Little gremlins and illusions

Marinette and Adrien was at Alya's apartment for a sleepover. Nino couldn't come as he had gotten a cold. But they promised to have so much fun for him. But there was one little obstacle. Alya's little sisters, Ella and Etta. They were eight years old and very mischievous. Both of them always made pranks and schemes like the little gremlins they were. Their mom always called them Sapotis. Which was said to be little demons of mischief.

Right now the teens were playing Monopoly with the girls. Adrien thought it would be a great idea as they were kids. But he was so wrong. "Ah! I lost all my money." The blonde boy said as he landed on Ella's hotel. "If you'd saved enough money you would've been able to pay." Said girl stated with an expression of a business woman. "Now you're in our depth. Meaning that you're out." Etta added and Adrien had a defeated expression. The teen girls giggled.

"Wow. Alya. Your sister are masters at this game." Marinette said and Alya nodded. "Yup. They'll one hundred procent become business owners when they grow up." She answered and smiled at her sisters who fist bumped eachother as Adrien sadly handed over his money to them. Plagg and Tikki sat on the couch watching their holders. "Remember when they invented monopoly? Such a different game from what it is now." The kwami of creation smiled and the kwami of destruction nodded. "So many fights with blood spill. Miss those days of destruction." He smirked thinking about the past.

Suddenly they felt something. Something very familiar. Alya looked at the clock before turning to her sisters. "Okay little gremlins. Time to go to bed." She said and the twins whined. "Do we have to?" Ella asked. "It's not a school night." Etta added. A sigh escaped from Alya. "You're not old enough to be up late. You'll be tired in the morning and won't be able to go to the amusement park." Both twins looked at eachother before sighing and going to bed.

After tucking them in Alya returned to Marinette and Adrien. "You're lucky to not have siblings. They can be a pain." Both teens laughed at their friend's sigh. "Well technically me and Adrien are honorable siblings. Ever since kindergarten." Marinette said and Adrien nodded. "And we've had our sibling fights." Alya looked at them before they all laughed. The evening continued as the teens were baking Marinette's dad's special midnight cupcakes.

"Your dad really have special recipes for special occasion." Alya said and Marinette nodded. "Yeah. It's a recipe from when he was a teen. He thought we would enjoy it." She smiled and grabbed the powder sugar. When she opened the can I rubber snake shot out, making her fall backwards onto the floor. The other flinched. "Are you okay Marinette?" Adrien asked and Marinette nodded before standing up. "Yup." Alya looked at the snake before hearing laughs. She sighed before following them. They lead her to the twins who laughed. "We got ya! One point to the Sapotis." Both said smirking proudly.

Alya dragged them back to bed. "Okay you two. You had your fun. But you need to sleep." She said and walked out of the room. Not noticing the twins smirking at eachother. The teens finish the cupcakes and sit down on the couch. They take a bite and smile in delight. "Mmm. These are miraculous!" Adrien smiled big like a child, making the girls giggle. "Speaking of miraculous things. What do you think the heroes like?" Alya asked, making the two heroes look at her.

"I don't know. Maybe they like sweets. Or maybe salty things." Marinette said, pretending to be clueless. Alya nod before smiling. "You know. Seeing them reminds me of a certain story my mom told me when I was younger." She smiled. Both Adrien and Marinette looked at her with curious looks. "What was it about?" Adrien asked. "I tell you." Alya said smiling.

"In an ancient village in the past, a princess was loved by everyone. Her presence was like a goddess's. She loved her people very much and cared for the land. But one day her wicked sister arrived and demanded the throne. When the princess refused, the sister released little monsters of chaos into the village. Everywhere they went, chaos happened. The princess had no choice but to flee. When she reached the deepest forest she cried over losing her kingdom. Over how she couldn't do anything against the monsters and her sister." Marinette and Adrien looked at Alya, completely pulled into the story.

"What happened? Did something bad happen the princess?" Adrien asked and Alya smiled before continuing.

"Suddenly the princess heard a voice and saw a fox of pure light appere infront of her. It told her that it could help her and the princess agreed. The fox fused with the princess and she felt how emence power grew inside of her. With that she returned to the village and used her new powers to defeat the monsters. Her sister didn't give up and tried taking her down. But the princess's powers were too strong and she got defeated for good. Seeing how their princess had won, the village celebrated. The princess thanked the fox who sepereted from her. With that the fox returned to pure light and disappeared. And the princess knew. That the fox would always return when it was needed." Alya finished the story.

