Chapter 3: Stormy weather.
A/n: Hello, my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story, now on with the chapter my little friends!
3rd pov
Host: Welcome to the finals of our Kidz plus competition, with today we'll be announcing the lucky winner to be our new Kidz plus Weathergirl.
Outside of the building where the competition is being held at, a white limo pulls up front with other people chanting "Mireille" just as a girl comes out of the limo wearing a blue dress, holding a umbrella with clouds on it. Followed by another girl with simple clothes and dark blue hair, who waves at the crowd as they chant the name "Aurore", both girls make their way down the red carpet into the building as the camera returns to the host.
Host: We started out with 5.000 contestants, and thanks to the help of our audience at home, we've whittled our talents down to these 2 amazing young ladies. *motions to both contestants* So, let's welcome our fantastic finalists. *motions to the blonde girl wearing the blue dress* To my right, Aurore Beaureal! *motions to the girl on his left* And on my left, Mireille Caquet! Who'll be the lucky winner? Vote now! Type #1 for Aurore, #2 for Mireille. And Remember, standard text message rates apply.
-At Marinette's house-
At Marinette's house the said girl is in her living room, chasing a little girl to get her hat back while the said little girl just runs away from the teen as if it was a game.
Marinette: Come on, Manon. Give that back.
Manon: *stands on the couch* But I want to be a fashion designer too.
Manon then jumps off the couch, making Marinette fall face first into the couch and face towards the direction of the energetic girl is at.
Marinette: Manon, please. it's not finished yet. You're going to ruin it.
The little girl giggles, which Marinette heard and looks under the table to catch the girl, but the little girl runs out making Marinette to stand up. But the teen hits her head on the table, making her flinch form the impact, then gets on all fours to search for the girl incase she was hiding under something. While Manon peeks our head out form behind the couch and quickly duck behind it, while giggling as Marinette hears the little girl and stands back up, just missing Manon hiding somewhere else.
Marinette, getting a little frustrated from searching the little girl, but quickly changes her mood and giggles to see the curtain, as if someone if behind it. The teen goes over to the curtain and quickly moves it away, except it wasn't Manon but a doll on a podium wearing the hat Marinette was working on. Marinette's eyes widen thinking she lost the little girl, but turns towards the couch to see her with a phone looking at the T.V.
Manon: I'm going to vote for Mireille. She's the best.
Marinette: *takes her phone* Hey, my phone.
Manon, being the sneaky little girl she is takes the hat in Marinette's hand and runs off with it, while the said teen slouches being outsmarted by a little kid.
Marinette: *frustrated groan* Why did I agree to do this again?
Tikki: *comes up from behind Marinette while sqeaking*
Marinette: *to her Kwami* Stay low, Tikki.
Tikki: Don't worry. If you can handle Manon for a day, any villain here on out will be a piece of cake.
*door bell ringing*
Marinette turns to her front door and goes to open it, to see that it was her friend Alya who was ringing the door bell.
Marinette: Alya?
Alya: Hey, I got a huge scoop for you. *pulls out her phone and shows Marinette* guess who's on a photo shoot in the park?
The picture shows Y/n with Adri having a photo shoot, with one man holding a camera taking the pictures while a large man holding a mirror for lighting behind the camera man.
A/n: Honestly I'm not sure what was the thing Adrian's personal guard was holding. If you do please let me know incase if it shows up again.
Marinette: Adri? *gasps* And Y/n!
Marinette takes Alya's phone to get a closer look, while Alya crosses her arms with her signature smirk leaning against the door frame.
Marinette: Now? Y/n is in the park right now? With Adri?
Alya: As we speak.
Marinette: Oh, gosh. What... What am I going to say to him?
Alya: The same thing as usual... Um, h hey Y/n, um you-
Seeing her friend tease her on her crush on Y/n that Marinette has managed to keep it on the down low, but Alya saw right through her.
Marinette: Stop it. *stiffs up from Manon being in between her legs*
Manon: Who's she?
Marinette: Oops! I forgot this little detail.
Alya: And who's she?
Alya smiles and waves at the little girl that is in between her friend's legs, looking right back at her and waves back.
