Mr Pigeon

It was another ordinary day at school as everyone was in Miss Bustier's classroom as Mr. Damocles is making an announcement. "You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, and it must be your own design. In ten hours your fittest presentation will be judged by none other than the great fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, the father of our very own student Adrien Agreste. In fact, Adrien will model the winning design in his next photoshoot. And now, to announce this year's theme: derby hats."

"Derby hats?" Marinette repeated nervously as she saw Chloé giving her a thumbs-down.

After class, (Y/n) and Alya were sitting on a bench as they watched Marinette pacing back and forth while she was looking over her stretchpad.

"Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat...! I don't have any derby hat designs. I've got top hats, caps, even two-horned hats! Need a beret? I'm your girl. A sombrero? No problem-o. But a derby?! You know what? It won't even matter, 'cause I'll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mr. Agreste; give him a full-blown concussion and Adrien will hate me! I'll never be a world-renowned fashion designer. MY LIFE IS OVER!" Marinette collapses on Alya's lap as she cries.

"All this over a derby hat?" Alya comforts Marinette. "Let's see me your sketchpad, Marinette. I'm sure you got something that could help you win." (Y/n) said as she took Marinette's sketchpad. "Forget it, I'm a disaster zone. I'll probably mess everything up in the end." Marinette ranted out more negative words about herself.

Out of the blue, Adrien appears, which startles Marinette as she hides behind the bench. "Wow, (Y/N), those are some awesome designs. I didn't know you had such mad skills."

"Uh, thanks Adrien, but these aren't mine. All the credit goes to Marinette." (Y/n) points at Marinette. "You're super talented, Marinette. You seriously have a good chance of winning." Adrien complements. "Well, um, yeah! I... like-- um, designs that-- um," Marinette didn't know what to say next, so Alya and (Y/n) make motions to her, who tries to interpret them. "go... upwards? Um, while stopping... I mean, uh-- uh, um, thanks?"

"Sure, and uh-- good luck. Maybe I'll be wearing your derby at father's next photoshoot." Adrien leaves." Girl, you gotta get a grip next time. But did you hear? Adrien thinks you're good enough to win!" Alya squealed as all three of them cheered together.

(Y/n) opens her phone and checks the time. "You have only nine hours until the competition starts."

"Yikes! I'm off to my secret garden of inspiration. I'll see you later." Marinette runs off ,but she hits a wall. "AH! I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm okay."

As Marinette left, Alya and (Y/n) looked at each other before chuckling together. "What are we going to do with that girl." Alya asked. "I don't know, you tell me." (Y/n) replied. They continued their laughing before they went their separate ways.

(Y/n) was humming a cheerful tone as she was walking around Paris killing time before the fashion competition. Bitz flew out of her backpack and sat on (Y/n)'s shoulder using her (h/c) hair to hid.

"What a nice sunny day." Bitz said. (Y/n) nods. "You're right, Bitz. It is a lovely day." (Y/n) smiles in thought. "I can't wait for the fashion competition. I know that Marinette will win for sure!" Bitz nods his head. "Marinette has talent that's the truth."

(Y/n) smiles at her kwami and pats his head as he nuzzles her cheek.

As the two of them continued their walk, well (Y/n)'s walk, pigeons suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They were blocking the whole street and refused to let any vehicle drive on by.

"Okay, this is weird." Bitz commented. "You're telling me." (Y/n) agrees. She ran towards a group of people as they all watched the news by a electronic store. Nadja was on the screen. "Pigeons have taken over Paris. This is just one of the many alarming situations giving authorities cause for major concern." She touches her earpiece. "Yes, I've just been told that someone named "Mr. Pigeon" is making an announcement."

The screen changed to the new villain, Mr. Pigeon. "Oh, dreary day, poor Parisians. Sorry to ruffle your feathers, but Paris now belongs to the pigeons! Flap flap!" Mr. Pigeon made his announcement as he made pigeon noises.

(Y/n) quickly ran towards the nearest ally. She made sure the coast was clear and she allowed Bitz to reveal himself to her.

