Chapter 4: meeting Valia and dealing with a time breaking menace

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! here is the next chapter to this story, now that Valia and the phantom ruby are now active, they will play a big role in the story now let's get this chapter underway.

Y/n's pov

Me and Kraw are left in shock as we stare at a jackal kwami named Valia, who  stares right back at us completely unphased.

Y/n: Okay, so is this gem a Miraculous, like with Kraw and the ring I have?

Valia: No, the gem is known as the Phantom Ruby and is from another reality entirely. It ended up here, when the previous user was fighting a losing battle and tried to continue regardless of his well being. I am somewhat a spirit that resides in the Phantom Ruby, so when I sensed that I had to teleport him to safety and send myself with the Ruby away to not be misused.

Kraw: Wow, so why did you take a form of a Kwami, if the Phantom Ruby is not a Miraculous?

Valia: Well, I had to find a way to communicate with you, along with test you to see if you would use the Phantom Ruby for a better purposed. *smiles* Which I'm glade to say you passed, so when ever you need the Phantom Ruby's aid, don't hesitate to let me lend a hand. Now you should get some rest, I'm sure you have to worry about school.

Y/n: Right, night girls.

Kraw/Valia: Night.

Just like that, I fell on my bed and proceed on to dream land and to see what's a head of me for tomorrow.

-time skip brought to you by Valia in Kwami form sleeping on Y/n's head-

Marinette's pov

After 4 weeks since the whole Stormy Weather event, I was walking down the stairs to see my mother putting a flower in her hair.

Marinett's mother: Well? With or without?

Marinette: Uh... With?

Marinette's mother: You're sure it's not better without?

Marinette: Either way, you look perfect, mom.

Marinette's mother: *smiles* It's not every day you celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary.

Marinette's father: Marinette! Can you come here?

I quickly went down the stairs to see what my dad want, to see that he was also getting ready for their wedding anniversary, once he turns to face me only to see that he wasn't wearing anything fancy. Like a hat or necklace, but he did do his hair and got some suitable clothes on for the special occasion.

Marinette's father: Well?

Marinette: *looks up and down* Well what?

Marinette's father: My moustache, I groomed it. Is it too short? Should I shave it off? Maybe its a little crooked?

Marinette: You look perfect, dad... Except for one thing.

I motion towards his waist, for him to see that he still wearing his apron that he uses when baking. He then leaves the room to put it away and thanked me for reminding him.

Marinette's father: Thanks, sweetheart.

Marinette: *giggles* No problem, dad.

I make sure to see them out quick, so that way their not late for their reservation that they had set up for their special day.

Marinette: You're going to be late.

Marinette's father: Mrs. Chamack is coming to pick up her Eiffel Tower cake in 30 minutes. I'm depending on you.

Marientte: Yeah, yeah, no sweat, piece of cake.

I closed the door and they left for their reservation, once they were gone I let out a sigh of relief and let Tiki out from my inner pocket of my over shirt.

Marinette: Married for 20 years... Pretty cool isn't it, Tikki?

Tikki: Time flies when you're having fun.

Marinette: Not when you're doing homework.

Tikki: *giggles*

3rd pov

As both of Marinette's parents reached their reservation and got their seats, Marinette's father notices one of Marinette's friends with her father and waved at them, which Alix and her father kindly waved back in reponse.

Alix: They're Marinette's parents, a chick I hang out with.

Alix's father: Yes, I remember. They make the best bread in Paris. *sees his daughters foot out, who then quickly brings it in* Couldn't you have made more effort to dress nicely?

Alix: What d'you mean? I took off my cap.

Alix's father: But this is a special day.

Alix: Well, it's only a birthday.

Alix's father: *tuts* No... This is a special birthday.

He brings out a pocket watch, that gets Alix's attention and looks on at the pocket watch that her father is showing her, but then slumps down knowing she's going to hear him talk a lot.

Alix's father: This family heirloom was made by an ancestor many years ago. It's been passed down through the generations, on the fifteenth birthday and today, it's your turn to inherit it. *passes the pocket watch*

Alix: It's sweet, but I've got a watch, *shows her wristwatch* synched up to my phone.

