Chapter 1 - From A Zero To A Hero.; War-Chief!

Here's a new story, enjoy. Also, I'm trying out a new writing style. Tell me what you think.

November, Friday, 11:52 pm... Royal Woods, Michigan... (A/N: Actual month and time that I started working on this, a neighbor's dog kept me up all night.)

It was the dead of the night in Royal Woods, it was the end of November, and nearing midnight, it will be December. Lincoln Loud was walking down the streets in his jacket with a sad look on his face. The albino boy looked at the fourth wall and said, "I bet you're wondering what I'm doing all the way out here in the middle of a cold dark night. Well, it started with my sisters having a 'Sister only meeting'..."

Flashback... 10 Minutes Earlier...

Lincoln had just finished using the bathroom and just as he walked by Lori and Leni's room, he heard Luna's voice, "This is bad dudes! Lincoln's future plans are going to crash hard!"

Lincoln stopped at the two oldest door and listened to the conversation. "Should we really be that surprised? I mean, come on. Lincy's plans almost always blow up in his face." Lola stated and Lincoln scowled at the door. Until the sound of a punch landing reached his ears, "Ow! Lana!" Lola yelled.

"If you ain't got nothing nice or helpful to say. Don't say anything at all." Lana replied. Lincoln smiled at Lana's quickness to defend him.

"I mean it, dudes. Lincoln's plan to become a comic book artist isn't gonna work. With comic books going digital and he's always been an old school, pen, and paper artist. Not to mention the costs for the equipment needed to make digital comics. He'll never make it." Luna stated. Lincoln nodded with a frown, he knew this very well already, he's just been ignoring it.

Then Lynn spoke, "Yeah, and let's not forget his only achievements are in video games that anyone could get and the only physical trophy he's got is one we made for him. But being a good bro doesn't put money in the wallet or food on the table." Lincoln's sadness increased when Lynn said that. Another harsh truth he knew all too well.

"So what are we going to do? We don't exactly know what he likes outside of comics and games." Leni asked.

"We'll brainstorm ideas later. The next subject for tonight is... Lynn and her first period." Lori stated.

'Nnnope! Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope! N-O, NO!' Lincoln screamed in his head as he quickly put on his jacket and walked out the front door without a peep.

Flashback... End...

"Yeah, with the looming knowledge that I'm not going to amount to much and That thing going on with Lynn that I will not repeat. I decided to go for a walk down the street, I've learned enough from Lucy to figure out how to get in and out of the house without being noticed."

Lincoln said then sighed hard enough to make Lucy's sighs look bad. "I used to be able to ignore those facts about myself by playing video games with my friends but then Ronnie Anne moved away, Clyde is off visiting his dad's parents in Great Britain for who knows how long, and the others were frightened into not being my friends by Chandler and the goons he got out of Juvie! So those bad facts about me just started looming over me once again."

Lincoln pulled out a comic that was titled, 'Adventures Of Ladybug and Cat Noir!'. "I haven't even been able to enjoy my favorite comic series either. Chandler buys all the Ace Savvy ones just to spite me, so I had to look into different series, I think this one is from Paris, France." Lincoln then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out some pizza bites from a plastic baggy. "This bites... Oh, dang it. I'm turning into Luan now." Lincoln said after hearing his own pun.

"Oh boo hoo, how sad." Lincoln turned around to see Chandler, who was wearing an ugly red headband, with about 30 teens and pre-teens, all dressed like a bad kid gang from the movie, The Warriors. "Hey, Larry, mind if we have a little chat?

"Hmmm. How about... No." The instant Lincoln said No, the albino boy bolted away for his life. It took a second but the rich brat and his goonies chased after him. The chase led to the town's public park, where Lincoln climbed and hid in a playground's tube slide while remembering to cover his tracks before Chandler and his goonies caught up to him. When they did, Chandler had stopped to get some soda bottles while his goonies were out of breath.

"Larrr-ryyyy~! Come out and play-ayyy~!" Chandler sang while clicking the glass bottles together.

One of the juveniles panted out, "Man, that albino kid sure can run. You'd think he was in Track."

