( okay you can play the song now or later, idk if the song will last for the whole chapter but you can try it, if it doesn't then I'll give you another song to play at a certain part oki enjoy )
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i open my eyes and see that jungkook is still asleep on his back, i smile slightly as i caress his chest with fingers softly then I kiss his shoulder smiling to myself.
"Good morning" he says while opening his eyes in my direction.
" morning" I smile we stare into each other orbs for about fifteen minutes, before he kisses me over and over I smile while placing my hands on the nape of his neck as he kisses my neck cutely I giggle then wrap my arms around his neck he then lifts me up and walk us to the bathroom.
❁ ❁ ❁
After our shower I towel dry my hair then spray in some vanilla leave in conditioner. I look in the mirror and see how skinny I am. I sigh then bite my lower lip so jungkook doesn't notice the Quiver in it. But I can't hide the tears in my eyes. I then slam the bathroom door sliding against it I just let it all out I've been strong for too long. I've been holding the weight for the both of us.
" hey hey hey Ariella are you okay?" I hear his soothing voice call me , hearing his voice just makes me sob even harder "baby? Let me in, let me hold you I just want to hold you" He says softly , I open the door and run straight into his arms. He wraps his arms around my head , and I put one of hands on my lower back. I began to sob harder into his he caresses my head slowly and softly. My heart is breaking so hard. I try to go back to the way I used to be but I'm still kind of scarred by what's happened to me. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him while I'm still nuzzled in this neck . I wipe my tears so they don't fall on his neck. He sits me on the bed then he brings my head down to his chest as he caresses my back really softly. I begin to sob all over again and he hugs me tightly.
❁ ❁ ❁
My crying finally comes to a cease and jungkook is still rubbing my back not saying a thing, I keep up slowly and he still has his hand on my lower back.
" I'm sorry I didn't mean to cry and spoil your day I ju-" my sentence gets interrupted by him planting his lips onto mine softly he then places his hand on the side of my face. When he pulls away I see that his eyes are red as well I scan his whole face with my eyes .
"Why were crying?" I comment
"You think seeing my girlfriend, my only resource of happiness crying and hurting was supposed to make me smile?" He says through cracked voice, I place my head down as he lifts my head back up to look at him he scans my eyes then tilts his head in for another kiss his lips moves a little faster than mine as if he's trying to prove something to me slowly I start leaning back and his hand is on my lower back as I hit the velvet sheets he then switches his hands and places them on both of my sides , he then turns the kiss into a passionate makeout session I pull on the hem of his shirt and he pulls away slowly looking into my eyes.
" are you sure?" He says calmly
" I want to feel secure and comforted by you" I whisper
" if you don't wanna do this I want do it, if you're still upset I won't do it, I just wanted to show you how much I care for you and you being hurt , hurts me" he whispers as he places his forehead onto mine " if you want to feel secure and comforted I'll show you that but not this way I feel to bad because you were just crying"
I look up and down at him quickly then I wrap my arms around his neck " how are you so strong throughout it all? I've been strong for too long and I finally cracked"
" because I know that whatever it is I'm going to through it, especially with you by my side" he reassured me
" I don't think I can be as strong as you, I don't think I can be happy all the time"
" well who said you had to be happy all the time?" I frown at him by his response.
" being happy all the time means only one thing. You're holding everything in and a million things are hurting you, you never want to show anyone that you're hurting" he pulls me up so that we're facing each other while sitting up in front of each other.
" so Mrs.Jeon don't feel bad for breaking down don't feel bad for crying because it shows how strong you were to hold it together and it shows that you're bigger than your problems because at the moment you didn't let it phase you, you beat your problem now you just have to beat one problem that's haunting you"
I furrow my eyebrows then look him in the eyes " and what is that?"
"forgiving yourself" he whispers looking down at me, forgiving myself. That's true I need to forgive myself I'm always blaming myself for things that are out of my reach and putting so much pressure on myself. I look up at jungkook fast then I hug him around his neck as I straddle him. " I made you feel better now?"
" you did baby" I say smiling from ear to ear.
"Let's go on a date," he says while trying to kiss me, I bend down and peck his lips softly then tug on his undercut a little harshly , he closes his eyes as he softly groans. I bite on his lower lip and grind on him slowly and deeply then I get up walking towards the closet I look back at his face and he has his tongue coming out of his mouth with a look of lust.
" you lucky I still feel bad that you cried today and that I'm taking you out on a date" he growls I poke my tongue on my cheek then ease him up and down with a slight smirk. Lately he's been acting really daddy like and it's giving me mixed feelings. Some days I really want to pounce on him but other days I wanna wrap my legs around him and let him love me. He then walks in front of me easing me up and down slowly
" if you wanna do something to me do it" I whisper
" maybe another day mommy" he smacks my ass hard then winks at me and smirks.
" maybe another day baby" he says in a rough edgy tone " get dressed"
I smile then grab my clothes that I'm going to wear I throw them in the bed then pull off my shirt he looks at me with a shook face. I raise one eyebrow up at him " yes baby?" I say softly
"You-you- you're getting bold lately, it's something I can get used too"
"I'm forgiving myself and I'm not letting my thoughts get the best of me" I say while putting on my shirt I then get fully dressed as he leans against the door frame.
