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Ariella pov

I gasp as I open my eyes I see jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands on the side of my waist " hey hey I'm here" he repeats softly I rush over into his arms as he holds my head securely "I got you, I'm not going anywhere" he whispers

"You promise?" I comment back while squeezing his forearm
"I promise" he implies pulling me into his chest, I hope so jungkook I hope so

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I stare at myself in the mirror I look famished and pale, I grab a pair scissors as I'm about to cut my hair short jungkook grabs me from behind.

" you look beautiful," he says in my neck
"Honey I'm pale and skinny how is that beautiful? I look like a mummy " I softly yell
"It's called warrior scars okay?" He spins me around as he kisses me multiple times.

" you know I was waiting for you for weeks, and I never stopped coming," he says as he wraps his arms around my waist I start scanning in his eyes admiring what's mine and who's going to be in my future.

"Is that so?" I comment
"Yes" he whispers on my neck, I giggle while placing my hands on the nape on his neck. " I love you " he keeps repeating with every kiss on my neck and face I smile as I try to push him away but he pulls me closer.

" okay jungkook!" I squeal but he ignores my demands and picks me up by my thighs then softly placed me on the bed I smile brightly at him as he puts my baby hairs behind my ears he places his hand on my sides as he looks into my eyes

"Someone's full of love today," I say while caressing his cheek, I see his eyes scanning my face and it just makes me smile so much my cheeks are starting to hurt. But is he being so lovey-dovey cause I just came out of a coma or because he feels like he doesn't show me enough love?

" are you okay baby?" I say looking into his eyes
"Yeah - I just love you so much and I feel like I should say that more often because we never know our last days here on earth" he says while leaning into my lips , he plants his lips onto mine while placing one hand on the side of my face , we move in unison as the rain gets harder in the background setting the atmosphere for us. He pulls away from me with a string of saliva leaving both of our lips.

" keep kissing me" I whisper
"Gladly" he whispers back, he then leans in as he connects his lips to mine creating a steamy atmosphere for us under the covers as the rain gets increasingly louder and harder.

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Jungkook pov

I look down at her as she's taking a nap caressing her back softly with my fingertips, I kiss her head softly bringing her closer to me. I've been through so much and I honestly don't know how she keeps me afloat for so long when all I want to do is drown myself in my sorrow. My thoughts get interrupted by wet kisses planting on my skin. I look down to see Ariella looking up at me with sleepiness still in her eyes.

" what's wrong with my beautiful boyfriend?" She whispers softly
"Just thinking how lucky I am to have such a beautiful independent young woman like you" I comment while kissing her multiple times. I feel her smiling through every kiss she then pulls away kisses my cheeks a lot
"You're always saying something sweet about me but I never say anything sweet about you," she says looking into my eyes. "Yeah you do you say it in many ways" I say while hovering over her. " you say it with your mind , your body" I comment then wink at her , I see her turning red and I grab her hand before she can cover her face

" but you tell me in the littlest ways you can literally tell me by making me breakfast or when just text out of nowhere to ask if I'm okay, you don't have to do anything for me just be you and give me kisses okay?" I imply looking into her eyes.

"Okay husband" she giggles
" oo I like the way that sounds" I smile, she places her hands on the nape of my neck. " I would love to marry you" she whispers.

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" we should play Mario party it's the best time to play games its raining and it's kinda cold baby!" She says in a cute tone I walk up to her and hand her a cup of hot cocoa " please husband" she says with a pout.

" how about we play just dance so you don't have to bring out your whole demon side," I say kissing her forehead. " I call dibs on picking the first song!" She yells as she grabs a Nintendo switch joy-con

"Yes, ma'am!" I yell cutely at her.

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Today I decided to take her ice skating she's never been and I've only been twice, I think it would be cute to see her trying to skate. As I'm driving I look at her as she's looking at the view.

" I wonder what's outside California? , like I wanna go to Miami ooo or Korea!" She says as she turns to look at me with a smile planted on her face. " didn't you say you were born in Korea?"

