Sword and heart
Marinette were sitting in her kitchen and ate breakfast. It was Saturday so no school for her. Her mom Sabine walked into the kitchen. "Good morning dear. You're up early." She said and Marinette smiled. "Yeah. I'm heading with Adrien to fencing. Thought I could get inspiration for a new design." A small smirk appered on Sabine's face. "Only that? Sure it's not for a certain japanese fencer?" Marinette's face turned red. "Ofcourse not. Um. I gotta go. Bye Māmā." She said and headed to the door. When she suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.
Sabine flinched. "I'm okay." Marinette quickly got up and continued out the door. Her mother shook her head while giggling. Meanwhile Kagami was on her way to fencing. Beside her in the car was her mother Tomoe Tsurugi. A woman well known for her tech company all over the world. Sadly she'd lost her eyesight thanks to illness. But even so, she didn't let that stop her. Kagami loved her mother. But was scared of making her upset and mad. That's why she haven't said that she's into girls. "Kagami. Do you have enough snacks for fencing?" Tomoe asked. Kagami looked in her bag. "Yes mother. I do." She answered and Tomoe nodded with a smile.
They soon arrived at the school. "Now remember. Don't use all your energy at once. Let your opponent tire themselves out before you strike." Kagami nodded. "I will mother. See you later." She said and gently hugged her mother who hugged back. After stepping out of the car it drove off and Kagami went inside the locker room. There she started to change into her fencing gear when she looked at a picture in her locker. A picture of Marinette she got from the school catalog. A smile appered on her face when she looked at it.
Her heart knew exactly who it wanted. But Kagami, who normally don't hesitate, were hesitant to confess. For one, she was scared Marinette would reject her and would think she was too straight forward. And second, her mother. Sure Kagami knew her mother didn't have a problem with queer people. But she didn't know how she would react to her only daughter was one of them. So she had a hard time knowing what to do.
But she quickly shook that off before finishing changing. Outside on the courtyard had Marinette arrived and sat on the side. Beside her was Luka who ofcourse wouldn't miss his boyfriend's fencing class. "It's so cute how you and Adrien are there for eachother." Marinette said and Luka smiled. "Ofcourse. Plus I can't wait seeing him in his sexy fencing gear." Both chuckled before the fencers walked out of the locker rooms. Adrien noticed Luka who winked at him and quickly blushed. Marinette meanwhile drew some sketches when she suddenly saw Kagami. Her heart started to beat fast when she saw the japanese girl in her gear.
No matter how many time she was seeing Kagami in the gear she couldn't help but feel lovestruck. But she quickly shook her head. She didn't wanna be seen as a weirdo. Meanwhile Kagami saw Marinette and got a faint blush. Luka noticed how both girls were totally in love with eachother, but too nervous to confess. He smirked a little, recognizing this from before he and Adrien got together. Speaking of Adrien, he walked out from the male locker room and walked up to Luka who greeted him with a hug and kiss. "Hey babe. Good luck out there." The guitarist said and Adrien smiled.
"With you here as my good luck charm I'll have all luck I need." Marinette giggled over the cute couple before Adrien headed to the other fencers. The fencing teacher Armand D'Argencourt arrived and looked at the fencers. "Good day class. Today we're gonna pair up and practice our attack and blocks. Now pair up." He said and Kagami walked up to Adrien. "Mind if we pair up?" She asked. "Not at all. You're the one who's at equal level with me." Adrien smirked before getting a smirk back from Kagami. Both Luka and Marinette watched as the two were starting the practice.
The young designer looked at Kagami and smiled with a lovestruck expression on her face. Luka smirked. "I think you should confess to her after class." This snapped Marinette out of her thoughts and blushed. "I. I can't. What if she doesn't feel the same? It would make things awkward between us. The last thing I want is to ruin our friendship." She let out a sigh. Luka gently put his hand on Marinette's shoulder. "Listen Marinette. I know how you feel. I was thinking the same before me and Adrien finally confessed. Just let your words flow like a simple melody." He said and Marinette slowly smiled.
"Thank you Luka. You're the best." She smiled gratefully at him. Meanwhile Kagami and Adrien were confidently swinging their swords. Blocking eachother's attacks and dealing blows. "You've always been a great opponent towards me." Kagami smiled and Adrien smiled back. "Ofcourse. I get my perfect training." They continued fencing before it was time for a break. Kagami picked up a protein bar from her bag and sat down before eating it. Her eyes soon landed on Marinette who was sketching and her sketchbook.
