Chapter 5: Origins Part 2.2
Once Marientte had transformed into Ladybug, the first thing she did was move the car trapping Alya. She dropped to the sidewalk, and crawled out from behind the car, and to safety, just before Ladybug let the car drop back against the wall.
"You can't stay here. It's too dangerous," Ladybug said as she walked towards Alya, right before she flipped up Chat Noir's baton so she could bring it to him and ran down the street before she zipped off with her yoyo. As she swung around the corner and continued down the street, using lamp posts as anchors for her yo-yo to grab onto, she caught up to the large but slow stone minion that had caught Chat Noir and landed on the wall of a building before leaping into the air.
"Chat Noir, extend it!" Ladybug said as she was in the air, right before throwing him his baton while he was still trapped in the lead Stonebeing's fist. But thankfully, Ladybug's aim allowed him to grab it and he managed to get free, falling to the ground, and rolling to a stop. Ladybug then pulled him by the ankle with her yoyo just in time to dodge a stone fist and reels him up the bend of a lamp post that she was perched on.
"Sorry I was late," Ladybug apologized as she looked down at her 'catch of the day' as he put his baton away.
"M'lady, have I ever told you you turn my world upside down?" Chat Noir flirted as he hung upside, and winked at her, much to her amusement.
"Oh, you're quite the jokester aren't you?" Ladybug remarked, knowing that she might have another 'funny man' to deal with. She already had her dad and brothers thinking they were hilarious, what's one more 'comedian' to the group going to do? But their moment was interrupted by the roar of the three Stonebeings that had captured Chat Noir as they surrounded them.
"But your comedic timing needs work. We've gotta get out of here!" Ladybug yielded before leaping up onto a rooftop, dragging him with her by pulling him by the ankle, to the rooftop before retracting her yoyo, allowing him to regain his bearings and followed her lead as she swung away from the minions.
"Hey! Aren't we going to take care of them?" Chat Noir asked as he leapt on the rooftops behind Ladybug, confused as to why they were running, while she looked at the newscast she pulled up on her yoyo.
"No. If we want to save them all, then we go to the source," Ladybug said as they arrived at Trocadero, and looked towards the Eiffel Tower as it stood proudly in front of the area, which was where the original Stoneheart was.
"That one." She said as Stonebeings were closing into the surrounding area below the tower, where the news and police had set up, while news choppers hovered in the sky around the villain as he stood at the midway point of the Eiffel Tower and roared. Meanwhile, halfway across the bridge separating Trocadero and the Eiffel Tower, the mayor was under a police blockade worried about his captured daughter.
"I demand my daughters' safe return!" The mayor demanded as he called through a megaphone for Stoneheart to let his daughter go.
"DADDY!" Chloé cried out to him, vaporizing Stone Heart's last shred of patience.
"You know what..." Stoneheart said as he brought the hand holding Chloé closer to him.
"You're welcome to her!" He shouted out just before throwing her away from him, and towards the ground. The mayor cried out in fear, as Chloé went hurtling to the street.
"Ah! Help! I promise I'll be nice to everyone, say please and thank you and-" Chloé babbled as she pleaded with some unknown force to rescue her, just as Ladybug caught her in the nick of time, and landed on the bridge with a skid of her knees which would have been much more painful without the indestructible suit.
"... I didn't promise," Chloé said, much to Ladybug's confusion, considering she didn't hear what she was saying before she caught her. She let Chloé go, and the heiress ran to her dad, who was ecstatic to see his daughter safe.
"My little princess," The mayor said as the two embraced, glad to have his daughter safe in his arms.
Meanwhile back in Arcadia, both Toby and Jim were watching what was happening on Jim's phone, thanks to the live stream from the news app, and were surprised to see Ladybug catching Chloé.
"What the-? Was that-?" Toby asked, wondering if he was seeing things, or not, because if Marinette really did give Alya the miraculous, then she looked exactly like Marinette did when she faced Stoneheart.
"That wasn't Alya. That was Marinette," Jim said excitedly, as he turned to face Toby.
