I roll over and see that jungkook is still sleep I smile as I caress his face softly taking in all his beauty. I feel like we're married but we're not. If this how it feels to spend the rest of your life with then I never want to wake up from this dream. I start to get up from the bed until I feel jungkook pull me down on the bed and into his arms, he slides his fingers through my hair as his thumb stays on my earlobe.
"Stay here just a little while longer" he implies through the raspy tone
"Okay" I whisper back to him I place my hand on his biceps as i caress them with my thumb slowly , I look up at him as I blink slowly , he's such a dream to me, such a beautiful man and he's all mine? He's like one of those boys in a cheesy teenage movie that every girl wants. But it's a real one. How did I get so lucky?
"What you thinking about?" He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me, I panic as I try to look away from him but he makes me look back at him " you're so cute Ariella" he says kissing my forehead.
" thanks" I say nervously
" why you so nervous around me? We've been dating for a year and a half now?"
" because , you're really pretty and um- I still can't believe your mine"
"Me either" he smiles, he leans in a kisses me softly as he pulls away I see him easing me up and down then he holds me tightly again. Just being alone with him is beautiful. It's paradise.
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook and I walk into the school building and everyone has their eyes dead set on me like I'm a target , I frown my eyebrows up at them then look at jungkook who's looking at me already.
" I feel uncomfortable" I say to him
" I know, people think you're not the same cause you came out a coma, I told that damn principal not to announce it to the whole damn world" he comments angrily , I look up at him and his jaw clenches. God when he does that it makes me melt. We walk up to my locker and a note falls out. I pick it up then read it.
" having fun with your new boyfriend?, won't be for long once I'm through with him, you just wait I'll destroy your happiness along with his , that was supposed to be me not him!, anyways I'll see you soon Ariella , or should I say future wife" my body tense up as I finish the letter, I can't even force out a word . I feel like I'm encased in ice.
"Hey baby you okay?" He says furrowing his eyebrows, I turn around slowly then hand him the note , he starts scanning through it and I see his jaw clench and his muscles tense up.
" is it Daniel?"
"No this a different handwriting" He says while scanning the area , I look at him up and down then roam my fingers through my hair , then who is it? Who is after us now? What do they have against jungkook?
" is it your stepdad?"
" no sadly I know that bastards handwriting , I've seen him sign so many checks I can't forget it" I grab his hand and he looks down at my hand then he intertwines them together. He looks at me and kisses my forehead " I'm going to protect you okay? I'll figure this out okay I promise?" He says through the anger.
" I know you will, I trust you" I say while looking into his dark but glossy eyes. i hold his hand securly as he clenches his jaw on and off, he then hands me my books and closes my locker, the whole walk to my math class he hasnt said a word i feel as if he knows who this person is but he doesnt want to scare me. i sit down in my chair and jungkook kneels down to my height and looks at me while i take stuff out of my bag.
"ariella?" he says in a concerned tone
"hm?" i say while looking for my pencil
"look at me" he says softly, i turn my head and look at him but he turns my whole body towards him as he holds my hands tightly " dont let this ruin your day okay? i will find this son of bitch okay? dont let this ruin our happiness okay? we've been doing so great and i dont want this to spoil our happiness okay?" he says shifting his eyes in my eyes. jungkook youve really changed, youve really grown up , youre not the same jungkook from a year ago.
"okay baby" i smile, he kisses me then kisses my forehead
"you better pay attention to this lesson its really hard" he says while kissing my hand, before i could ask him what he meant by that he left the classroom, i frown up as i try to think what he meant by that, i wanna punch him now. i feel someone hug me around my neck and at first i tense up in defnesive then i calm down when i smell farmilar scent
"hello my baby bee" i say caressing her forearm, then i feel a bunch of other arms wrapped around me i cheeze like a baby in a toy store, i love my friends they mean everything to me i dont know what i would do without them, theyre my sisters. if it wasnt for them i think i wouldnt have let my guard down and let jungkook in, i wouldnt have been this happy, i woudlnt have made a diifernce in jungkook's life, its a little domino effect thanks to them. we started swaying from side to side giggling slithgly then thats when they sit down next to me,.
