Chapter 46
It's hard to believe that two months have already passed since I gave birth and was finally discharged from the hospital. Alhamdulillah, everything has been going well. My little one is growing stronger with each day, and I couldn't be more grateful. We named him after his father, Ahmad, but we all call him Ammar—it just feels right.
We didn't have the grand naming ceremony we had initially planned. Given my recovery, we decided to keep things low-key and had only a small gathering with close family at my in-laws' house. It was intimate, but honestly, I couldn't have asked for anything more in that moment.
Right now, I'm sitting in the living room, sipping my tea, with Sabrina by my side, and Ammar happily giggling in his little playpen. The sound of his laughter fills the room with warmth. I'm chatting with Norah on iMessage, catching up on everything. It's always comforting to talk to her, even if it's just about the little things.
Life feels like it's slowly settling into a new rhythm, and while the sleepless nights and constant baby care can be exhausting, I'm finding so much joy in these quiet moments with my family.
Norah- Please send me Ammari's recent pictures, Abla.
Layla- Tamam, ama ödemelisin, but you gotta pay 💰
Norah- Allah Allah! I have to pay just to see my son's pictures. Barawo!
Layla- Toh shikenan, no payment, no pictures. güle güle! 👋
Norah- Hayir hayır hayır bekle, ne istiyorsun? No no no wait. What do you want?
Layla- That's more like it 😉 ummm lemme think 🤔
Norah- Urgh! Çok can sıkıcısın, You're so annoying! 🙄
Layla- Whatever 🤪 Tamam Geçen gün sana gönderdiğim Dior parfümünü istiyorum, I want a Dior perfume I sent you the other day. Thank you.
Norah - Fine, I'll get you your perfume now send me my baby's picture.
Norah- Mashallah 😻😭💗💗😭😭 I can't wait to come back just to give him Hugs and kisses.
Layla- Who does he look like?
Norah - Carbon copy of Ya Muhammad.
Layla- Çok fazla, it's scary how he looks like his dad wallah.
Norah- I know right! Where are Chuchu and dada?
Layla- She's right here watching tv and dada's at work.
Norah- Onu benim için öp, kiss her for me please 😘😘
Layla- Elbette. Bye 👋
"Anne," Sabrina called out, her voice soft as she climbed onto Layla's lap, clutching her stuffed animal tightly. Ammar, on the other hand, was peacefully asleep in his baby rocking chair, his tiny body curled up in the gentle sway.
"Yes, baby? What is it?" Layla responded, giving her daughter a tender kiss on the cheek.
"Ina sho Amm, I want Amm," Sabrina said with a pout. Layla smiled, recognizing the word—"Amm" meant cereal, her daughter's favorite snack.
Layla quickly called the nanny, asking her to prepare the cereal for Sabrina while she looked over at Ammar, who had just stirred and was waking up from his nap.
"Hi, baby," Layla cooed, her voice soft as she gazed at her son. He gave her the most adorable smile, the kind that could melt anyone's heart in an instant.
"Let's feed you, okay?" she whispered lovingly, lifting Ammar into her arms to breastfeed him.
Sabrina, meanwhile, had sat beside her on the floor, her little face full of wonder as she stared at her baby brother. Just then, Muhammad walked into the room, greeting them with a warm "Salam."
"Wa alaikum salam, Hi my love," Layla replied with a smile, always happy to see him.
Muhammad walked over to where they were, bending down to sit beside her on the carpet. He scooped Sabrina up and placed her on his lap, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
"How are you, baby?" he asked, giving Sabrina another gentle kiss.
"I'm fine," Layla responded, glancing up at him.
Muhammad grinned cheekily. "And who told you I was talking to you? I was talking to my baby," he teased, his eyes twinkling.
Layla rolled her eyes, feeling the familiar warmth of their playful banter. "Whateves," she muttered with a smirk.
Once she finished breastfeeding Ammar, she adjusted her top and bra, ensuring she was covered before passing him to Muhammad.
"You're back early today," she said, her curiosity piqued as she glanced at him.
"Yeah, I had a meeting that got canceled, so I didn't have anything to do," he explained as he carefully took Ammar in his arms.
"Oh, okay. Well, I haven't cooked yet. What do you want to eat?" Layla asked, moving to get the kitchen ready.
"Anything you cook is fine by me," Muhammad replied with a grin. "Let me go change real quick," he added, passing Ammar back to Layla as he stood up.
