Chapter 2: the battle of the birds!
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. sorry for not updating this for a long while, but I wanted to go at it my own pace nice a slowly. now let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
I was in class like every other day in my life, but this time the principle in the classroom for a fashion piece project.
principle: you have one day to work on a fashion piece of your own design. in ten hours, your finished presentation will be judge by the great fashion designer *motion to the monitor* Gabriel Agreste, the father of our student Adri Agreste. Adri will be modeling the winning design.
Y/n: [Adri modeling the winning design? that is rather interesting. I wonder what to think of designing?]
I took a glance at Adri and Marinette to see that she is excited for this one and see Adri being kinda nervous from being put on the spot light like that. once the principle finished explaining about the project he revealed that the class will be doing Derby hats.
Y/n: [say what? why Derby hats? their not even cool looking.]
I then see Chloe giving the thumbs down to Marinette which I give a slight glare at Chloe which she caught and went back to her own devices.
Y/n: [I really should talk to Chloe and her attitude towards people.]
once class was finished we all left to come up with designs while I was walking around the school I see both Marinette and Alya talking while Marinette was looking through her book.
Y/n: hey girls! what are you two up too?
Marinette: *yelps* Y/n! hi! *get's slightly nervous* just trying to think on a design, cause I never done a Derby hat before.
Alya: yeah and Marinette freaking out.
Marinette: *blushes from embarrassment* Alya!
Y/n: *chuckles* calm down Mari. I'm sure you can do it if you put your mind into it. even I'm going to try my best into making one and I'm a spray painting artist. plus if there's anything I've learned from my father is that "fun is Infinite."
Marinette: *smiles* thanks Y/n.
Alya: he's right. *looks through Marinette's sketch book* let's look through your sketches you must got something.
????: wow Alya those are nice.
I see Marinette jump with a cute yelp as I look to my left to see Adri looking at Marinette's designs in her sketch book not knowing it's not Alya's.
Adri: I didn't know you had such skills. *looks to Y/n* hi Y/n by the way thanks for the gift you made me. it was beautiful.
Y/n: *smiles* no problem.
Alya: anyway, thanks, but I can't take the credit. *motions to Marinette* these sick designs belong to Marinette.
we look to see Marinette giving a shy wave with a shy smile hiding at the other end of the bench most likely from being spooked by the sudden appearance of Adri.
Alya: off the chain, right?
Adri: your super talented. you have a good chance of winning.
Y/n: my point exactly.
Marinette: well.. um... yeah, I like designs that... go upwards?
I see Alya giving Marinette a thumbs up at the corner of my eye while I couldn't help to think how cute Marinette is when she's nervous and shy at times. the conversation went on as I look to see Chloe walking into another direction with Sabrina most likely talking about the project.
Y/n: excuse me ladies I'll see you later. good luck Marinette.
I walk towards Chloe and Sabrina who were minding their own business, but noticed me walking towards them.
Chloe: *perks up with a smile* oh Y/n who are you doing?
Y/n: good Chloe. *looks at Sabrina* afternoon Sabrina.
Sabrina: same to you Y/n.
Chloe: so Y/n what's up?
Y/n: well I was wondering if I can talk to you Chloe.... alone.
Chloe: of course! follow me.
I follow her to a more better place just for the two of us to talk while I already know that she might think that I'm going to ask her out. but that's not the idea once we are alone she turns to me.
Chloe: so Y/n what is it you want to ask me for us to be alone.~
Y/n: I want to ask.... what is it with you trying to make fun of Marinette or put her down?
Chloe: huh?
Y/n: you know what I'm talking about. why have an attitude towards her and everyone else?
Chloe: because I am better than everyone else duh.
Y/n: well a type of attitude like that is not going give yourself a good image.
Chloe: what do you mean?
Y/n: what I'm saying is that you can be a whole better person if you just at least be more nicer to people.
Chloe: but-
Y/n: also you look a lot more prettier with a more nicer attitude with a more carrying smile.
Chloe: *blushes* r..really.
Y/n: yup. *proceeds to walk away* consider my words.
3rd pov
-in a dark room-
Hawk Moth: it's time to find our next victim, my wicked little Akumas and to prey upon Ladybug, Cat Noir and Sparrow. their Miraculouses must be mine.
-with Marinette-
Marinette is seen outside sitting on a seat of stairs looking at the tower in front of her as she begins to sketch out a derby hat design, but didn't like how the first one look.
