fan of that girl and you got to meet her in person you are so lucky.
Ivan: What was she like?
Lila: She was so sweet to me when she and I met. Though it was ashamed she lost her bod due to being over weighted poor girl should watch her carves.
Kim: Damn..
Mylene: I am sure she will get back into shape in no time.
Max: Whoah guys check out the bike right there!
Adrien: Wow I never seen a bike like that before, must be custom made.
Kim: Who ever drives that bike must be awesome.
Lila: Well if you must know this is my bike. I got this on my trip to Los Angeles where after my meeting with Prince Ali.
Alya: Oh my gosh girl that is so awesome!!!!
Max: Uh are you sure this is your bike, I mean it looks a little to big for you to ride on?
Adrien: I kind of have to agree. Check out the controls on this thing, I can't even find out which is the starter?
Lila: Of course this is my bike let me show you and you will know.
Lila got on the bike and she had to admit it was bigger than her and couldn't reach the peddles nor figure out how to start up the bike and not to mention she doesn't have a drivers license. Alya went to record this on her phone to post on her totally not so cool blog that only has three views since the stories that she posted were all about Lila and none of them made sense or came out to be real. Good thing people fact check their sources unlike some people. While Lila was trying to solve the bike out all of sudden a female voice got everyones attention.
Female: Excuse me but what the heck are you doing?
Alya: Hey my best friend is trying to...........holly shit........(Alya said then gasp of the female standing in front of her and everyone else)
Everyones jaw dropped to the ground of the sight of the female in front of them but Kim how ever gasped in pure shot of who this girl was and he never forgets a face never. Her name is Zessica T'Long. Famous boxer and ass kicking machine. Won about twenty five matches and never lost a fight and always comes up on top of her game. She dedicated herself to boxing since she was little girl and trained under the guidance of her mother who was a former boxing champion as well as world champion. Many has viewed her as The Amazon Warrior in which was her name in the ring. The guys were blushing at the sight of the female while the girls were staring at how tall the boxer was and how ripped her body looked.
Alya(Whisper): She's more ripped than my sister....
Zessica: I asked a question. What are you doing on my bike?
Everyone except Lila: Your bike?
Zessica: Yes my bike, I parked it here so I could get something from the bakery down the street. Now I find someone trying to drive it but luckily I had my keys with me.(Zesscia saids while holding her bike keys)
Alya: Wait a minute how do you know this is your bike? Lila said it was hers.
Zessica: Who?
Alya: My best fried the one on the bike.
Lila: Uh......hi....
Zessica gave the girl a death glare in which Lila got scared and quickly got off the bike and moved back towards her sheep.
Zessica: First of all this is my bike because it has my name on the side. Don't you people read before looking.
Max: Actually she's right, there is a name on the bike that saids Zessica T'Long.
Ivan: The Zessica T'Long, The Amazon Warrior.....
Sabrina: As in like the famous boxer who won twenty one boxing matches and never lost.
Zessica: Actually it's twenty-five matches.
Adrien: What's a famous boxer doing in Paris?
Zessica: Here to visit my girlfriend of course. We've dating for nearly three years and I came to pay her a visit and invite her to my next boxing match that is taking place next month.
Alya: Your really Zessica T'Long but Lila said that you had a boyfriend that you cheated on as well as got dumped twice followed by getting over weighted.
Zessica: First of all I don't like men never have never will. Second I never cheated on anybody and thirdly I am always in top shape do I look fat to you.
Adrien: You don't like men?
Zessica: No I don't, I'm okay being friends with them but when they give me the fuck me eyes I give them a good ass kicking and brutal beat down.(Zessica saids while cracking her knuckles that made the guys pale)
Alya: Lila I thought you said she was a train wreck and didn't bother want to be in a relationship anymore?
Lila: I'm so dead now.(Lila saids in thought while in fear)
Zessica: I'm sorry what did your little friend here say. I want to hear what she said about me.
Alya went on tell to her story to the boxer as well as the lies that were told and lets just say Zesscia was giving Lila a death glare again and this time she was towering over here like she wanted to bash this girls skull open for thinking she was a fool. Lila could feel the anger and hatred coming towards the boxers aura and she looked like she wanted to die right now.
Zessica: Where did you get all that information from.
Mylene: Lila told us. She's been around the world helping people.
Zessica: Really? What your full name?
Lila: Lila....Rossi.
Zessica: Really? How come your not on world news? I am checking the internet now and all I see from you is interviews on this blog called the LadyBlog.
Alya: I am the creator of that blog isn't it cool and could I get an interview with you!
Zessica: First no and second the blog is not cool and its filled with lies.
Alya: What?! No it's not!
