Chapter 6: Adventures in Troll Sitting, Despair Bear Part 4

While Toby and Aaarrrgghh!!! left the boy's house to get another Gaggletack, Jim had taken Enrique up to his room and placed him in his crib to search for the artifact he lost. But after searching almost every inch of the nursery room, Jim had only one place to look in, which had Enrique laughing at him as he clapped his little hands.

"You hid the horseshoe in the diaper bin, didn't you?" Jim questioned Enrique as he knelt in front of the bin in question, who seemed to cheer 'yes' in response before he pulled the container towards him. "Because you're just a normal baby, and that's what normal babies do." the Trollhunter loudly remarked, trying to reason with himself in a last-ditch effort to convince himself that Enrique was a normal baby. But after he slowly lifted the diaper bin cover, Jim quickly closed it and plugged his nose.

"Ooh, doggy! Oh, it is really packed." Jim exclaimed, only to sadly resign himself to sticking his hand inside to continue his search. As he did, Jim was too occupied to notice Enrique rolling around his crib before suddenly disappearing, which he finally noticed when his eyes had moved away from the bin to the empty crib. "Enrique?" the blue-eyed boy called out in confusion, shocked to find the baby not where he had left him.

"Enrique!" Jim exclaimed, standing up from the floor to look around the room. "Great, just great! Claire's going to kill me!!" the boy whined to himself, followed by him starting his search for the phantom-esque child.


Down in Heartstone Trollmarket, Aaarrrgghh, and Toby had finally arrived and found Blinky, quickly filling him in on Jim's predicament. Upon learning of what Jim had gotten himself into, the three of them headed over to RotGuts to receive a new Gaggletack for Jim. Thankfully, they soon arrived at the front of the shop and walked up to the large door before Blinky's small blue hand wrapped around the handle, knocking it against the metal door.

"Uh, excuse me, uh, Mr. RotGut. It is with great respect that we return to you to ask for another Gaggletack." Blinky greeted the shopkeepers behind the door, explaining why they had returned.

"Go away. We're closed." Gut yelled from the other side of the door, causing Blinky to frown at the answer.

"You haven't closed your apothecary since the wart outbreak of 1982!" Blinky argued, pointing an accusing finger at the door in front of him before remembering his manners. "I urge you, if we do not acquire one at this very moment, we may be dealing with an exigency that could shut you down indefinitely." the six-eyed Troll begged, one of Rot's eyes appearing in one of the windows above the group as he spoke.

"What's an exigency? Should I be scared?" Rot asked, now worried by the scenario Blinky was describing.

"Indeed." Blinky confirmed, glad that at least one of the owners was open to listening to him.

"It doesn't matter. We already gave them a Gaggletack. I told you never to give out free merchandise." Gut belittled Rot, his eyes switching around the windows in the door as he argued with his second-in-command.

"But you said you had a bag of -" Blinky began, only for the shop owners to shut the windows before he could finish speaking. "...them." the four-armed Troll concluded, his hopes of resolving the matter quickly now going down the figurative drain.

"Stand back. I think I know how to deal with this." Toby said, pushing his way through to stand in front of the shop doors. "I wonder if Styx from Stone Arc would be willing to help us out. From what we've heard, she's the better version of you guys." the rounded boy called out to Rot and Gut, trying to catch their attention with the mention of their supposed rival.

"That hack of an apothecary owner!? She is the poorer version of us!!" Gut exclaimed from behind the door, opening one of the windows to glare down at Toby. "Besides, she wouldn't have any Gaggletacks. She sold them to us!" the green-skinned Troll proclaimed, eager to shoot down the boy's claims.

"Newsflash, she's got some in stock now!" Toby exclaimed, sort of fibbing about the matter-even though Marinette had told him and Jim that Styx was in the process of getting the artifacts-to catch the two Troll's attention. "So unless you want to lose the business of the Trollhunter, I suggest you help us out!" the geology nerd lightly threatened, causing Gut's single eye to narrow even further at him.

"If that's how it is, then there is no way we're giving you anything!" Gut roared at Toby, never feeling so insulted before. But that was the 'in' Toby needed to seal the deal.

"I thought you might say that." Toby slyly remarked before waving to Aaarrrgghh!!! over to him, who hummed and realized what Toby or in other words, his Wingman asked for.

"Mm!" Aaarrrgghh!!! muttered, pulling a sack out from behind him before slightly sniffing the bag, only to stop himself from eating the whole thing.

"How about a bag of sweaty, tasty, slightly moldy argyle socks to sweeten the deal?" Toby offered Rot and Gut, which seemed to go over better with the stingy owner.

"Argyle?" Gut asked in excitement, followed by another door opening above him to reveal an equally excited Rot.

"Argyle, Gut! That's argyle! Mm..." Rot squealed, both him and Gut watching as Aaarrrgghh!!! waved the bag around to further entice them. Right then and there, Toby knew he had them right where he wanted them.


