Cloudy with a chance of akuma

It was Saturday and the sun were shining bright over Paris. Everything was calm. Well, almost. As at the Dupain-Cheng bakery and home, Marinette were babysitting a little girl named Manon. Daughter to the famous tv reporter Nadja Chamack. And she was, a handful. But Marinette didn't mind as she gladly babysat her. Actually she had her own babysitting business where she earned money for fabrics and materiels for her designs.

"Manon. Give that hat back! It's not for playing." Marinette said as she chased Manon who had taken one of Marinette's latest hat designs. "I wanna be a fashion model." The little girl said and continued to run. Suddenly Marinette slipped on a blanket and fell face first into the floor. "Why me?" She said defeated. Meanwhile Tikki watched her and giggled. She and Plagg had explained for Marinette and Adrien that only those who's been chosen can see the Kwamis. So she didn't need to hide as only Marinette and Adrien could see her and Plagg.

The tv started and showed a game show lead by Alec Cataldi. A gaming host that was. Special. Like. Making fun of others special. And today he was hosting a competition between two girls around nineteen. Their names were Mireille Caquet and Aurore Beauréal. They were competing in who'd become the new weather girl. "Know remember. Call the number one the screen and vote on who you'd like to be our new weather girl." Alec said as Mireille and Aurore made poses.

Marinette stood up before seeing Manon reaching for her phone. Luckily she was able to snatch it. "But I wanna vote for Mireille!" Manon whined. "No Manon. It's my phone and my money you spend calling. Sorry but I say no." Marinette strictly said to the little girl who pouted. The teen sighed when a knock was heard. When Marinette opened it she saw Alya standing there. "Hey girl. Wow. You look tired." She commented as Marinette really looked tired.

Babysitting Manon was like babysitting a whole kindergarten. "I'm babysitting Manon. And she's a handful." Marinette said as Alya giggled a little before patting her shoulder. "Okay. You need some fresh air. So how about we go to the park?" Hearing the word park, Manon quickly ran up to the two teens. "Let's go to the park! Park! Park!" She started and Marinette sighed. "Okay. I'm just gonna get my purse." As she walked inside she slipped again. Alya flinched a little. "I'm okay!" Marinette said and the reporter sighed before shaking her head.

The trio soon arrived at the park and put up a blanket under a shading tree. "Okay Manon. I want you to behave and listen to me and Alya. Or else we're going home at once. Understood?" Marinette said strictly and Manon nodded. Though she had a small glimpse of mischief in her eyes. Suddenly a familiar voice were heard. "Hey guys." Marinette and Alya turned around to see Adrien. "Adrien? What are you doing here? Don't you have a photoshoot today?" The former asked as the latter looked at him. "Yeah. Don't you? Your dad don't usually let you leave." Adrien chuckled.

"I do have a photoshoot by the fountain here. I saw you and just wanted to say hi." The girls nodded as they now understood the situation. "Is he your boyfriend?" Manon asked and both Marinette and Adrien blushed in embarrassment. "No he's not. He's my best friend. And I only see him as my brother." Adrien nodded. "Yeah. And I'm not into girls." He stated and Manon tilted her head. "You don't like Marinette?" She asked as she was too young to understand different sexuality. Now Marinette and Adrien were panicking more as they didn't know how to explain.

Luckily Alya was there. "What Adrien mean is. He's not looking for his princess. He's looking for his prince." She simply explained and Manon nodded. "Oh. Then I hope you find your prince." She smiled and both Marinette and Adrien sighed in relief. Alya always came with the save. Meanwhile in the TV studio the votes were coming in. "Okay everyone. The results are in and we have a winner." Alec said as Aurore took a confident step forward. She was finally gonna win over Mireille. "Mireille!" Alec soon announced and Aurore stopped in her tracks with a shocked and hurt face. Mireille meanwhile was was surprised before stepping forward with a smile.

Alec walked up to Aurore. "Don't take it personally. You just lost on live TV. Nothing that will ruin your reputation at all." His sarcastic and shaming voice told her. Aurore clenched her hand around her umbrella before running out of the studio with angry tears. "Aurore!" Mireille cried after her as she tried to run towards her. But Alec stopped her. "Hey. Forget that loser. She's just jealous." He said and Mireille started to feel guilty. She didn't mean to make Aurore upset. The only reason she signed up for the competition was to get closer to her.

