The birthday boy deserves some bubbles
Adrien woke up to his alarm ringing. He turned it off and sat up yawning. By his side on another pillow was Plagg sleeping peacefully. A smile grew on Adrien's face as he gently petted his kwami. But soon he sighed when he remembered what day it was. His birthday. After his mother died two years ago, his father stopped caring for his birthday. It really hurt Adrien as he just wanted his father to care for him once more.
Suddenly his door opened up and his face lightened up when he saw Natalie walking in with a breakfast tray. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Adrien. Happy birthday to you." She sang and handed the tray to Adrien. "Thank you Natalie. You're the best." The blonde boy smiled and hugged his honorable mother. "You're welcome sweetie. Now eat up and head to school. Your schedule for today seems to be cleaned. Wonder how?" Natalie said and winked at Adrien who smiled before making himself ready.
Natalie smiled at Adrien. Even though they weren't related. He still felt like the son she always wanted. A positive boy with a sunshine filled smile. Since his mother Emilie fell sick, she told Natalie to take care of Adrien and be his new mother figure. Ofcourse Natalie didn't know if she could. But Emilie ensured her that she knew Natalie would be a great mother figure. And so she did. She became Adrien's new mother figure.
Adrien had made himself ready for school and headed downstairs. Plagg had woken up and tiredly flew onto his holder's shoulder. As Adrien got went to school Natalie walked into Gabriel's office. "What is it Natalie?" Said man asked in a cold voice. "Just wondering if you remember your son's special day." Natalie responded harshly but collected. Gabriel sighed. "He's old enough to not care about that stupid celebration. Just tell him to grow up." He said and Natalie's eyes widend as her fists tightened.
"Sir. It's his seventeenth birthday. He's almost an adult. Atleast you can have a party for him." She tried to convince him. But Gabriel didn't budge. "No. No parties at all. Now leave." Knowing she was defeated, Natalie walked out of the room and walked into her office in anger. But she kept herself calm. She'd make sure Adrien would get his party. Meanwhile at school, Adrien arrived and walked into the courtyard. Suddenly Chloé threw herself onto him in a hug. "Happy birthday Adrikins!" She said and Adrien chuckled. Chloé was one of his best friends. Their parents knew eachother so ofcourse they had playdates.
Chloé even played with Marinette. But only when Adrien was around. "Thanks Chloé." He smiled before being handed a gift. "Just a little something from me." Chloé proudly said and Adrien opened the gift. It was a signed photo of Chloé. "Wow. Thank you Chloé. Now I can always remember your face." He said thankful. Even if this was the thousand picture he had of Chloé. "Ofcourse. And it's signed. So it's personal and worth a lot." Said diva said before walking off to talk with her fans.
"She could have given you camembert instead. Atleast that's edible." Plagg said from Adrien's shoulder and said boy laughed. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice from a certain guitarist. "Hey Adrien. I heard it was your birthday today." He said and Adrien blushed. "Yeah. That right. Today is the day I came out of my mom." Suddenly Adrien blushed in embarrassment over what he said. "I mean. I was born today. Well this day seventeen years ago. I mean." Luka just chuckled over how cute Adrien was when he blushed.
He then gently put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey. Take a deep breath okay. Anyway. Happy birthday." Adrien got handed a small box. He opened it and inside was a guitar pick with a green heart on it. "I saw it and thought about you." Luka's gentle voice said and Adrien blushed with a smile. "Thank you Luka. I love it." He answered and Luka chuckled again. "Have a nice day birthday boy." Suddenly Luka kissed Adrien's cheek before walking off, leaving Adrien a blushing mess.
Laughter was soon heard behind him. "Wow. He really painted you red." Marinette said as she stood next to Alya and Nino. "Yeah dude. You should really confess to him before it's too late. It's clear he likes you back." The Dj boy said while blowing some bubbles. "I agree. Anyway. Any plans for your birthday?" Alya asked. Adrien thought. "I was thinking about just hanging out with my friends." He smiled. "No party?" Marinette asked. "Sadly no. My father would never allow me to have a party. He didn't let me last year." The blonde boy sighed.
Nino's eyes widend. "No party on your big day!? That's just cold." He growled a little. "Take it easy babe. Maybe we can make him change his mind?" Alya suggested but Adrien just sighed. "Sadly not. My father don't change his mind ever." The others were more shocked. "That's awful. He's become such a jerk these last two years." Marinette pointed out. Nino felt more mad. He was not gonna let his best dude go without a party on his birthday. The school day went by before the bell rang and students were heading home.