"Shut up and find him! Larry! Come out! We just wanna play a game! It's called 'Beat The Beaver Boy!' We can't start without you!" Chandler yelled. Lincoln held his breath when the juveniles started their search with the playground. Suddenly a tremor started before quickly becoming a full earthquake, then a thunderous boom caused the already unbalanced punk group to fall to the group. "What's going on!?" Chandler roared before a large meteor fell from the sky, causing the punk group to leap or run away for cover.

The meteor just barely grazing the playground set and the slide Lincoln was, either eradicating it or melting it. Lincoln stared bug-eyed at the night sky through the now melted opening of the plastic slide after having just seen his life and past lives flash before his eyes when the meteor passed by, at least 6 inches away from his face too. Lincoln's grip on the slide then gave and he slid back down the slide with a long and very annoying squeak.

Lincoln shook his head before going over to the crater the meteor had made. Our albino boy took notice that the goons had been tossed around by the meteor's impact and weren't recovering all too well. The albino boy then saw something he needed to double-check three times to be certain that what he was seeing was real. It was a black box in the shape of an octagon with red Chinese markings on the top and side. "What is that thing?" Lincoln asked no one.

Chandler stood up behind Lincoln and answered, "Looks like a box, but just to be safe!" Chandler then shoved Lincoln into the crater, but the albino boy managed to grab onto the rich brat's shirt, pulling Chandler down with him.

As the two pre-teens tumbled to the crater's side, Lincoln managed to get the upper hand due to his family's history of tumbling around while fighting and made Chandler hit his head against the box. "OW!! You Mother F-"

Chandler was cut off by the sound of the box opening with a loud pop. The two looked to see the box opening from the top and sides, revealing 20 different accessories in different compartments and in their own spaces. Six placed on a cubby in the lid, Six on a rising holding plate in the bottom of the box, and eight in little drawers on the side of the box. The accessories were in different colored padding and glowing for some reason. "Woah, what the?" Lincoln

Chandler then shoved Lincoln aside and picked up a stud earring from a side compartment with black padding. "Cool, I wonder how much I can sell these for?" He said.

"Sell? They aren't even yours!" Lincoln stated.

Chandler rolled his eyes and replied with a cocky smile, "They are now. Boys!" Chandler snapped his fingers but nothing happened. "Hey! Get down here you buncha meat for brains!" Chandler shouted in anger but got no reply.

Lincoln gave his enemy a cocky smile and said, "They didn't take the meteor's impact too well, I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't even hear you right now."

Chandler growled and put the earring in his pocket before yelling, "Fine! I take you down myself!"

Lincoln raised an eyebrow and replied, "You sure about that? You with goons is one thing, but you by yourself. That's a whole other can of worms, or should I say a can of leeches? Cause that's all you ever really do. A leech that's leeching off of people, like your dad's money or a juveniles' strength."

"SHUT UP!!" Chandler picked up a rock and threw it at Lincoln as hard as he could. Only for the albino boy to catch it without a problem.

"Quick fact number one; I live in a house with Lynn, the fastest pitcher of any type of ball in Royal Woods, she constantly has me try and catch her throws. So catching a rock you throw at me is like being tossed a foam ball by a sloth in slow motion." Lincoln insulted.

Chandler growled then charged at the albino boy, but Lincoln dodged the rich brat and grabbed his arm before throwing him over his shoulder. "Quick fact number two; My sister Lana practices wrestling live full-grown alligators, so I've learned how to throw around people at least twice my size," Lincoln stated with a smug look.

"Wait, I thought that grease monkey was called Lola," Chandler stated in confusion.

"No, that's the princess one." Lincoln quickly replied.

"Oh. Then who was the dumb one?" Chandler asked.

"Leni. Do you not bother to learn anyone's name?" Lincoln asked back.

Chandler stood up and replied, "No. I don't even know your name, all I do know is that it's a male name that starts with an L. Why do you think I call you Larry?"

"That says a lot about you," Lincoln said with a blank look. Chandler then started throwing punches at Lincoln but none of them landed. "And finally. Quick fact number three; When you live in a house of 10 girls, half of which go through puberty and periods at the same time. You learn how to dodge." Lincoln jumped over a sweep kick, "Dodge." Lincoln leaned back to avoid a high kick, "And most of all..." Lincoln evaded a lunge punch by going around Chandler, but when the rich brat turned around Lincoln was gone, all Chandler could hear was inhaling.