Alix's father: Sometimes, there's more to things than meets the eye. Let's just say our ancestor was... *press down on the pocket watch, which lights up and opens showing a blue figure holding a larger watch* Ahead of his time.

Alix was taken back by the pocket watch, since she expected it to be an ordinary watch like many others, but upon seeing it open with a blue light took her breath away, but before she could look at it for long her father lightly closes the pocket watch.

Alix's father: Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather me buy you a new pair of rollerblades.

Alix: *takes the pocket watch* No dad, I'm stoked. It's awesome, thank you.

Alix's phone starts to ring, which the said girl picks it up and sees that it he friends that are calling her.

Alix's father: Are your friends waiting?

Alix: Yeah, but I don't want to bail on you, it's cool.

Alix's father: No, no, go ahead.

Alix nods and smiles lightly, then stands up along with putting her cap back on her head and walked up to her father, who places his hands over hers when she's carrying the pocket watch and told her to take good care of it.

Y/n's pov

I was heading to the meeting point to see the bet between Alix and Kim, which everyone but Marinette and Alix have yet to arrive, but I do happen to see Ladybug swing to one of the upper stairs and out of sight. Then Marinette runs out and heads towards the group, while I was doing the same, just not using my hero appearance to get here faster.

Y/n: [Why, did Marinette used her hero appearance to get here faster?]

I leave that thought for another time and proceed to join in the group with Marinette showing, the banner for the bet between Alix and Kim that Marinette made, which impressed everyone especially Chloe and Sabrina.

Adri: Impressive Marinette.

Y/n: Agree, you know the best design for this stuff.

Kim: You guys picked the wrong side to cheer on. Alix hasn't even shown up. Probably too chicken to race an athlete like.

Y/n\Chloe: *deadpan expression* Talk about over confidence much.

????: They got a point, don't speak too soon, Kim.

As if on cue, Alix shows up to compete with Kim in the race, as the two stare down each other with Kim having to lean forwards slightly due to him being taller than Alix.

Alix: Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm going to leave you in the dust, meathead.

Kim: Your no match for me. My neck's bigger than your thigh.

Y/n: [Please, most people would prefer a nice set of thighs.]

Chloe: *mutters* Thick thighs saves lives.

Alya/Marinette: Preach it.

The three girls giggle from their joke, while Max separate the two so that he can review the official rules. Which were pretty simple, two laps around the fountain and the first to make it over the finish line is the victor, which both Alix and Kim go to said finish line to start at. Kim was pumping himself up, while Alix was calm and more confident with her abilities for the race, now the bets are as go if Kim wins then Alix will have to relinquish her rollerblades to him, but If Alix wins, Kim is prohibited of making stupid dares.

Juleka: We're through with those stupid dares.

Ivan: Yeah, that's right!

red head student: No more dares!

Max: On your marks. Get set...

Alix: Hold up!

This causes Kim to fall chin first to the ground, which got some laughs from me and the others at how too eager Kim is.

Kim: Forfeiting already?

Alix rolls up to Alya and hand her, which happened to be a silver pocket watch but Alya then handed it to Marinette, so Alya could focus on the race for her blog. Now with both racers get back to starting positions, and Max gave them the go which makes both Kim and Alix quickly move. Kim gotten and early lead with him running, while Alix was catching up to him with her rollerblades, I noticed Marinette get yanked by Nino and accidentally drops the pocket watch.

But I quickly caught it before it could hit the ground and end up either being damaged or breaking.

Y/n: That was close. Need a hand Marinette?

Marinette: *blushes* wh...? Yep, thanks. Gotta be careful, even if your amazing...

Y/n: *chuckles* Thanks for the complement.~

Marinette get more flustered from my words, which was honestly cute but our attention goes back to the race, with Kim and Alix neck to neck finishing up the first lap of the race. Though I got to handed it to Kim for running around the fountain for two laps, even with Alix having a slight advantage with her rollerblades.

Chloe: Hey, N/n? Watcha got there?

Y/n: Alix's pocket watch, Helping Marinette holding onto it so she can hold up the banner.