The other teens looked at her and smiled. "Wow. That was an amazing story." Marinette said and Alya smiled. Soon as she reached for a cupcake she noticed how the whole tray was empty. "What the?" That's when they heard the laugh from the twins who had cupcakes around their mouths. "Got ya! Two points to the Sapotis." They laughed before Alya dragged them into the room. "Okay you two. I gave you another chance. But now you're in trouble. If you dare pull another prank. You're not going to the amusement park at all." She said and slammed the door.

Ella and Etta flinched. Tears ran from their eyes as they looked at the two propeller hats they were gonna wear tomorrow. They just wanted to have fun. With saddened eyes they grabbed their hats and put them on before laying in bed crying. Alya sighed. "I don't like having to raise my voice at them. They're kids after all. But I just want them to behave." Marinette gently put her hand on Alya's shoulder. "Hey. I know how you feel. I sometimes have to raise my voice at Manon. Well almost every time. But it's important to put boundaries and make them know when it's time to be serious." She said and Alya smiled at her.

Meanwhile Ella and Etta was still awake and were crying. From the window two dark butterflies flew into the room and fused with their hats. Their eyes glew purple as Monarch's voice was heard. "Wanna have fun without rules? I can help you with that. Go forth Sapotis. And make chaos in the night." Soon the twins turned into gremlin like monsters that growled. Both Marinette and Adrien felt chaos in the air before suddenly the door to the twins's door get kicked down and the teens quickly stood up. Two siluetts of small being slowly appeared. "Ella? Etta?" Alya asked while slowly walking closer.

Suddenly the creatures jumped towards her with a growl. Adrien pushed Alya aside as the monsters hit the fridge before eating it. "Those are not the girls anymore. Those are." Adrien said. "Sapotis." Alya finished. The Sapotis finished eating the fridge before multiplying. Before the teens could react, the monsters jumped around and made chaos. They crashed the ceiling, making the rubble cover the doors. And they soon jumped out of the window. "Oh no. They're gonna make chaos in the city." Marinette said as she looked at Adrien nervously. They couldn't get out to transform.

Both of them looked at the Kwamis who looked at eachother and nodded. "What are we gonna do?" Alya asked before looking at Marinette and Adrien. "Alya. Me and Adrien will take care of it." Adrien said, making Alya confused. Soon the two nodded before transforming. Alya's eyes widend as she saw her friends transform into the heroes of Paris. "You are Ladybug and Chat Noir." She said and Ladybug looked at her. "We explain later. Just stay put." With that the two heroes jumped out of the window and went after the Sapotis.

In the streets of Paris people outside screamed as the gremlins attack. They crashed vehicles, destroyed walls and ate whatever they could. Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped down infront of two Sapotis and quickly destroyed their hats. But to their surprise the two Sapotis disappeared. "The akuma must be in their original hats." Ladybug pointed out before they both looked around. "Guess we gotta catch them all." Chat Noir said as Ladybug rolled her eyes. "You watch too much pokemon." Soon they chased down every single Sapoti, but no akuma in their hats.

That's when they quickly decided to gather them in groups. So they went seperet ways and used food as bait, making the Sapotis chase after them in swarms. As they arrived just outside the Cesaire household, Ladybug quickly summoned her lucky charm that was a metal cage. It fell onto all the Sapotis, capturing them. "Ha. Good work bugs. Now's time to catch the akuma." Chat Noir said before walking over to the cage. But before they could react the Sapotis to their shock started to fuse. The cage broke open. And out came two giant Sapotis.

"That's not good." Ladybug said before she and Chat got chased by the giant Sapotis. "Any plan bugs!?" The cat hero asked. "I don't know. They're too big." The Ladybug hero answered. Meanwhile Alya watched in shock from the balcony. "No. They're in trouble. Ugh. If only I could do something. I can't let my friends get hurt!" She shouted before the orange orb of light appered Infront if her. "You can do something." It said before turning into a small fox. "What are you?" Alya asked. The creature smirked. "I'm Trixx. The kwami of illusion." He said.