Then the albino boy came out of nowhere and then screamed right in Chandler's ear at an ear busting volume, "DOOOOOOOOOOOODGE!!!"

Chandler pushed Lincoln away and stumbled back before falling flat on his chin, then came the sound of cracking. Then the middle part of Chandler's front teeth broke and fell to the ground. "Dang It, Loud! Broke My Teeth!" Chandler yelled with a whistling noise coming from his mouth. Lincoln laughed as Chandler realized how ridiculous he sounded and covered his mouth.

Chandler then climbed out of the crater and motioned to his goonies that they were leaving. The goons followed after their rich brat of a boss as Lincoln emerged from the crater carrying the box, now closed, wearing a silver ring pulled from the lid cubby with blue padding, and Chandler's wallet that was literally about to burst. "Wonder what these are?" Lincoln asked himself.

Then a bright blue light appeared from the ring and floated in front of Lincoln before dissipating and revealing a floating small blue creature with a big head but a small body, purple eyes, and blue electricity danced on top of his head within a metal crown. "Hello! How is this wonderful world!?" It asked only to get a bug-eyed stare from Lincoln. "Yo, earth to earthling, what's wrong?" It asked again.

"What... The heck... Are you...?" Lincoln asked with his eyes still wide open.

"Heh, never seen a Kwami before, I take it?" It asked only to get a slow nod from Lincoln. "Well, I'm Sparx, the lightning Kwami. That ring your wearing is my Miraculous, a magical artifact used by a secret society of superheroes."

"Superheroes?!" Lincoln asked.

"That's right, and to prove it. Just say, Sparx, Shock On! Fair warning, I haven't eaten in over 80 years, so it won't last long, maybe a minute at best." Sparx said, getting a nod from Lincoln.

"Sparx, Shock On!" Lincoln announced then it turned blue and Sparx merged with the ring, giving it a glowing blue crossed lightning bolt symbol on the top. Lincoln was then engulfed in electricity, then a young man about 18 years old burst from within the electricity. He was a lean and muscular young man with fair skin, messy spiky white hair, and his eyes are like a pair of sapphires. He wore a skintight white shirt, an orange jacket with short sleeves, two black gloves, one normal glove, one fingerless glove one with two grey guards, a black choker, Demine trousers with a black belt, and black-red boots with metal guards. He then held up a hand to his face and an overflow of lightning appeared before the young man closed his hand and made the electricity disperse. Revealing a black eye mask with a blue lightning pattern at the ends. Then the young man dug his fingers into his hair and electricity made it spikier and gave it a blue streak. Then a small ball of lightning appeared at the ring, the lightning ball crawled along the young man's body but not going past the neck, leaving behind a black suit with blue electricity-styled parts, like a glowing electric blue zig-zag line across his sides, a blue lightning styled belt, and lightning-styled running shoes attached to the suit.

"Woah, I'm tall and older! I sound and look awesome!" He said. "Wait, why am I a young adult?"

Electricity then sparked from the ring and Sparx's voice came from it, "Your body wasn't able to handle the power of the Miraculous, so it gave you a body that could."

"Huh, neat!" 'Lincoln' said.

"You know you should name this new Superhero you! That's what most people with Miraculous do anyway, been that way for about fifty thousand years now. By the way, our powers are based around lightning and electricity." Sparx stated.

"Hmm... I know! I'll be Lightning Flash! Wait, fifty thousand?" Lincoln said.

Suddenly the ring began beeping then Lightning Flash turned back to Lincoln and Sparks came out of the ring, looking like he had run around the world without a single break. "Huh... Guess... I... Was more... Hungry... Then... I... Thought..."

Sparx fell into Lincoln's hands and Lincoln quickly looked around for something to feed the electric Kwami, then remembered the pizza bites in his pocket. He reached into the bag and pulled out a couple of pizza bites and held them in front of Sparx. Who took one bite then shot up faster than a lightning bolt and devoured the rest, both in Lincoln's hand and the bag. Sparx stopped in front of Lincoln and let out a loud burp before he asked, "What... Were... Those!?

