
Mari's POV

Ugh. I know that voice anywhere. I also know that this is NOT gonna be pleasant.

Chloe wrapped her arms around Adrien. Wow, why am I not furious? Sure, she is mean and touching my best friend- wait! Best friend!! He is the love of my life.. Right? Ugh, that cats last visit got me confused. 8 days I haven't seen him. That cat might be the death of me. I decided to just pay attention to what's going on. "Adrikins, what happened to your cheek? Did one of these commoners touch you?!" Chloe said, giving her signature stupid pout/glare to Alya, Nino and I.

"Chloe, relax ok? I'm fine. And they are not commoners. Especially Marinette." I blushed at Adriens words. Alya gave me a wink. Chloe saw this.

"No, I won't relax. And you aren't fine! I bet that commoner Maritrash hurted you!" Chloe said pointing at me. I felt confused, sad, and angry. Confused because I've never did anything to Adrien nor Chloe. Sad because Chloe was blaming me for something I didnt do. And angry because I've never did that much about this. Sure, I call out her sassy ways, but she always gets revenge. Like how she got my uncle turned into Kung Food by messing up his Celestial soup.

"Chloe, Mari isn't an- mmph!!" Chloe silenced Adrien with an kiss on the lips. I felt sick. Sabrina cheered, but didn't like what she saw. She must've never liked the idea of Chloe kissing Adrien. To be real, every time Sabrina sees me and Adrien, I can see the smile on her face, and eyes filled with love. I guess she shipped us. The whole class froze, watching this. Finally, Chloe got off Adrien.

"Mmmmm....... Well, I didnt expect your lips to be so soft Adrikins." (Author throwing up inside toilet)

I couldn't handle this. I ran out the classroom, ignoring the cackles from Chloe, and calls from Alya, Nino, Adrien, even Sabrina.

I ran home, expecting mom and dad to come to me, hugging and soothing me. Then I remembered, they were gone for a week, on there honeymoon. I ran upstairs, into the cold empty room. Tikki flew out of my bag.

"Marinette, I know your sad but-"

"Tikki, please, just, go eat some cookies. I'm gonna take a nap. I'll be fine". I assured her. Tikki flew downstairs, looking doubtful, and went in search of cookies. I took a short shower, and put on a green tank top with cat paws I made, in honor of Chat, and red boy shorts (Boy shorts are kinda like a substitute for underwear. When u see the pic, youll get the idea 😏). 

(You get the idea. 😏)

I climbed up the ladder that leads to my bed when all of the sudden a familiar tap was heard above me. I knew who that was. I hesitated for a while before I opened up the latch and let him come through.

Chat POV

I landed on her bed, embarrassed.
1) I haven't talk to her for over a week.
2) She has a crush on me, and had to suffer Chloe kissing me.
3) She's basically naked!

"What..... do you want?" I snapped out of my trance to stare into her glossy, red, bluebell eyes.

"News travels fast you know. I heard about what happend, and wanted to check on you. Are u ok? " I answered leaning toward her. I noticed her blush. I smirked. Until she answered with a bitter tone.

"Didnt curiosity kill that cat you know." The answer gave me an idea.

"And the satisfaction from you brought this Chat back." I said, leaning more towords her, taking out the rose I brought for her. She put her fingers on my lips.

"I need my space kitty. Thanks for the rose."  She said smiling that sexy bright smile. Her whole body was shining brighter than the stars. I could feel something tightened but didn't pay attention. She didn't notice either, and tried to go back down the ladder. I stopped her.

"Now where are you going?" I say, slightly surprised how husky and lust filled my voice was.

"T-to go put the r-rose on m-my mask for t-the p-prom in a w-week". Wow. She must have noticed the change in my voice, because she stiffened, her eyes darkening with....... Desire and body basically screaming 'Take me!!'. I grabbed her hand. She shivered, eyes darkening more.

"You dont have to do that now. We can just...... Sit here and TALK."

"Oh, really? I haven't seen you more than a week, and know you wanna TALK?!" Oh shit. She didnt have to scream. That's just rude. Just mean. Just......... Sexy and........ Naughty. (Nigga, calm down)

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but, hey, Im here know, aren't I? Let's Chat please?" I said, even more surprised how much more lust filled my voice is.

"No thanks"
"No" Mari said walking down the ladder with my hand still around her wrist.
"Princ-ah!" She pulled her arm hard, throwing me down the ladder, with her falling too. We landed on her floor, with me on top of her. I could feel my erection (Autocorrect was no help on that word) press against her boy shorts.

"*moans slightly*" I blushed. When that moan escaped her lips, she immediately covered her mouth, blushing a blush that can put a tomatoes color to shame. I smirked and moved her hand.

I click my tounge three times "Wow, purrincess, first you throw me off your cozy bed, and now you cover your mouth to hide those sexy moans? Bad girl, I might have to punish you...." (Fans myself. And all of the fandom, who passed out). I leaned down, my nose slightly at her collarbone slowly going up to her ear.

"But I wonder how..." While mumbling those words I nibbled on her ear. I heard her try to hold back moans. I chuckled, more lustfully then I intended.

"Dont hide them. I might have to punish you more..." I stick my tounge out, licking her neck, ever so slightly, making her moan loudly. I wrapped arms around her sides, and started to mess with the straps on her tank top when, all of the sudden, she flipped us over, her on top of me, tinkiling my bell playfully.

"Actually, I think I need to punish you." (I'm not even gonna subscribe her voice. Y'all can guess)


Hey!!! I hope u liked this chapter! Unfortunately, someone is gonna stop the SIN ONLY because I want all the innocent people to learn about the birds and the bees before reading the SIN. Aaand that I never wrote SIN so...... Its gonna be awful to see.

Anyway, the SIN is gonna happen on a big day (Guess it!)

And guess who disturbs this little scene. K! So u lata!! ~Ahzani aka Tigris

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