Stoneheart. Origin of creation and destruction

The sun raised over Paris as the september breeze blew threw the air. The citizens were all enjoying the morning. One of the citizens was a seventeen year old girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng. A half Chinese half french girl. With dark blue hair. She was born with heterochromia and had a grey and green eyes. Mix of her parent's eyes.

(Marinette's design in my au)

Her biggest dream was to be a fashion designer. And she even made her own clothes. The seventeen year old girl was sitting by her work desk and sketched some designs. "Marinette! Breakfast is ready! Come and eat before going to school!" Marinette's mother Sabine Cheng shouted at her daughter from downstairs. "Coming Māmā!" Marinette packed down her sketchbook into her shoulder backpack before heading downstairs.

On her way down she accidentally slipped on and fell down the stairs. Her mother quickly ran up to her. "Marinette! Are you okay dear?" Marinette meanwhile just stood up and made a thumb up. "I'm okay." Her face showed a playful smirk.

Sabine sighed before giggling. Marinette was always known to hurt herself. Even trip while just sitting on the floor. The girl had some bad luck. Her whole life the girl couldn't go one day without getting hurt somehow. Her parents always said their surprised they could afford all the bandages.

"So. How do you feel about your new school year?" Sabine asked while doing the dishes. "I'm excited. New year, new ideas for my designs." Marinette said while eating. Her mother laughed a little. Loving her daughter's positive soul. No one of them noticed a pink light outside the window that watched them. Marinette soon headed of to school with the pink light following her. Meanwhile in a mansion a seventeen boy with blonde hair and green eyes were eating breakfast. His name was Adrien Agreste.

(Adrien's design in my au)

He let out a sigh as he looked at the empty chair across him. His father used to eat with him. But something changed him and he became distant and cold. It all started after after Adrien's mother died in cancer two years ago. Gabriel's assistant and Adrien's honorable mother soon walked into the dinning room and sat down beside Adrien. Her name was Natalie Sancoeur.

(Natalie design in my au)

"New school year. Are you excited?" Her gentle voice rang like a mother's. Adrien smiled. "Yeah. Just hope father doesn't set me up on much photoshoots this year. Almost missed the entire last year." A sigh came from him. Natalie smiled gently and grabbed his hand. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you have more time with your friends. I promise you." A sly wink from her made Adrien smile. Outside the window was a dark green light watching Adrien closely.

He later jumped into his personal car and his butler Gorilla drove towards the school, the light following the car. Natalie sighed and walked into her boss's office. The man was no other than the greatest designer in the whole world. Gabriel Agreste.

(Gabriel's design in my au)

His cold gaze were set on a painting of his past wife. But his ears picked up Natalie's heels. "What do you want Natalie?" A harsh and emotionless voice was heard from him. "Your son wanted to have breakfast with you. But you rescheduled. Again." Natalie pointed out. "I'm not really in the mood." Gabriel said, not taking his eyes away from the painting. "You always say that. It's been two years. Let go and be with your son. He needs his father and-" She got cut off. "Don't tell me what to do. I can easily replace you." Gabriel said harshly and Natalie sighed before she walked out of the office. Gabriel continued to look at the painting as his eyes slightly flashed purple.

Both Marinette and Adrien arrived at college Francoise Dupont. A school who had the highest number of high grades. Everyone there got the best education ever. Even people with struggles got their special help. And they were even had special classes after school for students having special interests. Marinette arrived at the steps and looked up with a smile before heading up.

But she soon slipped and fell backwards. Her eyes closed, waiting for the impact when she suddenly felt herself getting caught. She opened her eyes and saw the face of a japanese girl around her age. Soon she recognized her as the famous fencer and prodigy. Kagami Tsurugi.

(Kagami's design in my au)

"Are you okay?" She asked with a voice gently as a wind. Marinette's cheeks turned a little red as her heart started to beat a little. "Y-yeah I'm okay. Just a little clumsy." A nervous giggle escaped her as she stood up. "Good. See you around." Kagami said and walked into the school, leaving Marinette still blushing.

Marinette was bisexual and leaned more towards girls. And Kagami was someone Marinette always had feelings for. But she kept her distance, not wanting to act like a stalker. And she also didn't know if Kagami would feel the same. With a sigh she headed into the schoolyard. She saw many students around who socialized and had fun. Suddenly she saw a familiar face. The mayor's daughter, and famous influencer. Chloé Bourgeois.

