I feel arms wrapped around my waist tightly and I turn around see jungkook holding onto me so tightly I play with his hair and then he opens his eyes slowly
"Bad dream?" I say while kissing his head
"A little but whatever I'm over it"he sits up then looks at me.
"How bad was it"
"Losing you is the worst thing that can ever happen to me, trust me" he kisses me and I lay down and jungkook hovers over me I caress his forearm and watch as his muscle flex and I bite my lower lip and smile
"Jungkook , no matter how many times you say it you're never going to lose me baby, I'm always here to stay no matter what, understood?"
Jungkook smiles then kisses me "how did I get so lucky to have you" , I smile as he kisses my cheek a million times then I giggle and try to push him off.
"Stop jungkook!"
"Stop kissing you or stop loving you? Both are impossible " he says while kissing my neck softly I bite my lower lip trying to contain my laughter Jungkook starts kissing down my stomach softly and slowly,then he gets up and I realize he has no shirt on I never really took the time to examine his whole body then jungkook smiles
"You like what you're seeing?" He chuckles
"Shut up" i say while pushing him out the way he grabs me by my forearm and pulls me into his chest then lifts me up he smacks my ass then i yelp loudly
"Save those screams for another night" we walk into the bathroom and he turns on the shower then i shake my head i hope he doesn't try what i think he's going to try , I'm sore from last time , this kid doesn't know his strength i just wanna punch him sometimes, i start stripping off my clothes then i walk in the shower with him and he grabs me by waist then pins me against the wall then he starts making out with me as the water pours over us i start smiling and he bites on my lower lip then lifts one of legs up and firmly hold them
He then pulls away and smirks at me "you're so beautiful"
"I love you jungkook" i say while sliding my fingers through his now wet hair.
"I love you more ariella"
❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkooks POV
I don't think she knows but it's our anniversary, three months with this annoying but beautiful girl I can't imagine myself with anyone else but her, she's the reason i wake up happy everyday in the morning, she's the reason why i love to better myself. She's my everything. As I'm getting dressed is see her looking at herself in the mirror she looks at herself with a face of disappointment I walk up to the door then I wrap my arms around her waist then kiss her cheek.
"What's wrong baby?" I say while looking at her in the mirror
"I just start to believe what people say about me, it-it's just stupid forget it" she starts to walk out but I grab her by the forearm she should know this drill by now don't walk away I'm trying to help you actually I want to help you cause I hate seeing my baby sad.
"What are these people saying?" I say with an eyebrow up I see tears forming in her eyes and I sigh then sit her on my lap I never lose my eye contact with her she sighs then plays with my fingers
"What happens if I am a hoe? And I'm just a heartbreaker what happened if i did break Daniels heart , then after it I moved onto you, like I broke up with Jayden moved on to Daniel then from Daniel to you like what happens if we break up who do I homie hop to next , oh my god this is stupid sorry" she starts to get up but I wrap my arms around her waist then sit her back down
"Look at me" I say in a soft tone
She looks at me and I see her eyes getting watery "a definition of a hoe is someone who hops everywhere the next day not by months and plus they don't know what went down between you and your exs I bet if they knew the half of it, they would shut the fuck up and walk away, baby you're not a hoe you're a fucking angel , that was given to me she got her wings destroyed by two stupid boys but this one man brung them back and I'm glad I did because I love you"
"I love you more" I lean in and kiss her as she slides her fingers through my messy hair then I pull back and caress her cheek
"Get dressed were going somewhere, I can't tell you what it is but it's going to be good trust me" I say while lifting her up
"I don't trust you, you're surprises are scary" she says as I place her down on the bed then I smile while trying to fix my hair.
"This one isn't I promise"
❁ ❁ ❁
After she finished getting dressed I looked at her from head to toe
Damn that's all mine , all of it I don't wanna share her with no one right now I kinda wanna be selfish because her outfit is so hella heart eyes I don't know if I want anyone else seeing it right now , she smiles while walking towards me "what happened?" i shake my then chuckle then grab her by her waist and peck her lips
"your outfit happened, that's what" i say as i grab her hand and we walk out of the house i unlock the car then let go of her hand then get inside the car my phone lights up and i see it's a text from jimin and taehyung in a group chat.
Before I could reply Ariella takes my phone out my hand and kisses me softly then she smiles "I don't want us to crash cause if you die I'll go through depression again I want that okay?"
"I wouldn't dare put you through that again okay?"
"I believe you, keep your eyes on the road" I smile then place my right hand on her thigh, she then smiles and puts on her playlist.
❁ ❁ ❁
I drive up to the pizza place we went when we first started talking to each other. We walk in this place and I tell her to get a table. I walk up to the counter and the guy smiles at me.