Adrien meet up with Marinette and Alya outside. But he didn't see Nino. "Hey. Where's Nino?" The girls looked around. "I don't know. I thought he was with you." Alya answered. Now Adrien and Marinette could feel like something bad was gonna happen. And so did the Kwamis.
Meanwhile Nino was storming towards the Agreste mansion. A growl came from him. And it didn't get better when he saw some parents telling their kids no. "Parents are always bossy and don't want anyone to have fun." He said, not noticing the black butterfly that fused with his bubbles. Soon he froze and Monarch stood behind him. "Yes. Parents always think they can tell their kids anything and they'll obey. Well let's change that. Bubbler." He said and Nino's eyes glew purple before he turned into Bubbler.
By the Trocadero, Adrien and the girls where sitting on the ground. Alya tried to call Nino but didn't get an answer. "He always answer me when I call. I'm starting to get worried." She said with a nervous voice. The two heroes soon felt chaotic energy. Suddenly screams were heard and the three of them looked up at the sky. To their shock, they saw adults flying in the air in green bubbles. Including Alya and Marinette's parents, and Natalie. "All adults are in danger." Adrien said before they heard a familiar voice. "No. They're out of the way. So now we can have all the fun we want." They turned around and saw Bubbler.
"Nino!?" Their voices said in unison. "It's Bubbler. And don't worry. The adults will be okay. For now. Now you'll come with me." Bubbler said with a smirk and sent black bubbles towards them. They gasped as they got trapped in the bubbles. Soon the bubbles popped and they found themselves in the hotel's party room. "Happy birthday Adrien. Welcome to your own party." Bubbler said and the teens soon noticed the others at their school who was there. Ofcourse Adrien didn't know how to react. His best male friend was now a villain who probably forced the others to be here. But this might be his only chance to have a party.
He looked at Marinette who looked worried. How were they gonna transform when Bubbler was watching them. They both mentally agreed to stay low until they find an opening. "Come on everyone. Let's party!" Bubbler shouted and started the music as the others danced forcefully. Adrien walked around trying to enjoy the moment, but it was hard when he knew this party was under force. Suddenly he bumped into someone. "Sorry." He said and looked up to see Luka standing infront of him. "It's okay. You're someone who's worthy being bumped into." The guitarist said with a smirk and Adrien's cheeks turned red.
"I. Thank you." Luka chuckled before looking gently at Adrien. "How do you feel about the party?" Adrien sighed and looked around. "To be honest. It's not as good as it should. Everyone is forced to be here because of Bubbler. And my friend is akumatized." With a gentle, comforting smile, Luka put his hand on the blonde boy's shoulder. "I'm sure Ladybug and Chat Noir will save the day." Adrien smiled but also felt a little panicked. Because he and Marinette didn't have a chance to transform.
Marinette kept walking around before finding a hidden door. "Huh? Where does this door lead to?" She asked. "I go check." Tikki said and fazed through it. She soon returned. "It's a secret exit. Lead directly to the fire stairs." The ladybug kwami happily said and Marinette smiled before looking around. "Then let's do this." She quickly went through the door and transformed. Bubbler saw how the "guests" were starting to look sad. "Don't kill the mood! You better have fun or else you'll join the adults!" He threatened and everyone got scared. "It's not easy to have fun when you threaten people." Everyone turned to see Ladybug by the secret exit.
"Come on. Don't ruin my dude's party!" Bubbler said and shot bubbles towards the ladybug hero. But she summoned her yoyo and blocked them. "Everyone! Go through the exit!" The others quickly went through the exit as Ladybug kept Bubbler back. As they were running down the stairs, Adrien stopped and Luka looked at him. "Adrien?" Said boy looked at him. "Marinette isn't here. I gotta go make sure she's okay." He said and Luka smiled gently. "Go. Just stay safe." Adrien nodded before running back. Luka smiled after him with a knowing smile.
Bubbler and Ladybug were still fighting. "Give up Ladybug! You can't defeat me." The former said as the latter continued to block his attacks. Suddenly Bubbler got hit by Chat Noir's staff. "Sorry for bursting your bubble. But me and Ladybug always win." The cat hero smirked and Bubbler growled before sending red bubbles at them. Before the heroes could react, the bubbles exploded and sent them into a wall. "Ha. Nice try. Now I'm gonna trap whole of Paris in my bubbles." Bubbler laughed before running towards the roof.
