Drama, Romance and... Rape? Part 2
~End of Flashback~
Ladybug got off the pavement.
"Amber, stop this!" Queen Elsa surprised. Then a moth silhouette surrounded her face.
"Dont listen to her! She is trying to make you weak. Grab her miraculous!!" Queen Elsa's surprised look disappeared, replaced by an smirk.
"Its Queen Elsa! And never!! You will not make me weak again!! Never!!" Queen Elsa sounded like a big baby. Ladybug couldnt help but laugh. Queen Elsa heard her, and shot a icicle at her. Chat, who waited until that time, hit the icicle back towards her. The icicle almost hit Queen Elsa, if she didnt jumped out the way. The moth silhouette showed on her face again.
"Dont kill them!!! Get the miraculous!"
"Stop yelling at me!" Queen Elsa screamed to her head. Ladybug gave Chat a nod. Chat got ready to pounce of Queen Elsa.
"No I won't! Stop messing up your mission!!! Get the miracul-" Chat ran towards Queen Elsa.
"'Just leave me alone!'" Queen Elsa waved her hand, and the ice hit.......
"Chat!" Ladybug screamed. Chat was pinned to a wall, the only thing holding him up was the ice, that pierced through his stomach. (Dont stop reading!!)
"No!!!" The All three spoke at the same time. Ladybug ran to Chat, who had blood pouring out his mouth.
"Marinette! Marinette! Wake up!" Marinette's eyes flew open. There was Tikki, scared, and screaming at Marinette.
"School starts in 40 minutes! Get up!!" Marinette basically flew down her ladder to her bathroom.
"I'm gonna be late!" Marinette took a brisk shower, and brushed her teeth. Tikki had some clothes ready for her. Marinette, who was more concerned about not being late, throwed on the clothes.
"Tikki, what time is it!?"
"Two minutes till school starts!!"
"Tikki, spots on!!" Ladybug was left in Marinette's place. Ladybug ran to her balcony and, throwed her Yo-Yo to a stoplight, that was closes to the school. She landed behind the school.
"Tikki, spots off!" Marinette ran in the school, just before the bell rang. (🎵Saved by the bell!🎵). Marinette didnt notice the stares she was getting, until she reached her homeroom. All the conversations died down and everyone stared at Marinette. Marinette was confused, until she looked down at her outfit. She had on a red striped black shirt, that was a little too small, because it showed a little bit of her stomach. She had on a pink miniskirt, and black heels.
Marinette sheepishly, walked to her seat next to Alya, who was wide eyed as well. No one noticed that Nathaniel was staring a little too hard. The teacher walked in.
"Bonjour, students! Let's grab our tablets, and start answering the following question: 'Which ratio fits the following decimals?'" The teacher then showed decimals up on the board. Into the lesson, Alya poked Marinette's arm.
"Girl, what's up with the clothes?"
"Uhh, I woke up later then I expected and just picked up some random clothes."
"Well, everyone's practically drooling just looking at you! Take a look!" Marinette looked around, and saw almost all the boys staring at her. Ivan was the only one not, and the girls.
"Hey, this is your chance to move on from Adrien! Everyone of these suckers would date you in a heartbeat. A hiss broke off at that point. Everyobe looked around and didnt see anything, so they went black to the lesson. Adrien had his hand slapped over his mouth. Marinette looked around again, turned to Alya, and sighed.
"No thanks. I already have another.." Marinette blushed as Alya sqeauled quietly, remembering their talk at the bakery. Neither of them knew that Adrien was listening.
"I'm not telling you!" Marinette's winked. Alya pouted.
"Ugh, fine. Can you at least describe him?" Marinette rolled her eyes and blushed, thinking about the answer.
"Well, he's, he's..... Just purrfect. His silky smooth blonde hair shines brighter than the sun. His vivid emerald green eyes burnes right through you soul. His skin is golden, that can easily put gold to shame. But most of all..." Alya leaned closer. So did Adrien.
"He is the most herioc, pawesome, kindest, gentlemen. Sure, his puns are contagious-"
"Considering that you punned two cat jokes already." Alya smirked.
"Yeah. But, I dont care if he wasnt heroic, cute, or any of those stuff. I love him for him." Marinette blushed. Alya smiled.