Zessica: Heh yes it is. None of this stuff makes sense like meeting the queen of England please everyone knows that she past away a year ago god rest her beautiful soul. Also saving Jagged Stone's cat from a moving air plane bull-shit! Everyone knows that the famous rock star is allergic to fur and that is why he has a pet crocodile named Fang everyone knows that. Another thing meeting Michael Jackson in Florida in the year of 2021, are you stupid or something Michael Jackson died of heart attack in 2009.
Nathaniel: What? But Lila promised me to take me to meet Stan Lee this month. She told me that he was going to be at the convention.
Zessica: Stan Lee past away in 2018. You been tricked and lied too. What else has she promised you all?
Mylene: She promised that she will help raise money for save the forest.
Zessica: What happened to the money?
Ivan: We...gave it to Lila so she gave donate it herself.
Zessica: Did it ever acer to you that maybe she wanted the money for herself to buy things that she wanted.
Max: She promised me to meet this famous inventor named Tony Stark.
Zessica: Oh my god are you serious, either your blind or just stupid. Tony Stark is a comic book character named Iron Man created by Stan Lee and Marvel. How could you people not know these things do they teach anything in this school about the outside world.
Max: No that can't....
Nathaniel: Tony Stark is a comic character, I used to read the comic books when I was a kid.
Marc: I guess the book interview with Johanna Drucker was also a lie.
Zesscia: It is she passed away in the 1998. What else did she tell you?
Sabrina: She said she was Ladybug's best friend!
Zessica: Heh I can tell that is a big fat lie as well.
Alya: How would you know?
Zessica: Think why would Ladybug be friend with someone she doesn't know. I mean if Lila knew Ladybug then would have been huge target for Hawk Moth meaning he can capture Lila and torture her in giving him information about the heroine. Not only that but she will put those close to her at risk mainly family and you guys. Congratulations you all just been targets for Hawk Moth.
Alya: But....but....
Zessica: Don't get me started on you blogger. You put on your life on the line for some stupid views. Could you not see that those fights with Ladybug and the Akuma's are highly dangerous you could have been seriously hurt or worse killed. Makes me wonder what your parents would think to see their daughter to something completely idiotic. Why can't you be like that reporter Aurore, at least she doesn't put her life on the line.
Soon everyone but Alya and Adrien started to look up anything about Lila's claims and so far the only thing they could find was the interviews from the LadyBlog and nothing else. They all turned to Lila and glared at seeing the revelation.
Nathaniel and Marc: YOU FUCKING LIAR!!!!
Max: Now I feel 100% stupid, how could I not see this...
Mylene: All the money we gave you, what the hell did you do with it huh?!
Ivan: Calm down hun everything will be all right.
Sabrine: Now I see why Chloe didn't like her....I'm such a terrible friend.
Adrien: Guys come on it's not like her lies were hurting anyone.
Zessica: Heh if I didn't know better Adrien Fucking Agreste I say you probably knew she was a liar the whole time and didn't bother telling either of your friends. My girlfriend was right about something you are a spineless jackass hard to believe your the son of Gabriel Agreste.
Everyone except Lila: YOU KNEW!!!!
Adrien: Guys I was trying protect you, if Lila lies get exposed she would get Akumatized.
Zessica: Please I seen her Akumatized form that my girlfriend showed me and I have to say she looks like a fucking joke. If I was Ladybug I would beat the living shit out of her as well as you Agreste.
Adrien and Lila: Gulp.....😱
Alya: Wait if you lied then that means...the bullying that Marinette did wasn't the cause of her it was YOU ALL ALONG!!!! YOU FRAMED MY BEST FRIEND!!!!
Zessica: So they are the ones who did such awful things to my precious bluebell.(Zessica saids in thought while glaring)
Kim: Oh shit...what the hell have we done....I beaten Marinette to a pulp and broken...GULP?!(Kim saids then stops when his neck is grabbed by Zessica)
Kim didn't get finished a word when he was punched hard in the hut and collapse on the ground that made everyone scared even Lila that her lies crumbled to the ground and that her sheep turned against her.
Adrien: Was the necessary?
Zessica: Do you want to get kicked in the dick or have broken nose blondie.
Adrien: No....
Zessica: Then shut your damn trap.
Max: Wait how do you know Mar.....
ZES ZES!!!!(Marinette saids from behind everyone)
Marinette just came back home after a evening run and when she arrived home she looked towards the other side of the street and saw the girl who stole her heart. Marinette met Zessica during a trip to the united states with her grandmother. There she and Zessica met during a boxing match and lets just say it was love at first sight. Marinette is a lesbian but gets anode when Alya tried to set her up with Adrien no matter how many times she said no to her. Marinette now smiling runs over to hug her girlfriend while leaving everyone even Adrien in shock.
Zessica: Bluebell!!
Marinette: Why didn't you tell me you were coming to visit I would have everything planned out.
Zessica: I wanted to surprise you honey.
Marinette: Well considered me surprised.