(Chloe's design in my au)

She was the most popular student in school. Aswell one of the smartest. Though she had the tendency to be a little too honest. Ofcourse she didn't mean anything bad. She just said what she thought. Even so she had her best friend Sabrina on her side. Always sticking out for her. Marinette and Chloe didn't really talk to eachother much. But they knew about eachother's existence.

Then there were the famous couple of the school. Nino Lahiffe and Alya Cesaire.

(Alya's design in my au)

(Nino's design in my au)

Alya was the school's reporter. Writing on her news blog about everything that she finds worthy to report. And Nino was the best DJ in school. His music was to die for. The two of them grew closer during last year and got together. Which made everyone at school happy.

Marinette was best friend with them. Well second and third best friend. Because her bestest friend in the world was her childhood friend. "There you are blueberry. Thought I would see you." The familiar voice made Marinette turn around and see her childhood friend. Adrien Agreste. "Goldilocks!" She said happily as she jumped into his arms. They both hugged eachother. "It's so good to see you. I really missed you during summer break." Marinette said with a pout.

"I know. But my father wanted me to model the whole summer without any breaks. Coming to school is actually great." Adrien answered and Marinette giggled. "Well. Let's hope this year is better. And who knows. Maybe you and a certain guitarist might finally get together." She smirked as Adrien blushed. They soon turned their eyes towards one of the seniors. And boy around eighteen named Luka Couffaine.

(Luka's design in my au)

Adrien was openly gay and had the biggest crush on Luka. They knew eachother well as Luka's sister Juleka was in their class and they visited when their band Kitty section were playing. Ofcourse Adrien didn't have the courage to ask him out. And he didn't know that Luka already knew he loved him. He just wanted Adrien to confess himself.

"Maybe. I can say the same about you and Kagami." Adrien teased back as Marinette blushed before playfully punching him. "Shut you banana hair." People would think they were a couple, the way they act. But they were just friends. Ever since their childhood they were inseparable. Soon the bell rang and all students headed off to their classroom. Non of Marinette and Adrien noticed that the lights flew into their bags. Meanwhile two of Marinette and Adrien's classmates were arguing.

It was Ivan and Mylene. Another couple of the school. Mylene was an activist who cared about the environment. And Ivan was her big strong boyfriend who looked scary, but was as cuddly as a teddy bear. But ofcourse relationships aren't just rainbows and unicorns. As now Ivan and Mylene was having a fight. "I can't believe you won't support my protest this afternoon. You promised." Mylene said angrily.

"I don't have a choice. My grandpa have his surgery tomorrow so we can't visit him then. It was last minute." Ivan argued back. "Know what Ivan? I need some time to think. So we're on a break." Mylene sighed and went to the classroom. Ivan looked after her shocked and felt how it was boiling inside of him. Sure he loved his girlfriend. But sometimes she didn't listen to him. He looked down at his necklace with half a heart on.

Mylene had the other half. They had gotten them together when they started dating. A growl grew from Ivan as he cleansed his fist. "A boy who's heart have been crushed by his lover. How about if you're heart was made of stone instead?" An unfamiliar voice made Ivan turn around. He looked up and saw a man in a butterfly mask and suit. "Who are you?" The man grinned. "I'm Monarch." He said.

(Monarch's design in my au)

Ivan backed away before Monarch sent a dark butterfly into the boy's necklace. Quickly Ivan froze. "You'll be my minion now. Make chaos and let your rage loose. Stoneheart." Ivan's eyes turned purple before he got covered in darkness. In the classroom Marinette and Adrien's teacher Miss Bustier were taking attendance. "Okay. Ivan?" She said but no one answered. Mylene looked at Ivan's spot and felt guilty. Thinking he wasn't there because of their fight.

"Ivan isn't here? Well, he better have an explanation for it." Miss Bustier said and wrote down. Suddenly everyone heard a crash from outside. They all looked at eachother shocked. Another crash was heard before the wall got busted through. Everyone's eyes widend as they saw the giant stone monster that was now standing in their classroom. "Mylene!" It said and quickly grabbed said girl before running off.

"Students, quickly go home and stay there until the police have taken care of that creature." Miss Bustier informed her students before they all ran out of the classroom scared. Nino saw his girlfriend who was running after the monster. "Alya! What are you doing?" Alya turned towards him. "That thing is the biggest scoop yet. A real monster attacking Paris. No way I'll miss it." She said and ran off. Nino sighed as he followed.

