New York - A Moth in the City that Never Sleeps
Queen Wasp reconfigured her motorcycle and before anything could be done to stop her, she was speeding off with Sandboy, leaving her teammates in the dust. She held the miraculous of the tortoise to her chest, not trusting Sandboy enough to even let him touch it. She knew his motivation. Help her with her goal, and in exchange, he gets the ladybug and black cat miraculous. Her head was whirling with ideas for how to get rid of him once she got what she needed from him.
She just had to find Hawkmoth.
Sandboy occasionally gave her directions to where he was sensing Hawkmoth from. He could read that man's fear, which was now practically a beacon–it was enormous. Queen Wasp ignored all red lights and even traduced some moving cars as she expedited through the city. She didn't care if anyone got hurt, she just needed to clear her own path... She was also aware her wreckage was guiding her two hero friends in her direction...
Sandboy frantically warned her of a construction site up ahead but Queen Wasp only went fast, her eyes looking past the closed off road to what lay ahead of it. She swerved her bike, demolishing a parked car and launching herself and Sandboy into the air over the road construction. Sandboy suddenly shrank in size, reverting to his child form and hugging onto Queen Bee for dear life. It was almost cute, if she ignored that he was a monster and not a child.
"He's up ahead, in the hotel," said Sandboy's childish voice. "Fifth floor, I sense he's watching us through the- WOAH WOAH WOAH!"
Queen Wasp's bike lurched for the entrance of the hotel, busting through the doors and heading straight for the stairs. Sandboy began to scream, as any little boy would. Civilians were barely able to jump out of the way in time before the motorcycle reached the stairs, breaking those doors down too. Up the stairs they went on the motorcycle, somehow managing to swerve the tight corners as they went back and forth back and forth back and forth up the stairwell until finally they made it to the fifth story. And wouldn't you know it, Queen Wasp broke down that door too.
"Room 568," Sandboy said, his voice slightly trembling. Queen Wasp revved her bike and zoomed down the hall, counting the numbers until she reached room 568. Finally, she disabled the bike. She stood there for a moment, facing the door, thinking and glaring. "Should we knock?"
Queen Wasp kicked the door down with her metal boot. She then pressed a button on her suit, disabling it so she reverted to her original akumatized look. She didn't step into the room at all. She stared ahead into the empty looking suite where the windows were open on the opposite end.
"So you managed to get the tortoise," said a dark voice, "impressive."
"Listen here, limp dick," Queen Wasp called back, "I've got this whole hotel, and soon the whole city, swarming with my wasps. Don't you fucking dare try anything."
"I wasn't planning on it," said the voice, "but I also wasn't expecting company."
"Okay, you miserable old sod, I wasn't expecting to be akumatized today but here we are. Do you want the tortoise or not?" Queen Wasp said venomously. Hidden behind her back, she held both the tortoise miraculous and her venomous spinning top.
"You weren't followed?"
"I only have Sandboy here with me. I've taken over the city with venom, no one could have followed me."
"So then, we've finally met. Come inside."
Queen Wasp did exactly so, taking grand confident steps into the suite. She quietly scanned the room for the villainous man, or at least a sign of him.
He was standing near the door-sized windows, back turned. His frighteningly tall silhouette was illuminated by the city lights, sparkling over the streets but clouded by the billions of wasps Queen Wasp had released on her way there. And then he turned ever so slightly, parting his lips just barely to tell her, "Sandboy must leave."
Queen Wasp gave a telling glance back to Sandboy, telling him to wait in the hall. Confident the third party member was gone, Hawkmoth faced her.
Hawkmoth was glamorously horrifying. His shoulders were adorned with a spectacular cape which resembled moth wings and the night sky. The cape was striking–purple, gold, blue and gray, sparkling and fanning out as he moved as if it could give him flight. His gray suit was crowned with a high flyaway black collar and tail, making his shape appear more wicked. What was an incredible focus point on him was his stark white snowy hair, combed back perfectly and giving him a look of youth that covered how old his face was. His gray mask was butterfly shaped, peeling off the corners of his temples to make him appear more menacing.
This was the first time anyone had ever seen Hawkmoth.
"So you managed to defeat Thorn. That's quite impressive. Though, of course, I should have expected that from someone with prior experience on the field," Hawkmoth said, his eyes drooping slightly like a sad dog... Or a dead man.
"Can you really do it?" Queen Wasp asked, clutching the tortoise miraculous behind her tighter.
"Do what?"
"Make the world forget who I am under the mask?"
There was a moment of hesitation crossing Hawkmoth's face that Queen Wasp most certainly noticed before he assured, "of course."
