Only a couple of days until graduation and I'm so excited ,I'm scared but mostly excited what will life have for me after graduation? Graduation is a big deal for everyone it's the day you're finally done with high school and you look back on all the accomplishments that you've overcome. As I'm thinking while standing in front of my locker i feel a hand on my waist just by the scent I know my baby is here.
"Hello my beautiful queen"
" hi my beautiful king" I tippy toe to kiss him then grab my new binder " thanks to you I have to explain to my teacher how my homework got wet" he wraps his ar,s around me and he chuckles as we walk to my class
" I mean I can talk to her she loves me" he cockily comments
"Oh really?" I say with an eyebrow up
" yep watch" he says smirking
❁ ❁ ❁
I lean against the wall waiting for jungkook to come out the room as I tap my foot on the wall softly I look up to see a kid wondering through the halls looking lost, I bite my lower lip wondering if I should help him or not. No one else is helping him, I sigh then walk over to him.
"Need help?" I question
"Hm yeah , I don't know where this class is" he shows me his schedule and I look and see he has every class with me
" oh I have all of these classes , I'll take you there , I'm just waiting for my boyfriend to get my homework"
" okay I can wait" he smiles
"My name is ariella and yours?"
"My name is Austin , you have a pretty name"
"Thank you"
"Babe i told you I'd work my magic and get you a new copy of your homework" jungkook says putting the warm copies in my hands I smile then kiss him softly
"Baby this is Austin , Austin this is my boyfriend jungkook, he's new here and he was lost so I thought I'd show him around"
"Nice to meet you" Austin says sticking his hand out to jungkook, I hope he doesn't act like an ass , he always gets very cautious or mean towards guys that I'm friends with ever since that Daniel incident
" nice to meet you too" jungkook replies while shaking his hand I smile up at him as he is acting friendly
❁ ❁ ❁
I walk into class and kiss my beautiful boyfriend good bye and Austin and I walk to our seats
"How are the teachers here?" Austin asks
"They're good some of them at least , but the ones we have they're really good so you'll get all the education you need" I smile " so what school did you come from?" I question
" I came from Santa Monica high school , I recently moved down here after my mom died"
" oh wow , I'm sorry to hear that I got into this school after my mom died as well, it sucks to lose someone you really care for"
" yeah it does how did your mom die? Mine died of cancer and yours?"
" car accident" I sigh
"Enough of the sappy stuff , so are their any school dances here or clubs ?" He says changing the subject
"Hm prom is coming soon" I widen my eyes realizing prom is coming and I haven't planned anything I may not even go cause jungkook hates school events but it's always been a dream of mine , I guess I'll just miss out on it. "Theirs also sports clubs,chess clubs and music clubs , theirs so many clubs I forget them"
"Ohh that's nice , and what club are you in?" He asks while looking me in my eyes , I turn and look at the board to see her writing down our homework , I start writing it down on my sticky notes.
" I was in music club but I dropped it see I'm the leader for putting up banners for school events and stuff with my friends , it's a little grouper made up and the principal agreed on it, were in charge of spreading the news to the whole school building, I actually have to start working on the banners for prom" I say while ripping my sticky note off and pasting it on the page of the homework " she's going to teach wait"
❁ ❁ ❁
After some classes passed by it's lunchtime and I'm starving . Jungkook walks up to me and kisses my cheek softly " here's your lunch" and he hands Austin one as well,
" oh thank you" Austin smiles
" no problem I figured you didn't have your student Card yet to get lunch it usually take 2 days to get them" Jungkook says while putting his arm around my shoulder
" where's yours?" I ask curiously
" I gotta get to my dentist appointment" he winks as he says his last words . I catch onto his secret word then I smile. Whenever Jungkook has to handle some business with his stepdad he'll say he has a dentist appointment to keep his secret under control.
" okay baby , bring me a sticker and a toothbrush back" I joke
"Haha , very funny" he says kissing me then my forehead " I'll be back for you, I'll catch you later Austin"
" okay see ya man" the fist bump each other and my boyfriend is off . I miss him already god I'm so damn clingy I hate it.
