[1] 5: This will be the Day
Later that night, the students were given the ballroom as a temporary bedroom. While everyone else was doing their thing, Mal decided to sneak out of the room to gaze at the broken moon. He doesn't know why, except that it just felt right... He after all DID do this before with his dad after all... at least... that's what aunt Mai told him he did and based on how it felt... it couldn't be false...
After gazing into the moon long enough, Mal then felt static surround him as he saw a memory of him and his father? sitting on the balcony of their house. His father, a frail man with back hair and a blurred face, wearing a black suit, sitting beside him. His father then spoke, saying "When I was younger... I used to dream of one day being a super hero that saves everyone..."
"Used to? As in... not anymore? Right?"
"You see... being a hero is a limited time sort of deal... the older you get, the harder it is to become one."
"Well... if being old is the problem, then why don't I do it?"
"Huh?" His dad then looked at him in intrigue.
"Since being old is the problem, then I'll do it. I'll be a hero for you!" Mal said flashing his big grin.
"I see..."
The memory then starts to go haywire as head starts throbbing again. For a split second, he could swear he imagined a familiar red haired kid in his stead as he hears his voice super imposed on the other kid's.
Mal cupped his head before looking back up and seeing a confused Weiss, saying "Uh... are you okay?", her silhouette basked in the broken moonlight behind her. Mal stared at her dumbfounded before saying "Y-y-yeah..." not noticing the blush creeping up his face. He then continues, saying "It's just that... I don't remember much about my childhood, but according to my aunt... I used to stare at the moon with my old man quite a lot... I know... silly right?"
Weiss then quickly shook her head, saying "No, no, it's just... I never did... much... with.. my... fathe-Nevermind. Well... if you're done staring at the moon, you should come in. We should get some rest. Tomorrow's a big day after all."
She then walks away, with Mal "Alright, Saber." earning him an annoyed grunt. Mal then said "Oh by the way, sorry about bumping into you earlier... Y'know the whole dust explosion thing..." to which Weiss says "Don't worry about that. Besides, it would be quite unlady-like if I were to be so hostile to someone who saved me, even if I didn't need it." with that last part coming off a a mumble.
Mal then looked to the night sky once more before huffing and joining 'Saber' back in. However, as he went inside, he then hears footsteps above him before hearing ukelele strumming. He then sat by the door way and then hummed to the tune while looking at the broken moon once more, praying silently as was taught to him by the woman he came to know as aunt Mai. Eventually, he felt heaviness in his eyelids as he closes it and sleeps. He then starts to dream. It was the very same dream he had dreamt off every night. That same... hellish blaze... that night during is birthday... The same night he promised his father he'd be a hero... the same night he failed him...
"I'll be a hero for you..."
"I'll be a hero for you..."
"I'll be a hero for you..."
"I'll be a-"
Mal then snorts awake saying "Hero!" as Ruby looked at him, saying "Good morning Mal! Time for the cocoon to hatch!" Mal then rubs his eyes as he says "I did it again, didn't I? The cape cocoon thing you did."
Yang in the back then says a nonchalant "Yep." making Mal sigh. Ruby then shook the shorter teen saying "I can't believe it! We actually slept in Beacon! For ONE. WHOLE. NIGHT!"
Mal then smiles at his technical twin and sighs before getting ready. Mal did some morning excercises, accidentally went into the women's bathroom because he forgot to wear his glasses and/or reinforce his eyes and into a towel clad Weiss, took a quick bath after every other dude had finished in the correct bathroom while suffering from a glowing red slap, wore his armor, reloaded his shield and then he ate the canteen breakfast, which as hard as it is to admit, actually came pretty close to his cooking quality.
After a bit, he then spots Ruby and Yang discussing something and merely shrugged it off as probably girl talk. He then sees Jaune muttering about his locker and finding his gear. Mal then walks to get his gear at locker 304. He then sees Weiss talking to a red haired girl only for Jaune to seemingly materialize out of nowhere and try to flirt with the red head. Mal's head then throbs once more as he then starts seeing the last episode he saw of RWBY... in that room with what seemd like doctors once more... seeing the woman from the bullhead turn the red haired girl into ashes, her name...
