Today is the day. I have to leave today. I woke up in the middle of the Night sweating and tossing and turning. I look at her as my worries come to an ease. Why must I leave you today? Today out of all days? I just proposed to you, after I made love to you. After I cried out of pure happiness. We had so much fun during our mini-vacation. Why? Why did it have to come to this? Why is this the only option?
I guess I tried everything possible huh? And it went to hell. I caress her back softly with my fingertips taking in her beauty. I become dazed just looking at her, this woman is my medication for my heartbreak. I didn't think anyone could fix me but I guess it's possible.
She rolls over in my arms causing me to snap out of my trance, she wraps her arms around me and sighs deeply "why are you still up at five in the morning?" She whispers " you better not be thinking too hard or I'll punch you," she says in sleepiness in her voice.
"Oh shit now, you think you big and bad now cause of that game you played yesterday" I smile
"No, because I have super strength," she says dazedly
"It's that so? Well then fight my bad dreams" I sigh, she sits up then straddles me as she places her hands on my chest " may I rant to you?" I ask softly, she nods her head caressing my shoulder
"I'm honestly sad and terrified of leaving you alone, yes I know that taehyung and everyone said they would protect you but it scares me that something could happen to you and I'll never know, I can't talk to you guys until this is done and he's put away, I can't hold you when you're scared I can't wipe your tears when you miss me, I can't touch you in general I can't hear your beautiful smooth honey voice when I wake up in the morning, but I know I'm going away for a good cause but damn how I wish their was another way, and I just asked you to marry me and I would've felt even worse if you didn't wake up just now, because I made love to you and left. I would've had a guilty Conscience on my mind my heart would've felt heavy just like it does now" she cups my face as I look into her glossy green/brown eyes
"Baby? Don't feel guilty for one it was the best sex ever and two the night was so beautiful you made me feel like I was in a fairytale and three, I'm going to be okay you know why?"
"Why?" I answer
" because when my fiancée comes back he's going to be happier than I've ever made him, my fiancée is going to come back finer and stronger than ever because he did that! And he proved that so-called man that nothing will hurt him, that nothing will stop him from getting his happiness and that he finally stood up " she says kissing my cheeks softly " and I hope my fiancée is going to come back and bend my back like a glow stick because he's hot as hell doing that all on his own" she whispers seductively
" maybe your fiancée will come back and blow your back out, I may leave some hickeys on her neck too" I said caressing her neck
"And then?" She comments
" I'll spread her legs out wide and pound so deep into her, her moans never escape from her mouth" I start to lean in towards her to kiss her but someone rings the doorbell, I place my hand on her waist furrowing my eyebrows at her
" Who is it" She asks , she gets off of me and I look back at her clenching my jaw slightly "stay here" I warn her, she nods her head as she holds the covers to her chest, I grab the razor blade that's stuck inside the plant pot, I then walk up to the door I look out the peephole and see my brother and his friend here. I sigh then open the door.
" what were you going to do chop me up?" He says looking down at the razor blade in my hand
"I would've if you tried something " I clap back, he comes in and sits in the living room.
"This will be quick then I'm out of your hair, but do you really have to do this?" He says looking up at me I scoff then sit on the arm of the couch " honestly theirs nothing else we can do? Besides you going in there? Can't you just lowkey have the cops on the phone line?"
"No" I interrupted him " wanna know why that wouldn't work? Me calling him would already be a suspicion because one he knows I deleted his number and he is blocked, two the police won't believe me unless I had hard proof evidence, then who would get pinned with the charges ?" I look at him as I see sorrow in his eyes " don't worry brother I'll be alright I promise I'll come back when this is all over"
" you better, I need to make more memories with you" he scoffs
" I'm down"
He stands up and hugs me I roll my eyes then pat his back softly " you make sure he suffers" he whispers
" trust me he will " I reply, he pulls away then hands me something that looks like a wallet and two iPhones and a tiny bag of black marbles.
" what's this for?" I question
" dad said you're smart enough to figure this out, he didn't say what it was he just said you'll figure it out" him and his friend start heading to the front door as I'm about to say something my brother speaks first " aye for what it's worth you're stronger than all of us and our so-called stepdad , you're a one man army and he fears you so therefore he needs you" he winks at me then closes the door behind him , I smile to myself locking the door.