Back over at Claire's house, Jim had finished searching the nursery for Enrique and finally decided to extend his search to the rest of the house.

"Enrique! Oh, Enrique?" Jim called out as stepped out of the nursery and entered the hallway, soon arriving at the stairs. "Huh." the Trollhunter softly muttered as he peered down the steps, followed by him creeping down the wooden staircase and ending up in the living room

"Enrique?" Jim said as he looked behind the living room couch, only to turn around when he heard a baby giggling nearby. The Trollhunter stood up from the piece of furniture and searched the rest of the vacant area before scratching his head in perplexity. Suddenly, a sound erupted from another room, metal clattering together in the kitchen.

"What's that sound?" the blue-eyed boy wondered out loud before he ran into the kitchen, soon peering over from behind the dividing wall before resuming his search for the missing baby.

When he started to walk around the center island, a small paper coffee cup suddenly rolled to Jim's feet, prompting him to pick the item off the floor. But when he knelt and reached for it, a cat suddenly pounced on the piece of trash and surprised Jim enough to let out a yelp before falling back on the floor. However, the cat was also surprised as well and jumped into the air before it dashed away, disappearing from the kitchen altogether. Seconds after, a large thud sounded above the boy and was followed by the echoing of child laughter alongside pattering footsteps.

Finding the sounds strange, Jim stood up from the ground and ran to the steps to reach the second floor to investigate. Upon reaching the second floor, Jim was greeted by the sight of nothing unusual at all, causing his nerves to skyrocket at the chance of being caught by surprise. As such, the sound of a small crack from outside startled the fifteen-year-old, causing Jim's eyes to dart over to the window. Once he did, he was immediately put more at ease when he spotted Toby, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky waving at him, prompting him to race outside and meet up with them.

"Thanks for helping me out. I owe you guys." Jim thanked after he joined his awaiting friends, glad that they got there so quickly.

"Think nothing of it, Master Jim." Blinky said, setting the artifact in Jim's hands. "Now that we've brought the Gaggletack, where is the child?" the six-eyed Troll asked, eager to see if Enrique was truly a newly swapped Changeling.

"I sort of just lost him." Jim shamefully admitted, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck as he watched Blinky and Aaarrrgghhh!!!'s-who was holding a pair of bushes to hide- hopeful faces marred with confusion.

"Are you not babysitting?" Blinky questioned his charge, disappointment appearing on his face alongside his confusion.

"Well, I'm not saying I'm good at it." Jim remarked in his defense, an innocent, yet adorable wince accompanying his words.

"I don't understand how the baby could elude you if you were rightfully sitting on him." Blinky replied, causing Jim's face to immediately turn from embarrassment to confusion upon hearing his mentor's understanding of babysitting.

"Babysitting doesn't literally mean you sit..." Jim began to explain, only to realize that it wasn't the right time for him to correct Blinky. "Never mind. Just keep an eye out while Toby and I handle this." the Trollhunter directed, followed by him and Toby heading off back to the house. But when they arrived, they quickly found that they had been locked out after Jim twisted the golden handle, now looking at it with confusion when it didn't open.

"What?" Jim muttered, followed by him frantically pulling at the doorknob before pressing his foot on the door to pry it open. Unfortunately, it was an utterly useless move on his hand and failed right away. "Do you see this? The little poop-bag locked us out!" the blue-eyed boy yelled as he quickly faced his plump friend at the foot of the front steps, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"He's been playing me all along, hook, line, and sinker." Jim realized, which had left Toby appalled by his best friend's words.

"Jim, he's a baby, not a poop-bag! Get a hold of yourself. He can't even reach the lock." Toby berated, only to end up watching as Jim looked around for another way inside, soon spotting the windows next to the door.

"I'm telling you, Tobes, he's a changeling and he knows about the bridge." Jim said as he walked over to the glass pane and tried prying it open. When that failed, he gave up on the window and hopped off the side of the railing on the porch before glancing at Claire's awaiting window. "We'll have to climb through Claire's window." the blue-eyed boy decided, which didn't have Toby jumping up and down in agreement.

"Climb? Sure, why not pole vault while we're at it?" Toby patronized Jim, finding the plan way too crazy for his liking. "Get your head in the game, Jim!" the geology nerd exclaimed, hoping to drive some form of sense into his best friend's skull.

But that didn't deter Jim from going full steam ahead with his plan to use Claire's window, even though he realized that climbing up would be a hazard for them. With that in mind, they went back to their Troll friends and had Aaarrrgghh!!! lift them to the roof.

"Pole vault." Aaarrrgghh!!! mentioned as he lifted the two boys, Toby and Jim almost magically floating the small section of the roof, leading to Claire's window. After Aaarrrgghh!!! had helped them up, they stepped onto the roof, Toby suddenly lost his balance but was saved by a large finger after it pushed him back safely.

"Thanks, wingman." Toby thanked his friend, he and the thick hand shared a high five before he followed after Jim as he climbed to Claire's room, the Trolhunter quickly opening the right one up before climbing in. "Whoa!" the rounded boy breathed out as he stared into Claire's room, still standing outside as he waited for Jim to enter the room so he could as well.