"This is Pyrrha..." Weiss cutting him off from his flashback while simultaneously filling the blanks in his memory. Pyrrha then happily waves at Jaune saying "Hello again."
Weiss then says "She graduated at the top of her class at Sanctum." to which Jaune non-chalantly says "Never heard of it."
Weiss gets more infuriated and scoffs, saying "She won in the Mistral games! Four years in a row! That's a new record!" to which Jaune airheadedly replies with "The what?"
Finally snapping, Weiss then flails her arms saying "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes!" making Jaune gasp in realization, as he says "But they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!" to which Pyrrha sheepishly replies with "Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you."
Weiss then calms downs as she says "So after hearing all that, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to he on your team?"
Jaune then says "I-I..." to which Mal interrupts, saying "Hey everyone, Saber, Jaune... red hair girl, what's up?"
Jaune then waves at him weakly while Weiss waves her hands saying "I am not Saber!" and Pyrrha then says "Hello!"
Pyrrha then tapped Jaune in the shoulder and said "I think you'll make a swell leader Jaune!" to which he then blushes slightly, saying "D'oh! Stop it." Weiss then huffs and says "Seriously, this behaviour should not be encouraged."
Jaune then leans towards Weiss and says "Sounds like Py-" only to be cut off by Mal in the back frantically waving his hands while shaking his head with terror in his eyes as if saying "Whatever you're planning to do, please don't. For your sake, please."
Luckily Jaune read the message more or less and so said "N-nevermind. Forget what I said." easing the tensed up Weiss.
Pyrrha then looked at the interaction and then giggled before saying "So... Short, cute and pale huh?" to which Weiss starts turning red saying "Shut up!" with a whiper-like shout. She then covers her her face and then said "That was a random example."
When she removed her face she then saw Pyrrha and Jaune both walking away as Jaune said "So... Pumpkin Pete eh?" to which Pyrrha happily nodded as they walked out.
She then turned and saw Mal just looking at her blankly and awkwardly while saying "Um... Saber... Your friends are leaving. Shouldn't you catch up?" Weiss then says "R-right! I-I'm going now!" She then rigidly walks away as she says "Pyrrha, wait up!"
Mal just stared at her weirdly, saying "Um... Okay then... That was awkward..." while staring into the now closed door in the other side of the hall. Mal then said "Am I really that awkward to talk to?" He then shrugs it off as he then walks to his locker and opens it before squealing. "It's here!"
He then takes out a fixed Sol but also another shield, a black one exactly the same size as Sol, but with a silver crescent moon on it instead of a golden sun. Sol's partner in crime, Luna.
While Mal felt his shield he then heard a mechanical sound akin to Crescent Rose. He then peeked to the adjacent row of lockers and a red haired dragon kid who had scaly bat wings, dragon wings perhaps, but these were too lightly built to be dragon wings. The boy then mutters out "Ascalon is in good condition." as he transforms a giant bearded axe into a rocket launcher.
Mal nodded due to how impressive the heft of that weapon was. It was about the height of Cenn's sword, but it was stockier and had an axe head almost as big as he was.
Mal then left for the fields with his two shields attached to a hinge on the back of his belt.
Half an hour later, everyone has gathered on square platforms atop a ledge overlooking the Emerald forest. Mal sees every first year lined up as well. He then looked around and saw Ruby and Yang three people to the right to which he happily waved which Ruby waved back to then looked to the left and saw Cenn and waved. It didn't elicit any reactions from the blonde swordsman so he shrugged it off as the guy being preoccupied.
He also saw the red head from earlier, his eyes that of a predator surveying the environment for prey. He also saw a black haired boy who honestly makes him imagine how he would've grown should he have had grown normally, well except his emerald green eyes that depicted chill and non chalance almost to levels where it seemed like the test was going to be a breeze. He then saw the wolf lady from earlier just about arrive, slightly panting.