"I think Hawk Moth is running out of ideas for new villains." Bitz stated. (Y/n) laughed. "I was thinking the exact same thing. Let's go save Paris from this weird villain. Bitz, fly in the night!"

(Y/n) begins to transform as Bitz enters her choker. It reveals a glowing bat with five pieces on it. (Y/n) crosses her hands over her face as she claps her hands together as her light purple suit morphs around her. She places her hands on her head as bat ears appear and putting her (h/c) hair in a high bun with two strip of hair in the front. A light purple, tessen fan that is similar to a bats wing appears in her hand as she slashes the air and poses with the tessen in front with her as her other hand was crossed over her stomach.

Chiroptera leaps over building after building until she stopped to rest. As she was walking, she noticed a certain heroine in front of her.

"Hey, LB!" Chiroptera ran towards her.

"You see what I see, right Chiroptera?" Ladybug asked as they both saw an airplane shape made out of pigeons flying through the sky. "Now this is weirder than weird."

Cat Noir suddenly appears from a ledge above them. "Birds of a feather, flock together." He sneezes as she falls down near the two heroines. "I'm allergic to feathers." He sneezes again.

"Bless you, CN." Chiroptera told him. "That's helpful." Ladybug comments sarcastically.

"Tell me about it." Cat Noir almost sneezes, but stops himself. "These birds are only part of the problem. The park keepers in Paris are vanishing without a trace."

"What? We have to track down Mr. Pigeon ASAP." Ladybug stated. "But, where are we going to find that weirdo of a villain." Chiroptera places her hands on her hips. "Hmm, I don't know where we can find him, but I do know where he can find us." Ladybug planned her idea.

At the Place des Vosges. Cat Noir is wearing a park ranger cap as he was whistling while Ladybug and Chiroptera were hiding behind some trees nearby. After Cat Noir finished whistling, began to dance as he was humming a song.

"Act natural or he'll never show up!" Ladybug told me. "What do you mean? I am acting natural." Cat Noir dances backwards. Chiroptera was trying to hold her laughter, but Ladybug saw her and gave her a warning glare. "I'm sorry, LB. It's just hard not to laugh when CN is doing a dance like that." Chiroptera lets out her laugh.

The trio continues to wait, but still nothing happens.

"Where is he?" Ladybug asked. "He should've been here by now."

Ladybug and Chiroptera suddenly heard Cat Noir sneezing. A bunch of pigeons form a big ball and start carrying Cat Noir away.

"What the-- !" Ladybug runs after them. "I didn't know pigeons could be that strong." Chiroptera stared before she followed.

The heroines jumped over building after building as they saw the pigeons released Cat Noir on the roof of the Le Grand Paris hotel. Cat Noir sneezes again and the pigeons look at him. Ladybug and Chiroptera walked next to him. "Where's that bird-brain Mr. Pigeon?" Cat Noir asked. "That bird has to be be somewhere." Chiroptera scans the roof.

Suddenly, the pigeons started to circles around them.

"Call me crazy, but I feel like bird seed all of a sudden." Ladybug said. "Then you should call me crazy because I'm having the same feeling too." Chiroptera shivers at the thought. The pigeons form a shield to keep them in. "Got any bright ideas, bug and bat?" Cat Noir asked. "You're the cat, don't you eat birds as a snack?" Chiroptera remarks. Out of nowhere a gigantic cage is brought down over them, trapping them in. "Look!" Ladybug shouts.

Mr. Pigeon makes bird noises. "Turpy day. I'm so ruthless." He continues to make bird noises. "Your Miraculous, give them to me or face the wrath of my feathered friends." He calls out birds with a whistle and some pigeons start banging on the top of the cage, while others turn around and point their behinds at trio. "Dada-dee, on the count of three, my beloved pigeons will commence fire. You can still save your sorry skins by handing me your Miraculous. One, two..."

"Cat Noir, the bars!" Ladybug orders. "Cataclysm!" Cat Noir summons his powers and uses his Cataclysm to destroy the bars of the cage. Mr. Pigeon cowers back toward the edge of the rooftop while Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Chiroptera advance on him with their weapons out. "Well, well. Looks like the pigeon's really a chicken." Cat noir mocks.