"Yeah I'm from Busan, South Korea" I imply
" how is it?" She says while grabbing my hand I intertwine our fingers together than kiss the top of her hand " baby! I wanna know I've been stuck in California since I was born" she pouts

"peaceful, Being in Korea resembles the same feelings I feel when I'm around you" I say as I turn my head to look at her, she has her head down, I look at her as she tries to let go of my hand to probably play with her bracelet. But I grab the side of her face with one hand to crash her lips on mine. I pull away as it makes a loud sound between us.

" cmon I gotta show you something" I smile
" um- ye-yeah" She stutters, I get out the car then run quickly over to her side to open her door, I look at her face and see she's a little red I smile then grab her hand as we walk into the building " what is this place?" She asks in a honey-like tone.

"You'll find out" I sit her down on the couch in the lounge then I walk over to the bar jumping over it and to the back door, I slide the red glitter curtains open seeing my friends drinking and playing with bicycle cards.

" hey jungkook what's up man?" He says while we do our handshake
" nothing much just chilling" I comment
" yeah with your girl looking all happy and shit, I'm proud of you though, so what you need? You know I'd give it to you, you've done a lot for me" He says while sitting on the counter

" can you get us in the skating rink? That's all I need honestly, and how much is it?" I say pulling out my wallet
"Oh Nah, you ain't gotta pay shit your family, and yeah I can get you in, you want it rented out too?" He asks while grabbing his keys.

" um-yeah" I say while putting my hands in my pocket, he then walks out the entrance and hops over the bar just as I did before I see Ariella on her phone scrolling at something I walk over to her as I kiss her head she looks up at me with her big beautiful brown eyes as she smiles " let's go"

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We get out on the ice and she's holding onto the edge of the rink I laugh at her as she tries to catch up to me but she's not even moving fast enough. " any day now baby!" I yell while skating around this big rink, I've never been to a rink this big, it's so beautiful and peaceful. It's giving me that atmosphere just the other day when we were under the covers as it rained hard just taking in each other's warmth.

"Jungkook! I'm not going anywhere without the wall so either you come to get me or I stay right here and you wait for an hour for me to make a full circle" She says still holding onto the wall.

" Aw, you'd struggle just to come to me?" I pout
" I'd struggle for you everyday baby" She says in a shaky tone I smile then race over to her she screams as I'm coming towards her at full speed I stop inches in front of her as she clutches onto my forearm i place my hands on her forearm waiting for her to open her eyes.

"you could've made me fall!" she pouts

"I would never let you fall, come on let me teach you how to skate"I say pulling her away from the wall she squeezes my hand really tightly I look at her smiling so widely at her why is she so cute? "okay the trick to this is have your feet apart from each other okay but not that far apart okay? I start demonstrating to her how to skate for about 20 minutes and she already got the hang of it

"okay I'm going to let you go" I say softly , she looks up at me with wide eyes but before she can say something I let go of her hand then skate inches away from her smirking

"jungkook!!" she yells trying to get her balance I start laughing a little bit seeing that she finally got her balance " I hate you" she comments I squint my eyes a little at her with a smirk upon my face.

{ when I wrote this I started laughing cause I thought of this meme so now you're going to think of this meme, okay carryon}

"that's hard to believe"

"well it true," she says skating her way to the exit, then grab her by the waist and spin her around to look at me "what? babe you know that was a joke right? I do love you, you know that? forever and always baby I'm glue I won't go anywhere" she says placing both her hands on the side of my face, I scan her whole face just admiring her beauty she thinks I'm sad or hurt but I'm just looking at her. the fact that she didn't know where we were going she couldn't even get all dolled up she has no makeup on, her eyebrows aren't done. just natural her beautiful brown greenish orbs just glistening at me, it's every mans dream to have a girl like her, and I'm the one in the million that is stuck with her. call it what you want but I call it fate.