Ozpin then began his speech and instead of listening, his head throbbed once more as he saw the very same line of students except alot of them weren't there. His mind then starts thinking like "Something feels wrong... Some of these people didn't exist in the show... Could this world be a singularity then? Wait... What's a singularity, how do I know what a singularity is?"
His mind then flashes back to weird sci-fi looking place were he was taken after the fire while his aunt filed his papers for adoption. It was filled with weird people wearing clothes seemingly from a different part of time. Some even seemed to have almost realistic nonhuman parts, very similar to faunuses of this world but not quite, like a green haired girl with a bow who had cat ears.
He then shook his head as Ozpin said "The first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." making Ruby shout "Whaaaaaat?!"
Ozpin continued to talk about what to do as Mal analyzed the memory before shaking his head, clearing it and then looked at the forest like a battlefield just waiting for the soldiers. "Alright, objective, get a partner, get a relic." People then started getting sprung which Mal then took as a signal to get ready.
Then his turn happens and he gets launched as well, spiraling through the air like how Ruby usually was when she used her semblance, minus the roses.
A flashback then played in his head while he was training with Tai. "Aura is a projection of the soul which allows one to be shielded with the power of one's inner strength. Now normally, that only extends to forming a barrier around the body and an implement that resotres the body physically from any light wounds that may break through it. However, you seem to be a special case. You see, that nifty little semblance of yours that allows you to analyze structures and recreate them seem to work using your aura as not only a battery, but a wire as well. With your last few fights against me you seem to be able to subconciously reinforce items at specific parts. If you can master that, you might theoretically get a new tool under your belt."
Mal's eyes then open as he mutters out "Switch... On!" as the circuit-like tendrils of light crawl to his arms. He then holds his cape and allows it to transfer there. His cape then stiffens as he then starts to glide down with his cape as he quickly takes out his shields and then using a tiny bit of gravity dust as thrust vectoring.
He then finds a clearing and performs a forward roll to land, letting go of his cape, making it soften. He then continues walking and while he does, his head then starts throbbing once more as he kneels from the pain. Yet this time no memories played... Ever since he left Earth and not take his meds he had been these head aches had been getting worse and more frequent... Then a memory popped in, one where he was apparently cleaning the campus in his school after hours... but wait... he didn't do that? Sure he was helpful, but he usually helped the canteen cooks, not the janitor. He then sees the transparent picture of a red haired guy super imposed on him again. He then flashed back to another memory once more... riding a giant man who had one, red, glowing eye and-
He then opens his eyes as then sees blood dripping on the floor... from his nostrils.
He then hears a growl in front of him as he then felt himself get tackled into a tree a big black blur. As he recovers, he then sees a beowolf charge into him. He quickly jumps to the side to dodge. He then slams his shield into it's face and then pulls the trigger on his shield, letting loose a small burst of gravity dust, magnifying the power of his shield bash, launching the beast into a tree. He then sees another one charge towards him which he then rolled to the side once more before charging in and hitting it with the edge of the shield thrice before uppercutting it with a gravity dust filled shoryuken. He didn't want to waste his gravity dust, so he then pulls off the gravity mags before taking out a lightning and ice one and loading them into his gun shields. And just as he thought he was in the clear, he was then charged by a bigger beowolf, possibly an alpha, or one in the process. He gets headbutted by the creature and then cornered into the ground.
It then tried to slash on him as he desperately held it back. He couldn't project a weapon currently as he lacked the focus to be able to do it properly so he did the only thing he could. He curled up and blocked the claw strikes with his shield while reinforcing his arms with his weird wire shaped aura. Metal clanked over and over his arm muscles feeling as if a barbell was dropped on his arms each blow, until the beowolf decided it wasn't working and stopped, much to Mal's relief.
The creature then bores down on Mal with it's fangs as the little boy struggles to keep it away with his hands reinforced by focusing aura through the wire looking interfaces on his skin. Due to the life and death situation, he didn't regulate it and thus his hands were practically glowing. Mal's eyes then widened since the Beowolf backed away from pain as his aura seemed to have started surrounding it's fangs in the circuit-like tendrils usually seen on his hands.