"how are you guys?" i ask
"girl us? how are you, youre the one were worried about" beatrice comments
"im fine you guys really, i feel great and better than ever"
"that's good cause i thought i had to stab a bitch" yasmine comments
"oh shut up you hot-head" i comment, she scoffs then hit my arm softly
"what about you yailynn how are you?" i say smiling at her "have you and Jin gotten together yet?" i nudge her jokingly
"um-we-we went on our first date a couple of weeks ago" , i scream lowly and we all turn towards her "spill the tea" beatrice comments.
❁ ❁ ❁
after that class we walk to our next class and i see jungkook panting on the floor by himself, i run over really fast and kneel in front of him as i place my hands on his forarm "baby! whats wrong are you okay?" i comment worriedly, jungkook opens his eyes and he looks dazed as if he's been drugged. "jungkook cmon get up" i pull him up by his arms and i take him out to the courtyard so we talk privately i sit him down on the bench as he looks at me, he his start shifting at me from side to side as if he's trying to find someone in my eyes
"jungkook what happened?" i say softly
"i dont know why i care so much, she's never done anything for me, i dont know why i feel like i have to do something, why do i feel anger why do i feel like she didnt deserve it? what is wrong with me?" he says fast
"who? what are talking about jungkook?" i say shifting my eyes up and down at him
"my mom-he's abusing my mom, my friend sent me the video, hey may kill her a week from now if i dont make up my mind" he says placing his forearm on his thighs
"jungkook, the reason you care is because you know she was a horrible mother,but no one deserves to be abused or tortured , you know everyone deserves a chance at some happiness, dont lock up your good heart because you are a good person okay? and people would love to be in your heart cause youre in theirs"I say caressing his cheeks with both of my thumbs, he smiles as he places his hand on my wrist
"your soul is beautiful" he whispers as a smile paints on his face, he leans in to kiss me but we get interupted by someone who coughs slightly, i look to the right and i see the principal standing there. i stand up slowly and jungkook stand beside me but also in front of me.
"jungkook, you're causing trouble again, first fights then disrespecting teachers and now you're messing and making one of our best students skip class, do you ever feel embrassed or bad for others that get dragged into your mess?" he comments
"sir-" as im about to comment jungkook just grabs me by the wrist and we walk back into the school, as we walk into the school building some people are already looking our direction, jungkook just walks past them as if theyre not there i put my head down as we walk past them. i hear whisoers surrounding us, i feel my tears start to flow in my eyes my breath starts to decrease my hands become shaky and jungkook doesnt look back at me but he pulls me next to him and places his hand on my lower back. as he walks me to my other class now.
❁ ❁ ❁
i sit in my histroy class just thinking about all the whispers they were so hurtful and accusing me of things that wasnt even happening out there they think im so slut that just fucks anywhere, no i am a woma and i have morals the only place i would do it is my home well our home thats all. i wouldnt even feel that comfortable doing it in a hotel. i feel someone touch my shoulder and i flicnch then hit them in the stomach until i realize it's taehyung he starts coughing hard and i bend down and pat his back.
"im so sorry i didnt mean too, i apologize taehyung here drink some water" i grab my water bottle then i hand it to him he then drinks it and looks at me
"youre a strong woman in a tiny body ill guve you that, who taught you to fight? jungkook?'
i scoff " no but i wish he did i learned that from my mom, before she died, she was supposed to teach my karate but she didnt make to teaching me" i say while sitting down in the chair taehyung then sits next to me and leans against the wall.
"hm, maybe you dont need fifghting skills youre pretty strong already" he smirks
"i wasnt strong when i almost got rped twice" i sigh
"hey,hey dont beat yourself up okay? we all have a point in our life were we dont know how to be strong okay?, we freeze up, but that doesnt make us weak, what makes you weak if you continue to never fight for aything that makes you weak" i smile then hug taehyung tightly he rubs my back softly as i smile brightly i havent talked to taehyung in a while and hinestly it felt good talking to him he knows what to say even if you dont explain the situation fuly and i love that about him hes a really good brother to me.
❁ ❁ ❁
anymous pov
"are you in the school?" he says on the voice coms
"yes dude, they wont even notice a thing no one will be supicous" i comment
i start walking towards the locker and i put in her combination, i place the tiny camera in her binder then i shut it softly so no one can hear it.