A small smile appered on her face before a voice snapped her out of it. "Isn't she a nice prize?" Kagami turned to see one of the other fencers named Theo. "She's not a prize. She's a girl who deserves respect from someone who cares about her." She said a little annoyed. Theo was a player who always saw girls as prize's. And Kagami didn't appreciate how he saw Marinette as his next target. "Well. She is to me. I'm gonna love having her as my new girl. Totally gonna have some fun." He smirked before he started heading towards Marinette.
But before he could take another step Kagami pointed her sword against his throat. "You dare trying to make her your new toy and I won't hesitate to end you." She said in a threatening and cold tone. Theo just smirked before looking at her. "You think you can stop me? I know you don't have it in you to actually make your own move on her. You're hesitating on that." Kagami lowered her sword and Theo continued to walk towards Marinette. The world slowed down as Kagami started to think.
"He's right. I do hesitate when it comes to Marinette. I can't even make my own move on her." Thoughts about her mother being disgusted over her sexuality, about Marinette rejecting her, appeared in her head. She didn't even notice the akuma flying towards her. Suddenly thoughts about Theo using Marinette before throwing her away appered. And this made her look up with a determined look. "No. I can't let that happen. Marinette deserves respect. She's not just a girl. She's an amazing person with a heart of gold. Always ready to help. She deserves someone respectful. She deserves me." She thought.
The akuma quickly stopped before turning into a normal white butterfly. With a determined expression Kagami walked over to Marinette and reached her before Theo did. "Marinette. There's something I'd like to tell you." Marinette looked at her with a nervous expression. "What is it?" She asked. Kagami grabbed her hands. "Marinette Dupain Cheng. I love you. You're the siren who's calling my heart towards you. You're the most spectacular girl I've ever met. I know I'm too straight forward. But I can't let anyone else try to win your heart. You deserve someone who gives you respect and treat you as queen." Her face was completely red. Marinette's eyes widend before she blushed too.
A smile soon appered on her face as she tightened the grip on Kagami's hands. "Kagami. I love you too." She managed to say and Kagami looked at her shocked before smiling. Theo glared at them before scoffing and turned around. "She wasn't even that special." He walked off. Both girls looked eachother in the eyes and smiled. "You mean it? You actually love me?" Kagami asked. "Does this answer it?" Marinette giggled before gently pressing her lips against Kagami's. The fencer's eyes widend before she closed them and kissed back.
Adrien and Luka watched them and smiled. So did Plagg and Tikki. "Your holders always have a way with girls." The former said and the latter smiled. "Yeah they do." She said proudly. After fencing Kagami's mom arrived and Kagami nervously walked up to the car with Marinette. "There you are Kagami. How was class?" Tomoe asked. "Good. Mother. I want to meet someone." Kagami said and Tomoe listened closely. "And who might that be?" Marinette stepped forward. "Hey ma'am. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's a pleasure meeting you." She greeted.
Kagami took a deep breath. "Mother. Marinette here is my girlfriend now. And I wanna say I'm proud over who I am and who I love." After saying that she waited for her mother's berating. But to her surprise Tomoe smiles. "Good to know my daughter found someone to make her happy. Welcome to the family Marinette." She said and Kagami sighed in relief. "Thank you ma'am. It's an honor being with Kagami. She's my soulmate." Marinette smiled. The two girls shared a last kiss before Kagami went inside the car before it drove off.
"You don't need to be scared about making me upset or disappointed." Tomoe said and Kagami looked at her. "How did you know?" She asked. "I'm your mother. I know everything. And I know you can never make me disappointed. I love you no matter what." Tomoe pulled Kagami into a hug and Kagami hugged back. She was happy. Not only did she get a girlfriend. But she also could stop worrying about making her mother disappointed.
Meanwhile at principal Damocles's home he got a phone call. "Mr Damocles speaking. Who's this?" He asked as a female voice came from the other end. "Hey. My name is Cerise Amore. I wanted to sign up into your school. Is that still possible?" Cerise asked. "It is. You'll be an official student at the end of the week." Damocles answered. "Thank you. I'm really looking forward to meet everyone. I know we'll have a miraculous time." Cerise said with a grin.
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