"Well, he is lucky to have you Marinette." Alya, and Marinette smiled at each other, before getting back to the lesson. Adrien had a bunch of emotions. Guilty, happy........ Turned on. But they all turned off when the bell rang, and being dragged with Chloe being stuck to his arms.
Mari's POV
I put on my dress and mask for the prom. I put my hair down, with a hint of glitter in it. I put on my lipstick, which was black. 'Black. Chat. Punishment.' I blushes just thinking of the punishment Chat was gonna give me. I stood up and put on my mask. Tikki floated next to me as I looked in the mirror.
"Wow Marinette! You look beautiful!!" I blushed.
"Thanks Tikki!" I placed her in my hand, and gave her a big kiss on the forehead. She giggled. Suddenly, my phone rang. I picked it up. It was Alya. I answered it.
"Hey Alya."
"Hey girl! Are you ready?"
"Great! I'll wait outside! I can't wait to see your dress!" I giggled.
"Yours too! Bye!"
"Bye!" I hanged up the phone.
"Well, this is gonna be a big day! C'mon Tikki!" Tikki nodded her head.
"No thanks. I have to sleep of all the cookies I ate. Tell me about the prom when you come back." I giggled.
"Ok, see you later Tikki!" She waved tiredly as I closed the trapdoor. I walked through the bakery and out the door. At the same time I walked through the door, Alya tried to knock on it. I almost got knocked out if Nino didnt stop Alya.
"Alya! Your about to knock out Mari!" Just in time, Alya stopped. She sheepishly laughed. Then I got a look at her dress. She had on a black dress that went half way to her knees. A Wi-Fi signal was cut out around her chest. She had on white heels with black stripes.
"Wow Girl! I love the dress!"
"Thanks Alya! Yours look....... Exposingly cute."
"Ugh, you sound like Nino. C'mon, live a little! We aren't kids anymore!" Alya shakes her body. I laughed. Then I looked over at Nino's suit. He had a red suit with bubbles on the front. His jacket was yellow and his mask was black and blue (there wasnt a pic of it).
"Well, let's go!!" Alya practically dragged me to the school. Nino, still catousously alert, walked behing us with a small laugh. We reached the prom and was amazed by all the decorations.
"I know right? Oh, let's go check who we can vote for queen and king!" Alya and Nino ran to the ballot box. I walked behind them, aware of all the stares I'm getting, and alert for that sneaky black cat.
"Mmmm... Let's see. For girls it's: Chloe, Sabrina, Alix, Mylene, Me!!" Alya jumped in the air. She calmed down and coughed.
"Anywho..... The last people are Ladybug and Mari!" Wait.... Me!! I looked at the ballot. I was surprised too auctally see my name.
"Why do people expect LB to be here? Its not like that textbook you founded when The Paroah attacked meaner anything." Nino must really keep up with the Ladyblog.
"I guess people wanted to see if she would show up." Alya shrugged, but I knew she wanted to see Ladybug, but I left Tikki home.
"L-lets just see which boys are on the list: Ivan, Kim, Max, Nino, Adrien and Chat Noir." 'Wait..... What?!'.
"Again, how is a superher-" a loud horn interrupted Nino's argument. We turned to the source of the noise.
"Ladies and gentlemens! Introducing the best Queen, Chloe Busoiur!" A spotlight shined on Chloe, who was at the top of the stairs, looking more....... Snooty. She walked, hand in hand with Sabrina. (I'm not even gonna describe their dresses). When they walked past us, they must've not recognised us, because she smiled at us. It wasn't evil, it was more.... Nice.
We were having a good time, dancing and eating snacks. Until Chloe can up to us looking.......... Worried? 'What is up with her?'
"Have you seen my Adrikins?!" Oh, she's looking for Adrien. He didn't show up?
"No." We all said in unison. She scambered away, on to the next group of kids. Alya, Nino, and I looked at each other.
"Its not like Adrien to dip on someone. Even if its CHLOE..." I said.
"Mybe he's here, but not making himself seen?" Nino asked, uncertainty.
"Let's look for him!" We all nodded, and headed into different directions. I came across the gym and looked around for the light. 'He wouldn't be in here...... Would he?' I decided just to walk in, feeling around for the light. Behind me I heard a chuckle. I looked behind me. 'Green'.
"Chat..?" I gulped.
Chat POV
I chuckled again.