"Me? I'm not flying away. I'm just killing three birds with one stone." Mr Pigeon calls out to his birds as he jumps over the edge of the roof. His pigeons caught him. "Merry Christmas!"

The trio ran for cover as a group of pigeons dive towards them. They immediately ran inside and quickly closed the door. They collapsed on the floor with exhaustion. They got up and started running down the stairs. Cat Noir stops as his hear his ring beeping.

"I've gotta get out of here before my secret identity's revealed!" Cat Noir told them. "Yeah, you wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag." Chiroptera smirks at him. "Ha ha, very funny." Cat Noir said sarcastically.

They finally made it to the first floor and saw that a crowd was gathered at the entrance.

"Ladybug, Cat Noir, Chiroptera! I'm in great danger-- of losing big bucks if my guests leave Paris! You are going to get rid of those pigeons, aren't you?" Mayor Bourgeois asked.

Cat Noir began to fidget. "Of course we are, but before we do I have an urgent need."

"An urgent need? I see, head to the royal suite. There's paper in there, but perhaps you would prefer... a litter tray?"

"Uh...? Oh right, no need for litter. But, um, could I have some Camembert?" Cat Noir left on the elevator.

Mayor Bourgeois looks at the heroines, but all they did was shrug.

The heroines exited the elevator on the next floor as they looked at the large glass windows.

"Great, we can get a much better view from up here. Odd, pigeons are flying in the same direction. Better go follow them." Ladybug said as Chiroptera nods. The elevator dings as Cat Noir is seen inside. "Ready when you are, LB." The girls entered. Chiroptera punches his arm playfully. "Don't go stealing my material."

Outside the Grand Palais. Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Chiroptera follow the pigeons to a building. They look inside and saw a big cage full of park keepers.

"Now we know where Mr. Pigeon's keeping the park keepers he abducted." Chiroptera told them as she was spying at the entrance. "The Grand Palais." Cat Noir was about to sneeze, but Ladybug stops him. "My pigeon radar is on high alert."

"Either your radar is on the brink or Mr. Pigeon's left the park keepers unattended." Ladybug stated. "Let's set the cat among the pigeons." Cat Noir was about to walk over, but Chiroptera stops him. "Hold up Cat Noir, it's too easy." Ladybug agrees with her. "I've got a plan."

The heroes run off. They made it to the roof as they continued running across it.

"If we can destroy that bird call, we'll be able to capture the akuma." Ladybug explains as they stopped and found Mr. Pigeon. "Okay, you two open the window, I'll grab him and yank him up onto the roof, then you snag his bird call away from him."

"Let's go, early bird gets the worm!" Cat Noir jokes.

Chiroptera opens the skylight on the roof, but a draft of feathers hits Cat Noir which causes him to sneezes. Mr. Pigeon spotted them as Ladybug throws her yo-yo and misses.

"We should have seen that coming." Chiroptera said.

The trio jumps inside to get Mr. Pigeon, but he runs off as his pigeons carry him away. As they were chasing him, Mr. Pigeon uses his bird call as the pigeons form two spheres around his hands. "Deedly-dee dee, come closer, I have a bone to peck with you."

"I'd be honored." Cat Noir growls as they were ready to attack. Mr. Pigeon hits both Cat Noir and then Ladybug back towards the cage.

"Ladybug! Cat Noir!" Chiroptera exclaims. She glares at the villains. "Echo!" She summons her power. She throws the glowing and saw wave signals only she could see. She saw that Mr. Pigeon throws more of his pigeons at her, but she quickly dodges them on time.

"Lucky Charm!" She heard Ladybug summon her Lucky Charm. "A coin? What am I supposed to do with this?" Ladybug began to think of a plan as she saw a vending machine and the coin.

"You can't buy yourself out of here!" Mr. Pigeon throws a sphere of pigeons at them.

"Chiroptera, keep him busy!" Ladybug orders. "You got it!" Chiroptera replies.

Ladybug runs towards Mr Pigeon, but she slides under him and uses her yo-yo to wrap around his left ankle. She makes her way towards the vending machine and uses the coin to get a bag of popcorn. "Chiroptera!" She throws the bag at her.