"Pizza bites. Small portable versions of a larger thing called a Pizza." Lincoln answered.

"Peezza? Doesn't sound as appetizing as it tastes." Sparx replied with a lick of his lips.

"Not Pizza, peezza, anyway I've gotta show Clyde and Ronnie Anne this! Should also have a pizza brought over to the base. Come on, Sparx! See you guys in the morning and at the base." Lincoln said to the fourth wall before running off.

Sparx looked at the fourth wall in confusion, even squinted to try and see what Lincoln saw but with no success, "Who were you talking to?" Sparx asked, scratching his head before noticing how far away Lincoln was getting literally zipped toward him. "Hey! Wait up! Geez, your fast for a human! And don't forget the pizza!"

With Chandler and his goons, the rich brat ran into a slightly tall woman with an athletic, top-heavy figure, short slicked-back silver hair, and dark purple eyes. Wearing a white trench coat with a red ascot, black pants, gloves, and boots. She was also holding a pocket watch. "Watch it, lad-" Chandler was cut off by a massive 9ft tall brute-ish guard literally backhanding the rich brat down the street and the goons quickly went over to check on him.

"There was no need for that Brutus. It was just some dime a dozen street brat." The woman stated.

"Sorry. Ms. Tannis." The guard said very slowly for some reason.

'Tannis' chuckled as her pocket watch hit twelve o'clock, "Oh, Brutus, I'm about to become the sole heir to the Tetherby fortune and company. Call me, Ms. Tetherby." Then Tannis and Brutus watched as Lord Tetherby and a couple walked up to each other in the park. They seemed happy to see one another and Lord Tabernathy handed the two a basket of baby preparation items. Tannis then turned away and started toward her limo with an evil smile on her face, then the sounds of three gunshots rang out and Lord Tabernathy and the couple fell limp to the ground.

Before Tannis could enter her car, she noticed the stud earring on the ground. "Hm? That brat must've dropped it, such a beautiful earring shouldn't be left on the ground like that."

Tannis then picked up the earring and put it on as she also stepped into the car, and when the door was shut the earring glowed a malevolent black light before it floated off of the earring and in front of Tannins. Then the light dissipated and revealed a floating small black creature with a big head but a small body, the whites of her eyes were black with white pupils, and a black fluid for hair. "Greetings, mortal human, I am Koru. Nice to meet a fellow someone with such an appetite for grief and despair. What say we add a lot more to this dull town."

Tannis was shocked at first but smiled evilly when 'Koru' mentioned more despair and grief. "Please, by all means, continue," Tannis said.

"Of course, let's start with that boy outside. Simply say, Koru, Full Corruption. The basic summary of my powers is that I can corrupt people and make them super-villains by conning them into a contract. I haven't eaten in over 80 years though, so you might want to make it quick." Koru stated, Tannis nodded and stepped out of the car.

"Koru, Full Corruption!" Tannis announced then the earring turned black and Koru merged with the earring, and black flames came from the earring before crawling over Tannis' body, turning her hair black and putting it in a bob style in the front and wild in the back, like the black flames took over her hair. leaving behind a black silk dress-like coat with silver trim and tattered ends, black leather boots and gloves, and a black eye mask that turned the whites of her eyes black with white pupils.

'Tannis' then walked over to the boy as he began to come to and said, "Hello there, I am Madam Corruption. How about you and I make a deal?" 'Madam Corruption' then held out her hand and Chandler, still in a dazed state, grabbed it without thinking much about what she said. Then Chandler and his goonies were engulfed in a black flame, but instead of screams of pain, they laughed like they were completely insane. "Good choice. Go out and destroy this town, War-Chief and The Warriors!" Tannis announced and 'War-Chief' and his 'Warriors' took off faster than the fastest runner in the world.

In a secluded part of Royal Woods public park, now at eleven in the morning, Lincoln was walking down the nature walk, carting a whole cart of pizza boxes with one hand and the box in the other. Lincoln was also wearing every Miraculous from the box, as the boxes were shaking, then Sparx popped out. "So everyone had their fill?" Lincoln asked, only getting a symphony of beaches in response. "Good enough for me," Lincoln said before stopping and putting the Miraculouses, minus Sparx's, back in the box, and a light for each Miraculous flew back into the items.