"Let's go eat I'm starving"
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook pov
I'm sitting in my dads house eating his Chinese food " this is really good maybe you should cook for me one day" I comment
" yeah and bring your lovely girlfriend over so I can meet her properly" I choke at his sudden word then gulp my water " how is she by the way? Does she know that in a few days you're going to turn yourself in?"
I place my fork down then grab the plates as I head to the kitchen " no I haven't told her yet" I place the dishes in the sink as I start cleaning them
" when are you going to tell her kiddo?, she deserves to know , what are you going to tell her the day you leave?"
" I just don't want to hurt her okay! I've done it way to many times and I hate hurting her! I can't stand to see her cry!" I break down in tears throwing the dishes back in the sink, my day grabs me by my head and places it on his shoulder , I close my eyes as I began to sob hard I can't bear to see her get hurt over and over again, but this time when I'm gone I may not be able to wipe her tears because I can either make it out alive or I may die in there. either way she will be safe
❁ ❁ ❁
Ariella pov
austin walked me to the art supplies store to get some stuff to decorate for the banner, i grab a large paper roll of red and white , some gold contrustion paper,some gold red and white glitter. out theme is carnival and i just picked up items that appeal to me as carnival theme.
" okay I'm done sorry for making you wait so long "
" oh no it's fine take your time , I'm in no rush" he smiles .
I walk up to the cashier putting my stuff on the convent belt , as I'm pulling out my wallet Austin steps up to the cashier and pays are for the items.
"What are you doing?" I ask him in confusion
"I have a Michaels discount so you won't pay so much , this place is kind of expensive" he comments
" I could've paid full price , it's no big deal to me"
" nah I got it" he swipes the card and it goes through, I grab the bags then walk out of the place I see a puppy that's shaking in the rain. I pout the stuff majority of the art supplies in my bag I place my hoodie on and run for the dog
" Ariella be careful!!" Austin yells from behind me but I ignore him picking up the puppy and putting him in my jacket away from the rain
"I got you little buddy" I look to my far right and see a pet vet " I'm running to the vet!" I yell , I take off without a second thought I hear Austin yelling my name but I keep on running how careless and heartless people are to leave a dog out in the rain , I mean it's a puppy too. It's not even fully grown
❁ ❁ ❁
I open the door to the vet and I wipe my feet on the carpet then walk up to the lady at the front desk " I found a puppy on the street and it was shaking I thought I'd come here so it can get some help "
" yes come here bring it in this room" I follow behind the lady then I place the puppy on the bed watching it shake rapidly I really hope nothing happens to this poor doggie. I try to help the dog I really did I'm probably going to get sick and maybe cursed out by jungkook but it was worth it.
❁ ❁ ❁
An hour passed and the veteran comes out with the dog wrapped up in a blanket I see that it is sleeping she hands the dog to me and I cradle it on my arms like a baby. I've always wanted a dog but I don't think jungkook wants any. He's never hinted that he wants a dog, he told me his childhood dog lives with his dad but he never said he personally wanted one.
"Would you like too keep him?" She speaks softly
" really? I thought you were going to take him to the dog pound or something"
" no , we'll let you keep him come fill out some paperwork and he's free to go home with you"
"Okay" I smile happily, I see Austin sitting in the chairs , I walk over to him and sit next to him
" you can go you know, plus you have a lot to study today we have to turn in that math homework, try using khan academy so it can teach you okay? But you need to do it" I say looking down at the dog.
" oh no I'm not in any rush , I'll wait for you" He says looking at his shoes
" no Austin go home I have to fill out paperwork for this doggy , and you need to get started on that math homework , so go I'll see you tomorrow at school"
" oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow " he says in a weird tone
" okay bye" I watch as he walks to the nearest bus stop and he gets on the bus, he's a little weird maybe , he didn't have friends at his other school or he's just trying way to hard to fit in.
"Ma'am please come to the desk" I stand up then make my way over to the desk.
❁ ❁ ❁
Austin pov
My phone rings and I see it's my dad " hello?"
"Did you find out where she lives?" He says slurring his words.
"No" I reply
"And why not that was your plan"
" I know that but it was going to be way to obvious I'll explain when I get home"
" you better and it better be a valid reason too"
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook pov
I chatted with my day almost the whole day as I vented out my feelings.