"But she said she gave the miraculous to Alya," Toby brought up, now confused as to why Marinette would lie about that.
"She must have changed her mind, either way, she's Ladybug again," Jim cheered.
"Oh, this is going to be awesome!" Toby said, joining Jim in watching the live stream again, just as Chloe and her father got back behind the police blockade.
Ladybug was glad she was able to save Chloé's life–even if the blonde made her day to day life a living nightmare–and had one problem down. Next problem: The police.
"We're clear to attack!" Roger said as he directed his forces with a megaphone, unable to do the attack himself due to his arm.
"Wait, no! Don't attack, you know that will only make it worse!" Ladybug warned as Chat Noir stood beside her, appalled that Roger would attack Stoneheart while he still had a hostage. Besides, didn't they know that would only make him stronger?
"Well, I have a new plan, unlike you, so move aside and let the pros do their thing. You've already failed once," Roger said without remorse, while his words hit Ladybug right in the heart.
'Ok. So maybe that's fair. They are professionals, and who would actually be trusting two kids who showed up in onesies to fight threats to the city? Plus I had already messed up, so it isn't unfounded. Maybe this just isn't my thing,' Ladybug thought to herself in self-hatred.
"He's right, you know," Ladybug said as she turned to Chat Noir, feeling anything but confident now.
"If I had captured Stone Heart's akuma the first time around, none of this would have happened! I knew I wasn't the right one for this job," she said, as her eyes started to well up with tears, causing her to raise her hands to her face to hide them, while Chat Noir looked at her in disbelief.
'Hold up. No way is this girl not the right one for the job. It was our first time! I messed up too. No way am I going to let anyone tell her otherwise, even if that person is herself,' Chat Noir thought to himself as he stepped closer to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"No. He's wrong because, without you, she wouldn't be here," he said before gesturing to Chloe as she and her dad were still hugging behind the blockade.
"And because without us, they won't make it. We'll prove that to them. Trust me on this, ok?" Chat Noir said as he turned her to face him, and held both of her shoulders to ground her as he looked into her eyes, searching for the brave and stunning girl he knew was in there. He may have only met her yesterday, but he knew what he saw.
"Ok," Ladybug said with a smile, fueled by his words.
'He is so confident! How did he do it? Well, I can't let him down, now. I can't let Paris down! I have to at least try," Ladybug thought to herself. But just as Ladybug steeled herself for the fight ahead, Stoneheart suddenly started to roar once more, but it was interrupted when he started coughing. His hacking went on for a few agonizing seconds before he coughed up thousands of akuma into the air. After that, Stoneheart fell backwards onto the lower deck of the Eiffel Tower, frozen as he lay there, as the swarm of akumas formed into a face that began to speak.
"People of Paris, listen carefully. I am Hawkmoth," The voice from the swarm said, causing nearly everyone watching, whether they were present for it, or watching on the news, to tremble.
"Hawkmoth?" Ladybug and Chat Noir said at the same time, concluding that he must have been the one to release the akuma in the first place.
Jim and Toby were also witnessing what was happening, through the live stream that had convenient audio generated subtitles for those who didn't speak English. But they were taking in the new information in different ways.
"Hawkmoth? What kind of lame name is that?" Toby asked out loud, not really wanting a reply, while it brought a smile to Jim's face.
"Eh, it was his choice, but at least everyone knows the one who is causing chaos with the akumas," Jim said as his smile fades, as they continue to watch the live stream.
Everyone waited on bated breath for the mysterious man to continue his spiel.
"Ladybug, Chat Noir, give me the ladybug earrings and the cat ring now. You've done enough damage to these innocent people," Hawkmoth proclaims while the many citizens and families watching his announcement on the news started to feel afraid of what was to come.
Both Jim and Toby were not believing that this guy who announced his presence with a cloud of evil butterflies was trying to reverse the roles of who were the heroes and who were the villains
"Can you believe this guy? Like he's fooling anyone," Toby remarked, not believing that this guy was trying to play the good guy.
"Yeah, he's trying to play the hero, while introducing himself with a large cloud of the black butterflies that caused this chaos. Does he think they're all idiots?" Jim as they continue to watch the live stream.
