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jungkook pov
I hold her tightly as I inhaling in her scent, she turns around to face my chest and I smile while looking down at her "I love you jeon jungkook" she mumbles in my chest I kiss her head for reassurance. " I said I love you jeon jungkook, I love you so fucking much husband!" she exclaims i giggle then i slide down so our faces are right in front of each other i kiss her passionately then i press my forehead on hers
"i love you ariella"
"no, no say my whole name and i love you" she smiles
"i love you ariella maisel" i reply looking into her eyes
"im ariella jeon thank you" she says wrapping her arms around my waist i kiss her head softly then rub her bare back.
ariella you are literally the best part of my day.
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today is some type of holiday that i really dont care about i just want to spend time with my future wife, just us. that sounds nice. but i feel abit selfish i barely hangout with the boys and she barely hangs out with her girls. i pop up as ariella looks up at me with a frown.
"what are you thinking about?" she softly says, she sits up straight with covers covering her torso
"Something fun we're doing today" I kiss her forehead then I put on some sweatpants. I look at her and she's smiling from ear to ear " what?" I question
"I'm just excited" she softly says
"Good, cause what I'm planning is really exciting"
"Can I know?" She leans in as if I'm going to tell her but I kiss her cheek in response " it was worth a try" she replies then lays back down on the bed.
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Jungkook pov
I decided that we should do go-karts then take them on hot air balloons, but I thought about hoseok's scary ass he might not want to get up there so, maybe paint ball? No too basic I want them to have a great time. I want smiles upon their faces I want them to talk about for a couple of days. I guess we can come home and do challenges and board games. Yeah , that seems fun. I hope it isn't basic though and they'll enjoy it. This is a lot of pressure.
" baby cmon let's get in the shower" I say shaking her softly , Jesus she fell back asleep that quickly , she whines then throws her naked body on me I smile then pick her up as she straddles me I grab the towels then walk towards the bathroom.
"Can we take a bath I don't feel like standing" she mumbles
"Of course baby, but turn around" she turns her head towards the bathtub
She screams then hops down, she starts looking down at the rose petals on the floor and the candles, i hear her scream in the inside then she dips her toes in the water "it's warm jungkook!!" she growls saying my name " i fucking love you so fucking much" she looks back at me with a smile "what you waiting for international playboy? get in" she says sitting in the bath tub, i smirk the strip out of my sweatpants, i get in the tub behind her , she leans back on my chest as i fiddle with her fingers. she's the only person to get me out of comfort zone, the only one to help me relax, she makes me into a better person. i couldnt imagine life without her.
"you know in movies i saw them do things like this and wished someone would do it for me, i even wrote a whole romantic bucketlist to give to someone if they really really loved me but i never met that special one yet until i met you" her voice soothes me , i scoff them suck on her ear lobe softly hearing her giggle, she then turns around and starddles me.
"so why dont i have the bucketlist,am i not the special one ? you liar" i say trying to act like im mad
"you are my speciaal one you think i'd take bath's and be naked in front of anyone?" she smiles
"you betta have not done this with anyone" i clench my jaw in a now serious tone
"the reason i didnt give it to you is because, you created a whole nother fantasy for me, different from the movies, it's more like a doctmentry now, and plus if i give it too you, you'll find it cheesy or you'll go too overboard"
"isnt that what they do in movies?, like that one movie you watched like three times"
"okay to all the boys i've loved before is a beautfiul cute rom-com okay? peter is a very romantic guy and what he does in the movie is cute" she defends
"exactly, he went over the top for her, thats what you do when youre in love with someone you give them your world and more, so i plan to do that for the rest of my life, until the day i die" i place my hands on her waist as she scans her gaze in my eyes " i love ariella" i whisper
"i love you jungkook" she leans in to peck my lips and i shake my head in disapproval pulling her back
"unt unt" i say raspily , i crash my lips onto her's she places her hand on my shoulders as i place both of hands on waist she deepens the kiss , i feel a wave of warmth of the sun surge through my body, as her lips parted from mine i see a string of saliva between us, we look into each other eyes breathless, my heart started to beat faster , im so suprise she doesnt hear it, her eyes gazing into mine reflecting every emotion she's feeling right now.
im not going anywhere ariella
"i dont want to lose you" she says softly
i knew it
"im never going to leave you, if you run to the other side of the world i'll run to the other side of the world just to find you" i ease her up and down
"jeon jungkook is a matured man now" she says seductivly
"because of you" i whiper raspily
"stop before i ride you okay? i am straddling you" she grabs the glasses of wine she hands me on then smiles brightly
"cheers to?" she questions
"happiness" i answer , she nods her head then we clink our glasses then drink them
❁ ❁ ❁
i sent the adress to everyone and told the to come to this place at this time, as i'm driving i look at ariella who's smiling alightly
"what you smiling about?"