"Who else my purrincess?" I bowed. I noticed she gulped a second time and blushed. I was confused for a second, but then I realized. I forgot. 'I have to punish her.' I walked closer to her. She walked back, until she tripped and fell onto a place mat. I grinned.
"So, do you happen to remember my purromise?" She nodded. I chuckled, a hint if more lust filled then I wanted. I walked towards her.
"Good. Are you ready for your punishment?" I got on top of her on the place mat. I pressed light kisses on her neck. She moaned.
"Yes." I bit a little into her neck. She moaned again.
"Yes what?" I knew she knew what I ment.
"Yes daddy." She had a hint of lust and sqeakyness in her voice too. I had to admit, she sounded sexy. She also looked sexy too. Thanks to my night vision, I was able to see purrfectly. I could feel my erectoin already press against her private. She bucked her hips innocently, but moaned.
"Marinette! Where are you! Did you find Adrien?" I jumped, and so did Mari.
"Uhh, no!" Mari said, fixing her dress.
"Where are you?!" Marinette sighed. She walked out the Gym, feeling around for the walls, careful not to bump into anything. I walked out behind her.
"Ugh, Mari! There you are! You can't scare me like th-" Alya looks at me. Then Mari. Then Me. She smirked. I blushed.
"Mari? I didnt know you had a boyfriend?!" Nino smirked. I blushed. So did Mari.
"Oh, I also didnt know you were with your boyfriend. Say, does Chat Noir happen to be the new 'Love of your life you were taking abou-'" Mari shushed Alya. 'Does Marinette not want to tell Alya. Well, I have to punish her HARD' I smirked and pulled Marinette closer to me. She blushed.
"Yes. My purrincess does love me. And I love her. I'm not afraid to shout it to the rooftops." I kissed her check. She blushed, rolled her eyes, but couldnt help but smiling. I could tell Alya loved the scene.
"Eeee! I have a new ship! Marichat! Adrienette is sooo done....... Wait, Nino, did you find Adrien?" 'Marichat. Adrienette. They had ships for me and Marinette?' Just thinking of it made me guilty, and cheerful. I noticed that Marinette was looking down, blushing. I smiled.
"No, I was hoping y'all found him." Alya shook her head disapprovely.
"I swear, if this Blondie does not show up....." Alya clenched her fist. I froze. I might be a superhero and face villians, but being fucked up by Alya isn't something I wouldnt want happening. Or fighting.
"Relax Alya. He might have a photoshoot." I sighed. 'Thanks for the excuse purrincess. " Alya smiled.
"Yeah, maybe. Now, let's go dancing!" Alya grabbed Marinette, and pulled her out my hands, and then ran to the dance floor. The song 'Just the way you are' by Bruno Mars played. Nino and I looked at them. Nino sighed dreamily.
"Alya can dance can't she?" I looked over to Alya.
"Yeah. Her Cha-Cha is somewhat I say, Miraculous?" We laughed.
"I love Alya. But, I dont know if I should tell her." I got an idea. I took Nino's hand and dragged him to the stage. I whispered to the DJ.
"Hey, can you let my friend sing this song?" The DJ turned to me. His eyes widened.
"Y-yeah." I gave the microphone to Nino. Nino looked at me.
"D-dude, what are you doing?" I smirked.
"I'm giving you your girl." I tapped the microphone and everyone turned to the stage. Everyone gasped when the saw me.
"Hello people of Paris! My best friend Nino is going to sing a song for the love of his life, Alya Cesare!" The DJ tapped a switch. A light landed on Alya. She gasped and looked at Nino. She was blushing hard. I smirked at Nino's reaction to all this.
"DJ, spin it!" The DJ, still awestruck that I'm right next to him, played the instrumental version of "Love me like you do" played. I got off the stage, and watched this scene. Nino gulped. Everyone stared at him. He began to sing the song.
"🎵F-feel the light of the night. Feel the color of my blood. Your the cure. Your the thing. Your the only thing I wanna touch. Never knew I could mean so much. So much." Nino walked towards Alya and held her hand, looking bolder.
"So love me like you do. Love, love, love me like you do. Love me like you do. Love, love, love me like you do. Touch me like you do. Touch, Touch, touch me like you do." He leaned closer to her.
"What are you ready for?🎵" He kissed Alya. Alya blushed madly, and kissed back. I smiled. Marinette cheered. I thought of something. I picked up the mic. I whispered to the DJ.