"And how is that?"
"I have the ability to grant power. And kwamis can wipe memories if they revolve around the miraculous in one fashion or another. Now, the tort-" Hawkmoth said.
"That's not true," Queen Wasp said, biting her lip anxiously, "Pollen would have told me."
"Then I will give any friend of yours the power to make people forget. It'll be like none of this ever happened," Hawkmoth said, more certainly this time.
"I see," Queen Wasp knit her brows, "before I give this to you though, can I ask you something?"
"Of course," Hawkmoth said with an all too friendly demeanor. Queen Wasp was taken aback by this.
"Why do you want the powers of creation and destruction? That's what you're after, right?"
Again, Hawkmoth hesitated to respond. He moved his hand to his cane–the action made Queen Wasp flinch.
"I don't believe you would ever understand. But don't worry. I am not going to destroy the world," Hawkmoth said with a soft voice.
Outside, Queen Wasp saw Ladybug and Chat Noir perched on the building across the street. She kept her eyes on Hawkmoth now.
"Is that not what you're doing already?" Queen Wasp asked, the corners of her mouth twitching slightly as she tried to keep composed.
"I have not done anything to destroy the world," Hawkmoth said, "any harm done that you see is not by me, but by the people I bless who have already been tormented enough by this world."
"My first fight was against Pharaoh," Queen Wasp said firmly. Hawkmoth's friendly smile vanished. "I don't think Julil ever went through enough torment to want to do what you made him do to Paris. Hawmoth looked like he was about to say something but she cut him off. "But I don't care. What's done is done. I have the tortoise for you, but you must first give me what I want."
"I will grant you your wish, but only after the tortoise has been given," Hawkmoth countered, much more seriously this time.
"So we both think we're going to be tricked," Queen Wasp tsked. "Fine, I'll give you the miraculous. But there's a catch," she revealed the tortoise miraculous from behind her back, balanced around the tip of her venomous spinning top which she now stretched out before her, "you must take it yourself."
Hawkmoth could see that she'd used the power of venom on her top. The miraculous was a small ring, delicately placed on the dangerous point.
"If you can trust me enough to grab it, then I trust you enough to hold up your end of the deal. Or, if you don't trust that I won't sting you, you can give me what I want, and then I will give it to you with nothing in the small print," Queen Wasp declared.
Hawkmoth looked very skeptical. Queen Wasp dared not to look outside where Ladybug and Chat Noir were. If he caught on and turned around... It was over. She was vulnerable to him right now. She also had to have faith that he would not use his powers to control her in her akumatized state.
"I see," Hawkmoth said, stepping closer. He reached out his hand, slowly approaching the top. She could see him thinking as he drew nearer. Behind his back, she noticed him flick his cane... She assumed this was an indicator of something he could do with his powers (which of course, she didn't know very much about). Without meaning to, she stole a glance outside, and this time, she could see Ladybug illuminated perfectly in the city light... Hanging over the window.
Hawkmoth immediately noticed her glance. But his fingers were already just mere inches away from her top! She saw him turn his head, and with his distrust in her, Queen Wasp took a jab at him.
He pulled his hand away before she even had the chance.
"You vile whore's child!" Hawkmoth exclaimed. At the same time, Ladybug broke through the window.
"Sorry to crash the party-" Ladybug said, and was probably going to say something really cool but Queen Wasp cut her off.
"I am NOT a whore's child! My mother may be a bitch but she isn't a whore, I AM!" Queen Wasp declared, lunging at Hawkmoth. The tortoise miraculous got carelessly flung into the air and quickly got lost somewhere in the room.
"Uh, Chloe-" Ladybug tried to say something again but Hawkmoth and Queen Wasp were in their own world.
"Your mother is a rotten spoiled swine! Everyone knows you are a Bourgeois now! Do you not want the freedom of your masked returned to you?! Foolish child!" Hawkmoth spewed as the two began to brawl.
Queen Wasp, aided by her wings, lept up onto the ceiling and used it to propel herself downward at him in a tackle. "I know you were never going to give me that leisure, you defiling cancerous two faced pompous sparkly Ru Paul wannabe looking ass aging old diabolical scummy tree sized butterfly man!"
"Is he-" Ladybug wasn't even heard.
"Your words land on deaf ears!" Hawkmoth argued, jabbing her in the gut with his cane.
"You're so old you need hearing aids! God, no wonder your wife must have left you. Not that I know anything, but it's clear you're a lonely out of practice saggy balled man!" Queen Wasp spun around and clocked him in the face with her high heel.
