Off with their glitter!
Chloé was sitting infront of her mirror and made herself ready. Today was Gabriel Agreste's big fashion show. And she felt nervous. Because a really special guest was coming. Her mother Audrey Bourgeois. The queen of fashion herself. The same woman who's never home. Chloé sighed and finished her makeup. Afterwards she took some photos and posted them with the products in her hand. Showing her newest sponsor. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. "I'm coming." She said and went to open the door.
When she did, her eyes widend as there stood no other than her big sister. "Hey little sis." Zoé said and Chloé immediately hugged her. "You're here! Why didn't you tell me?" Zoe laughed. "It wouldn't be a surprise otherwise." She said and Chloé playfully pouted before laughing too. Suddenly she noticed a bee comb in Zoé's hair. "Wow. Where did you get that?" Zoé smiled. "A fan gave it to me." The two sisters packed up the older's things as she was gonna sleep in Chloé's room.
"Wow. There's a lot of makeup you've gotten from your sponsors. Makes me jealous." Zoé smirked and Chloé proudly grinned. "Ofcourse. They know I'm the queen of makeup and self-care. Plus the products goes easy on every skin. Though I'm natural gorgeous. So I don't really need makeup." She said before Zoé threw a pillow at her. "Too bad it can't do anything about your bragging." Zoé smirked and Chloé threw a pillow at her face. The two had a pillow fight before Chloé got pinned down by Zoé.
"Hey! That's cheating." She whined and Zoé let go of her. "Come on little sister. We need to get ready for the fashion show." Later they made themselves ready. Chloé put on a yellow short dress with long sleeves and with black and white stripes. Her hair was put in a braid over her shoulder. Her shoes was golden with short heels. Zoé meanwhile had pink tights, a yellow top with blue hearts on it and a black cardigan over. Her hair was in a bun and she had black shoes with long heels.
At the fashion show Adrien was in his changing room dressed in a sliver suit with a emerald shirt underneath. Aswell as green shoes. He looked himself in the mirror when a familiar voice spoke behind him. "You look really beautiful my melody." Adrien smiled as he turned around and saw his boyfriend who had his normal clothing. "Thank you babe." They hugged eachother and shared a kiss. "We have some time before you go on stage. Let's have some fun." Luka said and kissed Adrien's neck, making said boy gasp. He was gonna enjoy the moment.
In her seat, Marinette had her sketchbook ready for inspiration. She had a bloodred dress with a knee-high skirt and short sleeves. Her hair was down and swept to the side. She also hade black shoes without heels. "One day your designs will be up there. My cherry blossom." Kagami said beside her. Dressed in a long red and golden dress with a dragon on it. Her hair was normal. And she had silver shoes with heels. "Thank you my knight." They shared a small pec.
Beside them was Alya in an orange dress reaching her ankles with a black ribbon around her waist and white sleeves. Her hair was like normal and her shoes had small heels and was orange. Right next to her was Nino in a green suit and seafoam green shirt. His shoes was blue. "Did you hear that Chloé's mom will come?" Alya asked and Nino nodded. "Yeah. I hope nothing bad happen." He answered.
Outside Chloé stood with her sister and dad as a limo arrived. Out stepped Audrey herself. Chloé felt nervous as it was a long time since they last saw eachother. Audrey looked at her family and smiled. "There you are my sweets." She said and kissed their cheeks before looking at her daughters. "You really know how to dress in style. Unlike you Andre." Her fashion designer side came out and Andre felt a little ashamed he didn't dress up.
Chloé walked up to Audrey. "Mother. I got something for you." She said and handed Audrey a gift. Said woman opened it to see a golden heart pendant. She opened it to see pictures of Chloé and Zoé. "I hope you like it." Chloé nervously said before getting hugged by Audrey. "It's perfect. Utterly perfect. Thank you dear. Now let's go and get our seats." She said and the family walked towards their seats.
Natalie walked towards Adrien's door and knocked. "Adrien! You're up in five minutes." She said before hearing noices from inside. Suddenly Luka run out with messy hair as he was putting on his shirt. "Hey Natalie. Adrien will be out soon. Okay bye." He said and ran off blushing. Natalie looked inside to see Adrien making himself ready again but with a little messy hair and hickeys he covered up. She smirked. "Some good luck ritual I see." Adrien blushed deeply and avoided her gaze.
Soon the Bourgeois family sat down on their seats. That's when Audrey saw someone she recognized. Amelia Von Goldburg. Her biggest rival. "Amelia Von Goldburg." She said and said woman turned around to look at her. "Oh. Audrey. I thought I smelled the scent of bad fashion." Audrey gasped. "How dare you! I'm the queen of fashion herself. Audrey Bourgeois." Amelia scoffed. "More like queen of trash." She grinned and Audrey stood up, ready to slap her. Andre luckily managed to stop her.