"baby?" she speaks softly

"I'm not mad or hurt baby, I just love you so much that I never want you to leave my side ever, whatever may happen in the future just know I'm not leaving either no matter what happens I will always fight to find you, I will always protect you because you're mine, I have a lot of baggage and a lot of people at my throat but just remember the only person I want next to me is you, so don't you ever think for a second that I won't chase after you or I won't find you because I always will"I say while cupping her face

" okay thank you and I will do the same for you"

"I can't let you get hurt, I would go insane if anything were to happen to you" I whisper softly trying not to show her that I'm afraid of losing her, I wouldn't want her to risk her life for me.

"well, jungkook baby i hate to break it to you" she says placing one hand on my wrist " that's what I signed up for, you didn't think I would stay any longer when I found out who you really were and not the person you portrayed yourself as, but all along my heart told me that you wanted me to stay, not only to heal you but to reconstruct you into a whole new man, and that is the reason I stayed and another reason I fell in love with the person I saw underneath" she caresses my chest with both of her hands looking into my eyes

"how are you so strong and so uplifting in every situation?"

"because I have a guardian angel who protects me" she smiles

"god, i fucking love you" I whisper upon her lips, I caress both sides of her face with my thumb as our lips move in harmony, the amount of times I just want to close off my feelings because it's better off in my head than bringing someone else down, but not her she accepts my baggage whether I tell her or not she doesn't look at me any different and that I'm grateful for.

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"Jungkook!" Some yells to try to scare me I look up and it's one of my brothers friends he then hits my shoulder softly while sitting next to me "hey man don't worry we'll find out a way to take revenge on your stepdad, okay his time will come, and you'll have Ariella back into your arms again watch? Just believe and hang onto faith, I'm still hanging onto faith that I'll find my girlfriend" I shift my head into his direction to see him getting a bottle of water.

" your girlfriend is missing?" I comment with furrowed eyebrows
" no , your stepdad has her , and he's threatening to kill her if I don't help him plot against you, trust me he doesn't know anything and I've purposely made up stupid plans to hurt you and get you to go back to him, but I've been getting a lot of intel on him though" I look at him to see him smirking.

" tell me all that you know" I demand

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ariella pov

I feel as if I'm sinking I find it hard to breathe, this is my worst fear drowning and I'm living it right now, I try to swim to the top but it seems the further I swim the light seems to get further as well. I feel my throat closing in harder and harder. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. that's it after all I did I fought for myself I fought for jungkook all for what? for me to die like this? why can't anything ever go my way? why can't I ever be happy for a spilt-second? I close my eyes waiting for my death to fall upon me. it's quiet a scary quiet, I can't even call for help. which is the scariest part I really am going to die alone.

"Ariella?" I hear a honey-like voice comment a very familiar voice as well, I open my eyes to see a beautiful woman with long curly brown hair, I squint my eyes a little harder to see whom it really is but I can't see cause of my vision

"daughter, my beautiful daughter do you really not recognize me?" she says while floating closer to me that when I realize that is my mom.

"Mommy?" I softly imply

"yes my beautiful girl?"

"am I dead mom?" I comment seeing the bubbles pouring out of my mouth "mom are you real or my imagination?"

"baby girl, I'm not dead nor am I alive I'm living inside your heart okay?, but you have so much to live for it pains me to see how much you've been suffering I never said anything because I wanted you to figure it out" she says while caressing my cheek " you should never think you don't deserve to be happy or that you don't make this man happy" she raises her hand and shows me what jungkook is doing right now he's talking to my cold unconscious body I feel the tears building up in my eyes

" jungkook.." I say through my cracked voice

"that man loves you I see it every day, and I'm so happy that you've found someone to fill in that empty hole inside your heart that your daddy destroyed, I want you to be happy, but remember this daughter you do make a lot of people happy, let me remind you" she kisses my head softly then caresses my face " if lead you halfway my dear the rest is up too you"

"remember that I love you, Ariella, forever and always" she slowly disappears into a sparkly bubble that floats in my hand.