Marinette: This is Manon, my mom's friend's daughter. I'm babysitting all day. *realizes the issue* Oh no, I can't go out.
Alya: *playful smirk* Let me guess, another you-couldn't-say-no favor?
Marinette: No... I just couldn't... say... no. *slumps forward*
Alya: Look, no problem. I'll look after your little detail, for you.
Manon then removes herself from being in between Marinette's legs and runs back into the living room giggling, while the two teens stand at the front door.
Marinette: Thanks, but I'm responsible for her. Besides, I couldn't do that to you, she's... an absolute angel.
A sound of crashing could be heard, which makes Marinette worry and run towards the sound and begins chasing Manon, who now has a cooking pot and spatula in her hands. Marinette managed to get the cooking pot out of the little girl's hand, but she still runs off with the spatula in her other hand.
Marinette: *groans* Come back.
She then goes to where Manon was, but the little girl then appears behind the couch without the spatula and now holds up the cooking pot, Marinette turns around to try and get it out of her hands again, but the little girl was quick and runs off with it. Marinette then chases Manon again that involves the sound of crashing and giggling from the little girl, while Alya stands near the front door and flinches from the sound of crashing from the other end of the room.
Alya then walks over to the couch and leans behind it and turns her head towards Marinette and Manon, who the said teen managed to grab by her hand.
Alya: You're just a pushover, Marinette. I had to babysit my sisters all the time, which makes me an expert in dealing with "angels."
Manon: Who are anyway?
Alya: *crouches down to Manon's level* I'm a mythical unicorn from the world of Reespa, disguised as a totally fabulous human girl. I grant magical wishes but only to little monkeys who behave.
She then boops Manon's nose making the little girl giggle from not only being booped, but to alya's little speech.
Manon: No you're not... *innocently blinks her eyes* Are you?
Alya then surprises the girl by lifting her up and runs around Marinette as the two laugh, then Alya quickly puts Manon on Marinette's shoulders surprising the teen who was looking at the two.
Alya: Okay, let's all go to the park.
she then brushes her finger under Marinette's chin, while the said girl just looks at her friend in surprise on how easy she made it look.
Marinette: Ok.
-back to the competition-
Host: This is the moment we've been waiting for! The viewers have made their decision. And the new Kidz Plus Weathergirl is...
Once the count down hit zero, those watching the competition from the T.V see two umbrellas acting as the amount of votes, one showed for Mireille having the highest 82 votes while Aurore was not the highest and only having 18 votes.
Host: Mireille!
The audience cheered and clapped for the winner, while Aurore was not very pleased with the outcome and the host saying something to her that was not very good hosting.
Host: Man, she crushed you. Better luck next time.
A/n: I don't know if it's me, but the first part is not how you talked to someone who lost.
Aurore just groans and leaves the stage, leaving the host confused on why she was walking away.
Host: What's the big deal? You only lost by a half a million votes.
-In Hawk Moth's lair-
Hawk Moth: The vibrations are so strong... I can feel the imminent anger and sadness... The moment of weakness of my next victim, such easy prey for my Akuma.
He says as one of the many white butterflies land on his open hand and places his other hand over it, turning it from whit to black with purple marks. It then flies off his hand heading towards to Aurore's location.
-with Aurore-
Aurore, is seen waiting at the elevator and pressing the button to call it and leave the building, once the elevator doors open she enters, still holding some anger to the fact she lost the competition.
Aurore: I should have won. I had the talent, the star looks, everything! But she took everything away from me. They took everything away from me!
Then the elevator lights go out and the elevator itself stops, and the sudden stop makes Aurore fall to her knees and look around in confusion and panic. But then notices a small black and purple butterfly slip it's way through the elevator doors and makes it's way towards Aurore, while the said teen swings her umbrella to get it away and decides to open up her umbrella to hide behind it.
Unfortunately the black and purple butterfly flies into the opened umbrella, allowing Hawk Moth to take control over the teen.
Hawk Moth: {So correct you are. You should have won, yes.}
Aurore: *stands up* I should have won, yes!
Hawk Moth: {Stormy Weather, I am Hawk Moth. I give you the power to seek revenge on them as my Weathergirl. All you have to do is bring me the Miraculous. Can you do that?}
Aurore: Yes.