"hm?" she says coming out her daze
"what are you smiling and being all cute about?"
"well theirs suprise in your glove department but you cant look at it until twelve in the morning" she replies, i frown at her words as i park the car i turn off the car then look at her
"what's at twelve in the morning?" i question
"look at her phone's date" she smiles then opens the door, i growl then get out the car and slam the car door i look at her and she's giggling " oops sorry" she comments
"i told you i open the door for you" i growl , i run after her she giggles while running away " ariella!" i yell
"i love you!" she yells , i grab her wrist then crash her into me " im sorry" she giggles
"no you're not" i comment
"yeah im not, did you check the date?" she questions wrapping her arms around my waist , she then looks up at me with her little glossy eyes, i grab my phone out of pocket then look at the date , it says
august 31st,2018
"okay tomorrow is september 1st and?"
"i guess you'll find out tomorrow' she huffs, i pull her back pouting and wrapping her arms back around my waist " you big baby" she says.
a couple of minutes later i see that everyones here "what are you up to troublemaker?" yasmine asks
"funny, nothing today check in next week though" i joke
"youre always up to something" yailynn comments
"that is very try lyn, but like i told yasmine not right now" i look at namjoon and the rest of the boys and see them with their girlfreidns "hm so when were yall going to intorduce me to your girlfreinds?"
"um-today isnt that why we brung them" yoongi comments
" hm im suprised someone can deal with that thing, goodluck darling i tell his girl "he's a diffcult one"
"would you like me to expose tea about you and ariella before?"
"oh? but guess what yoongi it isnt tea, cause everyone here knows that story but the new girls, but the tea is ladies i didnt like the idea of love before until i got with my girlfriend, is that the tea yoongi?" i say looking back at him "let's go shall we?" i grab ariella's hand then walk in the place. i look at the big track and the go karts that are freshly polished , damn brother you did a good job with this.
"go karts? oh hell yeah" yasmine comments
"im going to win for a fact" taehyung says
"sure if you can beat me" i comment
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ariella pov
i sit on the chairs close by the food area, my head starts to hurt as if im having a migranie. i look up and yoongi's girlfriend is giving me death glares, i frown up at her and continue to look at her until she looks away. i place my head down then look at them driving, jungkook looks so happy even after everything that has been thrown at him. i'll be like that one day.
"hey ariel" beatrice smiles
"hey beatrice, how are you and taehyung?"
"we're good, i havent had time to tell you but.." she drags her sentence on
"but??" i question
" we did it, im longer a virgin" she says covering her face
"oh my god my bestfriend is turning into a woman, im proud of you im so happy for you!" i hug her and she hugs me back tightly
"thank you it was so nerve wracking, dude he is packing" we both laugh at her comment and i hit her arm softly ' so when are you going to marry jungkook?"
i cough "huh? what?"
"oh cmon you guys are literally bonnie and clyde minus the killing and robbing, y'all have been through everything, he almost died for you and you almsot died for him, thats on some divergent type shit"
"you need to stop reading that book youre addicted" i say
"okay be for real, are you scared to get engaged to him?" she asks, i look at him play fighting with jimin i smile slightly then i fiddle with the promise ring he gave then look at beatrice
"i dont think he's ready, and were still in highschool" i comment
"youre the one that looks like youre not ready i think he's ready" she says softly
"maybe" i say softly
❁ ❁ ❁
were under a big lanterned tree as the cool wind breezes through my body jungkook sits in front of me with a slice of cheesecake. "how did you know this is my favorite flavor"
"i know you, youre my girlfriend and i pay attention" he softly whispers, i scoop some up and feed him some
"jungkook?" i question
"yes?" he answers, should i ask him is he ready to marry me? no. stupid youre going to sound like your pressuring him.