"i love you more mommy" i say softly, i poke it and the glitter flows every in my glass cube

i start to kick the glass but i hear a familiar voice


"Ariella, I know you don't remember me but this is what I was planning to tell you when you came out of the shower" he pulls out a piece of paper then he sighs "Ariella each and every night i think about the things I've done to you in my past to you, because I loved you so much and I still do that I hurt you and pushed you away because I was scared that I would hurt you to the point you may hate me I got a lot of bad shit that comes with me but I still want you to be with me and need me because I need you, and I love you so much,Ariella I was going to ask you officially to be my girlfriend" he voice cracks and he stands up and looks into my watery eyes. He kisses my forehead then starts walking towards the door.

"that was the first time I ended up in the hospital" I whisper to myself I look to the left and see another scene.


"look Ariella I'm not really good with words but believe me when I say this I do love you , a lot actually do you know how it feels to just have you in my arms every night with your sweet perfume tickling my nose and your soft little bunny sores or when you're having a bad dream how tightly you wrap your arms around my chest"

"Calling you mine is the best thing that has ever happened to me I'm glad I'm happy yet again I never thought that door would open ever again, but damn did you make it happen. And when I finally made love to you as I hovered over your slim thick body damn you looked so beautiful I just couldn't keep my eyes off you I couldn't believe that you were mine at the moment and that time it was different you were different from all the other girls I slept with you made me feel an adrenaline rush you made my stomach have a knot, so yes Ariella I do love you forever and always and nothing will stop me from loving you"

" that's when I had that bad dream after his step-dad hurt me"I try to reach and touch his hand but it pushes me back into the cube causing my back to slam against it.


"No matter what it takes I'll always protect you because love never dies a life does"

I place my hand over my mouth trying to hold back my tears, this boy loves me so much and here I am willing to give up on him, Ariella really? he's done everything for you and everything in his power to protect you and you're giving up so easily.


"I love you princess, and I promise I'm always here for you no matter what because I'm your boyfriend, I'm your future and your afterlife everything okay? I'm always going to try my best to make you happy because that's what I do and I love to see you wearing a smile" he says in a low husky tone " you mean the absolute world to me and your emotions mean everything to me okay?"

"Whatever you heard, I will never let it happen to you, I will never put you in harms way because I love you way too much and you mean the absolute world to me, I want you in my life forever and no one can take your place ever, so don't be scared of anything because I'll protect you no matter what"

i spin around me to see the last video projected in front of me


"Ariella you are so beautiful you captivate me, you've put me in this love maze that I've tried so hard before to get out but I couldn't, the more I tried to escape it the deeper I've gotten into it, but the maze was nothing be beautiful, it was myself I wasn't the beautiful one. I didn't want to spread my poison and kill your beautiful flowers as I passed by but the more I walked in the maze the more I took in its smell it's warmth its kindness" I smile brightly

"I never wanna leave this maze so please for the love of god, wake up so I can make it to the garden of the maze and admire its beautiful again"

i lift my legs up kicking the glass as hard as i can im getting out of here , nothing is going to hold me back you heard my fear im done running away from my problems im over it , i keep kicking the glass down until i see multiple cracks I then kick the deepest crack and the whole glass shatters in front of me causing all the water and me to fall out i close my eyes due to tiredness.


"I want you to be happy I want you to laugh a lot , I don't know what exactly ill be able to do for you but ill always be by your side, I love you jungkook"

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" ariella??" someone whispers softly


authors note:

hey guys! i just thought i would type a longer chapter, this chapter is 3,000 words and counting cause I gotta type the authors note lol but i hope yall enjoy this chapter and my story as well, i will be trying to get the last few chapters out for ya yes mine is coming to an end im so sad , this book is literally my baby lol i care about it so much. I gotta make my last and final cover. if you guys have any ideas for the cover please dont be afarid too DM me okay! i dont bite but thank you for giving me this platform to put out great content and i love you all.


~ps. If theirs any grammatical erros let me know😽

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