Drama, romance and...... rape? Part 3
Mari's POV
After being crowned Queen, I felt like I was floating on air. Soon, Chat's miraculous beeped four times, signalling he had to leave. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran out the prom. It only took five seconds for girls to swarm me.
"Oh my god! I'm sooo jealous!"
"How did you and Chat start dating!?"
"Is he good at kis-" Alya grabbed my arm. She looked a little nauseous.
"Mari, I think Im going to throw up." I quickly took her outside, and held her hair while she threw up. When she was done, she looked at me. I felt her head.
"Your burning up!! C'mon, Im taking you home." I helped wall her to her home. I had no idea why it felt like someone was watching us. I helped Alya to get on her front porch.
"Are you going to be ok Mari?" I nodded.
"I'll be fine. You need some rest. Bye!" Alya waved back, and walked into her house. I looked st my watch.
"10:30. Wow. I think I should get home." I walked around a corner, when out of the blue, someone shoved me to a wall. The figure hooked on to my arms. I tried to shake away. The figure chuckled.
"I wouldn't do that sweetie." 'Sweetie?!'. I looked at the man. He had black hair, and was tall. His eyes were brown, and he had crooked teeth. His skin was really pale, like snow. But his clothes were really dirty.
"Let me go!!" He put this hand over my mouth. He leaned in.
"Not until we play..." My eyes widened. "Play!!?" I screamed in to his hand,hoping to get attention from a nearby passer. No one heard me. He moved his hand,and kissed me. I was super scared, and had tears streaming down my face. His hand reached under my dress. I bucked my hips and screamed again. I expected for him to rip off my dress and touch a forbidden area but it didnt happen. In fact, I didnt even feel pressure on my lips. But I heard a growl. I jumped and looked beside me. Chat noir had the man by his neck, blood already pouring out. I put my hand over my mouth, and still had tears streaming down my face.
Chat POV
All I saw was red. 'Kill the motherfucker. Kill him'. Only that was going through my mind. The man I held in my fists was whimpering.
"C-chat N-no-oir?!" Blood squirted out his mouth. Him just talking made me want to rip his throat out. I gave a sickening smirk. I came closer to his face. I looked at him, all traces of doubt gone. I had to kill him. Then I got an idea. I smirked at him, he turned paler.
"I think you deserve a punishment. A punishment saved for a crime. CATACLYSM!" My cataclysm apperead, and I put my dark magic hand at his....... Private. He whimpered.
"You can't do that! You know why you can't so that!!" I growled again.
"You didn't have no problem touching my princess there!" He paled even more.
"Thats right! I saw. And now..... You'll know what it feels like." I almost cataclysm his... Private when Mari shouted.
"Chat! Please dont do it!" I looked at her, confused.
"Why?! He had no problem touching you!" I pressed my claws into his neck harder. He screamed.
"I know but, I dont want you to hurt your reputation! I love you Chat and I know you love me, and would hurt anyone who would touch me, but please! Just please spare his life." She whispered the last sentence. The red turned to normal color. I sighed. My princess really has a heart to good for this world. I looked at my scratching post.
"If you ever speak of this, I will kill you. Not even my princess will stop me. If you hurt anyone else I know, or anyone in Paris, I will kill you. Understand?" He nodded, eyes closed.
"I said, UNDERSTAND?!!"
"YES, YES! Please just let me go!!" I dropped him, hard on the pavement, just enough to knock the motherfucker out. I touched a nearby lamppost to deactivate my cataclysm. I grabbed my princess and took her to a nearby building. We landed on it, and cried into each others arms. A little later, we stopped.
"You should've let me claw his dick apart." She didnt say any thing in response and I panicked. I looked at her face. She has dry tears on her face, but had a smile, while laying on my chest. I smiled.
"Good night purrincess." I kissed her forehead, and ran to her home. I opened her balcony trap door and put her on her bed. When I got up to left, when I felt her hand wrap around mine. I looked back at her. Her eyes were still closed.
"Stay kitty, please?" I smiled.
"Ok." I put the covers over us, and I slept with her in my hands. Right before we fell asleep, I whispered into her ear.
"I still have to punish you.." I feel asleep, the last thing I saw was a dark blush illumate Mari's face.
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