Both of them smiled and kissed each other on the lips that left the sheep and Lila in more shock while Adrien was heart broken and thought Marinette liked him since Alya told him she had a crush on him but it was lie she never liked him since she was more into girls then men.
Marinette: You look great.
Zessica: So do you, keeping up with the lessons I taught you right.
Marinette: Of course, I wouldn't be in top shape if it wasn't for you.
Sabrina: You two are dating?
Zessica: Didn't you not see us kissed each other and I told you I have a girlfriend and she is standing right next to me.
Alya: Why didn't you tell me you were dating a famous boxer?!
Marinette: Uh didn't you say we weren't friends anyone and that you replaced me with Lila aka your new best friend. Besides I moved on and made new friends ones who actually fact check their work and don't beat someone up until they end up in a hospital. I can tell that you figured it out that Lila was liar the whole time well congratulations but that doesn't mean will be friends again. I can't forgive any of you for what you have done to me.
Mylene: But Mari....
Marinette: Only my true friends and my girlfriend can call me that you lost that chance after you bullied me and chose to stand by a liar.
Alya: But Marinette what about Adrien?
Marinette: Oh my fucking god Alya!!! How many times do I have to say it I never liked Adrien I never have. I am a lesbian for crying out loud, all those plans you had for Adrien to get me close to him that was your idea not mine. I told you so many times that I didn't like him why can't you get that through your thick skull. You even tried to force me to go out with him.
Zessica: YOU DID WHAT?!!! Not only a bad reporter but a bad friend as well. You too sick in the head.
Adrien: You mean the crush was a lie as well.
Marinette: It is, I liked you as a friend Adrien but now I just see you as a coward and no longer a friend. You just sat by while Lila and he sheep treated me like dirt. I wish I never met you, it's clear you don't know the outside world. Your father had the right to home school you.
Lila: You just had to ruin everything didn't you Mari-Slu.......
Lila didn't get to finish her sentence when I fist came at her and knocked her down to the ground that was delivered by Zessica who looked angry for what the liar was going to say to her girlfriend. Lila nose was broken and blood came out of it then looked upon her hitter with fright.
Zessica: YOUR THE REAL SLUT AROUND HERE YOU BITCH! Never and I mean never say anything about my Bluebell or so help me I will break you in half. That goes for the rest of you am I clear!
Everyone except Lila: YES MA'AM!!!!
Zessica: Better prepare yourselves because you all are getting lawsuits from not only me but from other celebrities as well. Come on sweetie let's go meet up with your friends at the park I heard they are throwing a barbecue there.
Marinette: They are, but first lets get some pastries to take with us.
Zessica: Ooh good idea babe. Anyone touches my bike, your dead.
The next couple days the former classmates got their lawsuits as well as detention for what they have done. Lila got a lot of lawsuits from both Zessica and other celebrities and got fired from Gabriel who didn't want to use her as a model anyone after the truth came out. Her mother grounded her and sent her back to Italy and joined a boarding school for bad girls who need to learn some manners and not tell lies. Adrien was home schooled again and this time was giving lessons on about how the outside works. His miraculous was taken away for not being a true hero and thankfully Hawk Moth was defeated and had his memories erased in which he was known other than Gabriel Agreste and Natalie was Mayura. Both lost their miraculous and had their memories of beings villain's taken away now they are just Gabriel and Natalie.
1 year later:
Zessica invited Marinette to her boxing match in San Diego California where she was won her fist championship title in years. Marinette cheered for her girlfriend for winning her first title match but Zessica had something other planned in which she got approval from both parents to ask Marinette something very important.
Zessica(Mic): Thank you, thank you all for your wondrous applauses. I want to thank each and every one of you for helping me achieve my goal of becoming champion. I want to thank my fans, my friends, my family, but also my girlfriend who is standing beside the ring cheering me on. Would she do me this honor of coming into the ring because I have something special I want to say to her.
Marinette smiled and went into the ring to stand in front of her girlfriend who held her hands and blushed at what is going to happen next and it will not only bring joy to Zessica's heart but Marinette's as well.
Zessica(Mic): Marinette we have been together for a long time. I have never in my life have met such a beautiful and athletic girl like yourself and I just want to say that I love you with all of my heart and soul and....I want us to be more than just girlfriends and partners. Marinette Dupain Cheng, my Bluebell, my soulmate will you marry me.
Marinette(Mic): 😢sniff...Yes...yes...YES YES THOUSAND TIMEs YES!!!
Zessica burst into tears like Marinette and placed the ring on her finger and two shared passionate kiss in front of the entire crowd who cheered and congratulated them on a bright future.
Marinette: I love you Zessica.
Zessica: And I love you too Marinette now soon to be Marinette T'Long Dupain Cheng.
Marinette: And you to be Zessica T'Long Dupain Cheng.
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