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Jungkook pov
For these past few weeks I've been taking care of Ariella and listening to her talk about how excited she is for graduation, her recovery has been going by pretty fast. She doesn't remember what happened that night or why she was in the hospital and every time she asks I just can't stomach up the courage to tell her the truth. I walk into the room and I see her falling asleep but she's trying to stay up, I grab the PS4 controller out of her hand turning it off then turning the tv off as well.
" I was up," she says dazedly
" you're falling asleep cutie" I smile while getting in the bed, she wastes no time to come and hug me and I caress her earlobe gently " sleep as much as you want I'm not going anywhere" I whisper
"Jungkook?" She says softly, that's the first time in a long time she's called me by my name, I love the way my name rolls off her tongue, baby is all cute and all but the way she says my name just triggers butterflies in my stomach.
"Yes," I say looking down at her.
" you want to know what happened to me in the hospital?" She says while looking up at me my eyes start shifting in her gaze, I don't know if she wants to re-live whatever happened to her or how much pain she's felt I just want to take that memory out of her brain forever and just hope she goes back to her normal self. the one who's always smiling picking fights with me, hitting me I miss that cute side of her.
"jungkook? I'm okay I promise, I'm fully better okay? I feel great I promise" she says caressing my forearm "it's you that's not ready to hear what I have to say, but if you don't want to hear it I'll keep it to myself"I lean down to kiss her passionately then I pull away slowly easing her up and down, theirs the sparkle in her eyes that I was looking for, for so long I waited patiently to experience that sparkle again. the last time I say that sparkle was when I held her behind that building and that's when my heart started to thump again, I wasn't terrified of you knowing my past or falling in love with you.
I was so scared that id gets so addicted to you, and you'd change me into something out of my comfort zone, you Ariella you terrify me nothing else does but you.
"if you're sure you're okay with it then tell me I'll always listen to you" I whisper to her
"I'm okay jungkook, and I love you but I wanna fight too, I wanna help you as well, you've helped me so much so can I return the favor?" she says caressing my jawline with her dove-like fingertips, I roam my eyes all over her face taking in all her beauty she's so beautiful and she's all mine, I worked hard to have her, I won't let my step-dad take away something I worked so hard for.
"you are helping me, you are apart of the fight, you're giving me so encouraging words, that makes me fight harder and harder every day to make sure you're proud of me, so you helped since the beginning and you never knew of it"I smile slightly, her smiles start to slowly paint on her beautiful canvas, she thinks she's not doing anything for me physically but mentally she's clean my brain of toxic thoughts and fear, I was scared to go in and fight my step-dad not cause he scares me, I could look him right in the face and not twitch a muscle but that he would hurt Ariella. but now I see it, she's a strong woman who doesn't need my protection, she can handle herself on her own. she just needs a little push just like i did.
"Well, let me tell you what happened," she says sitting up and grabbing my free hand as she plays with my fingers "so it was a dark room and I was tied up by your dad and my dad"
"hm ain't my dad, and that's not your dad, they ain't nothing but the devil, toxic ass plants" I scoff, she punches me in the chest slightly then she playfully yells at me I look at her as she yells at me smiling like a kid in the candy store, that's exactly what I missed, I want her to stay like this forever, I never want to see her in pain, I want to hear her voice every day. I want to be by her side every day. I wanna marry her.
"so then, he was showing me your dead body and I started crying really hard because I couldn't help you I was screaming your name and you wouldn't go I saw blood pouring out your head and I was shaking and panicking, then I told them that I would fight for the both of us, cause you never gave up on me so therefore I won't give up on you, I would fight until the end and you would proud of me, because I love you and ill never stop loving you, I also told them that I'm not afraid of them because they're nothing but cowards" I ease her up in down as she slowly looks at me,
"damn you're so beautiful and strong" I cited, I'm so infatuated with her, I'm hooked like drugs.
"jungkook! are you listening to me?" she says punching my chest I nod my head biting my lower lip slightly then smile at her, I see her face starting to turn red, she then starts playing with her bracelet.