Sparx belched loudly and sighed, "Man... You humans sure do have it made... Those peezzas were great. Weird name though."

"I told you, it's called Pizza, not Peezza," Lincoln said annoyed. "So tell me, how did your... Miracle Box, was it? Get into outer space?"

"Oh, the Guardian Temple was under attack by a monster called a Sentimonster that ate Miraculouses. Created by some young dumb trainee that missed his family after being taken away from them for some 'great honor' to guard the Miraculous or something like that. So using 2 very powerful Miraculous, one that controlled the laws of Space-time and the other allowed the person to create a fated outcome, such as falling from orbit. He sent the one Miracle Box filled with two different Miraculouses sets, the beast didn't get into space and fated them to fall near someone with an amazing sense of heroism and responsibility. That person being you, but just don't let it get to your already big head." Sparx answered, before trying to get into the other pizza box.

Lincoln felt a surge of pride and joy when he heard that fate picked him to protect and oversee this Miracle Box. "I can't wait to show you to Clyde and Ronnie Anne on Video Chat."

"Two reasons that is not going to work" Sparx announced and Lincoln simply listened. "One, the Miracle Box's guardian should never ever talk about the Miracle Box to non-miraculous owners or evil ones unless they plan to give them a Miraculous in person and at that very moment. Two, Kwami's can't be filmed or recorded by any device, be it new or old." Sparx stated.

Lincoln thought to himself as he passed through a pair of bushes hiding a pathway to a large clearing with a barn-sized shed, all hidden perfectly by trees and foliage. "Woah, what's this place?" Sparx asked.

"Oh, this? It's the LincClydAnne secret hangout. Paid for with allowances and money from when Chandler lost when he dropped his wallet after trying to stick it in his too-tight jeans and still thinking of a shorter name for this base!" Lincoln stated with pride.

"That's a stupid name." Sparx retorted without hesitation. Lincoln opened the door and showed the base had mini-fridges, that Sparx immediately raided, couches, a flat-screen TV, working lights, arcade games, and so much more, it was like an epic man cave but for kids.

"What do you say we watch some TV? Also, don't drink all the soda." Lincoln stated.

Sparx then spoke between sips of his Dr. Pipper, "So fizzy... So sweet... So many flavors... So good!"

Lincoln rolled his eyes then turned on the TV, seeing the local news channel and the newswoman, Barbra Misstar. "Good Morning, Royal Woods! I'm Barbra Misstar, here with an emergency report."

"Emergency?" Lincoln asked no one.

"Last night and going on through the day, Royal Woods has been hit with an onslaught of gang attacks by one group calling themselves, the Warriors, led by a young man calling himself War-Chief. We go to our on-scene reporter, Tomas in the news copter. Tomas." The screen switched to a live feed of Tomas in a helicopter watching a chaotic scene below.

An intersection filled with traffic, while grey-skinned and purple-eyed teens and pre-teens in red leather vests, tight jeans, sneakers, and red headbands. They were picking up cars and throwing them like softballs, ripping up fire hydrants like paper, and using streetlamps like baseball bats.

"Barbra, it is absolute chaos, in the downtown area. These 'Warriors' as they call themselves have been literally tearing up the streets of Royal Woods. The police and SWAT forces were unable to stop them last night and are currently hospitalized. One, Officer Stevens said, that he shot one of them dead in the face with a shotgun but the pellets flattened against his eyes and skin. We haven't seen anything like this." Tomas stated.

In the middle of it all, was a young man with grey skin, wild red hair, and purple eyes. Wearing an ugly red headband, a red leather jacket, tight jeans, and sneakers. Lincoln immediately recognized War-Chief's face and headband while Sparx recognized something else. "Chandler?!" Lincoln exclaimed.

"Oh, that is Koru's doing for sure," Sparx said.

"Koru?" Lincoln asked.

