Genderbender Part 1
Chat POV
I ran to my house, blushing and smirking at what I did at my purrincess home. Such a naugthy purrincess. I was just about to land threw my window, when my transformation let loose.
"Ah!" I landed on the floor. I laid there for a few moments, before I heard snickering. I sat up.
"Plagg!" Plagg stopped snickering.
"What!? I had to sit through that whole thing, and you basically told me she was tight?!" I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Sorry Plagg."
"'Sowwy' does not cut it. You owe me two wheels of cheese!" I rolled my eyes, and smiled.
"I purromise Plagg." Plagg smiled. Then a scream erupted.
"Plagg claws out!" Plagg said something, but I didnt hear him. Chat was left in my place, and I jumped out the window to the source of the noise.
Marinette POV
All I could dream about is my punishment. All I could dream about was Chat.
"Marinette! Marinette!" I woke up to Tikki nudging my face. I sat up, stretched, and yawned.
"School alrea-?" A scream erupted. I fell out my bed. Tikki came to me.
"You ok?" I nodded, and got up.
"Tikki spots on!" Ladybug was left in my place. Huh, its kinds funny. I haven't transformed in 5 weeks.
"I wonder who was Akumatized." Tikki said in my head. 'I bet Chloe caused it.' I thought back to Tikki. I jumped out the window, to source of the noise. Chat was already there, battiling a...... Girl? A boy? It looked like both genders mixed up. I sat on top of a building, still tired.
"I am genderbender! I can change anyones gender just with a tap of the finger! Give me your miraculous, and I will fix everyone!" The person known as genderbender waved around, and there were many people, crying. I knew some of them.
There was a boy, with short blond hair, wide blue eyes, but with a pink-white shirt, and pink-white skirt. He was crying. 'R-rose?' I looked around again.
There was a girl, brown skin, and brown eyes. She had dark brown hair, that went to her shoulders. She had glasses, and a green shirt, with suspenders that went to her brown skirt. 'M-max?' I looked around some more.
There was a TALL girl, with black, with gold hair in the front. Her eyes were gray, and she had a black shirt, with a skull and bones. She wore a grey short pants. 'I-ivan?'
"Wow, Genderbender does live up to her name." Tikki said in my head. I chuckled.
"Dont you need to help Chat Noir fight he-... hi-.... It?" Tikki questioned me. I nodded, and jumped off the building, to the ground. I tripped a little, still tired. Genderbender gave me a smirk.
"Nice of you to drop in. Now, give me the miraculous."
No one's POV
A boy walked into the park, hoping to finally hoping to ask out his crush. He brought a little cake, from Marinette's bakery, with a heart, and 'I love you, Chloe.' He didn't go to her school, but he saw all her magazines. He thought she was really pretty, and despite what everyone says about her bratty ways, he wanted to change her for the better. No matter how long it takes. He sat next to the water fountain, waiting for her to pass through.
"You can do this, Jamal. You can do this." It took a while before Jamal could see the usual blonde ponytail, bouncing up and down, going down the sidewalk. Chloe had in her headphones, and was texting on the phone*. When Chloe was about to pass him, when Jamal grabbed her hand. Chloe stopped, and took out her head phones, looking annoyed.
"What? Its 10:00. I need to get to Daddy's hotel!!" Jamal just smiled. He expected this.
"I know its late, but I have something to tell you." He pulled out the heart shaped cake and handed it to Chloe.
"I REALLY like you, Chloe. Everything about you, not just for your looks. I really think I could change the way people think of you, if you just agree to my question: Will you be my girlfriend?" Chloe was shocked. Every boy that drooled over her, liked her for her looks. And this boy, a boy that she barely knew, doesn't care about her looks, or her attitude. He thinks he can CHANGE her. This boy was truly in love with her. But Chloe never believed that any boy, except Adrien, truly loved her. She smirked devilishly.
"Really? YOU go out with ME? Nah, I have a BOYFRIEND. How about you go to YOUR boyfriend, girl?" Jamal was shocked and disappointed.
"I-im not a girl." Chloe cackled.
"Oh please! Look at that hair!" Jamal touched his long hair. True, he did have long hair, but only because he never wanted it cut.