Hawk Moth: {That's my Weathergirl. Show the world who the best Weathergirl really is.}
The elevator doors open up to reveal an altered Aurore, who now has dark and white hair, with a black mask over her eyes along with dark dress with a small white lightning bolt on it.
Y/n's pov
Right now I'm at the park with Adri, who needed help with a photo shoot with her as the original partner for her had to to change their plan, due to personal family reasons and right now the guy takes some pics of us sitting on a fountain. But for some reason I feel like we're being watched, so I shrugged it off and just smile and do a friend a solid.
photographer: Magnifico, super. Come on, I want to see the hunger in both your eyes.
As the guy does some posses for getting a good angle, which I try not too laugh and still I manage to keep a straight smile, but I then turn around to see Marinette and Alya with a little girl just at the other end. Adri follows my glance and sees the three as well, I then see Marinette nervously smile and waved, which Adri and I returned it with a smile and wave as well.
But we both turn our attention back to the photo shoot, just on time to see the photographer not amused by our slight distraction and shrugs it off and continues taking pictures.
Y/n: [Marinette is pretty cute when she's nervous.]
Photographer: Bravo, that's it. Gimme ze smile of when mamma brings spaghetti.
Adri: [Kind of an odd thing to say.]
Y/n: [Relax Y/n, just smile and wave, or in this case smile and pose.]
This goes on as the photographer keeps saying some rather... odd things, especially when it involves spaghetti, and with a quick glance at the corner of my eye I see the little girl trying to gain Marinette's attention and did one thing to do so.
little girl: Marinette!
Marinette: *cute yelp*
Photograhper: Silenzio!
Alya: Come, I'll get you that balloon.
Little girl: *hugs Marinette's thigh* No, I wanna go with Marinette.
I see Marinette see that Adri's bodyguard and the photographer were looking at them, I was about to go help Marinette out of the situation, but Marinette seemed to had it figure out.
Marinette: I'll deal with it. I am her babysitter.
She then slowly makes her way to the balloon cart with the little girl hugging her thigh, while Adri's bodyguard returns to assist with the photoshoot .
Y/n: [Why, do I feel a bit jealous with the little girl hugging Marinette's thigh?]
I just shrug and me and Adri return to our positions for the photoshoot, I just hope my parents don't see this.
3rd pov
-back at the competition-
As the crowd outside of the building were waiting and cheering for Mireille, in winning the competition of being the new Weathergirl, but they grew confused when they see an Akumatized Aurore walking out instead of Mireille.
random man: Where's Mireille?
Stormy Weather: *frustrated groan* For all of you who voted for Mireille, I'd advise you to move indoors. It's going to get very blustery. Oh wait... too late.
Then with a quick swing of her umbrella a powerful wind breeze is blown at the crowd, making them and the metal barricade fence to be blown back by the powerful winds, Stormy Weather then takes some steps and takes to the sky to cause havoc.
-back at the park-
Marinette: Come on, let's go back.
Manon: But, I wanna go on the merry-go-round.
Manon then runs to the merry-go-round, while Marinette handed the money to the guy selling balloons and then goes to catch up with Manon.
Marinette: No, no, not right now. I've got to get back to Y/n.
Manon looks at Marinette with the most powerful weapon and little kid could use... Their adorable begging eyes.
Manon: You promised. You aren't going to break that your promise, are you?
Marinette: Oh please, not the baby-doll eyes. You know I can't say no to...
Manon then intensifies her begging eyes, which is enough to break Marinette so that the two went to go on the merry-go-round, while Y/n, Marinette and Adri are not aware of Stormy Weather's attack. Speaking of the said Akumatized victims, she sees many pictures of Mireille making her even more mad and sees a kid getting a Mireille balloon at the park.
during this Y/n and Adri were beginning to get tired of ding the photoshoot, much to the photographer's dismay.
Photographer: No, no. Ze two haz eaten too much spaghetti. *groans* We needz more energy... more romance. We needz... Ah, a love triangle!
The photographer looks around to look for another extra, then his eyes lands on Alya who was sitting back against a tree and taking a bite out of an apple.
Photographer: You, I need another extra.