Marinette: it's hard to be creative under pressure.
Marinette's Kwami that is named Tikki who is a small ladybug theme creature poking out of Marinette's hand bag. to others Tikki would just look like a small key chain accessory.
Tikki: you save the world under pressure. I think designing a hat is a piece of cake.
Marinette: hmm, a cake derby hat, stylish and tasty.
the two let out a little giggle as Marinette starts to sketch out various designs of derby hats, but rips out a age if she didn't like the look of it or was just not right. she was getting tired a bit, but she then sees a man in a grey suit and had walking to a bench with pigeons in front of it and sits down and use a whistle blower to call the pigeons. as they all come to him while the man pulled out a small bag.
man: happy day, happy day. *throws bird feed on the ground for the pigeons to eat* splendid is the afternoon day. *pigeon lands on his arm* ah, Edgar, you fancy one. *the pigeon flies up and spins and lands back down on the man's arm* fantastic! dazzling performance.
as the man was praising the birds a man in a dark blue uniform walks up making the pigeons fly away from his sudden appearance.
blue uniformed man: scram, winged tats. how many times do you need to be told Mr. Ramier? no... feeding... the Pigeons! *grabs the bag of bird feed* it's strictly forbidden. if everyone feeds them they'll leave their waste everywhere!
Mr. Ramier: but who's going to feed my poor pigeons?
blue uniformed man: all park keepers know about you Mr. Ramier, your banned from every park in Paris. leave now or I'll call the authorities.
A/n: honestly I though this guy was part of the authorities cause he's wearing a hat with the word police on it.
blue uniformed man: oh wait, I'm the authorities. get out!
the man known as Mr. Ramier walks away with his head down as the officer watches making Marinette feel sorry for Mr. Ramier.
Marinette: jeez, I almost feel sorry for that man.
Tikki: what a unique character. he was like a human bird. all he needed was a feather jacket tp complete the look.
Marinette: almost like the Sparrow with his bird themed look. a feather jacket? *get's an idea* nice thinking Tikki.
-with Mr. Ramier-
Mr. Ramier was walking to another bench that is located near a water way with pigeons on the ground. he then sits on the ground with his eyes closed and his pigeon whistle around his neck. then scene changes to Hawk Moth's room full of white butterflies.
Hawk Moth: poor Mr. Ramier. the feeling of injustice. such easy prey for my Akuma.
he then opens his hand letting one of the white butterflies land in his hand and puts the other over it turning from white to black and purple colors. it then flies out of his hand and pout the large window.
Hawk Moth: fly away my little Akuma and evilise him!
the butterfly known as an Akuma was flying towards Mr. Ramier who has yet to notice it. the Akuma then flies into the whistle blower turning it black making a mask outline appear around Mr. Ramier's face.
Hawk Moth: {Mr. Pigeon, I'm Hawk Moth. neither this police officer nor any other park keeper should stop you from taking care of your friends. what would Paris be without pigeons? what would pigeons be without you?
Mr. Ramier: *evil laguh*
Mr. Ramier then stands his appearance changing to that of a body suit with colors of grey and black for the body and pink around the head part with orange boots. he then start cooing and running around.
-with Y/n-
I was walking around the park trying to think of what type of derby hat to make for the project, but i was cut from my thoughts by an odd sound.
A/n: I don't own this.
I turn to the source to see a gem on the ground in front of me.
A/n: also not mine and I might uses this for a future chapter for the reader. so for now it won't do anything until then let me know if you have an idea or plot development for it and the reader.
Y/n: huh? wonder what this thing was on the ground? hey Kraw have you seen something like this before?
Y/n's Kwami Kraw pokes her little head out of Y/n's bag look at the gem Y/n is holding with curiosity.
Kraw: sadly no, I have no idea. *starts to drool at the gem* but it's pretty.~
Y/n: well let's take it so we can find out what it is later.
Y/n puts the gem in his bag with his Kwami partner, but just as he does so Y/n looks around to see a large group of pigeons all around the park.
Y/n: okay... that's weird.
Y/n then leaves the park only to find more birds all over the city with cars honking and couldn't move due to the pigeons on the road or accidently crash into another car. Y/n then sees a large monitor showing a news broadcast.
news reporter: pigeons have took over Paris. this is a matter of major concern for authorities. *puts her finger on her ear piece* yes, I've just been told that a "Mr. Pigeon" is making an announcement.
a separate screen appears on the monitor showing some one recording aiming the camera to a man in a body suit on the tower.