"Are you guys-" Ladybug was still being ignored. By now, Queen Wasp was pretty sure Chat Noir had crawled into the room, but both he and Ladybug were too stunned to do anything.
"I am not out of practice!"
"That's disgusting!"
Hawkmoth grabbed one of her wings to prevent her from flying, using it to slam her into the ground from the air. "You're a sad little girl."
"This sad little girl fucking defeating the entirety of the United Heroes, stole a miraculous of creation, and has won against your ass dozens of times, while you're hiding behind the magic curtain!"
"Ungrateful brat!" Hawkmoth said, distastefully pinning her face to the room floor.
"Shut up, you literally look like a fucking Jojo's Bizzare Adventures character!"
"Why you!"
"And don't even get me started on how ungrateful YOU are. God. You stupid wifeless, childless, castrated old dusty asshole! WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT WITH THE MIRACULOUS!"
"It isn't worth wasting my breath on you with!"
"50 year old virgin."
"Bastard's child."
"Dusty mothball lookin ass."
"Clueless Cher Horowitz!"
"Of course you know that character by name! Glam hog!"
"Go write about it in your diary!"
"You look like the catalyst of a yaoi!"
"Well you look like a disgrace to any film industry!"
"Well you-"
"SHUT UP, OH MY GOD!" Ladybug finally interjected. Queen Wasp and Hawkmoth halted their brawl.
"God, I thought they'd never stop yapping," Sandboy–who had now entered the room–groaned.
"This is our first real encounter with our nightmare man and he's..." Chat Noir made vague gestures at Hawkmoth.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir," Hawkmoth's face contorted into a vile grin, "we finally me-"
Queen Wasp grabbed him by his scalp and pulled him real close (both were on the floor), pointing her spinning top at his adam's apple. "Fucking lay a finger on them and I swear to fucking god I will inject poison into your bloodstream as I rip your flesh apart, tendon by tendon..."
"Get off me, little girl!" Hawkmoth said, firmly shoving her away. He picked himself off the floor, dusting himself off and straightening his coat to appear more professional. "Lucky for you two, I did in fact make an agreement with the brat. I cannot do anything to hurt you. Fortunately for me, I am not after either of you here in the first place. However, if you do anything against ME, well... Let's just say, I get to fight back. And you do not know what that will be like."
"Well, I mean, I can assume based on that weird squabble you just had with Chloe," Chat Noir deadpanned.
"That was unprofessional on my part," Hawkmoth huffed, straightening his collar and suit again.
"I'm sorry, but just because you're not coming after us, do you really think we're just going to let you be?" Ladybug said, baffled.
"I suppose not. But on the contrary, if you do do something, well... The circumstances will change."
"You're not very funny," Ladybug flattened, "whatever you're here for, we can't let you get it."
"But you don't even know what I want," Hawkmoth said with a flash of a smile.
"Whatever your goal here is, it's led to the deaths of thousands. So no, I can't let you go through with it, and no, I don't care what it is."
"After all these months, you're not even a little curious?" Hawkmoth said, his expression taunting and knowing.
"It would have to be something wretched and inhumane."
"I wish to bring a life back to my son," Hawkmoth said, "but you would think of such a thing on a simple matter, and therefore deem it, well, unreasonable."
"A life for your son?" Ladybug scoffed, "bullshit."
"His life teeters on an open swing. His happiness vanishes on a whim. His mother passed-"
"HAH! Wifeless! I told you!" Queen Wasp snarked.
"-away..." Hawkmoth was now scarred with an irritated frown.
"He wants to bring his dead wife back," Sandboy stated from across the room, clearly fed up with the conversation.
"No, I don't," Hawkmoth said, shifting his stance either in dishonesty or discomfort. "I want to free Dusuu."
"... Everything you're saying is contradicting itself," Ladybug said.
"Old swine," Queen Wasp grumbled.
"If I lose my son, Dusuu may destroy the world, for he is more attached to him than he is to the rest of humanity. The morality of kwamis is so blurred, after all. You do understand?"
"That's ridiculous! Dusuu can not possibly be okay with this! Whatever you've done- What you HAVE done is insane! You're a monster! No amount of love and goodwill can be worth it for that! Even your son's happiness!" Ladybug exclaimed. She looked to Chat Noir for backup but Chat Noir was... Stunned.
"Oh fuck you and your little son too," Queen Wasp spat.
"Shut your filthy little mouth!" Hawkmoth said, sharply turning and striking her across the temple with his cane.
"The NBA is calling! They want this freakishly tall child beating man on one of their teams!" Queen Wasp said, flying over him and attempting to strike him with her top. Immediately, Hawkmoth released his alumatization of her and she reverted back into Queen Bee; flightless, and unable to use her powers now. She tumbled to the ground harshly.
