Marinette ran down the cobblestone road, running to her school, College Francoise Dupont. She, like 85% of the time, woke up late, and her parents weren't home to wake her up. Her Kwami, Tikki, ate a tried eating a cookie in her designers purse, but failed as the jostling was too much for her.
"M-ma-arin-nett p-pl-lease sl-o-ow d-dow-wn ugh." the red Kwami didn't look so red anymore. More.... green ivy.
"Sorry Tikki, but if I don't get to school before the bell rings, I could get suspended! And then I wont be able to see Adrien!" Marinette ran up the school steps into the school, down the empty hallways, to her classroom. The blinds on the door were closed. She gently pushed open the door, where everyone was doing a test. 'ugh, I forgot about history' she thought. The teacher had her back to the class, erasing the chalkboard. Marinette tiptoed to her bench, when, she was tripped. She landed head first on the hard step. She heard the shriveled cackle from the bratty girl she despised for 3 years.
"Chloe it's not that funny..." Marinette mumbled under her breath.
"What ISN'T funny, is that you are LATE again. What's the excuse this time, Marinette?" The usual happy go lucky teacher, crossed her arms at Marinette. Marinette stood up and hung her head low.
"Overslept Ma'am."Marinette mumbled, slight blush on her face. She sat down next to Alya. Ms. Bustier softly smiled.
"Okay, I just hope you overslept getting ready for the History test." Marinette nodded. She grabbed her tablet and started writing answer for the multiple choices, cursing under her breath for not studying. Alya poked her shoulder and Marinette jerked up.
"You still gonna tell him, girl? You can't back out of it this time." Marinette's grin turned into a tight frown. Alya eyes popped open.
"B-but i'm sure he won't reject you. Your'e perfect for each other." Chloe's pupils dilated at their conversation. Chloe raised her hand.
"Oh, Ms. Bustier! Alya's talking to Maribra- I mean, Marinette on the test!" Ms. Bustier looked at Alya and shook her head.
"Alya, please go to the front office. It's against the school rule to cheat." Alya grabbed her book bag as a low growl erupted from her throat directed at Chloe. Chloe just snootily stuck out her tongue. Marinette shot a quick glare at Chloe before focusing her eyes on the blond god in front of her. He was hunched down over his test, which she could see was almost complete. No, Marinette wasn't about to cheat.
She was thinking of how. How she was finally gonna do it. And she didn't have Alya to help her this time. Oh, boy, this was gonna be difficult. More difficult then THIS GODDAMN TEST.
"RRRRIIIIINNNG!!" The school bell rang as students grabbed their stuff turning out of the Chemistry class. Marinette watched as her classmates collided in with each other to get lunch. She was last one in the classroom as she looked down at her hands. Tikki flew out her designers purse.
"It'll be okay, Marinette, I'm sure he will say yes!" Marinette, still full of doubt, kissed her Kwami.
"Thanks Tikki. I hope your right."
"And you better catch up to him." Marinette's eyes bulged as she put her giggling Kwami in her purse and ran out the classroom. She didn't even mind the chilly air of January, as her legs pumped her outside, where she saw only one student out, waiting for his limo. Marinette sucked in a deep breath.
"H-hey, Adr-rien-n!" Adrien noticed those stutters from anywhere. He turned around, smiling his handsome smile.
"Hey Marinette! Where is your jacket?" Marinette's blush darkened as she breathed heavily close to the boy. It took her a few seconds, but she got her breathing controlled.
"I t-think I left it in m-my locker. Um-m, so, h-how are y-you doing?" Marinette mentally cursed herself for saying that. How does she NOT know what he's doing? Adrien just smiled.
"Well, I'm waiting for my bodyguard to come pick me up. Everyone needs to eat, even if it's a low calorie salad." Marinette giggled a little. She was a little more at ease. Not for long. Adrien's heart skipped a beat. He didn't notice how cute she sounds when she giggles.
He mentally cursed himself. 'What? No, No, NO. I love my lady, not Marinette. Just because her giggle are cute, doesn't mean I love her. Sure, Marinette's precious, but my Ladybug, she's, she can't be described.'
"Um-m, Adrien?" Marinette's nervous voice brought him out of his stupor. He looked at the girl. "Um-m I have t-to ask you s-so-om-met-thing. S-som-mething that's makes me ac-ct so stupid around you." 'I-is she..'
Tikki rubbed her side from inside her purse. "You can do it, Marinette." Marinette sucked in a deep breath.
"I known you for a long time, but when I first saw you, I thought you were just like Chloe, but you proved to me that you were better than her, in every which way, and my heart kept coming to you. I never loved a boy so much, and it's all so weird. What I'm saying is that i love you!" Adrien stood there with his mouth open wide. The only words he heard was that she loved him. Marinette looked down. She mentally gave herself a pat on the back. She confessed to him, and didn't stutter.
"I-i'm sorry, Marinette." Marinette stared into his sorrowful green eyes in disbelief. "I'm in love with someone else."
"Ladybug isn't it?" Adrien looked in Marinette's dissapointed eyes.