"Can you play 'Treasure' by Bruno Mars?" The DJ nodded.
Mari POV
I cheered. My ship, Alno just came to life! Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chat whisper to the DJ. 'What's he doing?' Suddenly, the song 'Treasure' instrumental version played. 'Please dont tell m-'
"🎵Give me your, give me your, give me your attention baby." Alya and I screamed. Nino laughed.
"Oh no." I kinda wanted to punch Nino for saying that. A bunch of fangirls in the prom, looked at me and screamed.
"I gotta tell you something about yourself." He walked towards me and put his finger under my chin.
"Your a wonderful, flawless, oh, your a sexy lady." He kissed my cheek. Basically, everyone fangirled. Then Chat kinda pouted.
"But you act like you wanna be someone else." He moved his fingers to my hand. He pulled me. I blushed, but didnt pull away. He twirled me around.
"Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh. I know that you dont know it, but your fine so fine (fine so fine)." Chat held me to his chest, then let me go, letting me twirl. He smirked.
"Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh. And Im gonna show you when your mine, all mine. (Mine, all mine)." He picked me up and we danced in a circle.
"Treasure!" Chat let me fall back, and thanks to my Ladybug instincts, I did a back flip. Everyone, even Chat was surprised, but he didnt show it.
"That is what you are! Honey, your my shining star!" He grab one of my hands, and spun us around.
"And if you make my wish come true." Chat pulled me closer, lips barely touching. I shivered. He smirked.
"Baby, I will treasure you! Baby I will treasure you!!🎵" Chat pressed his lips against mine. I blushed, but kissed back. I was too lost in escasty to worry about all the screams from the crowds of kids, the Fangirling from Alya and Nino, and the whisper Chat told me.
"I'm still gonna punish you..... Harder." He had that desire and lustfilled look in his eyes, and to be honest, (ohhhhhh it took me writing a book to know what 'TBH' means. *faceplams*) I think I had it too.
No one's POV.
"All right, all right students." Everyone calmed down. Chat and Marinette blushed nd stood up, facing the man on the stage. Chloe, who was searching for her......'Adrinkins' came out the lunchroom, mad that her boyfriend didnt show up.
"It is now time to announce this years king and queen!" Everyone cheered. Alya looked around, still holding her boyfriend's hand.
"Ladybug didnt show up..." Marinette's heard this, and felt a little guilty.
"Here are the runner ups!" He opened a envelope.
"Ivan and Maylene! C'mon up and get your crowns!" Ivan and Mylene blushed as they walked up to get their crowns. The runner up crowns were smaller and cheaper. Chloe scoffed.
"Of course they're use to that trash! Look at what they're wearing!" Ivan had a gray jacket with a design of stones for a shirt. His pants were blackish gray. His shoes looked a little expensive, with a stone design on them. His mask had a cover over it, painted green. It kinda reminded Marinette of Stoneheart. Mylene had on a pink dress, with blue skirt. Her heels were fusca (a different type of pink), with the ends looking like claws. Her mask was aqua blue, the eyeholes covered and painted yellow. The top of her mask had several pinkish blue designs sticking out, looking like attaneas sticking out. It reminded Mari of Horrificator. Everyone ignored Chloe, except Sabrina, who nodded. But secretly, she loved their outfits. Sabrina liked the designs and how they have them like how they each are dressed like the way they were villians. Ivan put Mylene's crown on. Ivan put on his own. They waved to the audience.
"And the auctual king and queen is...."
"Get out of my way losers!" Chloe pushed back everyone who stood in her way to stop her from being crowned.
"Chat Noir and Marinette!" Everyone screamed, filled with happiness. Even Sabrina screamed. Chloe didnt.
"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chat grabbed Marinette's hand, fause she was frozen from the surprise. Alya and Nino stood there, looking like this: 😮. Marinette then noticed what Chats outfit was: A black vest and black shirt, with a green tie. He had black pants and a belt, which was a little to big for him, made the belt look like a tail. He had in really expensive shoes. His mask was, well, his regular Cat mask. Marinette and Chat made their way into the stage, Chat grabbing their crowns. He placed hers on her head. He then picked up her hand, and kissed it. She blushed.
"My purrincess." He said huskily.
K, that was a long chapter! Over 300 words! Anyway, the Drama and Romance part is ova!! Next comes the ......... Rape? You will never guess who did it! Bye ~Ahzani
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