"why out of all the girls in the school, why did you pick me?" i say picking up another scoop
he scoffs " because, you were different, you didnt surrender to my charm, you didnt even notice my charm, you stood up against me, growing up i didnt have my way, and you reminded me of my past, and no could do that, only you made me mature up, only you made me come down from this universe that i felt was just me orbitng around in space then you came into my universe and showed me theirs a spark in my heart, i have a million stars within my heart but im scared to let them go because i was scared of being stuck in a black hole"
" you changed my whole view on the world, people and myself, you knocked down walls that was hard for me and many people to get through, so i fell deeply in love with you, but i couldnt confess it because i didnt want you to get depressed and hurt because of me, when you would yell at me it didnt make me sad , it made me happy because at least you were talking to me, and i loved talking to you, the little things made me want to stay next too you even though i knew it would dangerous but my heart wanted you, so i stopped fighting my heart and went for you, and here we are now" he smiles, he looks up at me then wipes my tears with his sweatshirt sleeve
"im sorry im an emotional bitch" i sniff
"no youre not, youre a beautiful human" he caresses my cheek with his thumb "and youre all mine" he whispers
"all yours jungkook" i smile, he leans in to kiss me but were interrupted by yoongi's girlfriend jungkook growls huskly under his breath
"yes?" he answers calmly
"they want to play uno with everyone so they want you in there" she says softly, she then looks at me with a disgusted face i roll my eyes then look at jungkook
"okay we'll be there" he comments, she smiles then walks away he gets up and offer me his hand , i then start walking in front of me but he pulls me back saying " hm unt unt" under his breath, i turn around looking at him in confusion, he places his hands on my face cupping it.
I tippy toe then kiss him , our lips move in sync and he pulls away before it gets heated.
"Let me stop before we be going home early" he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. , he grabs my hand as we head in.
" finally we thought you might be fucking in the grass " taehyung implies
"Nahh I have morals" Jungkook replies, we sit in the empty seats and he smirks at me I give him a wink smiling .
" now Ariella is a boss at this game , she'll make you cry" Beatrice comments
"That is very true" Yasmine chimes in, I cover my face and jungkook chuckles
" she's no joke" Jungkook comments , I turn around and punch him in the arm , he pouts as if I hit him hard I rub his arm then I look at jungkook
"Stop lying to them" I say softly , he doesn't say anything but he just looks at the card dealer which is namjoon "she's not joke" he repeats I face palm myself then I just face front.
❁ ❁ ❁
"Uno out!" I yell I sit back and jungkook is already looking at me
"Yeah after you made at least everyone one of us draw cards" Jimin comments , I fold my arms then I get up , I'm kind of thirsty.
"Yoongi where is the cup in your kitchen?" I ask
" theirs some in the dishwasher and theirs some in the cabinet to the right of the fridge" he says
" thank you" I walk towards the kitchen then grab a cup out of the dishwasher because I can't reach in the cabinet I'm too short. I walk over to the fridge and see what I want drink. I'll take some lemonade . I grab the pitcher then pour some in the glass. I put it back then turn around to see yoongi's girl sitting on the stool looking at me.
" what do you want" I say angrily
" you really don't remember me huh? Walking around all high and mighty as if you're all that" She comments
I raise my one eyebrow up slowly then I drink my lemonade " nope, but am I supposed to?"
" yes!" She exclaims
"Who are you yelling at ? We're right in front of each other" I chuckle
"You think you're so innocent and you're so nice but you stole something from me and I want it back"
"And what is that girl" I comment dryly
"Jungkook" she replies , I spit my lemonade out in the sink as I start laughing hard , I grab a napkin then wipe my mouth with it
"Yeah sure" I throw it away as I walk towards the exit but she pushes me back " listen I'm not here to fight and argue with you over who will have jungkook we all know the answer to that so leave it alone and leave us alone"
"Remember when he kissed me against the locker? He told me liked me weeks before then after he kissed me you appeared and he told me he lied, he was still in love with you, I'm supposed to be in love with him not you, originally he's mine"
I scoff " if he was why didn't he go back to you? Why didn't he fight for you? I guess you really weren't that special to him" I smirk " no please get out my way" she pushes me hard causing my arm to hit something and I feel my ankles hurting really badly I can't move it for now.