"Dude... holy..." Toby managed to say, in awe of how his night was turning out while Jim stealthily walked into the room as Toby instantly fell through the window. "Ow!" the rounded boy yelped, rolling to the floor and stopping at a surprised Jim's feet. Once Toby had dusted himself off, he rose just as Jim pulled out the Gaggletack and started looking around the room in awe.

"Whoa..." Toby gasped out.

"Hey, little guy, where are you?" Jim called out, ignoring Toby's strange behavior as he started creeping around in search of Enrique. Toby, however, had forgotten the mission and had taken to poking Claire's bed.

"Ooh." Toby said, followed by him positioning himself over the soft cot and still acting very giddy. "Ah! I'm in a real girl's bedroom!" the geology nerd squealed, in shock that he was where he was at that moment.

"Oh, Eli totally owes me five dollars." Toby exclaimed as he leaned back on the bed, supporting his weight with his arms as he swung his legs around in his excitement.

"You do remember that you've been in Mari's room before, right?" Jim questioned Toby, looking away from his search to remind Toby of that little fact.

"She's our sister. That doesn't count." Toby replied as he straightened himself into a proper sitting position, followed by him gasping as he picked up something from her nightstand. Upon closer inspection, Toby popped the item open and revealed it to be a pink colored lipstick tube.

"What!?" Toby drawled out, speechless by his discovery.

While Toby was snooping around, Jim held the Gaggletack at the ready while he kept looking around, only to turn around at the sound of a baby crying. But as he slowly turned around, he was suddenly greeted by the sight of his best friend standing next to him, the lipstick in his hand. Upon a second look at Toby chuckling in delight, Jim gasped when he saw the large gash of pink wiped from the top of his lip to the chin decorating his best friend's face. It was just after Toby licked where he marked his lip that he saw the 'Are you serious' look Jim was sending his way before he pointed to his own mouth to alert Toby of the lipstick on his face.

"This is what a girl's lips taste like!" Toby squealed after he cleaned the makeup off, prompting Jim to groan before heading towards the baby's cries. Seeing Jim head towards the door, Toby followed after his best friend as they headed into Enrique's room, only to find him lying helplessly in his crib.

"Aw, there, there. Did the nasty Trollhunter-man scare you?" the chubby teen cooed to the baby as he shoved his way through past Jim, picking up the baby and pressing the little one against him. "Oh, come here, come here, little baby boy. Don't worry. Don't cry. Shh. Come here. Yeah, yeah. Come here, come here." Toby whispered to Enrique in comfort, unaware of Jim watching the baby sucking on Toby's shoulder before lifting his head and spitting out to the Trollhunter. Needless to say, Jim did not believe the act.

"Oh, hey, little guy!" Jim greeted Enrique, his face changing from serious to happy before he rapidly pulled up the Gaggletack, glaring at the baby as he showed it to him. Immediately, a suddenly shocked Enrique let out a deep grunt before he covered it up with a loud sob.

"Hey, what are you doing? You're freaking him out." Toby berated Jim, turning around to see why Enrique was all of a sudden crying and seeing the Gaggletack in his hand.

"He is freaking me out! He made me stick my arm in a diaper bin!" Jim exclaimed, followed by him holding his hand up to his friend who curiously sniffed it before retching away.

"Oh, no. Made you, Jim? Really? You're better than that." Toby chided his best friend, quickly turning his focus back onto the child. "Who's a little baby boy? You're a little baby boy. You're such a little baby." the geology nerd fondly said to the baby, the words instantly soothing him and leaving Jim frustrated that Toby didn't believe him.

"That's it. I've got to do this. It won't hurt him." Jim decided before he advanced on Toby and Enrique, triggering the baby to begin crying again while trying to escape Toby's grasp to avoid the relic.

"Hey! Stop-! Slow! Hey, can you not--?" Toby stammered as he moved around to make sure Enrique didn't fall to the ground, all while gently shoving his friend back at the same time as he kept trying to touch the child with the horseshoe. "Dude, get away from him! You're scaring Enrique!" the rounded boy reprimanded Jim, Enrique climbing onto Toby's head before Jim jumped at him and caused the three to flip around the room. Due to the tumble, Jim had landed upside down in the chair but quickly picked himself back up, watching as Toby stood back up with Enrique still on his head.

"Alright, come to daddy, poop-ling!" Jim grunted while tossing the shoe in his hands, diving for the pair across from him.

Unfortunately for him, Toby jumped out of the way and whimpered in worry as Enrique fussed in his hands, the baby trying to pull himself free. During the struggle, however, Jim used Toby's distractedness to slowly walk towards them and hold out the Gaggletack at Enrique It was only after the baby had kicked Toby in the face before falling to the ground, that Jim had an opportunity to press the artifact against Enrique's head after the pudgy man had caught the baby, trapping him.