"I am baby girl, I'm listening to you,"I say hovering over her body" then what happened?"I see looking deeply into her eyes
"i-i-i fought him and escaped-then-th-then you were there telling me to thank you and you love me" she stammers as I grow closer and closer to her face. as I'm so close to her lips I chuckle cockily "hm, that's my girl" I say while getting up I sit up then look back at her, I cough at her as she opens her eyes slowly.
she sits up fast and then she fixes her hair fast as my smile starts to grow on my face bigger and bigger " to answer your question you told our shitty ass dad's off and then they couldn't stand the heat and I was proud of you, you said that you would fight no matter how scary it is, and that you're no longer afraid of me because you have something to fight for and so do i" say in a soothing tone, she raises her head slowly up at me and were locked into each other gaze, I walk over to her side of the bed not breaking the gaze I grab the side of her face then bend down to kiss her she places her hand on my forearm as we move in sync she then lays back on the bed and I hover over her without breaking the kiss. it was passionate but powerful, every emotion we've been feeling for a while it being put on the table.
and I don't mind it at all, I have so much to tell you but my heart won't let me
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after a couple of hours i wake up from my nap and i look to my right and the bed is empty, i flinch up quickly and grab a random pair of sweatpants and run downstairs fast, my heart starts to increase as i see the kitchen light is on. i look at the slide door and it's open. my breathing starts to decrease as I scan the house.
"Ariella?!" I yell checking every room, I grab my pocket knife that's in the flower pot then I walk slowly outside I scan the area checking for anyone out here, I then see Ariella sitting on a rock by the ocean in my hoodie as her hair flows. she's so beautiful I'm not sure if she's real sometimes, I'm so mesmerized by her, I grab a shirt out of the cryer then I grab a tiny blanket as I slowly walk towards the sand. I look at her as hair flows like honey as her eyes are fixated on the stars and the waves crashing upon the rocks, how she sways from side to side enjoying the view, while I prefer her as the view. I wrap the blanket around her as she flinches I smile slightly.
"no one else is here sweetheart," I say cockily
"i-i know I'm still a little spooked out, I came here to think"I look at her as she rambles, hearing her talk is something I can't get over, her voice is so soft and innocent but she's the complete opposite shes bold, shes mean shes fierce shes independent she's strong. her mom raised her beautifully, I wish I could've met her and thank her for all she's done, how happy she's made her, and thank her for raising someone like her, my thoughts get interrupted by her wrapping her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest.
"Promise me you'll always be there for me when I need you, and you'll protect me not just from them but for the world, I don't want to slip into depression again, its really scary" she says as her voice cracks I rub her back as I place one hand on the nape of her neck caressing her cheek with my thumb
"I promise to be there for you, that's a promise I can make forever, and you know ill always protect you I don't need to promise that, because that's a task and job for me" she then pulls her head away from my chest and looks into my eyes, I wipe her tears with my thumb then smile at her
"I love you forever and always Ariella, nobody won't change that, so don't think you can get rid of me that easily"
"and I love you jungkook, you can't get rid of me either cause ill follow you wherever you go" she says cutely, I lean down to press my lips upon hers, as the waves crash into our feets on the cold wet sand we move in sync as the cold salt water air wraps around us like a blanket. nothing can separate the bond between us.
i guess you can say she was destined to be mine..
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i forced her to get dress because for weeks she's been in this house for weeks and i know she feels stuffy. "babe you ready with your fine ass, you fine like a glass of wine" she comes out and she's wearing a cropped long sleeve red flower print shirt that shows little bit of her clevage and some highwaisted jeans ripped jeans with some fishnets under, she has on the timbs i bought her a couple of weeks ago,one side of hair is placed behind her hair which is held by bobbu pins, then other side lays on her shoulder letting her wavy curls shine, i almost forgot that shit dyed her hair honey blonde, she then starts playing with her bracelet
"do i look good?" she says softly i smile at her then nod my head, i extent my hand out to her ands he grabs it interwhining her fingers with mine she grabs her cherry shaped purse then sprays some perfume on herself, even though i can smell all the other sweet smells on her, she's so beautfiul , i say this evrytime because im so shook bye her.