"He's the Kwami that was in the Miraculous that Chandler kid took, although, his owner isn't that kid, his owner is someone a lot smarter and evil. As the human saying goes, 'power corrupts', the person he 'corrupts' is turned into an Akuman, an evil version of what would be their Superhero self." Sparx answered before returning to his soda, this time it was a Dew Soda.

"Barbra, it seems these thugs have taken a family of 12 in an old van hostage and are about questioning them! Also, a little girl has foolishly stepped out of the van and is trying to fight them! And she lost before she could even begin!" Tomas said as the camera zoomed in on the Warriors carrying Vanzilla to War-Chief. Some Warriors were tying up a struggling and beat up Lynn.

"Oh no, I never went home last night! They must be out to find me, I'm so stupid! Someone has to stop him!" Lincoln exclaimed.

Sparx then replied with a raised eyebrow, "Don't you mean, We have to stop him. Remember what we did last night?"

Lincoln then gasped, "Your right! And you and the other Kwami ate over 1000 pizzas! So you're no longer hungry! So Sparx! Shock On!"

From the outside, a blue light shined through the door's openings and the windows. Lightning Flash then carefully stepped out the front door before blasting off like a lightning bolt. Running at ⅔'s the speed of light then leaping 20 stories in the air, clear over the trees. "Woohoo!! This is awesome!" Lightning Flash said before he landed and continued running. "So Sparx, anything about this Koru I should know? Mainly about his power's weaknesses."

"Well, Koru can only corrupt someone that will willingly agree to the 'contract' as he likes to put it. If the Contract Item, the source of the Akuman's power, is taken, however, the Akuman will lose all their power given to them and be reverted back to normal and anything that they did will be reverse during their change back but they can gain their power back just by taking back their Contract Item." Sparx explained through the ring.

"So I just gotta find Chandler's Contract Item while also making sure he never gets a hold of it again and I think I've got a good idea of what it might be." Lightning Flash stated but then for some reason, before continuing. He went inside a toy store.

"... Okay, I'll bite. What are we doing?" Sparx asked.

"Just gonna use some basic facts about clothing, mainly tight jeans." Lightning Flash answered. "While we're waiting, what are my limits?"

"Your imagination. I am a living infinite power source, so you have a lot of power to play with, while you're Lightning Flash. But I can get hungry and as you saw last night, if I get too hungry, I'm too weak to let out my power, and you change back." Sparx answered before asking. "Now seriously what are we doing here?"

With the Louds, Lily was crying her head off as the Warriors got closer to War-Chief. Lynn Jr. was outside of the van also being carried, "Lynn, what were you thinking?! These guys are literally tearing up the streets! What made you think you could take them?" Lori questioned her sister but got no reply as Lynn pretended to not hear her.

Suddenly, something jumped on the van before ripping the roof off of Vanzilla, and War-Chief stared them down. "Tell me where Larry is!" He demanded.

"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell a crazed punk like you!" Lynn Sr. stated.

"Fair enough. Let's see how well you fly! Throw 'em!" War-Chief yelled.

But before Vanzilla could be thrown, Lightning Flash came speeding by pulling each and every one of the Louds away from the Warriors. For some reason, he had a water gun in his hands. "I'm free! Now I can-" Lynn was interrupted by the sounds of clanking and clicking, she looked to find that she was handcuffed to a fire hydrant that wasn't ripped to pieces. Lynn then noticed Lightning Flash spinning the key around his finger. "Hey, unhandcuff me, freak!"

"You can stay right there, Ms. 'I Stupidly Run Toward A Foe I Can't Hope To Beat.' otherwise you're just gonna bruise your knees or something stupider than that." Lightning Flash retorted, the other Loud sisters giggled at Lynn's expense.

"Who in the flying fart are you!?" War-Chief asked.

"The name's Lightning Flash. And well, to be frank, I'm a superhero." Lightning Flash said.

"Wait, your name's Frank?" Leni asked only to get a row of facepalms in response.

War-Chief dragged his hand down his face as he spoke, "You wanna dignify that with a response or-"

"Shut up and fight, damn you." Lightning Flash interrupted.