Mr. Pigeon: oh dreary day for Parisians. *coos* sorry to ruffle your feathers, but Paris now belongs to the pigeons. flap-flap *coos*
Y/n: okay. now that is not good.
Y/n then starts to run to a secluded area in the ally away from anyone that could see him as Y/n hides behind a dumpster and opens his bag for his kwami to come out.
Y/n: alright Kraw let's rock and show which bird is better.
Kraw: you know it!
Y/n: Kraw wings out!
then in a flash of light Y/n's outfit changes to his Sparrow clothes with his mask and goggles covering his face. Sparrow then brings out his bow and fires a hook arrow to get to the roof tops making his way to the akumatized man, but along the way he sees Ladybug heading to the same direction.
Sparrow: fancy seeing ya Ladybug.
Ladybug: right back at ya Sparrow.
as the two continue jumping from roof to roof, but they stopped looking at the sky to see a bunch of pigeons flying together forming large bomber planes.
Sparrow: you have got to be kidding me.
Ladybug: now this is weirder that weird.
????: birds of a feather flock together.
the two look to meet Cat Noir in all her glory black cat themed outfit laying on her side looking at the two. but she then sneezed and starts rolling off the roof almost falling, but Sparrow caught her just in time.
Sparrow: easy there kitty.
Cat Noir: *blushes slightly* thanks Sparrow. *get's up* I'm allergic to feathers. *sneezes*
Sparrow: good thing I'm wearing a full head mask.
Ladybug: that's helpful.
Cat Noir: tell me about it.
she was about to sneeze again but Sparrow puts his gloved fingers under her nose helping her stop before she could sneeze.
Cat Noir: thanks Sparrow, but there's another problem. the park keepers are vanishing without a trace.
Ladybug: what? we have to track down Mr. Pigeon ASAP.
Sparrow: easier said than done.
Cat Noir: but how?
Ladybug: hmm. I don't know where we can find him, but he can find us.
Sparrow: [oh boy.]
-timeskip to the park-
in the park Cat Noir is seen wearing a hat with the word police on it whistling while Ladybug hides behind a tree and Sparrow in the tree behind the leaves. Cat Noir waits for Mr. Pigeon to come to her, but get's bored and starts to dance like there's no tomorrow.
Ladybug: act natural or he'll never show up.
Cat Noir: *still dancing* whaddya mean? I am acting natural.
Sparrow: I don't think dancing in the park acting as a park keeper is natural.
what the three didn't know was that a pigeon was watching Cat Noir dancing and starts to fly away from the park and heads to a statue that Mr. Pigeon is on as the said akumatized man let the bird land on his arm.
Mr. Pigeon: ladybug and Cat Noir. but no Sparrow darn, but job well done, buddy-boy. Pigeons will reign supreme. power to the pigeons!
he then starts to jump off the statue only to be caught by a group of pigeons heading towards the park the three heroes were at. while Cat Noir, Ladybug and Sparrow were still waiting for Mr. Pigeon to show up, but then flapping was heard as Cat Noir stops and starts to sneeze then looks up seeing a bunch of pigeons come together. the pigeons then grabbed Cat Noir in pigeon formed sphere making the cat themed girl let out a yell catcing both Ladybug and Sparrow's attention.
Ladybug: what the...
acting quickly Sparrow and Ladybug use their tools to get on the roof and follow the pigeon formed sphere that has Cat Noir. they then hide and look to see the pigeons took Cat Noir a high end looking hotel roof dropping Cat Noir who shakes the feathers off and sneezes again. Cat Noir then looks around to see pigeons around her while Ladybug and Sparrow walk up to Cat Noir;
Cat Noir: where's that bird brain Mr. Pigeon?
Sparrow: um, you do know that I am also a bird themed hero Cat Noir.
Cat Noir: sorry Sparrow.
Ladybug: he's got to be here somewhere.
then right on cue Mr. Pigeon comes up standing on a small platformed made pigeon looking at the three heroes. then a pink outline of a mask appears over Mr. Pigeon's face meaning he's hearing Hawk Moth's voice.
Hawk Moth: { if you want to give Paris to the pigeons for good, you must first id the city of those three pests.
Mr. Pigeon smirks and blows into his whistle commanding the pigeons making Ladybug, Cat Noir and Sparrow stick together.
Ladybug: call me crazy, but I feel like birdseed all of a sudden.
