Chapter 1: the cat's birthday and the bubbler
A/n: hey guys here is the next chapter for this story so before it begins I want to know have any of you guys remember the show Totally Spies if so I was wondering if I should do a male reader story on it please give ideas on what the reader should be like now let the chapter begin.
3rd pov
as the morning came around as Marinette's house that doubles as bakery. it then changes to a sleeping Marinette on her bed spread out then the sound of her phone ringing caused her to wake up from her sleep.
Marinette: *gasps* happy birthday!
she says as she slides down then stumbles to one end of her room. then gets back up to sit in her chair near her computer desk.
Marinette: happy birthday! happy birthday Adri.
-scene change to Adri-
as Adri was brushing her teeth as her Kwami partner Plagg comes to her with a small gift.
Plagg: happy birthday Adri.
Adri: *smells the gift* ugh Plagg, get that filthy piece of camembert out of my face.
-scene change to Y/n-
in Y/n's house he can be seen in his little work shop were he does spray paint art as hobby. right now he is putting the final touches on a special piece.
Y/n: and....done *wipes seat off his head*
as Y/n stands he admires the piece of art that he made and waits for it to dry so it will be safe enough to touch.
Y/n: I hope Adri likes this gift I made for her.
he looks at his clock to see he's got to head off to school. but his piece for Adri is not done drying yet.
Y/n: I'll drop it off at Adri's place when it's done drying.
he then get's his bag that has his school things and heads off to the school. for the education like every other teen.
-timeskip after classes-
Nino: dude seriously? has your dad always been such a downer. doesn't he remember what it's like to wanna party.
Adri: no I'm sure he was a downer back then, too. at least I tried.
Nino: it's your b'day dude....insist.
Y/n: sup Nino, Adri how's it going?
Adri: *blushes lightly* hey Y/n I'm good.
Nino: yo Y/n my man everything's going good. but Adri's dad wont let her have a birthday party.
then near the school's entrance stairs are Alya and Marinette who are hiding behind it as Marinette has a gift for Adri.
Alya: you can do it. you can do it.
Marinette: I can do it. I can do it.
Nino: you know what I'm gonna have a chat with your pops.
Adri: don't waste your time, he won't change his mind.
Marinette stands up to give her gift to Adri but when she sees Y/n she get's too nervous to even go to Adri.
Marinette: I can't do it. I can't do it.
Alyal *sighs* no you don't girl. you 've been stalling all morning. now's the time you can't let your nervousness for Y/n get to you.
she then pushed Marinette out of hiding making her lunge forward about to fall but Y/n was quick enough to catch Mairnette.
Y/n: woah there Marinette you almost fell.
Marinette was starting to get more nervous so she manages to get herself backup hiding the gift behind her while nervously giggling.
Marinette: hey.
Adri: hey.
at the school entrance Chloe was watching the four people talking with her "friend" Sabrina who was also watching.
Chloe: wait, am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? don't tell me it's Adri's birthday.
Sabrina check her phone which then she makes a surprised look followed with a nervous giggle as Chloe groans.
Chloe: do I have to do everything myself? seriously what are you good for?
she then walks to where Y/n, Adri, Nino and Marinette are leaving Sabrina at the entrance of the school.
Marinette: I...I wanted to gift you a make. I mean, gift you a give I made, I mean...
Y/n:[nishi, nishi, nishi Marinette is always cute when she's nervous.]
Chloe: *pushes Marinette away* out of the way. happy birthday Adri and good day Y/n~
she then wrapped her arms around Y/n and kisses his cheek making him slightly blush from the action.
Y/n: good day to you too Chloe but I don't think that kiss on the cheek was necessary.
Chloe: *looks at Adri* did you get my gift Adri? and did you get one for her Y/n.
Y/n: yeah I just got done making it it's at my house drying.
Adri: oh another of you amazing spray painting art?
Y/n: yup...*brings up his finger to his lips* but what it is my secret
as Chloe then makes up an excuse on the gift Adri had to go for a photo shoot and Nino has some business with Adri's father. as Y/n went to his house to check on the gift he made for Adri's birthday.
-with Marinette and Alya-
the two girls known as Marinette and Alya they were in front of Adri's house outside of the gate Marinette is currently trying to figure out how to open the mailbox
Marinette: this mailbox won't budge.