Aurore ran outside and stopped by the Seine. She sat down and shedded angry tears. Why did Mireille have to win everything. Ever since they were in kindergarten, Mireille was always better on everything and won every game. For once Aurore wanted to be the winner. Just once seeing Mireille be the loser. But no, the universe were against her. "Want to be the winner? Want to be in control of others?" A male voice asked. Aurore looked up and saw Monarch.

"Monarch!" She gasped before she tried running away. But Monarch just grinned and sent an akuma after her. It fused with her umbrella and she froze. "From now on. You'll be the only true weather girl. With the power to control all weather. Queen Storm." Aurore's eyes turned purple before darkness covered her. When it disappeared she was fully a villain. She laughed and flew off to cause chaos. Monarch grinned as he felt the chaotic energy gather inside of him.

In the park as Marinette were riding the carousel with Manon, and Adrien were posing for his photoshoot. Both teens felt how the chaotic energy appered. Another power Tikki and Plagg explained to them. They can feel when chaotic energy appered. Before they could react Queen Storm appered and sent lightning bolts that destroyed whatever they came in contact with. "You'll know who's the true weather girl. And no one will ever be better than me again!" She shouted and shot towards Adrien's photographer who got frozen in ice.

"An akuma. We gotta go." Marinette said and pulled Alya and Manon towards safety. Adrien looked around before hiding in the ticket booth. "Time to fight another villain." He said as Plagg yawned. "Yeah. Just as I was sleeping." The kwami yawned again before Adrien transformed. He jumped out of the booth and jumped infront of Queen Storm. "Well well. Seems like the snow queen has appered." A smirk appered on his face as Queen Storm growled. "I'll get you for snow queen." She said and shot lightning towards the cat hero. Quickly he summoned his staff to block it. But the force pushed him backwards.

Meanwhile Marinette took Alya and Manon to her house. "You two wait here. I'm going back for Adrien." She said before Manon grabbed her hand. "Don't go. That villain will get you." Her eyes showed worry for her babysitter. Marinette smiled gently at the little girl. "Don't worry. I'll be careful. Plus Ladybug and Chat Noir is probably taking care of that villain. So I'll be okay. Stay with Alya okay. I'll be back. I promise." She held up her pinky towards Manon who smiled a little before linking her pinky with Marinette's. "Okay." With a smile Marinette stood up and ran off.

Alya smiled at her friend. "That girl is really heroic." She said before a certain thought appered in her mind. "I wonder." Marinette meanwhile hid in an ally way near the park. "Okay Tikki. Time to transform." Tikki smiled as Marinette transformed. Chat Noir was still fighting Queen Storm before getting knocked back into a tree. "Okay. That's gonna be sore tomorrow." He said before the akuma aimed her umbrella at him. "Any last words, fleabag?" Her wicked voice asked. "I have. How about not fighting my kitty." Ladybug's voice were heard before her yoyo wrapped around villain and threw her away.

Chat Noir stood up and smirked at his best friend. "My kitty? Well bugs. I'm honored by that nickname." Ladybug playfully rolled her eyes. "Well you are. Because without me your helpless like one." She teasingly smirked back and Chat Noir chuckled. The two really acted like siblings. Queen Storm stood up growling before seeing Mireille on a big screen. "Why do I even bother with the heroes? I know exactly who my real target is." She grinned before flying off. Ladybug and Chat Noir followed her.

"She's heading to the studio. Meaning she must be Aurore Beauréal." The former pointed out and the former nodded. "Yeah. She must be after Mireille because she lost. We gotta hurry." The two hurried after the akuma. Meanwhile at the studio Mireille sat in her dressing room feeling down. She should be happy for winning. But she wasn't. How could she when she made someone upset. Ecspecialy someone she wanted to be closer with. Ever since kindergarten Aurore have always been the light Mireille always wanted to be with.

Just her shining aura made Mireille feel like she needed to be close. That's why she always competed with her. So she could show she's cool too and deserve to be around her. But it backfired and Aurore only became upset. "I don't deserve winning." She said before a sudden cold appeared. "I agree." Mireille quickly turned around and saw Queen Storm. "Aurore?" Said akuma pushed her back with a strong wind. "It's Queen Storm for you. And you'll pay for always outshining me. Winning everything. Why can't I ever be better than you!?" More ice appered in the room. Mireille stood up and held her arms around herself.

