Despicable Annoyance
"And I thought things were going well," Marinette muttered to herself.
It was late in the evening and chaos was flooding the streets of Paris. Marinette could hear it all, even with her bedroom window shut. Curious, but already knowing what the answer to her quandary would be, Marinette climbed off her bed to the upper trap door that lay on the ceiling above. This was her escape onto her little quaint balcony that overlooked the humble streets around her family's bakery.
"Enticing," Tikki said sarcastically, hovering beside Marinette as her smaller self. Yep. Paris was in shambles. People were beating each other up on the street with no real reason, parents were abandoning their children, couples were spewing venom and hate at each other, blood was being shed, and the brawling never once ceased.
"What is happening?!" Marinette exclaimed, watching as a mother and her daughter started fighting each other with intent to severely harm the other.
"I don't know, but you should probably figure it out. It's definitely related to an akuma."
"Right," Marinette nodded, hiding herself back into her room to transform. She then snuck out, hiding herself from the view of civilians to properly come out to the world as Ladybug.
She swung over the street, finding many of these people were infected with whatever hate virus was being spread. She noticed that all of them shared one trait in common; black lips as if they decided to all take on a gothic look at the same time. She had to intervene between a few fights which had gotten a little too violent but there wasn't much she could do. Humanity had turned on itself.
Someone, whom she didn't know, was about to throw another someone out a window. Ladybug swooped in to catch them, taking the person to safety... as far away from the other as possible.
"Sir are you alright?"
"That ungrateful bitch ass Quadell!" The man shoved Ladybug aside, then faltered, "Er- sorry ma'am. I just have some unfinished business to get to," the man stated and walked away from her, back towards the building.
"Hey, no, don't go back, what are you thinking?"
"Gonna beat his ass," the man seethed.
"Ey, no!" Ladybug grabbed him again. This man also had black lipstick on. He yanked away from her.
"Thanks miss, but I can handle him on my own. Ciao!" He hurried off.
"Wait! Ugh..." Ladybug sighed. Well, the man wasn't violent with her. He just had it out for whoever Quadell was. That was a clue...perhaps.
"Tough luck, huh?"
She looked to her side to find Chat Noir had just met up with her.
"What's going on?"
"A kid got his heart broken and has become some form of anti cupid. I was tracking him down but I've lost him," Chat reported.
"Alright, what's he look like?"
"Trust me, he's not hard to spot."
"Then how'd you lose him?!"
"I got distracted by you," Chat stated.
"Alright, alright. Let's just... find him again," Ladybug said before flying off at the string of her yoyo.
The akuma didn't take long to be found. He was high in the sky, shooting arrows at those who passed beneath him, circling and swerving through buildings and landmarks. Ladybug and Chat Noir approached with caution.
"His identity is Le Chien Kim," Chat said.
"Another student- er- another teenager?" Ladybug stammered.
"Yeah, it seems Hawkmoth has targets for this."
"So it appears."
They ducked below the ridge of a roof top. "So what's the plan?" Ladybug asked.
"Well..." Chat observed the akuma victim in the distance carefully.
He was wearing a gray blindfold, though it didn't prohibit his vision somehow. He wore a red and purple suit, with thick deep red boots and pink gloves. He had heart tattoos running up his forearms and the front of his neck, like Cyrus from the Croaking would with wings. He had large, broad deep rich black wings of his own which were adorned with red stripes. His dyed blond hair rustled freely in the wind, with each flap of his wings causing more wind to stir around him. In his hand was a menacing looking sharp bow, notched with an arrow in his hand which he aimed at the people in the streets.
"His name is Dark Cupid. Basically his power causes people to aggressively despise the first person they see after they get hit with an arrow," Chat explained. "He's really fast with his flying so... be careful."
"We can't let an arrow even graze us then. This will be tricky, it's not exactly easy to dodge those," Ladybug muttered.
"Obviously," Chat said in agreement. "Try and get the bow from his hands."
"Is that where the akuma is hiding?"
"I doubt it," Chat said, "But if we want a fair fight, we need to take his weapon away otherwise me might end up fighting one another."
"Right," Ladybug nodded. She stood up, now having a clearer view of Dark Cupid. He looked angry, furious even. Hatred flooded his veins, he was absolutely livid. "I suppose the akuma could be in that necklace then, right?" she asked, referring to the necklace with sharp pointed beads that resembled shark teeth.
