prologue: origins of the Sparrow
A/n: hey guys here is the prologue of this story now before it begins I'm going to not put Alya in the harem cause I did not know that her and Nino were dating in the show also genderbent Adrien and Luka are in the harem also in your hero form your weapon is a bow that can make arrows and you use Sparrow Vision it will work similar to eagle vision and you use wind as your power and I'm surprised people want Chloe in the harem but hey the readers have spoken so let the story begin
Y/n's pov
I was getting up with a yawn as I grabbed my phone which was making an annoying alarm which I hit the snooze button
Y/n: man why did it have to be today to go back to school
M/n: Y/n! you better get ready soon you have school and plus you know that you'll be going with Marinette
Y/n: oh right. thanks mon! I just hope that I don't get flirted on by Chloe
I then change into some casual clothes which is a f/c jacket with a red under shirt blue jeans and a small handbag with the strap wrapped across my chest I then went down the stairs to just make a toast for my breakfast as I left the house after saying bye to my parents I began walking to school but I couldn't help but see an old man in a Hawaiian shirt trying to find something
Y/n: excuse me sir you need help with something?
old man: ah yes I'm looking for the way to the bakery shop
Y/n: oh I know were that is a good friend of mine family owns one it's not too far it's actually close to the school that I'm going to you can follow me there
old man: *smiles* ah thank you young man please lead the way
I nod to him as we began to head towards the school which wasn't much trouble or too far so it only took at least 5 minutes or so as I reached the school I turn to the old man
Y/n: well this is my stop but the place your looking for is just across the road ahead I hope you have a good day sir
old man: oh I will do take care young man
as we sent on our separate ways I make my way to my class which was just up stairs and enter the room to see Ms. Bustier I waved at her as she waved back I then made my way up to the forth row of the seats
Ms. Bustier: Nino why don't you sit in the front row this year
I then see Nino make his way down to the front row as Marinette sit in the second row in front of me with a box as she sits down Chloe then begins to bother her
Chloe: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.\
Marinette: ugh here we go again.
Chloe: that's my seat.
Marinette: but Chloe this has always been my seat.
Sabrina: not anymore. new school year, new seats.
Chloe: so go and sit beside that new girl over there?
I look over to the first row to see a girl with dark red hair with glasses on her phone as she looks back with a slight glare at Chloe
Marinette: but...
Chloe: Adri's arriving today and since that's his seat, this is going to be my seat, get it
Y/n: or you can back off Chloe and find another seat to sit?
Chloe: *looks at Y/n* oh sweet Y/n you know I would always listen to you every other day but not today
Marinette: uh whose Adri?
she then explains about who is Adri as she reveal that she is a famous model and saying that she is her best friend which I highly doubt so much as the new girl comes to help Marinette
new girl: hey who elected you Queen of the seats
Chloe: hu look Sabrina we've got a little do-gooder this year. what are you going to do, shoot beams at me with your glasses?
Y/n's thoughts: that oddly sounds familiar beams shooting out glasses where have I heard that or seen before?
new girl: wouldn't you like to know?
she then takes Marinette to the front row seat next to Nino as Ms. Bustier begins class as I look over to my right to see two girls that I know are Juleka and Rose so far Juleka is kind of a shy girl while Rose is a good person that can brighten up the day I then look to where Marinette is at as she hands on half of a macaroon to her as I can tell is making friends with the new girl which is nice to see
3rd pov
as the class was going on a blond girl with green eyes was running to the school until a car stops in front of the school as a woman with blue hair with red tips at the end comes out along with a bodyguard looking man that was in the drivers seat
woman: Adri, please reconsider you know what your father wants.
Adri: *turns to face the two adults* but this is what I want to do.
as she was about to enter the school the sounds of an old man catches her attention as she see the same old man that Y/n helped out she sees him on the ground trying to reach his cane but was to weak to do so she goes to the old man and hands him his can while also helping him up
old man: thank you young lady
Adri then turns to see the two adult she was talking to in front of the stairs as she reluctantly goes to them
Adri: I just want to go to school like everybody else. what's so wrong with that? please don't tell my father about all this.
they then get in the car and leave the school as the old man was watching from a distance then turns to leave with the cane resting on his shoulder while whistling as he leaves while inside the classroom the school bell starts to ring as some of the students begin to leave
Ms. Bustier: if those of you who have PE, meet Mr. D'Argencourt at the stadium. the res of you can go to the library.
Ivan: Kim!
Ms. Bustier: Ivan, what are you doing?
Ivan: it's Kim! I'm so gonna...
Ms. Bustier: Ivan! go to the Principle's office.
Ivan then crumbles the paper and leaves while in an unknown location a giant glass window begins to open op lighting up the room as white butter flies began to fly around the room with a man in the middle
man: negative emotions, this is perfect just what I need anger, sadness... *opens his palm* burn a hole into his heart my horrible Akuma
as he says this a white butterfly lands on his palm as he puts the other one over the butterfly then dark orbs go into it changing the white butterfly into a black and purple butterfly as it begins to fly away
man: fly away my little Akuma, and evilise him!
meanwhile outside of the school the students meet up with the PE teacher and leaves with him as Ivan enters the Principle's office
Principle: excuse me young man but has anyone ever told you to knock? go on, out you go. let's try it again.