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we arrive at the drive-in movie and I park far away from everyone but close to the screen at close to where you can buy food as well.
"I'm going to pay for the tickets and stuff, what snacks you want?" I say looking into her eyes
"surprise me" she smiles
"okay give me a kiss," I say leaning in closer to her, she kisses me more than one time and I smile then get out of the car.
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ariella pov
I watch him as he walks towards the counter to purchase everything, he's so handsome, I just want to put him in my pocket and take him everywhere. he always makes me feel more special than I'm supposed to be, I'm not worth all this money I shouldn't be put on a pedal stool but he does it anyway. I'm grateful for falling in love with him, I could've gotten worse my mental health and relationship wise. I could've been back in that rehab center suffering again like I did a few years ago.
I look at my phone to see who's calling me and it says "nana💜🐨" I slide to answer then I smile brightly " hello nana" I say happily
"Hello dear are you doing better?" she asks
"yes, I'm feeling way better than the first day after i got discharged, that was worse is that how everyone feels after getting discharged?"
she laughs " sometimes sweetie, i felt like that after i gave birth to your mother boy was she a difficult child, she broke my tailbone giving birth to that girl" i chuckle as she goes on and on about my mother, she really didn't talk much about her childhood I'm guessing it wasn't all that sweet.
"but nevertheless she is a beautiful angel, and you're reminding me of your mom when she was younger" I smile then giggle slightly
"she was a mess huh? cause that's what I am"I say trying not to cry
"no, not at all, your mother was a warrior she knew what your dad did to you and she defneded you depite knowing it could hrt her, shes always stood up for everyone, she always made sure the person whom she loves happiness was encased in a seal that only should could open not caring what could happen to her own heart, your mother took everything that was being thrown at her and used it to make someone happy and that was you, sweetie," she says softly "your mother never gave up on the one thing that makes her happy no mattr how scared she was, she's always helped those who she loved, and sweetie she loved you more than anything in this world" i feel some tears fall down my cheeks and I sniff as I wipe them away
"your mom said to me one time when you were sleeping that she'd pray to good that if anything were to happen to you that she would protect as much as she can but majority of it is up to you and she would hope that you use your heart instead of your head like she did and run after happiness if you had the chance at it" my mom was a warrior, I smile then see jungkook coming to the car with the snacks and stuff.
"I love you nana thank you for your kind words I gotta go okay?"
"Okay, sweetie remember, your mom and I are proud of you, I love you" I smile as she hangs up, I open the door and for jungkook as he hands me the snacks.
"who were you talking to?" he says while getting in I drink some of the slurpy, I open the popcorn then push the car seat back a little
"my nana" I smile
"oh wow I wanted to see my second girlfriend," he says jokily
"I will punch you"
"you know your grandma loves me" he whispers to me I squint my eyes at him and he jumps in the back seat I frown at him and he grabs my wrist and pulls me back there with him I land on top of him and he places his hand on my lower back.
"I wanna cuddle you," he says in my ear, I smile then I hug him and lay my head on his chest as I turn to the projector.
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anonymous pov
I look at them as their in the car watching this movie, the blood in my body boils as I see them cuddling, I roll my eyes annoyance. how dare he walk around as if he's happy and he's living the good life. he will pay I promise you that. whats mine will be mine, and i cant wait to watch you suffer and beg on your knees.
jeon jungkook your happiness ends today
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jungkook pov
I sit outside by the water and I look at her as she's throwing rocks trying to make them skip in the water. this woman has made me the person I am today she's made me into a man I used to be a hard-headed boy, I didn't want to believe in anything and I dated anyone and slept with anyone obviously if they weren't a virgin it was a rush for me , I had a thrill out of it. but now being with her gives me the rush of a lifetime. she scares me but in a good way.