"I'd bet my life on it.... Probably. Maybe."
"Let's do this," Ladybug spun her yoyo at her side.
"Where'd he go-" Chat faltered as the two nearly leapt off the building. Looking out ahead, Dark Cupid had mysteriously vanished from the air.
"That's not right..." Ladybug started looking around, keeping her yoyo spinning, ready for attack.
"He must have flown off," Chat said.
Ladybug's eyes darted up to the skies, looking for where the akuma victim could have possibly flown off too. The air felt oddly chilly, despite September's usual warmth. The atmosphere seemed to conduct this strange aura, haunting her thoughts. It made her realize she was afraid.
An arrow zipped through the air and struck Chat Noir in the back before either of them had time to react. Its source; Dark Cupid hiding amongst the low hanging clouds in the heavens, barely a shadow in the sky.
Ladybug pulled the arrow out which had only slightly punctured Chat Noir's skin, but was still enough to inflict its curse. She had hope, perhaps by removing it so fast the spell wouldn't work.
She was wrong.
Chat's eyes glared down at her as he straightened his posture, a deep frown scarring his face with a look of utter hatred. His lips were black in color, like he was wearing makeup. His hand moved to his baton, clutching it gingerly in his fist, waiting for her to move so that he could attack. He was waiting, whilst she was frozen in time itself.
"Chat...?" Ladybug said, still with some hint of hope in her voice.
"Go away," Chat said through gritted teeth. Ladybug took a tiny step back, and that's when he finally moved. He swung his baton at her full force, knocking her off the edge of the building like she weighed nothing. Ladybug plummeted to the earth, barely catching the end of her yoyo on something sturdy to save herself before she hit the paved roads below.
Ladybug swung herself away in escape, landing on the top point of the fontaine saint-sulpice, a rather well known marble fountain in Paris. Of course, Chat Noir followed and Dark Cupid was nowhere to be seen. Ladybug was on edge, keeping her mind occupied with thoughts, trying to think of a way she could fix this.
Chat Noir landed gracefully upon the head of a marble lion seated upon the fountain below her. He glared up at her, waiting for her to come down and fight him. He didn't say anything to her, but he really didn't need to. The look in his eyes carried all the words in the world that he wanted to curse up at her.
"You couldn't even do your job," Chat said, tapping the side of the lion's head with his staff.
"What are you talking about?" Ladybug said, crouching herself on the point of the fountain.
"We're supposed to save people you know, all you do is disappear and leave me to do the work, or just get in the way. You know, why would anyone pick you as a hero? Was Tikki out of her mind?!"
"That's not true Chat, and you know it."
"Every word I speak is the truth and you know what, I think I'm finally seeing clearly." His eyes never left her.
"We're a team, we're supposed to work together."
"I wish someone else would have been Ladybug. Somebody useful."
"You're not yourself right now Chat, remember, we're dealing with Dark Cupid here." As she said this, she became aware of the winged man in the sky, circling high above the fountain like a vulture. He was waiting for Chat Noir to do his job for him. Ladybug could only pray that she could talk Chat out of the curse.
"Dark Cupid is working for Hawkmoth, a man we've never even seen before! How can we know if the kwamis can be trusted? Maybe Hawkmoth is doing this righteously!" Chat enamored.
"Don't you dare say that!" Ladybug growled, readying her yoyo in her hands. "He's controlling these people to do awful things, Chat Noir! Remember Princess Fragrance?!"
"Yes, of course I remember her. You showed up late and I had to fight her off on my own till you came last minute! How do you even lose a kwami?!"
"It's a long story!" Ladybug said, not wanting to discuss this with him at all.
"Tikki should have chosen someone with more sense of responsibility!" Chat said. The next thing she knew, he'd leapt into the air, assisted by his super abilities. They now came face to face, barely giving her a chance to duck below the swing of his staff. She nearly fell off the edge of the fountain because of him. She scrambled onto her knees when he came upon her from behind, trapping her throat with his staff and forcing her to sit up straight with her back pinned against his chest.
"Let go, Chat!" she said, struggling to breathe as his baton was pushing hard against her voice box and strangling her airflow.
"Just hand me your miraculous. Tikki and I can work out an arrangement and get someone better to replace you."
"She chose me for a reason!" Ladybug sputtered, swinging her elbow and striking him in the gut. He didn't move.