A flash of lightning suddenly shot from the Gaggletack and the baby, now revealing the changeling to the two boys while Toby still held the creature in his hands. Once the light had died down, Toby and the Changeling quickly made eye contact, causing the boy to scream and flinch away before he dropped him when the monster let out a snarl.

"Oh, no, that is not Enrique!" Toby screamed as he ran behind Jim, shielding himself behind the Trollhunter as he stepped up to the crib, noticing that a blanket had managed to drape over the creature during the fall. But as Jim finally made it to the side of the crib, the Changeling popped out from the covers and growled at the two boys with a glare.

"Stupid flesh-thing!" the Changeling snarled before he jumped from the crib, both Toby and Jim letting out a scream as the troll jumped onto the edge of the crib, the two boys falling to the floor. Seconds after landing on the crib, the little Changeling leapt onto the lamp before twisting around on it and knocking it over, landing on the floor to scamper away.

"Oh, no! That is not Enrique!" Toby once again pointed out while he and Jim picked themselves up to chase after the imposter. They soon found themselves running around the upstairs section, quickly reaching the stairs and looking down at them in their search.

"Where'd it go?" Toby wondered, only to follow after Jim as he turned the corner to reach the end of the hall.

"There!" Jim shouted quickly spotting the tiny pest as he stood under the table decorating the end of the long hallway. Upon hearing the two boys, the Changeling turned around and faced them, resulting in revealing the cat Jim had seen earlier sticking out from the troll's large mouth.

"Put... the... kitten... down." the Trollhunter ordered as he and Toby advanced on the Changeling, only for the small Troll to spit the kitten right at Jim's face, making him fall to the ground with a yelp. Using the distraction to his advantage, the Changeling jumped onto Toby and kicked him down just as Jim managed to get the cat off. Nevertheless, he was then pounced on by the pest and pinned to the ground as the Troll's small hands pressed hard into Jim's neck.

"You're a real killjoy." NotEnrique whined before he let go of Jim and ran away, quickly evacuating the area while Jim and Toby recovered from his attacks.

"That is not Enrique!" Toby shouted again, only to fall silent when Jim pulled out his amulet.

Liking what his best friend had in mind, Toby rose to his feet at the same time as Jim before they left the hallway to chase after the wild Changeling, not noticing the unfazed cat lying back in its original spot. Beginning the chase again, the boys spotted the small Troll just before he slid down the staircase railing, prompting the two boys to go after him via the stairs.

"For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command." Jim proclaimed as he and Toby chased after the Changeling knocking down the hanging items, his armor quickly appeared as they fell down the stairs.

Due to the fall, the two boys had made it to the ground floor of the house, quickly recovering before they continued their chase. After they picked themselves up, Jim and Toby ran towards the living room, only to find that he had managed to climb up on the archway above them before swinging down to kick them to the floor. The Changeling let out a long laugh at the fallen teens as he flipped himself onto the ceiling, crawling on it upside down with Jim and Toby already on his trail. Seeing the boys chasing him, the Changeling continued his fun in tormenting them by jumping down from the roof, all while the two friends dived for him.

The little pest had managed to miss the oncoming collision, leaving Jim and Toby, however, to knock into one another, followed by Toby crushing Jim onto the floor on the landing. Following the crash, the Changeling jumped onto Toby and bounced on him a couple of times before the rounded boy tried to grab him, quickly landing on the ground near the boys. Once the Changeling was off of them, Toby and Jim quickly picked themselves off the floor just as their foe blew a raspberry, only to run off to the office across from the living room. From there, the tiny Troll jumped onto the office chair and got comfy, stopping his pursuers in their tracks as he twisted the chair to face them.

"Do you realize how good you boys have it here? It's a party compared to those troll-turds in the Darklands." the pint-sized Changeling admitted, holding a bottle in one hand and an open magazine in the other.

Despite the Troll's words, Toby let out a scream as he ran up to the troll, only to end up tipping the chair over after the Changeling jumped out of the way.

Seeing his friend in trouble, Jim ran towards them just as the little laughing pest laughed and jumped all over the room, taking Jim for a ride as he kept on trying to catch him. Meanwhile, Toby had finally recovered from his fall and stood up while Jim kept chasing after the Changeling, only to find that he had the magazine the Troll had been reading in his hands. Curiosity got the better of him and he took a peak at the contents, soon appalled by what he saw.

"No, hey! You're a very bad baby!" Toby exclaimed after he looked at the cover of the magazine, spotting the sexy girl on it that confirmed that the contents were inappropriate for a child. "My word!" the geology nerd gasped, only to look back into the magazine anyway and flip the page while Jim still went after the Changeling.


While Jim and Toby were chasing after the tiny pest of a Changeling, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh were standing in the bushes outside of the Nuñez Household and were watching the whole thing. However, when Jim froze in front of the window while many things were being thrown at him, Aaarrrgghh frowned and finally had enough of watching.

"I'm going in." Aaarrrgghh!!! stated before standing up, only for Blinky rapidly to stop him.