Chloe: A pocket watch?

Y/n: Basically, an early and vintage form of portable watches. Like the wristwatch for example.

Chloe: Oh, though why would Alix have something like that?

Y/n: No ide-

random student: Move it.

Before I could answer Chloe's question, a prick of a student shoulder bumps me which makes me drop Alix's pocket watch, which he further disrespects it by stepping on it as he walks away which made a crack like sound. While Alix and Kim cross the finish line, which Alix winning the race but is shocked to see the male student breaking her pocket watch.

Y/n: Hey, what the hell man!

Chloe: Seriously!

male student: What's it to you?

Alix: *picks up her broken pocket watch and glares at the male student* Did you do this?!

male student: What if I did, big whoop wanna cry about it?

Alix: My old man gave me this for my birthday. The watch is totally a family heirloom.

Marinette: I say you apologies to her.

Adri: Likewise, you should also do the same for Y/n. You were the one to bump him making him accidentally dropping it.

male student: Not my problem. 

3rd pov

The male student walks away leaving the group in silent, while Alix glares at the male student with tears falling from her eyes, she then rolls away to be alone and Marinette goes after her with the banner in her hands.

Marinette: Alix, wait!

Tikki: Marinette, what about the cake?

Marinette: There's still time. Hide.


In a dark room, a large window opens up letting the light into the room with white Akumas flying around the room. While Hawk Moth stands in the center of the surrounding Akumas.

Hawk Moth: Such disappointment, frustration, and negativity. How it fills my heart with exhilaration. *opens his hand to let the Akuma land on it and corrupt it* Fly away, my little Akuma and evilize her.

-back with Marinette and Alix-

Marinette: Maybe we could fix it.

Alix: This watch was sick, one of a kind, it can't be fixed!

Marinette: But there has to be a way to get it back to how it was.

Alix: *turns to face Marinette* Like, how? Go back in time and change the future? When you figure it out how, lemme know!

She rolls away from Marinette, while the said girl gets a phone call from her father while not noticing the Akuma flying passed her, while the said Akuma flies around Alix's rollerblades and enters them. Which puts Alix under Hawk Moth's control and begin to hear his voice with a pink outline of a mask around her face.

Hawk Moth: {Timebreaker, I'm Hawk Moth. I'm granting you the power to retaliate against the people who've wronged you, and to go back in time to restore the future. But you must do me a favor in return when the time is right.}

Timebreaker: You got it, Hawk Moth.

She zooms towards the male student that broke her pocket watch and quickly slaps his shoulder making him freeze, then returns to the racing area and passing Marinette, who notices Timebreaker and tries to end the call quickly.

Marinette: I gotta go. Can't keep her waiting.

Once back and heading towards the group, Timebreaker stops in front of the others, Y/n and Adri notice the danger heading towards them and reacted accordingly to alert the others.

Y/n: Everyone book it!

Adri: Run!

Everyone scatters as Timebreaker first victim was Kim, when he taps her hand on him and moves passed the young male athlete, who is frozen in place unable to move while the roller blades of Timebreaker light up and go up by two bars. Marinette managed to catch up and tries to call out to Timebreaker.

Marinette: Stop, Alix! What are you doing?

Timebreaker: The name's Timebreaker now. And I'm going back in time to save my watch, using you punks to do it.

Marinette: Going back in time? *sees Kim who is slowly fading* What did you do? Why is Kim fading?

Timebreaker: I needed his energy. Besides, he was a pain anyway with all those bets.

Y/n\Sparrow's pov

I made it to a secluded spot to bring out Kraw and transform into Sparrow, while my little bird Kwami comes out of hiding and faces me.

Kraw: Ready, Partner.

Y/n: Always Ready. Kraw wings out!

I transformed into my hero suit and quickly make it back to the area of where the Akumatized Alix is at, only to see a frozen Kim fade away and Alix going to attack Marinette. I try to use both my powers as the Sparrow and the Phantom Ruby to create a special arrow, which I aimed and fired at Alix's feet preventing her to attack Marinette by freezing her feet.