Dark Cupid swept down from the skies, his dark angelic wings casting a shadow over the fountain for a moment before he alighted himself on one of the marble cauldrons on the layer of the fountain above the lions. He folded his wings flat against his back and looked up at them–well, he had a blindfold so Ladybug wasn't exactly sure how he was seeing them, but still.
"He's right you know," Dark Cupid stated. His voice most definitely belonged to Kim. It was without a doubt.
"Dude, is this about Chloe?!" Ladybug exclaimed, grabbing the staff with both her hands and trying to shove it away. Chat was strong, so they began a little push pull war, but at least she could breathe.
"What would you know about it?!"
"Ugh I am so over you two," Ladybug muttered to herself before ramming her head backwards with enough force to hit Chat in the jaw. He released his pull on the baton and she was free. "Kim- er- Dark Cupid, do you even realize how ridiculous this is?!" Ladybug said, dodging the attacking and jabs from Chat Noir. She swung around the fountain and landed on a cauldron opposite of Dark Cupid.
"Everyone needs to feel the pain of heartbreak, that's the only way they can understand! Especially Chloe! She's a heartless monster!"
"You're spreading hate, not heartbreak!" Ladybug argued, "And just because Chat won't get along with me now, doesn't mean he's going to help you out!"
"Says who?" Chat said, sliding down the side of the fountain and stepping into the water next to Dark Cupid.
"Chat Noir! Are you serious?!" Ladybug fumed. "This is the most stupid thing I've had to-"
An arrow whisked past her head, a clear warning.
"You can either hand over your miraculous, or I can let you and Chat Noir tear each other apart so that I may take them off your dead bodies," Dark Cupid threatened.
"Not a chance."
Dark Cupid notched another arrow and released it, barely missing Ladybug's head. It was another warning. If he wanted to hit her, he would.
"Chat! Just destroy his necklace and this will all be over with! Please!" Ladybug pleaded.
"All I want is a more competent partner! Someone more willing to break my curse!"
"What curse!? You're under a curse right now you stupid cat!"
"You don't know anything!" Chat snarled. He lunged forward, water splashing with the force of his landing as he swung a clawed hand at her. Cataclysm swirled around his fingers, he'd summoned it and she hadn't even noticed it.
"Holy fuck Chat! Are you trying to kill me?!"
"Get a grip!" She grabbed onto his wrist, avoiding his cataclysm as she swung him over her shoulder and off the mountain. He sprawled out over the concrete but hardly seemed phased. She leapt off the side of the fountain and stood over him. "Look, I need you to get it together and help me here! People are dying because of him Chat!" she said, pointing a wary finger at Dark Cupid. The water from the fountain had smudged the foundation on his cheeks, revealing some of his burn scars. Every time Ladybug saw them, it saddened her. But she couldn't let her guard down just yet.
"-heroes fighting-"
Ladybug jerked her head up and spotted someone recording them, making commentary as they went. Alya. How did she get so far out here on her own? And so fast? Alya was truly a master at vlogging, she'd likely make for a fantastic journalist. But right now, she was in danger.
"Hey! Girl! Get out of here!" Ladybug demanded of Alya. Alya had an expensive looking camera in her hand. It appeared she'd upgraded from the phone, and now likely could capture seriously good video quality. She really was taking this seriously.
An arrow flew from Dark Cupid's bow and struck Alya in the shoulder, who, of course, was looking right at Ladybug at the moment. Her look of surprise melted into one of spite.
"Really Dark Cupid?!" Ladybug squawked, "you want her to fight me?! She's in a freaking wheelchair!"
"Look at those scars..." Ladybug heard Alya say.
She was keeping Chat pinned to the ground, but when she looked to Alya, she realized there were more ways of showing hatred that didn't involve a fight. Her camera was zoomed in on Chat's face, and if the quality was good enough, she had a clear shot of Chat Noir's scars, revealing his burns.
"I know the story behind that, I was filming the fight for one of my recent videos..." Alya commentated.
Chat had a sinister look on his face, not even resisting Ladybug. He knew what Alya was doing, and Dark Cupid must have planned on it before he shot the arrow. Alya was about to manipulate the entirety of Paris.
"Poor Chat Noir," Alya said, "Fighting Evillustrator on his own, Ladybug nowhere to be seen to help him. Chat risked his life for one of my friends who was captured by Evillustrator. Ladybug couldn't have cared less. And because of her, Chat Noir's face has been adorned with those painful burn scars. Because of Ladybug, Chat Noir's life has been ruined."