The heroes stood up. "Not really how thought I would spend my birthday." Chat Noir joked. "He's tough. Good thing I have my special power." Ladybug said and summoned her lucky charm. A giant ladybug colored hand fan fell into her hands. Her lucky vision showed her the fan, Bubbler, her and Chat Noir. "I know what to do." She said and told Chat Noir the plan. Meanwhile Bubbler started to make a giant bubble over Paris. "Soon everyone in Paris will be trapped." He laughed. Suddenly he got hit by Ladybug's yoyo in his back head.
"Don't think so Bubbler." She teased and Bubbler growled before sending red bubbles towards them. The heroes started to dogg them as Bubbler got more mad. "Stand still you pests!" Chat Noir stuck out his tongue. "Make us." His voice sounding teasing. "Alright then." Bubbler growled and sent green bubbles towards them. Ladybug smirked and took up the hand fan. With sweeping motions, the bubbles started to fly back towards Bubbler. Before he could react, he got trapped in one of them and dropped his bubble wand.
Chat Noir destroyed it and caught the akuma in his hands. "Purify!" The akuma turned into a white butterfly and flew off. Nino returned to normal. "Huh? What happened? Why am I in a bubble?" He asked as the heroes smiled. "It's okay Nino. Your actions weren't your own." Ladybug said before grabbing the hand fan and held it in the air. "Restoration!" She said and the magical ladybugs returned everything to normal again and the adults sighed in relief for being back on the ground. The heroes fist bumped. "Pound it." They said before turning to Nino. "I'm sorry. I just was just mad that my dude's dad don't allow him to do anything. Same with other adults. They just boss kids around." He said with guilt in his voice.
"Hey. Sometimes it's good for parents to boss over kids and tell them what to do and not do. It's to protect them." Chat Noir said with a comforting hand on Nino's shoulder. Said person smiled before being helped down. Monarch glared at them. "Soon I'll be the one bursting your bubble." He said and returned home. The heroes jumped off and detransformed in an ally way. Adrien let out a sigh. "Are you okay?" Marinette asked gently. "Yeah. Just. Seeing my friend akumatized. It just felt. Bad. Made me worried." The blonde boy answered and Marinette put a comforting hand on her best friend's shoulder. Soon Plagg spoke up. "Yeah. It's not great. But that makes you more motivated to be a hero. To protect your friends and loved ones." A smile was on his face.
Adrien smiled and pulled his kwami into a hug. "Thank you Plagg. You're the best." Plagg blushed a little. "Hey cut it out. I'm not a stuffed animal you can hug." Marinette and Tikki laughed at the sight. Later Adrien got driven to the park. "Huh? Why are we here?" He asked and the chauffeur just shrugged. Soon he walked out of the car and went into the park. Suddenly lights lit up and showed balloons and decorations. "What the?" Before he could react, his friends and Natalie jumped up. "Surprise!" They cheered and Adrien's eyes glimmered as he smiled.
"A real birthday party, for me." He said and Natalie walked up to him and pulled him into a motherly hug. "You deserve a birthday party. No matter what your dad think. Happy birthday dear." She said and Adrien hugged back happily. The party soon started and Nino was the Dj ofcourse. The birthday boy smiled and enjoyed his party. It was perfect and everyone enjoyed it. Even Chloé showed some of her dance moves and stunned everyone. Suddenly Nino put on a slow dance and Luka walked up to Adrien. "Care for a dance?" He asked with a smile and Adrien blushed before nodding.
Luka pulled him close as they started to dance. As they moved to the music, Adrien felt how his heart was beating faster. "Thank you for coming." Was all he managed to say and Luka smirked. "Ofcourse. Why would I miss the birthday party of a special boy?" He said and Adrien blushed more before taking a deep breath. "Luka. There's something I have to tell you." Said boy gently smiled. "What is it?" With a deep breath Adrien looked deep into Luka's eyes. "I. Love you." He spewed out and blushed more. Luka chuckled. "Finally you confessed." His voice sounded teasing.
Adrien's eyes widend. "You knew? And you let me go around feeling nervous to confess when you already knew? You're such a jerk." He pouted before Luka grabbed his chin. "But I'm your jerk. And I love you too." Suddenly Adrien's eyes widend as he felt Luka's warm lips on his. He closed his eyes and kiss back. The others around saw this and smiled. "Finally. Right girl?" Alya said and turned to see Marinette having happy and proud tears in her eyes. "My he's growing up so fast." She cried and Alya patted her back. Natalie meanwhile smiled at her honorary son before looking into the sky.
Knowing that Emelie would have been proud of Adrien. The party continued and Adrien fell asleep with a happy face. Happy over how his birthday went. And over to now having a boyfriend.
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