Sparrow: Nice try lady Tron! But I'm not going to let you harm the girl. *looks towards Marinette* Get out of here, I'll try to hold her off until my back up arrives.

Marinette: O... Okay!

She leaves while I turn back to Alix, who gets free from the ice that fades away since I'm only using a small portion of it's power.

Alix: You'll pay for that, by me taking your energy!

Sparrow: Yeah, that's not going to happen. 

I quickly made another arrow with my powers and fired at Alix, who manages to dodge it and goes right for me, but as luck was on my side Ladybug comes out of hiding and knocks her to the ground with her yoyo.

Ladybug: Time out, Timebreaker.

Timebreaker: Please, help me. I'm messed up, please, please...

I see Rose come out of hiding and goes to help Timebreaker up, but me and Ladybug tried to warn her to not approach her, I try to run as fast as possible since I can't risk of accidentally hitting Rose with my arrows. But I was too late as Timebreaker grabs Rose's wrist and freezes her in place, then slowly fades away/

Timebreaker: Sweet, Rose, always thinking of others before yourself. *checks her watch* One minute.

She goes to find anyone else to take their energy, while I chase after her and used my Sparrow vision to try and find the Akuma.

Sparrow: Okay, let's see where that Akuma is hiding.

As I was looking I notice an aura around the roller blades, which tells me the Akuma is hiding there, but that was not all I also see Timebreaker heading towards another student and quickly taps her shoulder which she forze and fades away.

Timebreaker: One and a half minutes. You won't be able to stop me where I'm going, Ladybug... Sparrow.

I then see a metal pole that reaches Timebreaker and taps her shoulder, which gains her attention and turns to see that it belong to Cat Noir.

Cat Noir: Let me guess, we're playing tag and you're it?

Timebreaker: Exactly!

Ladybug: don't let her touch you!

Sparrow: If she touches you, she takes your energy or your time! If that happens it would be like you never existed!

Cat Noir: *jumps over Timebreaker* Missed me. Just a second too late.

I then see Alya takes a picture, which gets Timebreaker's attention and tries to get to Alya, but I quickly made another arrow and fired at Timebreaker's feet to make her jump back from my arrow. which did anger the time stealing roller blade girl, as she tries to go for me instead as I focused on avoiding Timebreaker's touch, I then used my bow as a melee weapon and jumped over Timebreaker and kick her in the back.

Sparrow: Nice try!

Timebreaker then ignores me and the lady heroes, to quickly touch more people which consist of Chloe, Sabrina and Alya, Did use my arrows to try and stop her but she gotten wise to avoid my arrow with quick turns.

Ladybug: We got to stop her!

Sparrow: I know where the Akuma is, its located in Timebreaker's roller blades.

Cat Noir: Well, that can't be hard.

Timebreaker tries to go for Ivan who was hiding behind a bush, but Ladybug uses her yoyo again and wraps it around Timebreaker's wrists, which makes her fall and land on her roller blades.

Ladybug: Keep your hands to yourself.

Timebreaker let's out cackle and roughly pulls on the yoyo string, which forces Ladybug to get closer to her, which Timebreaker seems to be distracted for a moment with an outline of a mask appearing. Using this moment I create a piercing arrow and aimed at the wheels of the roller blades, Once I fired the arrow Timebreaker was quick to notice and narrowly dodges it, then moves to me stretching out her hand to touch me.

 But Cat Noir took the hit for me by hugging me, as Timebreaker's hand touches her back which makes my eyes widen with Ladybug.

Sparrow: [Adri!]

Ladybug: Cat Noir! No!

Timebreaker: Wow, six minutes in one go. Musta been those nine lives. *gets glared at by the two remaining heroes* Gotta go, the past is waiting.

Sparrow: I don't think so... {Valia, assist!}

Valia: {Roger, you'll only have ten minutes. Make them count.}

I then focused on using the Phantom Ruby and let out a shock wave around the surrounding area, which I only want it to affect Timebreaker as the said female villain begins to float and ladybug grabs Timebreakers wrist and swings her back away from us. Timebreaker slowly gets up, but seemed to be weighted down by something.