Alya: *points to a door bell* ring the door bell.
????: hello ladies
the two girls to see Y/n walking to them carrying what they guess is Y/n's gift. Marinette then begins to get nervous upon seeing Y/n through the times they were friends Marinette started get a crush on Y/n. Alya notices this as she knew this was a good time to help her friend when it comes to her crush.
Alya: hey Y/n we're good I see you got your gift.
Y/n: yup just got finished drying. so what is Marinette doing?
Marinette: oh um well I was trying to open the mailbox.
Y/n: really? why not just ring the door bell?
Marinette: are you kidding? what if Adri answers?
before she could finish her statement Alya rings the door bell making Marinette freak out while Y/n lightly laughed how she reacted. then a small mechanical eye like thing comes out of the wall looking at Marinette who get's spooked by it.
woman's voice: yes?
Y/n:[huh why am I getting star wars vibes the way that mechanical eye popped out?]
Marinette: um and Y/n are in Adri's class and we....
she then shows the gift to the camera as she was trying to explain what she was doing so Y/n went to the camera to help.
Y/n: what my friend was trying to say we have gifts for Adri's birthday and like to see if it's okay we deliver them here.
woman's voice: I see put them in the box.
then the mailbox opens up as Y/n and Marinette put their respected gifts in as the mailbox closes and the camera retracts into the wall.
Marinette: I hope she likes it.
Y/n: I bet she will.
Alya: you signed the note, right?
Marinette's face then goes to one of shock as Alya put her finger on her forehead and Y/n was now laughing due to the cute expression Marinette made. as the three then left Y/n was talking to Y/n while Alya tries her best to help Marinette while Nino was trying to convince Adri's father to let her have a party for her birthday which didn't go well. as Nino was at the park blowing his bubbles to take his mind off how Adri's father was being. but then sees a boy trying to play while his father wouldn't let him because he had chores.
Nino: *groans* adults ruin everything, all the time.
-Hawk Moth's lair-
Hawk Moth: desperate to help his friend but feeling powerless. how won't be long until frustration turns to anger. *turns one of the white Akumas into black* fly away my little akuma, and evilize him!
A/n: I'm pretty sure it's already known that Adreian's father is Hawk Moth now tell me that it was messed up that he purposely did that to turn Nino a villian
-back with Nino-
as Nino was sitting on the bench blowing bubbles the black Akuma fly towards Nino's bubble capsule as it turns purplish black. then Nino's head shoots up facing forward with an outline of a mask over his face.
Hawk Moth:{Hawk Moth is my name, and Bubbler is now yours. I will help you with these horrid adults. all you have to do is get me something in return is help get Ladybug's and Cat Noir's.
Nino: yes Hawk Moth.
then he starts to transform into the Bubbler who then goes off spreading bubbles around the city trapping adults as they tried to get away.
Y/n's pov
I was in my house eating some lunch with my parents enjoying some family time like we always do.
F/n: so son how was your day?
Y/n: oh good just delivered my gift to Adri for her birthday.
M/n: *teasing tone* oh really, speaking of girls do you have anyone special in mind.~
Y/n:! why ask me something like that?!
F/n: oh come on your friends with Marinette and there other girls in your school surely one might have caught your fancy?
Y/n: well-
before I could finish my sentence two large bubbles came into the house taking my parents into them then floating to the sky.
Y/n: mom! Dad!
Kraw: this has got to be Hawk Moth's doing Y/n!
Y/n: then let's not waste time! Kraw wings out!
I then start to transform as my clothes then became that of Sparrow themed trench coat and mask. I then ran out of the house through the front door to see more adults in bubbles floating in the air while kids around the age of teenagers and younger kids are safe. then some more bubbles she a multi colored male whose voice I already know.
Sparrow: *mutters* Nino no..
I then used my bow and summon some hook line arrow to swing myself to the buildings to find the turned villain Nino. then I caught up with Ladybug
Sparrow: Ladybug!
Ladybug: Sparrow! it's good to see your okay.
Sparrow: likewise but right now we got a villain to take down and a city to save.
Ladybug: right.
as we both jumped from building to building we then see fireworks going off in the direction of Adri's house
Y/n: looks like the Bubbler may be there.