"No! We're not his safety line. This is a good test for our Trollhunter and Jim must learn to stand on his own." Blinky said, hoping to prevent future habits from growing and encourage Jim's growth of independence. "So stay hidden." the six-eyed Troll added, watching as Aaarrrgghh held two bushes over his face in an attempt to hide him.

"I mean, lie low." Blinky clarified, finding his companion's hiding arrangements to be inadequate.

"Lie low." Aaarrrgghh!!! Repeated before crouching lower to the ground, which didn't help hide the large Troll that much better. But seeing as they were limited in their choices, Blinky left things well enough alone before turning to watch the chaos happening inside.


Back inside, the chase after the small Changeling; now repeatedly dubbed NotEnrique, had moved into the kitchen, where the Troll had started throwing things from the fridge at Jim.

"Where's the real Enrique, you filthy rugrat?" Jim interrogated the Changeling, holding a large circular pan over his head as a shield while random objects were thrown at him. Upon finishing his question, NotEnrique threw more objects at Jim, forcing the boy to dive behind the island counter for cover.

"As if I'd ever tell you!" NotEnrique spat, followed by him throwing more objects at the two boys taking refuge behind the counter, soon leading to a cake platter falling beside Toby.

"Ooh, cake!" Toby cooed as he picked up the slice, it having landed on the floor perfectly.

As he started to bite into the treat, Jim peaked his head around the counter to glare at NotEnrique as he summoned his sword to his hand, the weapon appearing in a cloud of blue smoke. With a determined glare sent at his foe, Jim jumped out from behind the island and quickly sliced the milk carton NotEnrique threw at him with Daylight, blue smoke surrounding him afterwards.

"Don't make me use this." Jim warned NotEnrique, the smoke dissipating as he continued glaring at the Changeling in front of him.

"You can't touch me. I'm her baby brother." NotEnrique cockily replied, knowing that he was in the clear no matter what he did. "Plus, what do you suppose is gonna happen when they come home and see something's happened to their precious?" the tiny Troll remarked, climbing the shelves within the fridge before letting out a laugh.

"I'm untouchable, baby." NotEnrique proclaimed, Jim frowning at the statement and knowing he was at a loss. But that didn't stop Toby; who had finished the cake slice, from helping solve that dilemma, soon appearing behind Jim with a broom.

"Jim, catch!" Toby yelled, tossing the broom to his friend whose sword evaporated and was replaced by a normal household item.

"Uh..." NotEnrique muttered, now at a loss since Jim went with the non-lethal tactic.

But his surprise quickly evaporated when Jim swung the broom at him, forcing the Changeling to avoid being hit by jumping onto the top of the fridge. Following this, the small pest hopped onto the divider of the cupboards and used his new position to kick the fridge door into Jim's back, making him stumble with a yelp of pain. Quickly recovering, Jim turned around and smacked at the area where NotEnrique last stood, only for the Changeling to pull himself into the cupboard with a laugh. Immediately, Jim's metal-coated hand reached for the handle and pulled the small door open, leading to him finding nothing there except for cans and glass containers. Having failed to find his prey, Jim tried looking in another cupboard, which proved the right choice when he found his target buried under some more tin cans when opening it.

But before he could even grab at him, NotEnrique pushed all of the cans out of his hiding place, all of them falling onto Jim and forcing him to protect himself with his arm before he was knocked to the floor. With the blue-eyed boy down, NotEnrique jumped down to the floor with a laugh, only to suddenly be caught by Toby, who had been prepared with a large pot and slammed it on top of the pest. However, Toby's joyous moment of catching the Changeling was over when large dimples started appearing from the inside created by NotEnrique's fist, causing the outside to blister. This was followed by the Changeling suddenly hopping around the kitchen, a screaming Toby holding onto the bouncing pot with all his might.

As the pot bounced around, Jim recovered and climbed out of the way as it neared him, allowing the pot to lead Toby out of the kitchen and right into Enrique's bouncing swing. When passing by it, the swing was caught on the boy and Changeling, stopping them from going any further before the swing acted like a slingshot and sent the two back into the kitchen with screams. As the two flew back into the kitchen, they passed by Jim in the process, who watched with shock as they crashed into the wall. But before he could help his best friend, Jim's phone suddenly started going off, causing the boy to turn his head when hearing it over all the commotion. Just as Toby and Enrique started fighting each other behind him, Jim's hand fell to the back of his armor in search of his phone, finally finding it to see who was calling before answering it.

"Oh, hey, Claire! How's the concert?" Jim greeted his crush, the music of the event blaring through from the other end

"Jim, my parents just called. They're coming back early. I'm leaving now." Claire informed Jim, who listened to her panicked voice before his eyes grew wide in realization alongside his agape mouth as he let his armor disintegrate back into his amulet. But the situation was made worse when Toby ran past him, screaming as he tried to pry NotEnrique off of his head. "Who's there? What's that music?" the Hispanic girl questioned the boy, only to be responded to by NotEnrique turning the volume button on a stereo he was suddenly lying on.