Back in Paris, a slow clap interrupted the speech, drawing everyone's eyes to Ladybug.
"Nice try, Hawkmoth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here," Ladybug said as she walked up to the base of the tower, feeling all sorts of confidence as she soon stopped walking and looked up at the swarm of akumas with a glare.
"Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains," She continues to say, while everyone else could see that she was right. Without this Hawkmoth guy, none of this would have happened.
"Hawkmoth, no matter how long it takes, we will find you and you will hand us your miraculous!" Ladybug proclaimed as she accusingly pointed at the swarm. Ladybug then used her yoyo to soar up to the level of the swarm.
"Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug shouted as she swung her yo-yo and began to make quick work of the akuma cloud, zipping her yoyo in and out, taking large chunks of the swarm into her yo-yo.
Hawkmoth yelled out in anguish as if capturing the akumas was physically hurting him. But soon, Ladybug caught all of the akumas and landed on the Eiffel Tower, taking her place facing the city from the tower as they stared at her in awe as she turned to face them.
"Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Chat Noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe," She said before punctuating her promise by releasing all of the cleansed butterflies in a massive white storm. All around Paris, everyone cheered at the new hero's proclamation, while Chat Noir was the only one not celebrating.
"Wow. Whoever she is beneath that mask, I love that girl," Chat Noir mused with amazement as he watched the scene unfold, awe written across his face.
Back in Arcadia, both Jim and Toby raised their fists into the air in triumph and started to celebrate as well.
"THAT'S MY SISTER!!! WHOO!!" Jim hollered out, while Toby had gotten up from his seat and started dancing.
"It's official, Marinette is the best superhero EVER!!!" Toby shouts out as he dances in celebration.
"She's staying Ladybug, there's no way she'd quit after this!" Jim said excitedly for his sister, while Toby sat back down next to him.
"No duh, Jimbo. Now let's continue watching, I want to know what happens next!" Toby declared as they both continued to watch the live stream.
Everyone was celebrating Ladybug's proclamation, but there was a certain villain that was not, as he stood in his lair like the coward he is.
"Ugh. That's the problem with superheroes, they're too... heroic!" Hawkmoth angrily ranted, stating the obvious to no one in particular, before deciding to give the currently frozen Stoneheart more instructions, as well as twisting certain facts to suit his needs.
"Stoneheart, they're trying to take your loved one away from you! You must snatch their Miraculous so that they will be powerless against you!" The 'villain' said, allowing Stoneheart to no longer be frozen in place.
"Ok, Hawkmoth!" Stoneheart said before standing up and getting ready to run, with Mylene still firm in his grasp.
"Help me!" Mylene begged just as Ladybug and Chat Noir landed on the platform, and right in front of Stoneheart, who faced the two of them with rage.
"You'll never take Mylene from me!" Stoneheart declared before turning, jumping away and onto the Eiffel Tower.
"Come to me, my stone beings," The akuma called out before climbing up the side of the tower, while Ladybug and Chat Noir got back to their feet, only to feel the platform beneath them shake, making Chat Noir peek over the edge to see Stoneheart's army was beginning to climb up.
"We're surrounded! What do we do now? We can't attack him," Chat Noir said as he turned back to face Ladybug.
'I don't quite have the skillset for this solution, and Ladybug did defeat Stoneheart the day before, so it would make sense for her to have a plan,' Chat Noir thought to himself.
"Yes, but we know where the akuma is," Ladybug reminded, as she turned to face Stoneheart as he climbed up to the top, while Chat Noir followed her gaze as they assessed the situation.
"In his clenched fist. The one he's holding Mylene with, so..." Chat Noir began, giving Ladybug an opening to explain her oncoming plan.
"So we know he's in love with her," Ladybug said out loud, and then gasped in realization.
"That's it!" She said, finally having a plan as she turned to face Chat Noir again.
"We don't separate Stoneheart and Mylene, we bring them closer together! They are made for one another! It's just that they don't know it yet," Ladybug elaborated, gesturing enthusiastically, before she pulled out her yo-yo and leapt onto the railing of the observation deck, using her yo-yo to swing higher up the Eiffel Tower. All while leaving behind a very confused Chat Noir.