Alya: Who? Me?
Photographer: Si, to pose for wiz Mrs. Adri and Mr. Y/n.
As soon as Alya heard this, she comes up with an idea to help Marinette and stands up, nervously laughing.
Alya: You, don't want me. I... I'm having an allergic reaction to this apple. *speaking with a lisp* I know jutht the perthon you need. Holth on.
Alya then runs to the merry-go-round, as Marinette helps Manon up on the statue of a horse, as both girls turn towards Alya who now speaks normally to them.
Alya: They need an extra to pose with Adri and Y/n.
Marinette: What? Seriously?
Manon: *looks to Marinette* Is that boy next to the blonde girl your boyfriend?
Marinette: What? No... I mean, yes... No.
Alya: Go on. What're you waiting for?
Marinette: But what about Manon?
Alya then brings up her finger and waves it at them, then moves her hand to signal Marinette to move aside a bit, which the said teen does so and Alya gets on the fake horse on the merry-go-round behind Manon.
Alya: You take care of Prince charming, I'll take care of Miss Unicorn here. You don't know how to control her anyway.
Manon: No way! Marinette's my babysitter.
Alya: Trust me. Unicorns unite. Let's go to Reespa and find some sad village kids and grant them those wishes. Yee-haw!
Manon: Yee-haw!
Marinette then smiles seeing her friend having fun with Manon and turns to head towards the photoshoot, while Alya and Manon ride the merry-go-round. But screaming is heard making Marinette turn around and see Stormy Weather slowly floating in the air, then she swings her umbrella letting out another powerful wind current that blows some of the people at the park back and trapping those on the merry-go-round in a dome of ice.
Marinette then runs to one side of the park and behind cover, so that no one sees her and takes out Tikki from her hand bag.
Marinette: Time to transform. Tikki Spots on!
Stormy Weather then shoots a beam at a balloon with Mireille's face on it, which pops the balloon with other people running away Stormy Weather lands on the ground and fires off more beams, While Y/n and Adri were at the photoshoot they notice the panicking people and see Stormy Weather causing the panic.
Seeing this opportunity both Y/n and Adri split off into different directions, Adri looks for her Kwami that was in her bag and while Y/n hides behind a tree and lets his Kwami out from his backpack.
Y/n: You ready partner?
Kraw: Yup!
Y/n: Alright! Kraw, wings out!
Meanwhile, Adri looks into her bag to see her Kwami Plagg in it sleeping, but he wasn't in the bag which panics Adri a bit.
Adri: Plagg? Plagg?
Plagg: I'm not here. I'm sleeping.
Adri, then places her hands on her waist, seeing her lazy Kwami not coming out so she stands up and brings out her Kwami's favorite treat. Once the cheese was out, Plagg immediately comes out from smelling the cheese and quickly goes to it, while Adri as a smirk knowing full well her Kwami would take the bait.
Plagg: For your information, I can smell camembert in my sleep. It's only one of my many talents.
Adri: Great, but there's no time to talk cheese. Plagg, claws out!
Plagg tires to take a bite out of the cheese, but get's sucked into the ring that Adri has on her finger, and her cat suit appears. Ladybug then maneuvers over the bench and fountain and makes her way to the ice dome.
Ladybug: Why did I leave Manon? I should have never done that. *sees Alya comforting Manon* No, Alya's right. She's in good hands. I must trust her. *yells to Alya and Manon* I'll get you out of there!
Alya nods to Ladybug and makes sure to keep Manon safe, while Ladybug throws her yoyo and wraps it around the Ice dome.
Ladybug: Let's wire-cut this icy cake.
She pulls on her yoyo's string, but the yoyo it's self slips off the ice dome and hits Ladybug on her head.
Ladybug: Or not... On to plan B. *to Alya and Manon* Don't worry. It will be ok.
Manon: Where's Marinette?
????: Don't worry, she's fine.
The girls turn to see Sparrow, who comes up to Ladybug with his bow in hand and sees the trapped Alya and Manon.
Sparrow: She hasn't forgotten you. She was about to run back to get both you and Alya, but I made a promise to her to make sure your both safe, after Ladybug took her to a safe distance.
Ladybug: That's right Manon.