Marinette and Adrien arrived outside the school when they saw how the stone monster were heading towards the Eiffel tower. "We gotta go." Adrien said as he grabbed his best friend's hand. But Marinette didn't move. She just stared at the Eiffel tower. "No! We can't leave Mylene! She's our friend! I'm not gonna let that thing hurt her!" Adrien looked at her shocked before sighing. "You're right. But what should we do? We don't even know what that thing is?" He said.

"It's an akumatized victim. A minion to the one with the butterfly miraculous." A female voice said from Marinette's bag. "What the?" Marinette said before a pink light flew out infront of them. Suddenly it turned into a creature around sixteen centimeters in size. It was looking like a ladybug. And it also had a bow around it's waist. "Don't worry. I'm not dangerous. I'm Tikki. The kwami of creation." The creature who's name was Tikki said.

(Tikki's design in my au)

Both teenagers looked at Tikki shocked. "Kwami?" Marinette asked. Suddenly she remembered something from her childhood. "Wait. The story about the miraculous we heard when we were kids. It was true?" She asked and Tikki nodded. "Ofcourse it's true. Though they didn't got my personality right." A male voice now came from Adrien's bag and out in a green light flew a creature the same size as Tikki. But this one looked like a cat with a bell around it's neck. "Sup. I'm the kwami of destruction himself. Plagg." He said proudly.

(Plagg's design in my au)

"Wow. So cool." Adrien said as he looked at Plagg. "Wait. So that monster is a victim. How are we gonna save them?" Marinette asked. "With our powers. You two have been chosen to be the new holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous." Tikki smiled gently. "You mean like becoming heroes?" Adrien said, sounding excited. "Yup. The whole deal. And once you agree. There's no turning back." Plagg smirked.

Marinette and Adrien looked at eachother before looking towards the Eiffel tower. "If that mean we can save our friend. Then we're in." Marinette said and Adrien nodded. Plagg and Tikki smiled before summoning orbs of light that flew towards the two teens. It fused with them and both soon got jewelry. Marinette got earrings and Adrien got a ring. "These are the miraculous of the ladybug and cat. With the power of creation and destruction." Tikki explained.

Both teens looked ready. "So. How do we get the power? And what powers do we have?" Adrien asked. "You just have to say the transformation phrase. And then you transform into your hero form." Plagg answered. "Yes. And you'll know your power automatically when you transform as you fuse with it. Now it's time to transform." Tikki added. Marinette and Adrien nodded. A flash from their miraculous appered as they felt like it all came naturally. "Miraculous charge!" They both shouted before the Kwamis fused with the miraculous.

Soon the two teens transformed with light around them. Their outfits and hair changed, aswell as their eyes. When the light disappeared stood the two there, now transformed. Marinette in a ladybug themed suit. And Adrien in a cat themed one.

(Marinette's Ladybug design in my au)

(Adrien's Chat Noir design in my au)

Both of them looked at eachother shocked and surprised. "Wow. We're so cool." Adrien said happily. "Yeah. But wait. We gotta have names." Marinette said. Both thought a little. "I'll be. Chat Noir." Chat Noir said and smirked. "And I'll be. Ladybug." Ladybug added with a smile. "Now we gotta go." She said and Chat Noir nodded before they started to run.

But then they saw a big rumble in the way. "Shit. How are we gonna get over that?" Chat Noir asked. Ladybug looked around before looking at her bow. She touched the ladybug charm on it and suddenly it turned into a yoyo. "Ha. Guess this is my weapon." With a smile she spun it around before throwing it forward. Soon she was swung away and her eyes widend in excitement.

"Hmm. I wonder." Chat Noir said before flicking his bell. It turned into a expandable staff. He smirked and used it to get high into the air. Both heroes caught up with eachother as they jumped from roof to roof. They soon reached the Eiffel tower were Stoneheart stood on the top with Mylene in his hand. "Okay you beast! Let that girl down or else we'll open fire!" The cop Roger shouted. Around the Eiffel tower were people standing around watching. Two of them being Alya and Nino. Stoneheart just growled and threw rocks at the crowd.

They gasped backed up and held their arms up in protection. Alya and Nino was then about to get hit by a rock. But that's when Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped infront of them and used their weapons as shields. Alya looked in amazement at the two heroes. "Wow. Actual heroes!" She said and recorded them. Ladybug turned around. "Are you okay?" Nino nodded with a thankful smile, though his legs were still shaking.

Chat Noir looked at Stoneheart and saw a purple heart shaped crystal on his chest. "Ladybug. The crystal heart. The akuma must be in there." He pointed out and Ladybug looked aswell. Suddenly everyone heard an evil laugh. A swarm of dark butterflies appered. And soon they revealed Monarch. "Citizens of Paris. I'm Monarch. Your biggest nightmare. I'll turn your city into ruins. And no one can stop me." He grinned.