"Uhh, I'm not really following you, but I guess I'd better trust you. Something tells me that this is how it's going to be from now out," Chat Noir chuckled, not knowing how true that statement would become in the very near future. Together they scaled the tower making their way to where Stoneheart was, as he was fending off news choppers and then moved past him, reaching the top of the tower before he did.
"Help! I'm scared of heights!" Mylene calls out from her place in Stone Heart's fist, while Ladybug has perched herself on one of the antennas at the top of the tower.
"Everything's gonna be alright!" Ladybug said, calling back. Stoneheart roared furiously at her, shaking off the helicopters as his stone army reached Chat Noir's position. One of them tried to grab him, but he tumbled away and pulled out his baton to defend himself, extending it in the process.
"How are you planning to get them closer than they already are?!" Chat Noir shouts up to Ladybug, while she remains on her perch as she looks down at him.
"By using our powers! Lucky Charm! ..." Ladybug shouts out, before standing up from her perched position, and calling on her powers, which gave her a...
"A parachute? What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked out loud, just before Chat Noir went flying from where he was before, and towards a pair of Stonbeings. Thankfully he caught himself from falling into their clutches by grabbing onto one of the curved arcs at the base of the antennas and swinging up onto the top of the arc, away from the Stonebeing's arm reach.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Chat Noir called up towards Ladybug as she put the parachute on, hoping she'd figure it out.
"We'll find out soon enough," Ladybug said as she pulled out her yo-yo before tossing it into the air. And then swings it in a circle as she looks down at Stoneheart and Mylene. She then threw her yoyo, where it went down and around Stoneheart, and his fist held Mylene, catching it again.
"His hand! Get ready," She called out to Chat Noir before she pulled her yo-yo string tight and forced Mylene and Stoneheart into a pseudo kiss. Stoneheart was so stunned he forgot his hold of Mylene and his akumatized object, which began to plummet back towards the ground, like Mylene was, only she was yelling in fear. She managed to catch Stone Heart's finger and held on precariously as Chat Noir leaps off of the top of the tower towards the akumatized object. He then made like a baseball player doing a game in midair and batted the akuma stained paper to Ladybug, who caught it with her yo-yo to bring it towards her, as he jams his baton into a crevice of the Eiffel Tower to stop himself from hitting the ground.
"Homerun!" Ladybug proclaimed just before she crushed the paper, releasing the dark butterfly and letting it flutter free.
"No more evildoing for you little akuma," She said as she used her pointer finger to slide down the middle of her yo-yo to open it up to reveal a sparkling pool of cleansing energy. She then let it drop before she started to swing it in a circle behind her, intent on capturing the akuma.
"De-evilize-" Ladybug said, about to do her duty, when she saw that Ivan's monstrous transformation wore off and he along with Mylene started to fall from the height and towards the ground. As Ladybug watched in shock, she knew she needed to make a decision. She chose to save them first. If she couldn't deal with the akuma this time, she could do it again if it got away from her.
"Chat Noir! You take care of Ivan!" Ladybug shouts out right before she jumps, holding the straps of the parachute she had put on.
"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir called out, just before he uses his baton to launch him to a beam of the Eiffel Tower, and places his hand onto it, corroding the tower in a way that it created a length of metal that acted like the baton that was still wedged below him. Chat Noir then slides along the length of metal and grabs Ivan as he goes past. Meanwhile, Ladybug and Mylene fell past them a bit, before Ladybug reached Mylene and sent her yoyo up to catch the akuma as she did so.
"Gotcha!" Ladybug said as her yo-yo came back to her and she released the parachute with Mylene safe in her grasp. Chat Noir watched from his spot; hanging off of the length of metal; with a proud smile.
'I knew she could do it,' Chat Noir thought as Ladybug and Mylene landed on the ground below the tower without incident, where the spotted heroine took off the parachute, and opened her yoyo once more, letting the now white butterfly flutter free.