"Tell her how you were elbow-deep in me dookie-bin." NotEnrique taunted the Trollhunter, music coming out of the speakers before he started dancing and turned the volume up louder.

"Are you having a party?" Claire angrily interrogated Jim from his phone, sending the Trollhunter's nerves through the roof when he heard Claire's question.

"No! No, no party! Gotta go!" Jim rapidly denied, quickly hanging up the phone before picking up the wide pan lid he had used earlier and using it as a shield again to prevent the silverware thrown at him from hurting him. With the added protection to his now unarmored self, Jim started to advance on NotEnrique once again, hoping to catch him before the Nuñez Family returned home.


While Jim and Toby were still trying to catch NotEnrique, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh!!! were still watching the disaster going on inside the house. But after they saw Jim get plowed down by the small Changeling, Aaarrrgghh!!! had seen enough of the fight to know that the boys needed help.

"Enough's enough."Aaarrrgghh!!! declared, lowering the bushes he was hiding behind while Blinky looked at him with wide eyes.

"Aaarrrgghh!!!, what about our lesson?" Blinky questioned, hoping to talk his friend out of interfering.

"Need help." Aaarrrgghh!!! stated, worried that if they didn't help now then something terrible would happen.

"But we are helping them by not helping." Blinky argued, closing his eyes and raising his top-right point finger in the air as he made his claim.

But when he opened one of his eyes, Blinky had found Aaarrrgghh!!! slowly creeping away from him and heading towards the back door of the Nuñez residence. Immediately, the tinier troll scoffed and followed after his friend, quickly blocking the door just as Aaarrrgghh!!! was about to punch it down.

"Can't you see? By coddling a pupil, we're only stunting-" the six-eyed Troll tried to reason with his large companion, only to yelp and jump back when a knife prodding through the door poked him in the leg. "Aaarrrgghh!!!, remove this door immediately!" Blinky shouted, now seeing that Aaarrrgghh!!! was right and stepped out of the way so the larger Troll could take care of the door.

"But be careful. Human houses aren't built to withstand troll-" the four-armed Troll warned Aaarrrgghh!!!, prompting him to tap his finger against the door instead of punching it down, which caused it to land between a suddenly surprised Jim and Toby. "... strength." Blinky finished as the two boys turned their attention to Aaarrrgghh!!! and him.

"Oops." Aaarrrgghh!!! muttered, feeling bad for playing a part in trashing the house while NotEnrique had stopped throwing stuff at the teens when seeing the larger Trolls.

"Stupid, smelly trolls!" NotEnrique complained from his perch on the center island, dropping the cans in his hands and backing away.

"Their door! What did you guys do to their door?" Jim groaned, pressing his hand to his forehead in exasperation while Aaarrrgghh!!! stepped aside to let Blinky enter the kitchen.

"We... Uh, we're here to... help." Blinky bashfully explained with a nervous laugh, followed by him picking up the door as Jim pouted.

"Well, I don't remember inviting these two to dinner!" NotEnrique remarked from the other side of the kitchen, causing them to all look and see he was back in the fridge. "First course, frozen peas!" the tiny Changeling taunted his foes as he hopped up to the freezer and grabbed a box of the frozen veggies, quickly perching himself onto the top of the appliance.

"Don't make me climb up there, foul beast!" Blinky threatened as he walked to stand with Jim and Toby, the two boys preparing themselves for attack with their respective weapons; Jim the pot lid and Toby a chicken leg.

Taking the first attack, Toby quickly bit into his chicken leg for good luck and threw it at NotEnrique, which proved to be ineffective when he ate it in one gulp. Retaliating, the Changeling then jumped from his taller pedestal to the lamp on the ceiling, quickly loading his mouth with peas before launching them like a machine gun at Blinky. The tiny projectile's aim rang true when it hit the second-largest Troll's eyes.

"My eyes, my eyes! Green balls of madness! They hurt very badly!" Blinky wailed while he covered his eyes, stumbling around until the three of them took cover behind the counter just as Aaarrrgghh!!! had managed to get past the small doorway and join them.

Above them, NotEnrique laughed at his pursuers and loaded more of the green bullets into his mouth, now shooting at Aaarrrgghh!!! due to him being a bigger target. But just as the gray-skinned Troll had picked up a plate to use as a shield; which did no justice to protect the large troll from the peas, Toby got an idea.

"Aaarrrgghh, it's just like our video game." Toby mentioned, causing Aaarrrgghh!!! to come out from beneath his small plate and gawk at him in confusion. "You with me, buddy?" the rounded boy asked, which the large Troll finally understood and smiled at his stout friend.

"Sushi." Aaarrrgghh!!! replied, exciting Toby for their team-up.

"Yeah!" Toby exclaimed, the two sharing a high-five before diving into their hastily made plan.

"Draw fire?" Aaarrrgghh!!! Asked as he balled his fist, offering to run distraction.