Manon: How do you know mine and Alya's names?
Ladybug: Um... I... I... Marinette told me.
Y/n: For Alya, you could say a little birdy told me.
As if on cue a small bird lands on Sparrows shoulder and happily chirps, making the girls giggle at the timing, while Sparrow looks at the bird and gives it a small pet on it's head.
Ladybug: She's coming right, Ok?
Sparrow: Also... *summons a fire arrow* You might want to take some steps back.
Alya and Manon takes some steps back, while Ladybug goes after Stormy Weather and Sparrow let's the fire arrow fly and hits the ice dome, melting it enough to make a small way out for the two girls to get out. While Stormy Weather slowly leaves the park and fires off more beams, her attention turns from a sudden voice calling her.
????: Hey, Ice Queen.
She turns to be face with Cat Noir, who is on a metal bared fence looking right back at Stormy Weather with her usual confident smile.
Cat Noir: What's with all the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?
Stormy Weather: *angry pout* My name is not Ice Queen, It's Stormy Weather!
Cat Noir: *slides down the fence* Listen, I'm feline more generous than usual, today. So cool down, and we'll call it quits. 'K?
Not amused with Cat Noir's little cat pun, Stormy Weather points her umbrella at Cat Noir and opens the umbrella making another strong wind current, that blows Cat Noir out of the park and hit four cars like a pinball machine. Then both Ladybug and Sparrow land on the groung and go to the fallen cat themed heroine.
Sparrow: Not really the best, cat pun you made.
Ladybug: And I thought cats always land on their feet. *helps up Cat Noir*
Cat Noir: Why thanks, M'Ladybug and Sir Sparrow, but I had it covered.
The cat themed heroine then kisses Sparrow's masked cheek, which surprises not only Sparrow but Ladybug as well, which out of slight jealousy Ladybug puts her finger on Cat Noir's nose and makes her move back a bit.
Ladybug: No time for your childish charm, Cat Noir, but you're welcome.
Sparrow's/Y/n's pov
Stormy Weather: We. should be expecting lightning storms, like, right now!
We turn to see the villain points her umbrella at the sky and fires off a purple stream of electric like energy at the sky, which then creates dark clouds with the sounds of thunder being heard, then a lightning bolt shoots down heading for Cat Noir, but me and Ladybug tackle her out of the way.
We rolled down the road and made a full stop, but the only thing is I'm in between both Ladybug and Cat Noir which I could feel both their assets, and my masked covered face was also on Ladybug's and luckily for me, my masked blocked us from kissing.
Sparrow: I'm sorry.
Ladybug: It's fine, but...
She then grabs my chin and forces me to look at Stormy Weather floating in the air, and Cat Noir follows my gaze at said villain.
Cat Noir: You just won yourself a catfight.
She then charges at Stormy Weather, but I see the said villain swings her umbrella to use her power again.
Stormy Weather: Black Ice!
We see her then freeze the road, which stops Cat Noir's advancement and Stormy Weather follows up with another strong gust of wind at Cat Noir. I summon an arrow with a rope and shoot it up to a roof top, getting out of the way of the wind and cars, but Ladybug and Cat Noir not being so lucky and get's blown away. But do to Ladybug's quick thinking she uses her yoyo and wraps it around a street lamp post, and grabs Cat Noir by her belt that acts as a tail.
Sparrow: You know, Cat Noir is right. Your name is better off as Ice Queen, cause your giving us the cold shoulder!
Stormy Weather stops her current of wind and looks at me with an angry look, due to me calling her Ice Queen and the pun, I then gain her attention by summoning lesser arrows to buy Ladybug and Cat Noir some time, while Stormy Weather keeps firing beams and other natural elements at me.
Sparrow: Man, your aim sucks! Are you even trying to hit me!
She keeps firing beams at me out of anger, for the insult and I notice her stop for a moment, to glance at a large picture of Mireille on display, and fires a beam at it destroying it.
Sparrow: [Okay, I can guess who the akumatized victim is now.]
She then leaves moving on, while Cat Noir and Ladybug land next to me after recovering from the strong wind current.
Cat Noir: A little Cat Noir will take the wind out of her sails.