"Again, fair. But what are you gonna do with that water gun?" War-Chief asked before snapping his fingers, and the Warriors charged at Lightning Flash, who leaped over them and fired the water gun at their tight jeans, the water was letting off steam. Then landed on a Warrior's head and spun around on his head spraying water like a sprinkler onto the others that surrounded him. Lightning Flash then leaped off of the Warrior's and sprayed him last before landing on Vanzilla's remains.

"Judging by the steam, that water is boiling hot." Lisa started with a tilt of her glasses.

"Correct. Tell me, War-Chief. What happens when you mix tight jeans and extra hot water? Answer..." Lightning Flash stopped mid-sentence to start waiting for something. War-Chief raised an eyebrow before he started hearing high-pitched screams, he looked to see the Warriors were falling over one by one holding their loins. "The tight pants shrink!" Lightning Flash finished.

Lightning Flash then tapped the tank of his water gun and it was empty, "Looks like I'm out, so let's do this 'mano an electro'."

"Don't you mean 'mano a mano'?" War-Chief asked.

Lightning Flash shook his head and said, "Nope, let's dance. But first, some music." Lightning Flash then touched Vanzilla's remains and electricity sparked off it before the radio started playing.

<Play Watt's Up Danger>

Lightning Flash then ran at War-Chief and threw several punches before stepping back as the corrupted rich brat attempted a counter. Then War-Chief got punched by something but didn't or couldn't see what had hit him. Then War-Chief noticed Lightning Flash's arm was missing, Lightning Flash looked at where his arm would be then smiled as electricity flowed over his body. "Electro Cloak. Now you see me, now you don't." Lightning Flash said before he became entirely invisible.

War-Chief was then punched in the face several times by an invisible Lightning Flash, he tried to hit the invisible hero but failed. War-Chief was then punched in the gut and as he recoiled in pain, Lightning Flash revealed himself and created a whip of energy and used it to grab War-Chief's headband. "Plasma Whip! Now let's see what happens if I take that headband off." Lightning Flash said.

"No! Get away from it!" War-Chief yelled as he pulled back, hard enough to send Lightning Flash tumbling through the air. Lightning Flash then turned his Plasma Whip into a ball of energy and threw it at a manhole cover, giving it an electric charge.

"And like that, you've shown me what I wanted to know! Lightning Charge! Then, Electric Magnetic!" Lightning Flash shouted before the manhole cover shot out of its spot then flew into the air and to Lightning Flash. Lightning Flash then took the manhole cover for a ride over War-Chief before he charged up energy in his hands. "Next up! Thunder Clap!" Lightning Flash yelled before clapping his electrified hands together and released a wave of electricity.

War-Chief put his hands up to defend himself but was pushed back into a wall and when he pushed himself off the wall, he felt something land on his arm. He looked to see it was a lug nut of a car sticking to the studs of his jacket, when he took it off, a bolt clung to his unneeded belt's buckle. Lightning Flash landed and removed the magnetic charge on the manhole cover and let it go, letting it rocket into War-Chief's gut. "Small magnets, big pull. Magnetic Overcharge! I was looking for a way to quickly clean up this mess you and your boys made." Lightning Flash stated.

War-Chief was then hit by every bit of loose metal in the area, starting and ending with; street lamps, fire hydrants, car doors, wheels, bumpers, hoods, & roofs, other manhole covers, and finally, his own Warriors. Lightning Flash walked up as War-Chief popped his head out of the massive scrap pile he was literally stuck to. "I'll take this." Lightning Flash said before reaching War-Chief's headband.

"NOOO!!!" War-Chief yelled before Lightning Flash took the headband off.

Suddenly a wave of energy passed over everything the Warriors destroyed, it was fixed good as new, cars were fully repaired, street lamps were sitting back to their spots, and fire hydrants were fixed good as new. Then black fire covered War-Chief and the Warriors, before dissipating and revealing Chandler and his goons, and as they slowly stood back up, police officers, now fully healed up, handcuffed them and took them away with little resistance, mainly from Chandler.

"I'll be back! I swear it, Lightning Freak!" Chandler said as he was pushed into the back of a police car.

"Yeah, and I'll beat you again!" Lightning Flash shouted back before hearing a cough behind him.