" I love you so much you're beauty just grows every single fucking day" he says in a seductive tone I smile then throw a pillow at him
" stop, and go change" I say while playing with my bracelet
"Okay" he then takes off his shirt and I gasp turning the other way " you did the same to me guess it's not okay when it's the other way around huh baby?"
" but-but I had a valid reason I was proving a point" I speak through my cracked voice
"Hm" is all he replies with.
(Ariellas outfit cause I'm bad at describing )
I try to bend down to tie my boots but I forgot I'm short and I can't reach my toes , I suck my teeth as I'm about to get up jungkook pushes me down then grabs my foot and starts tying them for me.
" thank you"
"You're welcome baby" he says easing me up and down , he grabs my hand and I get up smiling "let's go"
❁ ❁ ❁
Throughout the whole car ride we've been singing songs , fighting over what the lyrics says and me occasionally staring at how beautiful he is. We've made it to the place and I can't deny that it isn't beautiful, the front of the building is covered with enormous windows that almost look like waterfalls the lights are bright throughout the place.
" this is so beautiful" I gasp
" not as beautiful as you though" he adds
"Stop flirting with me" I go to hit him but he grabs my wrist then pecks me on the lip. " I'll never stop flirting with you" He comments. Jungkook then comes around and opens the door for me, the last time I believe I touched that car door was when he came to my so called dads house and helped me move out. we met by tragedy and now tragic stuff is always coming are way how ironic. I feel his hands intertwined between my fingers causing me to cheese hard.
" you're really cute you know that?"
"Yes" I apply
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook pays for the ticket and then we walk behind this big door and I see that we're in a walking tube with sea animals swimming around I gasp admiring its beauty.
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook pov
( play all of my life cover by Jungkook 8D audio)
I follow behind her looking at the only view that's capturing my eye she walks up the jellyfish putting her hands on the glass. Her mouth drops in awe as she follows the jellyfishes in the tank floating around. ( and aye don't judge me I know 'fishes' isn't a word but that hoe slaps and it makes sense carry on)
I taken a picture of her then post it to my Instagram, I rarely use Instagram like that and when I do it's mainly pictures of her.
" Jungkook?" She says filled with excitement
" yes my darling" I comment walking towards her
" look at the jellyfishes" she says pointing at one , I look up and smile brightly , I knew she would be happy to come here she's a sucker for these cheesy dates. Me? I just like looking at her with a smile upon my face. I grab her hand then intertwine them in between her fingers. We continue walking through the aquarium , she's looking up at another view while I'm looking at my favorite view. Your smile is what is see constantly in my mind , so when I'm going through something extremely hard I close my eyes and breathe in and out , and your smile appears in the back of my mind so vividly.
I decide to look up where she is looking and I see sharks on the roof " would you go swimming with sharks?" I ask bumping her softly
" I'm so afraid of sharks I don't even think I could swim in the water" she says cutely " sharks are just as scary as you" She says as she pokes my chest
" I'm scary? You don't seem scared of me right now" I say seductively
" it's because I'm trying not to show it and be a bold bitch" she whispers
" you're so fucking cute" I comment kissing her forehead.
❁ ❁ ❁
We walk to the outside part where all the turtles are she runs over to the rock and sits on it " Jungkook it's baby turtles" she squeals I walk over towards her and see all the baby turtles swimming around I smile at her excitement.
"Would you like to let and feed them?" A man asks her
"Please" she pouted as she turns her head towards me
" why are you asking me? I'm not your daddy go ahead baby" she smirks at the last sentence then pays the man three dollars for the food. She then sees the turtle come out the water and onto dry land I see her cheesing super hard and it just spreads to me.
Her smile is hella contagious
She's feeding the turtle and the worker comes and sits next to me " you got a lucky one young man" he says softly
" thank you , I say that to myself everyday" I smile
" have you thought about putting a ring on her?" He asks , I chuckle then nod my head in disapproval " why not are you scared?"
I smile a little as I turn my head towards him "no, it's just we're still in highschool and my life isn't going to well right now to propose to her , I'm afraid it'll be too much for her too handle" I sigh
" let me tell you a story"he says breathy I turn my whole body to him to give my full undivided attention to him "when I was eighteen years old I knew my fiancé was the love of my life, I used to be a crackhead that's all I wanted was some crack I didn't care how I got it I just needed it, ever girl I dated was on some drugs too so as the years progressed I tried every drug out there but nothing could beat my crack , then one day in my senior year a new girl came to our school and she was so beautiful and innocent, but she liked someone like me" he snorts
" a junkie , she was fighting for me to get better and I just couldn't let go of my crack I told her if she wants to leave she can , she told me she wouldn't give up on me, couple of months later something bad happened to her, she got into a car accident but these drug dealers who were running away from a cop, she was in a coma for months almost a year, and I prayed and I prayed to god, just to bring her back I'd promise to stop taking drugs and just for us on her" he digs into his pocket and pulls out a locket necklace and hands it too me, I open it and see a picture of him and her when they were our age , his story kinda sounds similar to mine, minus the drugs
" a week later she woke up and I told her I would stop using drugs and her being the strong woman she is she said ' I had to almost die for you to realize I love you' and that changed my life forever , I proposed to her two years later and we're still going on strong were expecting our first baby this year"
" wow that's great congrats man" I say smiling
"Thank you thank you , moral of the story is love has no timing , and love has no pit stops so if you really love her and your life isn't too well are you going to wait until it gets better to propose? What happens if you propose and it gets worse are you going to divorce? Love is the strongest thing that anyone can't break , the only ones that can break it or the two that are in love" I nod my head st his words then I smile, he's right he's totally right, I should be afraid of love because of my life, if she knows I love her and I know that she loves me the outside world shouldn't matter .