" you're a little delusional bitch you know that?" She starts coming closer I try to grab the fry pan to hit her with it put I her two familiar voices
"Oh is that so?" Yoongi comments
"She's the delusional one?" Jungkook adds
She turns around then pretends to be shocked " she fell on her own I went to go help her" she fakes a sincere voice
"And the delusional bitch part?" Yoongi asks
" she was saying that I didn't actually love you and I said that comment I should've worded it better that my fault" she giggles " let me help her up" she stars walking towards me but freezes in place by what Yoongi says.
" don't touch her" Yoongi comments " you may try to kill her to have jungkook" , she looks at me with wide eyes.
" next time you want to argue with my sister be a little more quiet and discreet" Yoongi then walks over and helps me up but I fall back down slowly cause of my ankle "Jungkook come here and get Ariella, you know where my bathroom is clean her up, I'm going to throw her out the nearest bus stop"
"Yes sir" Jungkook says wrapping my arms around his neck then lifting me up " have fun sitting in the rain" he winks at her then walks to the bathroom.
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook sits me on the counter then plunders through the cabinets looking for a first aid kit. I look down at the bruise on my leg then at jungkook.
" Jungkook?" I question
"Yes my darling?" He answers
"Do you know her?" I ask
"Who?, that girl? No" he pulls out an alcohol pad cleaning my scratch on my arm I whence of pain and he looks into my eyes " I'm sorry baby"
"She was the girl that you kissed in front of me that day remember?" I say , he stands up slowly then he places a band-aid on it.
"Really?" He says calmly " what did she want?"
"You" I answer
" she should've know she wasn't going to win that argument" he puts icy-hot on my ankle then he wraps it with some cloth. Tightly but not to tightly
" she said you told her a week before that you liked her, if I'm not mistaken wasn't that before you kissed me too?" I say subconsciously
"Ariella, if what your asking did I lie to you? No, I lied to myself and her, I said I had no feelings for you and that I had feelings for her, want the truth? I told her I will not use you to get over Ariella because my heart knows this is wrong and my heart belongs with Ariella she's the only one who should have my heart"
I look into his eyes and they're glossy as ever " Ariella I mean everything I said to you back then, I meant it when I said I like you I meant it when I said I wanted to protect you, and in a kinda fucked up way me trying to push you away meant the opposite I waiting for you to notice it" he stands in between my legs as he places his hands on the counter trapping me in front of him, his strong scent surrounding me as my heart is beating , thumping . If he would get any closer he could hear it. God what did I do to deserve someone so beautiful inside and outside? Will I finally have some happiness in my life?
" so whatever happens , I love you and only you, my heart is forever encased in your hands" He says softly , I place my hands on my neck pulling him in for a kiss, we pull away hearing the sound of our lips filling the air
"Okay, I believe you"
"Are you ready to go home? You have a bad ankle" he asks
" I'll go home whenever you're ready, and don't just go for my ankle" I smile
" okay , I wanna go home so we can watch that movie again together"
" I knew you loved peter! " I point at him
" I love you, I'm not in love with that guy, but I do love Jimin though" he says seriously , I punch his shoulder and he giggles " let's go home" he picks me up then walks out the bathroom door.
I'm glad you meant everything and didn't regret anything . Because I don't either.
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Austin pov
"Yo mom so you're telling me that fucking ugly ass STD freak is staying with us?" I comment harshly
"Yes, he makes your dad good money , and plus this gives you a chance to get the girl of your dreams, aren't you happy about that?"
"Not really , I can't stand to see his face any longer" I comment
"I can buy you an apartment for you and Ariella, after we get him to join us"
" hm, and a car?"
"Sure" she smiles " but you gotta do your part too remember" I nod my head
Step 1: get close to her
Step 2: hangout with her alone
Step 3 : kidnap and take her to the secret hideout.
Should be easy right? , Ariella is kinda stupid she doesn't even remember me.
You beautiful angel, Ariella you're so delusional, you don't belong with jungkook you belong with me.
Authors note:
man, ariella and jungkook never get a break but specially ariella, she goes through hell and back lol, but hi guys how are you? i hope you guys are good. omfg my hunnies the deadline is soon coming around for the ending of this book, are you guys excited for the ending and what's going to hit the fan? when is jungkook going to tell ariella about that plan of his? and when does jungkook leave? jungkook is never going to get a break will he finally get the break he deserves?
find out next chapter i guess.
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