"Will you eat pasta and meatball stew?" she asked, making sure to get his preference as she adjusted Ammar on her shoulder for a gentle burp.
"Yes, babe, I will," Muhammad replied, giving her a nod before heading off to change.
As he walked away, Sabrina leaned her head against Layla's lap, still absorbed in a YouTube video of kids yawning. Layla chuckled softly; it was a sure sign that it was nearly time for Sabrina's afternoon nap.
"Baby, bacci ne?" Layla asked, her voice warm and soothing as she gently ran her hand through Sabrina's soft, silky hair.
"Uhmm," Sabrina hummed, her eyes growing heavy.
With a kiss to the top of Sabrina's head, Layla carefully stood up, cradling Ammar in her arms. She then made her way downstairs to the kitchen, preparing for lunch. She placed Ammar in his rocking chair in the corner, knowing he would be safe and comfortable there for a while.
As she began cooking, she thought about the baking project she had set aside. She would resume it soon, Inshallah, once lunch was prepared. The day was moving slowly, but with so much love and warmth surrounding her, Layla couldn't ask for anything more.
Layla swiftly made her way through the kitchen, finishing the pasta, meatball stew, and tuna salad in no time. She felt a sense of accomplishment as she stepped out of the kitchen, knowing lunch was ready.
When she entered the living room downstairs, she saw Muhammad sitting with Khalifa. She hadn't even noticed when Khalifa arrived.
"Uncle K, when did you come?" she asked, sitting opposite Muhammad.
"Madam Posh, I came a while ago. How are you and the kids?" Khalifa asked, his warm tone making her feel at ease.
"We're all fine, Alhamdulillah. How about you, ya gida?" Layla asked, referring to his well-being, to which he responded with his usual good spirits.
"Where's Honey?" Khalifa asked, looking around.
"She's taking a nap, that's why the house is so quiet," Muhammad answered with a grin.
As Muhammad reached for Ammar, Layla handed him over to Khalifa, then took a deep breath. "Well, lunch is ready and on the table. I'm going to get rid of this kitchen smell," she said as she stood up and made her way upstairs for a quick shower and a change of clothes.
She had her bath, stepped out, and dressed in a simple, comfortable bubu. Just as she was about to leave the room, Sabrina stirred and started crying. Layla rushed to her room, scooped her up in her arms, and made her way downstairs. She handed Sabrina over to her father while she went to set the table for everyone and get Sabrina's food ready.
She served Sabrina her pasta in her fancy Nancy plastic plate, pouring water into her bottle. "Gel ve ye, come and eat," Layla called to her, but Sabrina didn't even glance at her.
"Meryem, seninle konuşuyorum! Maryam, I'm talking to you!" Layla repeated, trying to get her attention. Sabrina stayed sprawled out on her father's lap, completely uninterested in getting up.
Layla sighed in exasperation, rolling her eyes. "Feed your daughter, please. I don't have the energy to start talking to her," she muttered, walking over to Muhammad and handing him the plate.
The little drama between Layla and Sabrina made Muhammad and Khalifa laugh. Muhammad started feeding Sabrina while Layla and Khalifa chatted casually. The sounds of their laughter filled the room as they exchanged small talk, enjoying the cozy atmosphere of their home.
Once Muhammad finished feeding Sabrina, he and Khalifa made their way to the dining room to eat. Layla called the maids to clear the table and then returned to the living room, settling back into the conversation with her husband and friend.
Just then, the doorbell rang. Layla stood up to answer it, and to her surprise, it was Ibty and Ahmad, along with baby Asmar and her nanny.
"Daddy Asmar, Sannu da zuwa," Layla greeted them warmly as she ushered them inside. She immediately reached for Asmar, eager to hold the baby.
"Oh, it's just the father and daughter you've seen, huh?" Layla teased, rolling her eyes with a smile. "I'm going to call it a day, Wallahi," she added, shaking her head.
"Aa, sorry, Maman Asmari na, my bestie," Ibty laughed, hugging Layla warmly as they exchanged pleasantries.
They all made their way to the living room and settled in. Ahmad exchanged handshakes with the guys, and Ibty greeted everyone before going straight for Ammar, who was now with Khalifa.
"Sabree, ba magana?" Ibty asked Sabrina, who was on the floor playing with her blocks.
Everyone's eyes turned to Sabrina, who didn't even acknowledge anyone's presence. She remained focused on her blocks, as if no one had spoken.
