Adrien's Confrontation
That picture is explainable on it's own.
TodoDeku foREvER.
"Kid, calm down." Plagg munched on his camembert.
"Worst things happened."
"Like what, Plagg?" Adrien eyed him.
"When I ran out of camembert." Plagg packed his mouth with cheese.
The door flew open suddenly and Plagg disappeared into the floor.
"Adrien. Mr. Agrest would like to see you know."
"I'll be right there." Nathalie nodded and left.
"We are not done yet, Plagg."
Adrien walked down the long hallway past the picture of him and his dad. The picture was taken right after his mother disappeared.
"Adrien, get in here." Adrien opened the door, surprised how dark it is. Adrien walked in and sat in the chair Gabriel had pulled up to his desk. He sat there waiting for his father to stop typing on his computer waiting for his father to acknowledge him.
At last, he cleared his throat and straighted his glasses.
"Adrien, I am disappointed in you. You slept with a fellow young lady a met in a low class family that works at a bakery. A bakery, Adrien. What is wrong with you?" Adrien looked down in his hands, frustrated.
"That is completely unacceptable from this family. You don't know what that girl has. You might have her pregnant for god sakes! And what happened to Miss Chloe?"
"She tried to force me to have sex with her." He said in a low voice. Adrien balled his fists.
"What did you say?" Adrien looked ip at his father.
"I said MiSs ChLoE tried to force me into sex!"
"I bet that other girl did and succeeded."
"What me and Marinette had was not forced."
"What Marinette and I had, Adrien. Is she numbing your brain with her forcing sexual appetite?"
"'SiNcE wHen dID yOU caRe?!'" Gabriel mocked.
Adrien huffed, on the edge of his seat.
Gabriel got up from his chair to the big ass picture of Emile.
"Listen.. here Adrien, I don't support what you have done and I don't hate it either. What you and... MaRInAtte had have better been consensual. With the practice of safe sex." Gabriel touched the big ass picture of Emile carefully so he didn't trigger the points to where he could go to his lair.
"Yes.. I am sorry, I guess for all this mess."
"But it wasn't just young love, they both muttered "It was a relationship." Adrien stared at his father, then back to the his mothers big ass picture.
"I won't keep you from seeing her. But be careful. Hopefully this didn't attract any controversy (I don't even know WTF that is) and the press. And it better not."
"Thank you father!" Gabriel turned to look at his son but he already sped down the hallway.
"Time to go nae nae Marinettes uterus."
Yes I am not dead. And yes I am a Anime weeb. And yes that last line was out of context.
Get ready for the porn in the next chapter meh dudes.
Word Count: 506
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