"Y-yeah." Adrien confessed. "Beep, beep!" Both teens looked at the white glimmering limo with Chloe in the back. Chloe looked out the window.
"Come on, Adrikins! Stop talking with that commoner, and come on!" Marinette looked at the girl feeling a little sorry for her.
"I thought so." Marinette turned around and walked away.
"M-marinette!" Marinette stopped. "No you gave me my answer. Goodbye." Marinette walked around the corner, towards her home. Adrien stared at the same place where she was standing.
"What have I done?"
Marinette opened the door to the bakery and slouched up the steps, dropping her designers purse on the steps.
"Ow!" Tikki rubbed her head from inside the bag. Marinette just slouched up the stairs, into her room. Tikki saw the hurt in her actions and stayed in the bakery, solemnly eating a cookie inside her purse.
Marinette opened her trap door and took of her jacket and shoes. She traveled up the steps to her bed. When her head hit the pillow, the tears and pain that curled up in her let out into her pillow. In a matter of seconds her pillow was drowned, but that didn't stop her.
Her hard crying just turned into a hiccuping messes here and there. She was choking on her tears dramatically, which stopped her. She looked at the time.
'12:55' Lunch break stopped an hour ago. But Marinette didn't care. She threw her phone on the hard floor of the basement. Her phone screen was cracked but all she did was stare at it.
A delirious giggle choked through her sore throat. Little did no one know, so did her heart crack harder than her phone.
The butterfly shaped window opened, letting the orange sunlight fill the dark vast empty room. Hawkmoth seemed to not be there. Inside, a single butterfly fluttered it's way through a small crack, into the cold Parisian night. Even from a mile away, the innocent white butterfly could feel the negative emotions. It was so strong, the darkness and sadness made it's wings feel cold. The tip of it's wings turned a dark ugly purple, and expanded through it's whole body.
A akuma was made out of thin hair.
Adrien sat in math class chewing on his pencil. He sat wondering. Why did everyone fall for him? When did Marinette fall for him? Why? Why didn't she picked up when he called her 3 times? Did he really hurt her that much? Will she hate me? S-should he visit her as Chat?
"Adrien!" The teacher whispered yelled at the boy. Adrien whipped his head up.
"I just got a Email from the head principal. Your father called, and said that you have doubled fencing classes, two extra photo-shoots, and extra Chinese tutoring, not that it's none of my business, but I can see that you haven't done not even one algebra question." Adrien secretly cursed his father out under his breath. How is he gonna visit Marinette now?
"Ok, I'll get to work. Thanks." The teacher nodded, and turned back to her computer. Adrien completed his assignment, and sat there still thinking a few minutes later.
Nino tapped the boy's shoulder when the bell was close to ringing.
"Dude, what happened to Marinette?" Nino never got an answer, as the bell erupted and Adrien ran out of his sight and into his limo.
Marinette wasn't in her room, nor in her bakery. She was on the balcony, her small feet dancing on the small ledge to three-story death.
Her hands firmly grasped the edge of the ledge before she let go. As she walked slowly one foot of the other, she nearly lost her balance, knocking over a cacti plant, watching with a nonchalant face as it broke in a million pieces. A giggle echoed into the Parisian dark red air. It was almost 7, school was let out 4 hours ago, and all she did was grieve.
It was almost 2 minutes ago when she thought about her death.
And now, here she is, one clumsy fall to suicidal death.
She kept giggling as she looked at the broken plant. She didn't notice the dark now butterfly fluttering it's way to her.
Marinette stopped laughing.
"I loved you Adrien. I loved you with all my heart, all my strength, I gave things up, I humiliated myself for you. And you, you took that all away with 9 words. You probably thought I was just another fan girl, huh? ha, yeah, you think that I would use you for fame and money. You thought I was a slut who wanted to be with a famous model." A single tear cascaded from a single dull bluebell eye.
"Well, you thought wrong." She leaned back in slow motion as she plummeted to her death.
Or..... not.
The akuma ferociously flapped it's wings after the heartbroken suicidal beauty. It landed on her face, and came in contact with the single tear left on her face and soaked in. (Bad time fur a pun?)
The dark magic spread over her four feet before she met her death. Her body came in contact with the cobblestone ground.
But.... everything was unharmed. She was kneeling down on the road, her fist cracked the surface of the road from the pressure. She stood up, examining her new look. Her pink jeans and jacket turned to the shade of the night. Her white flower shirt turned to the shade of fresh blood. Her pink shoes turned to stone black heels. Her dark blue hair flowed miraculously in the soft breeze of the Parisian evening. Her pink full lips were an ugly dark purple. The tear under her eye became a dark violet, signaling where the akuma was hidden.
She held her dark moon necklace as she felt the dark power that radiated into her palm. It gleamed it's darkness on her pale skin. She looked up at her light balcony. In a flash, a light jump, she was on top of the bakery, and running across rooftops. She climbed her way to the top of the Eiffel Tower as she stood on top, the silhouette of her shape radiated in front of the moon. She pressed her necklace against the top of the famous symbol, turning it into the symbol color for goths. Marinette smirked.
"It's time I Go Goth."
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