Ivan groans then closes the door and waits outside as the Principle tells him to knock the black and purple butterfly other wise known as the Akuma goes into the crumbled up paper turning it black as a light purple outline of a mask forms around his face and starts to hear a voice
man: Stoneheart I am Hawk Moth. I give you the power to seek revenge on those you wronged you
Ivan: ok, Hawk Moth.
then a black and purple substance starts to form around his hand moving up to his arm while the Principle is waiting in his office waiting for Ivan to knock on the door
Principle: well, come on in.
a crashing sound was heard as the Principle fell back as a stone man like being came into the office roaring as a rumbling sound was heard in the Library some of the students panicked and ran out of the room as Marinette fell as the new girl named Alya helps her up and starts running to the TV screen to see the same stone man like monster outside of the school causing trouble
stone man: Kim!
Marinette: what's going on? he had Ivan's voice?
Alya: it's las if he's been transformed into a real life supervillain. *checks her phone* GPS, check, battery, check I'm so outta here.
Marinette: hey where are you going?
Alya: when there's a supervillain a superhero's not far behind. no way I'm missing this
she then begins to run out of the room as Marinette looks back at the TV to see the stone man walk on to the road as a car stops he picks it up and throws it at the camera while yelling Kim's name
Y/n's pov
I was the school's locker room as I forgot to get what I needed before heading to the stadium with the others as I heard a commotion when a stone monster was going around yelling Kim's name so I went to my house to see what was going on. on my laptop as I notice a small box on my desk next to my laptop
Y/n: huh? how did this get here? I don't remember having something like this
I then opened it as a small bright brown light appear as I shield my eyes from the light then it starts to die down as I can see more clearly to see a small bird like animal in front of me
Y/n: woah *stands up* who or what are you little birdy
birdy: it's oka- hey I'm not a birdy anyway no need to be scared
Y/n: I'm the exact opposite of that and you can talk!
birdy: yes I can my name is Kraw I'm a Kwami nice to meet you
Y/n: nice to meet you Kraw anyway what's a Kwami?
Kraw: a Kwami are beings that can grant powers to people I have the ability to use wind also no one should know that I exist because it could be dangerous not just for you but for others as well
Y/n: neat also do you know that stone monster that is rampaging through the city right now?
Kraw: yes that is Stoneheart he was turned evil by an Akuma your one of the chosen to stop him
Y/n: okay so how do I do that?
Kraw: first you put the ring on your finger and say "wings out" also you have a bow that can make any arrow out of any material for various situations
Y/n: okay thanks for the run down Kraw wings out!
then I see Kraw go into the ring as my face then gets covered by ski mask with goggles then my clothes start to change once everything was finished I look at myself to see I'm wearing a brown trench coat with a hood on over my mask with a white under shirt and pants wuth light brown shoes
Y/n: okay this is cool
I then exit through my window and pulled out my bow
and thinks of a hook arrow with a string as it appeared on the bow ready to fire as I used it to swing me to one building to another heading towards where Stoneheart is as I was doing so I hear screaming as I look to see a girl in a ladybug style outfit crashing into another girl wearing a cat style outfit I then dismiss the hook arrow and summoned a net arrow and shoot it catching the two girls before they hit the ground I then drop down to meet the two
Y/n: hey there you two how's it hanging
cat girl: hey there nice of you to catch us and for this one to drop in.
ladybug girl: sorry, I didn't do it on purpose also thanks for the catch
Y/n: no problem
I then helped the two get back on their feet as the cat styled girl looks at us with her hands on her hips
cat girl: I bet your the two partners my Kwami told me about. I'm... Cat Noir. yeah, Cat Noir... and you?
ladybug girl: *struggles to get her yoyo freed* I'm... *then finally gets it free with Cat Noir's staff* madly clumsy I'm so clumsy.
Cat Noir: *picks up her staff* no sweat Clumsy-girl. I'm still learning too *looks at Y/n* what about you mister tall and mysterious~
Y/n: oh um I'm... Sparrow yeah the names Sparrow
we then hear crashing as we see a building falling as I summoned my hook bow and head towards to were I can guess Stoneheart is
3rd pov
as the students were getting ready to leave a crashing sound was heard as most students run while Kim didn't react yet until he hear his name being called out
Stoneheart: Kim!
Stoneheart then begins to chase Kim as he fell on the ground as Stoneheart was about to grab Kim he was stopped by a metal pole and a barrage of light explosive arrows hitting him as Cat Noir and Sparrow land next to Kim with their weapons
Cat Noir: hey it's not nice to pick on people smaller than you.
Sparrow: that's right stone man it's really not cool to do that what a drag right?