"No, it's my turn." Toby said as he balled his fists too and stood up with a proud smile. Seconds later, he ran out of the group's cover and caught NotEnrique's attention to have the little pest continuously blast at Toby with peas.

"Oh, it's hailing peas and I hate peas!" Toby whined as he ran to the other side of the kitchen, only to trip and fall over onto the floor. "Oh, ooh, ow!" the geology nerd wailed in mock pain, still being pelted with the peas.

On top of the lamp, while NotEnrique continued aiming the peas at Toby, he was oblivious to Aaarrrgghh!!! sneaking out of the group's hiding place and standing right underneath him. As such, he was unprepared for Aaarrrgghh!!!'s large fist crushing the Changeling into the ceiling. Just as the fist retracted from the squished pest, NotEnrique wheezed with the breath knocked out of his lungs before he fell off the lamp. But before he could land on the ground, the little Troll fell onto an awaiting plate in Aaarrrgghh!!!'s hand, his arms and legs going stiff and sticking up in the air upon impact. When seeing that their plan worked, Toby joyously laughed as he joined his large proud-smirking friend's side.

"Way to go, wingman!" Toby cheered as Aaarrrgghh!!! lowered the disoriented Changeling towards him, fist pumping in the air as NotEnrique went limp.

"Boom, boom!" Aaarrrgghh!!! added in equal excitement, the two fist-bumping just as Jim stepped up to a recovering NotEnrique.

"All right, enough! Where's the bridge?" Jim interrogated the now recovering Troll, who was now sitting on the plate in Aaarrrgghh!!!'s hand with a grin.

"What bridge? London Bridge? I hear it's falling down." NotEnrique mocked, which earned him Aaarrrgghh!!!'s hand pressing down on him. "Ow! Fleshbags... no sense of humor." the tiny pest whined, trying to ease the pressure being put on him with his arms and minimal strength compared to Aaarrrgghh!!!'s.

"Where is the bridge?" Jim questioned again, his voice bleeding with the same intensity as the glares he and Blinky were giving the Changeling while Aaarrrgghh continued to crush him.

"Give me a break! I don't know anything. - It's me first day." NotEnrique groaned while still being crushed, the energy being used to speak while trying to save himself from the pressure causing him to wheeze and gasp for air.

"Squeeze him till he pops!" Blinky commanded Aaarrrgghh!! as he stepped beside Jim, not satisfied with the answers they were being given. The large troll followed the order and pressed down on NotEnrique, the smaller troll's eyes began to bulge out of his sockets before he pushed the hand off of him.

"Okay, okay, okay! Can't blame a guy for looking out for himself." NotEnrique exclaimed, finally ready to talk.

"But you can't tell anyone I told you. I got a pretty sweet deal going here. If the bossman hears I squealed, he'll feed me to Bular." the tiny Changeling explained, unknowingly giving away a pretty big chunk of information to the group.

"Bular's working with someone else?" Blinky remarked, intrigued by the information.

"Who? Who is Bular working with?" Jim interrogated, wanting to know more than what NotEnrique had let slip while the small Troll realized that he already squealed without realizing it.

"Oh, er... Forget I said anything." NotEnrique nervously replied as he cleared his throat, only for the interrogation to be interrupted by the sight of headlights appearing on the wall behind Aaarrrgghh!!!.

"Oh, no, someone's home!" Jim exclaimed, everyone's gaze turning to the front door as they heard a car pulling into the driveway.

"I suggest we make our egress." Blinky said, seeing that it would be wise for him and Aaarrrgghh!!! to escape before they are discovered.

"Egress?" Aaarrrgghh!!! questioned the new word, unfamiliar with it.

"It means to exit." Blinky explained before he started to head for the door, grabbing NotEnrique as he went.

"Whoa! I'm supposed to be babysitting it!" Jim protested when seeing Blinky trying to run off with the tiny pest, grabbing onto NotEnrique's legs while Toby and Aaarrrgghh!!! exited through the back door.

"And I need the proof for Vendel!" Blinky argued, the two of them engaging in a tug-of-war when pulling on either end of the Changeling, causing him to yelp in pain.

"And I need not to be split in two." NotEnrique yelled, trying to swipe either of them off of him just as they heard the front door unlock. Upon hearing how close the Nuñezs were, Blinky let go of NotEnrique and allowed Jim to take possession of the squirming Troll.

"Okay, you have to go now." Jim muttered to the others while NotEnrique continued to push out of his grip, but the boy had a tight hold on him despite getting punched and kicked in the face.

"With haste." Blinky declared, prompting the others to leave while NotEnrique managed to free himself to try and land on the floor, only for Jim to catch him by the legs and hold him away from his body.

While the tiny Changeling struggled in Jim's grasp, Aaarrrgghh!!! was soon having trouble putting on the door after Blinky and Toby already left. But thankfully for him, he figured out how to put the door back into place and they left in time, all while the Changeling continued to struggle against the Trollhunter.