"Th-that's not true!" Ladybug said. Chat Noir struck her across the cheek, getting her off of him while she was distracted. Now he had her pinned to the pavement.
"Yes it is!" he seethed. "What were you even doing?! Why didn't you help me! You left me to babysit Lila, and fight off a villain by myself! You're the one here who keeps pushing the idea that we're a team, but clearly, that has a different definition in both of our books!"
"It's complicated!" she said, trying to squirm out from under him. Chat rubbed his face, smearing off whatever remained of the foundation. The scars were painfully obvious.
"You don't even know how much stress this has caused me."
"Ooh," Alya sneered, "Ladybug really is incompetent. And according to what I've heard during this akuma attack, they were chosen as superheroes. Anyone in Paris could have been Ladybug, yet somehow, we're stuck with this selfish, unreliable, irresponsible teenage girl. Isn't that just sad?"
"Chat, I really need you to snap out of it!" Ladybug said with fear in her eyes.
"I've wanted to get all this off my chest for a few weeks now," Chat said bitterly. Ladybug's mind began racing for ideas, anything that could undo this curse. What could break curses or spells?
A kiss.
Ladybug cringed at the thought. She'd known Chat Noir for only a few weeks, she didn't necessarily want to kiss him. But times had become desperate.
"You're gonna make me regret this," she muttered, grabbing onto his hand and pulling his face down to meet hers, forcing their lips together. Chat Noir, of course, was very surprised by this. He tried pushing her away but to no avail.
An arrow struck the ground directly next to Ladybug's head, Dark Cupid now soaring in the sky above them. She separated from Chat Noir, putting as much distance between herself and the black suited hero as she could.
It didn't work.
"Are you kidding me!" Ladybug said as Chat gave her the nastiest glare imaginable on a model worthy face.
"A kiss without consent, that's disgusting," Alya said from a distance.
"Please Chat, make it stop! Refuse the curse! Something!" Ladybug begged. He swung his cataclysm at her, chasing after her as she'd barely gotten to her feet. "You can't kill me! We need to- stop it!" she was barely able to avoid him now as more hatred flooded his veins. "LUCKY CHARM!"
Before she even registered the object that had fallen into her hands, she ran straight into Dark Cupid who was blocking her attempt to escape. This was her chance. She grabbed his necklace, and at the same time, he wacked her across the head with his bow, knocking her out cold.
All went black.
Ladybug expected to die. Chat Noir's cataclysm should have torn her heart straight from her chest. That's why she had to be in darkness for so long. She was unconscious, or rather, dead.
She didn't expect to wake up and see a forcefield of green caged over her, protecting her from both Chat Noir and Dark Cupid.
"What in the world...?" Ladybug sat up, feeling her head sorely. Looking at the magic forcefield which had just sprung up out of nowhere, she could see a few cracks in it. And in the distance, Chat Noir. His cataclysm was gone, meaning he'd used it on something. The forcefield.
"You alright?" came a voice. She looked up where directly above her, squatting on top of the forcefield, was a boy dressed in green.
His hair was short and brown, and he wore goggles with a neon green hue over his eyes. He had a mask one might wear for skiing which covered the lower half of his face and down his neck. He had a tight bright green short sleeved shirt with darker protective pads placed on his chest, abdomen, and shoulders. His pants were baggy but also matched the rest of his color scheme. He had protective fingerless gloves on, as well as elbow pads for skating. At his side, he gripped onto a round shield that looked quite like the shell of a turtle.
"Who are you?!" was Ladybug's response. Her eyes landed on a little bracelet on his wrist; a miraculous.
"Well, I had only a few name ideas in mind but I think I'm gonna go with Carapace," the boy answered.
"Alright... and why are you here?"
"You were about to get absolutely clapped by Chat Noir, so I swooped in to the rescue."
"You have a miraculous..."
"Miraculous of the turtle, I have like... protection powers and stuff." Carapace shrugged like it was no big deal. "Now, you have the necklace from Dark Cupid in your hand. I was trying to keep him and Chat Noir at bay until you woke back up, but the force field will give in soon and it looks like they're figuring out some knew plan."
"I do..." Ladybug said in surprise, realizing the sharp beaded necklace indeed was in her hand.