I walk back towards the room to see Ariella fighting sleep I scoff then catch her head before it hits the frame " go to sleep fiancée " I whisper
" now you know I can't sleep without you," She says softly
"Well, I'm here now forever and always" I brush the hair out of her face and put them behind her ear. She comes in closer to my chest and I caress her back softly
" seems like your brother can talk more sense into you than your own fiancée " she mumbles
"Actually your words really struck me especially about bending your back like a glow stick " I smack her ass softly hearing her groan softly I smile hugging her tightly. " you make me really happy fiancée don't you think for a second that I don't need you or listen to you okay?"
"Yes sir" she mumbles
"Good I love you"
" I love you"
❁ ❁ ❁
Ariella pov
"Baby it's cold" I groan, I wait for his smart ass remarks but I hear nothing I pop straight up then I rush downstairs and I see him cooking, I sigh softly ask start sliding down the wall slowly " hey hey hey" he catches me in his arms "are you okay? What's wrong are you sick?" He says putting his hand on my forehead, I grab his hand as I intertwine our fingers together " are you okay?" He says calmly
I nod my head then caress his face "I'm fine baby"
"You scared me don't do that," he says placing his forehead on mine
"I thought you left without saying goodbye" I whisper, he nods his head and I smile out of relief
" I'm not going anywhere until I say bye to you, and it's not goodbye it's I'll see you later" I look him in the eyes as he smiles brightly "come here and eat, you scared my appetite away" he picks me up bridal style as he walks us over to the dinner table.
"On our wedding day, you're going to do that?" I nudge
"I think we should dance stupidly to our car"
" I think we should be different for our wedding day"
" I agree" he smirks.
We eat our breakfast together then I run up to our to get a "charger" but In reality, I'm going to get his couples bucket list. I figured I would give him a beautiful farewell one that would make him so happy, to the point he'll talk about it the day he comes back from dealing with that so-called step-dad, I open it smiling at how adorable and romantic he is. Today is a day for you, the cute and the nasty it's all up to you. And how we're going to do this he's going to be picking a number from 0-30 and whatever one he picks that's what we're doing, I told him for his couples bucket list he can add some sexual stuff to it as well it makes it more interesting and spicy that way, I place the note in my hoodie then I walk downstairs again,
"Hey, fiancée," I say while putting my chin on his shoulder as he's looking at wall paint colors.
"Hi baby, so want color you want our room?"
"How about a light grey that looks kinda white but you can still tell that it's grey"
"Hm, that's not bad, we're going to need a new bed frame as well because we broke ours"
I scoff " we?! I'm not the one with the amazing hips" I say while skipping in front of the counter " so husband I got a question to ask you" I say with a smile
He closes his laptop then looks at me with a smile " what is it, my lovely wife"
" well it's not really a question it's more like a demand, I need you to get dressed and pick a number from 0-30"
He squints his eyes at me then chuckles nervously " what are you up too?" He asks
"Don't question if, cmon pick a number then go get dressed!" I pout jumping up and down a little
" okay I pick the number 15 and I'm getting dressed now, hm I love it when you take control" he smirks at me " do it more often" I smile looking at him as he goes upstairs pulling out the note and I see what number 15 is and it's to go bowling I smile then I go into our room to change.
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook finally got ready and I place blindfolds on him so he can't see where we're going I park the car then I turn it off I look at jungkook and he's trying to keep his laugh in " you know you're kinky stop acting like you being blindfolded is funny"
"Trust me I'm laughing out of nervousness " he comments
"You cutie" I then get out the car and I open his door I grab his hand as we walk into the bowling place. I sit him down in the bar stool away from the counter so I can talk to the guy "hi I made a reservation for this time one lane for two with the lunch included the last name is Maisel" I say in a polite tone. He nods his head then he types my name in the computer
"Yes, here you are may I see ID?" He asks while smiling I pull out my ID then hand it to him, I turn to look at jungkook and I laugh at how cute he is he looks like a lost puppy it's the cutest thing ever "here you go" he hands me my id back then he gives me the key for our lockers and tells us where to go for our bowling shoes Are, I grab jungkook hand then I walk up to the show rental place "are you ready?"
"If you're here with me I'm always ready," he says softly, I tippy toe and unties his blindfolds he smiles and then giggles while clapping his hands " baby! Baby! No! You know I love bowling and I haven't been in suck a little a long time! Stop!" He says looking down at me "you're kidding?" I start cheesing so hard that my cheeks start to hurt " I love you!!" He says pinching my cheeks slightly " urgh oh my god, baby I'm competitive are you ready for that?"