"Claire, we're home!" a male voice called out, making both the tiny Troll and boy freeze in their tracks when they heard Claire's parents walking towards the kitchen.

Not wasting any more time, Jim quickly pressed on NotEnrique to get him to change back into his baby form, leading the two of them to struggle against one another until he did. But when Jim heard Claire's parents gasp from behind him when seeing the sight of their trashed kitchen and finding him holding their child, he knew he was in trouble.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Nunez. Heh." Jim nervously greeted the couple as he turned to face them, NotEnrique assuming his 'Baby' act and sitting peacefully in his arms just as something fell off the counter nearby. "I'm Jim, the babysitter." the blue-eyed boy meekly explained, which did nothing to erase the shocked looks on the adult's faces. Even when Claire ran into the kitchen in a panic seconds later did they not move. If anything, Claire witnessing the scene had only made things worse when she saw the mess surrounding Jim.

"Fudgeknuckle!" Claire swore, left in shock like her parents while Jim nervously chuckled to himself as Enrique cooed in his grip.

'This... is a disaster.' Jim thought to himself, already knowing that he was in deep trouble.


(Time Skip)

After a long scolding from Claire's parents and Claire's angry rant to Jim for throwing a party and leaving such a mess, Jim finally left the Nuñez house with his head hung low. Seeing as it was only an hour after 6:00 pm, after he met up with Toby, Blinky and Aaarrgghh!!! Jim had suggested going down to Trollmarket to do some training to get his mind off of this terrible night. Granted they had finally found a Changeling to prove that the Killahead Bridge was in Arcadia, but the cost had been the progress he had made with Claire and any hope of getting on her parent's good side.

Feeling bad for his pupil, Blinky had agreed to the training and the group headed down to Trollmarket, hoping that it would help Jim feel a bit better. Unfortunately, it didn't do much when the six-eyed Troll saw that his pupil was too distracted to focus on the training dummies. So after an hour, Blinky cut training short and sent Toby and Aaarrrgghh!!! home so that he could speak to Jim in private.

"Master Jim, I'm sorry that tonight didn't end the way you expected it to." Blinky apologized to his pupil, watching as Jim's armor disappeared into a cloud of blue smoke as he took his amulet off of his chest.

"To be honest, I sort of expected things to end up a complete mess if Claire's brother did end up being a Changeling." Jim admitted as he picked up his bag on the side of the Heroes Forge, placing the Amulet of Daylight into the front pocket before scratching the back of his neck."But I didn't expect it to be this bad." the Trollhunter sighed, his gaze going down to the floor in shame.

"Regardless, there must be something I can do to make it up to you." Blinky replied, insistent to cheer Jim up. It seemed to work when Blinky saw the blue-eyed boy's eyes seem to light up when he looked up at his mentor.

"Well, there might be one thing you can do." Jim said as he slung his bag onto his shoulder, feeling a bit better thanks to Blinky's offer.

"Name it." Blinky declared.

"I don't know if you can recall, but Toby mentioned that my sister's birthday is coming up soon." Jim said, reminding the four-armed Troll of their conversation the previous day.

"I do recall." Blinky replied, an intrigued eyebrow raised at Jim as he waited for his pupil to further explain.

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me in finding her a gift." Jim finished, leaving Blinky confused by his request. The last thing he had expected Jim to ask was advice on finding a gift for a female, even if it was for the current Ladybug Miraculous holder.

"I must admit that I don't understand why you are asking me for help." Blinky responded, shrugging his shoulders in his perplexion at the request.

"Due to tonight and recent events, I have been hung up on the possibility of something happening to Marinette outside of her transformations." Jim elaborated, voicing his concerns caused by both Hawkmoth's latest double akumas a day and Changelings becoming more of a frequent problem. "So I was hoping you could help me in finding her a weapon to defend herself with without outing her identity." the Trollhunter concluded, admitting to his desire to help his sister out in that department and prevent the ensuing spiral of panic Marinette would have if such a situation arises.

"When you put it like that, you've come to the right place." Blinky replied, now eager to help Jim in his endeavor when hearing the specifics of his request while he placed one of his upper hands onto his shoulder. "Let us go to the armory and see if we can find an appropriate weapon for your sister in there." the six-eyed Troll announced, gently leading the way towards the city's go-to place for available weapons.

"Sounds good to me!" Jim exclaimed, happy that his mentor was all for helping him; and subsequently his sister, out.


Unbeknownst to anyone in Arcadia, the real Enrique was sleeping in the Changeling Nursery deep within the bowels of the Darklands, happily sucking his thumb. Seconds after he finally fell asleep, a goblin scuttled towards the babe and stood over him as they covered him up with a blanket, humming a melody.

"Chaka, chaka..." the goblin softly sang as he took care of Enrique, soon looking away from the baby and focused on the rest of the nursery. As the little creature did, it was greeted by the sight of the many other babies - more than a lot - that had been stolen too, all kept captive in the Darklands and unknowingly awaiting rescue.

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