"and the cameras?" i asked
"i hacked themit may cause some choas but it's enough to get you in and out hurry you have only seventeen seconds before they turn back on"
"im on it cheif" i look at her photo of her and boyfriend on the door and i scoff in disgust, dont worry itll be all over as soon as i get rid of him, i rpomise youll be happier than that.
i run towards the exit then jum in my car "all done" i say with a grin on my face " we shouldve ended him right there" i comment
"no too much commotion we have to do it quietly so they'll be no one to miss him"
" good idea" i smirk
❁ ❁ ❁
finally the end of the day im ready to just go home and forget how messy my day was today , it has taken the biggest toll on me right now, i need a long relaxed bath,with nice bubbles and make it smell like roses. yeah thats what i need. i walk up to my locker and i see a note stucked under my picture of jungkook and i. i yank it off then i read it.
"hm i see you told your boyfriend about the letter huh? well ,well youre a little tattletale, but dont worry I can make you happier than he can once he's out the picture, it was supposed to be me anyways we were destined for each other, ever since we were little I love you ariella see yousoon" i start pancking as I grab my binder out of my locker I slam the door harshly as I run for the exit, I hear jungkook yelling my name but I keep on running this person knows who I am and is after jungkook for whatever reason as well, he knew me when were kids? i had lots of childhood friends whom i still talk to but i've never done anything bad to anyone i ju- my thoughts are interupted by jungkook grabbing my wrist
"hey what's wrong?" he says softly
"i-i-i can't tell you, just stay away from me jungkook" I cry out I try to walk past him but he stands in front of me
"im not going anywhere without you" he comments
"jungkook I can't watch you get hurt please just let me go, you can go back to your normal life and I can too none of this wouldve happened if I didnt come into your life I ju-i just can't do it anymore, goodbye jungkook" I say while walking past him, a part of me wanted him to chase me another part of me wanted him to stay right there, but as long as youre happy jungkook thats all that matters my happniess comes later.
❁ ❁ ❁
i walk myself home and as soon as i walk up to the porch i see jungkook sitting right at the doorstep
"did you forget we practiacally live together?" he says while standing up slowly
"jungkook i told you stay away from m-" my sentence gets cut off by him grabbing me by the nape of my neck and planting his pink soft lips on mine, he tilts his head more to the sid eto deepen the kiss between us, as were caught up in our moment the rain starts to pur down on us , he pulls away slowly gazing into my eyes he places his forehead on my, panting trying to catch his breath, he tries to find the emotions in my glossy orbs then he leans back in for another kiss.
"like i said before im not going anywhere without you, and im not running im tired of being scared and you shouldnt be either, you promised me youd help me fight, so why are you running?" he says through cracked voice
"because im scared of you getting hurt"
"they'll never break my soul or the love i have for you, so they'll never hurt me" he says while putting my hoodie on he grabs my binder and stomps on it angrily i look at him in confusion then he grabs my broken notebook and my hand as we go inside the house. i see that the house is now empty. i gasp then yank my hand out of jungkook's grip and he turns around slowly then he places my binder on the counter.
"what the hell is going on jungkook?" i ask furiously, he doesnt answer my question as he opens the binder, he pulls out something small and black thats now all squished up, i look at him in confusion then he walks closer to me and holds the thing up to my face
"ariella do you know what this is?" he asks calmly, I hate when he uses his calm voice it kind of scares me just a little bit.
"no" i fire back
"this is a camera with a hidden tracker, that takes pictures and recrods eveyrthing around you, it can also hack other things such as computers, phone and lights", i look at him with a shocked face that was in my binder? but i didnt feel anything? and how did he knew it was there?
" when i kissed you the second time you didnt see a tiny white glare in my eyes? , im glad that you love my eyes and all but when has my eyes ever had a hint of white glare in it? my eyes are always glossy not specks of white and blue" he says while smiling " moral of the story is i know why you were trying to push me away this person is after the both of us, but mainly you, so he's threatning you with me, and youre scared this person may succed in hrting my correct?" he looks at the now smashed camera then down at me
"baby im jungkook, you can never hurt me"
i look into his eyes and sense three emotions
I then walk closer to him to fill in the gap between us " what about the house?, how did you know that someone was going to do this?" I say while playing with my bracelet , he then takes off my hoodie and gives me one of his I look up at him as he clenches his jaw , I guess I'll just leave it alone I'm being to nosy , he literally just saved me and I'm pondering him with questions.