"Chloe!" Chat Noir exclaimed in concern. Both he and Ladybug moved to start a fight but Queen Bee waved them off.
"No need, I already pricked him," Queen Bee said, now out of breath.
"What?" Hawkmoth said, horror creeping upon him.
"I'll give you two options, just like before," Queen Bee said, getting up off the ground and rubbing her shoulder sorely. "Put up a fight and deal with the poison on your own if you manage to get away, or give up your miraculous and Ladybug will heal you before the bad symptoms kick in."
"What did you poison me with," Hawkmoth asked, looking down at his shaking hand.
"Strychnine," she said proudly. "I don't know how much I gave you so there's a chance you'll work it out of your system. It'll be painful though. Your muscles will start to spasm, your adrenaline will increase along with anxiety which will leave you in a constant state of perpetual fear, your arms and legs will become rigid, your jaw will tighten which will make it difficult to talk, and you'll become restless and pained by your own existence. Breathing might become difficult, but it's nothing your body can't handle. It'll just be actually the most horrible experience."
"Oh, and pissing will be REAL fun."
"But if I did manage to give you a high dose then..." she giggled, "you'll become unable to breathe at all and die. OR. Your brain will just die. Isn't that funny? Your body will still be alive, muscles spasming, limbs rigid and in pain, but your brain just goes caput. Bye bye brain! And even if you do survive all this on your own you'll probably be facing some life altering disabilities and your brain functions might get a little weird. BUT! The cure is standing right in front of you if you just give us your miraculous!"
"You're hilarious," Hawkmoth grit his teeth... well actually his jaw was tightening against his will and he probably wasn't grinding his teeth on purpose.
"I could've given you rabies," Queen Bee shrugged.
"Chloe..." Chat Noir sighed in the background.
"Sandboy?" Queen Bee addressed as she picked the ring of the tortoise off the ground where it had rolled to, "do you want this?"
"Chloe!" Ladybug exclaimed. "You CAN NOT give that to him!"
"Why not! He's trying to save his kwami!"
"You don't understand the consequences!"
"I would do the same if anything happened to Pollen!"
"Some other person or kwami would have to pay the price!"
"And what if it's Hawkmoth who has to pay! I'd love to see him or ANY of the United Heroes get a taste of their own medicine!"
"Oh, how splendid," Hawkmoth chuckled, "heroes bickering over what they think is moral. Now do you understand how complicated things are?"
"I can't take it," Samdboy shook his head. Everyone ignored Hawkmoth.
"What? Why?!"
"It's fake," Sandboy said.
"How do you know?!"
"No kwami came out when you stole it from Thorn," he said with a mournful look. "Thorn somehow tricked us. But that doesn't matter any more."
"It doesn't?"
"Guys..." said Chat Noir.
"You've inspired me," Sandboy admitted, "there's gotta be a better way to save my kwami. Ladybug is right, what I'm doing would be immoral. I'd inflict my pain onto some other miraculous wielder, and that's not justifiable. I love Coffi. She's been with me through all of this. But she is in pain and I can feel her agony. Imagine... if I got what I wanted, I united the tortoise of creation, and the rattlesnake of destruction... and in exchange, it was you who would take my place, fused to Pollen and sent on a goose chase for a cure?"
"Guys..." said Chat Noir again.
"That's very courageous, Sandboy," Ladybug said.
"I hate that you're right," Queen Bee admitted, "but you are. I'll help you. Find a cure, that is."
"Guys..." said Chat Noir thrice.
"Are you sure? It's been tedious so far and... it's likely going to take years..."
"I'm sure. I probably can't be a public hero anymore anyways."
"Guys!!" Chat Noir finally shouted.
"WHAT?!" The two girls in the room shouted in unison.
"Hawkmoth left."
"What do you mean he fucking left?!" Queen Bee said, spinning around a few times with her head on a swivel just to determine he was indeed gone with the wind.
"Literally flew out the window."
"Sandboy has kwami powers!" Queen Bee exclaimed.
"Yeah but I didn't know who the hell that was," Sandboy said.
"But you DID see what he looks like?"
"WHAT DID HE LOOK LIKE?!" Ladybug said, suddenly cornering Sandboy—who was still in child form—frantically.
"This is going to sound crazy but get this... he looked like Hawkmoth... without his mask on."
"Oh COME ON!!" Ladybug exclaimed.
"How did we let him get away!" Chat Noir groaned.