Sparrow: {Valia, what did that do?}

Valia: {Think of it as a realistic illusion. For Timebreaker Earth's gravity was slightly increased to slow her down a bit.}

Sparrow: {Got it.}

Timebreaker: Chill out, Hawk Moth. I have a sick plan.

She then begin to roll away form us, which Ladybug swing her yoyo at Timebreaker and wraps it around her waist, I quickly grabbed onto ladybug as both of us by Timebreaker.

Sparrow: [How the Hell, is she that strong to pull the both of us!?]

Just then I notice Timebreaker picking up speed with green energy flowing around her, which I was quick to think of what she is planning to do. In that instant we were back in the same place, but nine minutes back in time before Timebreaker's attack started.

Ladybug: Wh-What happen?

Sparrow: Simple, she went back in time and we were along for the ride.

I was proven right to see that, our past selves watching the race between Kim and Alix which is quite surprising to be seeing myself.

Ladybug: Your right. We've really gone back in time.

The events were about to playout like they did in our timeline, but I see Timebreaker jumping down towards our past selves and Ladybug think fast to get their attention.

Ladybug: Chloe! Y/n! Watch out!

Which past me and past Martinette along with past Adri and Chloe turn to see Timebreaker getting close to them, but I quickly made an arrow with a rope attached and fired at the ground in between the past group and Timebreaker. Then quickly hold on to the rope to launch myself to Timebreaker and Kicked her away from them, I then super hero landed in front of the group and looked on at Timebreaker, though I did glanced at my past self who is shocked to see me in the hero outfit.

Sparrow: [This is going to be bad, if anything happens to my past self it could affect me negatively.]

Luckily the guy that bumps me stares on in shock, while my past self holds on to the pocket watch with a firm grip.

Timebreaker: Grr, stop getting in my way! I'm trying to save my watch!

Sparrow: If I hadn't stopped you... You would only repeat the same events only with two Timebreakers!

Past Alix: *sees what's going on* Is that me? *sees past Y/n holding on to her watch tightly* Y/n, why do you have my watch?

Past Y/n: I'll fill you in later, but we should get out of here.

Sparrow: Not to worry. {Valia did going back in time refresh my time limit?}

Valia: {Yes, it did.}

Sparrow: {good.}

I then used the Phantom Ruby again, only this time I created a protective barrier around my past self and the group, while Ladybug lands next to me after she was done talking to her past self. But I made it sure to let past Adri sneak away so she could become Cat Noir again.

Ladybug: Good call on the barrier. But how did you do that?

Sparrow: A trade secret.

Past Cat Noir *lands behind them* Sorry I'm late. So whose roller tights?

Sparrow: Can't explain right now, but the Akuma is in her roller skates.

Ladybug: We got to stop her and don't let her touch you.

Past Cat Noir: Right!

Ladybug and past Cat Noir charged at Timebreaker, while I create another arrow and fired it at Timebreaker to keep her on her toes, which she dodges the arrow and struggles to fight both Ladybug and past Cat Noir while aving to avoid my arrows. Timebreaker then races off and gathers energy from random people, while me and the girls chase after her.

3rd pov

While the three heroes chase after Timebreaker, while Past Marinette returns home and hands a customer her pick up order.

Past Tikki: Mission accomplished.

Past Marinette: You mean Mission 1 accomplished. Time for Mission 2. Tikki, spots on!

While she transformed Past Y/n was able to slip out of the safety barrier and made it to a secluded location.

Past Y/n: Now that I'm out of that Illusion, time to help Future Ladybug and Future me.

Past Kraw: This is just hurting my head.

Past Valia: Mine too, girl.

Past Y/n: alright, Kraw wings out!

Once Past Y/n also turned into the Sparrow, he along with past Ladybug go to group up with their current times Cat Noir and their Future selves.

-back to Future Sparrow, Future Ladybug and Past Cat Noir-

As Timebreaker managed to gather more energy, she turns back to the three heroes and goes to attack them, only to be tripped by past Ladybug's yoyo and past Sparrow's arrow which surprises the three to see the two heroes of the current time.

Past Ladybug: hey you three, need a hand?

Past Sparrow: or four?