Her breath showing how cold it was. "Aurore. I didn't mean to make you feel upset. I only joined the competitions to be closer to you. I wanted to show you that I'm good enough to be around you." Queen Storm's face turned into a shocked one. She never knew that. Mireille didn't mean to outshine her? She just wanted to be closer to her? Suddenly a killing headache struck her head. Her eyes flashed purple before she looked at Mireille with a killing look. "I'll always be the queen. And you won't be a problem anymore." She said and aimed her umbrella at the girl.

Mireille closed her eyes in fear, knowing her time was up. Suddenly a Yoyo wrapped around Queen Storm's wrist and pulled her out of the room. "I don't think it's nice hurting someone for winning fair and square." Ladybug said, making Queen Storm growl. She quickly blew the heroes away before heading to the roof. "Seems like we need your luck, bugs." Chat Noir said and Ladybug nodded before summoning her lucky charm. She got a ladybug colored tarp. Her lucky vision activated and highlighted the tarp, Queen Storm, Mireille, Chat Noir and the stairs. "I know what to do." She said and looked at Mireille with a smile.

Queen Storm was summoning a giant storm over Paris. "Soon everyone will see that I'm the true winner." Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. "Aurore!" She turned around and saw Mireille. "I'm the one you want. So come and get me!" The girl soon ran down the stairs. Queen Storm growled and chased after her while shooting lightning towards her. Mireille soon reached the last steps. "You won't get away from me!" Queen Storm shouted as she came down. Suddenly before she could react, Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped infront of her with the tarp and trapped her in it.

Her umbrella fell out of her hands and Chat Noir used his cataclysm on it and captured the akuma in his hands. "Purify!" He said and the akuma turned into a white butterfly that flew away. Queen Storm soon turned back to Aurore. "Ugh. Where am I? Wait. Monarch turned me into a villain. Oh no. Did I hurt anyone?" She asked in a nervous tone. Mireille helped her stand while gently holding her hands. "Don't worry. Your actions as a villain wasn't your own. Something forced you." Her gentle voice resured Aurore who smiled gently back.

Ladybug took the tarp and held it in the air. "Restoration!" She said and her magical ladybugs flew around restoring everything. The two heroes fist bumped. "Pound it!" They said before heading off. Monarch stood on the roof glaring at the heroes who jumped off. "You may have escaped the storm. But like the weather. I'm unpredictable." He grinned with a purple glow in his eyes.

After transforming Marinette returned to her house and saw Alya playing with Manon. "Good, you're safe." She sighed in relief and Alya smiled. "Yup. And so are you. What took so long?" Her eyes were looking at her like she was looking for something. "Ladybug and Chat Noir saw me and hid me in a safe space during the attack." Marinette said, though Alya knew something was off. But she didn't say it.

"Okay girl." Both teenagers continued to babysit Manon untill Nadja arrived. "Thank you for babysitting Manon, Marinette. Here's your payment." She said and handed Marinette the money before heading off with Manon. "Gotta say girl. You really know how to do business." Alya complimented her before Marinette handed her half the money. "Here you go." Alya was shocked. "What? No girl. It's your money you're the one Nadja payed." She said and Marinette just smiled. "You helped and looked after her during the akuma attack. You do deserve half." A small laugh came from Alya as she accepted the money from Marinette.

"You're really special girl. Never change." They both laughed as Tikki watched her chosen one with a smile. At the studio Aurore were packing her things when Mireille walked in. "You're packing?" A sigh escaped from the former. "Yeah. You won and got the job. So I better pack." Mireille smirked a little. "Oh no. Who said you didn't get the job?" Aurore turned to her with a confused look. "What do you mean?" With a smile Mireille took up a contract. "I told the studio that either they make both of us the weather girls. Or I quit. And they didn't wanna lose me. So the only had one option." Aurore was shocked before she smiled.

Without hesitation she hugged Mireille who hugged her back. "Thank you. You are the best." A small blush glew on Mireille's face. "No. We are the best." She said and Aurore blushed a little aswell. Now they both could show who the bestest weather girls were.

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