He then says "You don't like that do you bud?" He then runs up its back before slapping his hands near it's eye sockets and saying "Then have more!" making the creature howl in pain as it desperately thrashes around to get Mal off it. The white light, along with Mal's "aura circuits" then glow brighter as he then found himself in a grey void-like expanse. Filled with an oppressive aura that seemed to feel like evil itself. Within that void, he then sees a black box-like room. He then enters it, after hearing the sound of an animal struggling.
The interiors of the room was black, covered in a black, inky tar, the portion of the floor not covered was an ominous, glowing red and at the middle, it was none other than that same beowolf, chained to the walls but a black, tar covered chains. From the looks of it, the tar on the chains seem to have dried, indicating that it's quite old. The creature itself was surprisingly quiet, asleep even.
Mal's urge to help then made him subconciously move forward. The creature then sensed him and backed up, growling at him with a ferocity it didn't have prior to noticing him...
Mal then says "I don't know if creatures like you can understand me, but... I'm just... here... to help... okay? So... y'know... don't bite my head off until you are free kay?"
Mal then slooowly walked towards the alpha beowolf. When he stepped on the red floor he then sees that the red floor was, in fact, merely covered in various glowing red runes, this also made the chains glow red with runes as well.
Mal then adopted a thinking position, stepping out of the runes and back on the gunk. He remembered how part of his semblance is scanning... So... He then devised a theoretical plan.
He then mutters out "Alright Mal..."
[Connect the power lines necessary for analysis.]
"Power line is stable and is now ready for use."
[Connect processor(brain) to circuit.]
"Data line successfully connected."
[Opening floodgates from core(heart) into outlet(hand)]
"Switch... on..."
[Allow energy to run through the outlet(hand) and into the object(floor runes).]
"Runes seem to react to the aura."
[Scan the object with energy circuit connection...]
"It is a... I don't know what it is... But whatever the heck it is, it seems I can turn it off by frying it off with a burst of aur-"
Mal then has a flashback making him see through the inside of a cultivation vat of sorts, his body covered in tubing, his mouth having a breathing mask. He then sees a blurry visage of a man in a fancy robe, saying "Specimen M-4L seems... defective..."
Mal then shook his head as he looked up and saw the confused and slightly terrified beowolf in front of him and the red lines he touched a white color now.
Mal then slaps his cheek with his free hand as he says "Get your head in the game Mal! Where was I? Oh yeah! Frying this thing with my aura. Switch On! Overdrive!"
He then felt all of his weird aura leave his body. There didn't seem to be much in his body, but it seemed like it replenished really quickly however. He then felt his body die faster for whatever reason, as if a part of his soul left him alongside his aura. However, the white light replaces the red one as the chains grew brighter terrifying the creature of grimm as well.
Mal then awakens from his trance just as an explosion occurs, making Mal scream "REEEEEE!"
He then rubbed his head from the pain and saw a smoking crater where the grimm earlier stood. Mal then mutters "Guess I couldn't save em after all." Then a strange creature of grimm then appeared, the beowolf... shrunk?
As Mal took a closer look, it in fact, somehow reverted back to a basic Beowolf... Except... There was a slight change. It's fur seemed to look more akin to his hair, black with white tips all over. Another thing were it's eyes and markings, instead of the red most should have, it instead had a pale silvery blue instead.
The thing then trotted towards him, mkaing him flinch. It then went to him and licked him in the face as it happily panted in front of him. Mal then petted it, reluctantly at first, but then much happier after the third pet.
He then heard a loud metal clang somewhere nearby, as he then said "Come on boy, we need to save someone!" He then looked at it's bacl and saw that the boney ridge on it's back had turned into flat, boney plates. He then shook his head, there's still someone in need of help.
Mal then carefully rode it's back and said "Tallyho... FENRIR!" as he then used the bone plates sticking out of it's face like a motorbikes steering wheel. He then charges with steel grey eyes blazing with determination.
To be continued...
(Credits to Casey Lee Williams and Jeff Williams the creator of RWBY for the song used above. Now please don't hurt me.)
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