Ladybug: yeah it's us and him.
we then make our way to the fireworks where we know the Bubbler will be at since he gave us a hint about partying and having fun.
3rd pov
once Sparrow and Ladybug got to the roof they see the Bubbler as the DJ on stage as everyone else on the dance floor were doing a slow dance. but most seem to be not having fun Adri is seen having a slow dance with another male but the male didn't look like he was having fun.
Sparrow: we got to do something
Ladybug: right lucky charm!
Ladybug then used one of her abilities as the lucky charm gave her a record like one's that DJ's use when playing.
Ladybug: a record?
Y/n: maybe use your sight to see a way it can help while I use my Sparrow vision to find out where the Akuma is hiding.
with that the two look around using their vision ability Ladybug starts by looking at the record placement of the record player then to one of the switches which then looks towards the ledge of the house. Ladybug chuckles knowing what to do as Sparrow looks straight at the akumatized Nino looking for any possible place the Akuma is hiding which he see's a dark purple outline around the blow part of the bubble capsule. Sparrow gave Ladybug the thumbs up as she tossed the record to bounce of the ledge and lands into the record player playing a funky song that got the people dancing and having fun.
Bubbler: dude, who just hijack my mix?
Ladybug: yours truly
Sparrow: sup.
Sparrow then looks at Ladybug's earing to see her second to last dot is gone. he let's her know as she bugs out to recharge. as Sparrow lands next to the Bubbler he looks at Sparrow with a slight angered look.
Bubbler: you going to try to stop this party dude?
Sparrow: well I should but I'm more of a ranged fighter and I don't want to accidently hit any bystanders. but I can do this to slow you down at least.
I used my power to create an ice and shot it at the Bubbler's feet freezing him in place. I then hear my ring go off telling me that I got a couple of minutes left so I quickly hook arrow out of their to a place with no prying eyes and turned back. as Kraw comes out of the ring exhausted.
Kraw: nice thinking in distracting the Bubbler Y/n.
Y/n: thanks now let's get you some food.
Y/n then goes back to Adri's house as making it look like that he just got there. once he got there he sees Ladybug back in action as the Bubbler and Ladybug started to fight Y/n quickly get's to the snack table and grabs some for Kraw. then the Bubbler lands on the table catching Y/n by surprise but Bubbler was focusing on Ladybug. Y/n then makes his way into Adri's house looking entering a closet big enough for him to fit.
Y/n: okay Kraw here you go.
as Kraw eats the snacks that Y/n gave her she's ready for more action so Y/n transforms back into Sparrow. he runs back outside to see Ladybug using her yoyo but it get's blocked by a bubble but Y/n quickly makes and arrow and shoots the bubble making it pop. as the Bubbler then attacked Y/n but the bubble get destroyed by Cat Noir saving Y/n.
Cat Noir: looks like I made it just in time handsome.
Y/n: thanks Kitty Noir.
Bubbler then get's a call from Hawk Moth telling him to get Ladybug's, Cat Noir's and Sparrow's miraculouses. the Bubbler then sends a barrage of bubbles as Ladybug and Cat Noir use their weapons to block the bubbles Sparrow does what he can to dodge them. then bubbler snaps his fingers turning the bubbles green as they go faster than they can imagine the bubble start to attach to Sparrow, Ladybug and Cat Noir while surrounding them. then the bubbles form into a big bubble trapping them making bubbler laugh.
Sparrow: okay never thought I'd find myself trapped in a bubble with two girls.
Bubbler: give me your, Miraculouses before you run out of air.
Ladybug: dream on Bubbler.
Bubbler: total party poopers, just like adults.
Sparrow: *singing tone* every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you. party pooper party pooper.
Ladybug: not now Sparrow. also kids need adults!
Sparrow: that is true!
Bubbler: false. kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. adults are bossy.
Ladybug: but adults keep children safe. they care for their kids. they love them.
Cat Noir: most adults do anyhow. you must bring the adults back.
Bubbler: nope, never....know what? since you care about the adults so much, why don't you go float with them?
the bubbler then kicks the bubble up into the sky making the three heroes scream as they get shot up into the sky. they begin to try to get their way out but no effect.
Ladybug: use your cataclysm.