She tries to chase after Stormy Weather, but Ladybug grabs her belt again preventing her to chase Stormy Weather.
Ladybug: Wow, kitty-kitty, think before you leap. *let's go of the belt*
Cat Noir: You got a plan?
Sparrow: She always has a plan.
Ladybug: You two just follow my lead.
She then runs up the building and proceeds to head towards Stormy Weather, while Cat Noir does the same but on the opposite side and I run up ahead on the ground, Stormy Weather turns to see Ladybug and Cat Noir getting close to attack her with their weapons and blows them back with wind, but fails to see me and I slide down to avoid the wind.
Sparrow: Sparrow vision!
I use my vision to see where the Akuma is hiding in, and it was in Stormy Weather's umbrella which will be difficult to get close to Stormy Weather. Once both Ladybug and Cat Noir were blown far back I got close to Stormy Weather and used my bow as a weapon, which Stormy Weather used her umbrella to block my strikes, but when I move her umbrella out of the way Stormy Weather was quick enough to swing her umbrella again and blow me back hitting a bus that landed on it's side.
Sparrow: Okay, now that hurt.
3rd pov
Stormy Weather lands on a roof of a building, and a translucent purple mask appears over Stormy Weather's face.
Hawk Moth: {You've shown them all who the real winner is, my Weathergirl, but now is the time for you to fulfill your part of the agreement, and here's my plan.}
-With Ladybug, Sparrow and Cat Noir-
As Sparrow was on top of the bus helping Ladybug, move the window to open it, and helps both Ladybug and Cat Noir out of the bus, then the three of them jump down to the ground.
Ladybug: Maybe she's got unresolved anger issues.
Sparrow: Anger, yes cause I did see her with my own eyes, that she destroyed a picture of the Kidz Plus Weathergirl competition winner.
Cat Noir: So we got a contestant, upset about not winning.
As the three of them were about to run passed a cracked monitor, it suddenly came to life gaining the attention of all three heroes.
Stormy Weather: *on the monitor* {Hello, viewers. Here's the latest forecast for this first day of summer.}
The purple screen behind Stormy Weather beings up a small continent, as Stormy Weather brings her focus back to the camera.
Stormy Weather: *on the monitor* {Looks like Mother Nature had a change in plans. Summer vacation is officially over.}
Cat Noir: Already? But I look so good in a swimsuit. *looks at Sparrow with a cheeky glance*
Sparrow: Not the time.
Ladybug: Plus the cat suit will do, thanks. At least now we know where to find her.
The three heroes then make their way, to the Kidz Plus building and getting inside, but they then see a carboard standee of Aurore.
Cat Noir: Hey. That girl reminds me of someone.
Y/n: It should, cause that is Aurore who is now akumatized into Stormy Weather.
Ladybug: He's right, and as Sparrow found out that the Akuma is in her parasol.
They then go to a door that leads into the film studio of the building, once they kicked the doors open only to find out that Stormy Weather wasn't actually in the room.
Ladybug: It's a recording.
Sparrow: It's a trap!
They turn to see Stormy Weather, who then fires a beam at the lights above them and makes it fall to the three heroes, but they were quick enough to move out of the way and Sparrow's ring starts to beep.
Sparrow: Oh, come on. Not now!
Ladybug: It's okay, we got this. You go and recharge!
Sparrow nods to her and leaves the room, to another location in the building so that his identity is not discovered, Once he was safe his outfit changes back to normal clothes and Kraw comes out of the ring exhausted.
Y/n: You alright, Kraw?
Kraw: Yeah, just need a breather.
Y/n: *smiles* it's okay, here
Y/n takes out some a small snack for Kraw to eat and bring her strength back up, As Kraw begins eating the snack the lights go out making it hard for Y/n to see, but Kraw's sight was a bit more better than her human partner.
Y/n: Ah, great. I can't see.
Kraw: Like this, it will be hard for you to transform back.
Then the gem that his Y/n's necklace glows a bit and makes a pair of night vision goggles, on Y/n's head allowing him to see and surprising both the human and Kwami.
Y/n: What the?
Kraw: Where did those goggles come from?
Y/n: No idea, but I'm not complaining. Kraw Wings out!