" and you think I'm going to let you win?" I say raising my eyebrow up at him
"Game on" he walks up to the show rental place and gets our sizes, he then grabs our shoes and he bends down taking my shoes off then placing the bowling shoes on my feet "I could've done it"
"No, I wanted to pretend to be the prince from Cinderella for you"
"Oh shut up!" I hit him on the shoulder softly as we giggle hard
❁ ❁ ❁
Authors pov
Jungkook and Ariella walked up to the podium putting in their names and everything, jungkook starts off first and gets a strike right away he starts to taunt Ariella cockily saying that he is the best at everything, Ariella scoffs in her defense and then she rolls her ball knocking down each pin but two jungkook starts shouting at her and she then gets made a throws the bowling ball resulting in to her getting a spare, she then yells at jungkook and pushes him aggressively, jungkook just looks down at her with a smile upon his face. Jungkook purposely from time to time would stand behind her really close resulting into her putting her ass on his manhood, distracting her from getting a strike or a spare, Ariella then spices thing up by purposely bending down and rolling the ball right in front of him resulting in him rolling his tongue on his cheek, jungkook and Ariella eat lots of hot wings and pizza during their break, just deeply gazing into each others eyes as they talk about their past and what they've done as a kid.
❁ ❁ ❁
Ariella pov
" I bet you want to get a strike now, look ima record your embarrassment" I pull out my phone recording him as he's about to bowl, I look at his fine ass, as I'm recording , I then look at the ball as it's rolling towards the pins, then the ball connects and all of them fall in a domino effect, he then walks back celebrating cockily I watch as his arm muscles tense up I then feel myself drooling for him and I wipe my mouth " now what was that? I wasn't going to get a strike?" He puts my phone down when he grabs my face and crashes his lips onto mine deeply, he pulls away and I look at him in his eyes easing him up and down.
"Keep kissing me like that and we'll be doing number 7" I wink at him then I walk towards the screen to see who was winning I feel jungkook arms wrap my waist I smile brightly then I look at the score "wow you bet me by one point, because you had to put your huge ass dick on me knowing that shit makes me weak" he chokes as he walks back to chair then grabbing his drink I smirk then sit on his lap, "you know you're big daddy why are you so surprised?" I say putting my hand on his chest
"hm, no I didn't," he says nervously
"Okay, don't let me show you later"I get up as he wraps his arms around my stomach then he kisses it softly "okay pick another number," I say putting my hair in a ponytail.
"hm," he says thinking while looking into my eyes " I pick number 10"I smile loving what number!" I jump up and down.
❁ ❁ ❁
I take the blind folds off him as he scans the room "glow in dark mini golf?! babe?!" he screams picking me up " how you know I'd want to do all this? are you telepathic?"he smiles
"maybe I cant tell you my secrets" we grab our golf clubs then i see our shoes and the balls glowing vibrant colors "step aside let the pro do this" I say putting my ass on his dick then I bend down slowly placing the golf ball on the grass, then i stick it all the way back on him as i hit the ball softly making it in the hole "hole in one"I say smiling, he places his hands on my throat then he places his lips on my ear "I'm going to stick my dick in your hole if you don't stop playing" he pushes me behind him sitting me down on the bench I smirk them bite my lower lip at him, I see you're feeling better jungkook that's all I want, if fucking me so hard I cant walk tomorrow makes you happy take me down, baby.
❁ ❁ ❁
authors pov
jungkook and Ariella were purposely messing each other up per hole, jungkook starts kicking her golf balls, they break into dance in the dark as their favorite songs, rolling around on the floor and doing trick shots, making out occasionally, jungkook hiding her golf balls away from her. they were laughing and pranking each other that no one was keeping score of how had a bogey or a birdie. they take many pictures for Instagram and their album with the polaroids.
❁ ❁ ❁
ariella's Pov
we sit on the bench of the last hole and I look at him and we just bust out laughing "man I'm hungry again" he pants in my ear I hit him on his chest hard then he giggles then a slight snort comes out his throat, I frown my face up in "awe" he gets up then grabs my hand "nope were leaving I don't wanna talk about it" he says nervously
"you're so cute! are you a bunny or a piggy, either way, you're cute!"
"I wanna pick another number!! I pick 25!!" he says ignoring my remark, I smile as he drags me out the place
❁ ❁ ❁
we arrive at the mall and jungkook frowns at me "why are we at the mall?" he asks, while pulling me back towards him "are we here to by you something?" he questions
"nope were here to create havoc!" i yell i run away from her hearing his footsteps chasing after me i run into H&M and he stops to look for me but im hiding in the clothes racks i smile seeing his lost face. "Ariella im going to find you then I'm going to fight you" he says trying not to laugh, i cover my mouth also trying not to laugh i see him coming towards my way "you're small so you're probably somewhere not in plain sight" he says looking through the clothes rack next to me then he goes to the one in front of me, then he peaks through the stack of boxes a man comes up to him and looks at him confused.