Future Ladybug: Thanks!

Future Sparrow: Help is always appreciated.

Past Cat Noir is utterly confused to see two of the same heroes in one place, though she is more than happy to see another Sparrow in the mix.

Past Cat Noir: Two Ladybugs and two Sparrows? I'm in heaven.

Past and Future Ladybug just look at Past Cat Noir with a deadpanned expresson, while both Future and Past Sparrow magically summoned squirt bottles and sprayed the cat themed hero.

Past Sparrow: No Horny.

Future Sparrow: Right now focus on Timebreaker.

Timebreaker: Forget this, I'll just travel back in time now, so they'll be less of you.

Past Hawk Moth: *To Future Timebreaker*{Don't fail me this time!}  

Timebreaker then flees to travel back in time again, but the two Sparrows make sure to keep up with Timebreaker and fired arrows to keep Timebreaker from gaining enough speed to do so, while Past and Future Ladybug used their lucky charm ability to summon a street cone and a rope.

Past/Future Ladybug: Any ideas?

Past Cat Noir: While you two figure it out, I'll try to help the two Sparrows to buy some time.

The cat themed hero leaves to help Past and Future Sparrow, while the two Ladybugs look down at the items in their hands, then look around the environment around them and both of them see a snow cone stand's sign as the key.

Future Ladybug: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Past Ladybug: Of course.

While Timebreaker is picking up speed, Future Sparrow looks at his ring to see that he has enough energy for only one feather arrow, but then Past Cat Noir lands next to a structure and used her Cataclysm power to make it crumble and block Timebreaker's path. Forcing her to lose speed and turn around, only for Future Ladybug stands in her way with the rope in hand as Timebreaker was about to touch Future Ladybug flipped back words, and tied the rope around Timebreaker's ankles forcing her to almost lose balance and pick up more speed.

While Past Ladybug uses the street cone and the sign as a ramp to launch Timebreaker in the air, while both Future and Past Sparrow see this and summon their feather arrow with the sind element.

Future/Past Sparrow: Feather Arrow! Wind!

As both the arrows fly through the air and hit the roller skates on both feet, releasing the Akuma from its hiding spot, then Future Ladybug uses her Yoyo and purify the butterfly. Once that was done both Ladybugs toss their items in the air and use their final power.

Future/Past Ladybug: Miraculous Ladybug!

Which repairs everything along with Alix's pocket watch from the future, which Future Sparrow picks it up as both versions of Ladybug and Sparrow bump each others fist.

Future/Past Ladybug & Sparrow: Pound it.

Which then time is fixed leaving only one Sparrow and Ladybug, while Timebreaker is then released from hawk Moth's control and is back to being Alix again. Alix then looks up to Sparrow approaching her and hands her pocket watch back.

Sparrow: Here ya go, Y/n wanted me to give it back to you. Once everything was resolved and made sure that nothing happened to it.

Alix: *gasp* Sweet! *hugs Sparrow* How did you fixed it? Thank you! I shouldn't left it to someone else to look after. It was my responsibility, my bad.

Sparrow: Its nothing. How it was fixed, is a secret.

Ladybug: Responsibility isn't something to be taken lightly. I should know.

Alix: You're totally right. I'll be more careful next time. Thank you, Ladybug... *mutters* And Y/n.

Alix leaves, while Cat Noir lands in between Ladybug and Sparrow seeing now that there is only one Ladybug and Sparrow.

Cat Noir: Shame, I was getting used to having two Ladybugs and Sparrows around.

Ladybug: Now your going to get used to no Ladybugs around. Gotta split before I change back.

Sparrow: Same with me, who knows how much time I have left before I change back as well. *gets punched in the shoulder* Ouch, okay not a good moment to bring up time.

Both ladybug and Sparrow leave, while Cat Noir just lets out a disappointed sigh but smiles knowing she'll meet both heroes again.

Cat Noir: They'll be back. And someday Sparrow will fall for me, it's just a matter of time.

To be continued

A/n: And done! Man this was a crazy one and complicated on how to do this one, I hope you guys enjoyed this one and this was almost five thousand words. Now let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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