"Bye, bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouts out as the little white butterfly flutters away, and after she throws the parachute into the air. Soon, millions of little magic ladybugs swept over the city returning everything and everyone to what they once were. Buildings were righted, minions were detransformed, and onlookers were in awe.
"Woah, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Chat Noir asked in amazement as helped Ivan over to where the girls were standing, as everyone watched the magic ladybugs do their work.
"Yeah! It's beautiful! And amazing! It's, uh... miraculous!" Ladybug gasped, amazed that this was one of her powers.
Meanwhile, in Hawkmoth's lair, the 'villain' himself was not taking the defeat very well but tried to look at the possible positive outcomes of this... setback.
"This is just the beginning, Ladybug. You and Chat Noir may have won this battle, but I will win the war!" The 'villain' monologues as he angrily clenches his fists; cane in his left hand; in frustration.
"I will get your Miraculous, and I will get the absolute power!" Hawkmoth shouts out, sounding like a five-year-old when saying so, as the lair's large window closes, leaving him in total darkness.
Once the Ladybugs had disappeared and the shock had worn off, the police got to work taking down the barriers they had set up and went on their way to perform duties not involving superpowered villains, while Ivan and Mylene stood with Ladybug, who had one last thing to fix before calling it a day.
"I think you two have things to talk about, hmm?" Ladybug said as she put a hand on each of the civilian's shoulders.
"Oh! I, uh..." Ivan tried to say, but looked away, embarrassed. But thankfully, Ladybug was able to help out
"Maybe it would help if you read the lyrics to Ivan's song," Ladybug said as she handed Mylene the no longer akumatized paper and went to join Chat to watch as Mylene uncrumpled the paper and read what was written, making her blush.
"Wow! It's really beautiful. It's a shame you can't hear them when you scream, I mean when you sing!" Mylene said with her blush becoming redder as she thought that it was amazing that Ivan felt the same way about her that she did for him.
"It was scary, wasn't it? Is that why you left?" Ivan asked as he looked away for a moment before turning back in earnest.
"I'm sorry. I'll be gentle," He promised, intent on making it up to her. But luckily for him, he didn't need to do much; Mylene smiled up at him before she threw herself into a hug and he blushed in return as Ladybug and Chat Noir watched the exchange from a few steps away.
"Aw they are so made for each other," Ladybug gushed, as she smiled, fawning over the newly made couple.
"Just like us two," Chat Noir flirted as he went to put his hand on his shoulder only for her to grab it when his ring started beeping.
"Uh oh, you see that?" Ladybug remarked, showing him that he was running out of time, as his ring was blinking and beeping, making him lean out towards her before she let go of his hand.
"Time for us to split. See you soon Chat Noir," She said as she walked away, while Chat Noir stood up straight and waved as she swung into the distance.
"Can't wait, M'Lady," Chat Noir said with a bow in her direction, before heading off from the Eiffel Tower himself.
The live stream had ended and both Jim and Toby were blown away by what had just happened.
"That was incredible!" Jim said as he leaned back into his chair, taking in all that information they had learned.
"You said it! Who knew that Paris was going to become a full-on battlefield now!" Toby remarked, as he mimicked Jim, and looked over at him.
"At least Marinette can fix the damage with her Miraculous Cure. That is something that is going to be used often," Jim brought up, while Toby only nodded in agreement.
"Can I stay over again tonight? I've got to be here when you call Marinette at 9 pm. I need to geek out!" Toby admitted, much to Jim's amusement.
"Yep. Mom's going to be working late at the hospital tonight, so it'll be nice to have some company. But first..." Jim said, pointing to the pile of homework on the table.
"We've got work to do," He sighed out, much to Toby's displeasure.
"Uuuuggghh, Ms Janeth gives us so much work, but why!!" Toby groans out as they go back to work.
"No idea dude," Jim said before they began their work once more.
(Time skip)
Soon after everything had quieted down, all the students returned to school, to resume their lessons, and to which Marinette met up with Alya, glad to see she was okay, but not happy.