"what are you looking for?" he asks politely
"oh I'm not looking for anything , well technically i am, my girlfriend she decides to play hide and seek in the biggest store in the mall" he says trying not to laugh
"well you better find her before they think she's shipment" as soon as the old man said that i laugh hard and jungkook turns around and spreads the clothes apart where I'm hiding and he starts laughing hard too "you're so dumb!" he yells, i then get out and run for the exit
"thank you sir for helping me!" he says laughing and running after me.
❁ ❁ ❁
authors pov
jungkook and ariella literally cause havoc throughout the mall they got kicked out of two stores, played on the children playground, went on the slide climb through then, writing letters to Santa and dropping the mail in the mailbox jungkook almost breaking a child's tent by getting in it. they try to do lady and the tramp with a churro. jungkook feeds ariella pizza. jungkook then walks into victoria secret and ariella tries on bras and lingerie for him he ends up buying about $200 dollars worth of things for her and ariella punches him. then they go to bath and body works as they look for candles and wallflowers for their new house. then ariella walks back in h&m and buys him some new clothes then she walks in champs and buys him some new shoes, jungkook fake cries on the floor asking her to stop buying him things. jungkook then buys them matching Cartier bracelets. they walk into GameStop and play with the plushies as they get kicked out again. they go in the dressing room of Topshop and they have some steamy sneaky sex, then run out. they play just dance in the middle of the mall.
❁ ❁ ❁
ariella pov
we put the bags in the backseat and i look at jungkook panting we bust out laughing then he pulls me in for a kiss the kiss turns into a makeout then he pulls away filling the car with the sound of their wet lips.
"God, you're so beautiful"
"I know, and you're so handsome"
"I love you"
"I love you more, pick a number now daddy," I say massaging his dick softly, he then leans in and kisses my neck wetly I moan slightly then I stop playing with him before we do it in front of everyone in this parking lot.
"I pick number 30," he says softly
❁ ❁ ❁
I drive us to an arcade and I can just hear him screaming I turn to look at my blindfolded sexy fiancee, "you're going to love this place baby" I whispers I pay for our game cards, then I grab his hand putting it in his hands. "what does it feel like?" I say excitedly
"it feels like a card" a sly smirk appears on his face " are we getting nasty and kinky at a hotel?" he says seductively
"jungkook!" I yell, causing him to flinch " take em off" he then looks at the card and screams picking me up and spinning me around in a circle "I love you!!" he growls happily
❁ ❁ ❁
authors pov
jungkook and Ariella make their way to the air hockey, and they get competitive hitting the puck back and forth Ariella hits it so hard that the puck goes above the hockey table and hits jungkook in the balls, ariella falls on the floor due to laughing too hard. jungkook then gets up after ten minutes of agonizing pain he then starts to chase ariella throughout the whole arcade, then they start to play basketball jungkook hits ariella's ball down on the floor and ariella yells at jungkook he just giggles in response, he shoots a basket for her then he grabs her ball on the floor. then they walk over to the piano keys games , as the game gets faster and faster ariella messes jungkook up by poking him in the ribs. he then starts tapping on her game. and he starts giggling. then hopping into the Ghostbusters game as they shoot all ghosts jungkook yells let's get it at ariella. and they scream loud causing every outside the booth to look at them.
❁ ❁ ❁
ariella pov
he lays me down on the bed as he takes off my shoes and my clothes "oh we doing number 7?" I say smirking
"hm?" he comments confused
"go in my pockets",he walks over to my pants and pulls out the piece of paper he opens it then look at me with his shocked face
"you completed my bucket list" he says through the lump in his throat
"except one, read it out loud"
"number 7 have rough sex" he smirks, "you sure?"
"I'm already half naked"
{ rated 21+ ⚠️}
he picks me up and pins me against the wall as he kisses my neck with his pink swollen wet lips moan, as i feel him enter his manhood in my wet core i wrap my arms around his neck as he places his hands on my sides as he makes me bounce up and down on him i dig my nails into his back, he begins to speed up and i hear out body smacking together, i feel my legs getting weak thank god he's holding me , if he wasn't holding me i would've fell already, he pounds into me harder and deeper that i can feel him in my guts. my eyes roll back as im about to cum, as im near my climax he throws me on the bed as he spreads my legs wide open harshly, he places three fingers on my clit rubbing them really fast in a circular motion my back starts to arch off the bed as i grab the sheets tightly i moan his name aloud as he continues to go faster and faster, then i feel him slam two fingers in me as he pumps me hard and faster then i feel him wrap his hands around my throat and i gasp as i squirt all over his hands creating a pool in the palm of his hands my body begin to twitch uncontrollably, then he pulls his fingers out of me as he smacks my clit hard a couple of times resulting in my flinching and closing my legs.