He looked to see Lynn Sr. motioning toward the van, which only the roof was fixed, everything else was still destroyed. "Pardon me, but why was only the roof fixed?"

"Cause the roof was the only thing the Warriors broke, everything else was just waiting to fall apart." Lightning Flash answered.

Lynn Sr. let out a forced laugh, "Ha ha! Well, I didn't know you know a lot about vans! Except you don't! At all!" Lynn Sr.'s scream began to attract attention.

"Sir, don't you have a kid of yours to find?" Lightning Flash asked. "If you're looking for an albino boy, he's in the park, he's been hiding in a bush from Chandler and his goons before and after they became War-Chief and the Warriors.

"Oh my goodness, Lincoln! Dad, we have to go!" Leni yelled. Before the Louds dragged the Loud father away and Lightning Flash literally bolted away.

"Alright, now to make an alibi." Lightning Flash said as he ran.

Inside the Tabernathy corporation skyscraper. Tannis was sitting in the boss' office watching what had occurred with Koru eating dark chocolate on the desk. "Sorry about that, since my power was weakened that was the best I could do." Koru apologized.

"No need to apologize, that brat was simply a test of your abilities." Tannis stood up and looked out the window, down at the town of Royal Woods, "Peace is so... Dull and predictable. I love chaos because I almost never expect anything coming."

"If it's chaos you want, we should find the Miracle Box I came in. The one who wields that box would become unstoppable. You'd able to create an army of Miraculous using generals and Akumans soldiers." Kuro stated.

"I see. And since this, Lightning Flash has the Miraculous of Lightning, he must know where the box is hidden or is hiding it himself. Either way, I will have that box." Tannis laughed to herself before her door was kicked open, Koru quickly hid in response.

It was Chandler's father, Mr. McCain. "McCain? What do you want, still trying to weasel your way out of your company being bought? Also, I thought I said no visitors."

"Tabernathy! My son texted me and said he saw you before he was transformed into that War-Chief! What the hell did you do to-" Mr. McCain was cut off by an assault rifle-wielding guard gunning him down.

Tannis watched as Mr. McCain fell down and bleed, on a bearskin carpet, no less. Tannis put her hands together up to her face and took a deep breath. "I believe I also said, Traq Intruders. Not, Kill Intruders." Tannis walked over to the guard with Lord Tabernathy's cane as other guards came to see the situation before backing away quickly. "Tell me. How did you confuse those words? Tranq. Kill. Tranq! Kill! How do those words sound the same?"

"I panicked." The guard quickly blurted out.

"You what? I'm sorry I didn't catch that." Tannis stated.

"I panicked." The guard repeated.

"You panicked. Well, that just fixes everything. Definitely cleans the blood of the bearskin carpet I spent 5 years making. Heh heh heh." Tannis then caved the guard's skull in with the cane in a fit of rage, as the guard fell Tannis continued smacking away. Koru looked up from his hiding spot to see the carnage. "You Had One Single Freaking Order And You Couldn't Even Do That Right!" Tannis yelled in unison with her hits.

Koru sighed lovingly, "Ahhh. A woman after my own heart... If I had one."

At the Loud House, Lincoln was laying down on his bed, Lynn Sr. and Rita walked in and said, "Hey kiddo, I'm gonna make dinner, you just stay right there. You've had a long night, seeing as how you were running from Chandler and his goons then War-Chief and the Warriors!"

"And next time, tell someone you're going out for a walk so we'll know where you are," Rita added.

"Okay, Mom and Dad," Lincoln replied, the Loud Parents closed the door and Sparks came out of hiding.

"I still can't believe that worked." He said. "Hey, where's the snacks in here?"

"What can I say, I'm the master of convincing." Lincoln stated before laying back into his bed, 'I can't even begin to describe our awesome this is! I'm a real superhero with superpowers! It stinks that I can't tell my friends the identity of Lightning Flash, but I think I'll be able to have them form a team with me.' Lincoln thought before he drifted off to sleep. But before he did, he gave the fourth wall one last look and said, "See you guys later!"

Sparx put his face in front of the fourth wall and asked, "Seriously, who are you talking to?"

That's all for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Bye for now!

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