"Ni Hafsatu, what am I going to do with this girl?" Layla thought, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement.
"Sabrina, Aunty Ibty is talking to you," Layla said, her voice gentle but firm. Sabrina gave her a long look, as if acknowledging her, but didn't move from her spot. She kept playing with her blocks, completely ignoring the adults around her.
Layla looked at Muhammad, her expression both amused and exasperated. "Look at your daughter, please. I honestly don't know what to do with this behavior," she said, shaking her head.
Khalifa, ever the calm voice of reason, smiled and spoke up. "It's normal, kids her age can be like that. She'll get better with time."
"I hope so," Layla said, her eyes still on Sabrina. She then called her daughter once again. "Sabrina, bak Ashmari geldi! Sabrina, Ashmari is here!"
Finally, Sabrina's attention was caught by the mention of Asmar's name. She stood up and walked toward Layla, her face lighting up at the thought of seeing the baby. But then something unexpected happened—Sabrina tried to pick up Asmar all by herself.
"Ashmari, gel, come," she said, trying to pull the baby's tiny hand.
Layla laughed softly, but quickly stepped in. "Ah, ah, stop pulling her hand. She won't play with you if you don't greet her mommy and daddy first," she teased, shaking her head.
Sabrina persisted, pulling at Asmar's hand again. "Layla, ashmari zo," she said confidently, but what caught everyone off guard was the fact that she had just called Layla by her name!
"Did she just call you Layla?" Ibty asked, and everyone burst into laughter.
Layla looked at Muhammad in mock disbelief. "It's all Muhammad's fault, Wallah! He's the one who tells her my name is Layla!"
"Layla," Sabrina repeated again with a mischievous giggle.
Layla narrowed her eyes playfully. "Keh, sena mare ki, Anne," she replied with a teasing tone.
Sabrina smiled up at her, "Layla."
Everyone burst out laughing again, the playful exchange making the room feel even warmer.
"Sabrina, Anne," Layla said with a straight face, trying to be serious.
"Layla," Sabrina giggled, her playful demeanor unbothered by her mother's attempts at correction.
Ibty, Khalifa, Ahmad, and Muhammad were all laughing so hard that they couldn't help but start recording the whole scene. Layla couldn't help but smile despite the chaos.
"Maryam, it's Anne kinji? You call me Anne," Layla said, trying to reinforce her point, but Sabrina wasn't having it.
Muhammad, seeing the situation unravel, called out, "Sabrina, zo!" She obediently got up and went to him.
"It's Anne, okay? She's your Anne," he said, trying to wrap things up while Sabrina giggled, clearly not taking anything seriously.
The room filled with laughter, the family enjoying these little moments of joy, their love for each other evident in every shared joke and playful interaction.
Asmar started crying, and I quickly handed her over to Ibty while passing Ammar to me. He was so quiet, just peacefully sitting there. He's such an angel baby—a saint, really. As I looked at Ammar in her arms, Sabrina came running and jumped onto my lap.
"Ha an, what's this?" she asked, staring at Ammar. "Meye haka?"
I shook my head, trying to hide my smile, and we all burst into laughter.
"Please go to Uncle K's, he'll be more than happy to have you," I said to Sabrina, hoping she'd let up.
But instead, she shook her head and started hitting me lightly on the stomach, where my incision still hurt.
"Keh, Bari mana. Sabrina, stop it, yapma," I said, trying to move away from her tiny hits. Ahmad, thankfully, took poor Ammar into his arms.
"Sabrina, stop it," Muhammad said, his voice stern. Sabrina paused for a moment but continued trying to playfully hit me. I held her hands in one of mine and lightly smacked them, just enough for her to feel it but not too harshly.
Muhammad came over and picked her up, holding her as she cried out. I winced as I rubbed my sore stomach, the pain still very much there.
"Sannu, Layla. Do you want me to check it?" Ibty asked gently.
I shook my head quickly. The pain was unbearable, but I didn't want to bother anyone with it.
Muhammad passed Sabrina to Khalifah, hoping he'd be able to console her. Her crying was giving me a headache. He sat beside me, and I leaned against his shoulder, grateful for the quiet moment.
"Does it hurt badly?" he asked softly.
I nodded, feeling the sting of the incision again. "I'll be fine," I whispered, trying to reassure him.
Khalifa gently rubbed my stomach, his touch so soothing. "Sannu," he said, and everyone else mumbled apologies for what had happened earlier.