(Trixx's design in my au.)

The girl's eyes widend at the kwami. "So you wanted to help didn't you?" Said kwami smirked and Alya looked at her friends before turning back and nodding. "I want to." Trixx smirked before summoning and orb of light that flew towards Alya. It fused with her and she soon got jewelry. A fox pendant necklace. "This is the miraculous of the fox. After transforming you'll get the power of illusion." Trixx said and Alya looked up with a determined look.

A flash from her miraculous appered as she felt like it all came naturally. "Miraculous charge!" She shouted before the Kwami fused with the miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped out of the Sapotis's way, but they didn't have time to react before getting grabbed. The Sapotis held them tight in their hands. "This isn't good at all." Chat Noir said as he and Ladybug tried to break free. "That's it Sapotis. Destroy them." Monarch told the villains.

But before they could do anything, a giant unicorn charged towards them and knocked the Sapotis over. They let go of the heroes that fell to the ground. Soon someone jumped infront of them. "Are you two okay?" Ladybug and Chat Noir looked up to see a heroine dressed as a fox. "Who are you?" The former asked. "I'm Rena Rogue. Hero of illusion." Rena answered.

(Rena Rouge design in my au)

"Rena Rouge?" Chat Noir asked before Rena snapped her fingers and the unicorn disappeared. "Yup. Pleasure to meet you. Thought you needed some help." Ladybug smiled. "Ofcourse. But wait. If the unicorn was an illusion. How did it touch the Sapotis?" She asked. "Because that was a summon. My second power. I can summon imaginary creatures." Rena answered and the other heroes was amazed. Suddenly the Sapotis stood up again and charged towards the heroes. With a swift with her side cloth, Rena turned it into a flute and played it. "Mirage!" She shouted and made illusions of the heroes.

While the Sapotis chased the illusions, the real heroes jumped onto a roof. "What's the plan?" Chat Noir asked. Ladybug summoned her lucky charm again and got a miniature amusement park set. Her lucky vision showed the set, Rena Rogue, a hose, the Sapotis and two lampposts. "I know what to do. Ready for another illusion Rena?" She asked and Rena nodded with a smirk.

The illusions of the heroes disappeared, making the Sapotis confused. When suddenly light appered around them and they saw a big amusement park. Their eyes sparkled as they run towards it. Not noticing Ladybug who messaged Chat Noir and Rena. "They're on the way. Your illusion really did the trick, Foxy." Said cat said and Rena smirked proudly. The Sapotis came running fast. Suddenly Rena and Chat Noir pulled the hose. That's when the Sapotis's feet tripped on it and they fell to the ground, making their hats fall off. Chat Noir quickly destroyed them and purified the akumas.

Ladybug arrived and restored everything. The Sapotis turned back into Ella and Etta who was asleep, tired out by the night. "Good first work Rena. Now. May we know who you are?" Ladybug asked and Rena chuckled. "Girl. Isn't it obvious?" That's when Ladybug and Chat Noir's eyes widend. "Alya?" They said in unison and Rena nodded. "Let's get these gremlins home before I explain." She said and picked up her sisters before jumping off, followed by the others.

After putting the twins to bed the teens detransformed and the kwamis quickly hugged. "Trixx. I've really missed you." Tikki said and Trixx smirked. "Ofcourse you did babe. Who wouldn't?" The nickname made Tikki blush as Plagg rolled his eyes. "Player." Trixx smirked and leaned closer to Plagg. "Come on kitty babes. You missed me too." A blush appered on Plagg's face. Trixx was such a flirting jerk.

After explaining Marinette and Adrien looked at Alya. "Guess we have a new member in our team." Adrien smiled. "Yup. And I'll help you the best I can." Alya answered before getting hugged by Marinette. "I'm sorry for keeping this a secret from you." She said with tears. Alya was a little caught off guard before smiling. "Actually. I had a hunch that you were Ladybug. And I totally understand why you kept it from me. So relax girl. I'm now in on the secret." Marinette calmed down before they all laughed.

Meanwhile in his lair, Gabriel growled. "Another hero!? Doesn't matter. I won't give up until I've gathered enough chaos energy for my world domination." He grinned and laughed. Not knowing about the mysterious woman on the roof. "That's what you think." She said and jumped off into the night.

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