" feel better? , you see us Jeon's are strong, but for how long we'll never know" he says taking a sip from his drink
I scoff then clean my nose " yeah I feel better"
" didn't mean to deprive and be nosy but you left this box here yesterday " he pulls out the new promise I have to give Ariella because my lousy stepdad and his minions stole hers to make bank off it.
" yeah um that's the promise ring" I nervously chuckle
" no son, it's the engagement ring you ordered remember?" He says while looking at me, I scratch the back of my head softly trying to figure out away to get out this lie.
" I'm proud of you don't be embarrassed, if I could've had the courage and guts like you I think I could've done a lot of things" he smiles.
"Thanks dad" i get up then smile at him " keep it I may need it later"
"Will do son, remember you have to tell her the plan, trust me she isn't going to leave you or be hurt by this" I nod my head then I walk out of his house to my car. I really hope she doesn't be mad at me.
❁ ❁ ❁
Ariella pov
After trying to get an Uber for a whole hour and a half , I'm almost on my way home. I can't wait to show jungkook our new addition to the family I'm so excited I just want to scream.i look down at the puppy and he's sleeping again , he's so beautiful I just wanna cuddle him all day long. He's cuter than a hamster . And hamsters are cute. I look up and see jungkook's car in the drive way. I hope he wasn't too worried I forgot to call him. No actually I didn't my phone died. And I didn't want Austin to have his number , he's very cautious of who has his number and everything.
" thank you so much"
" you're welcome , congrats on the new puppy! He's really cute"
" thank you bye" I get out the car grabbing my bag in one hand and holding my baby in the other . I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell, cause I'm a dumbass and I'm forgetful I left my keys at home.
Jungkook swings the door open as he sighs of relief, I skip happily " where we're you and what is in your arms?" He says angrily
"Wait for it" I smile , I put the puppy down then take the blanket off seeing him jumping up and down at me " a puppy!" I smile brightly , I look at him as he smiles with his hands in his pocket
" it's so fucking hard to be mad at you" he grabs me by my wrist pulling me in for a kiss. I look at the puppy and then at jungkook
"So what should we name him?"
"Hm, name him your favorite Disney character" he eases me up and down with love and happiness pouring out of his eyes .
"Dale it is" I smile I bend down as I call dale he then runs but since he's a puppy he falls on his face then cups running " you're so cute!!" I yell.
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook pov
I really want to tell her about this plan but seeing how happy she is with dale , it just breaks my heart to break her spirit. I can't see her sad. I've seen it many times and it hurts my heart. She hasn't seen me crying. Nor do I want her to see it. I need to be strong for the both of us.
" dale is so cute right jungkook?" She says walking towards me with him in her arm
" very"
"What were you thinking about?" She smiles
"About I'm so in love with you" I lied , but I am in love with her
"I'm in love with you" she pecks my lips softly then she sits by the fireplace " so you're going to stand there gawking or are you going to come cuddle your wife as she tells you a story about how she got this puppy" I smirk walking over to her I place the puppy on the stool and he curls up in the blanket I hover over here as she giggles placing her hands on the side of my face
" gawking sounds better I enjoy gawking at you"
"Oh?" She says seductively , I lean down and start making out with her , as the fireplace steams up the second living room.
Ariella , you mean the absolute world to me , I promise you do. I have too do this please don't hate me.
Don't leave me
Authors note:
I honestly feel so bad for not posting for two days. Like I feel like I let my hunnies down . But one day o felt so bad my body was shutting down , then like yesterday I had so much math homework from college I was so stressed I didn't even eat much yesterday and I skipped breakfast the day I was sick as well. I actually skipped breakfast for two days. But I'm so sorry for not posting I feel like I'm doing a lousy job at what I was supposed to do. And I promised you guys I would do it and I didn't😪. So for that I'm sincerely sorry . So I'm going to work my ass off after class and get two more chapters up for the lack of days I'm sorry and I love you all be healthy and happy. Remember you're one of a kind and you're special no one can be you.💛🐝
~ps. If theirs any grammatical errors let me know😽.
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