She quickly shattered one of the beads by slamming the necklace into the ground. A little black moth fluttered out and she captured it in her yoyo, purifying it.
She then looked to see what her lucky charm had been; a little glass figurine of a turtle. "It was a clue," she smiled, holding it preciously in her hands.
Carapace deactivated his shield and jumped onto the ground next to her. "Glad I made it in time," he said with a chuckle.
"Me too," Ladybug nodded, tossing the little glass turtle into the air. "Miraculous ladybug!" instantly, it dispersed into several little magical ladybugs which went around Paris, repairing nearly all the damage that had been caused.
"What happened..." Kim said from a few yards away, trying to assess his location.
"You made me rage on Ladybug," Chat Noir said foolishly. Ladybug was glad to see he was back to normal. "And... nice to meet you," he said as he jogged up to Ladybug and Carapace. "And you are...?"
"Carapace," Carapace said with friendly eyes, "I'm here to help."
"I wasn't expecting someone new," Chat said kindly. "I'm Chat Noir." He gave a little bow. He seemed to be avoiding looking at Ladybug.
"Trust me dude, I know. I have a friend who's obsessed with you two." Carapace chuckled.
"So... the guardian must have decided we weren't good enough."
"Ah, don't say that ladydude," Carpace remarked, "My kwami, Wayzz, said I'm here only to assist. Just a little more.... Damage prevention I guess. Hence why I have powers over protection."
"It's fine Ladybug, I bet we'll work even better as a trio!" Chat said with excitement.
"As long as you don't get infected by some akuma's influence again," Ladybug teased.
"Oh, Ladybug, your time's about to wear off," Chat pointed out, dodging her remark.
"Ack- you're right!" Ladybug exclaimed, "we better get going. Meet up with us for patrol, Carapace. We probably need to discuss some things and figure this whole thing out."
"Will do Ladydude!"
"Master Fu, the plan isn't working out like we hoped," Wayzz said dutifully with concern in his yellow and green eyes. It was a few hours before the attack of Dark Cupid had taken place, and several kwamis had gathered in the guardian's living room, all sharing the same concern.
"There wasn't much of a plan to begin with," said Pollen, the kwami of subjection.
"We should have sent Kaalki out there!" said Stompp, the kwami of determination. She had the silver horns of a bull on her head, and her clothing came from her favorite Chinese dynasty, the Tang dynasty, which revealed a large portion of her chest unlike the other female presenting kwamis who preferred to keep covered up.
"Or Orikko," stated Longg, the kwami of perfection. Like Stompp, he had horns on his head, but instead of just two, he had eight which rested like a crown around his head, all in variations of red. Her dress came from the Qing dynasty. Uniquely to the others, Longg was pretty fluid with pronouns, and carried no preference to how they presented themselves.
"Orikko would have been too dangerous," Master Fu stated dismissively, "if I send her out, it will be when times get desperate."
"Plagg could go out there, but not me?" Orikko grumbled. She was the kwami of pretension, wearing an orange dress from the Qin and Han dynasties. She had the red fin of a chicken on top of her head.
"I do not regret sending Plagg," Master Fu said confidently. "The subject he has chosen has proven worthy of his title thus far. As long as Plagg doesn't tell him about... you know what... we should be fine."
"Is 'you know what' referring to Plagg's curse or... the other thing...?" Pollen asked.
"The other thing." Master Fu said. Collectively, Master Fu and the rest of the kwami's were all too afraid to even speak of it. "That is what makes Plagg's miraculous so dangerous. It's best Chat Noir should never know about it."
"They can't do it alone," said Sass solemnly, sitting on his knees. He was the kwami of intuition, and had fins of a cobra on his head which traced down to his upper back. "There must be a third, at least. Hawkmoth... fits with Nooroo all too well. He knows what he's doing, and if we don't do something about it soon, more people die. Too many have passed already because of him."
"Kaalki is the best option," Stomp restated, "she can teleport, that's useful for this type of situation."
"Only if we knew where Hawkmoth was," Kaalki, the kwami of teleportation, responded.
"Well, if we can't send her or Orikko, then who?" Stompp said with a bitter look on her face. "We're running out of time here, who knows when the next akuma attack will be."