Chiroptera throws her tessen fan as the bag as it bursts open and all the popcorn fall on Mr. Pigeon.

"Snack time, pigeons!" Ladybug yells out as the pigeons go after the treats.

"No!" Mr. Pigeon exclaims. Ladybug pulls on her yo-yo and lifts Mr. Pigeon up by the ankle as his bird call falls off him. "My bird call! Nooo!"

"Cat Noir, Chiroptera, grab it!" ladybug shouts as they Cat Noir grabs it, but he sneezes and loses it.

All four of them run up to grab the bird call, Mr. Pigeons grabs it first, but Cat Noir caught his hand, then Chiroptera puts her hand on top of theirs as Ladybug's was on top of everyone. Ladybug grabs Chiroptera's hand and slams it together with Cat Noir and Mr. Pigeon. Both cat and bat cry out in pain as Mr. Pigeon faints.

The akuma finally flies out of the broken bird call. "No more evildoing for you, little akuma" Ladybug opens her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!" She captures the akuma. "Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly." She releases the butterfly. "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug throws the coin into the air as her Lucky Charm fixes everything.

The bird call was restored and Mr. Pigeon is converted back Mr. Ramier. "Huh? What happened? Where am I?"

"Pound it!" The trio fist-bumped.

Back at the school, Alya and (Y/n) were waiting for Marinette as everyone else was getting ready to present their hats. Alya tries to call Marinette, but she couldn't get a response. "Where is that girl?"

"She better hurry, because Mr Agreste's assistant is here." (Y/n) points.

"Hello, Mr. Damocles, I am Mr. Agreste's executive assistant Nathalie." Nathalie introduced herself. "Hello, miss. Pardon me, but where is Mr. Agreste?" Mr. Damocles asked. She holds up a tablet and Mr. Agrests appears. "I'm here."

"Ah, uh, hello Mr. Agreste. Welcome to our school." Mr. Damocles welcomed. "Adrien, take Nathalie around." Mr. Agreste told his son.

Before Alya and (Y/n) could get more worried, Marinette rushes in carrying a box in her hands.

"Where have you been?! You got your hat?" (Y/n) asked. "Yep, here." Marinette takes off the lid. Alya and (Y/n) were marveled at it, but their expressions darkens. "What?"

"But, it's the same as Chloé's." Alya explains. "What?!" Marinette looks over at Chloé and Sabrina's hat. "Uh, hi Mr. Agreste. I'm Chloé Bourgeois. You know my father, André Bourgeois, the mayor?" Chloé brags.

"Ugh, that thieving little brat!" Marinette exclaims. "Do you want us to take care of it?" (Y/n) asked. "I think I can handle this." Marinette replies.

The judges reach Marinette's hat."Hm, turn the tablet back to Ms. Bourgeois' hat." Mr. Agreste looks over at the hat. "Is this a joke?"

" No fair! Marinette copied my design! It's scandalous, how could you do that?" Chloé fake cries.

"I apologize for the situation Mr. Agreste, but I can prove that this derby hat is MY original design." Marinette told.

"Go ahead." Mr. Agreste allowed.

"Um, everything on my derby hat is hand-made-- from the embroidery, to the weaving of the band, to the stitching of the brim. All done by myself. And last, there's a special design element that only the true designer knows about: I signed mine."

Chloé realized that she was caught and runs our crying. "Daddy!"

"Very exquisite creation. You definitely have the laboring hands of a hat maker, miss..." Mr. Agreste stopped to find out Marinette's name. Adrien puts his hand on Marinette's shoulder. "Marinette.

"Congratulations on your demonstration, Miss Marinette. You're the winner." Mr. Agreste declared her the winner.

Marinette bows. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Adrien will wear your derby on our next advertising campaign."

Adrien puts his hands over hers on the hat. She gasps and blushes. "Awesome job, Marinette."

Marinette blushes as Adrien begins to put on the derby hat but he starts to sneeze. "Uh-- sorry, I'm allergic to feathers." He sneezes more.

"Gesundheit!" Marinette smiles. He sneezes again and waves. "Thanks."

Alya, Marinette, and (Y/n) look at each other. as they cheered together.

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