"And look at those nails!" Jamal looked at his nails. They were trimmed perfectly, and had clear nail polish on them, only because his little sisters had a tea party, and did his nails. He had no choice, his parents were out, and how could he stop 5 little girls from doing his nails?
"And those clothes! You really must be a tomboy." He looked at his clothes. His shirt was pink, with the top slightly cropped. His shorts was actually a black skirt, with the middle stitched up, making it looked a little like short pants. What could he do? Jamal had an 4 older sisters, and, like most families, they lived on a budget, so he wore hand-me-downs.
"In fact, everything about you are girly, even your voice." Jamal's voice gets high when he is nervous, and sad, like when he just confessed to Chloe, and them go turned down. His voice is not naturally high, in fact its almost deep.
"So of course you are a girl. But to bad for you that I'm not a lesbian. Any one would want their spouse to have a body like this." Chloe flipped her hair. Then she looked at the cake. She took it in her hand. She pushed Jamal into the fountain he was still sitting on. Chloe cackled as Jamal tried to gasp for air, and rub the water out his eyes. Chloe opened up the package that help the cupcake, and throwed it at a tree. Then she eyed the cupcake, before throwing that at a tree as well. There was a little plastic ring on the cupcake, and carved into it was 'J+C'. The ring at Jamal, and he catches it, holding it close to his chest.
"Haha! Stupid Genderbender!" Chloe ran away, off to the hotel. Jamal jumped out the fountain, down the sidewalk, then started to cry.
"I-i m-might look like a genderbender, but I h-have f-feelings."
A huge butterfly window opened up, letting light surround the darkness, and butterflies starting to fly around.
"Ahh, a boy who was crushed by his crush, and called a girl? This boy is the best villian yet." Hawkmoth motioned a butterfly to his palm, then absorbed magic into it. He then let it flew out his hand.
"Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize that genderbend!" The Akuma flew out the window, on its search to find the boy. Jamal had the ring on his hand, so it wouldn't fall off. Even if she rejected him, he wouldn't give up. He almost got to his home, when the Akuma flew into his ring. He looked down at his now black ring, and looked back up with a butterfly silhouette over his tear struck face.
"Genderbender. I am hawkmoth. I give you the access to change the gender of anyone who crosses your way, just by the touch of your finger. All you need to do is capture Ladybugs earrings and Chat Noirs Ring." Jamal's frown turned into a sickening smirk.
"Everyone will feel what it feels like to be 'Jamal'! Everyone will pay!" The dark magic surrounded the boy. He now had on a pink dress, with blue shorts. He was wearing sneakers, with pink and blue streaks on the sides. His long hair was in two buns, braided up. He eyed his now black glass ring, with the carved words 'J+C' in pink. He snarled.
"Let's go find Chloe." He said to himself in a girl voice.
"Agreed." He said to himself in a boy voice. He ran out the park, into the street. A car was speeding towards him, and fortunately, it stopped. Or it wasn't fortunate. The man that was in the car got out.
"Be careful kid!" Genderbender smirked, before jumping at the man. He touched the man with his ring finger, and the man instantly turned into a woman, with a pink light swarming him.
"W-wha?" He looked at his new form. Then he held his throat. He sounded like a woman. Genderbender snickered.
"Welcome to the club." Genderbender said in a womanly voice. He jumped on the car, surveying the road, he found a girl, with short blond hair, and a pink white dress. He ran over to Rose. When genderbender almost touched her, Rose let out a real high pitched scream. Genderbender touched her, and with a blue light, Rose turned into a boy.
"Ha! That voice was shriviled up! You look better in pink shorts and shorter hair!" Genderbender said in a boy voice. He then ran away. He saw a boy with glasses, dark brown hair that stood up, a green shirt, and brown pants, with suspenders to hold it up. He ran towards the Max, who was reading a book to notice that his gender was changed, until he saw his new long nails. He dropped the book, and stared at his new form. Max looked behind him, at the snickering Genderbender.
"What? I know you LOVE your new look." Genderbender cackled. Before jumping on a high building.
"Now where is Chloe Busoiur!!?" Genderbender screamed at the top of his lungs.