"So by the time I biked to the Eiffel Tower, it was all over! I'm way bummed," Alya gripped as the two of them walked to the bottom of the steps to the school's front entrance.
"Don't worry, Alya. You'll get your scoop eventually," Marinette encouraged, trying to cheer up her friend. And thankfully, it worked.
"You're right! Next target: "Ladybug! An Exclusive Interview"," Alya said, making an imaginary headline with her hand in the air, much to Marinette's joy to see her happy.
"Ooo! Sounds exciting," Marinette gushed, egging on her new friend while feeling happy that she had a goal to work to.
"Oh wait, even better, finding out who's really under that mask," Alya rambled on, as they began to climb the stairs to the front door, while Marinette tiredly smiled at her as she walked past.
"Uh, huh. Good luck with that one," Marinette said to herself as the two girls climbed up the steps.
Adrien's limo pulled up on the curb... with Adrien inside while his father was video calling him on a monitor built into the back of the shotgun headset, looking very angry.
"You disobeyed me, Adrien. Take a look at that school," Gabriel said, while Adrien sadly glanced at the school to his right.
"Yes, father," Adrien sadly said. He was so dejected. He had only managed one day before it all came crashing down on him.
"You will never, I say never go back there again," His father sternly said before Adrien decided to stand up for himself.
"Father-" Adrien began, trying to make his case before Gabriel interrupted him.
"Without your bodyguard," The fashion mogul finished, much to Adrien's surprise and joy.
"He will drop you off and pick you up every day. Nathalie has offered to organize your new schedule. You'll be continuing your music, Chinese, fencing classes and your photoshoots," Gabriel stated, but Adrien wasn't paying attention, as he was looking over at Nathalie, who must have convinced his father to allow him to go to school. He could only smile brightly as his eyes watered with tears of joy.
"Thank you, Nathalie! Thank you, Father!" Adrien happily replied, turning to thank them respectively before he rushed out of the car and up the steps before he could change his mind. Even so, he must be dreaming! Was it really real? This was quite possibly the best day of his life!
Marinette and Alya had just entered the classroom, as they chatted on their way to their seats, before going to their seats, but were stopped by Marinette, who had an idea.
"No, wait," Marinette said before she hopped up the steps to her old seat and gestured for Alya to go first. They then sat down triumphantly with a fistbump before lovely Chloe and her sidekick came in, immediately noticing that they were in 'their seats'.
"Uh, you're in the wrong seat. Go on, get lost!" Chloé demanded, expecting them to compile to her whim. But things were about to change.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing," Marinette responded, not even bothering to look at her while Alya smiled at the familiar words...
"What is that supposed to mean?" Chloé asked, not understanding why Marinette was saying this, having expected her to bend to her will.
"It means I'm not putting up with your crap anymore Chloe, and neither is anyone else around here," Marinette said as she stood up from her seat, on a roll, telling Chloé to back off.
"So take your attitude and go on, get lost!" She replied, pointing away from her and towards her previous seat, making the class laugh as an angry Chloe and Sabrina took the seats at the front before Marinette sat back down into her seat with a triumphant smile.
"Good job," Alya praised, making Marinette smile brighter. Yeah, she was pretty cool, huh?
'Wait until Jim and Toby hear about this!' Marinette thought excitedly but was soon brought back when Adrien walked into the classroom and smiled at Nino who returned the gesture. He then waved to Marinette who was now in the seat behind him. She, unlike Nino, was not fond of the greeting and looked away from him in an effort to ignore him.
'Maybe we'll be friends eventually,' Adrien sadly thought as he went into his seat next to Nino, who noticed how Marinette was still acting with him and decided to help him out.
"Yo, dude. You wanna make friends, right? You should talk to Marinette, you know, about the chewing gum thing," Nino suggested.
"But what should I say to her?"Adrien asked, wanting to do whatever it took to make things right with Marinette.
"Just be yourself," Nino said while finger gunning him, making Adrien smile. He'd think about that. The rest of their classes were fairly interesting, but his thoughts kept coming back to what he might say. He'd probably just wing it and hope for the best. With Nino backing him up, he really felt like he could do it.
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