Y/n: I'm not.
then the pigeons start to fly around the three heroes making two of them put their arms up while Sparrow wasn't affected too much.
Cat Noir: got any bright ideas bug?
Ladybug: your the cat, don't you eat these things?
Sparrow: she's not a literal cat Ladybug, just like I'm not literal sparrow.
then more pigeons carrying a large cage slowly comes down trying to trap the three heroes in a cage, but Sparrow saw the cage with the use of his sparrow vision and runs out managing to not get trapped in the cage.
Mr. Pigeon: chirpy day! I'm so ruthless.
Hawk Moth: {excellent, now take their Miraculouses. the Saprrow's is optional I only want Ladybug's and Cat Noir's.
Mr. Pigeon: your Miraculouses. give them to me or face the wrath of my feathered friends.
Sparrow: not happening Mr. Pigeon!
Sparrow then brings out his bow and makes an arrow with a boxing glove and shoots it at Mr. Pigeon making him dodge the arrow.
Mr. Pigeon: ah, Sparrow from one bird to another why not join me?
Sparrow: sorry sparrows don't work well with pigeons. feather arrow! wind!
Sparrow then fires an arrow made of wind at Mr. Pigeon making him dodged the arrow, but that only proved to be a distraction as Cat Noir used her Cataclysm to make the bars rust and break apart freeing Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Cat Noir: well, well the pigeon is a chicken.
Sparrow: man and I was really enjoying the little battle of the birds I was having with Mr. Pigeon.
Mr. Pigeon: me? I'm not flying away. I'm just killing two birds with one stone.
Sparrow: dude! bad expression! we're both bird themed!
he then blows the whistle and jumps off the roof making the heroes run to look down only to see Mr. Pigeon come up on his pigeon formed platformed. the pigeons then formed a mount for Mr. Pigeon as he sends another pigeon formed sphere at the heroes. they both run not before Y/n made a net arrow trapping the birds in and run to his allies to a door leading inside the hotel. they closed the door as it dents from the birds ramming it, once it stopped they began to run down the stairs. but then both Cat Noir's and Sparrow's rings started to beep meaning their about to tranform back.
Cat Noir: looks like I got to go before my secret identity is revealed.
Sparrow: same here.
Ladybug: yeah you two wouldn't want the cat out of the bag.
Ladybug then continues running while Sparrow and Cat Noir leave in separate floors. once Sparrow made it into a empty room his transformation expires making him go back to his normal clothes as Kraw comes out of the ring sitting on a table.
Kraw: man, sometimes this can get exhausting.
Y/n: yeah, but we got to do what we gotta do.
Y/n then brings out a small snack for Kraw who eats it regaining her energy so that they can transform back to Sparrow. once that happens Sparrow exits the room to hear a elevator door open revealing both Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Cat Noir: need a lift birdy.~
-small timeskip-
Y/n/Sparrow's pov
I followed both Ladybug and Cat Noir who followed a sphere formed pigeons to a building and entered it, while me, Ladybug and Cat Noir stopped and hide behind a pillar looking inside to see then park keepers in a cage inside the building.
Ladybug: so that's where Mr. Pigeon keeps the park keepers.
sparrow: well at least we know where they are.
Cat Noir: the Grand Palais.
I then hear Cat Noir about to sneeze, but I was quick to stop it before she could so that we don't lose the element of surprise.
Cat Noir: my pigeon radar is on high alert.
Ladybug: either your radar's on the brink or he left the keepers unattended.
Sparrow: either way we should expect a trap just incase.
Cat Noir: let's set the cat among the pigeons.
Ladybug: *stops Cat Noir* hold up, it's too easy. Sparrow could be right about it being a trap. I've got a plan.
we then follow Ladybug up to the roof top of the Grand Palais while teling us that if we can destroy the bird call around Mr. Pigeon's neck we'll be able to capture the akuma. we then reached the window that led us to be right behind Mr. Pigeon.
Ladybug: you open the window, then Sparrow and I will grab him and sang the bird call. where is it Sparrow?
Sparrow: let me see. *whisper tone* sparrow vision.
once I used my ability I see a purple glow of the bird call around his neck which would be easy to grab if we surprise him right now.
Sparrow: it's around his neck.
we then get ready as soon as Cat Noir opened the window, but a draft was blown in our faces as some feathers blown out the window making Cat Noir sneeze making Ladybug miss with her yoyo and me trying to use my hook arrow, but it bounced off the walls before imbedding itself into a wall. Mr. Pigeon then look behind him to see us losing the element of surprise.