"Patience, my dear," Master Fu said calmly, "let's not rush into it this time. I would prefer we send someone who could grant powers that would help the situation. I would send Ziggy, but we don't need someone like Ladybug out there. Maybe someday, but that day has not yet come. Perhaps Longg, for she has very elegant abilities to pass onto her wielder, but I'm afraid it's much too soon for that as well."
"What about me, sir?" Wayzz said hesitantly. Master Fu remained silent, deep in thought. "Well... you see, I grant protection, which is exactly what the city needs right now. Chat Noir and Ladybug have been getting the brunt of all this, and we didn't really give them much of a choice."
"The least we could do is give them a shield," Kaalki agreed.
"You're right, but I am afraid there will be a consequence of that. Without you here, the sanctuary is more vulnerable to Hawkmoth. We need you out there, but we desperately need you here."
"I can also grant protection, Master," Orikko reminded. "We'll be safe."
"But are you sure, Wayzz? You've been my companion for... well over a century now."
"It will be alright, Master. And I'll make sure to visit from time to time," Wayzz said with a kind smile. This reassured Master Fu.
"I suppose you're right. Does anyone object to this?" The kwamis remained silent. "Very well then, Wayzz, you're free to go." He pulled his bracelet out of his pocket and handed it to the man.
"You will not regret this," Wayzz said, gratefully taking the bracelet into his hands.
Nino certainly did not expect a seven foot tall man to suddenly appear in his room, late in the evening, completely unannounced; but really, who would?
The sun was taking a dive for the horizon, and Nino was completely engrossed in taking a shower. He'd been in there for well over an hour, but it was a Friday or Saturday night (Nino had lost track) and he had nothing better to do than just enjoy the hot water trying to melt him into a mush.
So when he stepped out of the bathroom and crept back into his room, the sight of a giant man in a chinese warrior getup gave him quite the panic and he nearly screamed. Or at least, he would have screamed, but his absolute fear had stolen his voice away from him.
"Ah, I apologize for the intrusion- er- what are you doing?"
The man looked at him curiously as Nino silently grabbed for his phone which was buried in the sheets of his bed, using his free hand to keep his towel wrapped around his waist. Nino's eyes never left the man, his mouth hanging open, still trying to scream though all that came out were a few measly squeaks.
"Ohhh, you want your phone device..." the man said in realization, just as Nino's fingers brushed up against his phone. A sudden miniature forcefield formed around his phone by a simple wave of the man's hand. "Deeply sorry, you can't use it at this time."
"What are you doing IN MY ROOM!" Nino finally was able to say something. He practically launched himself away from the bed as soon as the forcefield appeared over his phone.
"I wanted to meet you, officially."
"Nino–that is your name I hope–I have chosen you to take on a tremendous task. If you decline, I'll just wipe your memory and it will be like all of this never happened," the man said calmly.
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"You are familiar with Paris's two new superheroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, correct?"
"Splendid!" The man clasped his hands together. He was sitting across Nino's bedroom, leaned up against the wall. "Well, I am a kwami, and I'm here to make you a superhero as well."
"... I did not ask to do that- did I accidentally sign some contract?!"
"Oh, no, I assure you this isn't anything like that. I'm Wayzz, the kwami of protection."
"... Uh huh?"
"I can make you into a new superhero to join Ladybug and Chat Noir. You would have powers over protection and the abil-"
"Wait- so I could make a forcefield like that?!" Nino said, pointing back to his phone.
"Erm- yes. That is called Shell-Ter," Wayzz explained, "However, after you use it, you'll have five minutes before your time runs out and you transform back into your regular self. It's sorta an unspoken rule we kwamis apply to our younger wielders until they get strong enough to be trusted with more power and less restrictions."
"Ah... uh huh..."
"You will also have a power called shield, which increases your resistance to attacks, and can make you impenetrable," Wayzz informed.
"Like Kirishima from My Hero Academia?"
"I am here because Ladybug and Chat Noir need help. If you take on this role, your job will be to keep them protected to better the chances of defeating Hawkmoth, do you understand?"
"Great!" Wayzz smiled. "Now, I did notice an akuma popped up a ways away, you might need to hurry up and help. I promise, I'll explain more of this later." Wayzz approached the half naked Nino, holding out a bracelet to give to him. "This is a miraculous. It's what gives you your powers."
"Got it." Nino hesitantly took the bracelet from the man in armor.
"To transform, just say 'shell on' when you're ready."
"Alright then. Shell on!"
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