"God, why did I give him a fun poison when I could have just paralyzed that mother fucker," Queen Bee muttered. She ran to the open window to shout, "I HOPE YOUR PISS COMES OUT BLACK!"
"Okay, what just happened?!" Ladybug said, starting to panic.
Chat Noir gave a random summary, "Hawkmoth came to New York, akumatized some people, the United Heroes blamed us and came for our asses, Queen Bee kicked their asses but also got akumatized but turns out she was in control the whole time just really pissed off, Queen Bee stole Thorn's ring but it was a fake so that didn't do anything, Sandboy helped us find Hawkmoth, Hawkmoth looks like a homosexual fashion designer, the two of them squabbled and fought for a bit until we intervened, Hawkmoth revealed he has a son and somehow the son and Dusuu have a whole lot to do with his reasons for killing thousands cause that TOTALLY makes sense, Queen Bee poisoned him but he escaped us and here we are."
"What. The. FUCK?!" Ladybug said, a panic attack coming over her. Seeing she was actually panicking, Chat Noir moved to help her.
"Hey, hey, hey, why don't we sit down?" He suggested, taking her to the hotel room bed and forcing her to do breathing exercises. Queen Bee's attention was on Sandboy.
"Was that true?" she asked him, "I inspired you?"
"Um... Yeah, I suppose."
"You don't think I'm some obnoxious rich white girl who only thinks about herself?"
"Well, it seems like you kind of are, but I also watched you completely rip the United Heroes a new one just because they threatened your friends. And even if he tricked you, you took down Thorn all by yourself, and then disrespected Hawkmoth to no end which was actually hilarious to watch. You also defeated a villain that a whole team of professional heroes couldn't best. And even after all that's happened to you tonight with your mom turning into a glitter monster, your identity being exposed, me kidnapping you... I haven't seen you give up yet."
"It's really cool. You're selfless, and even if your goals don't align with everyone else's, from what I've seen, your independence is what actually makes you an incredible part of the Miracle Team, I'm sure."
"You know... that plane you hijacked was actually my flight."
"... Oops."
"I just can't believe Hawkmoth got away," Queen Bee sighed. She snorted, a smile forming on her lips, "but he's going to have so much fun treating that poison."
"You know what he looks like now, at least. I don't know if that'll be any help but..."
"We also know that Dusuu has something to do with all this," Queen Bee stated.
"Who... is Dusuu, might I ask?"
"The chinese kwami of emotion. I don't know a lot about him, but I think he can create monsters and manipulate emotions."
"That's mildly horrifying," Sandboy chuckled.
"He's been in a coma for god knows how long, but he woke up just last month... And then Hawkmoth disappeared... Until now. Neptune–she's our hero of teleportation you met–informed me that there's a sentimonster in Paris right now and-"
"THERE'S A WHAT?!" Ladybug screeched from the bed.
"I assume she's gone back to help with that. There isn't much we can do now," Queen Bee said.
"We have to get back there! I'm the only one who can restore the damage!" Ladybug said, panic consuming her again.
"Hey, relax," Chat Noir said to her, "We'll go to our meeting point and see if Neptune is waiting for us. If she isn't, then the sentimonster wasn't a big deal. Who knows, maybe it was to distract us from knowing Hawkmoth was in Paris!"
"Right, right..."
"And Carapace has protection powers. Paris will be okay. I promise. I trust him and Rena."
"You're right," Ladybug assured herself.
"So Hawkmoth got away," QUeen Bee reiterated, "but there's one more thing we can do to get a huge step over him."
"What's that?" said the others.
"This is a hotel. His name will be registered to this room, don't you think?"
A/N Next chapter should be the last part of the New York Special before we move on to the second season rewrite (which will probably have elements of season three tbh). I intend to bring back illlustrations for that so don't worry.
This is what my redesign of Hawkmoth looks like btw. He's a fashion designer he has to be STUNNING okay?! (God this ref sheet is almost two years old now...) Also be sure to check my tumblr for more updates on Miracle Box shenanigans.
I APPOLOGIZE HAWKMOTH'S REVEAL LOOKS SO GOOFY. Like we meet him finally and it's just him bickering with Queen Bee BUT LISTEN HERE ME OUT-
This part of my fic is about Chloe, so she had to be the one to confront him, and I felt her just insulting him like that was in character for her. And Gabriel ofc obviously cannot STAND being disrespected and made a joke of so he would of course banter back but very poorly. I promise you if this was Ladybug or Chat Noir in her place instead it would have been a lot more serious and he would have been made more intimidating BUT THIS WAS THE CHOICE I MADE SO WE'RE GONNA GO ALONG WITH IT AND NOT COMPLAIN OKAY????
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