some notes based off the last few one-shots (and headcanons)

angsty Sleepy Bois plus the double trouble duo :DDD (also just some nice headcanons)

-first things first, explaining Wilbur's whole stance in this situation:

-Wilbur, being the charismatic little shit he is, is usually pretty good at reading but not when it comes to Tommy; Wilbur has a very difficult time telling apart Tommy's acting from his being real-ness and that leads to issues like this; he didn't mean for it to go this far, he just genuinely thought Tommy was being dramatic so he decided to be dramatic as well :')

-Phil's stance: not the best at reading people but he tries his best; he also thought Tommy was being dramatic but definitely has more sympathy for the kid than Wilbur

-Phil also knows Wilbur is good at reading people so he usually trusts his judgement

-Techno's horrible at reading people but luckily he has the mom-anxiety override which basically means he checks in on people if he thinks they're in a bad place just to be sure

-Techno saying "Wilbur, I mean this is the nicest way possible... but you fucked up," made Wilbur break immediately because it's what Tommy said to Eret during the war when he betrayed L'manburg :'))))

-Tommy and Tubbo are the types to grab at the back of your shirt if someone hugs them while they're upset

-Dadza to the rescue

-Wilbur has a tendency to go from 1-100 very quickly and that includes his emotions, so when he gets happy he's happy and when he gets sad he's sad

-Wilbur also tends to be easily overwhelmed by negative emotions and he actually usually needs a second party to step in and help

-no im absolutely not projecting onto Wilbur AHEM AHEM-

-Tubbo's the type where even if he's upset, he'll try to make his friends happy first

-Tubbo and Wilbur both get excited over things very easily and love learning so Wilbur absolutely adores Tubbo cuz he reminds him of himself

-that last is canon btw, Wilbur once said to the stream that Tubbo reminds him of himself :')

-one of the only way Wilbur can tell when Tommy's upset (besides him directly saying it) is if he cries

-Wilbur dreads the day Tommy learns how to fake-cry

-if A6d and Tubbo ever met I think they'd both have fun talking about coding and stuff (in fanon i mean, idk how they'd get along in canon) cuz they're both hella smart

-Tommy has teeth that look like little fangs :DD

-Wilbur has sharp shark-like teeth :DDDDD

-everyone can have custom elytras and Phil's look like raven wings

-Tommy has two teeth on his bottom row that look kinda like tusks but not that long they're smol

-out of all the Sleepy Bois, Tommy technically looks the most "human" (and Phil if you don't count the elytra)

-everyone: *thanking Dream for introducing them to new youtubers like Bad and Techno*
me who found Techno first and technically found Skeppy 2 years ago and found everyone else through them: O_o

-Tommy has a small scar under his right eye (his skin actually does!) and brags about it but also refuses to share the story of where it came from (between you and me, he actually slipped and bashed his face on an anvil-)

-both Tubbo and Wilbur play music for Tommy when he's upset :')

-everyone making jokes about how Tommy is clingy but tbh him and Tubbo are both hella clingyfkjdlksf

-god they really are just british Bad and Skeppy aren't they-

-oh also Tubbo's elytra looks like bee wings and Wilbur's looks like phantom (as in the mob) wings

-Techno has the standard purple elytra cuz he can't be bothered to get a custom one and Tommy has the standard one cuz he wants to look like Techno lmao

-wait do you think Tommy was ever a fan of Stampylongnose???


-okay this is just devolving into notes for ideas that i have but bear with me-

-tubbo gets angry at Wilbur, the fic-

-kinda a crackfic but Stampy and Squid come to the Dream SMPhfjdkslhfjdskj

-i just like the idea of Stampy and Squid being really underestimated cuz they're so nice/lowkey childish and then they just annihilate everyone

-especially Stampy, like Techno at leasts know Squid can pack a punch but Stampy is just an innocent cat boyo and then he just goes yEET

-another, less crack fueled, idea but what if Dream tries to recruit Skeppy for Dream SMP and Skeppy agrees and even brings on Bad to join but then Dream realizes he's made a huge mistake recruiting the two chaotic arsonists

-Dream and Skeppy interacting is so funny because Skeppy's unpredictable and chaotic, and it just constantly surprises Dream and you can hear the fear in his voicejhfdksfh

-Skeppy's like yeah arson! and Dream's like haha that's funny and then Bad's like sure arson! and Dream thinks they're joking until he sees the L'manburg flags on fire

-and that day, Dream found someone who was even more of a pyromanic than Sapnap :')

-so back to that Stampy and Squid idea-


-like they're both on the Dream SMP and just being dumb, Stampy's cooing over Punz's bees and Squid's fooling around in L'manburg, and then they actually get into a fight with some mobs and everyone's like wtf cuz they're both still being silly while fighting and just absolutely annihilate the mobs

-they both also actually have some common sense (sometimes) and Tommy's showing them around L'manburg including that room where Eret betrayed them and they're just like "WHY WOULD YOU PRESS A SUSPICIOUS BUTTON ON THE GROUND????" and Tommy blue-screens

-i really really like this idea i might do something more with it whoops-

-the two have some common sense but 90% of the time are being idiots whether it's Stampy screeching at he gets bullied by phantoms or Squid lighting himself on fire, and Tommy's like bro how are these the legendary minecrafters i look up to they're literally idiots

-Skeppy and Bad are like, the evolved Stampy and Squid :')

-Stampy makes a celebratory cake (with many difficulties because he can never remember the recipe)

-imagine Dream challenges Stampy to a duel and Stampy's clearly not taking the fight seriously, getting distracted and making silly comments, and still manages to kill Dream

-don't mind me just crying over this as 1 am:

-goodness they still make me laugh like 6 years later :')

-ohmygod it's been 6 years since i found them? oh god i feel old... the next generation won't even know about them, they're just gonna be growin' up with fucking Ninja and Jake Paul.. ohmygod...

-someone shows them a netherite sword and they just bicker and fight over who gets it for like 20 minutes

-also they take advantage of the fact you can nudge other players and constantly nudge each off high places (by which I mean Squid constantly shoving Stampy off places-)

this devolved from angst to shenanigans and i mildly apologize-

i might make this Stampy and Squid thing into it's own AU oh no it's so cracky tho-

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