Ladybug: so much for the element of surprise.
we then jumped down on the catwalk, but Mr. Pigeon then falls backwards landing on his pigeons that made is fall safer. which we jump down following Mr. Pigeon who makes a run for it, but he then turns and used the bird call making his pigeons form spheres around his hands like oversized boxing gloves. he then sends a barrage of pigeons to Cat Noir making her get knocked back to the cage, while he tried to do the same with me and Ladybug I managed to dodge out of the way while Ladybug was knocked back like Cat Noir. I summon some trick arrows and fired them at Mr. Pigeon who dodges them, but wasn't aware that the trick arrows I used had sound wave emitters making his pigeons almost lose their form. I then hear Ladybug use her lucky charm ability as I look to see she got a coin.
Ladybug: a coin? what am I supposed to do with that?
Y/n: don't know, but I'll keep pigeon boy distracted, while you figure it out.
I then start to use trick arrow after trick arrow on Mr. Pigeon as he get's hit with smoke arrows that I use for cover and boxing glove arrows for a solid hit on him
Mr. Pigeon enough of this!
I then see him use his bird call as a bunch of pigeons then grabbed my arms and shoulders preventing me from using my arrow as he walks to me while Ladybug makes her way behind him. once Mr. Pigeon get's close to try to take my ring off I grin at him making him confused.
Mr. Pigeon: what are you smirking?
Sparrow: oh nothing just that you almost had the day that you almost captured the infamous Captain Sparrow.
A/n: you all should know this one.
my trick arrow then went off as it was sound recorder letting out a loud predator sound scaring the pigeons freeing me. I then used my hook arrow to get me away from Mr. Pigeon as Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around Mr. Pigeon's ankle and jumps over a beam that supported the building and make her way to the vending machine. once there she used her coin to get a bag of snacks throwing it in the air while Cat Noir used her pole staff to burst open the bag getting it's contents all over Mr. Pigeon making the pigeons go all over him to eat the snacks. Ladybug then pulled her yoyo making Mr. Pigeon hang from his ankle and dropping his bird call whistle.
Ladybug: Sparrow now!
Sparrow: got it!
I then summoned a normal arrow and fired it at the bird call breaking it upon impact releasing the akuma
Ladybug: no more evil doing for you little akuma.
Ladybug then used her yoyo to capture the akuma purifying it back to a white butterfly as it flies away. Ladybug then used her ability to restore everything back to normal making the park keepers back to their normal spots and freeing the man that went by Mr. Pigeon.
man: what happened? where am I?
Ladybug, Cat Noir, Sparrow: pound it. *bumps fists*
-timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n making a derby hat with lost gems he found-
I was already at school with my finished derby hat that was gem themed thanks to the mysterious gem I found for giving me the idea. speaking of which the said gem I found is around my neck as I had time to make it into a necklace. I then look to see a woman wearing a black suit with her hair done making her look mature while her hair color is blue with red highlights walking up to the principle.
woman: hello, Mr. Damocles, I am Mr. Agreste's assistant. Nathalie.
principle: hello Miss. Pardon me, but where is Mr. Agreste?
she then brings up a tablet showing Adri's father viewing the presentation through a video chat.
Mr. Agreste: I'm here.
principle: ah... hello Mr. Agreste, welcome to our school.
Mr. Agreste: Adri, take Nathalie around.
then the group goes around seeing each of the students derby hats while I see Marinette just making it on time. once I see Marinette's hat it looked the same as Chloe's, but once the group showing Mr. Agreste got to the two Marinette revealed that it was her original design showing that she signed her name, but making it look upside down for an interesting look. then finally the grouped reach mine seeing it's interesting theme I went for.
Mr. Agreste: interesting choice Mr. L/n, but tell me are the gems real?
Y/n: yes sir. you see my mother owns a jewelry store not only sell, but create other accessories and reuse old discarded gems with good polishing and work to make it look brand new. the gems that I have on my hat are those gems.
Mr. Agreste: I see... well I've made my choice Miss. Marinette's is the winner, but Mr. L/n's will go along with it showing that old gems can still have a purpose.
Y/n\Marinette: *bows* thank you Mr. Agreste.
to be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. please let me know what you guys think and do let me know on any future chapter ideas for the phantom ruby good purposes of course. let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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