Stoneheart: I guess you two are talking about yourselves
Stoneheart then begins to attack as Cat Noir and Sparrow move out of the way while Sparrow makes some distance and runs around summoning another light explosive arrow as Cat Noir dodges the attacks she then jumps up and hits Stoneheart with her pole staff getting behind him but Stoneheart then begins to glow and grow in size
Sparrow: okay that might be a problem
Sparrow then shoots his arrow at Stoneheart but only getting the same results as Sparrow then slumps alittle
Cat Noir: not working Sparrow where's our other partner?!
she then dodges another attack as the ladybug styled girl watches form a distance while Sparorw summoned a rope arrow to try to tie up Stoneheart
ladybug girl: oh I can't I'm not going to be able to do it.
as Stoneheart then picks up the goal then throws it as Cat Noir dodges it while the goal was heading towards Alya who was watching the fight sees the Goal heading towards her Sparrow saw this and switches his arrow for an Arrow made of wind then shoots it at the goal as the arrow was in front of it the wind arrow pushes the goal into the opposite direction preventing it from hurting Alya as Cat Noir got distracted she gets grabbed by Stoneheart
Alya: what are you waiting for? the world is watching you!
as the ladybug styled girl was having trouble deciding on what to do she then works up[ the courage to help out and used her yoyo to wrap it around Stoneheart's legs then getting in front of him
ladybug girl: animal cruelty how shameful
she then pulls on her yoyo making Stoneheart fall on his back as Cat Noir get freed as the three heroes then grouped up
ladybug girl: sorry I took so long guys
Sparrow: no worries here
Cat Noir: it's cool wonderbug. let's kick his rocky behind.
ladybug girl: wait haven't you noticed he gets bigger with every attack.
Sparrow: yeah I did notice him getting bigger when my explosive arrow hit him same with Cat Noir's pole staff
ladybug girl: we have to do something different.
Cat Noir: what?
ladybug girl: I don't know.
Cat Noir: okay then let's use our powers. Cataclysm! apparently I destroy what ever I touch.
ladybug girl: I don't need a superpower for that.
Cat Noir then touches the goal making it rust as both Sparrow and the ladybug girl could stop her as the goal then falls apart
Cat Noir: cool, it's just you and me now. time to rumble, soon to be rubble.
Sparrow/ladybug girl: Cat Noir wait!
as Cat Noir gets close to Stoneheart she puts her hand on his foot expecting it to destroy it but nothing happens
Cat Noir: uh oh I guess I only get one shot to use my power
she then gets kicked back to Sparrow and the ladybug girl as she gets back up to shack off the dirt
ladybug girl: and you only have five minutes before you change back. didn't your Kwami explain anything to you?
Cat Nir: I guess I was a little excited about my new life.
ladybug girl: well up to me and Sparrow lucky charm!
as she uses her power getting a jump suit with similar design as the ladybug girl making Sparrow lightly chuckle at her reaction
Cat Noir: super power.
ladybug girl: my Kwami said I must break the object where the Akuma is hiding.
Cat Noir: well he's entirely made of stone
Sparrow: but one of his hands his clutched like he's holding some thing
ladybug girl: good eye Sparrow
Cat Noir: so what's your plan?
the ladybug girl then looks around seeing the clutched hand then Alya then a water facet with a hose attached
ladybug girl: this *points down at the hose*
she then picks it up the attaches the jump suit while closing the end of the arms and legs then wraps her yoyo around Cat Noir's legs as Sparrow jumps to the stands
Sparrow: well here we go feather arrow! wind!
the ladybug girl then throw Cat Noir at Stoneheart as he grabbed her with one hand while the ladybug girl gets grabbed by Stonehearts other hand letting go of the object as it falls to the ground as the ladybug girl signals Alya to turn on the facet as water travels through the hose going into the jump suit freeing the ladybug girl as Sparrow fires his wind feather arrow at the object moving it away from Stoneheart as the ladybug girl grab it and destroys it as making the Akuma fly out as Stoneheart turns back into Ivan
ladybug girl: no more evil doing for you little Akuma
she then uses her yoyo to capture the Akuma purifying it as Sparrow and Cat Noir go to the ladybug girl
Cat Noir: you did it!
Sparrow: nice work you two
ladybug girl: all three of us did it. partners
Sparrow/Cat Noir/ladybug girl: pound it!
as the three pounded their fist together a beeping sound was heard meaning it's almost time for them to turn back
ladybug girl: you two should go our identities must kept secret
Cat Noir: well farewell milady and you two mister tall and mysterious~ let's do this again soon
she then runs out of the stadium using here pole staff getting out of the stadium Sparrow looks at his ring seeing he should go too
Sparrow: well I'm almost out of time but I'll come around when another villain show up so catch ya later
he then summons a hook arrow and uses it to swing away out of the stadium heading to where he needs to go while the ladybug girl handles Ivan and introduces herself as Ladybug with the start of the three heroes adventure on taking out villains and finding out who is Hawk Moth
To Be Continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of this story I decided to not make it a two parts if I didn't explain the functions of the power please tell he how should I worded it so I can do better in the next future chapters and I'll see you guys in the next chapter
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