"That's what you think!" His eyes widend as he saw Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Exactly. We're gonna defend Paris with our lives. No matter what you throw at us!" Chat Noir said before he and Ladybug did a fighting stance. Monarch glared before scoffing. "I see I have enemies. Well. I'll take care of you later. Stoneheart! Attack!" He said before he disappeared in another butterfly swarm. The stone villain put down Mylene and made a cage of stone around her.

He soon jumped down to the heroes and roared at them. "Ready Chat Noir?" Ladybug asked. "Ready." Chat Noir answered before they charged towards Stoneheart. They fought as both heroes tried to reached the crystal heart. But Stoneheart was harder than they thought. "Maybe we should try our powers!" Chat Noir said and Ladybug nodded. Suddenly she felt how instincts kicked in as she held her yoyo high. "Lucky charm!" She yelled and got ladybug colored rope.

Suddenly her eyes glew red as she looked around. Her vision highlighted the rope, Stoneheart, Chat Noir and some lampposts. "I got it. Chat Noir, distract him before leading him to me." Chat Noir nodded and kept Stoneheart busy. Ladybug took the rope and tied it to a lamppost before spinning it around other lampposts. "He's coming now Ladybug!" The cat hero said and stood right beside Ladybug. Stoneheart charged towards them.

Ladybug then smirked and pulled the rope. It stretched between the lampposts and before Stoneheart could react, he ran right into it. He quickly fell to the ground knocked out. Chat Noir stepped forward. "Cataclysm!" He shouted suddenly out of instinct. With his hand covered in darkness he touched the crystal heart and the black butterfly flew out. Quickly Chat Noir captured it in his hands. "Purify." He said and as his hands glew a golden light. Everyone around looked in amazement as the butterfly turned white before flying off.

Stoneheart soon reverted back to Ivan who looked around confused. "What happened?" He asked. Ladybug walked up to him. "It's okay. You got used as a villain's puppet. But don't worry. Me and my partner saved you." Ivan looked around and saw all damage. "Oh no. I did all this." He said with guilt. Ladybug looked at him sympathetically before seeing the Lucky charm rope glowing. She knew what to do. With a fast move, the ladybug hero grabbed the rope and threw it into the air. "Restoration!" She cried out as a swarm of ladybugs flew around and restored everything back to normal.

Even Mylene got placed on the ground infront of Ivan. "Ivan. You're okay." She said and hugged her boyfriend. Ivan hugged back. "I'm sorry for what I did." He whispered but Mylene shook her head with tears in her eyes. "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you. Do you forgive me, teddy bear?" She said. Ivan just smiled and nodded. "I do. Little mouse." The two then shared a kiss as Ladybug and Chat Noir smiled at them.

Suddenly Alya ran up to them. "Okay everyone wanna know. Who are you? Are you gonna continue defend the city?" She said while recording. Both heroes was a little stunned but then laughed. "Yes we will continue to defend the city." Chat Noir smirked and winked at the camera. "And who we are? Well. We are. Ladybug and Chat Noir. Paris's new heroes!" Ladybug added before she and Chat Noir jumped off, leaving everyone around amazed.

They arrived in an ally way. "Miraculous down!" They said and detransformed as their respective kwami fell into their hands. "You two did an amazing first job." Tikki smiled and Plagg nodded. "Absolutely. Talk about being awesome as me." He smirked as Tikki playfully rolled her eyes. "I can't believe we're heroes. This is so cool." Adrien said like a child as Marinette smiled. "It is. It's fantastic that we can help our city. It's really. Miraculous." She said smiling up at the sky.

That evening at the hotel, Chloé were talking to her dad. "Those heroes need to be celebrated big for saving our town." She told her father. "Yes dear. But it'll cost a lot." Mayor Andre said and Chloé scoffed. "Then take some money from my account. I have alot from all my sponsorships. So stop be utterly ridiculous and just do it." She said and walked off. Andre sighed in relief as he started plan the heroes's celebration.

Meanwhile Monarch arrived to his lair. "Dark wings fall!" He said and detransformed into Gabriel. But no kwami appeared from the dark miraculous he wore. "Those heroes will be a problem. But I won't let them stop me. I will take over the world. No matter what it takes." He grinned as his eyes flashed purple again.

(Hope you liked these two first chapters. The Designs are made by me. So I hope I see you soon.)

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