"Let's go home and I'll tell you everything" he smiles, which to my concern I don't see it as a real smile but I'll take it.
❁ ❁ ❁
We arrive to the new house and it's a little bigger than his old one, I wonder if he's sad that he had to love that house, he's been there since he came out of his drug business with his stepdad I bet he made a lot of memories and now he has to make new ones.
All because of me.
Jungkook grabs my hand and we walk into the house , the first thing that captures my eyes is the marble countertop in the kitchen I gasp then I being to walk over to it
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkook pov
I watch her in awe as she admires the new house , I've always wanted to move but I couldn't find a house at the moment then I saw this house and remembered that this was the one she dreamed about when we were asking each other future goals questions when we were stuck in the house one time with no lights . But at the time we were just friends , she didn't see that much of me but I did , I loved her, even though my head wouldn't admit it but my hurt surely did.
" Jungkook?"
"Hm?" I reply as I put my hands in my pocket
" did- did you do this for me?" She asks , I can hear the shakiness in her voice , I walk closer to her and I lean my forearms against the countertop
"No I did it for the both of us, does the layout of this house looks familiar to you?" I comment raising my eyebrow up at her , she looks around a little bit more than gasps at me.
"No!" She yells at me
"Hm your tell me" I say cockily
"Baby!" She says through cracked voice she runs to me and jumps on me I hold her by her thighs securely as I kiss her cheeks multiple times, you just don't know Ariella I would kill for you just to make you happy
I pull away then look at her , her eyes are so beautiful everytime I look into them I feel like I'll get lost in them , like Peter Pan and the lost boys, her eyes takes me to another dimension , I fall in love over and over , it's like relapsing on drugs. But I don't mind relapsing.
" are you going to get down?" I say jokingly she kisses me then shakes her head no
I roll my eyes a little then kiss her again I walk over to the counter and place her down softly with her arms still around my neck but I never break the kiss I place my hands on her waist
Then look into her eyes again " I love you" I comment
" I love you , thank you for letting me see what I was doing was selfish" I feel her sliding her fingers through my undercut and pulling it just a tad bit
"It wasn't selfish , it was selfless , you'd knew you would be more hurt than I would be, but you knew I'd be safe and that's all you wanted" I caress her side softly and she smiles brightly
" so we making new memories in this house I guess?" She says cheerfully
"Oh fuck yea we are" I pick her up like a baby and raise her up high , she screams my name through the giggles and I bring her back down slowly to me, I kiss her as she wraps her legs around me like a koala, we walk up the stairs giggling I lay her down on the bed softly hearing her little giggles underneath me.
I wouldn't have this any other way Ariella, so don't you run from me.
No matter how far you run, I'll always chase you.
❁ ❁ ❁
Anymous pov
" the camera you set up is offline" someone says to me
"I-I I put it in there , I swear I did" I comment back
The person then slams their hand on the table causing everyone to turn their heads in fear, two dudes come up next to me and they hand me a school ID
" what is this for?" I question , the person turns around slowly in their chair whisking their alcohol in the cup
" you're going to act like a new student and get closer to her, she won't remember you after all you were kids when you were little isn't that right Austin?"
A smile starts to appear on my face as I look at the name on the student ID , I go by the name as Austin now hm, Ariella you have another thing coming.
You will be mine.
Authors note:
Guys ! I'm screaming the BTS album was amazing I literally cried with I'm fine and euphoria, those songs just hit me so hard. The whole series just hit me hard you know. Cause I understand how they felt, I always wanted someone to help me feel loved and I always wanted to feel loved and I would give them my all , and they would turn around and destroy it as if it was nothing and it just really hurt me. Then I finally realized enough it enough , I don't care who walks out of my life anymore I'm not begging anyone to stay anymore if you wanna leave and not work it out it shows that you never really loved me😇 , but anyways enough rambling thank you guys for reading my content and showing so much support this wouldn't have been possible with you I love you all and bye!! 💛💛
PSA: how do you guys feel about the new cover??
This was designed by peachyy_taee so a special Thanks to her! And check out her story as well that she's trying to develop it's really good and I'm not just saying it cause she's my partner in crime but because she has potential! So thank you to her and thank you to you guys!!
~ps. If theirs any grammatical errors let me know😽
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