" you're a nasty little girl huh , princess?" he growls at me
"yeah im your nasty girl daddy" i speak breathlessly, then he pulls me by my hair on the floor as he stuff his cock into my mouth causing me to gag , he puts his hands through my hair bopping my head on his shaft causing my eyes to water saliva starts dripping down his wet cock as i feel his thick dick in the back of my throat he then growls and groan loudly as I start to pump him and deep throat him, he thighs start to tense as I keep sucking, then he cums in my mouth, he chokes me and tells me to open my tongue he then spits in my mouth
"show me you're all mine" he says raspily, I then swallow his cum , then I lick my lower lip slowly, he then picks me up by my hair and throws me on the bed with my feet on the ground, he then rubs his tip on my swollen clit and I instantly become weak he smacks my ass hard causing me to bite my lower lip hard. he thrust me a couple of times before he starts to whine his hips on me. he hits it from the back really hard causing me to be on my tippy toes as I grab a fist full of the sheets in my hand. "ahh..fuck..daddy.." i moan loudly, the room fills with nothing but our moans and groans, and the sound of our bodies sticking together like honey. my legs start to tremble as he keeps progressing with each thrust. he then picks me up and puts me on top of him as I straddle him, I place my hands on his chest scooting back and forth on him really fast he places his hands on my sides as I go faster and faster. I bite down on my lower lip as I'm reaching to my fifth climax. he chokes me a little hard but not too hard. my legs shake as I cum all over him, he then flips me so my back is on the bed he places his hands on both sides of my face as he dips into me.
"ungh" is what comes out his mouth making me nut again, he then picks up the pace moving deeper and harder into me I feel his legs start to tense and I place my hands on his forearm, then I feel something warm inside of me, we both came at the same. panting we just look into each others eyes "clean me daddy" i smirk , he kisses down from my neck to my boobs, then from my boobs to my stomach until he reaches my sticky clit, he begins to suck and nibble on my swollen clit causing me to slightly close my legs he opens them harshly then he slurps me up making me nut yet again, I arch my back trying to push his head away but he keeps on sucking then finally he pops back up and makes out with me
" I love you" he whispers
"I love you so much more"I whispers
❁ ❁ ❁
jungkook pov
I look at her as she's sleeping and I place the covers over here, I already said goodbye to her a couple of hours ago but I still haven't left yet I can't bear to part myself away from her but I have to do this I have to protect her and this is the only way. most likely I have to move in with them so I packed all my clothes and shit. but I figured out my dad gave me those things,
we think alike father like son.
I kiss her head softly one more time feeling the tears in my eyes boil over "I love you fiancee, and when I get back let's get married, the crazy way, ill see you later okay? I promise I will be back" I say to her hoping she was awake to hear it but I know she wasn't.
❁ ❁ ❁
the uber drops me off in front of his house and I feel my stomach getting uneasy, jungkook you got this you got a whole pregnant fiancee to see again. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell waiting for his ass to answer. but instead, it's my mother or so-called mother.
"hm I guess you woke up to your senses" she smirks
"yeah I did, but do you promise not to hurt Ariella?" I say putting on the act
"you have my word" she believed it, I walk pass her then I scan the house
"your room is over there but first you should see your step-dad"
"okay i will" i respond , I really don't want to see him but I gotta play the part, as I'm walking past to go to his room I had the black magents is secret places then i knock on his door "it's jungkook" I say softly "come in" he replies, I swing open the door and I see him smoking a cigar will counting his money then I see two of his bodyguards in the corner they point their guns at me and he tells them to put it down.
"why are you here?" he asks
"isn't I obvious? I surrender, you're right I can't escape from you no matter how much I try, so when can I start?" I say sitting down in front of him, he looks up at me and smiles
Authors note :
guys! it's ending tomorrow! i hope you guys enjoyed this series and the story i worked really hard on this story and i love you hunnies thank you for the support i spend three 3yrs on this story and i felt like i grew with the characters! thank you for giving me the chance to give you a piece of my creativity with thank being said i love you all see you in the finale!!
~ps. If theirs any grammatical errors let me know😽
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