"jungkook!" she says going deeper into the water, I shake my head then I stand up rolling my eyes then I roll my jeans up as I walk towards her
"I told you don't go so far you can't swim and it's cold to be coming and getting you" I walk into the water and I try to grab her hand but she splashes me and giggles
( play jungkook 2u 8D audio)
" come here!" i yell at her , she runs away from me as I'm splashing her from behind she then splashes me as well smiling hard like an idiot I then chase her on the sand she then picks up some sand and throws at me, I start throwing clumps of sand at her as she tries to get some of the ground I hit her right in the arm and she throws one at my chest.
"oh you're dead now!" i yell at her, I run after her and when I finally catch up to her I grab her by her waist and spin her around then fall on on the sand,she smiles as she hovers over me with her damp hair dangling, in my face I place her flyaway hair behind her ear as I look into her eyes.
"am i still dead?" she giggles
"never" i hold her up by the waist as I get up, she then wraps her legs around my waist and I walk over to the campfire then I sit her down on the sand and wrap her up in a blanket I throw some sticks in the campfire then i swipe the match on the box then throw it in the campfire.
"come cuddle me, husband, I'm not warm enough," she says in a honey-like tone
"on my way wife" i smile I sit behind her as she leans back on my chest "aren't you cold?" she asks looking at me she then gets up and wraps the blanket around me then lays back on my chest, I wrap my arms and blanket around her I sway her back and forth a little bit as I get deep into my thoughts about her.
"Ariella?" I whisper
"hm" she replies
"I love you, and you've became such an influence to my life, you've changed my life for the better and I honestly can say if it wasn't for you I would be dead, or I would be in jail I would've caved into the darkness and started selling drugs all over again, I probably would've gotten a life-threatening disease, without you I wouldn't have found myself I would've been in a dark maze forever I would've never felt anything warm in my heart , I wouldn't have found that sparkle in my heart, I wouldn't have found out how much I mean to someone how much I can make someone smile, if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have evolved into a lovely man, you're a miracle, I'm so blessed to have someone like you in my life" she turns around and faces me as I'm already looking down at her
" the way you make me feel when I'm with you is equivalent to someone sticking needles of drugs in their arm, you give me a rush out of this world, you make me feel like love is real now, you got me doing things I never thought I could feel like nervousness in front of a girl I've never been nervous in front of I girl, you make me smile more than I've ever done in my lifetime, when you're happy I'm so happy, your feelings and my feelings are like intertwined together, you literally make my palms sweaty and butterflies erupt in my stomach, I've never had those feelings before and now I get to experience the feeling of having a crush that everyone says that feels like cloud nine, and i . have to agree yes it feels like I'm in heaven when I'm in your arms"I smile at her, I look into her eyes and I see the tears building up in her eyes I caress her cheek softly
"I can't wait to marry you I can't wait to see you walk down the Alise to officially have you every day without sharing you, I can't wait to see our twins running around the house and think god we made that beautiful human being, I want to bring yall on tour with me and have yall in my arms, I want a future with you big house nice dogs I want all of that, I need all of that, because I don't want to live all of that without you"I sigh softly "I love you Ariella Maisel"I choke through the tears.
"oh jungkook baby, I love you more than you can ever imagine, I want to do all those things with you too, I'm not going anywhere and neither are you"
"baby I'm glue"I comment back, she leans in as I cup her face with both of my hands as we move in harmony , the love I have for this woman is unbearable, beat me, torture me do anything you want to me but you can never break my soul or my love for her. ariella, I love you so much I've loved you since day one and that's never going to change, meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice,
but falling in love with you I had no control over it
authors note:
this chapter took me so long to type, but it was worth it because I can't wait for this anniversary and stuff I'm actually kinda sad for it to end, ive grown with story and so has my writing as well, thank you to all of my hunnies that have read it from start to finish , those that have laughed and cried ( and even got mad) with this story , if it wasn't for you this story wouldn't have been here thank you for everything!! yall mean the world to me!! have a great day!!
PSA: a chapter is coming out every day for this story
~ps. If theirs any grammatical errors let me know😽
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