Sabrina eventually fell asleep on Khalifa's lap, which was a relief. I called her nanny to take her to her room, and with that, things quieted down a little. It was time for Maghrib prayers, so the guys left for the mosque, leaving me, Ibty, and Ni'imah alone in the living room. Ni'imah had just arrived, holding baby Sultan.
"So, Juwairah came to my house yesterday," Ni'imah started, her voice serious, and instantly we all gave her our undivided attention.
"She was saying that she hopes whatever happened before won't ruin the fact that we're still family, that family doesn't abandon each other—waya mutu waya tashi. She said she wanted to mend things with Muhammad and ask for both of your forgiveness."
"Oh, Allah sarki," Ibty sighed.
"Honestly, I don't want to see her. But if she comes again, just tell her that we forgive her for what she did, it's over. But I do not want her in my house, ever," I said firmly.
We switched topics, mostly talking about anything and everything. I noticed Ammar started crying again, and I knew right away he was hungry. I handed him over to Ni'imah and went to prepare his milk. Once it was ready, I returned to the living room and gave her the bottle to feed him.
Sabrina had woken up a little while ago and was upstairs playing with Sultan and Asmar, along with their nannies. When the guys came back from the mosque, we continued chatting, and the conversation was lighthearted.
"You know what, guys?" Khalifa suddenly said, his voice drawing everyone's attention.
We all responded with, "What?"
"This is not fair. I'm the only single guy with no wife or kid here," he said, and we all burst out laughing.
"Uncle K, I was about to say that to you when you beat me to it!" I teased, laughing along with the others.
"Man, you really should settle down. Having a family of your own is such a wonderful feeling," Ahmad said, putting an arm around Ibty's shoulder.
"It sure is," Muhammad agreed with a smile.
"Speedy, where's your husband?" Khalifah asked Ni'imah with a grin.
"Ya Khalifa, I'm grown, married, and have a kid, and you still call me 'Speedy'? Come on! And my husband went to Adamawa for a family thing," she whined, and we all laughed at her playful tone.
"You're all that, and you still whine like a baby," Muhammad teased, pinching her cheeks.
"What the hell is 'Speedy'?" Ibty asked, sounding curious.
"Yeah, I wanna know too," I added, laughing.
"It's a long story," Khalifa replied with a smirk.
"Well, summarize it then!" I chuckled, eager to know.
That's when Muhammad and Khalifa ended up telling the story of how Ni'imah got the nickname "Speedy," and we all laughed at the details.
"You know what, guys?" Ni'imah interrupted, after the laughter died down. "I think we should go out for dinner."
"Yes, please! I really don't have the energy to cook tonight, wallahi," I chimed in, relieved by the thought of not having to cook.
"Okay then, where should we go?" Ahmad asked, looking at everyone.
"H&H or Cilantro?" Ni'imah suggested.
"I think we should go to Cilantro. I'm in the mood for some Indian food," I said, and everyone nodded in agreement.
Before I could even think "jackpot," it was already time for Isha. The guys left for the mosque to pray, while we went upstairs to get ready for dinner. We decided to leave the kids at home, except for Ammar, of course. He's just two months old, and I still don't fully trust the nannies with him yet. Plus, Muhammad wouldn't even hear of it.
We all prayed, then started getting ready. I changed out of my boubou and slipped into a black gown by Elegantè by Leema, paired with a matching turban. I applied some lip gloss and kohl, spritzed myself with my Chanel No. 5, and grabbed my red Gucci bag and matching Tory Burch flats. Simple but elegant.
Ibty and Ni'imah only needed a quick touch-up—some lip gloss, powder, and perfume—and they were ready to go. I went to the nursery to change Ammar's clothes into a simple blue overalls, then we all went downstairs to meet the guys, who were already set and ready to go.
We stepped outside, got into the cars, and off we went. Ibty got into her husband's car, while Ni'imah, Muhammad, Khalifah, and I piled into Muhammad's car.
It wasn't long before we arrived at Cilantro, not far from my house. Ni'imah had made a reservation for us earlier. A waiter greeted us and led us to our reserved table. We all sat down, excited for a night out.
We ordered our food, and before long, it all arrived. We ate and talked, laughed, and just had fun. Being with these people made my heart full. Ya Allah, I couldn't have asked for a better family than them.