" thank you, sir, you've opened my eyes to a lot of things" I smile
" you're welcome kiddo, you are very special to me, now go get your girl buddo" he pays on my shoulder and I try to remember who is but I can't remember, he does seem familiar.
"Turtles are so cute," she says trying to get down from the rock, I pick her up then place her on the floor she places her hand on my forearm smiling at me but I continue to look intensely in her eyes.
"what happened are you okay?" she questions me
"i just love you more and more every single day" i reassure her
❁ ❁ ❁
we sit at a table as she looks at the fishes swimming by, if only she knew how much she makes me happy she would stop beating herself up.
"jungkook?" she says looking at me
"hm" I reply
"I wanna know about your childhood, but oh-ne-nevermind I ju-"
"I don't mind talking about it with you" I cut her off "so what do you want to know?" I place my elbows on the table then intertwine my fingers together looking dead into her eyes.
"um-was your mom always like this?" she says with her head down
"look at me" i command, she looks up at me slowly and i smile slightly " actually no she used to never be this way i guess it all started when my dad had a great job and he was buying her expensive things on occasions like her birthday valentines day romantic stuff like that, then i guess she wanted more and my dad almost wounded up in debt, he then lost his job and she still wanted more, then all i remember was a few weeks later she was with a new man and my dad was never seen again"
"wow- thats-painful" she sighs
" i was mostly hurt by my dad leaving us, not by her greed i was smart enough to know what was going on even though my older brother didnt want me to know, but i had to pretend i didnt"
"im glad you started trusting your dad again he seems like a nice person"
"oh? but who said i ever stopped trusting him?" i say cockily as i sip the wine while looking at her as she does the same
"jungcock strikes again"
"thats what were calling him?"
"Yeah, I mean I've always called him that" she smirks, we stare into each other's eyes until the waiter comes by with our food he places it both down in front of us, I look at Ariella to see her face light up like a Christmas tree at the food.
"enjoy," the waiter says
I reply "thank you sir", I look back at her and shes already looking at me with temptation in her eyes
"hearing you talk proper its kind of sexy" she smirks
"Maybe it'll do it more often ma'am" i wink at her then i grab my unveils to start eating
❁ ❁ ❁
after eating we walk around the aquarium a little while longer to see the scenery that we haven't seen.
" you know i've never been to an aquairum" she softly speaks "this is my mom's favorite place to go to not exactly this specific place but she always loved marine animals , she literally took it up in college and got a job working here, at first her parents didnt like her decison but they saw how much their daughter loved her job" i look down at her as she rambles, she rarely talks about her mom, just like a rarely talk about well myself, i never tell her deep things about myself unless a situaton occurs and i have no choice but just to bluntly say it i could never.
i guess i just dont want her running away when she hears how dark it is.
"but i see why she loved it so much, it's so quiet and peaceful in the water with the marine animals you don't feel endangered or scared by them, you're in your own little world with them"
"what job do you want after we graduate?" i softly bump her, she smiles then leans her head on my ar as we walk
"I don't know maybe a marine biologist or something in the forensic field"
"hm i can imagine you as a sexy detective," i says muzzled in her neck, i hear her giggling as she wraps her arms around my neck i grab one of her legs wrapping them around me as she jumps up on me. i walk over to a rock in this room where were next to the waterfall and a tank full of vibrant pink jellyfishes.
"are we tipsy or drunk?" she says starddling me
"i think were almost drunk but not there" she giggles at my comment, we look into each others eyes intensely she tilts her head sideways as she leans in to kiss me, ariella i think im ready to take that next step with you.
but first i must finish this last job
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anoymous pov
i flip through the book of pictures of ariella throughout our childhood days, she still looks as beautiful as ever, i just wanna roam my fingers through her long milky hair and just hold her for dear life.
i wouldve had her if it wasnt for him, jeon jungkook
your day is coming soon huh?
half brother...
authors note: *cues dramatic piano music* i was wondering should i expose him now or later ive been wanting to expose him actually three chaoters ago but i wanted to make yall mad a little longer😇, but here it is he's exposed y'all know who he is but you'll never know how its tied to the both of them lol, anyways thank you guys for reading we only have 9 more chapters left! *sobs* but i just wanna give a shoutout to my hunnies for supporting me, i love each and everyone of you. with that being said see y'all in the next one stay appy and healthy
~ps. If theirs any grammatical errors let me know😽.
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