"Okay honey. Let's go outside and calm down." He said gently before Audrey stormed off outside. Chloé looked at her mom and felt nervous for her. Meanwhile outside Audrey was storming back and forth. "How dare that. That. Witch. She's dares calling me the queen of trash!? She'll pay." She said not noticing the akuma that flew into her necklace as Monarch's voice was heard. "You're right. She needs to pay. So unleash the chaos. Style Queen." He said with a grin as Audrey's eyes glew purple before she turned into Style Queen.
At the show, Adrien was walking on the catwalk. People cheered while he did poses. Even throwing some winks at Luka who blushed. Suddenly the miraculous heroes felt chaotic energy. Just then a storm of glitter appered on the catwalk. From it came Style Queen. "Claiming I'm not the queen of fashion!? Utterly disrespectful." She said, making the Bourgeois sister's eyes widen. "Mom!?" Style Queen turned towards Amelia and grinned before turning her into a golden pile of glitter.
People screamed in fear and ran away. Luka quickly ran onto the stage and grabbed Adrien's hand. "Come on." He said as they ran outside. Kagami and Marinette did the same. But sadly as Alya and Nino was running off to transform they got hit by Style Queen and turned into glitter. "No!" Their Kwamis said and stayed close to their glitterfied holders. "Everyone will know that I'm the true queen of fashion!" Said villain shouted with a grin and flew off as a storm of glitter.
Zoé and Chloé were hiding behind some chairs. Zoé stood up but Chloé grabbed her hand. "Where are you going? It's too dangerous." The latter said worried and Zoé gently smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be okay. I promise. Stay here okay." She said and ran off. Leaving Chloé. Meanwhile Luka hid Adrien on the toilet. "Stay here my melody. I gotta find our friends." As Luka ran off, Adrien transformed and headed outside. Kagami and Marinette arrived in an ally way. "Stay here my cherry blossom. I make sure more people get to safety." Kagami kissed Marinette before running off. Marinette soon transformed and joined with Chat Noir.
"Where's Rena Rogue and Carapace?" The cat hero looked around. "Oh no. They must have gotten hit by the villain." Ladybug pointed out. The two looked at eachother concerned. They could feel that this akuma were gonna be very hard to defeat by themselves. But they knew they didn't have a choice. So they jumped off before seeing Style Queen turning people into glitter piles. "Hey! Disco ball! Why don't we chill and do some macaroni art?" Chat Noir joked. "If that's what you want. Then I'll bring the glitter!" Style Queen shouted at shot at the heroes who managed to dodge.
Ladybug threw her yoyo towards Style Queen, but said villain dogged it by turning into a glitter storm. "Ha. Is that all you got?" She said and attacked the heroes. They blocked her attacks. But they knew they wouldn't stand long. "Lucky charm!" Ladybug shouted and got a ladybug honey pot. "Ha! You think honey will stop me? Think again!" Style Queen said and knocked the heroes down to the ground. "Now say goodbye. Heroes." She was about to hit the heroes when a voice was heard.
"Pollination!" Soon golden pollen fell down around the heroes and plants started to grow. They wrapped around Style Queen and picked up the heroes before putting them onto a roof. Both heroes looked up and saw a hero dressed in a bee outfit. "Who are you!!" Style Queen asked and the bee heroine jumped infront of her. "I'm Bee Sting." She said.
(Bee Sting's design)
Style Queen growled and turned the plants into dust before charging towards Bee Sting. "Well, I'll knock your ridiculous crown off!" Bee Sting smirked as she managed to dodge Style Queen's attacks. "Wow. She's skilled." Chat Noir said and Ladybug nodded. Bee Sting jumped high into the air. "You should know. That it's time for your shot." She said and threw her crown into the air, turning it into a spinning top. "Venom!" The spinning top glew bright as Bee Sting flew towards Style Queen.
Before the villain could react, she got stung by the bee hero and froze. She took her necklace and threw it towards Chat Noir. "Do your thing." The cat hero nodded before destroying the necklace and purified the akuma. Ladybug then restored everything. Style Queen returned back to Audrey who looked around confused. "What happened?" Ladybug and Chat held out their fists towards Bee Sting. "Pound it miss Sting." The latter said but Bee Sting just walked off. "Wait! Aren't you gonna tell us who you are?" Ladybug asked.
"Why? It's not time to reveal that to you. But I will. When I feel like it." Bee Sting smirked and jumped off, leaving the heroes confused. Later they returned Audrey to the show as it continued. After the show they were video chatting with Alya and Nino about new hero. "She didn't say who she was? Man talk about being a mysterious hero." Nino said. "Maybe she wants to see if you're worthy of knowing her identity." Alya pointed out. Marinette thought a little. "Maybe. We just have to wait and see." She said and everyone agreed.
While they were chatting they didn't know that said bee heroine was on top of the Eiffel tower looking over the city with a smirk.
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