As we dug into our meals, Ibty started telling a story, and I immediately knew I was in for it. "There was this time back in secondary school when Layla got us into trouble," she started, and everyone immediately tuned in. "She made us skip MIP on a Saturday and went to the hostel, where we weren't allowed to be at that time. Our wicked house mother, Miss Remi, was searching the rooms, looking to catch anyone breaking the rules. She came into the room we were in, and Layla—well, she was so stupid. The woman had already seen us, but this girl—Layla—did some kind of super move and crawled under the bed. I stood there looking at her like, 'What the heck, girl? We've already been caught, so why are you hiding?' I couldn't help it. I started laughing so hard, and even Remi joined in. How could she hide when Miss Remi had already seen her face to face?"
By the time Ibty finished embarrassing me, everyone was laughing so hard. I could feel my face turning bright red.
"And there was this time in Year 11 when she brought her phone to school—yes, to the hostel," Ibty continued. "We were in her room, and she was charging the phone with Zainab Bobbo's laptop when Miss Remi came in again. Layla just laid down on the laptop, stretching and saying, 'Ah, Zainab Bobbo.'"
I shot Ibty a look, already knowing where this was headed. That story annoys me to no end.
"Miss Remi had already spotted the laptop but didn't see the phone. So, she picked up the laptop, and just as she was about to leave the room, Layla quickly grabbed the phone and shoved it into a bag. That's when Remi turned around and looked straight at both the bag and Layla. Then she paused."
Ni'imah laughed alongside Ibty, probably knowing what happened next.
"Remi and Layla started doing a tug-of-war with the bag. Layla was pulling it one way, Remi the other, and then Layla, in some panic move, threw the phone to Zainab Bobbo. Remi snatched it back, walked out of the room, and left Layla terrified out of her mind."
They all laughed so hard, while I sat there, completely red with embarrassment.
"After that, they were planning how to get the phone back. Layla was so nervous, ya salam. I could barely stop laughing. We came up with this whole plan to talk to Miss Kauna, the other house mother. Layla was beyond nervous. She said, 'Toh, when should we talk to MR. Kauna?'" Ibty finished, and everyone erupted in laughter again.
"I remember us teasing her, calling her Mr. Kauna after that," Ni'imah added, still chuckling.
By this point, I was absolutely mortified, but their laughter and the way they reminisced about our silly teenage days made me realize how lucky I am to have these people in my life. Even though I was the subject of their jokes, the love and joy we shared at that table made everything feel just right.
They finished their dinner and made their way back home by 10 PM. Ibty and Ahmad picked up Asmar and her nanny before leaving, while Ni'imah took Sultan and left, too. Khalifah also said his goodbyes and left shortly after.
The maid was busy arranging the living room downstairs, while I went upstairs to get the kids ready for bed. Sabrina's nanny had already put her in her pajamas, so I just changed Ammar's clothes and took him with me to the room, where Muhammad was also changing his outfit.
I breastfed Ammar and then laid him down in his crib, making sure he was comfortable before moving on to change myself. I slipped into pink shorts and a grey tee, then crawled under the duvet next to the love of my life—Muhammad, mine and mine only.
He pulled me closer, burying his face in the crook of my neck. His voice was soft but full of warmth as he whispered, "I love you, baby."
"I love you too," I murmured, snuggling into him. I breathed in his familiar scent, feeling my heart swell with contentment. I smiled, feeling like the luckiest woman alive.
"I promise to love you forever," he continued, his words making me melt. "Every single day, I will love you more and more, with every beat of my heart. Until the day I die and my heart stops beating."
I could feel the sincerity in his words, and I let them wash over me. "I love you with all the love there is," I whispered back, my voice thick with emotion. "All the love that has ever been, all the love that ever will be."
With that, he kissed me—soft, yet possessive, and it took my breath away. I could feel all the love and promise behind that kiss, and it was everything I needed.
We were so happy. I hoped, prayed even, that we could stay this happy forever. Inshallah.
The End
And it's a wrap! Alhamdulillah!!
I can't believe I've finished my first book here😭
Thank you all for sticking to this story and for loving it. I wouldn't have done it without your support guys💗
We got our happily ever after after all didn't we?
After two years and some months, I bring MINE to and end. It took lots and lots of my time tho. I struggle to update even when I was in school. 😂
Thank you all thank you for taking your time to read, I know it took a while but i guess it was worth it, yeah? 😅
I will miss your comments that makes me smile even when I'm moody😥 I wouldn't have done it without those comments and votes from my amazing readers💗
Thank you once again. 😘
Expect an epilogue soon...inshallah💗
-Deedah 💓
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