"Are you guys going to throw ice at each other again?" He chuckles
"Nah not today , she tested me last time" I smile
"So how many months?"
"3" I chuckle
"Wow , I remember when you first came here with her you had so much love in your eyes and you didn't even know it"
"Really you knew?"
He chuckles "everyone knew, we saw it in the both of y'all eyes and we knew y'all would be together and we were rooting for you"
"Thanks man" I smile and he hands me the pizza I start to pull out my wallet and he shakes his head
"Nah nah on me, go enjoy and treat your lady go make her happy"
"I try to do that everyday" I smile
"Well you're doing it right"
"Thank you man"
I walk over towards Arielle and I see her on her phone I take it out of her hand then i put it in my pocket she raises her eyebrow at me.
"Yeah no phones, pay attention to my face" I say while smiling
"I can't deal with you, I hate you" she smiles , I pull out my phone and she turns to the side while smiling "stop taking pictures of me! You said phones!"
"I gotta show the world , what's mine" I take a picture of her on Snapchat then I post it to my story.
We start eating our pizza and she starts talking about her career after college I'm not really paying attention to what she is saying I'm just lost in her eyes right . She's saying what she's doing with her life and my life is right in front of me I can't stop looking at this girl even if I wanted too, I get snapped out of my thoughts when someone calls her name I look over fast and I see Jayden.
"Oh hey Jayden! How are you?" She says as her smile fades
"I'm great and you?, oh hey jungkook"
I look at him with a straight face then I sigh "hey" I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt because it seems like they made peace but he hasn't made peace with me not by any chance, I still can't stand him till this day.
"Well I'm just going to go over there and I'll leave you guys to it , it was nice catching up with you guys"
"You too, bye!" She says and he walks away, then she looks at me and tilts her head at me
"What?" I say with a smirk
"Why you gotta be mean?" She says while smiling a little
"I hate him, rephrase I still do hate him" I put the crust down and she picks it up and eats it , I don't really care for the crust I'll eat it but it's not my favorite.
"Baby, he's okay now he actually got help and he's moved on with life" she says while grabbing her soda with both of her hands.
"Okay but I still hate him" I say while pinching her cheek softly
She rolls her eyes then I get up and throw our trash out then I grab her hand then walk back towards the car. We slip in the car in unison and I place my hand on her thigh.
"Yes?" She says softly
"I hate him because of what he did to you in the past, he may be trying to get better but I hold grudges" I say while caressing her thigh, she kisses my neck softly and I smile to myself slightly
"I know baby I'm not mad at you, if you don't wanna give him a chance that's all I know you have your reason" I lean in and kiss her softly , what would I do without her? I think I'd be in one of those stray jackets and put in a lockdown room with nothing but soft walls. Basically what saying here is I'll go in insane without her. I don't ever want anything to happen to her, she's my life.
"Hm?" I reply as she lays on my shoulder she slides her fingers in between mine
"Tomorrow is Christmas, what do you sang for Christmas?"
"I already got my gift" I say while smiling , "but I mean a few features can be added to it maybe"
"What is it?" She says softly
"You, maybe you could wear Christmas pjs and come kiss me under the mistletoe"
She softly hits my arm "really?, you must want something?"
"No I actually just want you, this is the first time it feels like Christmas to me"
She kisses my cheek and my neck multiple times "okay baby I love you"
"I love you more" I say as I pull up in our driveway.
❁ ❁ ❁
I lay in bed with her and I pull her closer to me then caress her hair then kiss her forehead. "Oh baby we're doing a game for Christmas" I say , she raises her head and looks into my eyes
"What is it?"
"That we have to buy each other gifts and the winner does whatever to the loser we don't know what to do yet" I say while clearing my throat
"What if we throw water balloons at the loser with no clothes on, you know the girls had bra and panties and the guys have boxers , outside in the cold, but the balloons are filled with ice water" she says while raising her eyebrow
"That's not bad, you're evil baby" I say while looking down at her
"I've seen that on YouTube so that popped in my head" she smiles and lace her fingers between mine
"Okay baby game on, just know if I win I'll make you warm after okay" I wink at her
"Yeah as if you would win , it's okay though I'll wipe your tears later baby" she says while turning towards the wall I pull her close to me and I kiss her neck softly then caress her ear , she's evil so I don't know what tricks she might play but I would love to see it.
Win or lose , she's still the biggest prize so I'm still winning , call me cheesy but I love her. And these past 3 months has been nothing but smiles and joy.
Thank you for bringing me back to my original self..
Authors note:
I haven't gave mine that much love so here we go, ima start typing mine again but I just don't know what to type for it so if you guys have suggestions for 43:00, let me know right here!
Lol but I love you all see you in the next one🖤. Bye!!.
~ps. If theirs any grammatical erros let me know😽
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