Cat Noir: couldn't you have said that 500 feet ago?
Ladybug: we can't stay stuck in this bubble together forever.
Sparrow: she's got a point we'll run out of air soon.
Cat Noir made a little cheeky smile knowing that Ladybug said together forever with the rwo girls stuck with Sparrow. Cat Noir then used her cataclysm popping the bubble the three then begin to free fall Cat Noir then threw her stick at the Eiffel tower then Ladybug grabbed Cat Noir as she used her yoyo to wrap it around the stick while Sparrow created a hook arrow shooting it at the same tower. the three then start to swing Ladybug and Cat Noir land on their feet after barrel rolling while Sparrow did the super hero landing in between the girls.
Sparrow: man they were right it is rough on the knees.
Cat Noir: good thing cat's aren't afraid of heights.
Sparrow: and sparrows are good fliers.
Ladybug: we've got to get to his bubble sword. that's where the Akuma is right Sparrow?
Sparrow: yup it is there.
Cat Noir: then we better hurry.
the three back to the house to face the Bubbler again once the three got there the Bubbler was not too pleased to see them. while the others were happy to see the three heroes mainly Ladybug. the Bubbler then launches bubbles at the teens and gets them stuck in bubbles shocking the three heroes.
Bubbler: outer space is the next stop your precious peeps and they're never coming back!
the Bubbler then runs as the heroes chases him Sparrow would try to get a clean shot at the bubble sword but the Bubbler kept moving. once they get to the Eiffel tower the Bubbler sends some bubbles at the heroes who dodged them while climbing the tower. once they get to the viewing section of the tower Cat Noir's ring beeps.
Cat Noir: I'm going to be turning back soon!
Ladybug: lucky charm!
she uses her ability again but this time getting a large wrench which confuses the three heroes as the object lands in Ladybug's arms.
Cat Noir: skills are gonna help us out?
Sparrow: beats me.
the Bubbler then launches bubbles at Cat Noir but she dodges them while climbing on beams of the tower.
Cat Noir: your aim needs work. is that all you got.
Sparrow: yeah try this on for size.
Sparrow then shoots some fire arrows as the Bubbler sends bubbles to intercept the arrows. while the two distract Bubbler Ladybug looks around to sees what she needs to do with the lucky charm.
Ladybug: got it.
she runs to one of the air vents while Sparrow and Cat Noir keep the Bubbler distracted. once Ladybug gets to the pipe of the air vent she uses the wrench to disconnect it.
Ladybug: Sparrow Cat Noir cover me!
Sparrow then grabs the pipe and points it at the bubbles that the Bubbler sent as Cat Noir assists Sparrow. as the first wave of bubbles were blown away the Bubbler tries to send more but Ladybug uses her yoyo to snatch the bubble sword out of the Bubbler's hand. she then yanks it to her and snaps the bubble sword in half making the akuma fly out of the broken sword.
Ladybug: time to devilise!
she then turns the akuma back into a white butterfly then used her ability to repair all the damage that the Akuma did returning all the adults and those who got trapped in a bubble to safety. as Nino turns back to normal as he looks around looking confused.
Nino: who? dude....
Sparrow/ Cat/Ladybug: pound it. *fist bumps*
-timeskip to the next day-
Y/n's pov
I was walking to school like always along the way I see Alya and Marinette I gave a little wave to them. as Alya returned with a wave too and Marinette gave a shy little wave I then make my way to Nino as we high fived.
Y/n: sup Nino.
Nino: Y/n my man so how do you think Adri will think of your gift.
Y/n: well-
Adri: hey guys.
we turn to see Adri coming out of the limo with a scarf around her neck which I can tell it's Marinette's handy work.
Nino: hey dude
Y/n: sup Adri nice scarf.
Adri: thanks I can't believe my dad got me this usually it's a plain old pen.
Y/n: oh really...
Adri: also thanks for the gift Y/n it was really lovely.
Nino: what did he get you?
Alya: yeah I'm curious.
Marinette: same here.
she then pulled out her phone as she took a picture of my gift to show it to everyone as every one got a look at it let's just say.
A/n: not mine
I'm really proud of the turn out of the gift
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry if I skipped some of the things but I made it as long as possible now if you have any questions for this story please let me know and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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