"Woah, woah. Calm down. She us at the hotel, remember?" He said in a girl voice. Genderbender calmed down.
"Yeah, your right. Let's go pay a visit to our future boy." Genderbender ran to the Hotel. When he reached there, he saw a blond ponytail. He smirked, knowing who it was.
"Why isn't Adrikins picking up the phone? Its going right on Voicemail, so it could be dead." (Maybe I should say that this is around the time he was punishing his purrincess as Chat 😏). Genderbender jumped through the door. Chloe turned to Genderbender, and immediately smirked.
"Oh, its you, girl." Genderbender smirked.
"Yes, it's me, boy." Genderbender said in a boy tone. Chloe was taken back.
"BOY!? UNLIKE YOU, IM ONE HUNDRED PERCENT G-" Genderbender touched her before she could finish her sentence. A blue light surrounded her.
"Boy." Genderbender said, cackling. Chloe gasped and looked at her new form. She was still wearing the same clothes, only her chest were smaller, if that even was possible, and her hair was short, in a short ponytail. Chloe screamed higher than Rose did. Genderbender hit her in the face.
"Be quiet. Some people have better things to hear than you." Then Genderbender smirked.
"Like getting those miraculouses!" A staff was extended, almost hitting Genderbender in the gut.
"You wish." Chat said, before retracting his staff.
"No, you wish." Genderbender ran towards Chat Noir with his hand out, ready to turn Chat into a girl. Chat grabbed his wrists, careful not to touch his fingers, and throwed him over shoulders. Genderbender landed on his feet, sliding across the floor. Chat looked behind him. Genderbender had him by the tail. Luckily, he didnt have him in the hand his ring was located. He smirked, and jerked his tail back, sending Chat out the Hotel. Chat landed on his feet. He got up a cracked his knuckles.
"Well, this villian is purrfection at fighting. But he-... Sh-..... It will be defeated. As soon as LB shows up." While Chat was distracted, Genderbender ran towards him. Chat pulled out his staff, and shot it at Genderbender. Genderbender was hit in his stomach, but not to hard. He held the staff, with a angry frown. The stayed like that, until a moth silhouette surrounded Genderbender's face.
"You can't stay in this position forever! Hurry up, and take his miraculous! The ring!"
"I don't have all day Chat boy." Genderbender jumped up, running over the staff, and targeting Chats ring. Chat ducked out the way, and retracted his staff.
"Its CHAT NOIR, the cats meow. Maybe you should study your superheroes. Maybe purrchase a book, before you make a purrdicament." Genderbender growled.
"Well, you would look better as a girl." Chat kinda gagged.
"No thanks. I'm purrety sure I love my gender." Genderbender gagged.
"Uh. Your puns are stupid." Chat narrowed his eyes.
"Bish, my puns rule. Who are you to call my puns that?" Genderbender scoffed and stood up.
"I am genderbender! I can change anyones gender just with a tap of the finger! Give me your miraculous, and I will fix everyone!" Ladybug jumped from the building she was on, and almost tripped, before making her Yo-Yo spin in a circle, protecting Chat. Genderbender smirked.
"Nice of you to drop in. Now, give me the miraculous."
~End of Flashback~
A/N: Cliffhangers!! Sry, it's been 4 days. No one should wait that long. Also, I was watching Law and Order, SVU. A CSI member raped and killed his fiancé. He already had a wife and three kids, which he raised with a fake name. The wife found out he had a fiancé, and started getting mad. Soon, detective Stabler and detective Benson found that all three children where shot in the head, the wife too, and the CSI member, who was also shot in the head, was still alive. He went to the hospital, and told the detectives a lie, that the wife killed the children, tired to kill him, and killed herself. Soon, they learned that he had to shoot the children, and then his wife. The way the bullet hole in the bedhead was arranged, it showed that the CSI had to shot himself in the head. When they went to the hospital, the doctor told them he was smoking on the roof. The man tried to kill himself, but Stabler stopped him. It took almost the end of the episode for Stabler to make the CSI member commit he killed the children, by giving them sleeping pills. He killed his wife, then shot the kids in the head. I knew the events on this show is fake, but at the part where the detectives find the dead children, I was like:
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