As Y/n was transforming back into Sparrow, the goggles around his face changed into the same bird theme as his Sparrow attire. Then the building shakes and Sparrow runs up to the building's roof to see what is going on, and once he gets their he sees Stormy Weather creating a tornado around the building and the goggles around Sparrow's face fades away.
Stormy Weather: There's no way out! Party's over, fools.
Sparrow: That's what you think!
Ladybug and Cat Noir turn to see their, teammate rejoining them into the fight and Sparrow notices that Cat Noir has her hand around Ladybug's wrist.
Sparrow: Let me guess, Ladybug was blinded by the dark and thanks to your feline night vision, to help her through the building.
Cat Noir: Yup!
Ladybug: *gets her wrist free* We're just getting started, Stormy. Lucky Charm!
She uses her ability to get something to help them in this situation, and she get's a bath towel which confuses Ladybug.
Ladybug: A bath Towel? What do I do with this?
Sparrow: I'm sure you'll figure it out, I have faith.
Cat Noir: Great. We're about to be obliterated, but... at least we'll be dry.
Ladybug: Just hold your whiskers.
Ladybug then wraps the bath towel around her arm, and Sparrow points his bow at Stormy Weather with an arrow at the ready, Stormy Weather then brings up her parasol making a barrage of hail rain down on the three heroes.
Cat Noir being quick to grab both Ladybug and Sparrow near her, then used her pole arm up to block the hail from hitting them.
Cat Noir: So what's the plan? My arms starting to get cramps.
Ladybug then looks around the roof top to see if she can find anything to be useful, then she get's what they need to do when seeing the key components for her plan to work.
Ladybug: See that sign, you two? Check it out.
Cat Noir: *smirks* got it! Cataclysm! Hey, Coldilocks, is that all you got?
She then runs towards the sign that Ladybug pointed out, Stormy Weather then fires more beams at Cat Noir to stop her, but Sparrow fired his absorption arrows at the beams preventing them from hitting any where near Cat Noir. Then Cat Noir got close to the sign and used her Cataclysm on the steel beams holding the sign up and makes them rust away.
The Sign then starts to fall on Stormy Weather, who turns to the sign in shock distracting her and giving Ladybug an opening to use her yoyo, and wraps it around Stormy Weather's ankle while the said girl pointed her parasol at the sign and fires a beam at it creating a hole to fly through. Once the sign falls over it was revealed to be one of Aurore and the said sign knocks a ventilation pipe down.
Ladybug then Slides under one pipe and jumps up to the exposed ventilation fan and used the bath towel, as a make shift parachute and takes the sky during this the wrapped yoyo that is around Stormy Weather's ankle, starts to be pulled and making Stormy Weather be pulled down by the yoyo. Then Stormy Weather's parasol get's knocked out of her hands by a crane spinning around, and gets caught by Cat Noir who then throws it to Ladybug, as the said heroine grabs it.
Ladybug: Get out of here, you nasty bug.
She breaks the parasol, which makes the Akuma come out and Ladybug used the power of her yoyo, to capture and purify the Akuma's dark colors and back into a white as snow butterfly.
Ladybug: Goodbye, little butterfly. Miraculous, Ladybug!
She then used her power to restore everything that was destroyed by Stormy Weather, and clears the skies to let the sun be shown again, and the left over ice dome was then melted away and Aurore returned to normal and looks around.
Aurore: Huh? What am I doing up here?
Sparrow/Ladybug/Cat Noir: Pound it.
Y/n's pov
After a long day with, taking pictures with Adri and a little girl named Manon I was back at home looking at the gem with Kraw.
Y/n: Kraw, you thinking what I'm, thinking?
Kraw: That, there's more than meets the eye with this gem?
Y/n: Took the words, right out of my mouth. But the only question is... what is it about this gem?
????: Maybe, it's best I tell you both myself.
Both Kraw and I get surprised by the sudden voice, then the gem glows a bright light blinding both Kraw and I, but it then dies down allowing us to see a Kwami sized jackal standing on my computer stand.
A/n: This is what she looks like, and I don't own this.
Y/n: Who... are you?
jackal Kwami: Allow me to introduce myself. I am valia, and you are my master.
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments, and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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